My Library Phase 3 concepts

Post on 23-Jan-2016

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My Library Phase 3 concepts. Personalisation. This programme aims to: Allows NHS librarians to open a shop front for local services within My Library Incorporate CPD tools for reflective practice within My Library - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of My Library Phase 3 concepts

My Library

Phase 3 concepts


This programme aims to:• Allows NHS librarians to open a shop front for local services within My Library• Incorporate CPD tools for reflective practice within My Library• Develop a channels architecture so that individuals can expose My Library content in other

environments• Remove some of the barriers to accessing relevant NHS knowledge services by delivering

knowledge filtered by individual preference

Key aspects of this programme are:– developing the service offer – cross-team collaboration within the NHS Institute team– communications with library community – establishment of pilot sites within the NHS and use of NHS III methodology – iterative development using feedback from pilot sites – use of User Experience Design expertise – interaction with wider e-learning initiatives in the NHS and HE

Lead: Steve Ashwell

Introducing channels

Library services have been offering channels for years:• Current Awareness Bulletins• SDI search results• Library and departmental notice boards• Newspaper cuttings services

The Personalisation programme aims to make My Library a platform where users can discover and subscribe to content from local libraries. The examples like the list above and more could be offered via RSS.

Setting up My Library

My Library instructions by Caroline de Brun

Setting up My Library is done manually by each user at the moment

My Library for Allied Health Professionals

My Library templates by Caroline de Brun

A channel package consisting of links and

current awareness feeds selected by a

librarian. This one for Allied Health Professionals

My Library for Public Health

My Library templates by Caroline de Brun

This example is for Public Health.

Librarians could become channel package editors, akin to producing electronic library


My Library for Knowledge Management

My Library templates by Caroline de Brun

This example is for Knowledge


My Library for Health Management

My Library templates by Caroline de Brun

This example is for Health


Google Reader Feed Bundles

Google Reader offers channel

packages consisting of categorised RSS feeds that can be

subscribed with one click

An editor in Google has

chosen 6 feeds for a Science


Localisation through Personalisation

• Improving the interface– Extending reach of local services

• Building a platform for librarians to exploit– Plug-in local current awareness services

– Augmentation of channels with local services

• Supporting adoption through local pilots

Collaborative library guides

This is an example of a page

customised by an editor (a librarian)

Collaborative library guides

She chose some links She added a


…and some RSS


Localising My Library

Adding local branding

Ability to add a local photograph

Ability to add any text and change it

whenever you need

Search and Personalisation

Synopsis:• The relationship between search and personalisation and some

examples of what they can do for each other.

Extending the login box

A screen name, rather than Athens username

A reading history – useful for capturing CPD activity

Extending personalised search

• Save it for myself• Save for myself and tag it• Email it to a colleague• Copy it to clipboard to paste into a document• Export it in RIS format for personal bibliographic software• Annotate it with comments• Share it publicly with my annotation and tags for people to discover• Share it amongst a “group” I have selected for discussion or group

appraisal• Appraise it and share my appraisal with my mentor – and allow my mentor

to leave comments• Appraise it and publish my appraisal within a moderated online clinical

community for members of that community (including clinical librarians) to leave comments

What can I do with a citation?

My Intute

An example of sharing

metadata for web resources.

I’ve selected and saved a few resources

My Intute: supporting re-usable content

These are the resources I selected

presented in the form of a title, link

and description

My Intute: embedded content

I choose ‘Export’ and can see the code to paste into the Trust Library’s web


Users will see title, link and

description for these resources


An example of a social networking service based on citation



Another example of a citation sharing service

Library Thing

Another example of sharing citations, this time its books

Search in a Learning context

Saved search strategies listed

alongside questions

Ability to share content

Ability to export content

Re-usable content for libraries

Synopsis:• How My Library might allow the library to be in multiple places on

the web without duplicating effort

My Library in Other Environments

My Home Library

My reading history

My Links

Athens authentication

Different NLH personalised services offer gadgets that can be plugged into other environments


My Library

My Athens

iGoogle etc.

Question Answering


Many questions arise when considering to embed a question answering service into My Library

• What are the requirements for question answering?• What workflow considerations are important?• How might this relate to existing services?• What training implications does it raise?• New possibilities (editorially and community driven): “Question of

the week”, “Hot topics”, “Rate this answer”

Questions Answering Workflow

Different views of the same question?

What workflow features are required for


Opportunities for a generic, structured query capture form?

Phase 3 Projects

Synopsis:• A visual representation of the component projects

My Library Phase 3 Projects

RSS Search integration & channel packages

Search personalisation

CPD Tools

Tags & Friends

Learning repository search


My Update

My Links

My Learning

My Searches

My Reading

My Friends

My Tags

My Learning resources

My Library Pilots

My Questions


User experience design