Multistory Framed Structure 2005

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Transcript of Multistory Framed Structure 2005

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005




    MULTISTOREYED FRAME STRUCTURESubmitted as a requirement for the award of the degree of

    Bachelor of Technology


    Ciil Engineering

    Un!er "he g#i!ance ofDr$ %$$ Meh"a

    S#'(i""e! By)

    Swetabh SinghSamik Mukhopadhyay





    ALLA+ABAD . /00112


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005



    0$0 GENERAL

    Man require di!!erent bui"ding !or hi #ariou a$ti#itie% houe& !"at !or hi

    "i#ing& hopita" !or hi hea"th& $hoo" and uni#eritie !or edu$ation et$' The Nationa"

    (ui"ding )ode o! *ndia +SP%,-1.,/0de!ine bui"ding a a any tru$ture !or whatoe#er

    purpoe and o! whatoe#er materia" $ontru$ted thereo! whether ued a human

    habitation or not and in$"ude !oundation& p"inth& wa""& !"oor& roo!& $himney&

    p"umbing& and bui"ding er#i$e& !i2ed p"at!orm& #erandah& ba"$ony& $orni$e& or

    proje$tion& part o! a bui"ding or anything a!!i2ed thereto or any wa"" en$"oing or

    intended to en$"oe any "and or pa$e and ign 3 outdoor dip"ay tru$ture4' (aed on

    o$$upan$y& the N() o! *ndia $"ai!ie bui"ding into nine group !rom 5roup A to 5roup

    6' (aed upon the tru$ture& it $an be either "oad bearing or !ramed or a $ombination o!


    0$/ OB3ECTI*E

    The proje$t $on$ern with the p"anning ana"yi 3 deign o! mu"titory bui"ding +5780

    whi$h wi"" ha#e eminar room& adminitrati#e o!!i$e& departmenta" "ibrary 3 ome

    "aboratorie o! the $omputer $ien$e 3 engineering department' The propoed ite i the

    "and in !ront o! the M'M'S $omp"e2 with a p"ot area o! 19// m:' The propoed tru$ture i


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    !ramed tru$ture 3 ha been deigned in a$$ordan$e with the pro#iion o! *'S )ode'

    The ana"yi 3 deign o! the ;-< !rame ha been per!ormed by STA

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Fig$ 0$/$ %lan ie6 of "he '#il!ing ,CAD-


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Fig $ 0$4$ Fron" ie6 of "he '#il!ing


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Fig $0$2$ Si!e ie6 of "he '#il!ing



    /$0 GENERAL

    A bui"ding may be either "oad bearing or !ramed tru$ture or a $ombination o!

    both' 5enera""y the "oad bearing bui"ding are ued up to three torey' (eyond thi

    !ramed tru$ture are pre!erred be$aue o! weight and trength et$' ?ow rie !ramed

    tru$ture are made o! R')' e"ement@ where a high rie tru$ture ue tee" a !raming

    ytem' Stee" !rame are ued !or ky-$raper but !or norma" high rie bui"ding&

    rein!or$ed $on$rete !rame are ued' (oth thee type are ad#antageou o#er ordinary

    bri$k or tone $ontru$tion a the "oad are redu$ed $oniderab"y'

    Rein!or$ed $on$rete bui"ding $onit o! "ab& beam and $o"umn $ontinuou"y

    p"a$ed to !orm a rigid tru$ture' Thi $ontinuou ytem "ead to greater redundan$y&

    redu$ed moment and ditribute the "oad more e#en"y' The e!!e$t o! horionta" "oad

    u$h a wind and earthquake are pread o#er the who"e tru$ture in$reaing it a!ety

    $oniderab"y' The !"oor i upported on the beam whi$h may be dire$t"y upported on

    $o"umn or on beam whi$h are then upported on $o"umn'

    A bui"ding !rame i a three dimeniona" i'e' a pa$e tru$ture' *t $an be idea"ied

    a a ytem o! inter$onne$ted two-dimeniona" #erti$a" !rame' The !rame $an be o"#ed

    independent"y i'e' a a p"ane !rame or a pa$e !rame' The degree o! a$$ura$y to whi$h a


