MSGE Employee Handbook

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Transcript of MSGE Employee Handbook


At Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. (“MSG Entertainment” or the “Company”) we strive to be the employer of choice in our area by creating an

atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect combined with exciting opportunities for professional growth and achievement. We are a growing company and we invite you to grow along with us by taking advantage of the many opportunities open to you.

As you read through these pages, please remember that this Employee Handbook

contains guidelines only and supersedes any prior versions. It is designed to answer questions you may have about your employment with the Company. Flexibility is essential to the Company's ability to respond to the changing needs of our customers,

guests, organization and employees. We therefore reserve the right to revise, eliminate or otherwise reconsider any or all of these guidelines and the benefits we offer at any

time. The only recognized deviations from the stated policies are those authorized and signed by the Executive Chairman & CEO or their authorized designee.











PEOPLE PRACTICES PROFESSIONAL. *We will attempt to keep you informed regarding any changes that affect you. Changes and/or

updates to this Employee Handbook, when available, will be posted on the Company’s intranet site, the MSG Entertainment Marquee ( Should significant adjustments to policy or guidelines be made, employees will be advised via an internal communication.

October 2021

Page 2

Table of Contents

Mission and Values Page 3

Our Guest Service Commitment Page 4

Resources for New Employees Page 5

Security Page 6

Your Employment Information Page 8

Internal Communications and Employee Services Page 9

Media Relations Page 10

Company Policies Page 11

Business Conduct Page 17

Pay Practices Page 20

Attendance Page 22

Inclement Weather Guidelines Page 24

Time Off and Leave Page 26

Employee Benefits Program Page 32

Perks and Discounts Page 35

Travel, Entertainment, and Business Expenses Page 36

Information and Communications Systems Page 37

Company Equipment and Property Page 38

Performance Management Page 39

If Your Employment Ends Page 41

Questions Regarding Company Policies,

Regulations and Expectations Page 43

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Our Guest Service Commitment

The Company’s success is largely due to our outstanding customer and guest service. As the

number of our loyal customers and guests continues to grow, it has become more important than

ever that we put their needs first and conduct ourselves professionally with every function that

we perform. Our customers and guests expect professional, respectful, and courteous service. It

is important to the Company that we deliver outstanding service well beyond that offered by our


We consider all our customers, patrons, and ticket holders to be our guests, whether they are

frequent attendees at our events, such as season ticketholders, or once-in-a-lifetime visitors,

such as out-of-town tourists. The trust and confidence we instill is the Company's most important

asset. It is our standard to uphold that trust and confidence by carrying out our responsibilities

with a friendly attitude in a clean and safe environment. When at work, or attending an event, we

should treat one another and our guests with the utmost respect.

Below are some standards to follow:

• Treat guests courteously while they are at our venues. Be sure to use "please" and "thank

you" when making requests or addressing the public.

• If you are an employee working within one of the Company’s Venues, be knowledgeable

about upcoming events and the location of restrooms, food service areas, and restaurants.

• Never use vulgar, obscene, offensive, or abusive language.

• Unauthorized entry into our facilities or the acceptance of payment for entry, seat

upgrades, or ticket changes is strictly forbidden.

• Always be alert to issues that may arise involving our guests (for example, individuals with

special needs, abusive language, or fighting) or our facilities (for example, trash or spills)

and immediately alert an appropriate member of our Security or Guest Relations staff to

the issue. All security, safety, or misconduct incidents must be promptly reported to an

appropriate supervisor.

Please remember that we are all responsible for ensuring a positive experience for our guests. It

is always our job to assist our guests. If you cannot provide immediate assistance, it is your

responsibility to notify an employee who can.

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Resources for New Employees

New Employee Orientation

All new regular employees are required to attend employee orientation. The orientation provides

background information about MSG Entertainment to help you adjust to your new work

environment by fostering an understanding of our unique culture, values, mission, objectives,

policies, and organizational structure. The orientation also highlights standards for conduct and

appropriate behavior in the workplace. You will also complete new-hire paperwork during the

orientation, which activates payroll and security access.

Introductory Period

Everyone needs time to adjust to a new job. The first 90 days of your employment with the

Company is classified as an “introductory period.” During this period, your supervisor will do their

best to orient you to your new workplace and make you as comfortable with your job as possible.

This includes advising you of your specific job requirements as well as assessing your job

knowledge, skills, approach towards work, your work habits and initiative, and how you interact

with co-workers, customers, and guests.

If your performance during the introductory period is not satisfactory, your supervisor will discuss

the issues with you and suggest ways to improve your performance. In some cases, we may

extend the introductory period to give you more time to improve your performance and adjust to

the job requirements. If your performance continues to be unsatisfactory, we will look at all the

facts and circumstances surrounding your employment and make a final decision regarding

continued employment with us. If, at any time, serious violations of Company policies and

procedures or performance deficiencies are involved, dismissal prior to the end of the introductory

period is possible.

Your Management Team

Management is responsible for day-to-day operations and for ensuring that we provide

outstanding service to our customers and guests. At the same time, management has the

following additional responsibilities:

• handling sensitive issues or concerns in a supportive and confidential manner;

• respecting your outside interests including educational, social, political, family and religious


• ensuring that you receive timely responses to questions and follow-up regarding concerns;

• ensuring that you are notified of and adhere to Company policies;

• encouraging and supporting your professional growth and development;

• offering access to appropriate referral services, such as the Employee Assistance Program

(EAP), which can provide outside confidential assistance for personal or professional issues.

You can reach the EAP via phone at 1-866-248-4096 or online via the Company’s intranet site,

MSG Entertainment Marquee.

Your People Practices Professional

The Company’s People Practices professionals are your main point of contact for all Human

Resources issues. They are up-to-date on current Company policies and practices and can provide

you with a clear explanation of them at any time. We encourage each employee to develop an

ongoing relationship with their People Practices professionals. Acting with the highest level of

confidentiality permitted by the circumstances, your People Practices professional will assist you


• providing you with a timely response to questions or problems;

• serving as an employee advocate, especially in sensitive situations;

• ensuring prompt and accurate processing of personnel actions, status changes, performance

reviews, transfers, benefits, and changes in employment or family status.

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Company ID Cards

The safety and security of our employees, guests, and buildings is everyone’s responsibility. As an

employee, you will receive a Company identification (ID) card when you begin work.

Without exception, non-uniformed employees must visibly display their Company ID card at all

times while working in any of the Company’s venues.

Uniformed employees who are wearing an official Company uniform and visibly displaying an

official Company-issued name tag do not need to also visibly display their Company ID Card, but

must carry their Company ID card at all times while working in any of the Company’s venues.

Please note that if a Security Officer approaches you and your official Company credentials (either

a Company ID card or, for uniformed employees, an official Company name tag) are not visible,

you may be subject to disciplinary action. Visibly displaying your official Company credentials

enables security and management to quickly identify non-employees and unauthorized persons in

our facilities. Your official credentials also help our customers and guests identify employees in

our facilities.

Use of Your Company ID Card

Using your Company ID card to gain entry to an event or to a Company venue when you are not

on duty, or for any unauthorized or non-work-related purposes, is strictly prohibited. You may

never allow anyone else to use your Company ID card to enter a Company venue or building, or

for any other purpose. Misuse of your Company ID or unauthorized entry into Company facilities

may result in disciplinary action, including termination.

Photos taken for your Company ID card may be used for other internal business purposes, such

as display on the employee Intranet, fostering internal communications, or assisting with security


Your Company ID card is not transferable and remains the property of the Company. In the event

you leave the Company, you are required to return your Company ID card to your supervisor or a

member of People Practices or Security.

Lost Company ID Cards

If your Company ID card is lost or stolen, you must immediately notify a Security staff-member

and arrange for a replacement card by contacting ID Card security: employees working in New

York should call (212) 465-6561, and employees working at The Forum should call (310) 330-


Building Access and Visitors

While an event is taking place at one of our Company venues, only those employees who are

scheduled to work during the event or who otherwise have a legitimate and authorized work-

related need to be on-site may enter the venue.

Employees who invite or host non-employee visitors at one of the Company’s venues during hours

when no event is taking place are required to follow designated visitor procedures. This includes

ensuring that visitors register with Company security and undergo applicable screening

procedures when entering the venue. Employees must also ensure that non-employee visitors

acquire and visibly display visitor credentials (e.g., a visitor’s badge, card, or pass) at all times

while inside the venue. Non-employee visitors must always be escorted by one or more

employees while inside one of the Company’s venues or buildings. For more information on a

venues’ visitor requirements, please contact a Security staff-member.

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Visitors to the 2 Penn Plaza office location are required to check in at lobby security. All visitors

must be entered in the appropriate electronic visitor scheduling system ahead of time. To enter

visitors at 2 Penn Plaza, please contact a floor receptionist. Visitors will be required to show valid

photo identification before receiving a temporary visitor's pass from lobby security.

Please notify Security or a member of the management team if someone unknown to you

attempts to enter a non-public area of a Company venue or building without a Company ID card

or proper authorization.

Safety on the Job/Emergency Situations

Safety is every employee’s responsibility. Each of us is responsible for observing safety rules,

policies, laws and regulations. Employees are expected to use common sense and are encouraged

to develop and maintain safety awareness at all times, both on and off the job. Should you

become aware of an unsafe condition or emergency situation, please notify your supervisor,

security, or a People Practices professional immediately.

The Company maintains evacuation plans for all of its businesses. For a copy of your building’s

current evacuation plan, please visit the MSG Entertainment Marquee. The MSG Entertainment

Employee Hotline has been set up for employee use in emergency situations: 212-631-

5199 and 877-MSG-CITY/877-674-2489. We encourage you to program these numbers into

your cell phone and keep them handy at home.

If You Are Injured On the Job/Workers’ Compensation

Your health and safety are very important to us. If an accident or injury should happen on the

job, you must notify your supervisor and your People Practices professional as soon as the

incident occurs (and no later than the end of the shift/day the incident occurred). Management

and People Practices must be notified promptly regardless of how minor the incident may seem.

Prompt medical attention will be arranged where necessary. Coverage of all medical bills incurred

for a job-related injury or illness is provided under the state’s workers’ compensation benefit. In

addition to medical benefits, workers’ compensation provides certain wage reimbursement

benefits as required by state law. You may also be eligible for authorized time off in accordance

with the Company’s leaves of absence policies.

The Company’s benefit program includes income protection benefits that coordinate with workers’

compensation as they do with state disability benefits. The Company’s benefit programs are not

available to union employees unless specifically provided for in the applicable collective bargaining


Page 8

Your Employment Information

Personnel Records

MSG Entertainment collects and maintains personal job-related information about each employee

to satisfy government reporting requirements and for payroll, performance reviews, and benefits

processing. It is important to notify People Practices immediately of changes to your personal

information, such as your name, family status, address, telephone number, or emergency contact


By request, you may review the contents of the Company’s personnel file pertaining to you in the

presence of a designated member of the People Practices Department. This can be done by

submitting a request to People Practices to arrange an appointment. You are permitted to receive

a copy of your performance reviews or any corrective actions signed by you and to take notes if

you wish. You may not remove your employee file and, except where required by law, copies

cannot be made (except for your performance reviews and corrective actions signed by you), as

these materials are Company property.

If you disagree with any information in the file, please discuss the matter with a People Practices

professional. If you and an authorized representative of the Company mutually agree upon

correction of certain information, the file will be modified accordingly. If the Company does not

agree with your requested change, you may submit a written statement that will be added to the


Outside Requests for Employee Information

Information in employee files will not be disclosed to anyone outside the Company except to

verify employment dates and position titles, or as otherwise required by law. Upon authorization

from an employee, salary information will be disclosed for the purpose of credit and mortgage

applications, as well as employment verification, through “Corporate Cost Control.” Contact

Corporate Cost Control at

Page 9

Internal Communications and Employee Services

The People Connection Department manages the MSG Entertainment Marquee, the Company’s

intranet site. The group also oversees companywide internal communications to staff via all

methods of distribution, ranging from MSG Entertainment Marquee promotions, email blasts and

global voicemails to desk drops and W.I.R.E. ("Where Information Reaches Employees") bulletin

board postings.

