Mr. miles project

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Transcript of Mr. miles project


Roberto AlvaradoGt English 8th- MilesJanuary 8th 2012

Nutrigrain AdIn this ad there is a man who eats a

nutrigrain bar at work. The bar apparently gives the man great joy and courage. He then decides to quit his job and get others to come with him. Then encounters his coworkers and they do crazy things.

ConnectionThis connects to the freedom to choice.

He had the choice to quit and do all the crazy things that he did. If hadn't of had the freedom he wouldn't’t have been able to do all the things he did. Therefore giving him the freedom to choose what he pleased.

Freedom of speech is the liberty to freely say what one pleases, as well as the related liberty to hear what others have

stated. Recently, it has been commonly understood as encompassing all types of expression, including the freedom to create and distribute movies, pictures, songs, dances, and

all other forms of expressive communication.

Freedom Of Speech


This actually connects a lot to the central theme. To have the freedom of speech is basically having the freedom choice. To have the freedom of choice enables you to say what you please. Because if you didn’t have the right to do what you choose you wouldn’t be able to speak you mind.

Decision Making ProcessThe decision making process is a way to

understand and solve a problem that you encounter.


In the decision making process you encounter a lot of problems. With end up leading to

your decision. You will all ways have to pick one thing that you think will make you have a better outcome. This connects to the freedom of choice because you have the choice to choose what you

want and your not forced into anything.

Freedom Of SpeechConnection

This picture represents the ability (freedom) to speak your mind. This freedom has come with being a citizen of the United States. This has a very obvious connection to the central theme of being free to your opinion. And to choose what you think is right.

Somebody Like You

Keith Urban uses freedom of speech to speak his mind and sing it to the whole

world. If Keith didn’t have the freedom to speak his

mind he would have never made the song and also

never inspire the people to follow his footsteps.


The ChoiceBy William Butler Yeats The intellect of man is forced to chooseperfection of the life, or of the work,And if it take the second must refuseA heavenly mansion, raging in the dark.When all that story's finished, what's the news?In luck or out the toil has left its mark:That old perplexity an empty purse,Or the day's vanity, the night's remorse.


This poem represents the mans freedom to choose his fate. He is not forced to do anything that he doesn't want to do. This connects to the theme because he has the choice to do what he pleases instead of being forced to do something he doesn't want to do.

The Girl Who Stayed Connection

This little girl has been faced with a problem. There has been a very devastating earthquake in Haiti and this girl has decided to stay in her hometown. She has the freedom of choice to stay despite the awful tragedy.

Why Some Super Bowl Ads Work

In this article it explains why funny super bowl ads get people’s attention. Like this funny Snickers commercial from a few years back. ConnectionThe average person likes to be entertained or made laugh so that’s why you rarely ever see sad commercials. This is because a lot of people’s attention are caught by something that is funny. The persons choice is to view something more entertaining that’s why those funny super bowl commercials work. And that also connects to the freedom to choose.

Freedom To Choice These all come to the central

theme of being able to chose what you want. To be able to choose what you want done and how you want it done. This is how we run our government in the United States. That’s why we appeal more to the rest of the earth. Although some may mistreat this it has help our ability to learn. The freedom of choice has made us strong in our government and as beings.