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Master's Research Project for Masters of Architecture at the University of Florida by Michael Porter

Transcript of MPorter_MRP


Copyright (c) 2013

Published in 2013 by Michael Porter. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.

Printed and bound in Gainesville, FL.

T RANSITIONAL TO P ERMANENT | A Disaster Relief Framework

Michael PorterUniversity of Florida, Candidate for Masters of Architecture

First Chair: William TilsonSecond Chair: Nawari Nawari

Dedicat ion

To Grant Lockenbach and Michael Pirie.

Grant Lockenbach, February 19, 1990 to February 12. 2011

Michael Pirie, June 18, 1992 to February 12, 2011

I promise to give HIM all the glory like you two did. I’ll meet you again


Thank You

To my family for enduring my years of education and to my numerous

friends that have sustained me through them with encouragement and


Thank you to Professor Tilson and Professor Nawari for guiding my

investigations this past year.

A special thanks to Engineering Ministries International for bringing me

on to serve with them as an intern this past summer and confirming my

path of investigation.








A Disaster Relief Framework


The questions brought up in the realm of disaster relief are not simple ones. Much of the situations evolving from a major disaster can not be addressed within this thesis, nor is it intended to. Much of the required work after a disaster to make a lasting and impactful answer to the needs of architecture would require a trained person on site to develop with the native end users a solution that fits them. This thesis does not presume to side step that need of designer on site, but it is my attempt at bringing forth the tools and abilities that have been developed in my education as an Architect to engage and enhance solutions that have had relief workers making up the solutions individually for each case, an inefficient situation I would contend at the least and at the worst a tragic waste of a profession to not offer solutions.

I choose this topic not to challenge architecture in a daring way either. The solutions I present aren’t entirely new. I intend to present solutions and questions as an Architect that are not asked as say an Engineer would. An Engineer asks how can I make this the most efficient or survive disaster X. As an Architect I ask how can I make a space more livable for the user.

Too many projects as I will document end as a good intentions on paper or even a terrible execution in reality. My hopes are that this thesis is a springboard for my professional work into the world with ideas that have fascinated me as a student and will help a world in need of Architects designing.



1 - Above - Banda Aceh shores before and after tsunami2 - Below - Haitian relief shelters



“Two hundred million people (that’s two-thirds of the population of the United States) have been affected by natural disasters and hazards in the last decade... Ninety-eight percent of these victims are in the developing world...” (Aquilino, 2010)

Often dwellings of the poorest are relegated to the most undesirable and hard to construct on land outside urban cities and danger prone edges of coasts, rivers and flood planes. As populations continue to surge, soon to top 7 billion in the world, and rapid industrialization hits developing nations more homes are pushed into areas poorly sited. (Davis, 1978) Then natural disasters occur destroying their homes and the frequency of these events has been increasing, if for no other reason than population increases making the probability of event occurring in a populated area higher. Many times, these events come at the cost of lives and the infrastructure to make a rapid return to their lifestyle before the event. Circumstances then often dictate they rebuild in the same manner and place, foretelling an eventually repeat of the disasters. There is, therefore a need for an Architecture that is thoughtful and well designed in response to this issue.

“Before the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean, architects had hardly figured in the task of post-disaster aid… It quickly became clear that the skills of architects were not being employed…” (Harris, 2010)

December 26, 2004 the third largest earthquake on record occurred off the coast of Indonesia, striking there hardest but also greatly impacting Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. The resulting Tsunami was an order of magnitude worse than any in the past century at 230,000 deaths, and among the worst natural disasters in recorded history. The Island of Sumatra, specifically the region of Aceh, being the hardest hit region.

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“…the enormous waves destroyed homes, property, and infrastructure, over vast coastal areas in eight countries, the need for shelter became an emergency of an unprecedented scale.” (Harris, 2010)

Such a large scale of devastation presents an opportunity for the architect to design without the normal restrictions of surrounding context and also affect social change through good design. The Indian Ocean tsunami, besides being the largest of it’s kind in recent history, presented a prime case for study. The impact area was of island nations where their lives centered on the proximity of water in significant ways. The time frame since the tsunami also allows for study of all presented relief structures, temporary, transitional, and permanent, for success and shortcomings.

