Mr. Kallusingh. 1- Be a naturally born citizen 2- Be at least 35 years old; youngest elected...

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Transcript of Mr. Kallusingh. 1- Be a naturally born citizen 2- Be at least 35 years old; youngest elected...

Mr. Kallusingh

1- Be a naturally born citizen 2- Be at least 35 years old; youngest

elected president JFK 43 oldest elected president Ronald Regan 69, most presidents are in their 50’s

3- Have lived in the United States for 14 years

Commander in Chief- leads the military Chief of State- head of the government Chief Diplomat- main architect of

American Foreign policy Chief Legislator- main architect of

public policies Chief Executive- executive power of the

United States

Chief Administrator- head of the federal government, employs more than 2.7 mil ppl

Chief of Party- leader of their political party

Chief Citizen- expected to represent public interest over private interest

VP Only has two formal jobs- preside over the senate and decide the question of presidential disability

President picks someone to balance his ticket by virtue of ideology, geography, race, ethnicity, gender, etc

Primaries- people in a state express their preference of which candidate they like

Caucuses- people pick delegates for the national convention to represent them

National Convention- used to be a much larger event as delegates would vote for the nomination, now a days candidates already know who won

Elections- campaign starts immediately after the conventions and in some cases at the convention

Electoral College- are electors in each state that vote for each candidate; original intention was for people to pick them and then they would pick the president, but now they just vote how the majority votes; problems with the system1- popular vote is not guaranteed 2- electors are not required to follow peoples vote 3- election could go to the house if there is no majority

Executive powers outlined in the constitution are the armed forces, treaties, approve or veto acts of congress, control diplomats, grant pardons and reprieves, “take care that the laws be faithfully executed”

Power has grown due to the federal governments involvement in transportation, labor, civil rights, health, welfare, communication, etc

Executive order- directive/ rule/ regulation that has the effect of a law issued by the president depending on certain circumstances

Appointment Power- to pick ambassadors, diplomats, cabinet members, top aides, head of agencies, federal judges, US marshals, federal attorneys, officers in the armed forces

Executive Agreement- a pact between the president and another foreign leader

President technically can not declare war, but has done it numerous times without congressional approval Regan 83 Grenada, Bush 89 Noriega, Clinton 95 Bosnia and 99 Kosovo

Bureaucracy is a large complex administrative structure that handles everyday business of an organization

Features of a bureaucracy are hierarchal authority, job specialization, and formalized rules

Executive office of the President(EOP)- is a complex organization of several separate agencies staffed by the president

The first 150 years America was strictly followed isolationism, but in the last 60 years the world has changed and the well being of our citizens is determined by what is going on in the world

Foreign policy is a collection of statements the USA has with other countries

Congress determines the budget of the United States and the president is the one that submits the budget to congress