My Volunteering Guide

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Your guide to helping your community through volunteering including details of local organisations and groups in Sefton and West Lancashire

Transcript of My Volunteering Guide


Your guide to helping your community through volunteeringincluding details of useful local organisations and groups




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The Adhouse Ltd, Design . Advertising . Marketing, would like to show itssupport for Claire House Tel: 0151 707 0800 email:

“I love going to Claire House. I have friends there and the nurses always make me smile and laugh. My parents tell me I go there because I am special. I sometimes feel poorly sick but when I go to Claire House they always make me feel happy so I feel better. You should come and visit, Claire House is a very beautiful and colourful place…”

Claire House Children’s Hospice desperately needs volunteers in your area. Without the support of our volunteers our task of raising £2.5 million every year would be simply impossible.

Can you spare a few hours to help our fundraising team? All we ask for is enthusiasm and a love for meeting new people!!

For more details pleasecontact Yvonne Cave, Senior Area Fundraiser –Sefton and West Lancs0151 227 4941

Registered Charity No.1004058




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Liverpool and Sefton

Volunteers make a differenceMake a change

Make a start on a new career Make a phone call now

0800 002 9006

Make it happen

Age Concern Liverpool and SeftonSir Thomas House, 5 Sir Thomas Street, Liverpool L1 6BW

93 Tulketh Street, Southport PR8 1AW Ellie, Martin and Ann in our team of volunteers



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If you would be interested in getting involved atNetherton Feelgood Factory or for some more

information please do not hesitate to contact us: 0151 291 8010 Feelgood factory,

Glover’s Lane, Netherton, L30 5QW.

The Netherton Feelgood factory is a community led healthy living centre in South Sefton. We use a community development approach to enable people to improve their health, well being and quality of life. The Feelgood Factory provides services for the whole community from childhood to old age in order to promote health and well being. Our programme of activities is delivered both in the centre and through outreach work. We also include volunteers in everything we do so if you would be interested in volunteering as well as accessing any services please get in touch. Our services include:

Your Health Project (16-25yr olds).This is a young person’s volunteering project which enables young people to work with their peers to improve their health and well being. We also run a 12 week course for people aged 13-18 which covers every aspect of a healthy lifestyle.

Advice and Information.We are a one stop shop for local people enquiring about relevant agencies and sources of help and advice.

Breast Start (breastfeeding support project). We provide information and support to mums who are breastfeeding or want to breastfeed.

Healthy Lifestyles.We offer a range of activities to improve health and well being including exercise sessions, weight management groups and Peer Mentors to help people to give up smoking and a community allotment.

Mens Health Project.This aims to improve health and well being of men in South Sefton. Through exercise sessions (at various levels), cookery classes and weight management.

Skills For Living.Works with people affected by mental health issues and helps them maintain positive well being. Through classes such as positive thinking, anger and stress management and bereavement. We also have drop in sessions offering information and advice.

Older and Vulnerable Persons Project.Offers a variety of services including a shopping squad, Mow and Grow service to maintain the gardens of people who want to stay in their own homes, chair based exercises, handyman service and a history group.


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Editor Laurent Saletto Advertising Karen Simms Design Mike Rose


Champion Media GroupClare House, 166 Lord Street,

Southport, PR9 0QATelephone : 01704 392 392© 2010 CMG. All rights reserved.

Information contained herein believed correctat time of going to press but subject to change

without notice. E&OE.

ContentsVolunteering changes lives forever. Here are some great quotes to encourage you …

“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Ghandi

‘No joy can equal the joy serving others.’ — Sai Baba

“When you open your heart to giving, angels fly to your door.” — Unknown

A wise lady once told me that when you find your ideal job, you will do it for less than they pay you and when you find your calling you will do it for free.” — Martin Tichenor

There is only one thing worse than training your volunteers and having them leave – and that’s not training them, and having them stay. — Unknown

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” — Aesop

“Volunteers are paid in six figures ... S-M-I-L-E-S” — Gayla LeMaire

“Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.” — Sally Koch

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘What are you doing for others?’”— Rev. Martin Luther King

Why be a volunteer? .. .. .. .. 6

North Sefton Social Inclusion Project . 10

The Samaritans . 14

vinvolved Sefton . 17

Promoting Sefton .. .. .. .. .. .23

InnoV8 .. .. .. .. .. .28

Volunteer Centre West Lancs .. .. .33

A day in the life of a magistrate .. .. .. .36

Age Concern. .. .38

If this guide helps you make a decision to help others, please tell the organisation you have

chosen to work with.Thank you.


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This is an often asked question as many of us do not realise the benefi ts to be had from volunteering.

Volunteering is not just helping others

but often, it is also about yourself and what

it can do for you as a person. Rewards

in life are not always monetary, and often

volunteering benefi ts far outweigh fi nancial


So let us explore some of the reasons

why you could enjoy be a volunteer..