Of more recent occurance is the repeated devastation to Haiti. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and constantly faces adversity based on it’s tropical location that consistantly puts it in the path of hurricanes and other tropical disturbances. In 2010 Haiti was dealt a devastating blow as magnitude 7.0 earthquake occured with an epicenter only 16 miles from its capital and most populous city, Port-au-Prince. The Haitian government estimated 316,000 died and over 1,000,000 were made homeless by the earthquake.

A cycle of inadequate shelters is perpetuated and exacerbates loss of life in further comparitively mild disasters.1 Shelters that should have been temporary accomodations were damaged by Hurricanes Issac and Sandy in this current year, 2012.

My interest lies in designing a series of modular pieces, a framework kit2, for constructing dwellings in tsunami, hurricane and flood prone areas of impoverished countries. The “kit” would provide

1 - Since 1851 only 3 Hurricanes of Category 3 and above have struck the nation of Haiti. Category 3 being designated a major storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale dealing “devastating” damage to structures. 2 - “kit” meaning the whole is not prefabricated to a volumetric state and some construction processes are meant to be undertaken at the site to make a complete structure.


1 - Above - Folding relief shelter for Grenada made of a polymer coated card-board. The shelter is deployable by the user with the instructions provided.

2 - Right - Haiti during Hurricane Sandy 2012 showing the typical level of flood-ing in even a minor hurricane.

3 - Below - “Fill Frame” project by Allison Powell at the University of Virginia’s “Project reCOVER” envisions a prefabricated piece that ac-cepts bamboo construction and provides a structural framework.


“If the sole aim is to provide shelter, you’ve provided a solution for life, but neglected a solution for living.”

1 - Above - Banda Aceh shores before and after tsunami2 - Below - Haitian relief shelters


a method of creating a dwelling that can be arranged in various configurations though common connectors to provide the basic functions, enclosure, roof, floor, etc…

“Why do we reinvent the wheel at each disaster, when the shelter needs are so predictable?” (D’Urzo, 2010)

This kit will produce dwellings that are of a transitional nature. Transitional architecture being structures meant for occupation a period of two to three years, but also usable as a foundation for a permanent dwelling.1 “An important strategy for speeding reconstruction has been to design and build transitional housing using materials that can be repurposed for the construction of permanent housing.” (AFH, 2006) Transitional being a goal as the structures are not of a disposable nature (thus sustainable), safer under climactic conditions, and capable of being responsive and adaptable to the cultural context. It has also been shown that “…“transitional” may be a misnomer, since many people never leave these homes, nor are the homes upgraded.” (D’Urzo, 2010) Wherein the issue being that the shelter solution is a “canned” and insensitive one, as many emergency shelters are, that provides no input or materials from the users or consideration for the climate.

My explorations would be designing within the needs and demands for safety (prevent loss of life and infrastructural damage further), affordability (through economies of scale and modern techniques) and the flexibility to accept the vernacular methods of construction and materials at hand for a complete structure.

While a physical adequacy is a benchmark for further sucess than many of the observable solutions, the adaptability will be shown to accomodate a more culturally and economically responsible solution. If the sole aim is to provide shelter, you’ve provided a solution for life, but neglected a

1 - Relief structures being catagorized into three parts: Emergency, Transitional, and Permanent. The usefulness of Emergency shelters is measurable in weeks and is inadequite past 6 months. They serve to bridge people until relief organizations are one site and supplies coming to build better shelters.


solution for living. Therefore a more holistic approach will be taken than a shelter being the sole aim. A solution that may be overbuilt (inefficient) but has a flexibility is going to be preferable.

Initial cost of the structure will not be an issue, though thoughtful response as effective management is necessary to not “waste” money. “The plight of the affected people and countries prompted a worldwide humanitarian response. In all, the worldwide community donated more than $14 billion (2004 U.S. dollars) in humanitarian aid.” (Jayasuriya, 2010) As an example, the Sri Lankan government established a $600 per unit cost under its shelter policy for both labor and materials.1 Also through providing an adaptable and expandable solution a minimized cost will come in comparison to solutions that have might be deemed as wasteful or inappropriate. The estimated cost will also be weighted against the benifits it presents over an inflexible precedent solution.

1 - As stated initial cost can most likely be neglected to a degree, but this bar will be used as the expansion cost. Expansion cost and lack of adapatability being major obstacles to transitional structures becoming permanent.


