M.Sc. (Previous) Mathematics Paper V Differential …mpbou.edu.in/slm/mscmath1p5.pdf1 M.Sc....

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Transcript of M.Sc. (Previous) Mathematics Paper V Differential …mpbou.edu.in/slm/mscmath1p5.pdf1 M.Sc....


M.Sc. (Previous) Mathematics

Paper –V

Differential Equations


UNIT –I : Homogeneous linear differential equations with variable

coefficients, Simultaneous differential equations and Total

differential equations.

UNIT -II: Picard’s method of integration, Successive approximation,

Existence and uniqueness theorem.



The study of differential equations is a wide field in pure and applied

mathematics, physics, meteorology, and engineering. All of these disciplines are concerned

with the properties of differential equations of various types. Pure mathematics focuses on

the existence and uniqueness of solutions, while applied mathematics emphasizes the

rigorous justification of the methods for approximating solutions. Differential equations

play an important role in modeling virtually every physical, technical, or biological process,

from celestial motion, to bridge design, to interactions between neurons. This block

contains two units:

Unit I: This unit deals the concept, different methods to solve the Homogeneous linear

differential equations with variable coefficients, Simultaneous differential

equations and Total differential equations with several solved examples followed by

exercise to check the progress of reader.

Unit II: This unit deals the concept of numerical problems and their solutions especially in

reference to Picard’s method of integration, Successive approximation, Existence

and uniqueness theorem with several solved examples followed by exercise to

evaluate reader by himself.

At the end a list of reference books are given for the convenience to the reader.


UNIT –I : Homogeneous linear differential equations with variable

coefficients, Simultaneous differential equations and Total

differential equations.

Unit Structure :

1.0 Object

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Linear differential equations and its kinds

1.3 Homogeneous Linear differential equations with variable coefficients

1.4 Algorithm to solve Homogeneous Linear differential equations with variable

coefficients with solved examples

1.5 Equations reducible to Homogeneous Linear differential equations

1.6 Simultaneous differential equations

1.7 Algorithm to solve Simultaneous differential equations by different methods with solved


1.8 Total differential equations

1.9 Algorithm to solve Total differential equations by different methods with solved


1.10 Unit brief review (Summary)


1.1 Object:

At the end of this unit students are in a position to find the solutions of Homogeneous

Linear differential equations with variable coefficients, Simultaneous differential

equations and Total differential equations in easy manner.

1.1 Introduction:

Present chapter is deal with the study of Homogeneous Linear differential equations

with variable coefficients, Simultaneous differential equations and Total differential

equations. For the sack of convenience to students a brief summary related to the topic

viz. linear differential equations, its kind and method to find the solutions in a simple

manner is given.

1.2 Linear differential equations and its kind:

1.2.1 Linear differential equations: A differential equation of the form


= X ………………. (1)

where and X are function of x or constants.

In terms of D- notations (1) can be written as f(D)y = X or



where D =


, ……………. and so on.

The general solution of equation (1) or (2) is given by

y= complementary function (C.F.)+ particular integral (P.I.)

Things to remember:

(i) If X=0 in equation (1), the general solution is C.F. itself.


(ii) If all are constant in (1) then equation (1) is called linear

differential equations with constant coefficients or otherwise it is known as linear

differential equations with variable coefficients.

1.2.2 Algorithm to find complementary function (C.F.):

Step I: find auxiliary equation (A.E.) f(m)=0 by writing D=m in f(D) of equation (2).

Step II: find the roots of the A.E. i.e. values of m. Let the roots are m1, m2 ,…… , mn .

Step III: required C.F. is obtained as per the roots stated below:

Roots of A.E. Complementary function (C.F.)

All roots m1 , m2 ,…… , mn are real and




m1 = m2 , but other roots are real and


+ +……+

If roots are imaginary (say)

If ( ), ( ) repeated twice.

cos sin )

or )

or )

corresponding part of C.F. is


Solved examples:

Example (1): Solve .

Solution: Here A.E. is

- 3m - 4 = 0

(m- 4)(m+1) = 0

Hence roots are 4 and -1, real and different. Therefore C.F. is y = +


general solution.


Example (2): Solve .

Solution: Here A.E. is

= 0

(m+ 2)(m- 2)2 = 0

Hence roots are 2,2 and -2, two are equal and one is different. Therefore C.F. is

y = + , itself general solution.

Example (3): Solve .

Solution: Here A.E. is

= 0

(m- 2)(m2

+ 2m + 4) = 0 m = -1

Hence roots are 2, and -1 , one is real and other is a pair of imaginary. Therefore

C.F. is

y = + cos sin ), itself general solution.

1.2.3 Particular integral (P.I.): If X 0 in equation (1) then

P.I. =


In previous classes we studied the method to find P.I. either by resolving the f(D) into linear

factors and partials fractions and then each factor of the form

solve by

∫ ………… (3)

or by shortcut methods given below:

Type of function X Corresponding P.I.

X = then put D= a in f(D) i.e.


then (D-a) is one of the factor of f(D).This


factor is solve by formula (3) and rest is

solve by shortcut method given here.

X = sin ax (or cos ax) then put D2= -a

2 in

f(D) i.e.

sin ax (or cos ax), provided

or otherwise use following


sin ax = -


cos ax =

X = xm

then P.I. is [

Expand [ using binomial expansions

and solve corresponding terms treating D as


X = ,

, solve V as per format given


Solved examples:

Example (1): Solve .

Solution: Here A.E. is

+4m +3 = 0

(m+3)(m+1) = 0

Hence roots are -3 and -1, real and different. Therefore C.F. is y = +

Now A.T.Q. P.I. =

[here X= ]

Since f(a) on putting D=-2, we get

P.I. y =

= -

= -

Hence the general solution is y = C.F.+ P.I.

i.e. y = +

- .


Example (1): Solve .

Solution: Here A.E. is

-4 = 0

(m+2)(m-2) = 0

Hence roots are 2 and -2, real and different. Therefore C.F. is y = +

Now A.T.Q. P.I. =

. [we know that cos 2x= 2 -1.]

Therefore P.I. =

y =

[ ]

y =

y =

y =

y =


Hence the general solution is y = C.F.+ P.I.

i.e. y = +


Example (3): Find particular integral (P.I.) .

Solution: Here f(D) = = (D- 2)(D- 3)

Therefore P.I. =


= (







[since (1-D)

-1 = 1+D+D



[ D means differentiation wrt. x]

= (

) +



Check your progress:

Solve the following differential equation:

Q.1 . [Ans. y = +

+ ]

Q.2 . [Ans. y = +


Q.3 . [Ans. y = + + +



[Ans. y = + + +


Q.5 [Ans. y =


1.3 Homogeneous Linear differential equations with variable coefficients

1.3.1 Homogeneous Linear differential equations with variable coefficients:

An equation of the form


= X


…………. (1)

where are constant and X is function of x or constant, is called

Homogeneous Linear differential equations.


Note: (i) Equation (1) above is called homogeneous because in each term the power of x is

same as the order of the derivative in that term.

(ii) Since the coefficient in each term is variable, therefore it is known as Homogeneous

Linear differential equations with variable coefficients.

(iii) This equation is also known as Cauchy’s linear equation.

(iv) By the substitution of x = or z = log x, the above equation (1) is transferred into

the linear differential equation with constant coefficient changing the independent

variable x to z as below:

If x = or z = log x then we have


………… (2)



(say), ..……… (3)

..………. (4)



) =




) =





) = ,

Similarly we can obtain = and so on. On putting the

equivalent values of etc. in equation (1),it reduces to linear

differential equation with constant coefficients having independent variable z. This

equation can be solved easily by the method given in (1.2).

Important Note: Notation D stands for



1.4 Algorithm to solve Homogeneous Linear differential equations with variable

coefficients with solved examples



Step I: Write the given equation in D-notation form.

Step II: Replace etc in the equation by

= , = and so on.

Step III: Obtain equations is linear differential equation with constant coefficients, find

C.F. and P.I. as per the method given in article 1.2 treating z as independent variable.

Step IV: Lastly put back z = log x to get the required result.

Solved examples :

Example 1: Solve



Solution: D-notation form of the given equation is


On putting x = and = , we have

[ ] = 2z (as log )

Here A.E. is = 0 gives m = 1,1. So C.F. is y =

Now P.I. =


= [1+2 +……….] =

Hence the general solution is y = C.F.+ P.I.

i.e. y =

or y = . ( putting z = log x) Ans.


Example 2: Solve



Solution: D-notation form of the given equation is


On putting x = and = , we have

[ ] y = 2 (as )

Here A.E. is = 0 gives m = 2, 2. So C.F. is y =

Now P.I. =


(here X is of the form , V=1,art.1.2)

P.I. =



∬ )




Hence the general solution is y = C.F.+ P.I.

i.e. y =

or y = . (putting z = log x)

or y = . Ans.

Example 3: Solve



Solution: D-notation form of the given equation is



On putting x = and = , =

we have

[ ] y = .

Here A.E. is = 0


Hence, C.F. = .

