My short stories

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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These are the stories based on the Social And Moral issues from which one can Learn a lesson of Life.

Transcript of My short stories

My Short Stories


Praveen Gola1. A Valentine's Gift

2. Curses Of An Old Woman

3. Biological Changes

4. Don't Call Me "Didi"

5. Incredible India

6. You Are Alive

7. Grey Region

1. A Valentine’s Gift

Valentine’s Day Gift

Valentine means a card or message, or a gift sent by one person to another on Valentine’s Day, sometimes anonymously. I also received a gift from my Beloved Husband on Valentine’s Day last year which changed my thinking forever and ever.

Rajat and I , was married to each -other four years ago. Both respective parents were angered from our “Love Marriage”. So we both settled in another city. Till Four years of our marriage, we spent so many pleasant moments together. But his career was allowed between and after marriage. He engaged in a private company job. But He was still unfinished about His “Dream Career”.That he wanted to be, that he could not become.A strange uneasiness, it was a strange obsession to get something in which  He had trouble staying.

But I, I’m just very proud of my sexuality.As soon as the night came ,I indulged in so many sexual demands from Rajat in which he tired to complete.And in the morning , He clinged with  the same office clutter-filled life. Just the same puzzlement, he would have lost the desire to get His “Dream Career”.But He did not give in. He quietly time out in the office to study.He filled out the Each and Every “Competition Exam Form” and tends to exam.Inside there was a really strange obsession.

Actually he was in the desire to Join “Army”.He was an athlete, the 6 feel tall, was a bit different in His Personality,an Intelligent Person, Prone to do something for their country.He had already clear the written exam test twice but every time failed in His “Fitness Test”. And the reason behind this is “I”.I s**ked Him completely in the night during our “Love Session” due to which He failed to Clear the “Fitness Test”.Actually I never wanted Him to be away from me so always ruined His “Fitness Test”.I was selfish and that he knew.

And one day He Came from the Office and told me that He had cleared His Army Written Test once again and now He moved to the second stage i.e “Fitness test” which is going to be held on the early next morning.I thought the same idea once again, but this time he was already thinking a lot.That day was the Valentine’s Day and like every year ,this year too he had to take me to dinner and after that offered me a “Valentine Gift”.We quickly dressed and went to dinner.But I had more craze  of the gift instead of dinner, which He brought to me.

This time too I was again and again asking about the Gift, and he ignored the same. After dinner we went home and began to sleep.He had to get up early to reach the “Training Ground” so He was busy in Packing. At that time there were 10 in the night. He was worried to sleep early and I was worried to get Him.Suddenly He removed from his bag a gift box and handed over the same in my hand .After that He took His pillow and went into another room.

I was appalled with His behavior and quickly started to open the Gift Box.It was written on the box-”just For Tonight” and inside it was lying a red carrot with lot of rose petals.

2. Curses of an Old Woman

Curses of an Old Woman – Short Story with Moral Lesson

It is an old saying, “As you sow so shall you reap”.

In my childhood I was concentrate to think that these sayings were the meaningless quotes and they are the burden on our mind to remember the same. But now I am quite sure to say that every proverb is an arrow which works when shot.

Mr. RamSingh, was a very simple minded man, who spent his whole life in a job to work for his family. His four sons Ramkishan, Moti, Krishan and Prem were his only assets on whom they felt to be proud as on those days a poor man having no daughter was a happier one free from his responsibilities. His only sister named “Bhaggo bua” , a widower, having no child, used to spent her life in the name of GOD,was a well known lady in the Bhajan-kirtan mandlis.

Slowly-slowly the time passed and as every soul has an end, Mr. Ram Singh left his body and his property was hand over to his legal heirs i.e the four sons. After some time another turn came for “Bhaggo bua”and as she has no near and dear from her family so she wishes to make a temple of all the property she was going to left behind.The four nephews were her only care taker who sat near to death bed & were giving an assurance to fulfil her last wishes. As she got a full assurance from them, she breathed last and left forever.

