MS- Lesson 4 - Etnic Relations (1)

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Etnic Relations

Transcript of MS- Lesson 4 - Etnic Relations (1)


The Ethnic Relations in Malaysia

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Concepts of Unity and Integration

• National Unity refers to the uniting of various groups that have different social and cultural backgrounds, into one physical entity.

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National Unity

• The unity that exists in the country is founded upon power sharing, a democratic government, sound economy distribution and cultural tolerance.

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• The concept of integration is wider than that.

• It is a process of uniting groups with different backgrounds into one entity bound by common norms, values and interests.

• Therefore, National integration is more an abstract process, a coming or binding together that is genuine and time-consuming.

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Concept of Plural Society

• According J.S Furnival, the plural society is characterized by ethnic groups who live under one political unit ( a country) but are not integrated.

• Every group has its own language, culture, religion, values, thinking and way of life.

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Social Characteristics of Plural Society

• Diversity of Culture

• The physical separation

• Identification of ethnic by employment

• Lack of social contact

• The existence of a dominant group politically

» J.S Furnival 1948

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The Theory of Racial Relations

The process of Integration

Segregation Assimilation AmalgamationAcculturationAccommodation

Low integration High integration

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In Conclude

• All of the five process above portray how minority groups become part of the main stream of society.

• The presence of accommodation in a society reflects that a society is in a situation of merging together.

• However a situation of real integration can only be achieved starting with acculturation, assimilation and finally amalgamation

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Acculturation Assimilation Amalgamation

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Obstacles To National Integration

• Communalism

• Prejudice

• Ethnocentrism

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Ignorance of other ethnic groups

• This means limited or lack of understanding of the way of life, the living conditions and the problems of the other races.

Causes and Reinforcing Obstacles to Integration

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Ignorance of other ethnic groups

• Ignorance about other races is usually because of the physical separation such as territories and urban-rural separation that limit social contacts.

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Process of socialization limited to within ethnic groups

• The process of socialization among members of one ethnic group is not conducive to a wide exposure to other cultural elements.

• Different races have different ways of bringing up children especial at home.

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Communal Politics

• The ruling party in the country displays integration of various political parties within it, generally racial politics remains an important feature of politics in the country.

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Communal Politics

• Opposition parties, for example, continue to voice, loud and clear, the feelings and demands of only a certain community.

• This easily brings up reinforces racial feelings.

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Communal Politics

• In this context, formation of Barisan Nasional is most meaningful and practical because it joins together various political parties

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Socio-economic difference

• Socio-economic differences among the many ethnic groups in the country, linked for a long time to the history of colonialism

• And today to structural factors, indeed constitute an important cause of dissatisfaction among some of the people.

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Socio-economic difference

• They feel deprived of the chance to share in enjoying the nation’s wealth.

• Programmes implemented to reduce the socio-economic gap too, fail to make certain groups happy.

• They become jealous, suspicious, frightened and feel neglected.

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Cultural differences

• Cultural differences of course easily spark off feelings of prejudice, racism, and ethnocentrism, all of which pose threat to national integration.

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Cultural differences

• Different culture mean different style, different pattern of life and different problems ultimately giving rise to conflict.

• This differences are frequently revealed in all kinds of social and cultural activities.

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Segregation or Physical separation

• Physical segregation indeed gives rise to difficulty in physical contact and results in an ethnic group not knowing another ethnic group, especially on that lives in a different area.

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Segregation or Physical separation

• For instance, the tribal communities in Sabah and Sarawak; the opportunity for then to interact with one another is limited, what more to come into contact with people who live in Peninsula Malaysia.

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Segregation or Physical separation

• Physical separation such as this makes it easier for prejudice, self interest and ethnocentricity to thrive.

The Strives Towards Unity and National Integration

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National Integration Strategies in Malaysia

• Unity of the people can exist if there is already unity within each ethnic group

1. Therefore efforts to unite the members of an ethnic group need to be carried out before trying to create national unity (among the ethnic groups).

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2. National unity can be achieved when economic differences among ethnic groups are reduced and subsequently eliminated.

3. The implementation of all policies, economic, social, cultural and so on, should not stop certain ethnic groups from carrying out any rightful activity in the areas concerned.

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National Integration Strategies in Malaysia

4. To make sure that policies made and implemented should be based on principles of compromise among the leaders of the ethnic groups.

Method to Achieve National Integration

Methods For Socio-psychological Development

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Formal Education

• Socialization process at school and tertiary level, the curriculum is complete with elements that furnish in-depth knowledge of the ethnic groups to inculcate the spirit of unity

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Methods For Socio-psychological Development

• Co-curriculum activities

• Continuous education

• Social groups

• Social activities

• Tourism within the country

• Mass media

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Methods for Socio-economic Development

• Improving educational infrastructure

• Create bumiputra entrepreneurs and professionals

• Development of rural infrastructure

• Development of rural folks

• Development in the small enterprise sector