Now P.I. =


First part of P.I. =

= 5 [On putting ] ………… (i)

Now second part of P.I. =


On putting because it becomes zero, a failure case of f(a)=0

which can be solved by the formula

∫ ,



= 2

= 2 ∫

= 2 ……….. (ii)

from (i) and (ii) P.I. = 5 + 2

Hence the general solution is y = C.F. + P.I.


i.e. y =

or y = .

(putting z = log x)

y = ( ) Ans

Check your progress:

Solve the following differential equation:



. [Ans. y =





[Ans. y =




[Ans. y =

+ +




[Ans. y = + +


(Hint: Divide whole equation by x)


[Ans. y =

+ +


1.5 Equations reducible to Homogeneous Linear differential equations

An equation of the form


= X


…………. (1)

where are constant and X is function of x or constant, can be

reduced into Homogeneous Linear differential equations by putting


then we get b=

and so we have

= b







On putting the above values in (1), equation reduces to Homogeneous Linear

differential equations and easily solve by the same technique as per article (1.4).

Solved Examples:

Example 1:

Solution: on putting , then , the equation becomes

] y = , where



A.E. is ,

Hence, C.F. =

Now P.I. =


, (on writing )



Hence the general solution is y = C.F. + P.I.

i.e. y =

or y =

(back substitution ) Ans.


Example 2:

Solution: on putting , then , the equation becomes

[ ] y = , where


A.E. is ,

Hence, C.F. =

Now P.I. =


, (on writing , failure case)

= 4

) =2z (since

cos ax =

Hence the general solution is y = C.F. + P.I.

i.e. y = +2z

y = +2

(back substitution ) Ans.

Check your progress:

Solve the following differential equation:


[Ans. y =

[ ]


[Ans. y = }.


1.6 Simultaneous differential equations

System of differential equations in which number of differential equations

will be same as is the number of dependent variables, called the system of Simultaneous

differential equations and the differential equations are called Simultaneous differential

equations. Present chapter deal with two types of Simultaneous differential equations.

1.7 Algorithm to solve Simultaneous differential equations by different methods with solved


1.7.1 Type I: Simultaneous differential equations of first order and of the first degree with

constant coefficients i.e.

…… (1)

and …… (2)

Now to solve the above equations we apply elimination method. We first eliminate x

(or y) with suitable operation and obtain linear differential equation with constant

coefficients in y and t (or in x and t) which can be solved by the method, discussed in

article (1.2). Then we find the value of other variable by substituting value of first

variable in (1) or (2).

Important note: The number of arbitrary constants in general solution is equal to the

degree of D in determinant |

| = 0

Solved Examples:

Example 1: Solve


Solution: On writing given equations in D-notation form, we have


(D- 7) x + y = 0 …. (i)

-2x + (D- 5) y = 0 …. (ii)

To eliminate y we operate (i) by (D- 5 ) and then subtracting, we get

(D- 7) x + 2x=0 i.e. (D2-12D+37) x = 0

A.E. (m2-12m+37) = 0 , m=6

x = e6t

(c1cos t +c2sin t)

On substituting the above value of x in (i), we get

y = -(D- 7) e6t

(c1cos t +c2sin t)


(c1cos t +c2sin t)-D e6t

(c1cos t +c2sin t)


(c1cos t +c2sin t)- 6e6t

(c1cos t +c2sin t)- e6t

(-c1 sin t +c2 cost)

= e6t

(c1cos t +c2sin t) - e6t

(-c1 sin t +c2 cost)

= e6t

[ (c1 - c2 ) cost + (c1+ c2 ) sin t]

Hence the general solution is

x = e6t

(c1cos t +c2sin t), y= e6t

[ (c1 - c2 ) cost + (c1+ c2 ) sin t] .

Example 2: Solve


Solution: On writing given equations in D-notation form, we have

(D+5) x + y = …. (i)

-x + (D+3) y = …. (ii)

To eliminate x we operate (ii) by (D+ 5 ) and then adding, we get

(D+5)(D+3)y + y =(D+5) i.e. (D2+8D+15) y = D



2+8D+15) y = 2

(D2+8D+15) y =

A.E. (m2+8m+15) = 0 , m= -3, -5

C.F. y = (c1 e-3t

+c2 e-5t

) and

P.I. y=

( ) =

( )

( )


( )

{as per method given in art.1.2}


y = (c1 e-3t

+c2 e-5t


On substituting the above value of y in (ii), we get

x = (D+3) { (c1 e-3t

+c2 e-5t


} -

=D{(c1 e-3t

+c2 e-5t


+3{(c1 e

-3t +c2 e



= -3c1 e-3t

-5c2 e-5t


+3c1 e

-3t +3c2 e




-2c2 e

-5t +

Hence the general solution is

x = -2c2 e-5t


, y = (c1 e-3t

+c2 e-5t

) +


1.7.2 Type II: Simultaneous differential equations of first order and of the first degree in

the derivatives. Here we are giving the technique to solve the equations containing three

variables. The general form of Simultaneous differential equations of first order and of

the first degree containing three variables is


P1 dx + Q1 dy + R1 dz = 0, P2 dx + Q2 dy + R2 dz = 0 ……… (1)

where the coefficients are function of x, y, z. Solving these equations simultaneously,

we get,


……… (2)

Thus simultaneous equations (1) can always be put in the form (2).

Methods to solve

1.7.3 First method:

Suppose that any two fractions, directly integrated then after integration we find an

integral. Same procedure we apply for other two fractions. The two integrals so

obtained form the complete solution. Sometimes first integral may be used to simplify

the other two fractions.

Solved Examples:

Example1: Solve


Solution: On taking first two fractions, we have

= y , on integration, we get + c or = c

Similarly, taking second and third fractions, we get,

,gives c’

Thus the complete solution is = c, c’

Example 2: Solve


Solution: On taking first two fractions, we have

= y , on integration, we get + c or = c ...... (i)


Similarly, taking second and third fractions,

( )

c y =


on integration, we get c

c’ or

c’ ii

(i) and (ii) form the complete solution.

Note: It will be noted that this technique to solve the equations applied to Simultaneous

differential equations containing any number of variables.

1.7.4 Second Method:

We have

. If l, m, n are such that ,

then we get . If it is exact differential equation (say) du = 0, then

u=c is one part of the complete solution. Here l, m, n are known as multipliers. This

method may be repeated to get another integral by choosing new multipliers l’, m’, n’.

Note: Sometimes one integral we find by using method first and second integral using

second method.

Solved Examples:

Example1: Solve


Solution: On choosing 1, 1, 1 as multipliers, we get


, gives x+ y+ z = c ………. (i)

Again, choosing x, y, z as multipliers, we get

, gives c ‘ ii


(i) and (ii) form the complete solution.

Example 2: Solve


Solution: Taking last two fractions, we have

, on integration, we get + or = zc ...... (i)

Now using x, y, z as multipliers, we get


On taking fractions

, on integration, gives

0r ii

(i) and (ii) form the complete solution.

Example3: Solve


Solution: On choosing 1, -1, 0 as multipliers, we get


... (i)

Similarly, taking 0, 1, -1 and – 1, 0, 1 as multipliers, we get





… (iii)

From (i),(ii),and (iii) we have


Taking first two fractions of (iv), we get

on integration gives


= c ….(v)

Similarly on taking last two fractions, we get

= c’ ….. (vi )

(v) and (vi) form the complete solution .


Solve the following simultaneous differential equations:


[Ans. √ ].




Q. 3

[Ans. ].


[Ans. ].


[Ans. ].

1.8 Total differential equations:

An equation of the form P ….. (1)

where P, Q, R are the functions of x, y, z is called total differential equation.


Sometimes equation (1) can be directly integrable, if there exists a function S(x, y, z) whose

total differential dS is equal to L.H.S. (1), otherwise we find the condition for which

equation (1) be integrable.

1.8.1 Condition for integrability of Total differential equations P

The equation is P …. (1)

Let S(x, y, z) = c be a solution of equation (1). Then total differential dS must be equal

to P , but, we know that

…. (2)

On comparing (1) and (2), we have

= , say

so that

…. (3)

now from first two equations, we have

= P


= Q


, we have P

= Q


) = Q


…. (4)


) = R


…. (5)


) = P


…. (6)

Multiplying (4), (5) and (6) by R, P and Q respectively and adding, we get

) +

) +

) = 0. ….. (7)

This is the required condition for integrability of equation (1).


Note: (I) If an equation satisfies condition (7), has an integral. In this case given equation is

directly integrable.

(II) Equation (1) is exact, if

these conditions are

obtained by putting in (4), (5) and (6).

1.9 Algorithm to solve Total differential equations by different methods with solved


Let The equation is P . …… (1)

Step I: First compare the given equation to P and find P, Q, and R.

Step II: Check the condition of integrability

) +

) +

) = 0. .….. (2)

Case I: If the given equation is exact then the coefficients of P, Q and R in (2) are zero. In

this case given equation is directly integrable after regrouping the terms of the equation.

Example 1: Solve (x - y)dx – x dy + z dz = 0

Solution: A.T.Q. , we have P = (x - y) , Q = – x, R = z. The condition of integrability is

) +

) +

) = 0

) – x ) + ) = 0

satisfied here.

Therefore equation is exact, so on regrouping the terms of the given equation ,we have

x dx –( y dx + x dy) + z dz = 0,

on integration, we get

, is the solution.