But like a Hindi movie , suddenly the scene turns into a ugly horror and all four shut the door of the room and passed cunning smile to each other. One of them brought all the property papers from the cupboard and marked the thumb impression of a dead body which declared that the property was handover to all of the four by her wishes.Time turns so greedy…no one knows but that was the happiest time for all of them.After the cremation ceremony, they all divided that property among each other leaning the fact that the money must be utilized to make a temple.

Years passed.

Life passed and after 30 years their fate turns alas! Ramkishan, the elder one, became a beggar of the street. Both of her wives left him & his children made him orphan too. He was a homeless wanderer in his last span of life and survived on the food that people generally offers to beggars outside the temple. His end was a painful end that one is unable to define.

The second one, Moti, is a man of moods but boycotted from the society and spending his time under the daughter-in-laws hatred and jealousies.

The fourth one, Prem, is suffering from a leg cancer And already spent 30-40 lakhs but still there is no hope of his recovery. Now He is a bed-ridden and a handicap too.

Now coming to the third one, krishna,f or whom I have some corner in my heart, is now going to be operated fourth time as he is suffering from hernia and piles. He too spent 4-5 lakhs and in the age of seventies now. Don’t know that this time He will be get back or not as a lot of surgeries in the old age shorter the life span too. But being a daughter, I always wishes best for him.

Now at this time ….I am in deep thoughts and analysing the pasts and comparing it with present that what we sow…we shall reap that very soon…as in kalyug there is no wait for the rebirth….one has to pay in this birth….and dont know that the curses of that woman will

effect to our coming generation too. May God bless that soul & I from my pure heart regrets for all those acts in front of her…plzzz forgive us Bhaggo Ammaji!!

3. Biological Changes

Short Story Social Issue - Biological Changes(Start of Mensuration Cycle in Early Year)

“Mumma! What’s this?”

She shouted in a shrilled voice.Tears were flowing on her soft cheeks. I rushed towards the drawing room from the kitchen and surprised to see her down face. She was my 9 years old daughter, Aparna , a very naughty child. I never realized in these 9 years that this stage is about to come in Her life so early therefore It was my mistake that I failed to prepare Her to tackle from this typical situation in advance. And now I am more confused than Her and was gathering all my courage to spoke  before Her.

“Plzzzzz Don’t be panic! Calm down!” I replied.

“But Mom….Blood………Call the doctor. Blood is flowing Mumma.” Aparna cried in a pain.

“It was not my mistake.I don’t know how blood came and spoiled my dress.” She again spoke in a very nervous tone.

Now this time being a mother,I had to play the role of a teacher, a guide in front of Her. But 9 years……..too early…..How it happens? Again a series of questions flooded in my mind.

“Mumma”,now this time she cried in a very angry tone. There is no other option left in front of me instead of explaining Her the whole situation.

I started to say,”Look Aparna! Don’t be panic! Just calm down dear! This process is known as Mensuration Cycle which happens in every female Life.This is a natural process which goes on for 4-5 days and then stops automatically. In a Layman language one can say that its a mark of beginning of teenage.The average age for this cycle is 14 to 15 years.”

Suddenly I stopped……..again thinking 14 to 15 years but she is just 9 years old that means 5 years earlier than the prescribed age. Seeing lost in my thoughts, Aparna shooked me in a very awkward manner and asked the solution for this.

I regain myself and relied,’Ohhhh sorry! Plz go inside and use  a napkin for this.”

I handover a booklet from my cupboard and ordered Her to go to from it and again went to the kitchen to prepare a  glass of Hot Milk for Her.I know that milk is a complete tonic to get rid of the stomach pains in these days. She took it immediately and finished the same in just one sip. I hold the empty glass and ordered Her to sleep, as rest will make Her free from worries.

Again I entered in my drawing room, sat on a sofa and lost in deep thoughts.”9 years……too early……Oh my God! What’s wrong is going on in this present era? This is the age of innocency, age of naughtiness,age of kiddishness. Suddenly I recalled the T.V channel news that was flashing 2 months before regarding the rape cases in Haryana. The victim’s  father was blaming the village Sarpanch for such incidents and in order to get rid from this trouble the Sarpanch was making a appeal to the Chief Minister of the state to subside the marriage age from 18 to 14 years as today the girls are getting matured earlier due to the “Biological Changes”.

