My Digital Portfolio

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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My Digital Portfolio. Kevin Ellingwood AP English 12 McGee . Table of Contents. Bucket List. Writing Reflection (“Dear Reader”). English Assignments. 6 Word Life Story. Creative Writing. Soul Picture. Other Work. Dear reader. Dear reader, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of My Digital Portfolio

My Digital Portfolio

Kevin EllingwoodAP English 12


Table of Contents

Writing Reflection (“Dear Reader”)

Bucket List

6 Word Life Story

Soul Picture

English Assignments

Other Work

Creative Writing

Dear reader..• Dear reader,• Throughout the past couple of years, my writing style hasn’t changed all that much. I used to

not really care about the grammatical part of it and I would just write whatever came to my mind. Now, after learning what I’ve learned in high school, I take time to really make it sound as professional and grown up as I can. My high school writing has certainly been my best writing because I’ve learned so much from my English teachers. This year, I felt like I’ve grown so much and my writing has significantly improved.

• Well, I hope you enjoy the rest of my project.


Bucket List

1 1 Sail a boat2. Visit Australia 3. Be on television4. Have a crazy house party5. Get a tattoo6. Have an adventure7. Graduate college8. Skip out on a check 9. Keep a New Year’s resolution10. Sing at the Metropolitan

Opera11. Be in a magazine12. Be an extra in a movie

13. Be a witness in a trial14. Ride in a hot air balloon15. Write (publish) a novel16. Have a one night stand!7. Ride the tallest fastest roller

coaster18. Drive on the Autobahn19. Scuba dive in the Great

Barrier Reef20. Spend a crazy reckless

night in Vegas21. Be a bartender22. Go streaking23. Send a message in a

bottle24. Do 100 pushups in a row25. Keep at least 20 of these…


Sorry, I can’t... I have rehearsal.




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