Mr. & Mrs. Allison's… · Web...

Post on 03-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Mr. & Mrs. Allison's… · Web...


1. Species

2. Biological Diversity

3. Ecosystem

4. Population

5. Community

6. Genus

Wolf – Canis

7. Kingdom

8. Phyla

9. Subphyla

10. ClassesWhite Spruce – Pinopsida

11. OrdersWhite Spruce – Pinales

12. Families

13. Genera

14. Symbiosis

15. Commensalism

16. Mutualism

17. Parasitism

18. Niche

19. Interspecies Competition

20. Resource Partitioning

21. Variability

22. Natural Selection


23. Heritable Characteristic

24. Non-Heritable Characteristic

25. Discrete Variation

26. Continuous Variation

27. Asexual Reproduction

28. Binary Fission

31. Vegetative Reproduction (Grafting)

32. Sexual Reproduction

33. Gametes (Egg & Sperm)

34. Fertilization

37. Embryo

38. Sexual Reproduction in Plants

39. Pollination & Fertilization

40. Cross Pollination & Cross Fertilization

UNIT A – SECTION 3.041. DNA (Watson & Crick)

42. Genetic Code

43. Chromosomes

44. Human Chromosomes

45. Genes

46. Genes

47. Genes 3In the center of every cell in your body is a region called the nucleus. The nucleus contains your DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid), which is the genetic code you inherited from each of your parents. The DNA is ribbon-like in structure, but normally exists in a condensed form called chromosomes. You have 46 chromosomes, which are in turn comprised of thousands of genes. These genes carry specific instructions that tell cells how to work, control our growth and development, and determine what we look like and how our bodies work. They also play a role in the repair of damaged cells and tissues. Each person has more than 30,000 genes, which are made up of DNA . You have 2 copies of every gene, 1 inherited from your mother and 1 from your father.

48. Genes 4

49. Alleles 1

50. Alleles 2

51. Alleles 3

52. Mitosis

53. Meiosis

54. Meiosis 2

55. Traits

56. Traits 2

57. Traits

58. Purebred

59. Hybrid

60. Dominant Trait

61. Recessive Trait

62. Incomplete Dominance

63. Environmental Factors

64. Extinct

65. Extirpation

66. Endangered Species

67. Threatened Species

68. Special Concern

69. Overspecialization

70. Habitat Destruction

71. Artificial Selection

72. Biotechnology

73. Clone

74. Clone – 2

75. Artificial Insemination

76. Artificial Insemination

77. In-Vitro Fertilization

78. Genetic Engineering

79. In-Situ Conservation

80. Ex-Situ Conservation

81. Wagner Natural Area


83. Exotic Species

84. Seed Bank