Music meanings

Post on 22-May-2015

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Transcript of Music meanings

Music Meaning in Short Films

Music in Short Films

• The way in which music is used in short films can manipulate an audiences and even the characters emotions. The emotion in a certain film can distinguish the differences to other films. In relation to the cinema, the pace of non-diegetic music can inflict an individual ‘s mood and the atmosphere. Therefore, if a film consisted of a fast pace soundtrack with quick beats of non-diegetic sound this would build suspense and drama which would make audience uncomfortable or intrigued of the action that is to follow. However, the combination of diegetic and non-diegetic sound can also add a element of humour. Thus, music in films can be used in a variety of different ways.


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Music in our short film – ‘In My Eyes’

• The music we have chosen for our short film is a highly emotive piece. This can be seen through the use of long note on the piano. The slow tempo conveys a sense of sadness and morose atmosphere. This helps distinguish our short film and the genre because the high emotion music mirrors the high emotions our characters feel in this dramatic situation.