Multi-Channel Marketing - Sterling Kilgore

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Transcript of Multi-Channel Marketing - Sterling Kilgore

Cal Poly State University • San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 • Phone 805.756.2645 • Fax 805.756.2733

G r a p h i c C o m m u n i c a t i o n I n s t i t u t e

Multi-Channel MarketingHow to Create, Design and Implement a

Multi-Channel Marketing Campaign from Start to Finish

A white paperprepared for



Professor Michael Blum Graphic Communication Department

Cal Poly State University San Luis Obispo CA 93407


UNDERSTANDING MULTI-CHANNEL MARKETING TODAY HAS BECOME A requirement for printers, publishers, advertising professionals, and the clients they serve. It begins with the data: having a good system to manage information about

customers and prospects including their buying habits and preferences. Examining the data stored about customers can help in developing a marketing concept which is personalized. That personalized content can be incorporated into print and on-line marketing channels which help reinforce each other.

This paper is designed as a step-by-step instruction guide to help you understand the basic steps in multi-channel marketing, using examples of how to do this along the way.

Managing the DataDatabase management is a critical part of any multi-channel marketing effort. The data may be provided to your or your customer in a variety of formats and may need to be consolidated and organized in order to make it truly useful. Combining information from a variety of databases helps leverage the information to provide new uses for it.

In its simplest form a database is merely a structured collection of information organized into one or more tables, each of which should ideally describe one entity — for example one table for customers, one for products, one for orders, etc.

Each table is divided into fields and records which may easily be visualized as a series of rows and columns similar to a spreadsheet. Fields provide a label for each column of data — for example name, size, part number, etc., while records contain the actual data. A single record typically consists of multiple fields.

A flat file or database consists of just one table while a relational database consists of multiple tables which are related to each other through a key field, often something like a phone number, customer ID, SKU, or similar unique identifier. Relational databases are more difficult to work with and understand but they provide some important benefits including better data integrity and improved efficiency.

What software should be used to manage the data?Although spreadsheets are mainly designed for working with numbers, they are also commonly used to manage data, especially mailing lists. Spreadsheets are especially useful for transferring data between different programs, particularly when using the Comma Separated Values (CSV) format. CSV files usually contain a header row listing the names of each field; each subsequent line in the file is a single record and ends with a return. Field values are separated by commas.


There are several inherent problems in trying to manage data in a spreadsheet: if a cell is deleted and the user permits the program to shift other cells either up or to the left, the data will change and become corrupted. The result of this problem could easily be a mailer sent to a list of recipients with last names changed to city names. Another problem has to do with incorrectly sorting spreadsheet rows or columns. Again the result of this could easily be corrupted data. Spreadsheets additionally have limited numbers of rows and columns available to the user which can be a problem in larger projects.

Shifted cells can change data

Incorrect sorting can change data

As a result of the various limitations to spreadsheets, database software is preferred for multi-channel marketing work. Two database management programs which are popular today are Microsoft Access (part of Office for Windows) and the user-friendly program FileMaker Pro (available for both Windows and Macintosh). This type of software makes it easy to manage data, allows it to be imported from a variety of sources, and exported for use in other ways.

An example database for Mooncents CoffeeLet’s assume that we are in the process of preparing a multi-channel marketing campaign for Mooncents Coffee (an imaginary new competitor to Starbuck’s). With FileMaker Pro we can quickly create a flat database to manage the company’s coffee club members by simply creating a new database and adding fields for whatever information we wish to track. In addition to the basics such as first and last name, address, phone number, e-mail and age it might be helpful to track which customers prefer fat-free beverages or like caffeine; we can also track how long they’ve been a member of the coffee club. The more fields we can track the better because these can be used to create highly personalized communications which can target each customer one-to-one.


This system can be made more robust by adding additional tables and creating relationships between them — in other words expanding our basic flat file into a relational database. With a relational structure, once we capture a customer’s name or address or the various flavors of coffee sold by Mooncents or any other information, that should never need to be re-entered, regardless of how we use it in the future. The various tables relate to each other through key fields.

