My Language, My Identity: Language Used In Households

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description My Language, My Identity: Language Used In Households. Presented by Kyomi Gregory, M.A., CCC-SLP. People First Language. “People First Language puts the person before the disability and describes what a person has , not who a person is .”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of My Language, My Identity: Language Used In Households

My Language, My Identity:Language Used In


Presented by Kyomi Gregory, M.A., CCC-SLP

People First Language

Kathie Snow. (n.d.) A few words about People First Language. Disability is Natural. Retrieved August 1, 2012 from Kathie Snow. (n.d.) A few words about People First Language. Disability is Natural. Retrieved August 1, 2012 from

“People First Language puts the person before the disability and describes what a person has, not who a person is.”

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Learning Outcomes

To identify aspects of language use within the household.

To distinguish parenting styles that impact language use within the classroom.

To identify strategies to bridge the gap between a home language and a school language.


What is a dialect?

Dialect is defined as a "neutral" term to refer Dialect is defined as a "neutral" term to refer to any variety of a language that is shared by to any variety of a language that is shared by a group of speakers.a group of speakers.

Experts assert that all speakers are in fact Experts assert that all speakers are in fact speakers of a dialect, none of which is superior speakers of a dialect, none of which is superior to another.

Wolfram, 1991; Stubbs, 2002

Nonmainstream Dialects

Nonmainstream American English (NMAE) Nonmainstream American English (NMAE) dialects are rule governed language systems dialects are rule governed language systems inclusive of all aspects of language (i.e. inclusive of all aspects of language (i.e. phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics).and pragmatics).

Examples of NMAE dialects

African-American English (AAE)African-American English (AAE)

Southern White English (SWE)Southern White English (SWE)

Latino EnglishLatino English

Cajun FrenchCajun French

Characteristics of NMAE dialect

Differences in pronunciation, syntax, and Differences in pronunciation, syntax, and vocabulary are most easily identified.vocabulary are most easily identified.

It also includes differences in other discourse It also includes differences in other discourse structures such as: structures such as:

Question responses and requests Question responses and requests (Heath, 1982)(Heath, 1982)

Turn taking Turn taking (Au & Mason, 1983)(Au & Mason, 1983)

Intonation, formulaic expressions, and tempo Intonation, formulaic expressions, and tempo (Damico & (Damico & Damico, 1993)Damico, 1993)

Dialect Differences in Narratives

Cazden’s (2001) study discussed the tendency Cazden’s (2001) study discussed the tendency by Caucasian children to sequence their by Caucasian children to sequence their narratives topically versus African-American narratives topically versus African-American children that provided “episodic stories” children that provided “episodic stories”


Caucasian students:

sequence narratives topically

organizes a narrative according to subtopics and topics

this is the most commonly used format that is considered acceptable for narratives.

Cazden, 2001


African-American Students:African-American Students:

Produced “episodic stories.”

This usually involves a main character or theme.

Cazden, 2001

Home Language

“Home Language”

Children arrive to school with the language of Children arrive to school with the language of their families & communities.their families & communities.

Many students speak a nonmainstream Many students speak a nonmainstream dialect.dialect.

Cheatham, Armstrong,& Santos, 2009

Respect for Inclusion of the “Home Language”• This respect for the “home language” adheres This respect for the “home language” adheres

to recommendations from many academic to recommendations from many academic professional organizations, including the:professional organizations, including the:

• National Council on Teachers of English (NCTE; 2004, National Council on Teachers of English (NCTE; 2004, 2005)2005)

• National Association for the Education of Young National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC; 1995)Children (NAEYC; 1995)

• Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL; 1997).(TESOL; 1997).

“Code Switching”

Children who speak NMAE dialects often find Children who speak NMAE dialects often find themselves in many social contexts, in which themselves in many social contexts, in which they can utilize their ability to use both they can utilize their ability to use both Standard American English (SAE) and their Standard American English (SAE) and their dialect. dialect.

This is known as “code switching.” This is known as “code switching.”

Teachers may witness children “code Teachers may witness children “code switching” in more or less formal contexts. switching” in more or less formal contexts.

Race & Identity

Dialects are often strongly linked to race, Dialects are often strongly linked to race, ethnicity, and class.ethnicity, and class.

This plays an important role in children’s This plays an important role in children’s identities.identities.

This can be viewed as a strength & resource This can be viewed as a strength & resource like any part of their home environment. like any part of their home environment.

Cheatham, Armstrong,& Santos, 2009

Tapping Into the “Home Language”

Current research illustrates the benefits of Current research illustrates the benefits of tapping into children’s nonstandard dialects to tapping into children’s nonstandard dialects to enhance learning.enhance learning.

Children’s dialects are resources from which to Children’s dialects are resources from which to expand their language repertoire. expand their language repertoire.

Building on what children know is an excellent Building on what children know is an excellent approach for all children, including those that approach for all children, including those that speak NMAE dialects. speak NMAE dialects.

Chealtham, Armstrong,& Santos, 2009; Dyson & Smitherman, 2009; Murray, 1997

Tapping Into the “Home Language”

Educators need to:Educators need to:

bridge the gap between the home language and bridge the gap between the home language and the school languagethe school language

respect/ preserve the home language respect/ preserve the home language

facilitate the development of a school language. facilitate the development of a school language.