In addition, the team manages employee programs and initiatives, such as annual service

awards, brand activations, internal ticket offers and vendor discounts.

If you have an announcement, offer, or other information you’d like to communicate

companywide, or if you have a suggestion for an event or discount, please contact the People

Connection team via email at to discuss how we can best

accommodate your needs.

MSG Entertainment Marquee

MSG Entertainment Marquee, the Company’s intranet site, is available to all staff 24 hours a day,

7 days a week at work, home, or on a mobile device. The site is a hub for information and

resources such as:

• Company updates and upcoming event details

• Employment information, including training and career opportunities

• Special offers for MSG Entertainment employees

To access the MSG Entertainment Marquee, simply visit

When accessing the site remotely or on a mobile device, you will need your network ID and

password to login. Please note that all passwords are case sensitive.

Please remember that information posted on the MSG Entertainment Marquee is proprietary for

all Company employees, and you are not allowed to share your log-in information or information

on the site with non-employees.

MSG Entertainment Communications Emails & W.I.R.E Bulletin Boards

In addition to posting important information on the MSG Entertainment Marquee, information may

be communicated to staff through the MSG Entertainment Communications email. Information is

also posted on the Company’s W.I.R.E. bulletin boards located throughout our offices and venues.

Information from the Department of Labor and other regulatory agencies can be found on general

People Practices bulletin boards, located in places visible to all staff. These bulletin boards are for

Company use only, and any communications placed on these bulletin boards must be approved in

advance by the People Connection Department.

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Media Relations

Since MSG Entertainment is a leading sports and entertainment company, we frequently receive

inquiries from the media. Unless you are a Communications management employee, you may

not make comments to the media. Immediately inform your supervisor if you receive any request

for information from the media. The following outlines information regarding the Company’s policy

on media inquiries:

• During business hours, all media inquiries regarding the Company, its teams, Madison Square

Garden, Radio City Music Hall, the Beacon Theatre, the Chicago Theatre, the Forum, and the

Wang Theatre, including but not limited to inquiries about Company policy, crisis issues, and

business dealings or compensation, are to be directed to the appropriate public relations


• With the exception of select team-related staff, in no case should anyone other than a

Communications or Public Relations employee make a comment to the media unless an

interview has been arranged by the appropriate Public Relations person. Any employee

violating this policy is subject to disciplinary action including, without limitation, termination.

• Any inquiry received during the evening or weekend should be directed to the Chief

Communications Officer or to an SVP or VP in the Communications Department. Contact

numbers can be obtained by contacting Command Center at 212-465-6299 (Sergeant’s Office)

or at 212-465-6292 (Garden Services).

Any media inquiry that pertains to a specific group and is received during business hours should

be immediately directed to the appropriate Communications or Public Relations contacts:

New York Knicks

Gregg Schwartz

Vice President Public Relations


New York Rangers and Hartford Wolfpack

John Rosasco

Senior Vice President Public Relations/Player



MSG Networks and Sports Properties

Dan Schoenberg

Senior Vice President Public Relations


MSG Entertainment

Mikyl Cordova

Senior Vice President Public Relations


Westchester Knicks

Ajah Hawley-Alexander

Manager Communications


All media inquiries occurring during an event must be directed immediately to the management

member of the appropriate Communications department on duty. In no case should anyone other

than a Communications management employee make comment to the media unless an interview

has been arranged by the appropriate Public Relations person. Any employee violating this policy

is subject to disciplinary action including, without limitation, termination.

Please refer to the Company’s Media and Other External Communications Policy. Please contact a

member of the Communications Department or your People Practices professional if you have any

questions as to whether any conduct is permitted.

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Company Policies

Following The MSG Entertainment Employee Code of Conduct

MSG Entertainment has established conduct standards for all employees. All newly-hired

employees will be asked to acknowledge and sign the Employee Code of Conduct. Adhering to our

Code of Conduct promotes a positive image to those with whom we do business and ensures a

professional, pleasant, and safe working environment. An employee who fails to maintain these

conduct standards by violating any of the Company’s policies or procedures or the Employee Code

of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Equal Employment Opportunity

MSG Entertainment is an equal opportunity employer. This means we offer the same

opportunities to every person regardless of that person’s sex, race, color, age, national origin,

citizenship, marital or domestic partner status, veteran status, sexual orientation or preference,

gender identity or expression, sexual and reproductive health choices, religion or religious creed,

ancestry, physical or mental disability or handicap, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Our management team is dedicated to ensuring equal employment opportunity with respect to

recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, transfer and other personnel activities, salary and other

forms of compensation, benefits, and general treatment during employment. Candidates are hired

and promoted based solely on business needs and the candidate’s qualifications and abilities

related to the job. If you believe that you have been subjected to employment discrimination,

please report the matter immediately to your supervisor and/or your People Practices


Discrimination, Harassment, & Sexual Harassment Prevention

MSG Entertainment strictly prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, age, national

origin, citizenship, marital or domestic partner status, veteran status, sexual orientation or

preference, gender identity or expression, sexual and reproductive health choices, religion or

religious creed, ancestry, physical or mental disability or handicap. or any other characteristic

protected by law.

Additionally, the Company strictly prohibits all forms of harassment. This includes sexual

harassment, which is a form of misconduct, and which consists of harassment on the basis of sex,

sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and/or the status of being transgender. All

employees are required to work in a manner that prevents sexual harassment and other forms of

harassment in the workplace. The Company requires that all managerial and supervisory

employees be diligent in addressing and preventing such conduct.

Pursuant to New York Labor Law Section 203-e, MSG Entertainment will not access an employee’s

personal information regarding the reproductive health decision making of the employee or the

employee’s dependent(s), without the employee’s prior informed affirmative written consent.

Reproductive decision making includes, but is not limited to, the decision to use or access a

particular drug, device or medical service. The Company prohibits discrimination and retaliation

with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of, or on

the basis of, the reproductive health decision making of the employee or the employee’s

dependent(s). An employee shall not be required to sign a waiver or other document that denies

the employee the right to make the employee’s own reproductive health decisions. An employee

who believes their rights have been violated may file a civil action in any court of competent

jurisdiction and may seek to recover remedies including damages (including but not limited to

back pay, benefits and reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs), injunctive relief, reinstatement, and

liquidated damages (equal to 100 percent of any damages awarded). Further, a court may award

a separate civil penalty against an employer which is found to have engaged in retaliation against

an employee. Retaliation includes discharging, suspending, demoting, or otherwise penalizing an

Page 12

employee for (a) making or threatening to make a complaint to an employer, co-worker, or a

public body regarding a violation of the law; (b) causing to be instituted any proceeding under or

related to the law; or (c) providing information to, or testifying before, any public body

conducting an investigation, hearing, or inquiry into any such violation of the law.

Preventing discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, is everyone’s

responsibility. We require that everyone refrain from conduct that is, or could be considered,

discriminatory, harassing, or abusive. Consequently, this restriction against discrimination, sexual

and other harassment, and other abusive conduct applies to conduct by our employees toward

their co-workers as well as conduct by or toward customers, guests, consultants, suppliers, and


We want all employees to know they can work in a secure and respectful environment with

dignity, and need not endure unwelcome, degrading, unprofessional, abusive, or exploitative

treatment or conduct. Submission to any unwelcome conduct or any form of harassment or

discrimination is not and never will be a term or condition of employment with MSG


Any employee found to have harassed, discriminated against, or been abusive or insulting toward

another employee or to a customer, guest, consultant, supplier, visitor or other person covered

by Company policy will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination of


If you believe you have been or are being discriminated against, harassed, or otherwise treated

improperly, or believe another employee is engaging in or has been subjected to such treatment

or conduct, you should contact your People Practices professional immediately so that we may

promptly investigate and take appropriate action. If you have not been contacted to discuss their

complaint within five (5) business days after reporting any conduct or incident that you perceive

to be harassment, discrimination or abusive conduct, please immediately contact the office of the

Chief Executive Officer and/or the Chief Administrative Officer.

Please note, all complaints will be fully and promptly investigated and, where necessary,

appropriate corrective action or other steps will be taken. All actions taken to investigate and

resolve such complaints will be conducted in confidence to the greatest extent possible. There will

be no retaliation for raising or pursuing such complaints. When we have completed our

investigation, we will inform the person filing the complaint of the completion of the matter.

Please review the Company’s Discrimination, Harassment, & Sexual Harassment Prevention

Policy, which can be found online at MSG Entertainment Marquee and obtained from your People

Practices professional.

Reasonable Accommodations

MSG Entertainment makes reasonable accommodations available to enable otherwise qualified

individuals to do their jobs when required (i) in connection with a disability; (ii) for religious

needs; (iii) based on pregnancy, childbirth, recovery from childbirth, or related medical condition;

or (iv) based on their status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking (all as

recognized by and in accordance with applicable law). Reasonable accommodations will be made

for such individuals unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation

of the business or unless, despite the accommodation, there would be a significant risk to the

safety of the employee or to others. If you believe that you need an accommodation, please

notify your People Practices professional.

Workplace Lactation Accommodations

Page 13

The Company supports mothers in the workplace and recognizes that employees have the right to

request lactation accommodations, including reasonable time and access to a private and sanitary

space for the purpose of expressing breast milk at work. Accordingly, MSG Entertainment

provides employees working at Company locations with access to private Mother’s Rooms or

comparable spaces upon request.

Employees who wish to request extra break time for the purpose of lactation, access to and use of

a Mother’s Room or private lactation space, or any other lactation accommodation must contact

their People Practices professional. The Company will provide any such employee with a

reasonable accommodation in accordance with applicable law.

Please refer to the Company’s Workplace Lactation Policy on the MSG Entertainment Marquee for

full details and for information about the process of requesting a lactation accommodation, or

contact your People Practices professional for more information.

Open Door Policy

Differences of opinion are likely to occur in any company. To address them, The Company

believes in open and honest discussion at every level. Positive suggestions and insights come

from the meeting of creative minds. As an employee of MSG Entertainment, you have a right to

raise concerns, suggestions, or questions and receive a quick and accurate answer. We believe

that most complaints and differences of opinion can be resolved amicably, satisfactorily, and

quickly through The Company’s Open Door Policy.

While we cannot guarantee that we will always give you the answer that you want, our Open Door

Policy assures that you will receive ready access to management and fair consideration of any

problem or question that you raise. If you have an issue or suggestion that you would like to

discuss, you should initially speak with your supervisor. This initial discussion between you and

your supervisor will give you the opportunity to directly impact your situation at the local level.

You may request a private meeting, or if you prefer, your People Practices professional may also

be present. If for any reason you’d rather not take your issue or suggestion to your immediate

supervisor, you may speak directly to your Department manager, their Department head, and/or

your People Practices professional.

Your supervisor or the individual to whom you have brought your issue or suggestion, after

learning of and investigating the problem, will provide you with an answer in a timely fashion. If

this discussion does not provide you with a satisfactory answer, you may discuss your issue or

suggestion with your Department manager or their Department head. If at any time you do not

wish to discuss the matter with your People Practices professional or your management team, you

may bring it to the attention of a senior manager in your business operation. If you believe it is

appropriate, you may also contact any member of MSG Entertainment’s senior management team

to voice your concerns, including the President and CEO.

If something is troubling you within the workplace, please report it as soon as possible so that we

can provide you with a quick response. Retaliation by anyone toward any employee who makes

use of the Company’s Open Door Policy will not be tolerated.