Example 2: Solve (y + z) dx + dy + dz = 0

Solution: A.T.Q. , we have P = (y + z) , Q = 1, R = 1.




= 0,


The condition of integrability is

) +

) +

) = 0

A.T.Q., we have ) +1 ) + ) = 0, satisfied here.

Therefore equation is exact, so on rearranging the terms of the given equation, we have

=0, integrating, we get = c

Or , is the solution.

Case II: If P, Q, R are homogeneous functions then substitute to

separate one variable z (say) from the other variables. After separating variable z, equation

is directly integrable. Satisfaction of condition of integrability is must in each problem.

Students are advised to try the same in each question, and then go ahead as follows:

Example 1: Solve (x - y) dx – x dy + z dz = 0

Solution: Here P = (x - y) , Q = – x, R = z. Clearly P, Q, R are homogeneous function, so on

putting , we get and the

equation becomes

) – uz ) + = 0

Or +{ u - ) } = 0


, integration gives, — )+ 2

Or — ) = c, solution is obtained by putting u =


Example 2: Solve ( + yz ) dx +( xz + dy + - xy) dz = 0

Solution: Here P = ( + yz ), Q = ( xz + , R = - xy). The equation satisfies

integrability condition. Also P, Q, R are homogeneous function, so on putting


, we get and the equation


( + v ) ( )+( + - ) dz = 0

( + v ( )+ + - ) dz = 0





, integration gives,


, required solution is obtain by putting u =


complete solution is

or (x + z) y = c (y + z).

Case III: Check first, which two terms can be readily solved then take remaining third

term variable constant viz for our convenience let two terms P readily

integrable, then we take the third variable z = constant , so we get . Put in

the given equation and then integrate the remaining and take (z) as integration constant.

Differentiate obtained relation with respect to x, y, z and then compare with the given

equation to find (z), which on integration gives the value of (z) to complete the solution.

NOTE: Satisfaction of condition of integrability is must in each problem. Students are

advised to try the same in each question, and then go ahead as follows:

Example 1: Solve (x - y) dx – x dy + z dz = 0

Solution: Rearranging the equation, we have

x dx –( x dy+ y dx) + z dz = 0 …… (1)


now, if we put z=constant, then we have dz = 0 and the equation becomes

x dx –( x dy+ y dx) = 0, integrating gives,

……. (2)

on differentiating, we get (x - y) dx – x dy = dz …….. (3)

comparing (1) and (3), we get gives

+ c

putting this value in (2),the solution is ,

+ c

or [ Ans.

Example 2: Solve ( ) dx + dy + 2 dz = 0

Solution: Taking x= constant, we have dx = 0 and the equation becomes

dy + 2 dz = 0, integrating give, ….. (1)

now on differentiating (1), we get

dy + 2 dz or dy + 2 dz ….. (2)

comparing it to given equation, we get

= = [ by (1)]

Or = - ( ), which is linear equation in , therefore

I.F. = ,

. ∫

= ∫ ( ) ∫

= ∫ ∫


= , putting this value of

the general solution is or

. Ans.


Note: If none of the above three cases are applicable, then we apply the following case.

Case IV: Compare (1) and (2) to obtain auxiliary equation (A.E.) in the form of

simultaneous equations as below:


Solve the above equations by the methods discussed in (1.7.3) and (1.7.4) earlier. If two

integrals are say, then by comparing with (1), we get

the values of A and B and then the complete solution.

Example 1: Solve ( + yz ) dx +( xz + dy + - xy) dz = 0.

Solution: here P = ( + yz ), Q = ( xz + , R = - xy)


Thus A.E. is



….. (1)

Taking last two fractions, we get

Also taking 1, 0, 1 as multipliers, we get

Or or = v (say ).

Then A du + B dv =0 …. (2)

gives A ) + B + ) =0

i.e. [

Comparing with the given equation, we get

( + yz ) i.e. ( + z ) = u


And ( xz + i.e.

Or =

Hence (2) becomes du + u dv =0 i.e. on integration, we get




Solve the following total differential equation:

Q.1 - - 4 = 0. [Ans. ]

Q.2 ( +2x) + + + + = 0. [Ans. ]

Q.3 . [ ]

Q.4 . [ ]

Q.5 . [Ans. ].

1.10 Unit brief review (Summary):


UNIT –II: Picard’s method of integration, successive approximation,

Existence theorem Uniqueness theorem, Existence and

uniqueness theorem (All proof by Picard’s method)

Unit Structure:

2.0 Object

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Picard’s method of integration

2.3 Algorithm to solve initial value problem by Picard’s method with solved examples

2.4 Existence theorem and its proof

2.5 Uniqueness theorem with proof

2.6 Existence and Uniqueness theorem with proof.

2.7 Unit brief review (Summary)

2.0 Object:

This unit is presented in such an easy manner with solved examples that after going

through the whole unit students is easily solved the problems related to I.V.P.


2.1 Introduction:

A differential equation along with the subsidiary conditions on dependent variable

and its derivatives at the some value of the independent variable is known as initial

value problem (I.V.P.) while subsidiary conditions on dependent variable and its

derivatives given at more than one value of the independent variable is called Boundary

value problems (B.V.P.). In many of the engineering field and practical problems we

are often confronted with the differential equation whose exact solution cannot be

found by standard methods. Such problems cannot solve exactly and we find an

approximate solution only. This process of finding approximate solution is called

iteration method or successive approximation method.

2.2 Picard’s method of integration:

Given differential equation

……... (1)

= ……... (2)

From (1), we have

, [using (2)]

Or ∫

, ……... (3)

Now the integral on the right hand side can only evaluated if we known the value of y in

terms of x. This is not known. As an initial approximation, we replace y by in R.H.S. of

(3) and call the value of y on L.H.S. as first approximation of y, so that


In the same manner if we substitute y by in R.H.S. of (3) and call the value of y on

L.H.S. as second approximation of y, we get



Continuing in this way, we get better approximation in each step than the preceding one.

At the nth step we get


This process is called Picard’s method of successive approximation.

2.3 Algorithm to solve initial value problem by Picard’s method with solved examples:

Algorithm to solve initial value problem by Picard’s method:

Step I: Find and by comparing given problem to equation (1) and (2).

Step II: Find by putting n=1, 2, 3….. in

and corresponding values given of and

Solved Examples:

Example 1: Apply Picard’s method up to third approximation to solve


Solution: Here and . We know that the nth approximation by

Picard’s method is given by ∫

So, first approximation is obtained by putting n=1

or ∫

[since ]

A.T.Q. ∫


Similarly, second approximation is obtained by putting n=2


And, third approximation, ∫

. Ans.


Example 2: Apply Picard’s method up to third approximation to solve


Solution: Here and . The nth approximation by Picard’s

method is given by ∫

………. (A)

So, first approximation is obtained by putting n=1 in (A), therefore we have

or ∫

[since ]


Now the second approximation given by




The third approximation given by



Or ∫



. Ans.

Example 3: Apply Picard’s method up to third approximation to solve


Solution: Here and . The nth approximation by Picard’s

method is given by ∫

………. (A)


So, first approximation is obtained by putting n=1 in (A), therefore we have

or ∫

[Since ]


Now the second approximation given by


The third approximation given by


Or ∫




. Ans.

Example 4: Apply Picard’s method to approximate y up to second approximation and

corresponding to for that particular solution of


Solution: Here and .

The nth approximation by Picard’s method is given by

and ∫

… (A)


So, first approximation is obtained by putting n=1 in (A),

therefore we have

or ∫

[Since ]


and …. (i)

or ∫

…. (ii)

The second approximation given by


and …. (iii)

or ∫

Or ∫ (



.... (iv)

On putting x= 0.1in (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), we get particular solution



Solve by Picard’s method up to three approximations (or iteration):



. [Ans.



. [Ans.








[Ans. ].





2.4 Existence theorem and its proof:

Existence theorem: The I.V.P.

, = ……... (1)

has at least one solution y(x), provided the function f(x, y) is continuous and bounded for all

values of x in a domain D and there exist positive constants M and K such that

| | ………. (2)

and satisfies the Lipschitz condition

| | | | ……….. (3)

for all points in the domain D.

Proof: As per Picard’s method, the iterative sequence is given by

, ……….. (4)


The initial value problem has a solution if necessarily the sequence {yn(x)} converges to y(x)

is either a solution of (1) or of an equivalent integral solution

, ……….. (5)

ensure the existence of the limiting function

………… (6)

Let be the sum of successive difference

∑ …………. (7)

Clearly sequence { } converges if the infinite series ∑ converges.

From (4) ∫



= ∫ [

………. (8)

The relation (8) is true for k = 1, 2, 3, ………. ,

Also from (4), we have ∫

……… (9)

Now | | ∫ | || |

∫ | |

, from (2)

Or | | | | ……….. (10)

Again from (8) = ∫ [

| | ∫ | || |

∫ | || |

, from (3)

∫ | || |


| |

from (10) ………(11)


Similarly | | | |


| |

On continuing, we have | | | |

……… (12)

By Mathematical induction we easily establish that (12) holds true for (k+1) i.e.

| | | |

....…… (13)

From (13) it is quite clear that the value of each term of the series (7) is getting smaller

term by term and we get

| | | |

| |


[ | | ], which converges for all values ( ) and so,


Taking limit , we get from (4)


= ∫

Thus the iterative sequence (4) converges to a solution, hence the theorem.