The data to fill in the individual records for all of these fields can be gathered and input in a variety of ways as our system develops. Some, such as store information or coffee types, can simply be entered into the database by employees. The database can be kept more accurate if it is designed to automatically validate the information as it is entered. For example we can require that only numeric data is entered where appropriate, that certain fields must always be filled in, or that some fields contain unique data that is not used in other records (such as a customer ID or store name).


Capturing data from web sitesIn addition to manual data entry, web-enabled data entry can be used so that customers are able to fill out forms on-line. FileMaker Pro provides a variety of methods to allow web entry of data, ranging from “Instant Web Publishing” which can be enabled with 3 clicks; a PHP solution deployed on a FileMaker server and which is made easy through the use of a “site wizard”; and various custom web publishing approaches which require programming in order to implement. For more information on how to do this, see:

Customer data might be available from a variety of internal and external sources including commercially available lists. All of these sources may be integrated into the database by importing them. Often the data to be imported is saved in the CSV format. Care must be taken when importing records to be sure that the imported data properly aligns with the existing records. For example in our Mooncents Coffee database the first field might be called “First Name” but we may wish to import records from a purchased list in which the third field is called “FNAME”. These represent the same data but the name and ordering are different, so we must properly map the import process in order to avoid corrupting our data by getting records out of order.


Cleansing the dataThe more information that can be aggregated about each customer, the more valuable the database grows for use in multi-channel marketing. But it is also common to find that some data is inaccurate and this can cause unnecessary costs and potentially hurt the relationship with customers. The data can be cleansed manually by reviewing each record and comparing it with others, for example to look for duplicate or undeliverable addresses. This process can be sped up through scripting and other automated tools. FileMaker Pro’s scripting utility known as ScriptMaker, can automate nearly every operation in FileMaker Pro.

For example, if you look closely at the data below on the left, it will appear that there could be duplicates records which would cause unnecessary mailers to be sent to the same household. But it takes careful analysis to determine which are really duplicates and which aren’t. For example it might seem that Eric & Susan Clark should get only one mailer since they share the same last name, live on the same street and in the same city. But their street address is different. Sue Cochrane & Wyatt Rogers live at the same address and street, but their city is different, so they each need their own mailer. And finally, Daniel & Sequoia Diringer share the same last name, address, street, and city, and can safely be counted as a duplicate which needs to be cleansed from the database. Using ScriptMaker, the process of making these decisions can be automated.

In addition to using FileMaker Pro or other database tools to clean the data, there are on-line services and specialized software tools designed to clean lists and eliminate duplicates, including making sure that e-mail addresses are properly formatted for delivery and that postal mailing addresses are correct and will be processed correctly.


Once the data has been entered, it can be viewed and edited on a web page or through the FileMaker Pro application’s interface. FileMaker Pro allows easy creation of customized layouts, reports, graphs and charts to display the data as desired.

The layout options in FileMaker Pro and similar database software provide a rich palette of tools to directly create personalized communications including print and PDF documents as well as personalized e-mail. These documents can easily alternate between static text and field data as desired, although they lack the flexibility, productivity, and power of specialized software, such as Printable’s FusionPro Desktop, which is designed specifically to create VDP documents.


Creating a Personalized VDP BrochureOne of the first steps in creating a personalized Variable Data Publishing brochure is to carefully examine any databases provided to you in order to determine which fields are available to help in creating a compelling personalized message. Based on the available fields, the message desired, the budget, available images, and press limitations, an effective design concept can be developed. In looking at the fields available above in our sample database, note that in addition to the basic information about each person, we also know their preferences for caffeinated beverages, whether they like fat-free beverages, their age, gender, when they joined the Mooncents Coffee Club, the date of their last visit, and how long they have been a member. We can select from these fields to create the concept for a variable data brochure which is highly personalized without being obvious about it.

Transparent personalizationInserting a first or last name in a document is easy but is not always the most effective way to convey a message. A more effective approach, known as transparent personalization, involves selecting text and graphics that enhances the message by personalizing them to the interests of the recipient based on the information in the database. In this way, the message can be personalized using images and text that represent previous orders, favorite colors, hobbies, or any other information that can be gleaned from the database.