Workplace Free From Violence

The Company has a zero tolerance policy for fighting and for harassing, intimidating, or violent

behavior in the workplace, whatever the provocation. Additionally, you may not possess any

licensed or unlicensed firearm or other weapon on Company premises, in Company vehicles, or on

Company time. Such behavior will be met with appropriate corrective action, up to and including

termination of employment.

Page 14

It is important that we act in a responsible and careful manner at all times and exercise

reasonable judgment in identifying potentially dangerous situations on and off Company

premises. If you are aware of anyone who has been threatening or intimidating, engaging in

fighting or otherwise acting in an unsafe or menacing manner towards co-workers, customers or

guests, please contact your People Practices professional, Company Security and/or a member of

your management team immediately. Your swift action can help us prevent that person from

hurting himself/herself or others.

Reports of violations of this policy will be treated confidentially to the greatest extent possible.

There will be no retaliation for raising or pursuing such complaints. All claims will be investigated

thoroughly and the appropriate corrective action or other steps will be taken. Any report may be

made anonymously, but it is obviously easier for us to adequately address allegations that are not


Smoke-free Workplace

The Company adheres to state and local laws regarding a smoke-free workplace. Therefore,

smoking is prohibited in all common work areas, reception areas, lobbies, offices, hallways,

kitchens, file rooms, stairwells, restrooms, company vehicles, customer service areas, guest

seating areas and elsewhere in our venues and facilities. Please note that this restriction includes

the use of electronic cigarettes (“e-cigarettes” or “vaping”). Please check with your supervisor to

find out whether there are designated smoking areas for your facility.

The Company will not tolerate retaliatory action against any employee who asserts their rights

under state and local smoking laws. If you believe that retaliatory action has been taken or

threatened against you as a result of your assertion of your rights, please notify your People

Practices professional immediately. If you believe it is more appropriate given the particular

circumstances, you may contact a member of our senior management team. All actions taken to

investigate and resolve such complaints will be conducted in confidence to the greatest extent


Drug and Alcohol Policy

The Company cares about its employees and the customers and guests it serves. The use of

drugs or alcohol can lead to actions that may jeopardize the safety of the user, other employees,

customers, guests, visitors and the general public, and can also adversely affect employee

productivity. To address these issues, we have established a comprehensive Company-wide

Substance Abuse Program. The Substance Abuse Program applies to all employees, except for

employees covered by a separate substance abuse testing policy and/or addendum to the

Substance Abuse Policy (employees covered by a separate policy or by an addendum to the

Substance Abuse Policy will be so advised and will receive a copy of the applicable policy and/or


Please contact your People Practices professional if you would like a detailed description of the

protocol we use to implement our comprehensive Substance Abuse Program for employees,

including the Company's "Self-Help" and "Fresh Start" Programs and drug and alcohol testing.

"Self-Help" Program - If you believe that you have a drug or alcohol problem, please get help

before your problem adversely affects you personally or professionally. Your participation in our

"Self-Help" Program is strictly voluntary and will enable you to address your problem without

being subject to discipline. Participation in the "Self-Help" Program is available through our

Company's EAP, or, in the alternative, an employee may elect to obtain assistance from an

outside substance abuse professional. The Company's EAP provides confidential professional

assistance to employees and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To reach the EAP, call

the toll-free number 1-866-248-4096 or log onto - access code: MSG.

Page 15

"Fresh Start" Program - Employees who test positive for drugs or alcohol or engage in certain

other conduct in violation of the Substance Abuse Program, and those employees who voluntarily

self-identify as having a drug or alcohol problem and who voluntarily request assistance for such

a problem (prior to any violation of the Company's Substance Abuse Program), will be given one

opportunity to enter into our “Fresh Start” Program. To participate, an employee must agree to be

evaluated for a drug and/or alcohol problem by a substance abuse professional selected by the

Company’s independent administrator of the “Fresh Start” Program, and, if deemed necessary, to

enroll in and successfully complete a treatment program.

Employees who refuse to be evaluated or enroll in a treatment program if recommended, or who

fail to successfully complete the treatment program, will be terminated immediately from


Drug and Alcohol Testing - As part of MSG Entertainment’s Substance Abuse Program, the

Company will conduct drug and alcohol tests under certain conditions. For instance, employees

may be required to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test whenever a member of the Company's

Corporate Committee on Substance Abuse has reasonable suspicion to believe an employee has

engaged in prohibited drug or alcohol-related conduct.

Note Regarding Union Employees - The Company applies its Substance Abuse Program, including

the "Self-Help" and "Fresh Start" Programs, to union employees to the greatest extent possible

consistent with applicable collective bargaining agreements and the principles of federal labor law.

Please contact your People Practices professional if you have questions regarding the Substance

Abuse Program and how it operates.

Dress Guidelines

The Company’s Dress Code Guidelines were established to help employees better understand the

Company’s expectations with regard to proper attire during work hours. Appropriate dress in the

workplace helps establish a level of professionalism and ensures that we project a positive image

for customers, business partners and prospective employees.

The following guidelines are intended to advise employees of the Company’s dress standards. The

Company will consider any requests for reasonable accommodations to these guidelines based on

religious needs, in connection with a disability, or for any other reason consistent with federal,

state, and local law. Further, nothing in these guidelines shall be construed as limiting or

restricting employees from properly exercising any rights or entitlements under applicable federal,

state, or local laws and regulations.

For most employees, proper company dress code is business casual. This generally includes

collared shirts, blouses, suits, sports jackets, dress slacks, skirts, dresses, and dress shoes.

Clothing should fit neatly and professionally.

Clothing such as shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, low-cut or midriff-showing shirts, items made of sheer

material, flip-flops and sneakers are not acceptable. Images or text on clothing should not be

offensive or otherwise inappropriate.

Certain job functions have specific dress requirements such as uniforms or League mandated

dress. If you wear a Company uniform, always keep it clean and in good repair.

In addition, there are also exceptions to the Company’s Dress Code for specific departments and

job functions, and for certain occasions, which will be addressed individually by each department

as needed. If you are unclear about your requirements or whether an exception applies to you,

please reach out directly to your department supervisor.

Page 16

We ask that you please follow this dress code on an ongoing basis. Should your supervisor feel

that your attire is unacceptable, you will be asked to make the appropriate changes or be subject

to corrective action for not following Company guidelines. If you have any additional questions,

please contact your People Practices professional or your supervisor.

Please note that in certain instances and work locations, opportunities for casual dress may be

offered. In such instance, employees are expected to demonstrate good judgment and

professional taste. For full details of the Company’s casual dress requirements, please refer to the

Company’s Guidelines for Casual Dress in the Workplace, which are available on the MSG

Entertainment Marquee.

Page 17

Business Conduct

At MSG Entertainment, we pride ourselves on a tradition of excellence, integrity and values.

Preserving this tradition is a responsibility that every employee shares, regardless of title or

tenure. Honesty, mutual respect and responsibility are what help us maintain our tradition of

excellence, from the business we conduct to the ways in which we live and function together as

an organization. This means that we should give our best efforts on the Company’s behalf,

avoiding any conflicts of interest or even the appearance of impropriety.

We have a duty to perform our job functions without misrepresentation, questionable practices,

theft or fraud, and with the proper and timely completion of promised commitments. We should

always conduct business in compliance with the spirit and letter of all applicable laws and

regulations and sound business practices. When making business decisions, we should all exercise

good judgment, ensuring that our decisions are based on the best interests of the Company as

well as ethical considerations.

Business Conduct and Ethics

We expect all employees to comply with the Company’s Code of Conduct and Ethics. Any

questions relating to ethical issues or conflicts of interest should be directed to the Company’s

General Counsel. You may also speak with your People Practices professional. The Company will

not tolerate retaliatory action against any employee who in good faith reports violations of the

Company’s Code of Conduct and Ethics or other Company policies. Concerns or complaints

relating to accounting, internal accounting controls, and auditing matters may be directed to the

Board of Directors or Audit Committee by contacting the Company’s Integrity Hotline, which has

been designated to act as a confidential contact organization for this purpose at 1-877-756-

4306, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.

Gambling and Fantasy Sports

All employees are prohibited from directly or indirectly engaging in illegal gambling of any type.

However, even where legal, some of the leagues in which MSG Sports teams participate prohibit

wagering on their events. Moreover, a conflict of interest, or the appearance of such a conflict,

could arise if employees wager on certain sporting events (even where such gambling is legal) or

participate in fantasy sports games for which prizes or benefits are awarded (even though fantasy

games are lawful and not considered gambling in most jurisdictions).

Even where sports gambling is legal, employees who have any involvement in the operations or

business of any of the MSG Sports teams may not wager on any games or events held by any of

the leagues in which MSG Sports teams participate, including the NBA, NHL, AHL, NBAGL, the

NBA 2K League, and any league in which Counter Logic Gaming participates, whether or not the

game involves an MSG Sports Team. They may also not participate in fantasy sports games

involving games or players from these leagues, where cash prizes or other things of value are

awarded. They may participate in fantasy sports games either when no prizes or benefits are

awarded, or when the fantasy sports games do not involve games or players from the leagues in

which MSG Sports teams participate.

All employees who are aware of confidential or sensitive information that is not known at the time

to the public and that is learned in the course of their employment with the Company may not bet

on any sport, or participate in fantasy sports for cash prizes or other things of value, involving a

league, team or player about which the employee has such information, whether or not the game

involves an MSG Sports Team.

Employees may not assist their co-workers to engage in conduct that would violate these rules or

arrange for their co-workers or other individuals to engage in conduct on their behalf that, if

conducted personally, would violate these rules.

Page 18

Even when not prohibited by the above restrictions, gambling or participating in fantasy sports of

any kind, whether or not illegal or prohibited by Company policy, is strictly prohibited in the

workplace and through the Company’s electronic communications systems.

For full details of the MSG Entertainment policy on sports gambling and fantasy sports, please

refer to the Company’s Sports Gambling and Fantasy Sports Policy. Please contact your People

Practices professional if you have any questions as to whether you are a Covered Employee

and/or whether any conduct is permitted.

Insider Information

In the course of your employment you may obtain insider information related to MSG

Entertainment or other companies that could be viewed as material in deciding whether to buy or

sell stock before such information is released to the general public. For example, insider

information may include marketing plans, player trades, new product releases, financial data,

changes in dividends or earnings, mergers or acquisitions, stock splits or business strategies. It

is illegal to buy or sell stock or other securities based on insider information or to pass such

information on to anyone else so that they can trade in securities. As a rule, you should assume

that business information you hear at work is not publicly available. These restrictions on insider

trading apply to you as well as your spouse, domestic partner, fiancé, children and other family

members and friends.

For full details of the Company’s policy on insider trading, please refer to the Company’s Insider

Trading Policy, which is available on the MSG Entertainment Marquee. Please contact your People

Practices professional if you have any questions as to whether any conduct is permitted.


The Company's business documents and materials, intellectual property such as trademarks,

service materials, copyrights, patents and trade secrets and confidential and proprietary

information are valuable resources. Company assets also include information about Company

employees, customers, fans, subscribers, guests, entertainers, players, celebrities, suppliers, joint

venture partners, the viewing public and other individuals and entities with whom we do business.

As an employee you are expected to protect these assets and information while you are working

for the Company and even after you leave. Do not copy or share this information except with

Company permission in the course of your authorized duties.

Ours is a competitive business and we strive to compete aggressively, fairly, and in compliance

with applicable laws. We do not seek competitive advantage through illegal or unethical business

practices. When we gather information on behalf of the Company to better understand our

marketplaces or for other business purposes, we do so only from public sources and in

accordance with all applicable laws.

Conflicts of Interest

A “conflict of interest” exists when an individual’s personal interests improperly interfere with the

interests of the Company. Conflicts of interest are prohibited as a matter of Company policy

unless they have been approved by the Company. “Playing favorites” or having conflicts of

interest, in practice or appearance, runs counter to the fair treatment to which we are all entitled.

