Mu2 pushback and the impact it can have on your practice

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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The entire healthcare industry is abuzz with the news of the latest MU 2 timeline shift. But is there a reason for medical practices to cheer?

Transcript of Mu2 pushback and the impact it can have on your practice

Meaningful Use 2 Timeline Shift; What It Means For Your


Yet another MU 2 pushback; but is there a reason to cheer?

• MU2 has been extended through 2016.

• This give Eligible Professionals (EPs) enough time to formulate a more solid Meaningful Use plan.

Some Breathing Room…

• Eligible professionals who attest in 2014 will get an extra year in 2016.

• EHR vendors can have more time to revamp their systems and focus on the Achilles heel of most EHRs, interoperability.

More time for MU3…

• The deadline shift will offer medical practices some amount of space and flexibility.

• More time would be there to prepare for Meaningful Use stage 3.

Can the shift impact ICD 10 implementation?

• The answer is unluckily YES.

• “October 1st 2014 is a date set in stone according to senior health insurance specialist at CMS, Denescia Green.”

Hopes dashed?

• A bitter disappointment for physicians who were hoping for a delay in ICD 10.

• One major advantage, is that medical practices can utilize and focus their resources, on ICD 10 alone.

Have great staff on board?

• With 2014 being a hectic year, not concentrating on hiring or training staff, can prove disastrous for practices!

• Practices can rely on trained personnel and not pushbacks for meeting deadlines.

Eager to know more on Meaningful Use stage 2 for your medical practice?

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