“...a modular framework that provides the flexibility to grow, improve and respond to site-specific needs... With that level of flexibility and consideration to the program requirements of daily life a path to a permanent solution...”



Disaster Relief has been traditionally thought of in the realm of temporary architecture, an architecture that must be transported and erected at the place of the disaster. With the glut of aid, the humanitarian aid response to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami was 14 billion US dollars, it certainly seemed to be the easiest answer to spend much on a structure and simply built it on site once transported to be the most efficient timely answer. The failure comes in the ill consideration of the site and an appropriate and sustainable solution for a permanent shelter.

This thesis seeks to provide a solution for disaster relief that address a path from a provided transitional structure (usefulness measured in years not months) to a permanent architecture. It has also been shown that “…“transitional” may be a misnomer, since many people never leave these homes, nor are the homes upgraded.” (D’Urzo, 2010) Relief architecture has failed to anticipate needs of growth and daily life sustaining activities that go beyond the immediate need of shelter. The needs of shelter are predictable: roof, enclosure, windows, doors, etc… but there are shortfalls in considerations for expansion and needs for clean water, food storage and cooking and other life sustaining functions. This gap in the goal and reality of aiding the people will attempt to be bridged by a modular framework that provides the flexibility to grow, improve and respond to make a quicker path to their normal permanent life.

The framework will address multiple needs in negotiating the requirements of a non-permanent transitional structure. It will accept numerous infill methods, both provided and vernacular. In addition to those basics, more framework can allow the plan to grow and be adapted to the different programs of each inhabitant and different typologies altogether, from individual to community level concerns. Special attention will be given to such concerns as security, food cooking and distibution and sanitation all typically omitted in a shelter design.


1 - Above Left - Keck House2 - Above Right - WW2 Barracks Design3 - Below - Fuller’s 4D housing system ideas



The body of architectural works involved in solely emergency shelter design is minimal, but comes from a rich history of prefabricated and modular architecture. These architectures arose from a need to erect homes quickly around the wartime era. Speed of erection, durability, etc and numerous other concerns of which directly corrilate to disaster relief. Given that the first responders to disasters, even now in our modern age of travel, are military units it is no suprise that there is connections in military barracks for wartime troops. Also the World Wars produced massive amounts of displaced people across Europe and after placed huge immeadiate demands on housing. The US Federal Public Housing Authority after World War 2 sent 30,000 prefabricated homes to England in response to the need.

Also earlier in this century the countries underwent large changes in it’s housing needs and great demands were placed on housing. Many of the most well known architects produced responses to this.

One such person was Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller who had an immense fascination with the ability of modern fabrication to produce structures quickly and with the most efficient forms. He viewed housing as being an archaic trade that was not making use of the advancements technology was making possible. These lead to his most iconic contribution to even the common lexicon, “Bucky Balls”, the geodesic dome. Other experiments went into his Dymaxion dwellings which were an important experiment. His Dymaxion Houses being his attempts to maximize efficiency of space, materials, and all systems in the home.

In his biographical work, Ideas and Integrities (Fuller, 1963), Fuller speaks on his experience and thoughts in the then booming prefabricated architecture. Fuller relates the prefabricated realm

needing to take lessons from the ship building craft, in its concern for and efficiency of weight.

Ships have always been concerned with weight. In the rennassance days, a lighter weight for the same strength meant a ship could bring back more goods and have more profittable ventures. Even into the machine age and mechanical drive, less weight means a more effiicient use of fuel.

He purposed that Architects have not concerned themselves with this efficiency. Beyond the form of the Architecture and its desired materiality, weight is not a concern. Even space used is often of little concern, if the site has limited it you in the ground plane, one builds up.

The supposition this student would place is, Fuller contended for a weigt effiecency, but in a disaster relief situation the concern is one of density (that is weight per volume). When shipping is a concern and getting components to the site, not only weight but space, the density is of great concern. Many were aware of this in their explorations and the notion has even entered the english lexicon with the popularity of the Swedish furniture company IKEA and their Flatpak methods. “Flatpak” being the breaking down of components before assembly into a rectangular shape for maximum efficiency of transporting, with no shipping of “air”.