Avoid any relationship, influence or activity that might impair, or even appear to impair, your

ability to make objective and fair decisions when performing your job. For example, a conflict of

interest can arise when you are involved in accepting, giving or soliciting gifts in a business or

potential business relationship; when you recommend doing business with a company or business

owned or controlled by you, a friend or a family member; when you own a substantial interest in

a company that is a competitor or supplier; or when you serve as a consultant to a Company

Page 19

customer or supplier. If these situations arise, it is especially important that you take steps to

avoid conflicts of interest and preserve the confidentiality of Company and customer information.

In addition, if your spouse, domestic partner, fiancé, child or a family member works for the

Company, he or she cannot be hired or retained in either a direct or indirect supervisory or

reporting relationship to you. If you have any questions about a situation that could present a

potential conflict of interest, please speak to your supervisor or People Practices professional as

soon as possible.

Working for Another Company

If you are thinking of taking on a second job or already have one when you start work for the

Company, please obtain approval from your supervisor if you believe it may interfere with your

job at MSG Entertainment or pose an actual or perceived conflict of interest.

We do not permit employees to take outside jobs, either for pay or as a donation of personal

time, with our business customers, suppliers, contractors or competitors. This includes working in

your own business if it competes in any way with the Company, since doing so would potentially

conflict with the sale of products and services that we provide to our customers.

Page 20

Pay Practices

The Company conducts periodic surveys of similar industries and related marketplaces to ensure

that our pay rates and structures for all job categories are fair and competitive. Generally,

individual performance reviews are conducted annually for all full-time and part-time

administrative employees, and pay increases may be awarded based on your performance. Your

supervisor can advise you of your scheduled annual performance review date.

Pay increases are administered according to approved ranges and guidelines. Generally, increases

are not granted outside of these ranges and guidelines. The Company views salary information

as confidential.

Pay and performance review practices for union employees are governed by their applicable

collective bargaining agreement.

Overtime Pay

If you are classified as a "non-exempt" employee, you are generally paid on an hourly basis and

are eligible for overtime pay. Your supervisor generally must approve your overtime in advance.

It is Company policy that employees are paid for all overtime worked and you must report all

overtime hours worked, even if you did not receive advance approval. Overtime policies for union

employees are governed by their applicable collective bargaining agreement.

If at any time you believe that you have not been paid or have not been paid the proper amount

for overtime that you have worked, please contact your supervisor or a People Practices


Exempt Employees

If you are classified as an “exempt” employee, you generally are paid on a salary basis and the

Company is not required to pay you overtime pay. Exempt employees must be paid their full

salary for each week they work; however, deductions may be made from their pay in limited

circumstances. Improper deductions are prohibited. If you are an exempt employee and you

believe an improper deduction has been made from your paycheck, please contact a People

Practices professional.

Direct Deposit

All administrative full-time and part-time employees, as well as certain union employees (based

on their collective bargaining agreement) are eligible to have their paychecks deposited directly

into a maximum of two bank accounts. The Company does not allow for partial depositing

(depositing a portion of your check and receiving the rest in cash).

If you wish to take advantage of direct deposit, complete a direct deposit form and forward it to

People Practices for processing. Please allow one pay period for this change to take place. Once

the direct deposit transaction is complete, you will continue to receive a pay stub each pay period

reflecting the amount that was deposited in your account. The bank receiving the funds must be a

member of the New York Automated Clearing House.

Tips and Gratuities

Tips or gratuities, which are discretionary payments from customers or guests, may not be

solicited by employees. However, certain departments may permit their employees to accept

unsolicited gratuities when a customer or guest desires to reward exceptional service. These may

include cash tips received directly, tips from guests or customers that accompany credit card or

other electronic payments, and tip amounts received via tip pools or tip sharing arrangements.

Each employee is expected to be familiar with their department’s rules regarding whether or not

they may accept unsolicited gratuities.

Page 21

Employees should be aware that there may be personal income tax consequences associated with

the receipt of tips and gratuities. The IRS considers tips and gratuities to be taxable income and

thus, expects that income from tips and gratuities will be reported annually on individual tax

returns. As MSG Entertainment cannot provide employees with personal tax advice, the Company

encourages employees who have questions or concerns about any tax consequences or IRS

requirements to visit the IRS’ website at for more information and to consult their

personal tax professional.

Employees who work in Food & Beverage roles and who regularly receive cash tips or gratuities as

part of their earnings have the ability to record such earnings via the WFS time and attendance

system. All other employees who receive tips or gratuities in cash may wish to consider

maintaining a personal record of such income. Non-cash tips or gratuities that are paid to

employees via their Company paycheck are automatically recorded and included in gross earnings

and reflected on employees’ annual Form W-2 tax forms.

Page 22


The length of your workday and workweek will depend on your location, department, and job

function. When you are first employed, your supervisor will describe your working hours, meal

schedule and any other schedules applicable to your position. Schedules are determined by

business needs and are subject to change. Other than in emergency situations, management will

provide you with advance notice of changes to your schedule.

To help us maintain customer satisfaction and keep things running smoothly, we expect all

employees to be at their work sites ready and able to work at the beginning of their regularly

scheduled work hours. Employees who are late or who otherwise do not adhere to work

schedules may have their performance reviews affected or be subject to corrective action up to

and including termination of employment.

If you are unable to report to work on time or at all on a given day, please contact your

supervisor, or their designee, prior to the beginning of the workday and no later than the start of

your shift. Your supervisor will make arrangements to cover for you in your absence. Failure to

report to work without notifying your supervisor may subject you to disciplinary action up to or

including termination of employment.

Schedule Adherence/Time Sheets

It is Company policy that “non-exempt” employees only work their regularly scheduled hours and

any approved overtime. Do not start work early, finish work late, work during a meal break or

perform any other extra or overtime work outside of your scheduled hours, unless you are

authorized to do so and that time is reported accurately. Employees are prohibited from

performing work that they fail to report. Any employee who fails to report or inaccurately reports

any hours worked will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of


The Company requires all non-exempt employees complete, sign and submit a timesheet for all

time worked to their immediate supervisor for approval/and payroll processing every other week.

Timesheets should clearly indicate number of hours to be paid each day and totaled on a weekly

basis. Exempt employees are only required to record time taken off, such as paid time off, sick

leave, bereavement leave, and jury duty.

The method of recordkeeping may be by automated time tracking systems, time sheets, or other

mechanisms specified by the Company. Your supervisor will advise you on how and when to

complete your time records. Every employee must complete and submit time records to their

supervisor as directed and in a timely manner.

Accurate time records will help ensure that your paycheck reflects the hours you spend working.

Unless your supervisor approves, you should not work any hours beyond your scheduled hours or

any unauthorized overtime. If you are in a customer or guest facing position and are assisting a

customer or guest at the end of your scheduled shift, you should generally finish the transaction

with the customer or guest and record the actual time that you finished work.

When you review your pay statement, please verify immediately that you were paid correctly for

all regular and overtime hours worked each workweek. It is important that your time worked is

accurately reported. If you identify any discrepancy or issue with the recording of your time,

notify your supervisor immediately.

It is a serious violation of Company policies and procedures for any employee to falsify a time

report. It also is a serious violation of Company policies and procedures for any employee or

supervisor to instruct another employee to incorrectly or falsely report hours worked or alter

Page 23

another employee's time report to under-report or over-report hours worked. If any supervisor or

employee suggests or instructs you to (1) incorrectly or falsely under-report or over-report hours

worked, or (2) alter another employee's time records to inaccurately or falsely report that

employee's hours worked, you should report it immediately to a member of your management

team or a People Practices professional. If you do not wish to raise the issue with your

management team or People Practices professional, you may always utilize the Company’s Open-

Door Policy and bring the issue to the attention of any supervisor in your business operation or a

member of the Company’s senior management team.

Note for Union Employees

Time and Attendance policies and related corrective action procedures are governed by the

provisions of your collective bargaining agreement and the policies set by your business unit


Page 24

Inclement Weather Guidelines

As a leader in live sports and entertainment, we have a responsibility to our guests, business

partners, and co-workers to make every effort to attend work when the Company is open for

business. However, because the safety of employees is a priority for MSG Entertainment, the

following guidelines are in place to assist you with managing your attendance in the event of

inclement weather.

Please note: for employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement, attendance and pay in

connection with inclement weather is governed by your applicable collective bargaining


When Your Work Location Remains Open

You should presume that your work location remains open, regardless of weather conditions,

unless you are notified to the contrary through an official Company communication.

Because weather and travel conditions vary by area, the decision as to whether it is unsafe to

travel to work, or to remain at work, rests with each individual. When your work location is open

for business, you are required to notify your supervisor as early as possible if you will arrive late,

will be unable to attend work, or would like to leave work early due to inclement weather. Please

see the Company’s Attendance Policy, available on Marquee, for more details.

When employees arrive late, miss work, or leave work early due to weather conditions, those who

are eligible for the Company’s Paid Time Off (“PTO”) benefit are expected to use available PTO to

cover missed work. Non-exempt employees who have exhausted their PTO or who are not eligible

for PTO will not be paid for hours they do not work. This applies to instances in which the

Company announces that, although a work location remains open, employees at that location

may elect to depart early with their supervisor’s approval. Please see the Company’s Paid Time

Off (“PTO”) Policy, available on Marquee, for more details.

When your work location remains open but the school that your child attends announces that it is

closed, MSG Entertainment understands that you may need to miss work due to a lack of child-

care. In such circumstances, employees who are eligible for PTO are expected to use available

PTO to cover missed work. Non-exempt employees who have exhausted their PTO or who are not

eligible for PTO will not be paid for hours they do not work.

In exceptional circumstances when both an official state of emergency has been declared and

area mass transit services are shut down or severely limited, the Company will evaluate these

and other relevant factors and may determine that exempt employees and non-exempt

employees who are eligible for PTO will be paid their customary salary and not be required to use

PTO for time missed. In the event such a determination is made, an official Company

communication will be issued highlighting this option and providing further information. In the

absence of an official announcement noting this option, employees who are eligible for PTO will be

expected to use available PTO to cover missed work.

Employees whose roles permit the satisfactory completion of their normal job duties while

working from home, and who have adequate equipment and access to complete their normal job

duties while at home, may, at the discretion of their supervisors, be permitted to temporarily

work from home during inclement weather. You must request and obtain approval from your

supervisor in advance before working from home for any amount of time. Employees who do

receive advance approval to work from home due to inclement weather will be paid their

customary salary for hours worked at home and will not be required to use PTO for such time.

Page 25

When Your Work Location is Closed

Exceptionally severe weather conditions may require the temporary closing of one of our work

locations. The decision to close business operations at any work location may only be made in

consultation with the Company’s Chief Executive Officer.

When an official announcement has been made that your work location is closed, you should not

travel to work. In such circumstances, exempt employees, full-time non-exempt employees, and

Student Associates will be paid their regular salary for their regularly scheduled hours, and will

not be charged PTO. Part-time, Seasonal, and Temporary non-exempt employees will not be paid

for unworked hours due to a work location closure, but if eligible, may elect to use available PTO

for such time.

On days when weather conditions worsen as the day progresses, the Company may decide to

close a work location early, meaning that employees do not have the option to continue working

at the work location after the appointed closing time. Exempt employees, full-time non-exempt

employees, and Student Associates will be paid their customary salary for regularly scheduled

working hours missed due to an early closure. Part-time, Seasonal, and Temporary non-exempt

employees will not be paid for unworked hours due to early closure, but if eligible, may elect to

use accrued PTO for such time.

For non-exempt employees, time missed due to a work location closure does not count toward

hours worked for the purposes of determining eligibility for overtime pay.

Official Company Communications Regarding Work Location and Business Operation


In the event of either inclement weather or other unplanned events or emergencies, official

Company communications regarding the status of work locations and business operations will be

provided via one or more of the following methods:

• The MSG Entertainment Employee Hotline. The Employee Hotline numbers are 212-631-

5199 and 877-MSG-CITY/877-674-2489 (toll-free). We encourage you to program these

numbers into your cell phone and keep them handy at home.