“Biological changes”-Yup! I shouted instantly.

What are these Biological Changes? That means We ,the Humans are again reaching in that Satyuga period from this Kalyuga period. Early Marriages?????

Again the same social reforms will come back? Ohhh No!

Someone has rightly said that Earth is round. Time and Space passes only with this Hope that We shall stand some day again at same place.And perhaps Now this all is going to be proved very soon.

From where We stand ,there We reached again……and the simple cause is “Biological changes”.I laughed in an insane manner. Quickly lay down my bed on the floor instead of my Double Bed and spoke in a low tone…..

“Yes, the Biological Changes are coming back again.Let’s welcome it with Open Heart from Bed to Floor…..Ha! Ha!”.

4. Don’t call me “Didi”

Don’t call me “Didi”: Short Story on Molestation a Social Issue

“om. bhu-r bhuvah. svah…..tat savitur varen.yam………bhargo devasya dhi-mahi…..dhiyo yo nah. pracodaya-t”………..”om. bhu-r bhuvah. svah…..tat savitur varen.yam………bhargo devasya dhi-mahi…..dhiyo yo nah. pracodaya-t”…………….Hello!!!!

As the mobile rang, I wake up from a small nap after lunch. I looked towards the clock. Ohhhh!  Its 4 p.m in the evening.

Hello! yes ,I was sleeping. My husband was on the other side.

He replied, ” Today I want the vegetable of spinach,cheese in my dinner.But as there is no vegetable in the refrigerator so you go the weekly market and fetch some vegetables from there.”

“O.K.”……..I replied as I am a yes-yes person in front of Him.

“Oh…..again a boring task”, I realized.

I don’t want to go outside for such type of tasks. I usually prefer to stay home.But as it was an order so I must obey it. I prepared a cup of tea and began to get ready for the market.Market is not at a long distance from my house so I prefer to walk. After 15 minutes I reached there and fetch some vegetables from there.But being a housewife some means a lot. And I too overloaded

myself  from 2 big bags and 4-5 packets  in my hands. Now I was unable to walk with these bags and decided to take Rickshaw towards my home.

But in the city Rickshaw Pullers have their own style. 4-5 Rickshaw Pullers already refused me to go so at last I started to walk with my bags on foot.Suddenly a Rickshaw Puller came and said,” Come Didi! I can drop you.

I turned and shouted, ” Why you call me Didi?I am not your didi……….Mind your tongue……..otherwise I will handover to you to the Police . You ba*tard! How dare you? ”

“I don’t want to sit in your rickshaw………Just go away!………..Go!!!”,I screamed with a loud noise.

He was surprised to see my anger and asked me to calm down.

“What’s wrong with you Didi?  “‘Didi” is not an abuse……..Ok …as you wish!”, He replied and went away. I stood alone…..just lost in  my thoughts.

Ohhhh  No! I took a deep breath. “How idiot I am? Why I let him go?”, I regretted.

He is the one who was ready to drop me but my rude behaviour forced him to go.I put my bags on the road as they were overloaded from the vegetables and sat on a pavement for rest.After 5 minutes later  I again put the bags on my shoulder and started to move towards my home.Thoughts were disturbing my mind which forced me to think that horrible day once again when I was molested by a tailor on the busiest road near my house.

A year back,I was on my way to the market to fetch the things for daily needs when suddenly a tailor stopped me to have  a look on some new fabrics for stitching.Firstly I didn’t show any interest in His talks as I was in a hurry but He politely and in a very decent manner invite me in his shop.

“Please , Come inside Didi! There are some new fabrics available for suit length.You can select one from them.Just have  a look at least.”, He told me in a very calm way.

At such a humble request ,I was unanswered and went inside His shop for the same.He was a 30 year old guy ,perhaps a bachelor one. He seems to be just like my younger brother though  I was not usually interested to develop any relationship with strangers in such an easy way.

I started to choose the fabrics and select one from them.”How much cloth is required for a nighty?”,I asked.