Self EsteemVolunteering is about working with and

for others and challenges are numerous.

You will explore your own self in a way you

probably never have had to and this in turn

will increase your own self confi dence and

belief in yourself. Volunteering is all about

your own personal journey.

Helping everybodyEveryone can be a volunteer. You may

have some time on your hands, or get fed

up of going round shops on your days off.

Giving help to someone will revolutionize

the way you think about others and will fulfi l

you like no other activity can. There is no

age limit to be a volunteer. Everyone of us

can do something worthwhile.


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FriendshipsWhen you are a volunteer, one of the best

rewards is meeting like minded people in

a common setting and with similar goals.

Because there is no remuneration involved,

volunteering is a straight playing fi eld, where

everyone has the same value. Bonds of

friendship develop easily and in general,

are long lasting too. Friendship is defi nitely

one of the best rewards life can offer and

volunteering offers this opportunity again

and again.

Opening new doorsBecause you spend a great deal of time

liasing with organisations and individuals,

volunteering offers amazing opportunities

to meet people who, in turn, may be key for

you to start a new job or a new career.

Value of volunteeringVolunteering for a while can add value to

your list of achievements for a prospective

employer. Never forget that volunteering

will add a huge skill base to your abilities

and that many employers will welcome a

candidate who can network, speak to people

at every level and organise teams naturally.

Something that a lot of volunteering activities

will have taught you!

Why be a volunteer?


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Personal SatisfactionReceiving is always better than giving,

and this is certainly true of volunteering.

Helping someone out of a dilemma and

feeling that you are the key to the solution

can never be matched by remuneration

alone. By getting to know a problem and

being actively involved in solving it, you will

also be able to help those making decisions

when they consult you.

And you’ll be fi tter! Physically and psychologically,

volunteering has a lot of extra benefi ts. You

will increase your self esteem for starters

and automatically, will begin to feel better.

Many volunterring activities are also out and

about and give you extra exercise that your

body will enjoy.

Sign me up…This guide that you are about to read

will give you all the necessary contacts for

you to start making a real difference to your

community. You will be able to choose from

a variety of organisations and we are sure

you will fi nd something perfect for you.

Being a volunteer is much much more

than spending a few hours each week

working on a project. It is about you and

unleashing the power of changing things

that all of us possess but few of us choose

to apply.

Why be a volunteer?


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A man is guilty ofdriving with threetimes the permittedlevel of alcohol in his bloodstream. Headmits to being alife-long heavy drinker.


You don't need legal experience orqualifi cations to serve as a magistrate.

You do need to be able to sit in court for a minimum of 26 half-days each year. Magistrates aren't paid, but many employers allow time off with pay, or you can claim a loss of earnings allowance.

To fi nd out more call01772 272834 or 01772 272840or go to

The man is in his late 60's and has health problems which require medication.He also looks after his disabled wife who is housebound and requires round-the-clock care.



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The aim of the project is to support and encourage social inclusion for older people. The project is divided into two main areas, Ageing Well Clubs and the Southport and Formby shopping services.

The Clubs are for residents of North

Sefton who are aged over 50 years and

are socially isolated due to physical

disability, bereavement, sensory disability,

long term illness or low self-esteem. The

aim of the club is to provide a safe place

for socially isolated people to meet other

individuals and participate in a range of


We want to provide a place where

members can get together and share their

experiences and stories with each other.

The Social Inclusion project takes

referrals from all sources whether it

be self referral, family/friends, Health

professionals or Voluntary, Community

and Faith Sector professionals.

The service is supported with a group of

dedicated volunteers who help with group

activity, prepare healthy refreshments and

encourage club members to interact in

a warm friendly atmosphere. The clubs

are held every Monday, Tuesday and

Thursday from 1.30pm til 3.30pm.

Southport and Formby shopping is a

service for older people who are unable

to shop for themselves. Priority is given to

older people who have no family or friends

near by to support them. The service is

coordinated by the project worker and

supported with a group of volunteers.


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Be a volunteer forThe North Sefton Social Inclusion Project


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Southport shopping service takes place

every Friday when the volunteers and the

coordinator meet at 9.30am to complete

the shopping. The delivery and transport is

arranged by the project, and on a rota basis

two volunteers complete the deliveries

which can take two to three hours.

Formby shopping service takes place

on a Wednesday and again is supported

by the coordinator and the volunteers.

Delivery is currently done by the

volunteers in their own transport.

We need your helpDo you feel you can make a difference

and offer a warm and friendly approach

to our clients? We need your support to

make the project a success and maximize

our purpose.

If you feel you could support us and

have a few hours to spare then please

come and join us at Ageing well clubs or

as a shopping volunteer.

