MR 6 Oktober HNP, Hipertensi

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of MR 6 Oktober HNP, Hipertensi



A 62 year-old woman was admitted to R.D. Kandou Hospital at C3 ward on 6th October, 2015

With main complaint:Right flank pain

Patient’s identityName : Mrs MLAge : 62 yrsSex : FemaleOccupation : HousewifeEducation : Senior High SchoolEthnicity : MinahasaReligion : Christian

Present Medical History•Right flank pain experienced since 2 weeks b.a to the hospital. •Pain radiating into the regio gluteal and right leg. Prickling pain and cramps in the right leg•History of heavy lifting (+).•History of trauma (fail) when chillhood.•Fever (-), pain when urinating (-).•Defecating as usual.

Past Medical History

• History of hypertension about 10 years take captopril but not regurally

• History of Diabetes, heart, liver, kidney, high cholesterol, uric acid was denied.

Family History

• None experienced the same illness

History of allergy :Unknown

History of immunization :Unknown

Habit history :Alkoholism (-) Smoking (-)

General anamnesis ( review of system )General : Right flank painSkin : -Head and neck : -Eye : -Ear : -Nose : -Mouth and throat: -Respiratory : -Chest : -Heart : -

Abdomen : -Genitalia : -Kidney : -Hematology : -Endocrine : -Musculosceletal : Pain radiating into the gluteal and right legNeurology : -Psychology : -

Physical Examination• GC: Moderately ill . Sens : CM• ER :BP: 150/90 mmHg, PR 68 x/m, RR 20x/m T 36.4 C• BW 65 kg, BH 168 cm, BMI 23.3 kg/m2• Head : conj. anemic (-), scl. icteric(-)• Neck : JVP 5+0 cmH20• Thorax :• Heart :– Insp : IC not visible– Palp : IC palpable– Perc : left border: ICS V Axillaris sinistra

right border: ICS IV parasternalis dextra– Ausc : SI-II regular, murmur (-), gallop (-)

Physical examination• Lung : Insp : Symmetric R = L

Palp : stem fremitus R = LPerc : sonor +/+Ausc : vesicular, ronchi -/-, wheezing -/-

• Back Insp : Symmetric R = LPalp : stem fremitus R = LPerc : sonor +/+Ausc : vesicular, ronchi -/-, wheezing -/-

• Abd :IInsp : FlatPalp : Soft, tenderness (-)

Perc : Tympanic, shifting dullness (-) Ausc : Bowel sound (+) normal

Back Abdmen Reg Lumbal : Tenderness on the regio lumbal

• Waist : Pain on CVA exam (-/-)• Extr : warm, edema (-/-)

• Straight Leg Raising (SLR) test (+) pain

Genital : urinating now clearly

Rectum : normal

Neurology : normal

Problem ListNo CM : 131917 Age : 63 y.o 1.Main complain:•Right flank pain

2. Anamnesis: •Pain radiating into the buttocks and right leg. Prickling pain and cramps in the right leg•History of heavy lifting (+).•History of hypertension

3. Physical examination:•GC: moderately ill . Sens : CM

•BP: 150/90mmHg

•Back Abdomen Reg Lumbal : Tenderness on the regio lumbal

• Extr : Straight Leg Raising (SLR) test (+) pain

Working Diagnosis

• LBP ec susp HNP Lumbal dd PNA dextra dd nefrolitiasis dextra

• Hypertension stg I


• Check Hb,Leuko,trombosit• Ureum, creatinine,uric acid, Na,K,Cl• Check urinalysis• X-foto lumbosacral • USG Abdomen• MRI Lumbal

Lab Result9/08/2015

• Leucocyte 5904• Erythrocyte 4.40x106

• Hb 13.4

• Ht 40.8

• Platelet 242• RBS 107• Ureum 16• Creatinine 0.7• Na 141• Kalium 3.5• Cl 103

Urinalisis•pH 7•BJ 1.005•Leu -•Nit –•Bil –•Glu –•Prot -•Blood/eritrosit •Ket –

X-photo Thoracolumbal

• Skoliosis• Narrow

Discus gap L4L5

Chest X Ray

Interpretation of RadiologyRontgen components Interpretation

Identity Same as the patient

KV enough

Symmetric yes

Diaphragma normal

MediastinumSinus Costophrenicus


Sinus Cardiophrenicus sharp

Bone intact

Cor + CTR 52%

Pulmonary Parenchyme Infiltrat (-)

CONCLUSION : Cardiomegali


Interpretation of ECGECG componentsid Interpretation Value

Rhythm Sinus rhythm Sinus Rhythm

Speed / HR (times/mnt) 64x/min 1500/R-R’

Axis Normal Normal / RAD / LAD

Morphology P wave 0,06 sec Lead II : Duration ≤0.10”, Height ≤2.5”

PR Interval 0,16 sec 0,12” – 0,20”

QRS complex duration 0,08 sec 0,05” – 0,11”``

ST segmen Isoelectric Normal / Elevated / Depressed

T wave Normal Normal / abnormal

QT Interval 0,36 sec cQT = QT interval / vR-R’ Interval

U wave Absent Appear / not appear

CONCLUSION : Sinus Rhtym HR 64x/m

No Problem List Plan Dx Plan Tx Plan Education Plan Monitoring

1 → LBP ec Susp HNP Lumbal

•Right flank pain•Pain radiating into the gluteal and right leg. •Prickling pain and cramps in the right leg•History of heavy lifting (+).•History of trauma (fail) when chillhood.

Back Abdomen Reg Lumbal : Tenderness on the regio lumbal

Extr : Straight Leg Raising (SLR) test (+) pain

X-foto Thoracolumbal : Skoliosis, Narrow discus gap L4L5

•MRI Lumbal

•USG Abdomen

•Complete urinalisis

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Consult to neurology and rehabilitation medic

Consult to orthopedi

•Educate about condition of the patient

•Educate sleep on a firm mattres

•Educate to not work with heavy lifting

•Pain monitoring

No Problem List Plan Dx Plan Tx Plan Education Plan Monitoring4 →Hypertension st.


•History of hypertension since 10 years ago, taking captopril but not regurally

Foto thorax : Cardiomegali

BP: 150/90mmHg,


•Profil lipid


•Na, K, Cl



•Check for another target organ damage:•1.Eye ophtalmologist•2.Nerve neurology•3.Nutrition nutritionist

Amlodipin 5 mg 1-0-0

•Exercise based on ability

•Educate the patient to check up regularly

•Educate to patient to take antihypertension drugs regurally

•Vital sign monitoring

•Ureum/creatinine, control


Thank You