Distinctive Parenting

Styles Across Classes

Families’ Language Use Across Classes

Measures & Scores

PRO Parent



WC Child



Average utterances per hour

487 310 301 223 176 168

Average of different words per hour

382 297 251 216 167 149

Class Key:PRO= ProfessionalWC = Working ClassFSA= Families Receiving State Aid

Hart & Risley, 2003

Vocabulary Gap

The children’s language exposure during a The children’s language exposure during a 100-hour week differed with the following 100-hour week differed with the following exposure to vocabulary: exposure to vocabulary:

Professional families: 215,000 wordsProfessional families: 215,000 words

Working-class families: 125,000 wordsWorking-class families: 125,000 words

Families receiving state aid: 62,000 wordsFamilies receiving state aid: 62,000 words

Hart & Risley, 2003

Encouragement/ Discouragement

Social Class Affirmatives Prohibitions

Professional 32 5

Working Class 12 7

Families receiving state aid

5 11

Hart & Risley, 2003

Importance of Early Year Experiences

By age 3, children in various social classes By age 3, children in various social classes have differences in vocabulary exposure. have differences in vocabulary exposure.

From ages one to three, exists a period of From ages one to three, exists a period of great brain plasticity, during which early great brain plasticity, during which early intervention can have long term effects. intervention can have long term effects.

Hart & Risley, 2003

Parenting Styles

Laureau (2005) identified that parents differed Laureau (2005) identified that parents differed by social class in the way that they define by social class in the way that they define their roles in a child’s life.their roles in a child’s life.

Middle Class – “concerted cultivation”Middle Class – “concerted cultivation”

Poor/ Working Class – “accomplishment of natural Poor/ Working Class – “accomplishment of natural growth”growth”

“Concerted Cultivation”

This encourages the child’s sense of This encourages the child’s sense of entitlement.entitlement.

This class group utilized: This class group utilized:


Child contestation of adult statementsChild contestation of adult statements

Extended negotiations between parent & childExtended negotiations between parent & child

This use of language fostered language development.This use of language fostered language development.Laureau, 2005

“Accomplishment of Natural Growth”

This encourages an emerging sense of This encourages an emerging sense of constraint. constraint.

This class group utilized: This class group utilized:


Rarity of child questionsRarity of child questions

General acceptance of child directivesGeneral acceptance of child directives

Laureau, 2005

Educational Implications

Educational Implications

An obstacle to children speaking NMAE dialect An obstacle to children speaking NMAE dialect is an educators’ negative perception is an educators’ negative perception (Cheatham, Armstrong, & Santos, 2009).(Cheatham, Armstrong, & Santos, 2009).

Negative perceptions significantly impact a Negative perceptions significantly impact a child’s motivation to learn, self-efficacy, self-child’s motivation to learn, self-efficacy, self-confidence and their ability to feel confident confidence and their ability to feel confident speaking SAE (Blake & Cutler, 2003). speaking SAE (Blake & Cutler, 2003).

Educational Implications

Teacher’s also must be aware of the parenting Teacher’s also must be aware of the parenting styles that influence language use.styles that influence language use.

Students come into the classroom with Students come into the classroom with different exposures to vocabulary based on different exposures to vocabulary based on social class.

Final Statement

Don’t denigrate the home language!Don’t denigrate the home language!


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Blake, R. & Cutler, C. (2003). AAE and variation in teacher’s attitudes: A Blake, R. & Cutler, C. (2003). AAE and variation in teacher’s attitudes: A question of question of school philosophy? school philosophy? Linguistics and Education, 14, Linguistics and Education, 14, 163-194.163-194.

Cazden, C.B. (2001). Cazden, C.B. (2001). Classroom discourse: The language of teaching and Classroom discourse: The language of teaching and learning. learning. Portsmouth, NH: Heineman.Portsmouth, NH: Heineman.

Cheatham, G.A., Armstrong, J., & Santos, R.M. (2009). “Y’all Listenin?”: Cheatham, G.A., Armstrong, J., & Santos, R.M. (2009). “Y’all Listenin?”: Accessing Accessing Children’s Dialects in Preschool YEC. Children’s Dialects in Preschool YEC. Young Exceptional Young Exceptional Children, 12(2)Children, 12(2), , 2-14. 2-14.


Damico, J.S., & Damico, S.K. (1993). Language and social skills from a Damico, J.S., & Damico, S.K. (1993). Language and social skills from a diversity diversity perspective: Considerations for the speech-language pathologist. perspective: Considerations for the speech-language pathologist.

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Dyson, A.H., & Smitherman, G. (2009). The right (write) start: African American Dyson, A.H., & Smitherman, G. (2009). The right (write) start: African American language and the discourseof sounding right. language and the discourseof sounding right. Teacher’s College Record, Teacher’s College Record, 111,111, 973-998. 973-998.

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Laureau, A. (2005). Invisible inequaltiy: Social class and child rearing in Laureau, A. (2005). Invisible inequaltiy: Social class and child rearing in Black and White Families (pp. 71-93). In Black and White Families (pp. 71-93). In Public & Private Families: A Public & Private Families: A Reader, Reader, (4(4thth Edition), Edited by Andrew J. Cherlin, New York: The Edition), Edited by Andrew J. Cherlin, New York: The McGraw-Hill Company. McGraw-Hill Company.

Murray, D. (1997). TESOL speaks on Ebonics. Murray, D. (1997). TESOL speaks on Ebonics. TESOL Matters, 7(3)TESOL Matters, 7(3), 1-22., 1-22.

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After this webinar, you may email any content-related questions to Kyomi Gregory kyomig@hotmail.comYou may email any grant-related questions to Melanie Lemoine

The contents of this PowerPoint presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H323A110003. However those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.