If you would like to become a volunteer

or want to any further information please

contact: Cathy Sutton on 01704 501024

ext 203, North Sefton Social Inclusion Project Coordinator

Be a volunteer forThe North Sefton Social Inclusion Project


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Samaritans launched a hard-hitting campaign to combat suicide amongst men. Around 6,000 people in the UK take their own lives every year and three-quarters of them are men. Of these, the men most likely to die by suicide are those aged 25-55

The advertising campaign, Men On The

Ropes, aims to reduce the 4,000 plus,

male suicides that happen each year by

persuading men in distress to talk about

their problems and consider calling


With its boxing theme, the campaign

specifi cally targets men in their 30s, 40s

and 50s, who are the most likely of all to

die by suicide. Network Rail is backing

the campaign as part of its fi ve-year

partnership with Samaritans to reduce

railway suicides by 20 per cent.

Samaritans aim is to get all men

talking about their feelings. They want

men to consider calling Samaritans’ 24/7

confi dential helpline to talk about how they

are feeling before those feelings build up

to a point where life doesn’t seem worth


Welsh International rugby union referee Nigel Owens, who attempted

to take his own life, said: “Men from my

town would just get on with things, you

weren’t even aware men had problems.

My depression started because I didn’t

like who I was and I was too ashamed to

talk to anyone.

“I let these feelings build up and up and

before I knew it I couldn’t see a reason to

live anymore.


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“Looking back there were people

I could have and should have turned

to. I think that if I had been able to talk

to someone that day, I might not have

attempted suicide.

“Today, I can’t even fi nd the words to

explain how thankful I am that I am still


“That’s why this campaign is so

important; because it has the power to

make men aware help is available and that

they should use it.”

Jayne, a volunteer from Southport Samaritans said: “We believe that many

men don’t feel able to talk about their

feelings and instead either bottle them up

or let them spiral out of control, sometimes

with tragic consequences. The main

aim of the campaign is to make calling

Samaritans’ 24/7 confi dential helpline an

option for them.

Southport Samaritans are open to

anyone who wants to call in and talk at

32 Union Street – look out for the new

green door!

Also look out for the new posters at

stations around the north west.

The Samaritans can also be contacted

by telephone at anytime of the day or

night on 01704 538038 or 08457 90 90 90

or by email:

Be a volunteer forThe Samaritans


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Sefton advocacya voice for people in need

BE A VOLUNTEERHelp vulnerable people in Sefton

Voice their views, secure their rights,address problems in their lives

CALL: 01704 500

Volunteers work with people in Sefton to help• People air their concerns about the service they receive

• To secure their rights• To address problems in their lives




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Be a volunteer forvinvolved Sefton

vinvolved Sefton is part of the National Youth Volunteering Programme, a network of teams across England that have been established to develop volunteering for 16-25 year olds. We are funded by national youth volunteering charity V.

We work across the borough to

promote the benefi ts of volunteering to

young people through presentations

at schools and colleges, youth clubs

and drop-in sessions at venues across

Sefton. vinvolved staff then spend time

with potential volunteers to help them

fi nd suitable volunteering placements

that can complement their studies, career

aspirations or interests.

Since vinvolved Sefton was established

in April 2008 we have supported over 1300

young people to fi nd the sort of volunteer

placements they want to get involved

with. If a volunteer wants to use particular

skills but a suitable volunteer opportunity

doesn’t exist then we will work with them

to create something especially for them.

For example we have been able to create

website design and translation roles

for individuals who approached us with

specialist skills or interests.


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vinvolved Sefton also works with

voluntary, community and faith

organisations to encourage and support

them to work with younger volunteers. If

organisations need volunteers, whether for

full-time, part-time or one-off roles, we can

promote them to young people who may

be able to help.

To help us manage our project we

have recruited a Youth Action Team

(YAT), a group of young people who

are passionate about volunteering and

want to help their peers reap the benefi ts

of getting involved! The YAT advise

vinvolved Sefton on key aspects of our

work and also get directly involved in

how we deliver our service. They have

promoted volunteering to their peers,

worked with organisations to develop new

opportunities and developed celebration

events to reward young volunteers for

their hard work. Most recently they have

developed a short fi lm to promote the

benefi ts of young volunteers to community

organisations: plotting it, writing it and

starring in it.

