Post on 10-Nov-2015

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  • Malaysian Trades Union Congress Feb-Mac 2015

    MTUC Calls for Emergency Financial

    Assistance for Workers Out of Work

    MTUC urges the government to immediately put in place an emergency relief scheme for the suddenly unemployed as they seek new employment. Like the recent floods, unemployment can also come suddenly and unexpectedly, and affected workers and their families will need some emergency help to survive the situation and get back on their feet.

    The worker in Malaysia, if he/she were to lose their job, requires im-

    mediate emergency financial assistance whilst he looks for another employ-

    ment. Today, the worker is burdened with monthly financial obligations like

    food, clothing, basic amenities (water, electricity, sewage bills, telecommuni-

    cation and television), healthcare, transportation and childrens education.

    Additionally, most workers have monthly financial obligations to make pay-

    ments towards home and car loans.

    As such, if a worker is suddenly wrongfully dismissed, it creates great

    financial problems to the worker and their families, and there is an urgent

    need to put in place an emergency unemployment assistance scheme as is

    now present in many countries, including neighbouring Thailand. This assis-

    tance would be temporary in nature, lasting possibly for a period of maybe not

    more than 6 -12 months, being the time required for the out of job worker to

    find a suitable new employment. Without such emergency financial assis-

    tance, the unemployed can very easily slide into abject poverty losing their

    home, having their car towed away, their furniture and household appliance re


    MTUC urges that Malaysia immediately put in place this necessary social protection for workers that find themselves suddenly with no employ-ment and income, will prevent these workers and their families from sliding

    down the slippery slope of poverty. N.Gopal Kishnam, Setiausaha Agung

    Sambutan Hari Mei 2015 akan diadakan di Komplek Sukan Panasonic, Sek 21 Shah Alam, pada 1hb Mei 2015 pagi.

    Semua kesatuan gabungan diminta mengambil bahagian dan memberi sokongan sepenuhnya bagi menjayakannya.

  • 2

    Feb-Mac 2015 MTUC


    Nasib dan Masa Depan 6,000 Pekerja MAS


    23hb Mar 2015, Crystal Crown Hotel Petaling Jaya - Sidang Media Solidariti bagi 6000 Pekerja MAS yang bakal dibuang kerja - Badan Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia yg hadir terdiri dari MTUC,UNI-MLC,TUF, GLC Union,

    PSI & ASEATUC. Bersatu Teguh Demi Pekerja!

    MEMORANDUM Nasib dan Masa Depan 6,000 Pekerja MALAYSIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM (MAS)

    Pemimpin-Pemimpin Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia mengadakan sidang akhbar di Hotel Crystal Crown, Petaling Jaya pada 23

    Mar 2015 bersama:-

    1. Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) 2. UNI-Malaysia Labour Centre (UNI-MLC) 3. Kongres Kesatuan Kesatuan Sekerja

    Dalam Syarikat GLC 4. Penswastaan (GLC) 5. International Transport Federation (ITF) 6. Public Services International Malaysia (PSI)

    7. ASEAN Trade Union Council (ASEATUC)

    Tujuan utama adalah bagi menyampaikan rasa bimbang terhadap nasib dan masa depan 6,000 pekerja MAS yang bakal diberhentikan kerja akibat dari pen-strukturan semula syarikat penerbangan kebanggaan

    Negara seperti yang dilaporkan oleh pihak media.

    Kehilangan 6000 pekerjaan kepada pekerja Syarikat

    MAS adalah sesuatu yang amat serius dan bakal

    menghilangkan punca pendapatan ahli keluarga mere-

    ka. Syarikat MAS juga merupakan Syarikat Pertalian

    Kerajaan (Government Link CompanyGLC) dan kepu-

    tusan memberhentikan 6000 pekerja bakal memberi

    impak yang negatif kepada dasar-dasar penswastaan

    negara yang dicetuskan oleh Mantan Perdana Menteri

    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    Panasonic Malaysia dengan kerjasama kesatuan EIWU telah memberi 6 unit air cond-Penghawa

    dingin kepada MTUC pada 9hb Februari 2015. Majlis ini berlangsung di Tingkat 6 MTUC Subang Jaya. Majlis ini telah dihadiri oleh Presiden MTUC, Sdra

    Mohd Khalid Atan bersama Setiausaha Agung Sdra N. Gopal Kishnam.