• E-mails to MSG Entertainment email addresses. In inclement weather or emergency

situations, employees may receive e-mails via their company e-mail account.

• Posting on the MSG Entertainment Marquee ( Our employee

intranet will continue to be updated with news and information for employees.

To facilitate communication with employees in emergency situations, supervisors are expected to

maintain a current list of all employee contact numbers in their organization. Employees are also

expected to maintain current emergency contact information in their employee profile, available

via My Locker on the MSG Entertainment Marquee. Employees may also check with their local

management and/or People Practices professional for additional details with respect to their

locations or their individual circumstances.

Page 26

Time Off and Leave

For more detailed information about any of the Time Off and Leaves of Absence policies or

entitlements described below, or about other leaves available under applicable laws, please

contact a People Practices professional or the Company’s Benefits Department.

Note for Union Employees Regarding Time Off and Leave Practices: Time Off and Leave practices

applicable to you, where not governed by applicable law, are governed by the provisions of your

collective bargaining agreement and the policies set by your business unit management.

Holidays and Holiday Pay Guidelines

MSG Entertainment provides salaried Full-Time employees with paid Company Holidays, and

provides Part-Time and Temporary employees, as well as Student Associates, with premium pay

for working on designated “Holiday Premium” days.

Full-Time Employees

Each calendar year, MSG Entertainment designates ten paid Company Holidays for salaried Full-

Time employees. These Company Holidays may vary from year to year and are updated on an

annual basis. An updated schedule of Company Holidays will be published for employees prior to

the beginning of each calendar year.

Active salaried Full-Time employees are generally not expected to attend work on Company

Holidays, and will receive holiday pay, equivalent to one day’s pay at their regular rate of pay, for

each Company Holiday. Employees who are on unpaid leave when a Company Holiday occurs will

not receive holiday pay for that day.

For non-exempt salaried Full-Time employees:

• Those who do not work on a Company Holiday will receive holiday pay, but may not count the

holiday toward their weekly hours worked for the purposes of determining eligibility for

overtime pay.

• Those who do work on a Company Holiday will receive holiday pay, and, in addition to holiday

pay, will receive regular pay at a rate equivalent to one and one-half (1.5) times their regular

hourly rate for each hour actually worked, and may count all hours actually worked toward

their weekly hours for the purposes of determining eligibility for overtime pay.

Part-Time and Temporary Employees, and Student Associates

For Part-Time employees, Temporary employees, and Student Associates, MSG Entertainment

recognizes the following eleven “Holiday Premium” days each year:

• New Year’s Day

• Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

• Easter Sunday

• Memorial Day

• Independence Day

• Labor Day

• Thanksgiving Day

• Friday after Thanksgiving

• Christmas Eve

• Christmas Day

• New Year’s Eve

All Part-Time hourly employees, Temporary employees, and Student Associates who are

scheduled to work on one of the above days will be paid at a rate equivalent to one and one-half

(1.5) times their regular hourly rate for each hour actually worked on a Holiday Premium day.

Please note: for employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement, holiday pay and holiday

pay practices is governed by your applicable collective bargaining agreements. If you would like a

copy of the Company’s holiday schedule, go to the MSG Entertainment Marquee.

Page 27

Paid Time Off

MSG Entertainment encourages employees to take time away from work to relax, pursue personal

activities, spend time with family and friends, or address other personal obligations. The

Company therefore provides eligible full-time and part-time employees with the flexible benefit of

Paid Time Off (“PTO”), a combined accrual of paid vacation and personal time to be used by

employees as they best see fit.

If you are a full-time employee, you accrue PTO on a monthly basis up to the maximum amounts

reflected in the chart below. The amount of PTO for which you qualify is based on either your

service year level or job tier – whichever yields the higher corresponding PTO amount. Your job

tier is based on duties and responsibilities and is determined by the Company’s People Practices

Department. Your service year level reflects the number of years worked since your original date

of hire with the Company, excluding any break(s) in employment.

Service Year Level


Job Tier

Monthly PTO


Maximum Full-

Year PTO Allocation

0 – 5 Entry Level - Supervisor 8.75 Hours 15 Days

6 – 14 Manager /

Senior Manager 11.67 Hours 20 Days

15 – 19 Director /

Senior Director 14.58 Hours 25 Days

20+ Vice President 17.5 Hours 30 Days

*Based on a 7-hour workday; full-time Eligible Employees who work and are paid for an 8-hour

workday in conjunction with their regular work schedule should adjust proportionally.

Part-Time employees who have completed 12 months of continuous employment with MSG

Entertainment and who have also worked at least 1,000 hours for the Company during the prior

year will be eligible to accrue up to 52.5 hours of PTO per year. At the beginning of each calendar

year after exceeding 12 months of continuous employment with the Company, part-time

employees will continue to be eligible to accrue PTO so long as they continue to have worked at

least 1,000 hours for the Company during the prior calendar year.

Employees are expected to responsibly manage their PTO by submitting requests to take PTO to

their supervisors as far ahead of time as possible. If you cannot submit a PTO request in advance,

such as in the case of an unexpected emergency, you should inform your supervisor as soon as

reasonably possible. You must also ensure that all PTO requests are properly recorded in the

Company’s electronic time and attendance system. Requests to take PTO are subject to

managerial approval.

All employees at MSG Entertainment are encouraged to maintain a positive work-life balance by

taking the time off allocated to them each year. However, those who do not exhaust their PTO

days during the year are entitled to carry over up to a maximum of five (5) days of unused PTO

for continued use through June 30th of the following year. Employees who leave the Company at

least one (1) year following their most recent date of hire will be paid for accrued within-year PTO

they have not yet used but will not receive payment for PTO time they did not use during the

previous year or carried over from the previous year.

For full details of MSG Entertainment’s PTO benefit, please refer to the Company’s Paid Time Off

(PTO) Policy, available on Marquee. Certain state laws may require that carry over of accrued but

unused PTO or payout of PTO upon separation be handled differently. Employees should refer to

the policy’s appendix or contact a People Practices professional for details.

Page 28

Please note: Time off for union employees is governed by their applicable collective bargaining

agreements. Full-time employees in positions that qualify for the job tier of “Senior Vice

President” or above are not eligible for PTO and should instead refer to the Company’s Flexible

Time Off (FTO) Policy. Temporary or seasonal employees and Student Associates are not eligible

for PTO, but may be eligible for paid sick leave.

Paid Sick Time

The Company provides an allocation of paid sick time to full-time employees who are paid on a

salaried basis and regularly scheduled to work at least 35 hours per week. Additionally, part-time

employees who have completed 12 months of continuous employment with MSG Entertainment

and who have also worked at least 1,000 hours for the Company during the prior year are

generally eligible for paid sick time.

For those who are eligible, the allocation of paid sick time is front-loaded in January of each year,

and sick time is not carried over from one year to the next. Employees will not be paid for unused

sick time.

Sick time for full-time and part-time employees is allocated according to the following schedule:

Full-time Employees Length of Service Total Sick Time Allocation Per Year

0 months – 36 months 1 week per year (up to a maximum of 40 hours)

More than 36 months 2 weeks per year (up to a maximum of 80 hours*)

*Hours may vary based on weekly standard hours.

Part-time Employees Length of Service Total Sick Time Allocation Per Year

1 year or more (and hours requirements met) 40 hours per year

Please note: Paid sick time allocations and policies for union employees are governed by their

applicable collective bargaining agreements.

Certain state and/or local laws, such as the New York City Earned Safe and Sick Time Act, may

provide different or additional benefits for certain employees. Please see Appendix A or contact

your People Practices professional for additional information.

Sick Time Notification

If you are sick and unable to attend work on a given day, we expect you to call in prior to the

beginning of your workday (no later than the start of your shift) in order for your absence to be

excused. If you call in sick, you must use your sick time to account for your absence. Employees

may not take time off without pay if they have accrued sick time available. Accrued paid time off

(PTO) cannot be used for this purpose. Your supervisor will advise you whom to call under these


It is the responsibility of the supervisor to keep complete and accurate records of all absences by

their employees, and to make these records available to the Payroll and People Practices

Departments upon request.

If your sick time extends beyond seven consecutive days, you may be eligible for short-term

disability under the Company’s Income Protection Benefits Program. Please contact your People

Practices professional or the Benefits Department for specifics regarding eligibility for disability

and leaves of absence.

If you are absent from work as a result of an injury or illness sustained in the course and scope of

your employment at MSG Entertainment, you must first use your accrued sick time during the

Page 29

workers’ compensation “waiting period” (seven consecutive days) before the Company’s wage

replacement benefits commence on the eighth consecutive day. Wage replacement benefits from

the Company will not begin until the eighth consecutive day regardless of the relevant state-

mandated waiting period for workers’ compensation benefits. The waiting period is generally

three to seven days, depending upon the state’s workers’ compensation law.

You must use accrued sick time during your waiting period for both work-related and non-work-

related injury or illness. If you do not have accrued sick time, you may use accrued paid time off

(PTO). Please contact your People Practices professional for specifics regarding workers’

compensation coverage.

Jury Duty Leave

MSG Entertainment encourages all employees to fulfill their civic responsibility and serve on jury

duty when summoned. If jury service will prevent you from attending work as scheduled, you

should provide your supervisor with as much advance notice as possible, along with a copy of

your official notice to serve on a jury. Employees will be excused from missing work when serving

as a juror, but are expected to report for work on scheduled workdays when they are not required

to report for jury duty. Employees who are dismissed from juror service prior to the mid-point of

a regularly scheduled shift should contact their supervisors to determine whether to attend work

that day.

Full-time employees, part-time employees, and Student Associates will be paid their base rate of

pay for all regularly scheduled hours of work missed due to jury duty service for a period of up to

20 days. Shift differential rates and other premium rates are not applicable. For non-exempt

employees, hours paid for jury duty do not count toward hours worked for the purposes of

determining eligibility for overtime pay. In the event that juror service exceeds 20 days, non-

exempt employees will not be paid for hours they do not work, and exempt employees will not be

paid for any subsequent full weeks during which they do not work.

Temporary and seasonal employees are generally not eligible for salary replacement when

missing work due to jury service. However, where applicable, the Company will provide payment

as required by state or local law. For instance, employees called for jury duty in New York State

will receive up to $40.00 for each scheduled day of work missed during their first three days of

jury service. Please contact your People Practices professional for more information.

Please note: Jury duty leave and pay for union employees is governed by their applicable

collective bargaining agreement. If their applicable collective bargaining agreement does not

address jury duty pay, the Company will provide payment for scheduled work hours missed due

to jury service as required by state or local law. Please contact your People Practices professional

for more information.

Bereavement Leave

In the unfortunate event of the passing of a family member, MSG Entertainment supports

employees by providing time away from work to grieve, make related arrangements, and fulfill

family obligations.

Full-time and part-time employees are entitled to up to five consecutive regularly scheduled work

days off with pay following the passing of a parent, spouse, child, sibling, grandparent,

grandchild, mother or father-in-law, sister or brother-in-law, daughter or son-in-law, step-child,

or step-parent; or of a domestic partner, or domestic partner’s parent, sibling, or child; or of any

other individual who the employee confirms with the People Practices Department that they

reasonably consider to be a member of their immediate family. Employees are entitled to one day

off with pay following the passing of any other family member.

Page 30

Temporary and seasonal employees, and Student Associates, are not eligible for bereavement

leave. However, up to 5 days of unpaid time off will be accommodated following the passing of a

family member where business and departmental-staffing needs allow.

For full details of the MSG Entertainment Bereavement Leave benefit, please refer to the

Company’s Bereavement Leave Policy.