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    tru$tura" ana"yi i $arried out depend upon the importan$e o! the tru$ture' A wide

    range o! approa$he ha#e been ued !or bui"ding o! #ariou height and importan$e&

    !rom imp"e appro2imate method to $omp"e2 te$hnique uing $omputer'

    (ui"ding are deigned keeping the !o""owing in mind@

    S"reng"h)The tru$ture hou"d be ab"e to a!e"y reit the tree indu$ed in a"" the

    member due to impoed "oad whi$h in$"ude dead "oad o! tru$ture& "i#e "oad and

    horionta" "oad i'e' wind "oad and earthquake "oad'

    S"a'ili"y)The tru$ture and it part hou"d be a!e !rom o#erturning& "iding or bu$k"ing

    under the a$tion o! the abo#e mentioned "oad'

    Sericea'ili"y)The tru$ture hou"d per!orm ati!a$tori"y under er#i$e "oad $ondition

    i'e' hou"d be ab"e to meet it purpoe !or whi$h it i bui"t during er#i$e "i!e' *! the

    tru$ture !ai" to meet any +or a $ombination0 o! the obje$ti#e abo#e& then the tru$ture i

    $onidered to ha#e !ai"ed' Apart !rom the three obje$ti#e abo#e two more !a$tor are

    $onidered by deigner' They are E$onomy and aetheti$' (y e$onomy we mean that

    the tru$ture hou"d be worth it pri$e by the er#i$e it pro#ide' One $an a"way deign

    a mai#e tru$ture& whi$h ha more than adequate trength& tabi"ity& 3 er#i$eabi"ity&

    but the enuring $ot o! the tru$ture may be e2$ei#e and the end produ$t !ar !rom



  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005



    The "oad in a bui"ding tru$ture are tran!erred to a ground through a ytem o!

    inter$onne$ted member' Bho"e mot !rame are deigned to $arry #erti$a" "oad@ $ertain

    !rame in bui"ding are deigned to $arry horionta" "oad more e!!e$ti#e"y' A tru$tura"

    ytem may be $"ai!ied a "oad bearing wa"" ytem& bui"ding with !"e2ura" wa"" ytem&

    Moment reiting !rame ytem& !"e2ura" wa""& dua" !rame ytem& Spa$e !rame 3 Tube


    A brie! de$ription about the abo#e ytem i preented be"ow'

    /$/$0 Loa! 'earing 6all 5y5"e()

    *n thi type o! tru$ture no $o"umn pro#ided' The wa"" pro#ide upport !or a""

    gra#ity "oad a we"" a reitan$e to "atera" "oad' The wa"" and partition wa"" upp"y in-

    p"ane "atera" ti!!ne and tabi"ity to reit wind and earthquake "oading' Su$h tru$tura"

    ytem are retri$ted !or bui"ding up to ; torey in eimi$ one C and 8 tore in other


    /$/$/ B#il!ing5 6i"h fle8#ral ,Shear- 6all 5y5"e()


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    The gra#ity "oad i $arried primari"y by a !rame upported on $o"umn rather than

    bearing wa""' Some minor portion o! the gra#ity "oad $an be $arried on bearing wa"" but

    the amount o $arried hou"d not repreent more than a !ew per$ent o! the bui"ding area'

    The reitan$e to "atera" "oad i pro#ided by non-bearing !"e2ura" wa"" o! bra$ed !rame'

    Bhi"e there i no requirement to pro#ide "atera" reitan$e in the #erti$a" "oad reitan$e

    !rame& it i trong"y re$ommended that nomina" moment reitan$e be in$orporated in

    the #erti$a" "oad !rame deign' The #erti$a" "oad !rame pro#ide a nomina" e$ondary "ine

    o! de!ene e#en though a"" required "atera" !or$e are reited by other !rame' The

    preen$e o! a !rame $an pro#ide #erti$a" tabi"ity to the bui"ding and pre#ent $o""apea!ter damage to the !"e2ura" wa"" or bra$ed !rame' The !rame a"o a$t to tie the bui"ding

    together and reditribute the "atera" !or$e to undamaged e"ement o! the "atera" !or$e

    reiting ytem'