Walter Gropius, after fleeing nazi Germany, was heavily involved in a transportable system, highlighted in his Packaged Housing System an extension of his prewar works like the Copper Houses made with Hirsch Copper and Brass Works. The packaged house system employed a connector system in the corner joint to connect a shell formed from panels. This system and many others built around the time were all failures. The cost to produce off-site with transportation made them economically invialbe in comparison to what has became the typical model of building on site suburban communities. So a simple supposition if the architecture was valid, that one either needs to reduce cost at off-site fabrication or minimize transportation costs by designing to an optimum density for transportation.

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1 - Left - Yacht House2 - Above Middle - Zipper Houses3 - Above Right - IKEA flatpak packaging4 - Lower Right - Gropius’ Packaged House System



1 - Top Left - Cellophane House2 - Top Right - Plas-2-Point from Marcus Breuer3 - Bottom Left - Pro/Con Primitive Hut, Jones Partners4 - Bottom Right - Juhani Pallasma


There are two subjects within the topic of transportable Architecture, modularity and prefabrication. The two are often highly entwined but neither is dependant on the other for their existance. Modularity defines the methods of connection, regardless of scale, where as prefabrication speaks to the amount of assembly accomplished before it reaches the site.

Fuller for example, while he did modular work (the geodesic dome), was greatly interested in prefabrication. He was deeply fascinated with the ability of large machinery to lift large assembled structures whole. In his Dymaxion dwellings he imagined cranes being able to lift entire levels up to their installation. In his most noteworthy creation, geodesic domes, with partnership of the armed forces he would build them whole and have helicopters deliver them from aircraft carriers to their site. He envisioned helicopters as the new delivery fleet for his structures.

Modularity speaking to the connections has been explored at a multitude of scales, from the microconnection to how one unit might attach to another unit. For example Jones Partners of Los Angeles has done a large amount of work in the field of ISO container use for architecture. ISO containers are a standardized unit recognized across the world and in over abundance. They’ve developed a system, called PROcon, that utilizes the entire ISO container as a macro module but the modularity also extends to the micro-scale of how the units assemble in predetirmined ways to form their larger composite structures.

Another precident of note for this research project is the Cellophane House produced by Kieran Timberlake. In their body of research the parts are designed to be upgradable and usable in multiple configurations. It was designed and produced for the MoMA Home Delivery exhibit, an exhibition of the history of prefabrication and a homage to the return of full scale architectural installations to the museum. The Cellophane House is primarily modular components but was mostly prefabricated, though it could be built without.

The method of design I will be pursuing is in the modular realm. Prefabrication is most often a


matter of efficiancy. In the realm of disaster relief I believe this prefabrication presents issues of inflexibility that I would seek to avoid.


Until recently the literature in Architecture has not addressed disaster relief shelters in great detail. The recent highlight of it is in large part due to the increasingly connected world we have with media coverage of disasters. With coverage being nearly immediate the plight and concern brings large actions. The media coverage certainly has brought a large awareness, but the flood of aid money also brings has brought an increased scrutiny of the aid use. Donators would like to see that their money is being used wisely and in pursuit of a story the media will highlight the conditions that are inadequate whether they are a sole symptom of the emergency architecture or not.

As shown in Beyond Shelter (Aquilino, 2011) it is rarely every the sole cause of inadequate architecture, but is exacerbated by an architecture that does not understand or address the conditions under which caused the plight in the first place.

Davis details that due in large part to the rapid urbanization of the developing world, that conditions are ripe for disaster and often feed a vicious cycle. The recent earthquake in Haiti highlighted this in the large amount of damage and deaths resulting from architecture that was inadequate before the earthquake. Then after, shelters are placed in the same poorly sited places causing further complications of health and safety.

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1 - Top Left - Sri Lankan “Microwave Oven” shelters2 - Top Right - Abandoned Sri Lankan pre-fab shelters3 - Bottom Left - Peruvian Transitional shelters4 - Bottom Right -Indonesian community center built by oxfam


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Firms like Oxfam go into great detail on the necessity of an involved architect and a transitional architecture. They don’t address exact method of construction because they rely highly on learning the culture that the shelters are to be placed in. The flaw in this is the lack of immediacy of the solution. The shelters they designed were not complete and there was still a need for a short term solution that was filled with emergency shelters.

In the literature none of the solutions address an adaptability to site. The solutions are so generic that they fail in one of the aspects that have been addressed as goals for this project. If they succeed in being well adapted to climate and the cultural needs/materiality they do not succeed in speed or adaptability, the shelter can’t be applied elsewhere, etc...