2.5 Uniqueness theorem with proof:

Uniqueness theorem: The I.V.P.

, = has a unique solution y(x),

provided the function f(x, y) is continuous and bounded for all values of x in a domain D

and there exist positive constants M and K such that

| | ………. (1)

and satisfies the Lipschitz condition


| | | | ……….. (2)

for all points in the domain D.

Proof: Let if possible the I.V.P.

, = have two solutions y(x) and v(x).

Then ∫

and ∫

∫ [

| | ∫ | ( )| | ( )|

| |

= 2M| |, from (1) …….. (3)

Again using (2), we have

| | ∫

| || | ……..(4)

On combining (3) and (4), we get

| | ∫

| || | =

| |

…… (5)

In view of (5) and (6), we have

| | = | |

Continuing in this way, we get

| | = | |

, n= 1, 2, 3,…… …..... (6)

Right hand side of (6) tends to zero as n tends to infinity, thus

| | = 0 gives, , solution is unique.

2.6 Existence and Uniqueness theorem with proof:


Existence and Uniqueness theorem: Let function f(x, y) is continuous and bounded for all

values of x in a domain D and there exist positive constant M such that

| | . ………. (1)

Let the function f(x, y) satisfy the Lipschitz condition

| | | | ……….. (2)

Where the constant K is independent of . Let the rectangle R defined by

| | | | ……… (3)

lie in D, where Mh . Then the I.V.P.

, = has a unique solution


Proof: By Picard’s successive approximation, we have

… … … … … … … …….. (4)

First we claim that the function lies in R. We have

or | | ∫ | || |

∫ | |

, from (1)

Or | | | | Mh by (3).

This proves the desired result for n= 1.By Mathematical induction we assume that

lies in R. Then from (4), we have

| | ∫ | || |

∫ | |

, from (1)


Or | | | | Mh by (3).

Shows that lies in R.

Secondly we claim that | | | |

……. (5)

Since, we have | | | |

| | ∫ | || |

∫ | || |

, from (2)

∫ | || |


| |

Similarly | | | |


| |

On continuing, we have | | | |

, conclude that (5) is true for

n= 1, 2, 3, ….. .

By (3) and (5), we have | |

, for n= 1, 2, 3, ….. . ……. (6)

Using the infinite series

……. (7)




+ ….

[ ] which is convergent and so series (7) is

convergent. Thus .

Now we show that satisfies the differential

, = . Since

tends to uniformly in R and by Lipchitz conditions, we have on taking limit

, we get from (4)



= ∫

…… (8)

The integrand on right hand side of (8) being a continuous function, we come to conclusion

that the integral has a derivative and thus y(x) satisfies the I.V.P. Hence the solution of

given I.V.P. is exist. Uniqueness of solution already proved in (2.5), shall left to the reader.

Solved Examples:

Example 1. If rectangle R is defined by | | | | show that the function

f (x, y)= , satisfy the Lipchitz condition. Find the Lipchitz constant.

Solution: Here f (x, y)=

= . Since f is real valued

function on R ,

is exist and being continuous and bounded in R.


| = | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +1} +1}.

As we know that | | and | | , where is positive constant. Hence f satisfies

Lipchitz condition. Thus |

| where K= +1.

Example 2: Examine existence and uniqueness theorem for the I.V.P.

, =

Solution: Here f (x, y)=


. Clearly f and

are both continuous for all

(x , y). We consider rectangle R as | | | | about the point (1, -1).

Obviously in this rectangle R

| | |

| | || |

= (2+2b) | |

Clearly implies that Lipchitz condition is satisfied in R. Now let M= max. | | and

h = min.{a, b/M}, then the problem posesses a unique solution in | | .



1. State and prove Picard’s theorem.

2. Show that if the solution of the I.V.P. is exist, is unique.

3. If rectangle R is defined by | | | | show that the function f(x, y)= ,

satisfies the Lipchitz condition. Find the Lipchitz constant.

2.7 Unit Summary:



M.Sc. (Previous) Mathematics

Paper –V

Differential Equations


UNIT –III : Dependence on initial conditions and parameters;

Preliminaries, Continuity, Differentiability, Higher order

Differentiability. Poincare-Bendixson theory –Autonomous

systems, Index of a stationary point, Poincare-Bendixson

theorem, Stability of periodic solutions, rotation point, foci,

nodes and saddle points.

UNIT -IV: Linear second order equations-Preliminaries, Basic facts.

Theorems of Sturm, Sturm-Liouville Boundary value problems.

Numbers of zeros, Nonoscillatory equations and principal

solutions, Nonoscillation theorems.

UNIT -V: Partial differential equations of first and second order, linear

partial differential equation with constant coefficient.



Differential equations are mathematically studied from several

different perspectives, mostly concerned with their solutions —the set of functions that

satisfy the equation. An Ordinary Differential Equation is a differential equation in which

the unknown function known as the dependent variable is a function of an independent

variable. On the other hand a Partial Differential Equation is a differential equation in

which the unknown function is a function of multiple independent variables and the

equation involves its partial derivatives. The order of partial differential equations defined

similarly to the case of ordinary differential equations. Both ordinary and partial

differential equations are broadly classified as linear and nonlinear homogeneous and non

homogeneous. This block contains three units:

Unit III: This unit deals the concept of Dependence on initial conditions and parameters,

Continuity, Differentiability, Higher order Differentiability. Poincare-Bendixson theorem,

Index of a stationary point, Poincare-Bendixson theorem, Stability of periodic solutions,

rotation point, foci, nodes and saddle points with several solved examples followed by

exercise to check the progress of reader.

Unit IV: This unit deals the concept of linear second order equations-Preliminaries, Basic

facts, Theorems of Sturm, Sturm-Liouville Boundary value problems, Numbers of

zeros, Nonoscillatory equations and principal solutions, Nonoscillation theorems

with several solved examples followed by exercise to evaluate reader by himself.

Unit V: This unit deals the solutions of Partial differential equations of first and second

order, linear partial differential equation with constant coefficient by usual and

shortcut methods followed by several solved examples and exercise to check the

progress of reader.

At the end a list of reference books are given for the convenience to the reader.


UNIT –III: Dependence on initial conditions and parameters; Preliminaries,

Continuity, Differentiability, Higher order Differentiability.

Poincare-Bendixson theory –Autonomous systems, Index of a

stationary point, Poincare-Bendixson theorem, Stability of

periodic solutions, rotation point, foci, nodes and saddle points.

Unit Structure :

3.0 Object

3.1 Dependence on initial conditions and parameters; Basic facts

3.2 Continuity, differentiability theorems

3.3Poincare- Bendixson theory-Autonomous systems

3.4 Stability of periodic solutions, rotation point, foci, nodes and saddle points

3.5 Unit brief review (Summary).

3.0 Object:

The main object of the present unit is to provide all the important contents in easy manner

with several solved examples.

3.1 Dependence on initial conditions and parameters; Basic facts:

3.1.1 Dependence on initial conditions and parameters:

If is defined on an open interval with the property that then

initial value problem (I.V.P.)

….. (1)

has a unique solution


defined on maximal interval of existence where depends on initial

conditions .

In general the I.V.P. depends upon a set of parameters. If , then I.V.P.

…. (2)

Where for each fixed z, then I.V.P. (2) has a unique solution

Now condition (1) can be reduced to the system (2) by change of variables say

and . Clearly I.V.P. (1) changes into the form

…. (3)

In which (

) considered as parameters.

(3.1.2) Lower and Upper Semi continuity:

The lower semi-continuity of function at ( ) is defined as

( ) ( ) as ( ) ( )

Similarly upper semi-continuity of function at ( ) is defined as

( ) ( ) as ( ) ( )

3.2 Continuity and differentiability theorems:

3.2.1 Continuity theorem: Let function be continuous on an open set E with the

property that for every ( ) E then I.V.P.


Let be the maximal interval of existence of the solution

, then


or is a lower(upper) semi continuous

function of and is continuous on the set , ( ) E

Proof: The I.V.P. (1) can be replaced by

, ,

i.e. by the I.V.P.

and ( ) by ….. (2)

Without loss of generality assume that function does not depend on z. Thus is

defined on an open interval with the property that Then

I.V.P. (2) has a unique solution

on the maximal interval of existence ( ), where

Now we choose a sequence of points ( ) (

) ( )

( )

And ( ) where as


Since the solution of (2) is unique, we can apply the theorem if and

be a sequence of continuous function defined on open set E such that


holds uniformly on each compact subset at E. Let of



And let ( ) be the maximal interval of existence. Also ( )


, then there exist a solution and a sequence of

positive integers with the property that


and as uniformly for .

In particular

lim lub

as n = n(k) .

Applying the result of this theorem we get

Implies is lower semi continuous.

Similarly , thus is upper semi continuous.

Now we claim that is continuous on ( ).

In the above theorem we have as , therefore

is considered for a fixed x.

We know that is continuous for fixed x, so in the above reference

is uniformly continuous i.e. for a given depending upon


| |

If | | , then | |

Hence is continuous on set ( ).