    :':';' Mo(en" Re5i5"ing fra(e 5y5"e()

    *t i a ytem in whi$h member and joint are $apab"e o! reiting #erti$a" and

    "atera" "oad primari"y by !"e2ura"' To qua"i!y !or a repone redu$tion !a$tor R>& the

    !rame hou"d be detai"ed $on!orming to *S% 1;.:/-1..; to pro#ide du$ti"ity e2$ept in

    eimi$ one **' *n a moment reitan$e !rame& re"ati#e ti!!ne o! girder and $o"umn i

    a #ery important' A !rame may be deigned uing weak column-strong girderproportion

    orstrong columns-weak girderproportion' A p"ati$ hinge wi"" !orm either at the end o!

    a $o"umn or a girder depending upon whi$h i weaker' *t i ob#iou that a !rame with

    weak girder- trong $o"umn proportion i more tab"e and there!ore& high"y deirab"e'


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    /$/$2 Fle8#ral ,Shear- 6all 5y5"e()

    *t i a rein!or$ed $on$rete wa"" deigned to reit "atera" !or$e para""e" to the p"ane

    o! the wa"" and detai"ed to pro#ide du$ti"ity $on!orming to *S% 1;.:/-1..;' The

    *nternationa" (ui"ding )ode o! Ameri$a *() :/// permit the ue o! !"e2ura" +Shear0

    wa"" ytem up to a height o! about 8> m' Howe#er it $an be ued up to a height o! ,/ m&i! and on"y i!& !"e2ura" wa"" in any p"ane do not reit more than ;;F o! the earthquake

    deign !or$e in$"uding torion e!!e$t' The purpoe i to enure that ea$h o! thee !our or

    more !"e2ura" wa"" are in di!!erent p"ane and pa$ed adequate"y throughout the p"an or

    on the perimeter o! the bui"ding in u$h a way that the premature !ai"ure o! a ing"e wa""

    or !rame wou"d "ead to e2$ei#e ine"ati$ torion'

    :':'> D#al fra(e 5y5"e()

    A dua" !rame i a tru$tura" ytem with the !o""owing !eature%

    A moment reiting !rame pro#iding upport !or gra#ity "oad'

    Reitan$e to "atera" "oad i pro#ided by %-

    1' A pe$ia""y detai"ed moment reiting !rame +$on$rete or tee"0 whi$h

    i $apab"e o! reiting at "eat :>F o! the bae hear in$"uding torion


    :' ="e2ura" wa""& that i& hear wa"" or bra$ed !rame mut reit the

    tota" required "atera" !or$e in a$$ordan$e with re"ati#e ti!!ne


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    $onidering the intera$tion o! the wa"" and the !rame a a ing"e

    ytem' Thi ana"yi mut $onider the re"ati#e ti!!ne o! the

    tru$tura" e"ement and torion e!!e$t in the ytem' The de!ormation

    impoed upon the member o! the by the intera$tion with !"e2ura" wa""

    or bra$ed !rame mut a"o be $onidered' The e!!e$t o! higher mode

    $ou"d be quite igni!i$ant !or the deign o! !"e2ura" wa"" in the upper

    torey' The purpoe o! the :>F !rame i to pro#ide a e$ondary

    de!ene ytem with higher degree o! redundan$y and du$ti"ity in

    order to impro#e the abi"ity o! the bui"ding to upport the er#i$e "oada!ter earthquake'

    :':'9 S9ace fra(e)

    *t i a three dimeniona" tru$tura" ytem without hear or bearing wa""

    $ompoed o! inter$onne$ted member "atera""y upported o a to !un$tion a a $omp"ete

    e"! $ontained unit with or without the aid o! horionta" diaphragm or !"oor bra$ing