Volunteering is really fl exible and you

choose how much time you can give, what

sort of volunteering you want to do and

where you do it. It gives you the chance to

develop new skills that could help you get

a job or get into university. It’s a chance

to meet new people, try new things, have

fun and make a big difference to your



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Be a volunteer forvinvolved Sefton

Whether you want to volunteer regularly

or just try it as a one-off there are

opportunities out there for you, and once

you are registered with vinvolved Sefton

you will be kept informed of new ways

of volunteer roles as and when they are


If you are aged 16-25 and interested

in fi nding out more about volunteering

then contact Alicia St. Hilaire, Youth Volunteer Advisor, on 0151 920 0726 ext 207 or

If you are an organisation who wants to

recruit more volunteers or needs support

in engaging volunteers for the fi rst time

then contact Mike Howlett, Youth Volunteer Development Manager, on 0151 920 0726 ext 321 or


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For more information contact

Eileen T. Snow at:West Lancs Council for Voluntary ServicesVolunteer CentreThe Ecumenical CentreNorthway, Skelmersdale WN8 6LU01695 733737 • 07903 312315Email: Eileen@wlcvs.orgWebsite: www.wlcvs.orgRegistered Charity No: 1039563Registered Company No: 2940823


ENGAGE in Volunteering is a project run inpartnership with Moving On Lancashire andWest Lancs Council for Voluntary Services -Volunteer Centre. The project aims tosupport people who have had or still have: • Low confidence/self esteem • Feeling of isolation from society and friends • Low mood • Been unemployed for a long time • Feelings of vulnerability • Periods of anxiety

ENGAGE in Volunteering offers • Advice • Guidance • Training • Support • Mentoring • One to one support

Moving On LancashireIn partnership with WLCVSVolunteer Centre




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ServicesThe CVS offers a range of services to help you set up, organise and run your group.

Volunteer CentreThe Volunteer Centre can help you become a volunteer, and help organisations recruit volunteers.

Our main activities are:• Providing information and support to voluntary organisations• Helping local people to set up and develop voluntary and community groups, and network with other organisations• Representing voluntary and community groups to statutory and other organisations, and partnerships

We are democratically accountable to the voluntary sector through a membership of over 300 groups. To fi nd out more about your group becoming a member of the CVS, please contact us on 01695 733 737 or visit our website

For Information on volunteering please call

01695 733 737or visit our website www.wlcvs.orgOur registered charity number is 1039563.We are also a company limited by guarantee- registration no: 2940823.

West Lancashire Council for

Voluntary Service is a charity,

set up in 1973, and is the key

umbrella group for voluntary

and community groups in

West Lancashire.




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Your guide to making the fi nest festive season for your familyincluding details of useful local companies and services



myxmasplanner_cover.indd 1 09/08/2010 15:29


Your guide to local services for your outdoor living spaceincluding a special month-by-month guide of things to do



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from Champion Media GroupAdvertising Sales 01704 392 392



The Community Foundations for Merseyside and Lancashire are strategic grant-making organisations, encouraging philanthropy to build stronger communities.

If you are interested helping local communities and enhancing your own skills through events, marketing, grant-making and offi ce admin please visit our websites for more information.

West Lancs MS Societylocal branch meetings

Ormskirk Cottage Lane Mission, Ormskirk

1st Saturday of each month, 2.00pm - 4.00pmContact Martin 01695 575340 or Ann 01695 576980


Every Tuesday YOGA11-12, Church House, Ormskirk

Mere BrowMere Brow, Village Hall, Marshes Lane,

Tarleton2nd Monday of each month, 10am - 12am

SkelmersdaleB.D.S Training, 31 Greenhay Place, Gillibrands

3rd Saturday of each month 2.00pm - 4.00pmContact Steve Mason 07766143046

Call in for a chat, coffee, andsample alternative therapies



MS West Lancs




To support your local hospice.If you have a few hoursto spare and would like

to know more aboutour current

volunteer vacanciesPlease contact us on01704 544645or visit our website


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Be a volunteer forPromoting Sefton

Promoting Sefton is an Events Volunteering project which offers many opportunities with Sefton’s extensive programme of Tourism Events throughout the year.

These include the Southport Food

& Drink Festival, Summer Classics,

Southport Air Show, British Musical

Fireworks Championships and various

other Sefton community events.

Whatever you’re interested in there

really is something for everyone – from

marketing and publicity, customer service

and hospitality, stewarding and crowd

safety, leafl eting and market research to

providing opportunities tailored to your

specifi c needs.


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As long as you’re 16 and over, whether

you’re currently in higher education, in

work, out of work or retired it doesn’t

matter. The great thing about Promoting

Sefton is that it’s fl exible – you can choose

which events you would like to volunteer

at and how much time you can give.

You get full support from the Volunteer

Co-ordinator plus a comprehensive

induction and training programme prior

to each event. This prepares you for your

volunteering activities and also gives you

the chance to meet the other volunteers.

You will also receive certifi cates for the

number of hours you volunteer which are

recognised by colleges and employers.

All travel and refreshment expenses are

provided for each event.


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Be a volunteer forPromoting Sefton

It really doesn’t matter what skills or

past experience you have, or haven’t

got, as long as you’re friendly and

approachable. Volunteering is a great way

to gain transferrable skills, build up your

confi dence, show potential employers that

you have drive and motivation, improve

your CV and develop yourself. So if

you’re looking to do something positive,

experience new things, make new friends

and have lots of fun, then becoming a

Promoting Sefton volunteer is a great way

to do it!