Please note: Bereavement leave for union employees is governed by their applicable collective

bargaining agreements. Please contact your People Practices professional for additional


Leaves of Absence

Leaves of absence are available to you for a variety of reasons, including medical, family and

personal situations. During an authorized leave of absence, you will continue to earn service

credit, and you are eligible to participate in the Company’s Benefit Plans. You will, however,

continue to be responsible for any deductions that are made from your paycheck in order to

maintain benefit coverage. You will also be responsible for the repayment of any loans that may

be outstanding from The Madison Square Garden 401(k) Savings Plan.

All full-time and part-time employees are eligible for the following types of leaves:

• Family/Medical Leave*

• Non-FMLA Medical Leave

• Personal Leave

• Military Leave

* Family/Medical leave provides time away from work to care for an employee’s child after birth

(or placement for adoption or foster care); an employee’s own serious health condition; a serious

health condition of the employee’s spouse, child or parent.

Paid Parental Leave

MSG Entertainment provides employees welcoming new children into their families with time

away from work to focus on parenting and bonding with their children. The Parental Leave benefit

applies to all eligible employees who are new parents, regardless of gender, gender identity, or

gender expression, and regardless of whether you are a new biological or adoptive parent, a new

foster parent, or new legal guardian.

Full-time employees with at least one year of continuous service since their most recent hire date

are provided up to twelve (12) or up to two (2) weeks of employer-paid parental leave following

the birth of a child, or placement of children into their families via adoption, foster care, or legal

guardianship, as reflected in the below chart.

Amount of Parental Leave

Principal Caregiver

Up to 10 continuous weeks

immediately upon birth or placement


Up to 2 weeks anytime within the 12 months following birth or placement (must be used in

one-week blocks)

(May be combined or used separately)

Key Caregiver

Up to 2 weeks anytime within the 12 months

following birth or placement

(must be used in one-week blocks)

Principal Caregivers are eligible employees who have primary responsibility for the care of a child

during the ten (10) week period immediately following the birth of a child or placement of a child

Page 31

into their custody, care and control for the first time. They are entitled to up to 10 weeks of

Parental Leave that must be used immediately upon the birth or placement of a child. These 10

weeks must be used in a continuous block of time. Additionally, Principal Caregivers are entitled

to up to two additional weeks of Parental Leave that may be used at any time within the 12

months following the birth or placement.

Key caregivers provide critical parental care but also have a spouse or partner who has primary

responsibility for the care of a child during the ten (10) week period immediately following birth

or placement. They are entitled to up to two weeks of Parental Leave that may be used at any

time within the 12 months following birth or placement.

Part-time employees who have completed 12 months of continuous employment with MSG

Entertainment and who have also worked at least 1,000 hours for the Company during the prior

year are also eligible for Parental Leave. At the beginning of each calendar year after exceeding

12 months of continuous employment with the Company, part-time employees will continue to be

eligible for Parental Leave so long as they continue to have worked at least 1,000 hours for the

Company during the prior calendar year.

If you plan to use Parental Leave, you must first receive approval from People Practices. Please

submit your request to use Parental Leave with as much advance notice as possible. Notice

should be submitted at least 60 days in advance, when foreseeable. If you are a Principal

Caregiver requesting to use Parental Leave, you will also need to submit a written affidavit

confirming that you are the Principal Caregiver.

For full details of the MSG Entertainment Parental Leave benefit, please refer to the Company’s

Parental Leave Policy, available on the MSG Entertainment Marquee.

Please note: Leave for union employees is governed by their applicable collective bargaining

agreements. Temporary or seasonal employees and Student Associates are not eligible for MSG

Entertainment Paid Parental Leave. Certain state and/or local laws may provide different or

additional benefits for certain employees. Please contact your People Practices professional for

additional information.

Page 32

Employee Benefits Program

The Company’s Benefits program has been developed to offer an array of benefit choices so you

can design the benefits package that meets your needs now and throughout your career with

MSG Entertainment.


You are eligible to participate in the Company’s Benefits Program if you are a full-time (exempt or

non-exempt) employee who is regularly scheduled to work at least 35 hours each week.

The Company’s benefits plan coverage begins on your date of hire, provided you and your

dependents, if applicable, enroll within 31 days from your date of hire. Full-time employees are

eligible to participate in the following Company Benefit plans:

• Medical Plan

• Dental Plan

• Vision Plan

• Flexible Spending Accounts

• Short-term and

Long-term Disability coverage

• Life and AD&D Plans

• Group Legal Plan

For part-time employees, eligibility for the Company’s benefits program begins after you have

completed one year of service provided you have worked at least 1,000 hours in that year. If you

do not complete 1,000 hours of work in your first year of service, you will be eligible to participate

in the Company Benefits Program after any calendar year in which you work 1,000 hours. Each

December, the number of hours you worked during the year will be reviewed to verify your

eligibility for benefits in the following year. Part-time employees who have not met the 1,000-

hour work requirement, or are classified as freelance, seasonal, or temporary are not eligible to

participate in the Company Benefits program.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Eligible employees and their family members also have access to the WorkingSolutions Program

through UnitedBehavioralHealth. The WorkingSolutions Program provides resources and expertise

that you may need to deal with everything from the demands of everyday life to major life

events. One important program that United Behavioral Health offers is our Employee Assistance

Program (EAP). An employee or family member can speak with an Employee Assistance Specialist

who will help identify the best resource to assist with your personal situation. If you want to see a

licensed clinician, the Specialist will match you with an EAP network clinician who is experienced

in helping people with similar problems. There are other support services offered through the

Working Solutions Program including:

• Child/Parent Support

• Adult/Elder Support

• Chronic Condition Support

• Legal Assistance

• Financial Services

• Life Learning Educational Support

• Convenience Services

The WorkingSolutions Program is completely confidential and is available at no cost to you.

Simply call 1-866-248-4096 or log onto - access code: MSG. Call

anytime for help with the demands of everyday life.

Please refer to your Benefits Enrollment Guide for a detailed description of these benefits and the

conditions that apply.

The Madison Square Garden 401(k) Savings Plan

Eligible full-time employees hired or rehired on or after January 1, 2016 will be automatically

Page 33

enrolled in the 401(k) Savings Plan at a 4% pre-tax contribution rate beginning with the first pay

period 45 days after hire. Such employees may enroll sooner or opt out of automatic enrollment.

Full-time employees hired before July 1, 2008 may enroll in the 401(k) Savings Plan any time by

contacting the Company’s Retirement Service Center at Fidelity at 1-800-835-5095. Eligible

employees who are not classified as full-time become eligible to participate in the 401(k) Savings

Plan after completion of one year of service. A year of service means a 12-month period in which

at least 1,000 hours of service is earned. This 12-month period is measured initially from an

employee’s date of hire. If an employee does not complete 1,000 hours of service in this first

period, then succeeding 12-month periods are measured from the January 1st that next follows

an employee’s date of hire.

The Company will contribute 100% of the first 4% of eligible pay saved into the 401(k) Savings

Plan each pay period in pre-tax contributions. To enroll in the Plan, visit or

call the Company’s Retirement Service Center at Fidelity at 1-800-835-5095.

Other Benefits

In addition to comprehensive health, welfare, and retirement benefits, MSG Entertainment offers

a variety of other perks and benefits to its employees. These include:

• Commuter Program - The IRS allows employees to pay for eligible commuting expenses on a

pre-tax basis up to certain monthly limits. By paying for these expenses on a pre-tax basis,

you can save up to 40% on your commuting expenses. The Commuter Program permits

employees to pay a portion of their monthly commutation costs on a pre-tax basis through

payroll deductions. To enroll go online and choose your transit pass, parking provider or both

and your transit pass will be delivered to your home every month in which you are enrolled,

or the Program will set up automatic monthly parking payments to your provider. If you are

interested in enrolling, visit or call 877-WageWorks (877-924-3967),

Monday through Friday, from 8am to 8pm EST. There is no annual enrollment period for the

Commuter Program, so you may enroll at any time.

• NY State 529 College Savings Program – New York State offers a flexible, tax-advantaged

529 College Savings Program, which is an effective way for you to save for your child or

grandchild’s college education through convenient payroll deductions. You can start with as

little as a $15 payroll deduction. You may choose from a wide range of investment options

and your account will grow tax deferred. Your earnings are exempt from federal income tax

as long as money is used for higher education related expenses at an accredited institution.

There are additional tax advantages for New York State taxpayers. The Program is managed

by Upromise Investments, Inc., with investment management and services provided by


• Tuition Reimbursement Program – Any full-time or part-time administrative employee eligible

for benefits with twelve months of service is eligible to apply for tuition reimbursement under

the Company’s Tuition Reimbursement Program. You will be reimbursed upon receipt by the

Company of adequate documentation showing an official grade of C or better in a pre-

approved, work-related course at a state-accredited educational institution. Employees who

meet the grade requirement for pre-approved coursework will receive the reimbursement,

which includes tuition and lab fees of up to $5,500 for courses completed in the twelve-month

period from January 1 to December 31 with the appropriate receipt. Reimbursement is based

on the year in which the reimbursement is paid out. Taxability is subject to IRS regulations.

If you are interested in taking a work-related course, please contact the Company’s Learning

and Organizational Development department or visit the MSG Entertainment Marquee for the

appropriate eligibility approval request form. This form must be approved by your supervisor

Page 34

and indicate that the course will not conflict with your current work schedule. You will also

need approval from the Learning and Organizational Development department before you

enroll in the course. The Tuition Reimbursement Program will only reimburse tuition expenses

not paid for by other sources. Therefore, if you are entitled to educational aid under any

veteran’s benefits or other financial grants, the other sources must first be exhausted before

you can apply for reimbursement through the Company.

If you would like more information about our Tuition Reimbursement Program, please visit the

MSG Entertainment Marquee. Union employee eligibility for the Company’s Commuter, 529

College Savings and Tuition Reimbursement Programs will be governed by their applicable

collective bargaining agreement.

Page 35

Perks and Discounts

Employees of MSG Entertainment enjoy a variety of perks, including discounts at online and local

retail establishments, and special offers at restaurants, fitness centers, parking facilities, and

recreational venues. In addition, staff members enjoy exclusive savings on MSG Entertainment

and Radio City merchandise and ticket discounts for select events at our venues. Employees are

notified about discount programs and special offers through emails from MSG Entertainment

Communications and postings on the MSG Entertainment Marquee.

Employee Tickets

Employees also have the opportunity to request tickets to events at our Madison Square Garden

and Radio City Music Hall Venues. The ticket process varies by work location and position level.

Below is a brief overview of how you may request, purchase, and pick up tickets:

MSG Arena and Theater and Radio City Music Hall (Administrative Employees)

All full-time administrative employees at Madison Square Garden, Radio City Music Hall, and The

Beacon Theatre are eligible to purchase tickets, on an as available basis, to events at Madison

Square Garden (Arena and Theater) and Radio City Music Hall.

The process is as follows:

• Full-time administrative employees must complete a ticket request form, which must include a

credit card number with expiration date.

• Your ticket request will go to your ticket pool coordinator.

• Your ticket request will be forwarded to the VIP Services Department.

• You will be notified by your ticket pool coordinator as to whether your request can be fulfilled,

as the demand for some events may exceed the number of tickets available. Should there be

an event for which we will not have a house seat allocation (private event) or one for which

we will be implementing a different process, you will be notified by your ticket pool


• If your request can be fulfilled your ticket pool coordinator will advise you of all details

including confirmation number, seat locations, amount charged to your credit card, when the

tickets can be picked up and the will call window number.

• For more detailed information, please feel free to contact your ticket pool coordinator.

• Should your ticket pool coordinator not be able to answer your question, they will reach out

on your behalf to the VIP Services Department and then respond back to you.

• Employees are not to reach out directly to the box offices of any of our venues for assistance

in purchasing tickets.

Please note that, due to limited seat capacity at the Beacon Theatre, we do not have an

employee ticket pool available.