    :':', T#'e Sy5"e()

    A tru$tura" ytem $oniting o! $"oe"y pa$ed e2terior $o"umn tied at ea$h

    !"oor "e#e" with re"ati#e"y deep pandre" beam' Thu it $reate the e!!e$t o! a ho""ow

    $on$rete tube per!orated by opening !or the window' The e2terior $o"umn are

    genera""y pa$ed between 1':> to ;'/ m' The pandre" beam inter$onne$ting the $"oe"y

    pa$ed $o"umn ha#e a depth #arying !rom 9/$m to 1':> m and width #arying !rom :>

    $m to 1'/ m' Su$h a bui"ding ha a #ery high moment o! inertia about the two orthogona"


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    a2e in p"an a we"" a torion ti!!ne about the #erti$a" a2i' Su$h a ytem i #ery

    e!!e$ti#e in $ontro""ing "atera" dip"a$ement in #ery ta"" bui"ding' Thi $on$ept wa

    de#e"oped in ear"y 1.9/G !or the 8; torey

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    : 1/; :/8 ;/

    > or more 8/

    /$4$4 La"eral loa!5

    ?atera" "oad $an be due to wind and earthquake'

    A brie! de$ription about thee "oad are gi#en be"ow%

    :';';'1 Bind "oad%

    Bind "oad i a phenomenon' The wind peed depend upon e#era" !a$tor u$h

    a% denity o! obtru$tion in the terrain& ie o! gut& return period and probab"e "i!e o!

    tru$ture et$'

    The wind "oad in *S% D,>-1.D,+Part ;0 are baed on two $onideration%

    1' The tatiti$a" and probabi"iti$ approa$h to the e#a"uation o! the

    wind "oad and


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    k; "o$a" topography !a$tor

    The deign wind preure pin NIm:at any height abo#e mean ground "e#e" i gone by

    the rea$tion%

    p /'9 C :

    Bhere C deign wind peed in mI at height

    :';';': Earthquake "oad%Earthquake $aue random motion o! ground whi$h $an be reo"#ed in any

    mutua""y perpendi$u"ar dire$tion' Thi motion $aue tru$ture to #ibrate' The #ibration

    intenity o! ground e2pe$ted at any "o$ation depend upon the magnitude o! earthquake&

    the depth o! !o$u& ditan$e !rom the epi$enter and the trata on whi$h the Stru$ture

    tand' The predominant dire$tion o! the #ibration i horionta"'

    The !o""owing aumption ha"" be made in the earthquake reitan$e

    deign o! tru$ture

    1 Earthquake $aue impu"i#e ground motion whi$h i $omp"e2 and irregu"ar in

    $hara$ter& $hanging in period and amp"itude ea$h "ating !or ma"" duration' There!ore&

    reonan$e o! the type a #iua"ied under teady tate inuoida" e2$itation wi"" not

    o$$ur a it wou"d need time to bui"d up u$h amp"itude'

    : Earthquake i not "ike"y to o$$ur imu"taneou"y with wind or ma2 !"ood or ma2

    ea wa#e'


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    ; The #a"ue o! e"ati$ modu"u o! materia"& where#er required& may be taken a !or

    tati$ ana"yi un"e a more de!inite #a"ue i a#ai"ab"e !or ue in u$h $ondition'

    /$4$2 %er(i55i'le Increa5e in S"re55e5 an! Loa! Fac"or5)

    :';'8'1 Permiib"ein$reae in materia" tree%

    Bhene#er earthquake !or$e are $onidered a"ong with other norma"

    deign !or$e& the permiib"e tree in materia"& in the e"ati$ method o! deign& may

    be in$reaed by one third' Howe#er& !or tee" ha#ing a de!inite yie"d tre& the tre $anbe "imited to yie"d tre@ !or tee" without de!inite yie"d point& the tree wi"" be

    "imited to D/F o! the u"timate trength or /': F proo! tre whi$he#er i ma""er'