    Panasonic Malaysia memberi Penghawa dingin kepada MTUC

  • 3

    Feb-Mac2015 MTUC

    Kesatuan Eksekutif Airod Sdn Bhd V. Airod Sdn Bhd Industrial Court, Kuala Lumpur: P Iruthayaraj D Pap-pusamy Employees' Panel: Kunasegaran Sankara Pillai Employers' Panel: Chung Boon Poh Award No. 1121 Of 2014 [Case No: 4/3-406/12]

    The union contended inter alia that the company had at-tempted to promote the President of the union, with-out his consent, to a managerial grade to hinder his participation in the lawful activities of the union and had been involved in union busting activities. The compa-ny on the other hand contended that it had not been in-volved in any union busting activities as the President of the union, despite his promotion, had remained its Presi-dent. The sole issue that arose for determination before the Court was whether the company had been in contra-vention of s. 4(1) and (2) of the IR Act 1967. It is obvious that the company had taken vari-ous steps or measures to interfere and disrupt the union's activities by attempting to promote En. Shatiri as the union President (without obtaining his agree-ment) to the Managerial Grade in order to place him out-side the scope of union representation. Besides this the company even demoted En. Shatiri to his former post and grade when in the first place he had not accepted the said promotion. These actions of the company have been actually captured in the union's complaint under ss. 4, 5and 7 of the IR Act, 1967 as highlighted above [see pp. 28 to 31 of Bundle UB1 i.e The company must respect and give credence and practical effect to past practice of seeking the union member's acceptance before promoting him.)

    Accordingly the court has ruled that union Presi-dent's promotion is wrongful and consequently his demo-tion has also been ruled as being unlawful and/or an un-fair labour practice, this court therefore based on equity and good conscience logically orders and directs that with immediate effect the Company shall remove from its rec-ords the promotion and demotion of En. Shatiri pursuant to the powers contained in s. 30(6) of the IR Act 1967 as there is clear rational nexus between union's complaint and the just and equitable relief granted by this court in order to resolve the dispute under reference pursuant to s. 8(2A) of the IR Act 1967.

    Award number :AWARD NO. 156 OF 2014 [CASE NO: 1/1-1047/13] The Company (Airod) objected to the appoint-ment of Shatiri bin Mansor ( The Executive Secretary) to represent the complainant (Trade Union of Workers )in the present proceedings on the ground that he is not au-thorised under the Rules which govern the complainant which is a trade union of workmen. They contend that only an officer of the complainant may represent the com-plainant in the present proceedings. Since Shatiri bin Mansor's services had been terminated by the Company (Airod) with effect 1 September 2013, he therefore was no longer eligible to be a member of the complainant. The issue was solely to determine whether Shatiri bin Mansor(ES) could represent the complainant .

    The complainant filed an affidavit in reply which was affirmed by Haji Shatiri bin Mansor on 27 December 2013 (referred to as "the second affidavit"). The complain-ant contended that they had the power to employ an Ex-ecutive Secretary pursuant to s. 29(1), Trade Unions Act 1959 and Peraturan 11(3) of the Rules of the complain-ant. Further, the Annual General Meeting of the complain-ant which was held on 18 August 2006 had authorised the Executive Council of the complainant to employ an Executive Secretary vide exhibit SM-1 which is annexed

    to the second affidavit.

