Music questionnaire analysis

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Music questionnaire analysis

Music Questionnaire


Music Questionnaire analysisIn order to create my own magazine, I first decided to create a

questionnaire in order to find out their opinion on music magazines and give me some ideas on how I myself should create a

magazine and what to include in it. I have asked 20 people and the results were collected. The questionnaire had a various question

which covered musical taste, frequency of release, the price which the target audience are prepared to pay for music in general and

music magazines. In addition to that, there were also some questions regarding the magazine features which the target

audience find most appealing and what exactly they like about music magazines i.e. interviews or reviews etc. All of this

information will help me to indicate the areas which I need to focus on when producing my own magazine, in order to please the

target audience and make it appealing.

Furthermore, my questionnaire included a question stating ‘What title do you think will be the most

appropriate for a rock magazine?’, which helped me later to decide on

the name of my magazine.

Question AnalysisWhat style of music you listen to?












Heavy metal



Hip Hop







Looking at the pie chart below you can see that the majority of people who I’ve asked listen to rock music. The genre which got the second highest percentage of 22% preference is heavy metal and 14% people said that they like instrumental.

Looking at those result I have decided to create a rock magazine, which will include elements of heavy rock and heavy metal, in order to cover a bigger range of target audience.

Looking at the pie chart below I can tell that more than 50% of people do not read music questioner and 15% of people read it occasionally. This means that I do have a chance of increasing the percentage of people who would read music magazine if the front cover looks appealing and the context is interesting.

Looking at this result I have to make sure that my music front cover looks very appealing and interesting so that the people who read the music magazines occasionally would buy my magazine for sure.

Question Analysis

Question Analysis

How often do you buy music magazines?





40%Very Often



Hardly ever


Looking at the results for this pie chart only 10% of people buy music questioner very often and 50% of people read it from time to time. This means that in order to persuade them to buy my magazine I have to make it very appealing and interesting

Question Analysis

Do you preffer weekly or monthly magazines?






It doesn't matter


Looking at this pie chart we can see that the result were spread out, more or less, evenly. That means that the target audience don’t have a specific preference to how often magazine is realised. However, at the same time it does show that people prefer magazines which are release monthly since there would be more information relevant to that specific month.

Question Analysis

Is your favorite band or artist from UK?






I don't know

Looking at this pie chart we can clearly see that most of the people said that their favourite band or artist is not from UK, thus showing me that if I feature the foreign band or artist on my front cover and double page spread, there would be a better chance of the magazine to be more successful and therefore have more sales, which is ultimately what we want.

Question AnalysisHow much monthly do you

spend on music?





Under £10

£10 to £20

£20 to £30

More than £30

From this graph I can clearly see that people do not spend more

than £20 on music monthly, and probably the main reason for that

is that in nowadays almost everything can be found on


How much monthly do you spend on music magazines?



Under £5

£5 to £10

More than £10

From the result of this pie chart it is clear that 85% of people do not spend more than £5 on music magazines. This shows that I

should not exceed this price it would exclude half the potential readers. And the

appropriate price plays a major roll in the success of magazine.

Question Analysis

The result of this pie chart was very predictable, as most of the people, especially younger people, download music from internet and often illegally. However, the fact that no one said that they get music from music magazines shows that there is a gap in a market, thus meaning that I would be able to attract more audience if I were to add freebies.

Where do you get your music from?





Music Stores

CDs from musicmagazines

CDs from friends

Question Analysis

From the results of this pie chart I cans see that 49% of people said that the main image is the most important feature of the front cover. This tell me that I should spend a lot of time on organising and presenting the main image. Furthermore, 21% of people also said that they find sell line also very important, as an effective sell line would make the reader interested in what is inside and how the story ended. Photos also play a crucial roll on the front cover as they show the viewer what else there is inside.

Question Analysis

Looking at this pie chart I can straight away tell that the reader want to see interviews, music news and photos inside the magazine. This tells me that on my double page spread I should have either some sort of an article which is related to the music news or an interview with the famous rock band or an artist. There should also be a lot of photos present.

Question Analysis

The result of this pie chart was very predictable as in our days no matter where you go or where you look, you would see people of any age and gender listening to music on their phones on MP3 player. Furthermore, many people also listen to music even when they do their work. In addition to that, many people find inspiration in music as well as answer to their questions and problems. This shows that I would have to include some advise in my magazine form the rock stars in order to make it even more appealing and easy for the reader to relate to.

Question AnalysisThis question of my questioner was very crucial and important as it gave me an idea of what sort of title would be the most appealing and the most appropriate for the rock magazine. 40% said that ‘Bullet’ was the most appropriate name for the rock magazine. The second highest percentage was 30% for the name ‘Madness’, as this is what rock music is often associated with. However, there were 10% of people that suggested their own name for the rock magazine, such as ‘Denim&Leather’, ‘Greasers’ and ‘Rock Union’.

All of this title I have considered even though there were not part of the options which people had to vote to.