Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of My CV


Ahmed Motair El-Said Mater Software Developer

Address: Zagazig, Sharqia, Egypt Telephone: 012-730-24235 Email: LinkedIn Educational YouTube Educational FB Page Religion Muslim Date Of Birth May 15th, 1993


University: Zagazig University Department: Electrical Engineering Dept. Major: Computer and Systems Dept. Grade 4th Grade (Last Year) GPA 70%


Seeking an innovative job where I apply my skills and develop myself. I’m a hard worker and self-learner, and I have the attitude to learn new technologies especially in software development. I can work in a team and under pressure, and I appreciate researching, advanced technologies such as Internet of Things and Big Data.


1. Internship in Giza Systems (2015) for 3 months

Soft skills

1. Good at searching for solutions using Google Search Engine 2. Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint 3. Editing videos using (Tech Smith Camtasia Studio)

Language Skills

Language Speaking Reading Writing

Arabic (Mother Tongue) Excellent Excellent Excellent

English Very Good Excellent Excellent

Personal Features

1. Good at illustrating Science subjects 2. Good at organizing and categorizing things 3. Good at planning for projects 4. Hard worker and learning fast 5. Self-learner through reading Books and watching Online Courses 6. Can work alone or in a team 7. Appreciate the volunteering work 8. Patience especially when solving a programming problem


Courses (Self Study - Online Courses)

1. Java Language (SE – EE) (Intermediate) 2. Android App Development (Intermediate) 3. C/C++ Languages 4. HTML & CSS 5. JavaScript (Node.js – Express.js) 6. XML & JSON 7. MySQL Database 8. PostgreSQL Database 9. Relational Database (Advanced SQL) 10. Regular Expressions 11. XML, HTML and PDF Parsing 12. Natural Language Processing (NLP) (Beginner) 13. Familiar with PHP & Python & C# & HTML5 14. Game programming with JavaScript

Volunteering Activities

1. Illustrating Some Subjects (Software related) in College to my friends through notes, sessions and Videos on my YouTube Channel (Ahmed Mater), Subjects such as: Algorithms and Data Structures, Computer Organization, Operating Systems, Mathematics, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence and Database Management Systems.

2. C++ Course (30hr) in summer (2015) for the junior students in the Electric Dept. who wishes to apply for the Computer and Systems Major, The Course include: Basic Programming Concepts (Variables, Arrays, and Functions), Advanced topics (Object Oriented Programming), and How to think and analyze a problem.

3. Java Course (30hr) in Mid-Year vacation (2016) for intermediate students who wants to apply their programming skills in practical problems, The Course includes: Revising the Basics, illustrating the Object-Oriented Programming, some Data Structure (Queue, Stack, Linked List, .), more Java SE (Collections, Exceptions, …), and Final Project which is implementing Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithm to find a path in a Maze Problem.

4. Software Presenter in (Brain Storm Event - in February 7th, 2016): I was giving a speech about the Software Programming. It includes: (Intro about Programming and Programming Languages, Majors of programming, Resources for Learning, where to start, how to make good use of your study in college, and the importance of working on projects while studying).

5. Facebook Admin of an Educational Page: The page’s purpose is collecting the Online Content (Courses, Books, Articles, Tutorials, …) and Categorizing them for students and Also writing useful Technical posts in Programming and some Tips for beginners (How to start, What to learn, and Recommending Courses and Books).

6. Software Judge: in a Programming Contest Organized by IEEE (in April 28th, 2016): I was assigned to be a Judge with other Professors from Computer and Systems Dept., the Contest is Problem Solving Contest and we have judge the Software Code of the competitors.

7. Online Instructor: lunching a YouTube Channel (Ahmed Mater) as an educational channel, where I record a video of a lesson and publish it online on the Channel, I have published some videos for the subjects I study in college such as (AI, OS, and Computer Networks), and wish to publish more videos when I finish studying in college.



