My trailer idea!

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Transcript of My trailer idea!

Danielle Palmer

My Trailer Idea!

Well, for a start the genre of my trailer is a blend of four genres; Fantasy, tragedy, romance and a drama!

I LOVE FANTASY FILMS! So had to express that creatively through this trailer. The fantasy element of the trailer is the ‘two worlds’; the ‘dark’/‘demonic’ or ‘spiritual’ world and ‘reality’... The second ‘fantasy’ element (or supernatural) would be the protagonist being a supernatural being of whom bad things happen to and who does bad things to others (though she did originally try to bring light to peoples lives).


You could say that a ‘tragedy’ branches off from drama, so I’ll use this one slide for both!

I love a good cry during a film, and tragedy films are said to ‘emotionally cleanse’ you; well, it definitely feels like that sometimes... And a drama is basically ‘life with all the boring bits cut out’ though I personally like to call it ‘making a bad experience into a good story’.

And in this case, my protagonist will have the honour of making all these dramatic choices and mistakes so you won’t have to (unless you want to!)

In the case of my trailer, the tragedy elements happen when she kills her husband/lover and starts to lose herself (just after she thought she ‘found herself’)

The drama is seen throughout the story, especially with the protagonist’s suffering and isolation.

Genre- Tragedy/Drama

I’m a romance freak, and would make any excuse to get a saucy spark going between two characters. So here we are with this genre!

In this ‘plotline’ it has heavy romantic elements, but to be honest, it’s more of a ‘self discovering’ story with more tragedy than romance. Since I’m looking at the IMPACT the romance made on the protagonist, especially the consequences of her murder (or however you’d want to call the method of ‘killing her husband’... You’ll understand that later on)


If this trailer was of a real film, the film would probably be a 15 because of the mature content of sex and violence as well as psychological issues. BUT!!! Since this is a trailer (and I need to keep in mind what is ‘appropriate’ and what I’m ‘comfortable’ with showing) I could only show so much of what would happen. For example, there won’t be any inappropriate content in a sexual nature in the trailer; if anything, things may be verbally suggested or in other subtle ways.

Age Rating

A Succubus (a female demon who has sex with men to drain their life force) named ‘Senara’ does what is required of her kind in the demon world, yet, she one day watches a couple IN LOVE and is inspired by them. She wants that. She wants to know what it’s like to be HUMAN and to actually FEEL emotions.

She rebels against the conventional ways of her kind and is banished to the human world, cursed that she’d live her immortal life, but will fall in love many times and she’d always live beyond their life times; making her heart-broken innumerable times (causing her to stress out to the degree that she’d grow old the way humans would?).

She doesn’t care and goes for it. She disguised herself as a human as she usually would and found the wonders of life and how it is to ‘feel’ good things. She does fall in love with ‘the one’ BUT since she’s still a Succubus deep down, she knew (maybe it happened before a few times) that if she was to ‘make love’ with him, she’d probably kill him (‘the most dangerous STD’ as one once said as a joke...)


I don’t quite know if she did it after a steamy argument with him, or if she simply ‘succumbed’ to her succubus ways, but she did make love with him and he died the next morning.

She goes mad after killing him from the guilt and heart ache and obvious reasons, her conscience fighting with her. She goes into isolation.

She ages from ‘young’ to ‘old’ in a short time span and dies. But she doesn’t just die, nor does she ‘burn in hell’ because of her wrongdoings, but returns to her husband in peace in the next life (or dies as a human if you prefer that interpretation) since she grew a conscience and did love in her life.


It’d be like an account of her life; in the ‘present moment’ in the trailer she’s in isolation, talking to herself (or audience, or another character) about what she did.

A large aspect of the trailer though would be the an ‘embodiment’ of what’s going on in her head. In this case she’d see the 7 Deadly Sins of her mind trying to tear her into different ways of life and turning on each other. In this way it turns a little bit into ‘Alice In Wonderland’ when her mind and reality fuse into one.

And yes, an aspect of this scenario happens in a forest with the ‘Sins’ going a little bit crazy (but in a very choreographed way), but it’s appropriate with symbolism in mind, and not done because ‘erm, I’ll have it in a forest ‘cause I don’t know where else’.

What you’ll see in the trailer


I personally had a message that I wanted to get across in this story. This message became more and less prominent as the story ideas filtered down, (and it could be said to have MANY messages) but I personally wanted to show how people label others unfairly and the pressure that comes from that.

For example, Senara as a Succubus would’ve been stereotyped to be a slut and a murderer. In our reality we may stereotype others in particular ways because of dumb mistakes they’ve done (maybe they decide to continue making these mistakes because it became a part of their identity; since others label them as what they do). This story fights against judging others and labelling others, seeing we could all make these stupid mistakes, and seeing that ‘a leopard can change their spots, and actually, this one has got a new coat’.

My personal ‘point’ to this trailer...