In the precedent of relief work, one could split the precedents into two catagories: a solely provided materials and one that attempts to use the locally available materials. Both have benifits and detractions. For example a shelter shipped solely of provided materials doesn’t need to rely on the possibly spotty materials available and can readily guarantee the level of security and safety. A shelter however that uses natively found materials eliminates the need for shipping and gains a means for repair that is unlikely with a provided material. I will attempt to bridge and hybridize the two.

A precedent of note that will be examined in depth of the conclusion is UberShelter, pictured to the side. The system closely mirrors the proposed design in materials. It uses a steel frame system. The designer has done in depth analysis of the structural loads. Given its outward similarities it will serve as the bench mark for comparison.



Recently with the joint effort of Habitat for Humanity and Architecture for Humanity produced a recent report on the transitional structures produced in Haiti in the aftermath of the 2009 earthquake. They evaluated without bias all the in place shelters used and provide a methodology and prioritization of upgrades to make the shelters a permanent housing. They approached the subject after the structure was in place but the evaluation is sound for anytime. This study is key for its ideas for moving from transitional to permenant and its documented work of current in use haitian shelters in use after the 2010 earthquake.




1 - Left - Population density and earthquake

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The final example configuration will be the island nation of Haiti. At stated previously they suffer cronic devastation due to hurricanes. The situation has been exacerbated by the 2010 earthquake and the nation being the poorest country in the western Hemisphere. It provides a close geographical location and a prime example for the need of designs that last and are safe in the face of a constant possibility of disaster.

A primary and often obvious issue is the site and climate issues inherent in the shelters. Architecture is inescapable from this. There is always orientation issues in relation to shading and each climate necessitates an architectural response.

Haiti has a near constant hot and humid tropical climate. It maintains a two season system of a wet and dry season. The conditions of a an extended wet season have been exacerbated by a massive amount of deforestation that has occured since the 1800’s and its colonization. This deforestation has led to an increase in poor sanitation because of an inconsistant water supply to to soil erosion and a bad infrastructure. Infrastructure is outside of the scope of the architecture, but soil erosion does pose an issue for the permenent siting of designs and how to responsibly deal with the water drainage of a built structure. So a part of the design concerns would be a solid anchoring, possibly with topography accomodation. Also though my aim is flexibility, a hot humid climate is an indicitive choice of most disaster needs and designs for cold climates will be ignored. Cold climates due to their in hospitably are generally less populated and require less aid after disasters.



1 - Left - Hurricane history that has passed within 200 miles of the capital2 - Bottom - Damage survey of infrastructure after 2010 earthquake3 - Next Page - Deferestation survey from World Relief




Each form of disaster demands a different response. These disasters can be divided into: wind, water, and siesmic. For example a hurricane is a wind and water event. The storm surge almost mirrors a tsunami event, but the wind component dictates other responses.

Unfortunately the areas that suffer disasters are often prone to such events. Haiti that suffered a massive blow in the 2010 earthquake also finds itself in the path of hurricanes quite often. So my designs will consider a seismic, wind and water(rain not storm surge) event. While surviving a full blown disaster after the initial event while still in a transitional phase is a problematic proposition, in the path to permenance the faults that made the disaster so severe as demanding new architecture must be addressed.

Hurricanes as they are known in the Atlantic are large whirlwinds of storms that rotate around a center and can span hundreds of miles in their effect. They do damage through winds (70+ mph sustained winds), water of the sortms and storm surge caused due to the drop in atmospheric pressure associated with them.

1 - Left - How Hurricane Do Damage.2 - Right - How Earthquakes Do Damage.3 - Next Page Top - Sudanese IDP camp where violence is prone with emergency shelters4 - Next Page Bottom - Studio reCOVER concept for locking modules



An often overlooked aspect of relief work is the safety in regards to burglary and violence. After a disaster of large mangitude what precious few possesions that people have should be adequitely secured to prevent other oppourtunistic displaced people from taking them. IDP camps are not immune from violence such as rapes and beatings, openings should be secured in ways that prevent if possible.

Not all refugees are of short inflicted disasters that are evironmental. War and economic refugees abound in areas such as Africa. Localized violence with political upheaval or famine create rapid movements of people that stress resources and invite security concerns. Sometimes the fighting that displaces people comes with the refugees.