In our example of the Mooncents Coffee club, we will make use of the recipient’s name and city to personalize the message, but will also note how long they have been a member; we will display an image of coffee either with cream or without cream, depending on their expressed preference for beverages; and we will offer various coupons to them, some static (everyone receiving the same coupon) and others personalized based on preferences expressed for caffeine or fat-free beverages. We will also add custom text based on the age of the recipient and a warning of risks associated with caffeine based on their gender. In addition to these personalized elements, our design concept will include some static text and images which will be the same for all recipients. The amount of variation in the finished product may be limited by the output device — some digital presses print more efficiently with fewer variable elements on the page or may limit the variable elements to certain parts of the page. The graphic designer should take this into account for best results.


VDP WorkflowThe following basic workflow stages are involved in nearly all VDP production projects, although their order may vary.

• Examine available databases and images• Clean up the data• Filter, sort & export records as needed• Create a marketing concept which incorporates the data• Account for press limitations in the concept• Adjust photos including cropping, retouching, & sizing• Find or create any needed illustrations• Create page layouts• Import data, build rules, and assemble variable document• Proof finished documents on screen• Transfer files and submit for output• Check printed sheets• Bind and process to meet postal requirements• Convert & save for future use

Exporting the RecordsWhen exporting the records, it is important to include all fields which may be needed for production. In a relational database, some of the required fields may be located in a related table — these fields must be exported as part of the process in order to be able to use them. While the data may reside in a relational database, in order to make use of it most VDP software requires it to be converted to a flat file and saved in a compatible format such as CSV.


Preparing photos and illustrationsThe VDP software will determine what file formats are compatible. In the case of Printable’s FusionPro, a wide variety of popular illustration and photo formats are supported, including native Photoshop and Illustrator. An important consideration is the final size, resolution, and cropping of the images. Most VDP software provides controls which allow the user to crop and scale images automatically as pages are created. However, this can result in unpredictable results


and ineffective use of some images if the cropping is less than ideal. In order to prevent this and for best results, variable photos and illustrations should be sized, cropped, and rotated in their native applications so they are completely ready to be placed into the appropriate windows in the page layout application. This may involve a little more work up front but can result in a better finished product.

A tip in preparing images with Adobe Photoshop is to use the Cropping Tool with preset dimensions which agree with the final size on the page layout. For our Mooncents Coffee brochure, we would like to vary the image of a cup of coffee so that one version includes a creamer and the other does not. The layout calls for the variable images to be 4.5” x 3.75” at 300 pixels per inch — therefore each image is opened in Photoshop, cropped to these exact numbers and saved for later use in the variable document. This can quickly be done with the Cropping Tool using the desired preset dimensions.


Layout the pagesPrintable’s FusionPro supports working with both Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress for creating page layouts. Static elements can be properly positioned and all field and rule placeholders can be identified on the page layout before proceeding. Our example VDP brochure contains text fields which vary in context and rules which generate variable text and images as noted below. All other elements on the page are static and remain the same for each recipient. For example, each brochure has text that features different aspects of Mooncents Coffee. All recipients get the text “live music” while the text for fat-free beverages, caffeine, and age are determined by rules which evaluate the appropriate field value for each recipient and determine the appropriate text to include. Similarly, all recipients get a coupon for a free biscotti and $1.00 off any coffee while the coupons relating to fatfree and caffeine are determined by rules which evaluate the appropriate field values for each recipient and determine the appropriate image to include in the layout. These decisions would be made taking into consideration the available field data, the business requirements, graphic design, and other factors.

Dear NAME,

Thank you for your support of Mooncents Coffee! You have now been a XX-month member of our exclusive Coffee Club. This mailing and the inclosed special offers are our way to thank you for being a loyal customer.