    :';'8': ?oad !a$tor%

    Bhene#er earthquake !or$e are $onidered a"ong with other norma"

    deign !or$e& the !o""owing !or$e may be adopted'

    =or u"timate deign o! tee" Stru$ture%

    J? 1'8 +

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    :';'8'; Permiib"e in$reae in A""owab"e bearing preure o! the oi"%

    Bhen earthquake !or$e are in$"uded the permiib"e in$reae in a""owab"e

    bearing preure o! oi" ha"" be gi#en in the $ode +*S% 1D.;- 1.D8@ tab"e-10& depending

    upon the type o! !oundation o! the tru$ture'

    :'8 CODES USED

    Cariou "eading nation ha#e !ormu"ated their own Nationa" (ui"ding )ode whi$h

    "ay down the guide"ine !or the deign a we"" a the $ontru$tion o! tru$ture in their

    $ountrie' Thee $ode ha#e e#o"#ed !rom the $o""e$ti#e widom o! tru$tura" engineer

    gained o#er the year and are ti"" e#o"#ing' (ui"ding $ode are de#e"oped& $hanged and

    en!or$ed !or one main reaon K a!ety' The #ariou $ode ued in thi proje$t are "ited a


    a0 *S 8>9% :/// - )ode o! pra$ti$e !or p"ain and rein!or$ed $on$rete'

    b0 *S D,>% 1.D, - )ode o! pra$ti$e !or the deign "oad !or bui"ding and


    Part 1%

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005



    There are three deign phi"oophie whi$h ha#e been ued !or the deign o!

    rein!or$ed $on$rete tru$ture #i working tre method& J"timate "oad method& ?imit

    ate method'

    At preent the *S 8>9 re$ommend the ue o! "imit tate method o! deign' Howe#er it haa"o retained the working tre method o! deign'

    A brie! introdu$tion about thee theorie i preented be"ow%

    /$:$0 7or;ing S"re55 Me"ho!

    Thi i a traditiona" method o! deigning rein!or$ed $on$rete' *t i baed on the

    prin$ip"e that the permiib"e tre !or the $on$rete and tee" i not being e2$eeded

    anywhere in the tru$ture in the wort $ombination o! working "oad $ondition' Auming

    that both the materia" obey HookG "aw the e$tion i deigned in a$$ordan$e with the

    e"ati$ theory o! bending'

    *S K :/// ue a !a$tor o! a!ety equa" to ; on the :D day $ube trength to obtain the

    permiib"e $omprei#e tre in bending in $on$rete and equa" to 1',D on the yie"d

    trength o! tee" in tenion to obtain the permiib"e teni"e in rein!or$ement' The

    idea"ied tre and train diagram are hown be"ow%


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    /$:$/ Ul"i(a"e loa! (e"ho!

    Thi method ue "oad !a$tor to in$reae the working "oad to obtain u"timate "oad

    and in$"ude the non-"inear beha#ior o! $on$rete' Stru$ture i deigned to reit the

    deired u"timate "oad' BhitneyG u"timate theory i baed on the aumption that the

    u"timate train in $on$rete i /';F and the $omprei#e tre at the e2treme !iber o! the

    e$tion $orrepond to thi train' The idea"ied tre and train diagram are hown









    d9% :/// baed on

    boundary $ondition'

    The two way "ab are di#ided in midd"e trip and edge trip and deigned


    *n our preent proje$t& on"y !our o! thee "ab ha#e been en$ountered' They are hown in

    the !igure gi#en be"ow%


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Thee !our "ab $an be denoted a !o""ow%

    1' Two adja$ent edge di$ontinuou S0

    :' One "ong edge di$ontinuou S/

    ;' One hort edge di$ontinuou S4

    8' *nterior pane" S2

    =urther ea$h type o! "ab ha been ubdi#ided baed on their ie'

    De"ailing of 5la'

    The bottom rein!or$ement hou"d e2tend up to /':>? o! a $ontinuou edge or

    /'1>? o! a di$ontinuou edge' *t i re$ommended that a"ternate bar +bottom

    tee"0 hou"d e2tend !u""y into the upport'

