Muse Summer 2011

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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MUSE is a new club dedicated to producing and distribut- ing Gunn High School's first lifestyle magazine. The name MUSE stands for Modern, Urban, Style and Entertainment, and refers to both the club and the magazine itself.

Transcript of Muse Summer 2011

Materials: - solid color polish + glitter polish

Steps: 1. Apply two coats of solid nail polish 2. Paint a thin layer (up to ¾ of the nail from the tip) with glitter polish3. Paint another thin layer, only 1/3 of the nail from the tip 4.Take the clear glitter nail polish and paint leav-

ing a small space near the cuticle




My First Time Reading Twilight: Student Writer Analyses the Book that Ignited America’s Vampire Craze

To compensate for my embarrassingly limited knowledge of English literature, I recently scoured the

Twilight is, after all, the book that engendered nothing short of a cul-




  Despite  Twilight’s  abundance  of  clichés  and  lack  of  memorable  characters,  we  don’t  have  to  give  up