Music video analysis

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Music video analysis


By Vickram Singh



At the starts of the music video of Kanye West’s bound 2 we see that the video starts of with a exterior setting in the mountains. This sets of a sequence for the audience that are watching at creates a feeling for them that they are there is the sequence. We see different locations in the mountains but it does not say where it is which shows us that they expect us to know. It has been edited so that it fades and another setting shows so we could try and guess where it could possibly be.

We then see a group shot of horses running towards the camera but has been edited so that its slow motion which shows the audience clearly why their running and gives them a chance to think why they may be running.

We then see the main character “Kanye West” being introduced in the video. We see that he is sitting on a motor bike which relates to the setting because where it is set you may need vehicles such as motor bikes to go to places. We also see that he is wearing a t-shirt which may suggest the weather in the country and by looking at the t-shirt we assume that the weather is quite hot. The clothes the audience is wearing relates to hip hop because they wear them types of clothes that they are comfortable in. The character is also not looking at the camera which shows that we expect to know who the character is by looking at the side of his face.

We then see a full shot of the woman but it is not fully shown instead it is shown as a shadow which shows us that they don’t want the audience to know that there is a female character involved in this video and the lyrics of the song could be relating to her.

This is a mid shot of the main character “Kanye West” which is being more frequently shown during the video. He is now wearing a full sleeve t shirt which may suggest change of weather from hot to slightly cold. The lighting is used only to show half the characters body which could suggest that one side is good and the other half is bad as many other hip hop genre artists are represented in the mass media.

Us as an audience are then fully introduced to the female character and is show up close as a close up shot. The close up shot have been used to show the emotions of the character and by looking at her face the emotion shows that she is loving the breeze that’s coming towards her which may suggest that she like the music which is being played for he.

As the video goes on we then see a two shot of the characters which shows the audience that they are now both together. The females face is shown but the male character isn’t shown as clearly as he is facing her which could show that the the female has more power.

Towards the end of the scene we see that the male character is hugging the female character which shows the audience that they may have wanted to be together from the beginning but something was stopping them but now at the end they are together and the male character is hugging her tight which shows that he wanted form a very long time. It is a two, over the shoulder shot of the characters with the over the shoulder from the emale