If you are interested in fi nding out more

details about the Promoting Sefton Project

or event volunteering opportunities that

are available please contact Ang Lucas on 01704 501024 (ext 249) or email

Some of the feedback from Promoting

Sefton Volunteers includes:

“I really enjoyed working with Angela

and the other volunteers, we have great

team spirit. I look forward to volunteering

at other events in 2011.”

“Volunteering with Promoting Sefton

has helped me to look at myself regarding

both my work and social needs and has

helped me gain my confi dence back in

areas I needed to. Thank you.”

“I think volunteering with Promoting

Sefton is a good opportunity to meet new

people, contribute to the community and

also have a bit of fun!”

“My children are happy and proud to

see that their mum is volunteering in the

community and I feel I am setting them a

good example with regards to work ethos

and motivation.”


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Why volunteer?Volunteering can give you many benefits:

• Use your free time in an enjoyable and positive way • Share your interests, knowledge and experience • Explore career options or a career change • Learn new skills and gain valuable experience for work or further education • Get involved in your community and gain a sense of achievement • Meet new people and gain references for future jobs

What can I do?Give some thought to what you like doing or what you would like to learn. Volunteering is about choice. Our database of opportunities may help you to decide Register your details online or call us to requesta form to be sent in the post.

One to One Advice SessionsIf you are still unsure and would like some support and guidance, why not take advantage of our one-to-one information sessions?

We offer the opportunity for you to talk to an experienced advisor who can answer your questions. These are informal and can be arranged at a time to suit you.

To book an appointment call us on... 0151 920 0726or visit our website 10






We are the national charity giving free and confidential help to victims and witnesses of crime across England and Wales, and their family, friends and anyone else affected. We also speak out as a national voice for victims and witnesses and campaign for change.

We are not a government agency or part of the police and you don’t have to report a crime to get our help. You can call us any time after the crime has happened, whether it was yesterday, last week or several years ago.

Victim Support’s specially trained volunteers are the lifeblood of the charity, giving emotional support and practical help to victims and witnesses of crime. Our volunteers help restore a victim’s confidence so that they can find the strength to move on with their lives.

Every year Victim Support helps over 1.5million people to overcome the effects of crime and it is thanks to our invaluable network of volunteers that we are able to do so.

Our organisation works hard to make sure that every victim is given the help and support they need, in a way that suits them. But to do this we need more volunteers with the time and passion to help people in the aftermath of crime. As a Victim Support volunteer you will be trained in how to support someone from their initial meeting with you until they no longer need it. You’ll listen to their concerns and potentially deal with other agencies on their behalf to make sure that their needs are met.

Volunteering for Victim Support is extremely rewarding. Besides the satisfaction of

We are Victim Support.We help people findthe strength to continueafter a crime.

supporting victims, volunteers develop essential skills through ongoing training, support and supervision. You do not need any specific skills or experience to become a volunteer, and at the moment, people can take advantage of new opportunities to volunteer in fundraising and administration support.

Volunteers can also learn more about crime, criminal justice and the legal system. It’s also a great opportunity to meet new people, and Victim Support pays expenses so it doesn’t cost anything to volunteer.

Lloyd, a community and fundraising volunteer in Preston says: “Volunteering at Victim Support compliments the career path I’ve chosen in health psychology and I find it incredibly rewarding to offer emotional support to people who don’t always have the social support networks they need.”.

If you would like to find out more about our services, or the waysin which you can become involved with the work we do in all communities across Lancashire & Cumbria please contact Aanika Dhillon on 01772 201 142 or



InnoV8 is a peer mentoring project for young people aged 16 – 25yrs, based in Sefton.

The project makes volunteering more

accessible to young people who identify

themselves has having extra support needs.

The extra support needs could range from a

physical disability, a learning diffi culty or low

self-esteem / low self confi dence.

The project recruits and trains young

mentors also aged 16-25 to enable them to

support other young people (mentees) to

develop their self-confi dence/self-esteem,

hard and soft skills. The training is BTEC

level 2 accredited.

Once trained and CRB checked, the

mentor will be matched up with their mentee

and they will work on a one-to-one basis

towards personal action plans. Action plans

often include goals such as; enrolling in

college, building confi dence to travel alone,

building confi dence to socialise with new

people, support with writing a CV or just

simply to have someone to talk to.

We are at present looking for mentors

and mentees to enrol on the project. If

you are interested, or would like anymore

information, please feel free to contact the

project: Marie Morgan Project Manager 01704 501 024 ext 206 or Katie Johnson Development worker 01704 501 024 ext 212 / 07757 594 449

Be a volunteer forInnoV8




Birchwood Centre is a charitable organisation (Registered as West Lancashire Crisis and Information Centre - Charity No: 1064270)

and has been in operation for 30 years. It is managed by a board of trustees.

