Ms. Decker’s Third- Grade Class · Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA –Go Steelers! Enjoy travel, reading...

Post on 24-Mar-2020

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Transcript of Ms. Decker’s Third- Grade Class · Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA –Go Steelers! Enjoy travel, reading...

Welcome Parents!As you come in:

•Find your child’s desk and read the letter they wrote!

•Use pens at the tables to write a note back •Feel free to use the materials in their pencil box to decorate your note!

Miss Strong’s 3rd

Grade Class

Welcome to Back to

School Night!

Agenda Teacher Introduction

Classroom Expectations


Nine Week Plans

Math Grouping


40 Book Challenge



General Classroom Information

Contact Information


A Little About Me… College: Penn State University

Degree: B.A. Elementary Education (K-8)

Minors/Certificates: Special Education, Deafness & Hearing Studies, English as a Second Language (ESL/ELL),

Grad School: George Mason University (current)

M.Ed. School Counseling

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA – Go Steelers!

Enjoy travel, reading playing piano, and skiing! I also enjoy other outdoor activities.

Classroom Expectations, Rewards, & Consequences

• Students are to be Ready, Responsible, Respectful (The “3 R’s”)

• Students are responsible for assignments, materials, transporting belongings between home and school

•Students will write homework in agenda every day, and return completed homework next day

•Chance Cards and Puma Paws (Individual Students)

•Bingo Points (Whole Class)

•Think Sheet -- filled out in school and sent home

o Parent signature needed, and return to school.

The First Nine Weeks

MATH Place Value

Forms of numbers

Comparing numbers


Addition Addition Properties

Carrying over

Subtraction Borrowing

Subtracting acrosszeros

LANGUAGE ARTS Effective Communication

and Listening Skills Group work & team building

Word Analysis Skills

Reading Strategies & Genres Fiction/Nonfiction

Demonstrate Comprehension of Fiction

Paragraph writing Complete sentences

Parts of speech

Paragraph on same topic

The First Nine Weeks


Famous Americans George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln

Rosa Parks

Thurgood Marshall

Martin Luther King Jr.

Cesar Chavez

Holidays Veterans Day

Memorial Day

Serving the community

SCIENCE Scientific Investigation

Scientific method


Matter Water stages

Solid, Liquid, gas

Water Cycle Water conservation

Math Grouping

Pre-assessment at beginning of year

Differentiated—classes switch

ALL students’ are taught the same content/standards, but content is delivered according to individual needs and noted concept areas.

Helps to meet increasing rigor of SOL tests

Homework Students should receive approximately

30 minutes of homework every night. About 10 minutes per grade level

In addition students are expected to read 15-20 minutes every night.

Students use their agendas daily.

Parental supervision of agenda use is strongly advised.

Reading Books at home – write in agenda w/parent signature

40 Book Challenge

Reading at home – Do it!

GradingTeachers will use the following grading scale for student work:

4– Consistently goes beyond established goals for achievement/contributions or explains & justifies reasoning behind an answer

Consistently transfers, applies, and expands skills, applies problem-solving and critical thinking skills across areas of the curriculum

Regularly shows originality, creativity, and intuitive thinking beyond standard

3– Consistently meets established goal for achievement

Demonstrates all required knowledge of content area,

Periodically transfers, applies and expands skills or demonstrates originality, creativity, and intuitive thinking

3 + applies some of the “4” expectations

Grading2– Demonstrates partial knowledge of established goal for achievement, but is

progressing toward complete knowledge of standard

Progressing toward expressing original, creative and intuitive thinking

Rarely applies problem-solving and critical-thinking skills across areas of the curriculum

2+ applies some of the “3” expectations

1-Has difficulty/does not meet established grade-level goals for achievement and expectations

Seldom or never understands, transfers, or applies skills

Does not apply problem-solving and critical-thinking skills across areas of the curriculum

1+ applies some of the “2” expectations

Retakes on Summative Tests Students will be permitted to “retake” a

summative assessment if they received an OVERALL score lower than a 2+

The highest score a student can earn on a retake is a 2+ -- IF they complete the requirements!

VacationsIf you are planning on taking a vacation that will be more

than 3 days, you must email the office to have it approved by the administration.

PLEASE let me know if your student will not be in school for an extended amount of time! Several days notice is expected if you wish to receive any work ahead of time for your child to take with you before your trip!

Conference Sign Up

Using Parent VUE:

• Log in to ParentVUE

• Click Conference Tab

• Click “Parent scheduled conferences”

Conference Sign Up

Conference Sign Up

General Classroom Information

Classroom blog:

Games, Study Guides, Log-In info, Wish List all on Blog

Scholastic Book Orders -- MF3MC class online code!

Class page on Pinebrook website

Remind 101 for short updates and reminders

Contact Information Please feel free to contact me via:

Phone (school phone)

Letters sent in with your



Remind 101 – You can message me

Questions ?

Thank you for coming!

Computers are on in the back to sign up for conferences.