3.2.2 Differentiability Theorem: Let f(x, y, z) be a continuous on an open (x, y, z) set E and

possess continuous first order partial derivatives

with respect to the components y

and z. Then

(i) The unique solution of …. (1)

Is the class on its open domain ( ) where .

(ii) Furthermore if J(x)= J is the Jacobian matrix

of f(x, y, z) with respect to

y at J(x)= J

…. (2)


is the solution of the I.V.P. …. (3)





is the solution of ... . (4)

Where = is the vector.

at and

is given by

…. (5)

Proof of this theorem is beyond our scope. Reader may find the proof of the above theorem

in various reference books given at the end of this block.

3.3 Poincare- Bendixson theory-Autonomous systems:

3.3.1Basic concepts -

(I) Autonomous system:

A system of two first order equations of the form

…. (1)


is said to be autonomous, when the independent variable t does not appear explicitly.

The system (1) defines as

…. (2)

which is indeterminate only at points where vanish simultaneously.

Such points of course represent singular solution of (1).

(II) Phase Plane :

Let and be continuously differentiable functions in some region R in

the xy-plane. Then xy-plane is called Phase plane for the system

…. (1)

(III) Trajectory or The Orbit: A unique solution of the system

…. (1)

Is called trajectories or the orbit if it is exists in the phase plane for some open interval

and any point ( ) of region R and satisfies the initial condition

(IV) Critical Point: A critical point of the system

…. (1)


is a point ( ) obtained by solving


and such that

( ) ( )

On the other hand if ( ) is a critical point of the system, then the constant valued

function satisfying system (1) and are called equilibrium solution

of the system (1). A point which is not critical is called regular point.

(V) Index: An index is a significant property of a critical point P of the system

…. (1)

This is an integer which represents the net rotation of the direction field along a simple

closed curve.

(VI) Centers: A center (or vertex) is a critical point which is surrounded by a family of

closed paths. It is not approached by any path as .

(VII) Spirals : A spiral (or sometimes called a focus) is a critical point which is approached

in a spiral like manner by a family of paths that wind around it an infinite number of times


(VIII) Almost Linear System: The non linear system is of the form


where are constants. The matrix form of above system is written as

( ) (

) (

) (

) …. (2)

By ignoring the non linear terms in (2), related linear system is


…. (3)

If we assume that


| , for system (2) then clearly (0,0) is the critical point to related

linear system (3).

are continuous and have continuous partial derivatives for

all (x,y).

√ and

Then (0, 0) is said to be simple critical point of the system (2) and the system is called

almost linear.

3.4 Stability of periodic solutions, rotation point, foci, nodes and saddle points:

3.4.1 Stable and Unstable critical Point:

A critical point ( ) of the almost linear system (2) is said to be stable provided

that if the initial point ( ) is sufficiently close to ( ) then the point

remains close to ( ) t 0. In other words for given if

| | |( ) |

Then critical point ( ) is called stable. Further a point which is not stable is called


The critical point ( ) is called asymptotically stable if it is stable and every trajectory

that begins sufficiently close to ( ) also approaches to ( ) as


| | .

3.4.2 Nature and Stability of the critical point (0,0) :

The linear autonomous system is

…. (1)

If we assume that


| , then clearly (0,0) is the critical point to related linear system (1).

The above system can be written in matrix form as

( ) (

) (


Then the eigen values of the coefficient matrix (

) are the roots of the eigen

equation | |

Or .

Let the roots (eigen values) of the above eigen equation are . Then the nature of

the critical point (0,0) is depend on the values of and describes as below:


Nature of roots Linear system

Type Stability

Almost linear system

Type Stability

Node Unstable Node Unstable

Node Asymptotically


Node Asymptotically


Saddle Unstable


Saddle Unstable


Node Unstable Node or Unstable


Node Asymptotically


Node or Asymptotically

Spiral stable

Spiral Unstable Spiral Unstable

Spiral Asymptotically


Spiral Asymptotically


Centre Stable Centre Indeterminate

or Spiral

Solved Exampes based on Nature and Stability of the critical point (0,0) :

Example 1: For the system of the equations

Verify that (0,0) is a critical point . Show that the system is almost linear and discuss the

type and stability of the critical point (0,0).

Solution: The given system can be written as


Where and .

Now for critical point we must have


Solving the equations, we get . Thus (0,0) is a critical point.


√ =

√ = 0


√ =

√ = 0

Therefore the system is almost linear. Again the related linear system for the given system



whose matrix form is,

( ) (

) ( )

Now the eigen values are the roots of the eigen equation

| | or |






So from the table (3.4.2) it is clear that the critical point is a spiral and asymptotically



Example 2: For the system of the equations

Verify that (0,0) is a critical point . Discuss the type and stability of the critical point (0,0).

Solution: For critical point we must have


Solving the equations, we get . Thus (0,0) is a critical point.

Since ine given system , therefore we have

√ =

√ = 0


√ =

√ = 0

and the system is almost linear. Again the related linear system for the given system is


whose matrix form is,

( ) (

) ( )

Now the eigen values are the roots of the eigen equation

| | or |



Therefore , here have

same sign. So from the table (3.4.2) it is clear that the critical point is a node and unstable.



Q.1 For the system of the equations

(i) Show that (0,0) and(1,1) a critical point for the given system.

(ii) Show that (0,0) is a saddle point and (1,1) is the centre of above system.

Q.2 Determine the nature and stability of the critical point (0,0) for each of the following

systems of the equations












3.4.3 Periodic Solutions:


…. (1)

is a non linear autonomous system. Then a solution is said to be

periodic if neither function is constant, if both are defined for all and if such



Then the number T with the above property is called periodic solution with period T.

3.4.4 Closed Paths: A non linear system of equation has a closed path if it has a periodic

solution. On the other hand a linear system has closed path if the roots of its auxiliary

equation are purely imaginary. We can easily understand the concept of closed path

with the following example:

…. (2)

By using polar co-ordinates and taking we have and

which gives



and x

.... (3)

By (2) and (3) we get


.... (4)


.... (5)

The system (2) has a single critical point at To find the path consider

Separate the variables and integration we get

√ and …..(6)

The corresponding general solution of (2) is

√ and

√ … . (7)

Geometrically if we analyze (6) we come to the

conclusion that for c = 0 , we have


as and

If c 0 then . Also if c 0 then r 1 and again .

The above observations clearly shows that there is only a single closed circular path

for .

3.4.5 Poincare- Bendixson Theorems:

Theorem 1: A closed path of the system

necessarily surrounds at least one critical point of this system.

Proof: Let C be a simple closed curve and assume that C does not pass through any critical

point of the given system. If P= (x, y ) is a point on C then

V(x, y) =

is a non zero vector and have a definite direction given by If P moves once around C

then change by 2 , n is an integer and it is called the index of C.

If C shrinks continuously to a smaller simple closed curve without passing over any

critical point, then index change continuously but index is an integer which cannot change.

Theorem 2: Let R be a bounded region of the phase plane together with its boundary, and

assume that R does not contain any critical points of the system

If C = [ x(t), y(t)] is a path of (1) that lies in R for some T and remains in R for all t ,

then C is either itself a closed path or it spirals toward a closed path as . Thus in

either case system has a closed path in R.

The proof of this theorem can be easily illustrated by an example we discuss in 3.5.4.


UNIT –IV: Linear second order equations-Preliminaries, Basic facts.

Theorems of Sturm, Sturm-Liouville Boundary value problems.

Numbers of zeros, Nonoscillatory equations and principal

solutions, Nonoscillation theorems.

Unit Structure :

4.0 Object

4.1 Linear second order equations-Preliminaries, Basic facts

4.2 Algorithm to solve linear second order differential equations with solved examples

4.3 Sturm-Liouville Boundary value problems

4.4 Algorithm to solve Sturm-Liouville Boundary value problems and solved examples

4.5 Number of zeros

4.6 Nonoscillatory equations and principal solutions.

4.7 Nonoscillation theorems

4.8 Unit brief review (Summary)

4.1 Object:

4.1 Linear second order equations-Preliminaries, Basic facts:

4.1.1 Linear second order equations: An equation of type



Where P, Q, X are functions of x alone, is called the linear equation of second order. If

the coefficients P and Q are constants, the equation can be solved by the methods which we

have discussed in unit II, block I, otherwise there is no general method to solve such

equations. We are giving a procedure in which integral belongs to the complementary

function can be found.

4.1.2 Complete solution of linear equation of second order, when one integral belonging to

the C.F. is known:

The given equation is

, ….. (1)

Let y = be a known part of the C.F. i.e. a solution of equation

, ….. (2)

Let y =u be the complete solution of equation (1), where u is the function of x.

Now y =u gives



Substituting these values in (1), we get


) (

) ,


) (





….. (3)


in (3), we get


- =

….. (4)

Which is linear in t, therefore I.F. = ∫{


Hence solution of (4) is


t (I.F.) = ∫

or t (

∫ ) = ∫

Solving and putting back

, and integrating we get

u = ( ∫ ) [∫ ∫ ]

Complete solution of (1) is y =u , where u is given by (5).