Emergency shelters, largely tent structures with plastic fabrics, cannot address this. The stage of use I intend to start at with a transitional structure is not out of the realm of possibility and a secure structure wil promote more ownership, an important role for it to become a permanent solution.

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none existed to study outside those.

Needs are not all like for each individual, why should their shelter be the same? Trade, family unit size, culture and numerous other factors lend themselves to differing typologies: One-room, one-room with storage, two-room, one-room with proch, etc... This thesis will seek to show how the framework system can accomodate these different configurations.


At the heart of this thesis is the ability to adapt to various conditions and needs as time passes, a scalability of design. The Architecture for Humanity study in the two following pages of images and figures show how Haitian’s have adapted their aid-given shelters within their means. They also made proposals on two shelters on how to extend their designs past the initial determined usability. This is an approach that is quite usable for this project.

The approach however will be adapted for application to the design beforehand as a time applied strategy. It will also consider differing typologies. This study (Cite) only considered single structures. It offered a design adaptation for a two roof shelter, but it shows the glaring lack of thought beyond a one-room typology that

1 - Below - AfH design suggestions for moving a transitional shelter to a permenant one.


1 - Right - AfH Matrix for expanding shelters2 - Below Right - Timeline for adding and ex-panding to Haitian Shelters from AfH study3 - Below Left - Modifications looked at in a cost benefit analysis

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The study showed that even with meager tools, the haitians modified what they could and deemed most necessary. The images to the right (CITE) show the modifications that were made. Many of the additions address issues brought up previously like storage and security. Others tackled comfort and livability.

The study also addressed the live cycle of other shelters, offering that those that weren’t adequite would be disassembled and/or reused. That is an issue I intend to address as a means of going to permenent shelters. The means for expansion materials outside of aid-based help again, could be the use of these now obsolete or unuseful shelters. Could two of the design “framework kits” be combined to form a larger newly expanded shelter? Could the cladding of the previous shelter be used for expansions of roofs making more usable space? All are issues withoin the scope of exploration within this thesis.

1 - Next Page - Modifications made to Haitian shelters. Porches, doors, clothes lines, etc...




While a solitary life is not out of the bounds of cultural diversity, addressing a community life is far and above a concern of relief when displaced people are forced together after disasters to pool their resources for mutual survival. One of the major solutions to making a relief solution lasting and permenant is not one that replaces their way of life, but one that allows them their quickest return to their previous life, and addressing aspects of community are vital to this.

Such concerns are food, water and the dynamics of living as a group. It’s of an immeadiate concern after disaster to provide food and clean water as the infrastructure in place is often rendered unsafe and crops destroyed. A shelter that is not in use because they are off busy finding these vital components of life, it’s of little use.

In response, effort will be put into addressing concerns of cooking, and providing clean water. This may be addressed at an individual shelter level, such as a designated cooking area, or a community level function like kitchens for cooking bulk relief supplies.


One of the major solutions to making a relief solution lasting and permenant is not one that replaces their way of life, but one that allows them their quickest return to their previous life...

1 - Previous Page Top- Indonesia School short listed for Aga Khan award for community and sustainable desig.2 - Previous Page Bottom - Community criven design, consulting with locals for locations3 - Right - Quickly established Community Cen-ter by Oxfam in Sri Lanka for rebuilding. Became the center for distobution and cooking in the intermediate aftermath.



Study and experience of relief workers has shown that the more the people using the structures are involved in the decison processes of designing and building the more accepted and sucessful they are. Design involvement is out of the bounds of this research, but building is not. Designs that require outside workers and tools are a primary reason they are unsucessful as a permenant solution. When the structures get damaged in daily use or the simply need expansion of program, the users are simply unable to do the work necessary.

The initial configuration would be able to neglect such concerns in the glut of aid and relief workers in the immeadiate aftermath, but continuing support is of a high concern. The ability to adapt the structure and expand to a permanent solution will be sought with the bare minimum of tools, such as: hammers, saws and wrenches. Methods of construction that need heavy machinery or power will be avoided if at all possible. ShelterBoxes as shown to the right are an example of tools available. These containers have been stationed around the world at disaster prone locations.

