Mumbai Homelessness

Post on 02-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Mumbai Homelessness

  • 7/27/2019 Mumbai Homelessness


  • 7/27/2019 Mumbai Homelessness



    Situation of the homeless citizens in Mumbai (a glimpse):

    Homeless citizens sleeping near Sandhurst Road

    Homeless citizens sleeping on Tilak bridge near Dadar

  • 7/27/2019 Mumbai Homelessness


  • 7/27/2019 Mumbai Homelessness



    Homeless families surviving on streets near VT station

    Homeless single men sleeping precariously near Parel area

  • 7/27/2019 Mumbai Homelessness



    This homeless man was dead on street for more than 3 days near

    Mahim Church and no one cared about it

    One homeless worker (age 42) was found dead after heavy rain near

    Mahim beach (after 2 days)

  • 7/27/2019 Mumbai Homelessness



    State Support:

    There is not a single shelter or low cost housing option available for thesehomeless citizens in Maharashtra state. The situation is extremely bad in thecapital of the state Mumbai. There is no policy that can extend support to

    the homeless citizens of Maharashtra and help them live with dignity. Allthese homeless citizens are living at the lowest end and with out any access

    to the basic services guaranteed by the constitution of India.

    Supreme Court intervention & Maharashtra response:

    Recent SC directives suggested every state including Maharashtra to payattention to the issue of homelessness and prepare plan of action. I met withthe concerned authorities in the state Mantralaya and helped them

    understand the issue of homelessness. As suggested by the then housingsecretary (Mr. Kunte), I made an elaborate presentation discussing the issue

    and possible interventions. Mr. Kunte has been very supportive and keen toformulate a policy in favor of the homeless citizens.

    Chief Secretary (Mr. J.J.Dange) was very reluctant and did not pay much

    attention to the issue of homelessness. I shared the directives of Supreme

    Court and requested him to respond to it.

    As per Mr. Dange (Chief Secretary):

    Homeless people are outsiders and not from the state of Maharashtra and so

    they must go back to their respective state

    We cannot just start implementing any plans/directives from the Supreme

    Court. The issue of homelessness is not so important. There are many

    directives in waiting and this one is just an addition. We dont care muchabout it.

    In Mumbai many of us do not have access to house/shelter in prime areaslike Mahim, Bandra, Dadar and so on, ho do you think it is feasible to give

    space for shelters for the homeless people in these areas?

  • 7/27/2019 Mumbai Homelessness



    The demand of services like counselors, doctors and so on is ridiculous.

    Many of us do not have access to these luxurious services in our own

    lives.I know there are many people struggling and sleeping on road and Mumbai

    doesnt need the services of these people. So these people should not be

    welcomed in the city.

    If your presentation is over you can leave the venue. I already know about

    this issue and I dont care much about these directives. There are otherimportant things to do and I will try to do the needful for this issue.

    In Mumbai where is the space to create shelters for these homeless people?

    There are many policies that deal with the slum dwellers and that isapplicable for the homeless people as well.

    Affidavit Filed by Maharashtra state:

    1. The affidavit has categorized all homeless citizens as Beggars &

    stated that these homeless should be locked inside 13 beggars home

    allocate in Maharashtra state. This is a gross violation of the SCdirective, which states that there has to be the provision of shelters for

    the homeless citizens in the state. In Maharashtra there is no shelter atthis moment.

    2. The affidavit dehumanizes the hard working citizens who are sleepingin the open and are homeless. It suggests that all these people are

    beggars.3. The affidavit has quoted various schemes pertaining to the slum issues

    of Mumbai and has generously stated that these schemes are meant for

    the homeless people. It is a sheer lie.

    4. In the affidavit Maharashtra state has acknowledged the issue of

    homelessness based on our survey. Nevertheless it had mixed it withthe issue of beggary and moved away from the responsibility.

    5. The promises about making rental housing for the homeless in theaffidavit are a complete lie. Housing scenario in Mumbai is such that

    even middle class people find it difficult to access it. Rental housings

    are meant for them. Homeless citizens are nowhere in the picture and

    there is no scheme for them other than beating and cheating thme.