    The Industrial Court in awarding invoked Section 27(2)(a), Industrial Relations Act 1967 inter-alia reads as fol-lows: (2) If any question arises before the court as to whether the person representing a party under subsection (1) is -(a) an officer or employee of the trade union which he represents; the question shall be determined by the President or the Chairman, whose decision thereon shall be final. Accordingly held that Shatiri bin Mansor is au-thorised to represent the complainant in the present pro-ceedings as he is an employee of the complainant( Trade Union of Workers)

    Union busting activities by Airod Sdn Bhd: Promote the President of the union, without his consent

  • 4

    Feb -Mac 2 015 MTUC

    FORUM GST Forum GST sehari telah diadakan di MTUC pa-da11hb Februari 2015 di Wisma MTUC. Forum ini telah dihadiri loleh ebih dari 100 pemimpin kesatuan yang mewakili lebih dari 30 kesatuan sekerja. Penceramah utama terdiri dari YB Dr Dzulkefly Ah-

    mad dari Pusat Penyelidikan PAS yang telah membentangkan tajuk Implikasi dan kesan GST terhadap kos hidup rakyat berpendapatan rendah dan keluarga mereka dari perspektif kritikal , diikuti oleh Encik Mohammad Sabri bin Saad, Penolong Kanan Pengarah Kastam(1) dari Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia dengan tajuk Perlaksanaan GST, dii-kuti dengan Puan Norlaila Zainal, Pengarah Bahagian Penguatkuasaan, akta Kawalan Harga, Kemenretian Dalam Neger i , Koperas i dan Kepenggunaan dengan tajuk Akibat dari Perlaksaan GST manakala pen-ceramah terakhir Encik Thangaraj N. Mohanasundram seorang pakar ekonomis membentangkan kertas kerja bertajuk Bagaimana menghadapi GST secara hemat. Forum sehari telah memberi maklumat yang berguna kepada semua peserta yang menyertainya.

    80% pencarum KWSP cecah usia 55 dengan simpanan bawah garis kemiskinan Lebih 75% daripada 14 juta pencarum Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja berpendapatan kurang daripada RM2,000 dan 15% memperoleh di antara RM2,000 dan RM5,000 sebulan yang menyebabkan simpanan tidak mencukupi untuk menjalani kehidupan persaraan dengan selesa. The Malaysian Insider, 13 Mac, 2015.

    Hampir 80% daripada pekerja yang akan mencecah umur 55 tahun pada tahun ini tidak akan mempunyai duit sim-panan mencukupi dalam Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) untuk hidup atas garis kemiskinan, menurut perangkaan yang dikeluarkan ketua pegawai eksekutifnya. Datuk Shahril Ridza Ridzuan (gambar, kiri) berkata, para pekerja ini tidak akan mempunyai jumlah sim-panan KWSP mencukupi bagi membolehkan mereka hidup dengan RM800 sebulan, yang hampir dengan pendapa-

    tan purata bagi garis kemiskinan Malaysia iaitu RM830, untuk 20 tahun akan datang.

    Ini kerana kebanyakan daripada mereka memperoleh gaji yang rendah apabila mereka mula menyumbang kepada dana dalam tahun 1980-an, dan terus mendapat gaji rendah sehingga umur 55, kata Shahril yang tidak

    memberikan jumlah sebenar bagi kelompok yang akan bersara ini.

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    Feb-Mac 2015 MTUC



    28 Mac,BUKIT JALIL, KUALA LUMPUR. Konvensyen Kepimpinan Pekerja Negeri Selangor anjuran MTUC Selan-gor dan Wilayah Persekutuan dengan kerjasama Majlis Tin-dakan Persekutuan Negeri Selangor (MTP) berjaya men-capai objektifnya. Kehadiran pemimpin kesatuan daripada beberapa sektor swasta dan awam. Kira-kira 100 orang hadir termasuk jemputan panel dan Pengerusi MTP, YB Datuk Noh b Hj Omar.Panel daripada Jabatan Tenaga Kerja dihadiri oleh Ketua Pengarah Tn Hj Arsi Abd Wahab, mana-kala dari pihak PDRM ialah ASP Tn EU dari IPK Kuala Lum-pur. Setiausaha Agung MTUC Sdra Gopal Kishnam telah merasmikan konvensyen tersebut di Bukit Jalil Kelab Golf dan Resort. Pada sebelah petang peserta-peserta telah membentangkan resolusi pekerja negeri Selangor untuk dibahaskan dan seterusnya menyerahkan kepada Pengerusi MTP. Antara RESOLUSI yang dipersetujui adalah seperti berikut;

    1. Menghormati Keluhuran Perlembagaan Persekutuan dengan Mengiktiraf dan Mengubal Undang-Undang yang Menyekat Hak Kebebasan Berkesatuan dan Hak Bersuara Kaum Pekerja.