Your Name, General Manager Mooncents, CITYNAME


live music

fat rule

caffeine rule

age rule

fatfree foto rule

US Postage PAID

Bulk Mail Permit 17

Mooncents Coffee15000 Dryroast DriveMooncents, Washington 54321


Special offers for NAME, loyal XX-month member of Mooncents Coffee Club

caffeine coupon rule

fatfree coupon rule

mf notice rule




Mooncents Coffee Mailer Layout

Duplex Printing on the Docucolor 2060

In Acrobat choose Compose from the FusionPro menu or select its icon on the FusionPro menubar or Steps. In the Input tab, set the Record Range as follows:

Moocents Coffee Mailers, From: 1 to 5GrC Prospect Mailers, From: 1 to 10

When Composition is done, View As PDF and carefully examine the results. Be sure you have the correct number of pages (including fronts and backs: 10 pages for the Mooncents Mailer and 20 pages for your GrC Prospect Mailer). If everything looks OK, in Acrobat selectFile > Print, choose the EPL DocuColor 2060. Set Printer Features to Finishing 1 and change Duplex to Head to Head. Print & fold in half.


As the layout is built, the designer identifies any text or graphic frames which will contain variable data using the appropriate palette in FusionPro and exports the finished layout document as a PDF so it can be opened in Adobe Acrobat Pro where the variable data is to be merged.

Use FusionPro to build a VDP document in AcrobatPrintable’s FusionPro provides a handy Steps palette for creating VDP documents in Adobe Acrobat Pro. While these steps will usually be followed in order, the user is free to complete them in any order that makes sense.


After the flat data file is imported from the database or spreadsheet, text and image resources are imported into the job. At that point rules can be built to determine when variable text and graphics will appear in the document. There are a variety of ways to build the rules, but the process is the same regardless: determine the possible field options and the associated text or image to be used. In our example, those customers who prefer caffeinated beverages will receive a coupon for a free espresso and those who don’t will receive a coupon for a decaf beverage. The appropriate rule links to the correct image in each case.

More complex rules can take into account nearly any condition based on information stored in the database. In our example, we would like to have different text appear based on the age of each customer — FusionPro makes it easy to build a rule for this.


This example publication requires 7 rules to provide the degree of transparent personalization desired for an effective part of a multi-channel marketing effort.

After the rules have been built, the variable text and graphic elements are added to the pages, either as text fields, text rules, or graphic rules. A variable text editor is used to select text frames and add fields and rules as well as to add character and paragraph formatting to these as desired.


To add graphic rules, the appropriate frames are drawn or they are simply selected if they were created in the original page layout application and properly exported as variable graphic frames. Any selected frame can have a graphic rule applied to it as well as a variety of options for scaling, positioning and cropping of the images. If the images were carefully sized and cropped in Photoshop to a standard frame size, these options won’t need to be selected as the graphic rules are applied.


Preview and composeAt this stage all static text and graphics should be in place as well as all variable text and graphics. However, prior to printing, the files should be previewed and validated. Unlike conventional graphic design, VDP design needs to account for long or short records, as these might create poor line breaks, text overflowing, and other problems. Ideally, each record should be validated on screen prior to printing. With long print runs, this may be impractical. Fortunately, Printable’s FusionPro provides an option to preview the longest and shortest record for any field to see the effects of the record’s particular data on the resulting output.

If problems show up during Preview, the layout can be adjusted as needed to resolve these. The composition stage processes the entire data file and results in a finished file ready for output. There are a variety of output formats possible — be sure to check with those responsible for the actual output to determine the preferred output format. Composition can also include imposition which makes optimum use of the press sheet by placing multiple images on one sheet in such a way that everything will be in the correct position after finishing operations. Printable’s FusionPro provides an imposition utility.


After composition our example VDP job is complete and each flyer has been personalized.


Personalized imagesThe automated creation of photographic images which incorporate personalized text elements has become relatively easy with new software packages designed exclusively for this purpose. The resulting images can be very creative and eye-catching and can enhance multi-channel marketing efforts. The software used to create such images can work independently of VDP page layout software or can be integrated with it. If the personalized images are created independently, a careful naming system is required in order to merge each personalized image with the correct record for the finished publication.

Printable’s FusionPro Expression provides a means of integrating the personalized images with completed VDP pages. Like other similar products, the user has two basic approaches to follow: select from pre-designed templates or create a custom image template from scratch. Creating custom templates can be time-consuming and typically requires experience with Photoshop in order to create effective templates.

Using pre-defined templates requires that an appropriate template be selected and added to the FusionPro project. The desired fields can be added to the personalized image template and merging with the variable data is completed on the fly as pages are composed. The result is an additional element of a multi-channel marketing campaign which is very likely to grab the attention of the reader. Personalized images can be used with VDP printed brochures, e-mail marketing, and PURLs.