    The negati#e rein!or$ement at the $ontinuou upport hou"d be ditributed

    uni!orm"y in the edge trip' At "eat >/F o! thee bar hou"d e2tend to a ditan$e

    Two adja$ent edgedi$ontinuou


    One "ong edgedi$ontinuou


    One hort edgedi$ontinuou


    *nterior pane"S0

    Fig$ /$2$ Sla' Cla55ifica"ion


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    o! /';? !rom the !a$e o! the $ontinuou upport& on either ide' The remaining

    bar may be $urtai"ed at a ditan$e o! /'1>? !rom the !a$e o! the $ontinuou


    To a!e guard againt poib"e negati#e moment at a di$ontinuou edge due to

    partia" !i2ity the $ode re$ommend that top tee" area equa" to >/F o! that o! the

    bottom tee" at mid pan +in the ame dire$tion0 hou"d be pro#ided e2tending

    o#er a "ength o! /'1?

    At&27i! both edge meeting at the $orner are di$ontinuou'

    :' /';,> At&27i! one o! the edge i di$ontinuou'

    ;' No rein!or$ement !or interna" $orner'

    /$?$/ BEAMS

    Thee are the bai$a""y !"e2ura" member on whi$h the "ab ret' The beam& are in

    turn upported on $o"umn to whi$h they tranmit the "oad' (eam $an ha#e quare&

    re$tangu"ar or !"anged +T or ?-haped0 $ro-e$tion' Bith repe$t to the rein!or$ement

    pro#ided beam $an be ing"y rein!or$ed or doub"y rein!or$ed' =or the deign o! beam

    we ued Staad Pro +Cerion ://80' =irt the impoed "oad are tran!erred to the #ariou

    !rame in the bui"ding manua""y& a!ter deigning the "ab in the #ariou !"oor' The yie"d


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    "ine theory i ued to $a"$u"ate the ditribution o! dead a we"" a the "i#e "oad $oming on

    to ea$h beam !rom the "ab'

    /$?$4 COLUMNS

    Thee are the #erti$a" ke"eta" tru$tura" e"ement whi$h may be re$tangu"ar&

    quare& $ir$u"ar et$' in their $ro-e$tiona" hape' The ie o! the e$tion i go#erned by

    e!!e$ti#e "ength o! the $o"umn and "oad a$ting on it& whi$h in turn depend on the type

    !"oor ytem& pa$ing o! $o"umn& number o! torey et$' The $o"umn i genera""y

    deigned to reit a2ia" $ompreion $ombined with Jni-a2ia" or (i-a2ia" bending

    moment that are indu$ed by !rame a$tion' *t i a"o ad#iab"e to redu$e the unupported

    "ength o! the $o"umn by pro#iding appropriate tie beam- otherwie they may ha#e to be

    deigned a "ender $o"umn'

    ie"d "ine theory in two way "ab


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005



    )reating the tru$tura" geometry% the !rame i $reated !rom the gi#en tru$tura"

    p"ane area o! the ea$h !"oor' Ea$h e"ement o! the !rame i $a""ed a member' And

    the joint o! the !rame i $a""ed a node in STAA< Pro'

    Aigning the member property% The aumed dimenion o! the member i

    aigned to ea$h member by e"e$ting the member'

    Support )ondition% The $ondition o! upport u$h a pinned& !i2ed& ro""er i aign

    to the node' *n our $ae on"y !i2ed $ondition wa en$ounter'

    ?oading% A!ter aigning the upport $ondition to the node the di!!erent "oad i

    app"ied to ea$h member'

    Running the ana"yi and deign% A!ter aigning a"" the $ondition the !rame i

    ana"yed by per!orming ana"yi $ommand !rom the !i"e menu'

    Output% The output o! the ana"yi i dire$t"y #iewed !rom the #iew output

    $ommand' The output wi"" be in the !orm o! upport rea$tion& mid pan moment&

    end moment& hear !or$e et$' a we"" a the e$tion dimenion and the

    rein!or$ement pro#ided'


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005




    %lan 6i"h Di(en5ion5 Thep"an i generated baed upon p"otting o! the node !rom join 1 to 8:9'The ;-< mode" o! the propoed tru$ture i hown in !ig ;'1


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Fig 4$0 4

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Fig 4$4$ I(9o5e! loa!