A place to live and grow Referrals Young people are referred to the Centre from a variety of agencies including Social Services, Young Peoples Services, Probation, Police, Housing Department etc. A significant number of referrals are self referrals, whereby young people present themselves at the Centre.

Before coming to live at the Centre, everyone will visit and go through an admissions procedure to decide whether a place at the Centre is suitable.

Contact us If you need any further information or are interested in making a referral, please contact us at:

BirchwoodCrisis Centre

Birchwood Centre, 64 Heversham,Birchgreen, Skelmersdale WN8 6QQTel: 01695 728391 / 01695 717115Fax: 01695 728391 / 01695 717115

The Birchwood Centre provides supported accommodation for young, single homeless people aged 16 - 25 years of age.

We support young people:

• To develop independent living skills • To develop personally and socially • To work through the issues they face in moving to a

place of their own • Through providing advice on housing, welfare

benefits, learning and employment options, and lots more. The Centre is supported by Big Lottery funding to

deliver the Building Lives project, which actively encourages volunteering. The programme enhances young people’s chances of success in all aspects of their lives and the role of volunteers is crucial in making this happen.

If you can help the centre in any way and have skills in: Information Technology, computers • Sports and leisure • Arts and Craft • Cookery • Gardening • DIY • Drama

and Dance • Mentoring • Fund raisingGemma a volunteer at the Centre supported young people in healthy living by looking at their lifestyles, accompanying them to the gym and helping them to make healthier choices in their every day lives. She said ‘Volunteering at the Centre was great, I got so much out of it. It was really interesting and very satisfying knowing that you were making a difference to a young person’s life. It developed my skills and experience and made me realise just how much I had to offer.’

Please contact Barbara Mooney at the Centre to arrange an informal meeting.

Young people can live at the Centre for anything between3 months and two years, depending on the help they need.Young people move on from the Centre into homes of their own

THE BIRCHWOOD CENTRE(Formerly West Lancs Crisis Centre)THE BIRCHWOOD CENTRE(Formerly West Lancs Crisis Centre)

Birchwood Crisis Centre

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Birchwood Centre is a charitable organisation (Registered as West Lancashire Crisis and Information Centre - Charity No: 1064270)

and has been in operation for 30 years. It is managed by a board of trustees.

A place to live and grow Referrals Young people are referred to the Centre from a variety of agencies including Social Services, Young Peoples Services, Probation, Police, Housing Department etc. A significant number of referrals are self referrals, whereby young people present themselves at the Centre.

Before coming to live at the Centre, everyone will visit and go through an admissions procedure to decide whether a place at the Centre is suitable.

Contact us If you need any further information or are interested in making a referral, please contact us at:

BirchwoodCrisis Centre

Birchwood Centre, 64 Heversham,Birchgreen, Skelmersdale WN8 6QQTel: 01695 728391 / 01695 717115Fax: 01695 728391 / 01695 717115

The Birchwood Centre provides supported accommodation for young, single homeless people aged 16 - 25 years of age.

We support young people:

• To develop independent living skills • To develop personally and socially • To work through the issues they face in moving to a

place of their own • Through providing advice on housing, welfare

benefits, learning and employment options, and lots more. The Centre is supported by Big Lottery funding to

deliver the Building Lives project, which actively encourages volunteering. The programme enhances young people’s chances of success in all aspects of their lives and the role of volunteers is crucial in making this happen.

If you can help the centre in any way and have skills in: Information Technology, computers • Sports and leisure • Arts and Craft • Cookery • Gardening • DIY • Drama

and Dance • Mentoring • Fund raisingGemma a volunteer at the Centre supported young people in healthy living by looking at their lifestyles, accompanying them to the gym and helping them to make healthier choices in their every day lives. She said ‘Volunteering at the Centre was great, I got so much out of it. It was really interesting and very satisfying knowing that you were making a difference to a young person’s life. It developed my skills and experience and made me realise just how much I had to offer.’

Please contact Barbara Mooney at the Centre to arrange an informal meeting.

Young people can live at the Centre for anything between3 months and two years, depending on the help they need.Young people move on from the Centre into homes of their own

THE BIRCHWOOD CENTRE(Formerly West Lancs Crisis Centre)THE BIRCHWOOD CENTRE(Formerly West Lancs Crisis Centre)

Birchwood Crisis Centre

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The Volunteer Centre is a service provided by the West Lancashire Council for Voluntary Service set up to support both volunteers and organisations who use volunteers.

The Volunteer Centre can help your

organisation by:

• recruiting volunteers for you

• advertising your volunteer opportunities

• uploading your opportunities onto

• developing good practice in


• providing ongoing support, advice and

information on volunteering issues

• including your volunteers in the

certifi cate scheme and assisting with

the preparation of their role


• providing training

Volunteers of all ages contact the

Volunteer Centre. They actively recruit

volunteers by promoting local volunteering

opportunities and the benefi ts of

volunteering. Volunteers are offered an

informal interview then their skills and

interests are matched to the voluntary

opportunities available.