MSG Arena and Theater and Radio City Music Hall (Union & Event Driven Employees)

Union employees have the opportunity to request tickets to events at our venues. Below is a brief

overview of the procedures on how to request, purchase and pick up tickets.

• For Union employees, a green sell ticket request form (available at the Arena box office or

Food & Merchandise Base Office – 3 Penn 1st Floor) must be completed and signed by your

supervisor and department head. It is not necessary to include a credit card number.

• The request will then go to your ticket pool coordinator.

• Your ticket request will then be forwarded to the Box Office.

• You will be notified as to whether your request can be fulfilled, as the demand for some

events may exceed the number of tickets available.

• For more detailed information, please feel free to contact your ticket pool coordinator.

Page 36

Travel, Entertainment, and Business Expenses

Business travel and entertainment present opportunities to produce substantial revenue results

for the Company. Conversely, excessive or unreasonable expenses are an unnecessary drain on

Company funds.

Effective control of expenses is a vitally important part of our business. This is a primary

responsibility for everyone. The Company’s Travel and Entertainment Policy was designed to

address this business objective and to establish Company-wide standards to achieve consistent

and fair treatment of all employees who incur such business expenses.


All travel, entertainment, and other business expenses incurred by full-time employees must be

submitted and processed using Concur. Any business expenses incurred by non-full time

employees should continue to be submitted following The Company's current expense report

process and form which can be found on the MSG Entertainment Marquee.

Corporate Credit Card

Employees who incur regular business expenses are expected to receive a Corporate Visa card

issued through JPMorgan Chase. All expenses incurred are the responsibility of the employee and

should be submitted for review and expense recording in Concur. Reimbursement of the

Corporate Visa card will be made, on behalf of the employee, directly to JPMorgan Chase by the

Company. Employees are expected to submit expense reports monthly and the items included

should be submitted no later than 30 days from the receipt transaction date.

Expense reports must include sufficient detail to permit determination of the business purpose

and reasonableness of the expense. Expenses must be shown on a daily basis and itemized

according to the type of expense it relates to. Explanation for entertainment expenses or business

meals must include the name and title of those in attendance, the name of the company they

work for, and a description of the business purpose.

All expenses submitted for reimbursement must be supported by an original receipt, although not

required for expenses under $25.00. Receipts should be attached in an orderly fashion to facilitate

review by the supervisors and Accounts Payable department.

For cost of all air, car and lodging, the final invoice and/or hotel folio should be attached to the

employee’s expense report. In cases of early checkout, please attach the copy of the hotel bill.

Approved expense reports should be submitted and approved by the employee’s immediate

supervisor or their designee. Additional approvals may be necessary.

As part of the payment process, the Accounts Payable department will audit expense reports for

compliance with this policy. Requests for reimbursements of expenses found inconsistent with this

policy will be returned with an explanation of inconsistency. Final payment of expenses for all

business related charges will be payable directly to JPMorgan Chase by MSG Entertainment.

MSG Entertainment is required by the IRS to produce all required information to justify business

expenditures. Lack of supporting documentation, including original receipts, may result in the

disallowance of certain deductions, subjecting both the company and the employee to a higher

tax liability. If you would like to obtain a copy of the Company’s Corporate Travel and

Entertainment Policy or a copy of the Expense Report Form, please contact your People Practices

professional or visit the MSG Entertainment Marquee.

Page 37

Information and Communications Systems

The Company’s voicemail, telephone communications systems (including cellular telephones,

handheld or PDA devices, pagers and Nextel devices) e-mail, Internet access, the Company’s

Intranet and other information and communications systems are intended primarily for business

use only. Therefore, communications transmitted through these systems and information stored

on them should have a business purpose. In addition, only licensed software should be used on

our computers and we should actively take steps to protect our computers from unauthorized


The Company’s information and communications systems are Company property and therefore

may not be accessed by any unauthorized person. Since these systems are primarily for business

use, communications through them and information stored on them may not contain offensive or

inappropriate content or be used for any type of “for-profit” or “not-for-profit” business or

charitable event or venture and also may not be used to engage in any illegal activity.

Employees are prohibited from using the Company’s information and communications systems in

a manner that is offensive, embarrassing or harmful to others or in a way that reduces

productivity or interferes with regular work duties. Writing or sending e-mails or communications

via social networking platforms (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) or accessing Internet sites that contain

sexually explicit, discriminatory, or other offensive or inappropriate content or information that

may be construed as harassing or embarrassing are also prohibited in the workplace. In essence,

any statement or material that would be offensive or inappropriate or that you ordinarily would

not put into a Company letter or memorandum should not be sent or stored on the Company's

information and communications systems or sent outside the Company via email or any social

networking platforms. Downloading or forwarding inappropriate material is also prohibited.

Duplication of Computer Software

The illegal duplication of computer software and copying of Company documents, confidential

information and other materials is prohibited at MSG Entertainment. It is also a federal crime. If

you are interested in obtaining software that has not already been provided by the Company,

please contact your supervisor, who may be able to provide you with the software if the Company

believes that it is necessary for your job. Loading unauthorized software onto a Company

computer is prohibited.

Additional Requirements:

• Access to on-line services will be granted based on business need. Sites may be limited to

that business need.

• All business information contained in these communication tools should be accurate,

appropriate and lawful, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Company, its officers,

directors or management.

• Log-ins and passwords may not be shared with any third party, nor may they be shared with

another employee, unless authorized by management.

• Use of social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook and Linked-In to transmit Company

information or promote Company goods, services or events, must be approved in advance by

your supervisor.

Prohibited Activities:

The following are examples of prohibited activities that may result in disciplinary action, up to and

including termination:

• Unauthorized attempts to break into any computer inside or outside of the Company (i.e.,


• Using these resources for personal gain.

Page 38

• Use of sexually explicit computer screen savers or the accessing of websites that are of a

sexual nature.

• Sending chain letters, threatening, racial, or sexually harassing messages, or other messages

that violate company policies or government regulations or laws.

• Theft or copying of electronic files without permission or violating copyright laws.

• Sending or posting by any means confidential materials outside of the Company or to

unauthorized Company personnel.

• Sending messages by any means that could damage the image or reputation of the Company.

• Abuse of these communication tools through excessive personal use or use in violation of law

or Company policies.

The Company may take steps to ensure that its information and communications systems are

used in a way that is consistent with the Company’s policies and to facilitate business objectives.

Such steps may include the review of the use of such systems and the information transmitted on

them by authorized representatives of the Company. We want to remind you that you should

have no expectation of privacy when utilizing the Company’s systems or transmitting information

using the Company’s systems.

Telephone Use

Telephones, including business authorized cell phones, are business tools and vital to our

operations. Therefore, the Company’s telephone system should generally be used for business

purposes only. Outgoing and incoming personal calls should be kept to a minimum. If you have a

problem with your telephone, or if you require line changes or equipment, please contact the

Company’s IT help desk.

Remote Access to Company E-Mail

Depending on your business unit and job function, the Company may provide you with remote

access to your business email account. Please contact your supervisor to find out if you are

eligible to receive remote access privileges.

Please refer to the Company’s Information and Communications Policy for additional information

regarding use of the Company’s e-mail and other information and communications systems. If

you would like to obtain a copy of the Company’s Information and Communication’s Policy, please

contact your People Practices professional. You may also access a copy through the MSG

Entertainment Marquee.

Company Equipment and Property

As an employee of MSG Entertainment, you are a member of a team dedicated to providing

excellent service to our customers and guests. To accomplish our service and business goals, the

Company will provide all of the tools and equipment necessary for you to perform your job. It is

important that these items are protected from damage or theft and used carefully to ensure your

safety and so that we may efficiently render the services we have been asked to provide.

It is everyone’s obligation to protect Company property and exercise care to prevent damage to,

loss or unauthorized use of any Company property, including tools, uniforms, vehicles, desks, file

cabinets, lockers, computers, documents or information. Loss, theft, misappropriation, or misuse

of Company property adversely affects our ability to render high quality and timely service to our

customers and guests, and may lead to corrective action, up to and including termination of


To protect employees and the Company from theft, to locate missing items or contraband, or to

enforce Company policy prohibiting other misconduct or any violation of law, the Company may

Page 39

inspect Company vehicles, desks, file cabinets, lockers and other Company property. You should

have no expectation of privacy with regard to Company property.

If you feel that you have not been given the adequate tools to perform your job, please contact

your supervisor or your People Practices professional.

Learning and Development

Employee learning and development is an ongoing process at MSG Entertainment, which starts

the day you begin employment. We believe in giving every employee a chance to expand their

knowledge and skills throughout the course of their career and we offer a variety of internal and

external job-related learning opportunities. As a result, you will have unique access to learning

and development programs designed to help you enhance your contributions in your current job

and prepare for future opportunities.

Performance Management

Full-time and part-time administrative employees will generally receive a formal review from their

supervisor at least once each year. The purpose of performance reviews is to look back on last

year’s work and help you continue to improve and grow in your job. At your annual review, your

supervisor will share their assessment of your work performance and ask you to review and


Most employees receive salary reviews at the time of their annual performance review, which

generally occurs for employees in September. Company guidelines for salary increases are

determined annually. The primary factor considered in determining an individual’s percentage of

salary increase, if any, is the employee’s performance. Economic conditions and the length of

time since the employee’s last salary adjustment may also factor into this determination.

Employees are entitled to timely performance reviews. If your annual review does not occur,

please notify your People Practices professional. If you disagree with your review, you may add

comments to the evaluation or appeal it to your supervisor, department head and/or People

Practices professional.

Corrective Action Process

The Company expects all employees to perform their responsibilities and conduct themselves in

accordance with established policies and procedures, honesty and the highest standard of

personal integrity.

Open communication provides a means for employees to receive feedback by both formal and

informal means. When a problem concerning performance or conduct is identified, your

supervisor is expected to address it. Depending upon the particular issues involved and your

performance record taken as a whole, corrective action may be taken. Since the Company deals

with each case individually, nothing in this Employee Handbook should be construed as a promise

of specific treatment in a given situation.

Where a performance issue has been identified, verbal counseling, a verbal warning documented

to file, or a formal written reprimand with or without suspension may be issued to make you

aware of the severity of the situation and provide you with an opportunity to improve your

performance or conduct. Where prior steps have not solved the problem or if the problem so

warrants, a performance improvement plan may be issued or developed to assist you in achieving

short-term and long-term results by focusing on specific areas that need improvement. Under

some circumstances, the Company may take corrective action up to and including termination of

employment without prior corrective action where, for example, there are serious infractions of

Page 40

Company policies or if the Company believes that additional corrective action is unlikely to resolve

the problem.

Before any performance improvement plan or formal written reprimand is issued to an employee,

the supervisor will consult with the employee’s People Practices professional as to the details of

the corrective action. If a supervisor reaches a decision to recommend suspension, demotion,

probation or termination of employment, the supervisor must consult with and gain the approval

of the business unit head and People Practices before communicating any decision to the


You should contact your People Practices professional or use our Open Door Policy if you have a

question or feel you have been treated unfairly.

Promotions and Job Transfers

At MSG Entertainment, outstanding performance may mean more than a salary increase. It may

also lead to a promotion. A promotion is the advancement from one position to another position

with greater responsibility and/or duties in a higher salary grade.

Generally, you may request, or the Company may initiate, a transfer to another job within the

Company after working twelve (12) months in your most recent position. Your ability to transfer

is based on the availability of a position for which you are qualified, your successful completion of

the interview process, and your selection for the position. A satisfactory performance record

without corrective action within the last six months is generally a prerequisite for promotions and

transfers. Generally, employees on any Company leave of absence are not eligible to apply for a

new position within the Company.

