My body ft

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of My body ft


Final task. Little Peter.

You are going to make a person by cutting different pieces from magazines. You are going to name him or her, then you label it and finally you describe that person according to a given model. To finish with, you will make: “The inner Luisito” You draw the silhouette and two parts from different systems and you label them. Good luck!

In order to make sure you don’t miss anything, you have to bear in mind these things:

You can distinguish the three main parts in our body: Head, limbs and torso. You can label parts of the face and body. You remember the correct order: Big ears , blue eyes… You know that there are different systems and functions. You can name at least two organs in each system.



Final task. Little Peter.

You are going to make a person by cutting different pieces from magazines. You are going to name him or her, then you label it and finally you describe that person according to a given model. To finish with, you will make: “The inner Luisito” You draw the silhouette and two parts from different systems and you label them. Good luck!

In order to make sure you don’t miss anything, you have to bear in mind these things:

You can distinguish the three main parts in our body: Head, limbs and torso. You can label parts of the face and body. You remember the correct order: Big ears , blue eyes… You know that there are different systems and functions. You can name at least two organs in each system.