1. CPU Simulator: It’s Software Code that simulates the working of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in the Computer by implementing a Memory with a program stored in it and some CPU Operations (ADD, DIV, PUSH, POP, …) and the CPU executes the program in the Memory and show the operations executed and the output of that Program. I wrote two versions of the code in Java and C++.

2. Notifying Board: It’s an Integrated Circuit (IC) project, simply an electronic board used in universities in front of a lecture room to show info (Professor’s name, Time left in lecture and Delay Time if allowed), it’s a logic circuit (ICs, 16-Segment Display, and LCD Display) with a Micro-Controller programmed in C to perform the operations of the timers.

3. AI Algorithms: It’s a Software implementation for the Search Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence (BFS – DFS – UCS – GBFS – A*) and apply them on real problems such as: (Finding path in a Maze, and solving a puzzle).

4. Simple Games: Creating games such as: (Snakes and Breaks) using HTML5 (Canvas Tag) and JavaScript to draw on it.

5. IoT Demo App: The Project consists of (Temperature and Gas) sensors and a Light Bulb, The aim of the Project is to apply the IoT concept by an Android App that monitors the 2 Sensors and turn the bulb on and off through the internet, and receive notifications if there is an Overheating or Gas Leakage, and save history of the readings. It also have two other parts (TCP Server Application and Web Services): The TCP Server Application is to send notification to the Android Apps connected to this server when there is an over-heating in the temperature sensor or there is gas leakage. The Web Service is called by ThingWorx (The IoT Server) when there is over-heating or gas leakage and it sends a message to the TCP Server which sends notifications to the Android Apps. Techs used: Java, Android, HTML Parsing, Multi-Threading, Networking, Web Services.

6. Smart Meter: The Project’s aim is to program an Electricity Meter, My part in the project is to parse the XML messages sent between the Meter and the Server, extracting the data from these messages and insert them in the database and compose an XML message as a response. Techs used: Java, XML Parsing, SQL, and PostgreSQL Database.

7. Plagiarism Detection System: The Project's main purpose is to detect the Plagiarism specially in Academic papers using Natural Language Processing (NLP), It consists of: (Crawler, Parser, Text Analyser, Similarity Search Algorithms (Vector Space and Fingerprints), and GUI as an interface). I work on the Crawler and the Parser, The Crawler has list of famous paper journals (IEEE, Science Direct, ….) and when a new paper is published it download that paper (as PDF) and pass it to The Parser that parse the paper and extract all the data from it (Title, Authors, Volume, Issue, …. , Table of Contents, Paragraphs, Figures, Tables, …..) and save all of these Data in the Database, and the Text Analyser analyse them and so on. The Techs used: Java, Regular Expressions, PDF Parsing, and MySQL Database.

8. Sub-Hub Website: The project is a Translation Community that gives its Users the opportunity to request items (Text or Videos) to be translated and The Translators apply for the requested items and translate them if they can, and after the submission of the translation the users can read, review, rate it and more other features, also The User can have a To-do List so he could organize his time to read many translated items in a schedule and bookmark some items as favourites. I was chosen to be a Project Manager of this project with three team leaders and around 8 members for each team leader, I have planned for the project with the Team Leader, write the business rules, Design the pages, Design the Database Scheme and assign tasks to them and follow the work in the project, and integrate the work of the members at the end of project. The Techs used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Client Side & Server Side), Node.js and MySQL Database.



1. Technical Report about the TOR project and the Darknet:

Talking about the problem of privacy and Internet Surveillance

The Internet anonymity by the Mix-Network and TOR Project

The Technical of The Onion Routing and The Operation Onymous

The difference between the Internet, Deep Web and The Darknet

The Darknet in more details and The Hidden Services (legal and illegal)

2. Your Guide to be a Software Engineer: It’s a report about my speech in Brain Storm Event Feb 7th, 2016

Honors and Rewards

I was honored for my first Publication (TOR Project and Darknet) as the best presenter of my Class in College and awarded extra grades in the subject (Computer Networks).


I appreciate a position of Software Developer in reputable firm where I can develop myself more and more and acquire more skills and learn more Technologies.

Finally, Thanks for your time reading my CV