4.1.3 Special integral part of C.F. to

: The integral part given below

is obtain by putting and .. in (2).

Condition Integral part is

1 + P + Q = 0

1 - P + Q = 0

+ mP + Q = 0

P + Qx = 0 X

2+2Px + Q + = 0

m(m-1) + mPx + Q + = 0

4.2 Algorithm to solve linear second order differential equations with solved examples:

4.2.1 Algorithm to solve linear second order differential equations:

Step I: Put the equation in standard form i.e.

coefficient of

is unity.

Step II: Test for integral part of C.F. as per table given in 4.1.3 above.

Step III: Put y = u in step I equation and simplify as simplified in 4.1.2.

The following method fully illustrates the method.

Solved Examples:

Example 1: Solve


Solution: Given differential equation can be written as

Here P =

, Q =

and R = 0;

Clearly 1 + P + Q = 1


= 0 is a part of C.F.

Now we assume that the Complete solution is y =u , then the given equation reduces to

= 0, Putting

, we get x

= or


Integrating both sides, we get

log t + log x = log c or t . x = c

Putting back

, we get

. x = c or =

Integrating both sides, we get = c log + .

Hence complete solution is y =(c log + ) . Ans.

Example 2: Solve

Solution: Here P = , Q = and R = x;

Clearly P + Q x = = 0 is a part of C.F.

Assume that the Complete solution is y =u then the given equation reduces to

= x, Putting

, we get x




) = , ….. (I)

a linear equation in t whose I.F. = ∫(


Solution of (I) is ∫


. (

)/ ∫ .



= - (

) [Putting


This gives








Or (




Integrating both sides, we get =



dx + .

Hence complete solution is y = .


dx + . Ans.


Q.1 Solve


dx + ].

Q.2 Solve


+ ].

Q.3 Solve


+ ].

4.2.2 Reduction of equation

to its normal form:

When we fail to obtain a part of C.F. we cannot apply method 4.2.1. In such cases the

equation may be solved by reducing equation

….. (1)

to its normal form i.e. by removing first derivative as below:


Let y =u gives



Substituting these values in (1), we get


) (

) ,




) ,

Now we choose in such a way that the coefficient of

i.e. (



.. (2)



) =

….. (3)

Again from (2) we have

, differentiating both sides gives




Putting (3), we get


) =


( –

) .


, where ( –

) = .


….. (4)

Equation (4) is the required normal form of equation (1), can be easily integrated.

4.2.3 Algorithm to solve linear second order differential equations by reducing to its

Normal form:

Step I: Put the equation in standard form i.e.

coefficient of

is unity.


Step II: Find P, Q, X,

, ( –

) = .


Step III: Put the values of in normal form


Step IV: Obtained equation is linear differential equation with constant coefficient and

solve by finding C.F. and P.I. as given in Unit I, Block I.

Step V: Required Solution is obtain by putting the values of

Solved Examples:

Example 1: Solve

Solution: Here P = Q = to reduce in normal form we choose

= , =

And ( –

) ( –

)= 2

Equation reduces to


Here A.E. is C.F. =

And P.I. =


( )

, therefore


And the complete solution is


Example 2: Solve

Solution: Here P = Q =

To reduce in normal form we choose the complete solution of the given equation as

, where

= = , =


And ( –

) ( –

)= 6

Equation reduces to


Here A.E. is C.F. =

And P.I. =


( )

( )




And the complete solution is



Q.1 Solve



Q.2 Solve

[Ans. ].

Q.3 Solve

[Ans. ].

Q.4 Solve

[Ans. ].

4.2.4 Transformation of the equation

by changing the independent


Sometimes the equation is transformed into an integrable form by changing the

independent variable. Let the equationbe

….. (1)

Let the independent variable x be changed to z by taking z as the function of x.








Substituting these values in (1), we get










+ ,


…. (2)



) ,


) and


) .

After obtaining equation (2) we like to choose z in such a way that (2) can be easily


Case I: .

We choose z to make the coefficient of

in (2), equal to zero i.e.


) or


Integrating, we get log


integrating again, we get , this value of z reduces (2) to

which can be easily solved provided comes out to be a constant or a constant multiplied



Case II:

We choose z such that


) (constant),

i.e. (



, integrating gives ∫ .


The above value of z reduces (2) to

Which can be solved easily, if comes out to be a constant.

Things To Remember:

To apply these methods student are advised to remember equation (2) and the values of

.Since we have assumed that z is f(x),so to get the required the required

result replace z with its corresponding value in terms of x.

Solved Examples:

Example 1: Solve


Solution: Writing given equation in standard form, we have

…. (i)

Here P = , Q = , X =

Changing independent variable from x to z, equation becomes

….. (ii)



) ,


) and


) .

Let us choose z such that


) = - 2 (constant)

i.e. (



, integrating gives . ….. (iii)









Hence equation (ii) transferred to



By (iii)

Or ….. (iv)

Now C.F. = +


P.I. =



Hence the solution of the given equation is

y = +


Or y = +

+ [ As z = sin x ] Ans.

Example 2: Solve

Solution: Writing given equation in standard form, we have

…. (i)

Here P =

, Q =

, X =

Changing independent variable from x to z, equation becomes

….. (ii)



) ,


) and


) .

Let us choose z such that


( )

, putting


( )

Separating the variables and integrating, we get


+ or

( )



( ) Separating the variables and integrating, z =


) =


( )) = 4 and


( )) ,

Hence the transformed equation is

its solution is y = +

or y = + [As z = ] Ans.


Q.1 Solve

[Ans. y = + ].

Q.2 Solve

[Ans. y = + ].

Q.3 Solve

[Ans. y =



) ].

Q.4 Solve

[Ans. y = -


4.3 Sturm-Liouville Boundary value problems:

4.3.1 Boundary value problems:

A differential equation along with some conditions on the unknown function and its

derivatives given for one specific value of the independent variable is called initial value


problem (I.V.P.). If conditions on the unknown function and its derivatives given for more

than one value of the independent variable is called boundary value problem (B.V.P.).

Ex. (1) y is an I.V.P. because for one value of

independent variable we have conditions on the unknown function and its

derivatives .

Ex. (2) y is a B.V.P. because for two values

of independent variable we have conditions on the unknown function and

its derivatives .

4.3.2 Sturm-Liouville Boundary value problem:

The boundary value problem given by the second order differential equation of the form

[ [ ….. (1)

on some interval [a , b] satisfying the conditions of the form (i)

and (ii) , where are a real parameter, and

the real valued continuous functions of x . Also are real constants

at least one in each is non zero of conditions (2) is called the Sturm Liouville Problem. Here

equation (1) is known as Sturm Liouville equation and equation (2) is called boundary


Note (1): Two real functions f(x) and (x) are called orthogonal function on the interval

[a , b] , if ∫

(2) If are two eigen functions of Sturm Liouville Problem (1)

corresponding to two distinct eigen values respectively and their derivatives are

continuous function in the same interval [a, b], then orthogonal .

4.3.3 Theorem: Eigen values of the Sturm Liouville Problem are all real.

Proof: Sturm Liouville Problem is [ [ …….. (i)

On the interval [a, b] satisfying the conditions



We assume that p(x) 0 when . Let y(x) is an eigen function corresponding to an

eigen value , then this function satisfies equations (i), (ii), and (iii), and it may

be a complex function. Taking conjugate throughout in equations (i), (ii), and (iii), we get

[ ] [ ] ….(iv)

.… (v)

and …. (vi)

The above equations shows that is eigen function corresponding to the eigen value

. Multiplying (i) by and (iv) by and subtracting, we get

) = [ ] [

= [ ] [

Integrating both sides from a to b, we get


= * [ ] [ + -

* [ ] [ +


= 0, in view of (ii), (iii), (v) and (vi).

Thus we have )= 0 or as ∫

.Hence the theorem.

4.4 Algorithm to solve Sturm-Liouville Boundary value problems and solved examples:

Algorithm to solve Sturm-Liouville Boundary value problems: Standard form of the

equation is

Step I: Consider three different cases for in each problem.

Step II: solve each case separately by finding C.F.


Step III: Use boundary condition to find the values of constants taken in C.F.

Conclusion: Non zero value of constant gives eigen value and corresponding eigen vectors.

Solved Examples:

Example 1: Findthe eigen values and eigen functions of the Sturm Liouville problem

Solution: Case I. If , the given equation reduces to

Integrating twice gives

Using given boundary conditions, we have B = 0 and or

Therefore , which is not an eigen function.

Case II. If ,let the given equation reduces to which is a

linear differential equation with constant coefficient, whose solution is

Using given boundary conditions, we have A + B = 0 and or

Therefore , which is not an eigen function.

Case III. If ,let he given equation reduces to which is a

linear differential equation with constant coefficient, whose solution is

Using given boundary conditions, we have A = 0 and


If B = 0then we have, , which is not an eigen function. Therefore taking

, we have


Therefore the eigen function are taking B = 1 and the eigen values are

……. Ans.

Example 2: Find the eigen values and eigen functions of the Sturm Liouville problem

Solution: Case I. If , the given equation reduces to

Integrating twice gives and

Using given boundary conditions, we have B = 0 and .

Therefore , which is not an eigen function.