    Analy5i5 S#((ary,DLLL-

    Tab"e ;':

    4$/$/ DL LL co('ina"ion

    The a"ternate "oading o! di!!erent pane" ha#e been aumed depending upon the

    o$$upan$y o! di!!erent habitat in bui"ding !or intan$e the adminitrati#e o!!i$e& "ibrary&

    $orridor wi"" a"way be under impoed "oad wherea many a time !a$u"ty room& tore

    room et$' may not be "oaded'


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Fig $ 4$2 Al"erna"e 9anel loa!ing of "he 4

    Fig $ 4$:$ Al"erna"e loa!ing a" 05" an! 4r! floor


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Fig $4$= Al"erna"e Loa!ing a" /n!floor

    Analy5i5 S#((ary,DLAL-Tab"e ;';


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    4$/$4 DL LL 7L

    7in! loa! calc#la"ion

    (ai$ Bind Speed !or A""ahabad Cb 8,mI

    1& Probabi"ity =a$torI Rik =a$tor 1

    :& Terrain 3 Sie o! the tru$ture 1'/>

    +Terrain $ategory : 3 (ui"ding )"a ( 3 Height 1, m0

    ;& Topography !a$tor 1';9

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    4$/$2 DLLL7L, Direc"ion-

    Fig$ 4$? DLLL7L, Direc"ion-

    Analy5i5 S#((ary,DLLL7L ,8 !irec"ion--Tab"e ;'8


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    4$/$: DL LL 7L ,

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    4$/$= DL LL EL

    Ear"h#a;e loa! calc#la"ion5

    U Seimi$ ?oad o! the Stru$ture 81,:/'9:>kN

    U Height o! the Stru$ture 1,'> m

    U No o! Storey +n0 >

    U B1 D9D;':>kN

    U B1 B: B; B8 Seimi$ wt o! ea$h !"oor

    U Seimi$ "oad o! roo! 9.D,'9:> kN

    a$ For Calc#la"ion of 'a5e 5hear

    Earthquake Vone ***

    V '19

    * 1'>

    R ;

    T '/D>h'/,> +!or h 1,'> m0

    T ',:, e$

    Soi" type ** +medium oi"0

    SaIg :'/

    Ah horionta" Seimi$ )oe!!i$ient I: SaIg *IR

    Ah '/D

    Cb Ah B

    Cb ;;;,'9> kN


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    '$ Di5"ri'#"ion of 'a5e Shear on "he fra(e

    i ,*' 7i hi/-H,6i hi/-

    W1 99'>. kN

    W: :99';D kN

    W; >..';9 kN

    W8 1/9>'>> kN

    W> 1;;.',D kN

    4$/$? DL LL EL , !irec"ion-

    Fig 4$ DLLLEL, Direc"ion-


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Analy5i5 S#((ary,DLLLEL ,8 !irec"ion-

    Tab"e ;'>

    4$/$@ DLLLEL ,

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Analy5i5 S#((ary,DLLLEL ,

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Analy5i5 S#((ary,DLLLEL ,> !irec"ion--

    Tab"e ;',

    4$/$01 DLLLEL , !irec"ion-

    Fig 4$0/ DLLLEL , !irec"ion-


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Analy5i5 S#((ary,DLLLEL , !irec"ion--

    Tab"e ;'D


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005



    2$0 GENERAL*n thi $hapter the deign and detai"ing o! !ew e"e$ted e"ement are preented'

    2$/ SLAB The deign o! three di!!erent type o! "ab a hown in !ig 8'1 are preented'

    Fig $2$0 Cla55ifica"ion of Sla'