QR CodesA rapidly growing system for connecting print to on-line resources is the QR code (Quick Response code). Publishers and marketers around the world are using QR codes to add value, track responses, and generate revenue. Incorporating a QR code in a printed publication gives the reader an opportunity to snap a picture of the code with a cel phone application which can then link to a URL, phone number, map, video, or other on-line content. Current research shows that when given a choice, a majority of users prefer using a QR code compared with manually entering a URL.

In order to add a QR code to a multi-channel marketing campaign, you must create the destination link. This might involve obtaining an appropriate web address, creating a video, a web landing page, or other desired content which supports the multi-channel campaign. The content must be uploaded to the desired server address. The current version of Printable’s FusionPro supports the creation of QR codes as part of a variable data publication. Analytics software from a variety of sources provides instant tracking of the responses. A good example of a tracking system is Google Analytics: Adding QR codes can provide a powerful link to other channels in a marketing campaign.

Mooncents Coffee Club

Scan this code for a free cup

of coffee!


E-mail marketingE-mail marketing is commonly done through either a specialized program designed for this purpose or a web-based solution (commonly known as a hosted solution, cloud computing, or SaaS — software as a service).

A relational database may still be used to manage the data, import it from multiple sources including web forms, and to cleanse the data as needed to make it more useful. Some database software, such as FileMaker Pro, includes e-mail capabilities which allow the user to generate and send mass e-mail blasts which are completely personalized using the available fields in the database.

Most commercial e-mail marketing solutions provide at least the following functions:

• e-mail list management• creation of HTML e-mail and access to e-mail templates• bulk e-mail sending• campaign tracking and management

A full list of e-mail marketing features and a comparison of popular solutions can be found at

E-mail marketing is a form of permission-based marketing in which messages are sent only to those who sign up for them. To insure that this is the case the leading solution providers have strict anti-spam policies.

Any e-mail marketing campaign must follow certain legal requirements spelled out by the Federal Trade Commission through a law known as the CAN-SPAM Act. CAN-SPAM is a law that sets the rules and requirements for commercial e-mail messages, gives recipients the right to opt-out, and spells out tough penalties for violations.

The basic requirements of CAN-SPAM are:

• don’t use false or misleading header information (“From” & “Reply-To” must be real) • don’t use deceptive subject lines• identify the message as an ad• tell recipients where you’re located (include a valid physical address or PO Box)• tell recipients how to opt-out of receiving future e-mail from you• honor opt-out requests promptly (within at least 10 days)• monitor what others are doing on your behalf (you may be liable for e-mail marketing

complaints related to what a company you hire does for you)


Some e-mail marketing solutions are closely integrated with other products. For example, Printable offers a personalized e-mail marketing option to its product line through ExactTarget which in turn can integrate an e-mail campaign with Twitter, Facebook and other social media channels.

Communications via e-mail must be carefully written to be useful. Most people receive too much e-mail and only read and respond to messages which are relevant, brief, to the point, and compelling. Before sending bulk e-mail it is important to edit messages to keep them concise, written using short sentences and with bullet points. When someone opens the message they should be able to grasp what it is about within 10 seconds or less.

E-mail marketing can provide an important marketing channel which can also direct customers to a company web site, PURL (Personalized URL), blog, twitter feed, Facebook page, etc., helping leverage the potential of the other channels.

PURLsPURLs are useful to direct a customer or prospect to a personalized web site or landing page where customized information can be displayed. Most system which generate PURLs provide tracking tools to let you instantly learn the response rates and improve your marketing plan based on customer behavior. PURLs can be included in printed VDP mailers as well as personalized e-mail messages.

Printable offers FusionPro Links which is a hosted solution for creating and managing PURLs to work in concert with its other personalized communications. An advantage of such solutions is that they eliminate one of the major problems with direct mail marketing — the lack of ability to quickly determine response rates and therefore the effectiveness of the campaign. Response management tools provide instant tracking of users who have clicked on a PURL and provide detailed reporting and statistical data on activities on the personalized microsites. This provides the ability to make changes to a campaign while it is progress.