He replied in a very soft voice,” Come Didi, Let me measure you first so that I can tell you the exact length of the cloth”.

I simply stood in front of him for the measurement.But suddenly I shocked to see that while measuring He started to molest me.I stunned a minute and shrieked,”How dare you?”

I ran towards the door and came out.Tears were flowing on my cheeks and my heart is beating so fast that even on a busy road of traffic one can easily heard the heartbeats that were crushing the pain of molestation inside me.

I was duped……duped by a person who called me “Didi” a minute before.Don’t He know that what this word “Didi” stands for? Yes,Didi means an elder sister.So no one can easily detect that what was going in His mind?

He is a lion in a wolf. I was being an innocent one didn’t estimate his vulgar desires.

Its better to address a woman with the words……”Madam”………”Bhabhiji”……so that One can mentally prepared from the wishes of a man.But one can’t guess such type of acts from those who pretends to be the real caretaker of them.

Though Today I forgot that incident but still that word “Didi” lasts on my mind and when someone addressed me for the same,I got out of control.

“Mumma!,You came?”, My Kids were asking, “Why didn’t you take any rickshaw?”,they asked.

I came out from my thoughts and noticed that I was standing in front gate of My house.

“There was no rickshaw available on the road and the one who came was not a nice man so I came back on foot”, I replied.

“Its Better to bear the hardships instead of the hard words”,I murmured.

5. Incredible India

Social Short Story – Incredible India

(Disclaimer: All incidents and characters depicted in this story are fictitious. Sole purpose of this story is entertainment)

The Website Displays……….

Welcome to Incredible India – A friendly welcome to exotic trip that you would never forget!!!

This is my first visit to India and I was too excited like other Tourists to view India. From the Last month I had looked on the internet ….. almost all of India ….get every place to read and well understood.I gathered all the Knowledge about different religions, languages, persons of different states and saved it over my Laptop.My name is Alic Gristan  and I was an American. I am 25 years old, was a graduate and came here on a 10-day tour during my summer vacations . I like walking alone because I could not enjoy my tour in group So I was taken a room separately in a hotel. Nine days until I was wandering around the entire North India and now wanted to bathe in the Ganges at Haridwar on the last day .So I decided to stay in Haridwar last tenth day.I Got up early in the morning and went to the bathing ghats of the Ganges.There was much peace but there was such a mess around that I felt that perhaps it  might be the worst experience of my tenth day  and it  has proved very soon too.

After breakfast I went to Rishikesh . I stood there near Ramjhulaa and was buying stuff from shops around. I too have purchased many hats, beads, goggles  for my friends. Suddenly, a ten year old boy came near to me and Prayed for me to buy a book. When I saw the book ,I noticed the words that were written on it – “Incredible India”. I bought it thinking that whenever I miss

India I will pass a smile after seeing that Book. It was written in the book that whenever any Tourist came Here then Welcome them with Open Hearts, never try to cheat and misbehave with them, keep your monuments clean and Hygenic. Toursits are like God so always ready to Help them.I was deeply overwhelmed with the Indian Thoughts.

I was just reading the book ,suddenly a monkey came down from a nearby tree and He snatched the book from my hand and took my bag. I kept looking dazedly because all my belongings were in that bag. I stood helplessly and thought that No one can do anything if the snatcher was an animal. I turned back empty handed ….suddenly a man came near to me and asked whether you want to get your belongings back? I nodded my head affirmatively. Now this time He demanded rupees one thousand for the same. I have no other option left with so I agreed to pay but only when I got my bag back as my money was in the bag.

He blew a whistle with one hand and called down to monkey from the tree. Monkey toss the bag down . I lifted the bag and gave him money. Then I heard the voice of the people that it has become good business now a days to deceive the Tourists in such a manner. I was shocked to hear and began to move as I was duped.

Suddenly a shrilled voice came from behind,” Yours Book. Take it too.”

I took the book from his hand and murmured……..Incredible India………Here everything is sold!!