Certifi cate Award SchemeOrganisations can join the Certifi cate

Award Scheme which involves volunteers

doing 100/200 hours voluntary work,

working to a role description prepared by

the organisation.

On completion of 100/200 hours, they are

presented with a certifi cate at the Annual

Volunteers Awards evening.


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ENGAGE in Volunteering ProjectENGAGE in Volunteering is a project run

in partnership with Moving On Lancashire

and West Lancs Council for Voluntary

Services - Volunteer Centre.

The project aims to support people who

have had or still have:

• Low confi dence/self esteem

• Feeling of isolation from society and


• Low mood

• Been unemployed for a long time

• Feelings of vulnerability

• Periods of anxiety

The project will support individuals

into volunteering very gently. It will offer

training and 1:1 support into appropriate

volunteering opportunities to enable people

to enjoy a more social active life style.

ENGAGE in Volunteering offers:

• Advice

• Guidance

• Training

• Support

• Mentoring

• One to one support

For more information please contact Eileen Snow on 01695 733737.

Volunteers CelebratedOn Tuesday 1st June 2010 the Volunteer

Centre held its Annual Volunteer Awards


The Mayor of West Lancashire Borough

Council presented certifi cates to 37

volunteers who had completed 100 hours

and 200 hours voluntary work.

“The event celebrated the huge volunteer

commitment within West Lancashire.

Be a volunteer forThe Volunteer Centre West Lancashire


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“We would like to express a huge

thank you to all our volunteers for their

invaluable contribution they provide to the

organisations throughout West Lancashire.”

Jan Howard, Volunteering Development

Offi cer, West Lancs CVS.

1st – 7th June is National Volunteers’

Week which aims to recognise and reward

the valuable work that volunteers contribute

to the community. It is an annual event

which celebrates the fantastic contribution

that millions of volunteers make across the

UK. The Week plays a huge part in raising

the profi le of the millions of volunteers

who regularly contribute to society, while

inspiring others to get involved too. In

2008/09 71% of adults volunteered in some

way with 47% volunteering at least once a

month (2008/09 DCLG Citizenship Survey).

Volunteer Market DaysThe Volunteer Centre regularly holds

‘Volunteer Market Days’ throughout

West Lancashire. Organisations that use

volunteers are invited to come along with a

display to promote themselves to potential

volunteers. The events are publicised

far and wide to the general public who

may wish to volunteer. The events are

also a good opportunity to meet other

organisations, share good practices and

participate in information sessions on topics

such as

• Volunteer recruitment

• Funding, legislation and training

• Young volunteering – creating more

appealing roles

• Engaging local employers

West Lancashire Volunteering Forum

The West Lancashire Volunteering

Forum is made of up of local volunteering

infrastructure organisations in order

to produce and deliver a Volunteering

Development Action Plan.


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One of the Forum’s aims is to encourage

and support increased participation in

volunteering across West Lancashire.

The forum also aims to

• Ensure Equality, inclusion and diversity

in volunteering

• Improve communication

• Share best practice

• Minimise duplication

• Co-ordinate research in West


• Promote and seek ways of maintaining

its own sustainability

• Promote partnership involvement within

West Lancashire

• Recognise the path that volunteering

has through training to lead to


TrainingWest Lancs CVS runs training around

volunteering issues and is looking to

develop a training programme from

September 2010 for both volunteers, for

example, First Aid and Health & Safety at

Work, and for organisations, covering topics

such as motivating and retaining volunteers.

Please contact Greg Swift on 01695 733737.

What are the opportunities? Here are a few examples on what you can

be involved with….

Young People Make That Difference.

The role of the volunteer is to provide an

‘extra pair of hands’ within a local pre school

setting that promotes the inclusion of 0-5

year olds with additional needs.

Support - Befriending & Mentoring (Social Care) Our volunteers support

socially isolated adults within their local

community, working with Older People,

Carers, people with Learning Disabilities,

Physical Disabilities, Mental Health

needs, Sensory Impairment: befriending

a vulnerable adult at home or supporting

someone to become an active member of

their community.

Advice To answer telephone, train to

advise clients on Direct Payments, keep and

update clients records. Hours= 10 - 12, or

2 - 4 Monday to Friday.

Food Preparation - Catering Assistant We need people to run a kiosk serving

drinks and snacks and to provide

information to the public about the centre.

Ideally we are looking for somebody who

will be able to deal both with the public and

with taking money and who may be happy

to take responsibility for running kiosk as

part of a team at weekends and during


Food Preparation - Cafe Assistant Assisting at local cafe; serving drinks and

refreshments, clearing tables and washing up.

Practical Skills – Gardener Mature

fl ower beds need tending and pruning


Practical Skills - Member Forum Event Assistant Warm and friendly? Empathetic

and outgoing? Flexible and helpful?

