My ABC book of history

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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My ABC book of history. Titiana Brown 5 th period 5-13-11. A. Abstains- To not take part in some activity such as voting. Abolitionist- A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery. Abobe- a sun dried mud brick used to build the homes of some native americans. B. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of My ABC book of history

My ABC book of history

Titiana Brown5th period


AAbolitionist- A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery.

Abstains- To not take part in some activity such as voting.

Abobe- a sun dried mud brick used to build the homes of some native americans.

BBackcountry- a region of hills and forest west of the tidewater.

Bicameral- consisting of two horses or chambers especially in a legislature.

black code- laws passed in the south just after the civil war aimed at controlling freedom and enabling plantations owners to exploit afrains anericans workers.

CCabinet- a group of advisers to the persident.

Californios- mexican who lived in california.

Canal- antificals waterways.

DDebators- person or country that awes money.

Decree- an orders or decision given by one in authority.

Demilitarize- to remove armed forces.

EEffigy- rag fiqure repersenting and unpropular individual.

Emancipate- to free slavery.

Export- to sells good aboard.

FFugative- runaway or trying to runaway.

Famine- an extreme shortage or food.

Frigate- warship

GGlobel warning- a steady increase in adverge world temperatures.

Guerrilla tactic- referring to surprize attacks or raids rather than organize warfare.

Genocide- the delibrate dustruction of a racial,political, or cultrual group.

HHebeas corpus- a legal order 4 an inquiry to dtermined wether a person hs been lawfully imprisoned.

Holocaust- the name given to the mass slaughter of jews and other group by the nazis during world war 2.

Horizontal- the combining of competing firms into one corporation.

IImport- to buy goods from foreign into one corporation.

Ironclad- armonded naval vessels.

Internet- a wor;d wide linking of computers networks.

JJoint Occupation- the possession and settling of an area shared by two or more countries.

Judicial Review- the right of the supreme court to dtermined if a law violates the constitution.

Judical bunch- the branch of government including the federal court system that interprets the nations laws.

LLandslide- an overwhelming victory.

Lynching- putting to death a person by a illegal actions of anmod.

Literacy- the ability to read or write.

MMajority- more than half.

Maize- an early form of corn grown by native americans.

Manumission- the freeing of some enslaved persons.

NNullify- to cancel or make ineffecting.

Naturalization- to grant full citizenship to a foreigner.

Neutral- taking no side.

OOffensive- position of attacking or the attack itself.

Ordinance- a law or regulation.

Override- to over turn or defeat as a bill proposed in congress.

PPartism- favoring one side of an issue.

Petition- a formal request.

Plurality- largest single share.

RRadical- extreme.

Revenue- incoming money.

Repeal- to cancel an act or law.

SSecede- to leave or withdraw.

Seccesion- withdraw from the union.

Sectionalism- loyality to a region.

TTariff- attack on import or exports Tejano- a mexican who claim

texas as his home.

Tribute- money paid for protection.

UUnalienable right- a right that cannot be surrendered.

Utopia- communtity based on a vison of a perfect society sough by reformers.

Unconstitional- not aggreeing or consitent with the constition.

VVaquero- hispancci ranch hand.

Veto- to reject a bill and prevent it from becoming a law.

Vigilantes- people who take the law into their own hands.

WWar hawks- repulican during Madison presidencil who pressed for war with britten.

Writ of assistence- legal document.

YYankee- union soilders. Yellow jourlism- a type of

sensation based and pften reporting.