Typically a graphic designer will create effective landing pages that support the marketing campaign and build these using software such as Adobe Dreamweaver. FusionPro Links allows the user to import CSV and similar data formats and generate PURLs, linking these to the appropriate web design. The personalized links can then be exported for use in other parts of the campaign, such as print and e-mail marketing. FusionPro Links also supports the ability to incorporate microsite surveys to gather information during the campaign’s duration.


Social media marketingSocial media marketing can significantly enhance the other channels of customer communication and interaction. These channels are relatively easy to set up, but do require staff time to monitor and manage them effectively. Four popular examples are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blogging. There are many other social media channels; for a comprehensive list see:

FacebookFacebook is one of the most popular and important social media channels. A business can maintain a professional presence on Facebook by creating an Official Facebook fan page and adding Facebook links to company web sites, blogs, and e-mails in order to make it easy for customers and prospects to follow their page on Facebook.

To get started, navigate to and create a personal account (or login using an existing personal account). Create an Official Facebook page for the desired business or service:

Only an authorized representative of the business can create an Official Page. That individual can then authorize additional people to update and help manage the company’s fan page. Next,


post appropriate information you wish to disseminate, including the latest news, products, and offers as well links to other media channels your company supports. To make it easy for customers and prospects to “follow you” on Facebook, add a badge with a link to your Official Page to your various other marketing channels. Information on linking badges can be found at

Once at least 30 people are following your Official Page, Facebook provides free access to an analytics tool called Facebook Insights which provides daily and historical data and graphs summarizing information about fans, including demographics, interactions, page views, click-throughs, etc.

Another method to generate traffic to your Official Facebook Page is through Facebook Ads which is described in more detail at

Recent research has shown that the most common reason people become fans of Facebook pages is to receive discounts and promotions. Accordingly, to continue to generate traffic and leverage other multi-channel marketing efforts, worthwhile content should be regularly posted on Facebook.


TwitterTwitter allows users to quickly publish updates with microblog posts of up to 140 characters. Creating and updating a Twitter account is easy to do. Begin by navigating to and set up a new account, and then enter a post you wish to publish. Because of the brevity of Twitter posts, long URLs are discouraged. Instead, create a web address and associated content to which you wish to drive traffic. Then go to and enter the full URL; the site generates a shortened URL suitable for posting on Twitter; copy this shortened URL and paste it into your post to link to coupons, special offers, or any other type of content you wish to publish. To make it easy for others to follow you on Twitter, post a link to your account using the format: To enhance this with an icon to your web site or e-mail, go to where you can select an icon and copy the associated code to past into your web site or e-mail.


YouTubeIn order to have a presence on, an account must be created and relevant video clips must be posted. Additional traffic can be generated by effectively describing and tagging the video clips and providing links to them through other channels such as blogs, web sites, e-mail blasts, and Twitter and Facebook posts. Youtube also has available a program of paid advertising which can be used to effectively increase your other multi-channel marketing efforts:


BloggingA well-crafted and updated blog (short for web log) can provide a forum for timely information and updates about products or services you wish to promote. It can also be an integral part of a cross-media marking strategy. Begin by selecting from the various hosting providers such as, or, then create a free account. Select an appropriate graphic theme and make selections about your blog such as whether anyone can post to it, whether you wish to allow your site feed to be posted on other web sites, and whether you want the ability to moderate comments. For a commercial blog, the ability to moderate comments is essential; as with any public forum, some type of review and filtering process needs to be used so that counter-productive or offensive posts are not allowed.

Recommendations for business blogs:

• create a company policy for blogging• tie your blogging into a marketing strategy• incorporate your personal perspective• don’t make this just a sales tool — comment about the marketplace in general• add useful links, including those to other marketing channels your company provides• comment on posts from your readers to make it a public conversation• only post when you have something interesting and worthwhile to add

ConclusionsFrom print, to e-mail, to PURLs, to the latest social media — there are many ways to reach current and prospective customers today. Each of these channels requires appropriate staffing and attention to detail in order to be effective. Each channel can reinforce the others and together they can provide a synergy which is greater than the sum of the parts.