Case II. If ,let the given equation reduces to which is a

linear differential equation with constant coefficient, whose solution is


Using given boundary conditions, we have A + B = 0 and or

Therefore , which is not an eigen function.

Case III. If ,let he given equation reduces to which is a

linear differential equation with constant coefficient, whose solution is


Using given boundary conditions, we have A = 0 and


If B = 0then we have, , which is not an eigen function. Therefore taking

, gives


Therefore the eigen function are taking B = 1 and the eigen values

are ……. Ans.


Q.1 For the eigen values and eigen functions of the Sturm Liouville problem

[Ans. eigen function eigen values are …….]

Q.2 Find the eigen values and eigen functions of the Sturm Liouville problem

[Ans. eigen function eigen values are …….]

Q.3 Find the eigen values and eigen functions of the Sturm Liouville problem

[Ans. eigen function eigen values are …….]

4.5 Number of zeros:

We shall now discuss the problem of determining the number of zeros of non trivial

solutions of the general second order differential equation

+ q(t)y = 0 ….. (1)

Where the functions and q(t) are continuous on some interval Before

moving to the main result, we first understand the Prufer’s transformation.

4.5.1. Cor. I: let be a non trivial solution of ….. (i)

existing on the interval , then the transformation

, reduces (i) to ….. (ii)


….. (iii)

and (

) ….. (iv)

Proof: The proof of the above cor. is quite usual and it can be obtained by differentiating

(iii) with respect to t and using relation y = and .

4.5.2 Let the coefficient function P(t) and q(t) in be

continuous on the interval and let u(t) be a nontrivial solution of


Suppose u(t) has exactly n ( ) zeros at t = .

[a, b]. If is a function defined by (ii) then ) for

and for , k=1 , 2 , 3…… .

Proof: Since t = . are the zeros of y(t), it follows from the second relation of (ii),

that at t = .Thus from(iii), we have

From the continuity of this implies that is increasing in the nbd of the points

t = , gives the result.

4.5.3 The Sturm Theory:

Let u(t) be a solution of

….. (A)

having first derivative u (t) on Also suppose that u(t) has an infinite number of

zeroes on then for all t on

Proof: Since u(t) has an infinite number of zeros on then by Bolzano-weirstrass

theorem the set of zeroes has a limit point l [ . Therefore there exists a sequence ⟨ ⟩

of zeroes which converges to l. Now since u is continuous



where through any sequence of points on [ Let through the sequence

of zeroes ⟨ ⟩. Then


Now since u (t) exists, then by the definition of differentiability, we have

u (l) =


where through any sequence of zeroes ⟨ ⟩.

For such points

u (l) = 0.

Therefore is a solution of equation (A) such that u (l) = 0. Since l [ ,

therefore . This concludes the theorem.

4.5.4. Sturm Separation Theorem: Let u and v be real linearly independent solutions of

….. (A)

on t [ . Then between any two consecutive zeroes of u, there is precisely one zero of v.

Proof: Let are two consecutive zeroes of u on [ . Then by theorem 4.5.3 we

have v( ) v( ) . Now we assume that v has no zero in the open interval

. Then since solutions u and v have continuous derivatives on [ , the quotient u/v

has a continuous derivative on the interval [ .

Also u/v is zero at the end points of this interval, then by Rolle’s theorem point

c such that


+ , at t = c . But



and therefore u and v

are linearly independent on [a, b].



+ , which is a contradiction. Hence v has a zero in Now to claim that

v has precisely one zero in we assume that v has more than one zero in

be two consecutive zeroes of v. Then by interchanging the role of


u and v and proceeding as above, we can easily claim that u must have at least one zero in

This concludes the theorem.

4.6 Nonoscillatory equations and principal solutions:

4.6.1 Oscillatory and Nonoscillatory equations and principal solutions:

Equation is of the form

where is a real valued and continuous function on is called oscillatory

equation if it’s all the non trivial solutions have an infinite number of zeros on

These nontrivial solutions are known as oscillatory solutions. If some of them are

oscillatory and remaining are non oscillatory, then such equations are known as non-

oscillatory equation and their solutions are known as non-oscillatory solutions. Clearly the



is non oscillatory equation, if is a real valued and continuous function in the

interval . In other word an equation is called non oscillatory in

interval , if no solution of the equation can change its sign more than once in

the interval.

4.7 Nonoscillation theorems:

Theorem: If all the non trivial solutions of are oscillatory, is

continuous, and , then some non trivial solutions of


are oscillatory. On the other hand, if some non trivial solution of equation (1) are non

oscillatory and then some non trivial solutions of must be non oscillatory.


Proof: Let and are the non trivial solution

of (1). Multiplying (1) by y and the equation by z,

and subtracting we get


Or [ ……..(2)

Let and be two consecutive zeros of and let and that y(t)

on the interval [ ]. By integrating equation (2) ranging from , we get

∫ [


Since and be two consecutive zeros of , we have = 0 with

and Therefore from (3), we get

∫ [

….. (4)

Now we claim that has a zero in the interval [ ]. On the contrary we assume that

has no zero in [ ].Then does not change its sign. Since and

and and are non negative in the interval [ ] leads a

contradiction. Thus has a zero in [ ] and changes its sign in the interval

[ ]. This concludes that between any two consecutive zeros of there is a

Second part follows with the similar argument as we used in first part.

4.8 Unit brief review:


UNIT -V: Partial differential equations of first and second order, linear

partial differential equation with constant coefficient.

Unit Structure :

5.0 Introduction

5.1 Partial differential equations of order one and two with examples

5.2 Linear and non linear Partial differential equations

5.3 Linear partial differential equation with constant coefficient

5.4 Algorithm to solve linear partial differential equations with constant coefficient and

solved examples.

5.5 Unit brief review (Summary)

5.0 Introduction:

In the theory of partial differential equations, a variable (say) is a function of

more than one independent variable. Here we are restrict ourselves to assume that is a

function of two variables x and y; we write than

the partial

derivatives of with respect to of order one. Similarly the second order partial

derivatives of are denoted by

. A partial differential

equation is a relation between dependent variable, independent variables and partial

derivatives of dependent variables.

5.1 Partial differential equations of order one and two with examples:

5.1.1 Partial differential equations of order one:

The order of partial differential equation is determined by the highest order partial

derivative in it. Thus a Partial differential equation is called of order one if it contains

highest derivatives of order one i.e. the equation contains


Symbolically denoted as . For examples,

(1) ,

(2) ,


are partial differential equations. Clearly order of partial differential equation (1) is one

and order of (2) is two. We already studied the formation of partial differential equations

by eliminating arbitrary functions and arbitrary constants in earlier classes. Thus in the

present chapter we restricted ourselves to discuss the solution of linear partial differential

equations with constant coefficients.

5.2 Linear and non linear Partial differential equations:

5.2.1 A partial differential equation involving partial derivatives p and q and no higher

derivatives is called of order one . In addition, the degree (or power) of p and q is unity

(one), then it is a linear partial differential equation of order one. For example,

2xp+ 5yq= z and p are both linear partial differential equation of order

one. On the other hand + 3q = z and x + y are both partial differential

equation of order one but non linear.

The solutions of linear partial differential equation of order one we already been

studied in the previous classes using Lagrange’s and Charpit’s method. So we left this

to the reader as practice exercise.

5.3 Linear partial differential equation with constant coefficients:

5.3.1 A partial differential equation is called linear partial differential equation with

constant coefficient if it consist higher partial derivatives of z with respect to x and y

but the power of each derivatives that occurs and variable z is one and the coefficient of

various terms are constant quantities. The general form of such equation is denoted as



+ [


+ ………. +[ ] + N}z = ....(1)

In (1) the notations and taken for the operators

respectively and the

coefficients are all constants.

In brief (1) can be written as , where



] + [


+ …+[ ] + N}.

5.3.2 Homogeneous linear partial differential equation: Equation (1) in 5.3.1 is called

homogeneous linear partial differential equation if in (1) is in the form



i.e. {[

]}z = ….(2)

The general solution of homogeneous linear partial differential equation consist two parts

namely complementary function (C.F.) and particular integral (P.I.).ion Thus the general

solution of above equation is

z = C.F. + P.I.

Here C.F. is the general solution of while P.I. is the any particular solution

of .

5.3.3Solution of homogeneous linear partial differential equation:

Complementary function(C.F.): We know that C.F. is the general solution of

Let one of the linear factor of is say ( - ).Then we have

( - ) or

or p -

The above equation is clearly of Lagrange form . Therefore the auxiliary

equations of Lagrange’s are

First two relations give (on integration). And the last

relation gives Hence the required solution corresponding to factor

( – ) is

In the same fashion solutions corresponding to all factors can be obtained.


Particular solution (P.I.): We know that P.I. is the solution of free

from arbitrary constants. P.I. of any equation is taken as

. Here the symbolic

function can be treated as algebraic function of and and can be factorized or

expanded in ascending powers of or to obtain the required P.I.

Note: In solving the problem treat and as partial operator w.r.t. x and y while

as integration w.r.t. x and y respectively. In the next section we will discuss the

shortcut method to find P.I. in detail.