    2. Meminda dan Memperkasakan Peruntukan Undang-Undang Buruh yang Lapuk Dengan Deklarasi Prinsip-Prinsip Asasi dan Hak-Hak di Tempat Kerja 1988 Pertubuhan Buruh Antarabangsa (Ilo) Declaration Of Fundamental Principles and Rights At Work dan Mempraktikkan Agenda Kerja Kepatutan (Decent Work Agenda) * Cuti Bersalin 90 Hari, 40 Jam Bekerja Seminggu, Pekerja Wanita Dilarang Bekerja Pada Waktu Malam Bermula Jam 11 Malam Hingga 7 Pagi. 3. Meminda Akta Perhubungan Perusahan 1967 yang Lebih Adil kepada Kedua-dua Pihak.

    4. Menghentikan Serta Merta Amalan Union Busting oleh

    Syarikat Swasta dan Syarikat-Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan (GlC, GOC).

    5. Menghapuskan serta merta segala bentuk ancaman, Penindasan, Tindakan yang Menghakis Kualiti Hidup dan Menggugat Kesejahteraan dan Keharmonian Kaum Pekerja.

    6. Mengutamakan Jaminan Pekerjaan (Employment and Job Security) dan Menghapuskan Amalan Penyumberluaran (Out Sourcing/Contract for Service) dan Penggajian Pekerja Secara Kontrak (Short Terms).

    7. Pengambilan dan Pengurusan Pekerja-Pekerja Asing Hanya Melalui Mekanisma Dua Pihak Kerajaan Ke Kerajaan Sahaja (Goverment To Goverment). 8. Menggubal Akta Perkeso Agar Memberi Perlindungan 24 Jam Kepada Pencarum. Menyediakan Tabung Guaman untuk Membantu Pekerja Yang Dibuang Kerja Penyerahan Resolusi ini diadakan dengan cara yang simbolik dimana pekerja berarak membawa bendera serta melaungkan kata-kata semangat. Seterusnya resolusi dibawa naik kepentas dan diyerahkan kepada Datuk Seri Noh b Hj Omar untuk tindakkan selanjutnya. Datuk Seri da-lam ucapannya memaklumkan kesediaan beliau membantu kaum pekerja mengikut saluran yang betul dan perundingan. Program berakhir jam 5.00 petang dengan kepuasan jelas pada wajah pemimpin kerana telah memberi yang terbaik dalam resolusi yang diserahkan.

    Dilaporkan: MOHD KHAIRI B HJ MAN Setiausaha MTUC Bhg Selangor & W.Persekutuan

  • 6

    Feb -Mac2015-MTUC

    Issues concern-Piket by FEC Piket-tunjuk perasan oleh Kesatuan pekerja-pekerja

    Perusahaan Letrik FEC Cables (M) sdn. Bhd.

    Pertikaian wujud apabila syarikat enggan menunaikan

    janji yang terkandung dalam Perjanjian bersama dengan

    tidak membayar Bonus tahunan pada tahun 2014 dan

    juga kenaikan gaji tahunan untuk tahun 2013 dan 2014.

    Piket selama dua hari 25 dan 26 Februari telah berlang-

    sung dari pukul 4.00 petang hingga 6.00 petang di Per-

    siaran Raja Muda Shah Alam Industrial Estate Shah

    Alam. Tindakan ini dilaksanakan mengikut peruntukan

    termaktub dalam akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967,

    seksyen 40.

    Majlis tandatangan Memorandum

    MTUC bersama Vietnam

  • 7

    Pertemuan bersama SUHAKAM

    Feb-Mac 2015-MTUC

    MTUC pada 23hb Februari telah mengadakan perjumpaan dengan SUHAKAM atas undangannya su-sulan dari memorandum yang dihantar oleh MTUC bagi menangani permasalahan Union Busting Pro-gram Workers Walk pada September 2014 bersama-sama MTUC cawangan Selangor dan Wilayah. Pertemuan ini telah dipengerusikan oleh Pesuruhjaya James Nayagam, dan tutut bersama ialah wakil dari JPP, JHEKs, JTK dan MEF Dato Shamsuddin Bardan. MTUC telah diketuai oleh Presiden Mohd Khalid Atan bersama Setiausaha Agung, Gopal Kishnam bersama pegawai-pegawai utama MTUC dan MTUC Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan.

