Music education is a path to life long learning and ...

Post on 11-Jan-2022

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Transcript of Music education is a path to life long learning and ...

Music education is a path to life-

long learning and knowledge of

self and culture.

Music education facilitates student aca-

demic achievement:

Improves recall and retention of ver-

bal information

Advances math achievement, social

skills and self-discipline

Boosts reading and English language

arts (ELA) skills

Enhances higher brain function

Develops quick and decisive thinking

and builds teamwork.

These valuable skills stay with us

throughout life.


“ Music is a moral law.

It gives soul to the universe,

wings to the mind, flight to the

imagination, a charm to sadness,

gaiety and life to everything. It is

the essence of order and lends to

all that is good and just and



Created by Mirela Pilaf Arts/Com.Tech. Department Head

If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my day-dreams in music. I see my life in terms of music...I get most joy in life out of music.” A. Einstein










Instrumental Band

Why is Music Important?

Music shapes character, fosters crea-

tivity and develops imagination, in-tuition, and sensitivity.

Music leads to “ deep understand-ing” through the connection it realises between motivation, instruction, as-sessment and practical application.

Music delivers success in school and predicts success in life.

Instrumental practice promotes mo-tor development and improves dexteri-ty, enhances coordination and im-proves eyesight and hearing.

Involvement in group music help stu-dents learn to co-operate and bond to-gether for group goals. It also fosters discipline and commitment.

Creative participation in music im-proves self-esteem/self-awareness and positive attitude, which is a moti-vation for academic learning.

Above all, music brings pleasure, joy and happiness: for you, for those you make mu-sic with, and for your audience.

Music at Power

Enjoy time well-spent in a spectacular atmosphere with great people that are pas-sionate about music.

Perform in a variety of large and small instrumental and vocal ensembles that ex-plore classical music, jazz, pop, rock, metal, and many more…

Perform in settings including concerts, workshops, festivals, recitals, music produc-tions, school and community events

Create original music, learn songwriting

Discover the joys of digital music mak-ing

Experience music at Michael Power/St. Jo-seph through the various programs offered:

Instrumental - Band Vocal Keyboard Guitar Strings Extracurricular Choir, Show

Choir, Orchestra, Chamber Mu-sic & Stage Band

Enjoy… Perform… Create… Discover…


The skills gained through sequential mu-sic instruction including discipline and the ability to analyse, solve problems, communicate and work cooperatively are vital for success in the 21st century workplace.