6. You Are Alive

“Sahib ,a team of some men is waiting for you in the drawing room. I refused them many times that this is not the right time to meet with you but they didn’t pay any attention towards my words. They were saying that they came for some Memsahib”s concern.” Bablu’s choked voice regained my senses.

I freed my face with my hands. Tears were rolling down on my cheeks. I looked towards the clock. It was 9.35 A.M. Only ten minutes had passed which took me in a deep thought and now I felt that I had been here for the last one year. “Ohhhh……that ten minutes flash backed my life so quickly that I forgot all the virtual world. ” I thought and tried myself to be there and accepted that she was no more.

I quickly wiped my face from the handkerchief and nodded my head gesturing that I was coming. Many questions entered into my mind and started to disturb me. “A team of Persons?”,” concerned for HER ?” ………”Who were they?” ……..Why Came at this moment?”…….What they wanted from Me ?” I quickly ran towards the Hall.There was a constant cry coming from the hall. Twenty to Thirty people had already gathered and my father was busy on His cell phone to inform the other relatives.Her corpse was lying on the floor . Neighbours too gathered to console our family members.

The final proceedings will perhaps be completed after one hour as We had to wait for the near and dear ones. A group of five persons that were came from some Hospital was sitting on the sofa set.As I entered, they quickly got up and showed me the Consent form which was signed by my wife in the presence of my Father and Miss Sunita. They had already issued a Card to her on

which the registration number is printed and that Card was in my Father’s hand. They wanted to get my consent too as I was the one who had tied the marriage tie with Her.

I was shocked and snatched the card from my father’s hand. I scolded Him that Why He became the witness for such act ? Turning towards the team I shouted ,”

What this hell? Get out from Here.I don’t want to allow you for Organ Donation” Neha is mine……still mine.No one can distribute Her! No one! “. A pin-drop silence persisted and everyone’s eyes were on me. Who Made You a call ? Tell me. Who the hell did invite you here ?

Suddenly a group of fifty children appeared there. They all came from the nearby NGO which was running with Miss Sunita. Miss Sunita came in front of me and admitted that she was the one who informed them about Her wife’s demise . She was the owner of that NGO in which all the physically and mentally challenged children were kept and treated. As Neha was a social worker so also joined this NGO and a part of it but I never thought that such NGO’s also convince the human beings for this organ Donation Act so I harshly looked towards Her but as She was innocent so was facing my cheap mental thoughts in an easy way.

I shouted towards her,” I warned Neha many times still your wickedness worked. Seriously If One helps You then You people ready to snatch them.” Suddenly I lost my control and fall on the ground. Bablu ran towards me and advised to keep calm. Being a patient ,too much anger was bad for me. Miss Sunita handed over an envelope to me and sat on the floor with Her team.I opened the envelope…..There was a letter inside which was written by Neha. I started to read the same.

My Dear Sunil,

Sep 3 ,2013

I never thought that one day I had to write an undelivered letter for You. But this is all the demand of the scene as I am expecting now my demise very near. I know you very well.You are an angry man and couldn’t bear my words directly.So this is the safest way to express my wish in front of you. Please allow the doctors immediately for their work. If You really Love me ……then pay Me Homage in this way.They all came from AUMS hospital for my organs and need your consent. Miss Sunita has been just a messenger of my demise but its all because of  my wish.No one can force the other one for organ donation.But As you know I want to Live always with You so this is the only way to get closer to You after my death too.


I looked towards the team as they were expecting my affirmation .Mr. Shyam ,who was the most senior of them came towards me and asked to sign the consent paper as early as possible so that they can get the most delicate parts without any delay.I took the paper from His hand and signed.Neha’s letter has immediately changed my mentality which was overpowered on me from the last 10 minutes. Perhaps ……Her words in the letter were sprinkled with the magic water that changed my mindset too. I sat on the sofa and start reading again.


Sunil……I love you very much but for the last three years was unable to pour the same which you  deserve .You cheered me a lot. It is fate that I had to leave you in the middle of this Journey but this all is pre-decided and no one can deny for the same.