    Pertemuan Timbalan Presiden MTUC YB Abdullah Sani bersama-sama dengan pemimpin dan ahli kesatuan Ba-hagian MTUC Johor pada 14 Mar di Wisma NUBE Johor bagi mengenal pasti permasalahan kesatuan-kesatuan dan di bawa ke Parlimen. Dilaporkan oleh Sdra Shatiri, Pegawai Khas YB Abdullah Sani

    Pertemuan bersama Bahagian MTUC Johor

  • 8


    Issues on

    Foreign Workers MTUC Wants Migrant Workers to Pay the Same

    Rate as Local Workers for Public Healthcare

    MTUC wants migrant workers to pay the same rate as local workers for public healthcare. Differential treatment of workers impacts on worker solidarity, and can be perceived as union busting. It is most disturbing to find out that migrant workers are also required to pay a deposit of RM600 before they be warded in a public hospital, and a deposit of RM1,200 if they are being warded for surgery or for child birth. When the monthly minimum wage in Peninsular Malaysia is RM900, and RM800 in Sabah and Sarawak, how could anyone reasonably believe that a mi-grant workers will be able to afford to pay such outrageous de-posits before they can be hospitalised and receive required healthcare.

    Migrant workers come to work in Malaysia because em-

    ployers in Malaysia require workers, and the Malaysian govern-

    ment wants them to come. Migrant workers, usually coming

    from poorer countries, come here to earn monies for themselves

    and their families/dependents back home.

    The imposition of different laws and conditions on different clas-ses of workers also is a great hurdle in the organizing, forming and strengthening of trade unions in Malaysia. Both local and migrant workers are members of one and the same union, and as such policies and laws that creates particular problems to specific classes of workers can also be perceived as union busting with the objective of weakening unions. Unions cannot justify why fellow union member, has to pay so much more to get healthcare just because he comes from a different country. For unions, workers are workers, and they all have to be treated equally irrespective of religion, ethnicity, gender or nationality. MTUC urges that the government to immediately ex-empt all migrant workers from having to pay foreigner rates for usage of public facilities and services of healthcare in Malaysia. Migrant workers, just like local workers should be paying the same rates. MTUC PS 16 Feb 2015 - for more info at

    Wisma MTUC 10-5, Jalan USJ 9/5T, 47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor. Tel: 03-80242953 Fax:03-80243225 website :; email:mtucgeneral / disediakan oleh: Sdri.R.Rajeswari, Setiausaha Penyelidikan

    disahkan dan disemak : Sdra. N. Gopal Kishnam Setiausaha Agung.

    MTUC and Trade Unions Can Help

    end Human Trafficking and Worker


    MTUC verily believes that strong effective trade unions can tackle the problem of trafficking in human persons, more so when in Malaysia, the main problems is the exploitation of workers not sexual exploitation or the removal of human organs. MTUC welcomes the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons who will be in Malaysia from 23 to 28 February 2015, at the invitation of the Malaysian govern-ment. We note that Ms Joy Ngozi Ezeilo had recently indicated that she was committed to continue consulting with, amongst others, work-ers unions in the struggle to eliminate human trafficking. Malaysias Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act 2007 also do now clearly acknowledge that "trafficking in persons" or "traffics in per-sons" includes forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude, any illegal activity

    No one can fight worker exploitation

    and protect workers rights better than the work-

    ers themselves, and this can be best be done

    by trade unions. This Malaysian Act, as it is

    now, unfortunately, is lacking as it only focuses

    on rescue and assistance, but does not help

    victims access to justice and get their civil and

    labour law remedies including monies still owing

    to them by employers, compensation and other


    MTUC PS 23 Feb 2015 - for more info at