If any of the above describes you, here’s

a chance to put your brilliant personal

qualities into action.

Help blind and partially sighted

participants get the best out of our member

forum events by providing a friendly,

welcoming and comfortable place to meet

and share experiences. Our lively team of

event assistants has a space just for you!

Want to fi nd out more? If you would like to fi nd out more about

volunteering and how the Volunteer Centre

can help your organisation please contact

the West Lancs Volunteer Centre at West Lancs CVS on 01695 733737 or see the CVS website - (

Be a volunteer forThe Volunteer Centre West Lancs


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The magistracy of today embraces people from all walks of life who are appointed in an open and transparent way, on the basis not of who they are, but on what they can bring to Bench.

Of little or no consequences are a

persons origins or occupations, what

candidates have to demonstrate is a

number of qualities which include among

others sound judgement, the ability to weigh

arguments, a genuine social awareness and

the ability to work as a member of a team.


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Legal knowledge is not important and

training very comprehensively deals with

powers and procedures.

So what can a candidate duly appointed,

trained and sworn in expect to fi nd on

arriving at court – in short anything and

everything – from someone drunk in the

street or not having paid a parking fi ne to

the most serious of offences.

Murder, arson, rape all start off in the

Magistrates Court but are clearly very

quickly transferred to the Crown Court.

Decisions taken in the course of a morning

may well involve, in the Criminal Court,

depriving someone of their liberty for a

period of up to 6 months or in the Family

Court removing a child from his or her


Whether to allow bail to a defendant

denying an offence or to remand in custody

are diffi cult yet frequent issues on which

magistrates are called on to adjudicate. In

the course of an hour and a half at Court,

for example, Magistrates have dealt with a

person receiving stolen property (namely

a conservatory!!), a person urinating in

a public place and between the two, a

defendant charged with an assault on a

partner who then went on to murder her.

Applications for search warrants

where offences are suspected have to be

investigated by a magistrate before being

granted as do warrants for arrest.

What sort of people are you likely to see

in the dock – again anyone and everyone

- from the person with a blameless life

who has made a mistake to those of this

world whose life is typifi ed by criminality,

from people who deserve a second chance

to those who clearly forfeited their right

to liberty, all appear day in day out in the

courts of the county before magistrates.

Magistrates will tell you that in a perverse

way they enjoy their role as a genuine

expression of community service. It can be

immensely satisfying in knowing that you

have done right by a victim or by society’s

expectations and there is also room for

some humour.

People should remember however that

courts are public buildings and members

of the public have the right to observe

proceedings (with certain exceptions). There

is no better way to fi nd out how magistrates

operate than to go and spend a morning,

or longer, in your local Magistrates Court.

Anyone who has been will tell you what a

fascinating experience it is – it is your right,

exercise it.

Lancashire Magistrates Advisory

Committee welcome applications which

can be obtained online at or for further information

contact 01772 272834.

A day in the lifeof a magistrate


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As the largest charity working with older people across the area, Age Concern Liverpool and Sefton provides support, practical assistance and friendship to thousands of elders each year.

They do this by offering expert advice and

guidance, arranging active living sessions to

improve health and well-being and hosting

one to one classes on using the internet and

escorting people on a weekly outing to a

social club.

Redundancy and the recession have

made it hard for people to get back into

the job market and volunteering can be a

step in the right direction. Ann’s voluntary

work with Age Concern Liverpool and

Sefton led to a career change. She says: “I

decided to do something with my days off

from my part time job. Volunteering gave

me a feeling of making a difference to the

clients I dealt with. They looked forward to

seeing me each week, and apart from a

good chat, I was helping in a practical way.

She continues, “After leaving my job for a

full time position in a call centre - a job I

hated - I spotted an ad in the local paper for

this post. I jumped at the opportunity and

applied. It was the best thing I ever did.”

Young people hoping for their fi rst job

often fi nd that volunteering provides the

vital experience they need to get their foot

on the ladder as Ellie, who volunteered with

Age Concern Liverpool and Sefton during

her summer holidays, discovered: “I had my

fi rst taste of work, discovered new skills and

worked with some great people.


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“I know the experience has helped me

to fi nd a job during my gap year and has

shown me that I would defi nitely like to work

with people when I graduate.”

Just a few hours a week can make a vast

difference and with training and ongoing

support Age Concern Liverpool and Sefton

ensures that volunteers can make the most

of the opportunity.

Volunteers are always needed to help

the charity to reach out and support many

more older people as drivers, befrienders,

volunteer counsellors, walk and cycle


There are also administrative and

fundraising roles for people with different

interests and skills.

To take the fi rst step to volunteering and

contact us on 0800 002 9006

Be a volunteer forAge Concern


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Southport Samaritans32 Union Street, Southport PR9 OQE

01704 538 038

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