    Ty9e 0 ) T6o 7ay 4 e!ge5 !i5con"in#o#5 an! one e!ge



  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Ty9e 0J) T6o e!ge5 !i5con"in#o#5 an! "6o e!ge5


    Ty9e / ) One 6ay 5la'

    2$4 SLAB< TY%E 0

    Thi$kne o! the "ab/'1:m'

    ?2>'1:m& ?y>'1:m'

    (2 /'/8;



    S"ab dead "oad ; knIm:'

    Superimpoed "oad;knIm:

    =a$tored "oad 1'>9.knIm:'

    M2 /'/8;. +>'1:0:1/'1> kn-mIm +at mid pan0

    M2 -1;'88kn-mIm +at edge0

    My /'/8;.>'1:: 1/'1>kn-mIm'

    A1+/';9;/1////'8D1:/0I+/'D,81>01,::'., mm:Im'

    So pro#ide 19 -1:X bar at 9/mm $I$ pa$ing'

    KE!ge reinforce(en" ,!i5con"in#o#5-

    Minimum rein!or$ement /'1:F/'1:1:/1///188mm:'

    So ue D mm bar at 1//mm $I$'

    KCorner reinforce(en"


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    0 A" !i5con"in#o#5 corner


    So pro#ide 1, -1/X bar at 9/ mm $I$ a"ong both pan 'Pro#ide in 8 "ayer'

    / A" con"in#o#5 corner


    So pro#ide D K 1/X bar at 1:/ mm $I$ a"ong both pan in 8 "ayer'

    2$2 SLAB TY%E II

    One 6ay 5la'


    ='*'?1'>;8'> knIm

    Tota" dead "oad 8'>>::'> kn'

    Tota" impoed "oad 8'>>::'> kn'


    So moment at E :/'9:> kn-m

  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    So tota" moment at ( :;',>'

    Moment at =::'>> +1I1971I1:019'81'

    So then :;',>1/9/'D,81>At +.1-81>AtI+;/1///00

    /'/991/9.1AtK /'/1;DAt:'

    At Y.17-Z[+.1:0 K 8 +/'/990 +/'/1;D1/90\]I+:/'/1;D0'

    Atb D:.',1 mm:Im'

    Ate ,:/'>8 mm:Im

    At! >,;':. mm:Im'

    At point (

    Pro#ide D -1: X bar at 1:> mm $I$

    At point E

    Pro#ide , -1: X bar at 18/ mm $I$

    At point =

    Pro#ide > - 1: X bar at :// mm $I$'

    Temperature rein!or$ement

    /'1>1:/1//1D/ mm:Im

    So pro#ide 8 K D X bar at :>/ mm $I$'


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005



    The detai"ing o! di!!erent "ab deigned are preented in !ig' 8': to 8'8

    Fig 2$/ Sla' De"ailing Ty9e 0


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    The tran#ere and "ongituna" rein!or$ement $an be $a"$u"ated imi"ar"y a !or type -1

    "ab with $hange in moment $o!!e$ient

    Fig 2$4 Sla' corner !e"ailing of Sla' "y9e 0J


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Fig 2$2 Ty9e / Sla' !e"ailing


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005



    :$0 BEAM 0


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    :$/ BEAM /


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    :$4 BEAM 4


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005



    Fig :$0%lan


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    Fig $:$/ Elea"ion


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005




    =$0$0 E8"erior col#(n !e5ign

    PJ81D/'D: N

    MJ:;:'11 kn-m


    1' emin ;>//I>//78>/I;/::mm:' emin:/mm

    Now eemin but "ie within the e$tion '

    eI< >>':,I8>//'1:^/'>


    Short $o"umn___'


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005


    PJI!$kb/8>/I1//D1//mm: (So provide 26 no of bars of 20 mm dia.)

    =$0$/ In"erirr col#(n !e5ign




    1 emin:: mm

    : emin:/ mm'

    eemin but "ie within the e$tion

    eI< >,',/I8>//'1;^/'>


    Short $o"umn___'


  • 8/10/2019 Multistory Framed Structure 2005