Neha was suffering from the Heart disease.She had a Heart Attack two times earlier and today was the third and the last attack which made me alone. Perhaps She judged the symptoms earlier yesterday and called Miss Sunita in the late evening on the pretext to change Her mood.I allowed for the same without judging that Her company would be the last for me .Oh…..She was a lady who was so suppressed by my anger that made Her unable to express Her last wish in front of me at the last moment too. Perhaps I made Her coward so She opted this way of Letter writing to express Her wish in this Modern world.But She was a brave lady.She never cared for her life but cared for others.She always wanted to give more and more to this society . Sometimes I passed lewd comments on Her, “Hey…..The sister of Daanveer karna……Look this is Kalyug. Here nobody cares for your nice acts.Life is a business Here”. But she didn’t pay attention towards my words and smiled.


I want to live with you ever and forever till you survive. I know you are like an innocent guy who didn’t look after yourself. Have You remembered that Card fight? That was the “Organ Donation Card” which I wanted to show you but your angers made me to hide it and I simply converted the same into a shopping mall credit card.


I remember that night when Neha was offered to show me some Card but I made her words silent after stating that I was not eager to hear her rubbish stories. Perhaps She was trying to get the permission for this noble cause as she knew that I was from the very beginning opposed to this act of organ donation after the death as I was to one of those persons who believe that the person who donate his organs in this birth will be the one who born without those particular organs in the next coming birth.But Neha always laughed on my such narrow mentality and always advised me to change it while discussions.


Sunil……Babli needs eyes and you know when she will look this world with them then that will be the most precious day of my life. Look at Rohan…….He is suffering from one kidney failure and living on dialysis. His parents can’t afford the expenses now so left all decisions upto GOD. Rinky’s burnt skin is unable to tie her future in some marriage bond. Perhaps my skin will make Her beautiful as you know that every second man needs a beautiful wife . My single life can save the eleven person’s life and you are the lucky one who can feel me in those eleven Human

beings. Please think …..that why We waste all of them in a futile burning when they will be benefited to others.


I quickly turned towards the group of fifty children who came here to console me. Babli,a fifteen year old was very much attached with Neha. She was sitting in a deep shock without knowing that Her aunty has left the best gift for Her life. Rohan was too in deteriorating condition but never forget to come because of Neha’s Love. Now I thought myself to be mere coward in front of them who was demanding Her corpse too but  they all were the real Lovers who came Here without any motive . I took out a cigarette from my pocket and started to blow. Yes,I was a chain smoker…Neha always tried to stop me saying that she wanted to die as a married one.But who knows that her wish will be accepted earlier than me. Perhaps good souls always deserve the best they want. I again started coughing as the doctor advised me to stop all that stuffs due to some infection in my lungs.One of my lung was already damaged more than eighty percent and there were very less chances to recover the same. Bablu came near to me and took that cigarette from my hand . I kept quiet as at that time the Hall was fully crowded and very soon we had to carry the funeral of Neha. To relieve from that tough situation I again myself hide into the words of Neha.


Dear not only Babli and Rohan……my gift is for you too.You know  that doctor advised you earlier to replace your damaged lung  but that time you didn’t take that seriously and facing the difficulties. But now Mr. Shyam will change it and please don’t ruin my lungs. I hadn’t touched tobacco in my life . Perhaps my lung will make your will power strong and you will leave the cigarette smoking forever.


That word of Neha broke me completely and I moaned in a shrieked way. A gift for me too……..made me completely shocked. All my near and dear came closer to me to console me. Dr. Shyam was about to leave so He came near to me and ordered me to immediately come into his clinic after one hour so that my lung will me replaced with my beloved. Soon the funeral started. There was no disfigurement of the body and it was looking normal. So an open casket funeral was done. People were wrong in many perspectives on this organ donation concept but everything was normal except the great act which my wife did.

After completing the funeral proceedings , I went to Dr.Shyam’s clinic. He immediately transplant my Lung with Neha’s one. Babli, Rohan, Rinky and many others were the lucky one who got Neha’s gift and were happy of this kind act. I too was the same who got my wife’s wish completed only through this letter otherwise I never allowed anyone for this act. Suddenly I remember the unfinished part of the letter which was in my pocket.I quickly took it out and start reading again.


