Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Techniques ATHT 305 Chapter 5.

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Techniques ATHT 305 Chapter 5.

Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Techniques

ATHT 305 Chapter 5


• __________ is the process of acquiring images

• _______ is the form of electromagnetic energy used

• Show fractures, not stress fx

• Cheaper so used first• Uses ionizing

radiation– Absorbed or dispersed– High density tissue,

bone, absorb more radiation, so more difficult to penetrate

How to read radiographic images

• A- _______________– Normal continuity of bone & joint surface, alignment of

one bone to another

• B- _____________– Should have normal density patterns, uniform color

• Decreased density appears darker

• C- _____________– Does not produce image, so look for what is not there.

Joint space should be smooth and uniform

• S- ________________– Swelling can be seen, pockets of edema


• Stress radiograph- stretch a ligament to determine amount of excessive movement

• Contrast imaging-injection of dye

Computed Tomography (CT) Scan

• Looking for specific pathology, not a general screening tool

• Computer determines density of underlying tissues based on absorption of xrays by the body

• Xray source rotates around body

• CT Angiography- use of contract medium

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

• For _________________• Machine creates a magnetic field, causing the

body’s hydrogen nuclei to align with the magnetic axis

• No potential harmful side effects like xray, unless you’re claustrophobic

• _________________ detect metabolic changes in brain

• Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)- used to study blood vessels


• Bone scan- more detailed than radiograph

• Diagnostic Ultrasound- defects in superficial muscle

• Nerve Conduction Study- detect pathology in peripheral nerves and the muscles they innervate