Applying for an Internal Job

To ensure that employees have an opportunity to pursue new or different positions within the

Company, the following processes are used to fill internal positions:

Posting Process - All open positions are posted on the MSG Entertainment Marquee homepage

and/or on the MSG Entertainment Careers website for at least five (5) business days unless

otherwise specified by senior executive management based on business necessity. Candidates

must formally apply for these positions through the People Practices Department, which will

assess, interview and screen all qualified applicants. The recruiter in the People Practices

Department will then forward the most appropriate applicants to the hiring manager for further

consideration. The hiring manager and their department will complete the final round of

interviews and make the final selection.

Interview Process - Internal applicants who meet the minimum qualifications of the job will be

interviewed for open positions and will be advised personally if they have or have not been

offered the position. If you have applied for an internal position that you believe you are qualified

for and have not been interviewed or you have not personally been informed that a position you

have applied for has been filled, please contact your People Practices professional.

Employees are strongly encouraged to speak with their supervisors about the opportunities that

are of interest to them. However, we recognize that some employees may not be comfortable

having discussions with their supervisors about other jobs within the Company until they know

more about a particular job and the chances of being offered the position. Accordingly, an

employee applying for an internal job opening is not required to notify their supervisor of their

interest in a new position prior to meeting with People Practices and the hiring manager. After the

initial meeting with the hiring manager, if there is a mutual interest in proceeding, the employee

is required to inform their current supervisor of their interest in the position before any further

action can be taken.

Page 41

If you are transferring to a new department, your current supervisor and future supervisor must

mutually commit to the timing of your transfer. The transfer must take place within a reasonable

period of time. If necessary, senior management and People Practices will help supervisors

reconcile timing conflicts.

Policies and procedures for union employees regarding performance evaluations, corrective

action, salary increases, promotions and transfers may be governed by their applicable collective

bargaining agreement.

If Your Employment Ends

When an employee leaves the Company, we like to conduct an exit interview. The information

you give us during your interview is a valuable management tool for us. If you leave MSG

Entertainment, there are different procedures that you will be required to follow depending upon

your reason for leaving.

If you wish to resign from the Company, please notify your supervisor and your People Practices

professional as soon as possible so that an exit interview can be scheduled and all Company

property and equipment can be returned.

Employees who resign or employees whose employment is terminated from the Company may

receive pay for vacation time that has been accrued but not used, as detailed in the Company’s

Paid Time Off (PTO) policy, except where otherwise required by law. Employees will not be paid

for unused sick time except where required by law.

Returning Company Property

If you leave the Company for any reason, you must return all Company property. This includes,

but is not limited to, office keys, handheld or mobile phones or devices, headsets, press passes,

identification cards, computers and access codes, software, uniforms and other Company

equipment, documents, materials and files.

Continuation of Benefits

Please refer to your Benefits Guide for information about the continuation of medical and dental

benefits under COBRA and the conversion of life insurance or disability benefits for you and your

eligible dependents after your employment has ended.

Unemployment Insurance

In all states in which we do business, we pay into a fund that provides unemployment insurance

for employees. This means that you may be eligible to receive unemployment payments if you

become unemployed and meet the requirements of the applicable state law. Generally, we pay

the cost of this program through state and federal taxes. You do not pay for anything except the

taxes on benefits received for unemployment. If you become unemployed, contact your former

People Practices professional or your state unemployment office for more information.

Rehire Policy

Former employees who provided MSG Entertainment with satisfactory service may reapply to the

Company at any time. Former employees seeking re-employment may be asked to undergo our

complete pre-employment screening process again where applicable and permitted under state


Employees who have been rehired within one year of leaving the Company and who had already

met the requirements for any applicable waiting periods prior to leaving the Company will be

eligible for the same level of accrual for PTO and sick time as they were receiving prior to their

Page 42

separation or such paid time off program that is then available to other employees in their

position and business. The Company will also waive the benefits waiting period for all eligible

employees who have been rehired within one year of leaving the Company. If you are returning

to work at the Company after any period of time, please contact the Benefits Department to find

out which benefits, if any, you will be eligible for upon your rehire.

Employees rejoining the Company after one year or longer since leaving may be considered new

employees for the purposes of benefits, including time off benefits. Where required by law, these

employees may have additional rights with respect to the provisions of the applicable plans.

Please contact your People Practices professional for more information.

Employees whose employment was terminated by the Company due to misconduct, or for other

reasons as determined in the Company’s sole discretion, are not eligible for rehire.

Page 43

Questions Regarding Company Policies, Regulations and Expectations

MSG Entertainment believes in clearly and openly communicating Company policies and practices

so that all employees are aware of what is expected of them. This Employee Handbook, along

with Policies & Guidelines and related information available on the MSG Entertainment Marquee,

will serve as your best resources for general policy information. Changes to this Employee

Handbook or the policies and practices it contains may not be made by any employee or member

of management without the written approval of the President & CEO or authorized designee.

Updates to this Employee Handbook will be made when there is a business need to do so. We will

attempt to keep you informed of any changes that affect you.

If you feel that you do not have a clear understanding of your job requirements, the Company’s

policies, or of management expectations, or if you find that our policies are not being applied as

stated in this Employee Handbook, please contact your People Practices professional immediately.

Page 44

Appendix A: State Specific Provisions

1. New York

Safe and Sick Time for NYC Employees

Under New York City’s Earned Safe and Sick Time Act (“Paid Safe and Sick Leave Law”), which is

administered by the Department of Consumer Affairs, employees of the Company who work for

more than eighty (80) hours during a calendar year will receive paid safe/sick time.

Some full-time and part-time employees may be entitled to paid safe/sick leave benefits greater

than those afforded by the Paid Safe and Sick Leave Law.

Please contact your People Practices professional or the Benefits Department if you have any

questions or for more information.

Safe and Sick Time

Eligible employees accrue safe/sick leave at the rate of one (1) hour for every 30 hours worked,

up to a maximum of 40 hours of paid safe/sick leave per calendar year. Safe/sick time hours are

accrued in full hour increments, with remaining hours worked in any pay period carried over to

the next pay period for the purposes of calculating the ongoing accrual. The calendar year begins

January 1 and ends December 31. If you do not use your paid safe/sick leave, up to a maximum

of 40 hours will be carried over to the following year. No employee, however, can use more than

40 hours of paid safe/sick leave within one calendar year.

Although paid safe/sick leave accrues as of the first day of employment, you only may begin to

use accrued paid safe/sick leave 120 days after the start of your employment with the Company.

Paid safe/sick leave must be taken in a minimum initial increment of four (4) hours, followed by

additional thirty (30) minute increments.

Paid safe/sick leave may be used for any purpose permitted by the Paid Safe and Sick Leave

Law. This includes where you cannot work due to mental or physical illness, injury, or health

condition; the need for medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of a mental or physical illness,

injury, or health condition; the need for preventive health care; or the need for elective surgery,

including organ donation. Paid safe/sick leave can also be used to care for a family member

(including a child, spouse, domestic partner, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, the child or

parent of a spouse or domestic partner, or any other individual related by blood; and any other

individual whose close association is the equivalent of a family relationship) for one of the

above reasons. Paid s a f e / sick leave can also be used if the Company is closed due to a

public health emergency, or to care for your child if the child’s school or childcare provider

has been closed by order of a public official due to a public health emergency.

Additionally, paid safe/sick leave can be used by an employee to take “safe time” when they or

their family member has been the victim of a family offense matter, sexual offense, stalking, or

human trafficking for any of the following reasons: (a) to obtain services from a domestic

violence shelter, rape crisis center, or other shelter or services program for relief from a family

offense matter, sexual offense, stalking, or human trafficking; (b) to participate in safety

planning, temporarily or permanently relocate, or take other actions to increase the safety of the

employee or employee’s family members from future family offense matters, sexual offenses,

stalking, or human trafficking; (c) to meet with a civil attorney or other social service provider to

obtain information and advice on, and prepare for or participate in any criminal or civil

proceeding, including but not limited to, matters related to a family offense matter, sexual

offense, stalking, human trafficking, custody, visitation, matrimonial issues, orders of protection,

Page 45

immigration, housing, discrimination in employment, housing or consumer credit; (d) to file a

complaint or domestic incident report with law enforcement; (e) to meet with a district attorney’s

office; (f) to enroll children in a new school; or (g) to take other actions necessary to maintain,

improve, or restore the physical, psychological, or economic health or safety of the employee or

the employee’s family member or to protect those who associate or work with the employee.

The Company may require you to obtain documentation from a licensed health care provider or

other appropriate source to verify the need for safe/sick leave if you use safe/sick leave for

more than three work days in a row. Misuse or abuse of safe/sick time or failure to provide

documentation when appropriately requested, even if you are within the allotted number of paid

days, will be considered grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including unpaid suspension

and termination of employment.

In the event of separation from, or termination of, employment for any reason, you will not be

paid for any accrued, unused safe/sick days. However, accrued but unused paid safe/sick time

will be reinstated for any employee who is rehired within six months of separation.

Safe and Sick Time Notification

All eligible employees are also subject to the “Safe and Sick Time Notification” policy, as reflected


If you are sick and unable to attend work on a given day, or if you need to request the use of

safe/sick time for a purpose related to “safe time,” we expect you to call in prior to the beginning

of your workday (no later than the start of your shift) in order for your absence to be excused. If

you call in sick or require the use of “safe time,” you must use your safe/sick time to account for

your absence. Employees may not take time off without pay if they have accrued safe/sick time

available. Accrued paid time off (PTO) cannot be used for this purpose. Your supervisor will advise

you whom to call under these circumstances.

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to keep complete and accurate records of all absences by

their employees, and to make these records available to the Payroll and People Practices

Departments upon request.

If your safe/sick time extends beyond seven consecutive days, you may be eligible for short-term

disability under the Company’s Income Protection Benefits Program. Please contact your People

Practices professional or the Benefits Department for specifics regarding eligibility for disability

and leaves of absence.

If you are absent from work as a result of an injury or illness sustained in the course and scope of

your employment at the Company, you must first use your accrued safe/sick time during the

workers’ compensation “waiting period” (seven consecutive days) before the Company’s wage

replacement benefits commence on the eighth consecutive day. Wage replacement benefits from

the Company will not begin until the eighth consecutive day regardless of the relevant state-

mandated waiting period for workers’ compensation benefits. The waiting period is generally three

to seven days, depending upon the state’s workers’ compensation law.

You must use accrued safe/sick time during your waiting period for both work-related and non-

work-related injury or illness. If you do not have accrued safe/sick time, you may use accrued

paid time off (PTO). Please contact your People Practices professional for specifics regarding

workers’ compensation coverage.

Page 46

2. New York

New York State Health and Essential Rights Act (‘HERO’)

To better ensure the health and safety of employees and visitors to its work locations and venues,

the Company has implemented numerous health and safety measures, including its New York

workplace safety plan.

You can find our New York workplace safety plan on Marquee at:

Please note that the Company strictly prohibits and will not tolerate discrimination or retaliation

against any employee for exercising their rights in connection with the NY HERO Act and Section

VII of the Company’s workplace safety plan, including either verbally or in writing reporting any

conditions or concerns covered under Section VII of the workplace safety plan to the Company

and/or to any governmental agency or official.

Page 47

3. Illinois

The Illinois Human Rights Act


The Illinois Human Rights Act states that you have the right to be free from unlawful

discrimination and sexual harassment. This means that employers may not treat people

differently based on race, age, gender, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation or any other

protected class named in the Act. This applies to all employer actions, including hiring,

promotion, discipline and discharge.


You also have the right to reasonable accommodations based on pregnancy and disability. This

means you can ask for reasonable changes to your job if needed because you are pregnant or



It is also unlawful for employers to treat people differently because they have reported

discrimination, participated in an investigation, or helped others exercise their right to complain

about discrimination.


To report discrimination, you may:

1. Contact your employer’s human resources or personnel department.

2. Contact the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) to file a charge.

3. Call the Illinois Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Helpline at 1-877-236-7703 to talk to

someone about your concerns.