Sunil…….I Love You very much.You are my soul and I didn’t want to separate myself with you at any cost.Whenever You feel alone,depressed,inattentive,frustrated then do follow these simple steps that make you cool .

Look into the Eyes of Babli ……..

She is the one who soothes You ,

Look at the Rohan’s smile ……..

He is the one who regains You ,

Look towards the Rinky’s beauty ……..

She is the one who adores You ,

Look into Your Heart ,

Took some fresh air inside ,

Feel the world’s magic ,

That will the magic that I am leaving For You.

Your’s Neha,

sep 2,2013


I folded the letter ……kept it near my heart pocket and took a deep sigh.The only three words which I spoken were “You Are Alive”.

7. Grey Region

Scene I

“Doctor! Please save my daughter! Please save!”  Tears were flowing from Shalini’s eyes. Her three months old daughter, was admitted in the Govt Hospital in I.C.U. A continuous monitoring was going on. Mr. Shah, a senior Doctor, was stunned about the deteriorating condition of the child. He was unable to identify the cause of such symptoms of body. Recently he had gone through the medical reports of the infant.

“Just tell me the diet of the child”, asked by doctor after studying the ultrasound report of child to mother.

“Diet! It is mother’s breast feed doctor, obviously. But what’s wrong with her?” Shalini replied in insane manner.

Mr. Shah Replied,"Actually the child has taken a lot of protein in her body which she was unable to digest. Due to this, condition are getting worst.”

“Protein! How can it be doctor?” She recalled all her knowledge about the breast feed milk composition which was not giving her match with the doctor’s doubt.

Doctor Shah, himself was unable to speak about the reason behind this condition, he thought its better to ask the mother about her daily life, it might be possible that anything got out from this. He prepared a list of question in his mind and started to ask.

“Please tell me about your family, like how many members are there in your family, what do your husband do, etc.” asked doctor.

Shalini got irritated by the shower of questions that why the Doctor is asking about the family background. But still She was continuing the same,

“I belong to a Northern District Region. My husband is a bonded labour. So he works with his master for this touring kind of job. We are three adult members in family. I live with my father-in-law in his house. He is approx. 70 years old so he couldn’t come here. He is at home right now.”

“Ok fine!” replied Mr. Shah. “Just tell me, where do you work?”

“No Doctor! I am a housewife.” Replied Shalini.

“Hmmm! But just tell me whether you went outside daily?” asked the doctor.

“Yes”, She replied agitatedly “Actually as my father-in-law is an old man so I daily went to the market to buy daily need goods like milk, bread, vegetables etc. As the market is two km away from my house so it takes two hrs for me to return back.”

“And what about the infant ? Who look after her in this duration ?” asked Mr.Shah

“Her Grandfather, Doctor. Whenever I come back, I find her sleeping with her toys quietly”

“Oh….but…..” doctor stopped himself for a while.

“What happened doctor, please say something” Shalini begged him.

Scene II

Ramesh was briskly walking towards his house with red blooded eyes. He rushed down the door and without wasting a moment, he searched the knife from the kitchen and ran towards his father’s room. His father was lying on the bed. He frantically stabbed his father with that pointed weapon. Blood spilled all over the floor. His hands got drown full in blood.


Scene I

“Reports have found sperms in her abdomen, I was too surprised to see it first, so I wanted to know the origin of all these, but ..” doctor got an interruption by Shalini,

” What are you saying doctor!! It is not possible, it is….but …is it possible ? Oh my brain is getting burst. I cant handle it. I informed Ramesh to come here to hospital and what if he……..”

Suddenly Shalini heard some dashed sound of door behind her. She saw Ramesh from his back, who was going out from hospital fast.

“Oh! Perhaps Ramesh has heard all the conversation. Oh My God, what will he do now?” Shalini shouted. But he disappeared from her as if he didn’t want to hear anything.


After many hours, Shalini got a call from a known person, informing that his husband was in police custody. Perhaps she knew the reason behind this.

[based on real life happening with someone among us]