5.4 Algorithm to solve linear partial differential equations with constant coefficient and

solved examples:

5.4.1. Algorithm to find complementary function (C.F.):

Let the given equation is . We follow the steps given below to

obtain the required C.F:

Step I: Take and put to get auxiliary equation (A.E.).

Step II: Find the roots of the equation i.e. values of m. Let the values of m are

. Then

Case I: If values of m i.e. all are distinct, then C.F. is given by


Case II: If values of m are repeated, say then, C.F. is given by


Example 1: Solve ( ) z = 0

Solution: The auxiliary equation is {put and =1}


Or gives

Therefore required C.F. is



Example 2: Solve ( )z = 0.

Solution: The auxiliary equation is {put and =1}

Or gives ,

Therefore required C.F. is


Example 3: Solve

Solution: Given equation is

Here A.E. is or gives

[repeated roots]

Therefore required C.F. is




) Ans.

Example 4: Solve (

Solution: A.E. is (

Or ) )= 0

Or or

Or [repeated roots] ,

therefore required C.F. is



5.4.2 Shortcut Methods To Obtain Particular Integral (P.I.):Let the given equation is

, then

Case I: When is a function of , then to get the particular solution of the

equation , proceed as below [where F is a homogeneous

function of of degree n]:


Step I: Put and integrate , n times with respect to t.

Step II: Put a for D and b for to get .

Step III: Required P.I. =


th integral of obtained in step I], where .


Example 1: Solve ( ) z =

Solution: The auxiliary equation is {put and =1}

Or gives

Hence C.F. is

Now P.I. =

Here is a function of the form and is a homogeneous

function of degree 2 in .

We first put , and then integrating twice with respect to t, we get

i.e. [as ]

Also putting 2 for and 3 for in

We get P.I. =



Therefore the complete solution is



Example 2: Solve ( ) z =

Solution: The auxiliary equation is {put and =1}

Or gives

Hence C.F. is

Now, P.I. =

( ) =

( )



( )

( )

Here is a function of the form and is a

homogeneous function of degree 2 in .

We first put , and then integrating twice with respect to t, we get

i.e. [as ].

Now on putting for and in , we get

P.I1. =

( ) …(A)

The same procedure we apply for second part i.e. for , we get

and putting m for and for in

We get P.I2. =

( ) .

Therefore the complete solution is

P.I1.+ P.I2.

( )

( ) Ans.

5.4.3 Exceptional case when F(a,b) = 0:

If On Putting a for D and b for in , the above method gets

fails. Then to evaluate P.I., proceed as below:


Step I: Differentiate with respect to D partially and multiply the expression by x,

so that

Step II: If is also zero, Differentiate with respect to D partially and

multiply the expression by x again, so that

Repeat the above procedure till the derivative of vanishes. If , then

, solved by shortcut method above.

Example 1: Solve ( ) z = 4

Solution: The auxiliary equation is {put and =1}

Or gives

Hence C.F. is


Now P.I. =

4 ,

the denominator becomes zero when 2, therefore differentiating the

denominator with respect to D partially and multiplying by x,

P.I. =

4 ,

The denominator again vanishes when 2, therefore again differentiating the

denominator with respect to D partially and multiplying again by x,

P.I. =

4 ,

The denominator does not vanishes when 2, therefore


P.I. =

[ cos = ,

Therefore the complete solution is



Q.1 [Ans.


Q.2 Solve ( ) z = [Ans.


Q.3 Solve ( ) z = [Ans.


Q.4 Solve ( ) z = ( ) [Ans.


5.4.4 General method of finding the P.I.

Consider the equation .

This can be written as , which is of Lagrange’s form. Therefore

A.E. is

The first two relations give . …(1)


On integration we have

z =∫ or z =∫ , from (1)

Thus z =∫ ,

Where constant c is replaced by , after integration.

The above method be repeated for all the factors of .


Solved Examples:

Example 1: .

Solution: Given equation can be written as

( ) z =

The auxiliary equation is {put and =1}


Hence C.F. is

For finding P.I., we use general method.

P.I. =

Or =

Or =

∫ ,

[Because corresponding to the factor we have solution .

Or =

[ ,

Or =

[ , replacing

Or =

[ ,

Or = ∫[

[Because corresponding to the factor we have solution .

Therefore P.I. = [

Or = [


Or = [ ,

Thus the complete solution is


Q.1 [Ans.


Q.2 ( ) z =




5.4.5 Non homogeneous linear equations: A linear partial differential which is not

homogeneous is called non homogeneous linear equation. We consider the differential


Where is not necessarily homogeneous. We Classify mainly in two types,

which shall be treated separately as :

(i) is reducible i.e. can be expressed as product of linear factors of the

form , where a and b are constants.

(ii) is irreducible i.e. is not reducible as above.

Case I: is reducible:

Complementary function (C.F.) :

Let be the factor of , then C.F. is easily obtain by applying

Lagrange’s equation concept and write as , where is an arbitrary

function. We now give the different cases here:

(I) have distinct linear factors: If

Where all the factors are distinct, then corresponding C.F. is given by






Things to remember(1): If the linear factor is , then the corresponding C.F.

is .

(II) have repeated linear factors:

Let a factor occur twice in . Then corresponding C.F. is

given by



In general if occur n times in , then the corresponding C.F. is

given by



Things to remember(2): If the linear factor is and occurs

twice, then the corresponding C.F. is [


Particular integral (P.I.): Particular integral of non homogeneous partial differential

equation can be found in a way similar to those of ordinary differential equations. Here we

are giving some standard form of and their corresponding P.I. format.

Form I: If = , then corresponding P.I.

is obtain by putting

’ in .e.

Required P.I. =

, [Provided ].

Form II: If = , then corresponding P.I.


obtain by putting and in .e.

Required P.I. =


If the terms of D and D’ remains in the denominator, then


(i) Rationalize the denominator and replace and

(ii) Treat D and D’ as partial differential operator to get required P.I.

Form III: If = , then corresponding P.I.

is obtain by expanding

in terms of .

Form IV: If = , then corresponding P.I.

is obtain by

putting ’ in then solve according to the form of V

Required P.I. =



Example 1: Solve ( ) ( ) .

Solution: According to 5.4.5 case I (I) of complementary functions, here are two distinct

linear factors ( ) and ( ). After comparing to we have

and . Therefore

C.F. =

. [See things to remember(I),


Now P.I. =

, writing 2 for D, -1 for



Hence the complete solution is



.. Ans.

Example 2: Solve ( ) .

Solution: The given equation is ( ) ( ) z = ,


According to 5.4.5 case I (I) of complementary functions,

C.F. =

. [See things to remember (I), 5.4.5]

Now P.I. =

( )

( ) , writing for , (-1).2 for



Rationalizing the denominator, we get


, writing .





Hence the complete solution is


[ …Ans.

Example 3: Solve ( ) .

Solution: The given equation is ( ) ( ) z = ,

According to 5.4.5 case I (I) of complementary functions,

C.F. =

. [See things to remember (I), 5.4.5]

Now P.I. =


= [


= [

= [

= [

= [ .

[Taking D and means partial differentiation w.r.t. x and respectively]

Hence the complete solution is


[ . …Ans.


Q.1 Solve

Ans. [

[ ].

Q.2 Solve ( )z =

Ans. [


Q.3 Solve ( )z = xy Ans. [


Case II: is irreducible i.e. is not reducible into linear factor:

In this case we follow the few steps to find C.F. as below:

Step I: Take trial solution =

Step II: Put the above value in the given equation.

Step III: Find the value of k in terms of h.

Put the value of h in trial solution to get the required solution.

NOTE: To find Particular Integral we adopt the same technique as in case I.

Solved Examples:

Example 1: Solve ( )z = 0.


Solution: Let the solution of the above equation be = ….. (1)

Then from the equation

( ) = 0 ( ) = 0

( )

Putting in (1), we get the required solution is

= … Ans.

Example 2: Solve ( ) z = .

Solution: Let the solution of the above equation be = ….. (1)

Then from the equation

( ) = 0 ( ) = 0

( )

Putting in (1), C.F. is


Now P.I.=

( )

( ) , writing for



After rationalizing the denominator, we get



= ( )

= ( )

, writing for


( )


( )

Hence the complete solution is


( ) … Ans.


Q.1 Solve ( ) z = 0 [Ans. = ]

Q.2 Solve ( ) z = 0 [ = ].



1. Evans, Lawrence C.(1-CA) Partial differential equations. (English. English summary)

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2. Folland, Gerald B.(1-WA) Introduction to partial differential equations. (English.

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3. Andrews, Larry C. Elementary Partial Differential Equations with Boundary Value

Problems New York, NY: Academic Press, 1986.

4. Balachandra Rao S. & H.R. Anuradha Differential Equations

5. Sankara Rao, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

6. Raisinghania, M D Ordinary And Partial Differential Equations book

7. Raisinghania, M D , Advanced Differential Equations book

8. Zafar Ahsan, Differential Equations and Their Applications, Prentice Hall of India, New

Delhi 1999.

9. B. D. Sharma, Differential Equations, K. N. R. N. Delhi 1983

10. Kapoor, N. M. Differential Equations, P.P. Company Ltd. Delhi 1999.

11. Renardy, Michael Rogers, Robert C.(1-VAPI) An introduction to partial differential

equations, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1993