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1 - Previous Page - ShelterBoxes relief containers and contents which contain the basic tools needed.2 - Above Left - Konrad Wachsmann’s connectors for a prefabricated wood construction system3 - Above Right - Connector in action joining tubular elements into a K-frame roof system

Konrad Wachsmann’s work as shown above shows that with design and cosideration of the materials, joints may be created that accept many sizes and shapes. The potential is if a design is created assuming materials available and the capabilities of the people, you can design the expansion. You can influence and dictate the shelters not built yet.


“...a modular framework that provides the flexibility to grow, improve and respond to site-specific needs... With that level of flexibility and consideration to the program requirements of daily life a path to a permanent solution...”


The goals set out at the beginning were as follows:

1) Having the flexibility to expand the plan beyond the initial floorplan in the provided shelter.

To be discussed in pages ______

2) Being able to accept numerous, though not necessarily unlimited, types of exterior cladding.

Ill consideration of the cladding is previously discussed as a contributing reason for the failure of the precedent designs. Cladding is of major importance to security , permenance, and climate comfort.

3) Limiting the amount of cutting of the framework if possible to no cutting required, so that there are limited or no special tools needed to build the structure.

As shown before in Shelterboxes, the displaced people can be counted on to have basic tools such as screwdrivers and wood saws. Beyond that other tools can not be counted on. Any tools needed outside that would have to be provided for a consistent build quality.

4) Ability to survive future minor disasters

It has been shown that (Architecture for Humanity, 2012) that the times of peoples being displaced is increasing. A major factor in this increase is recourrance of minor disasters. If quality shelters are not provided this leaves the occupants in the same or worse situation as the primary disaster.





To start the design the basis of the framework was considered. Decided initially was that a framework was the best method of design compared to a panelized system. A framework would lend itself better to the flexibility that was deemed necessary to meet the goals set by the designer. A panelized system like SIP panels would predetermine the size in shipping and like other critisms in review of existing systems it ignores that the design should be tailored to the specific place.

Inspiration from the precedents studied. Notes were taken of their strengths and weaknesses. As studied the designs became apparent to the designer that though it was fascinating, the idea of combining support methods and/or the cladding attachment into the frame, it was limiting. This quickly limited the design for it’s spacial density when packed. It was determined that for packing and flexibility of the design that a sleeved system that stayed in a rectangular section was the best solution to continue in this exercise.

For the continuation of the design the designer used a readily commercially available system of hollow steel section (HSS, from now on) that readily sleeves into each of its available size variations. Details of this will be explored in the conclusion and spec sheets will be available in the appedixes.1

One design change taken to the available HSS was specifying a series of perforations along the length of the framework. This serves as a modular system of attachment for cladding. In depth structural analysis would be needed to determine the best interval of these holes, but for the scope of this project that was set, the spacing was what made the most architectural flexibility without excessiveness.

With this setup there was a back and forth between the typologies determined as ones vital to the rebuilding of a community and the connection types needed. The typology needs determined the connections and how to expand the collection of “parts” in the kit.

1 - Specifications are detailed on pages 102


1) Inner/Outer Sleeve Grafting (increasing span length)

2) Over Sleeve to Bracket (orthogonal support connections)

3) Over Sleeve to Rotating Angle Joint (truss and roof creation)

4) 360 Degree Rotating Angle Joint (truss and roof ridgeline)

5) Perforation Panel Attachment (“skin” attachment and bolting of other joints)

6) Clipped Panel Attachment (panel infill)

7) 45 Degree Bracing (lateral reinforcement)


By roughing out the framework for the typologies studied to follow the designer was able to identify and inventory for a set of connecting pieces. After only a few typologies the set of connections being added was very few. As Anquilo said the architectural needs are fairly obvious and not hidden needs. Once angles and orthogonal connections are accomodated the vast majority of conventional typologies are taken care of.

As explained previuosly the connection types are designated using either the larger or smaller sizes in the available HSS. These then use the pre-drilled holes as moment connections to attach the tubes whether inside or outside the main tubing.

This set of connections is a trade-off in special tools. As is, the assumption is that a nut and bolt connection would be required and a wrech or socket tool to secure. This would be provided. Further exploration could go into a rivet type connection that would be put in place with a hammer only. Connections like Grip Clips1 would do for tarp connections.

The connection types were as follows:

1 -








1 - This Page - Connection Inventory






A key necessary component of disaster relief for provided shelters is transportation. How tightly can it fit and for what weight. The designer took the maximum amount of large parts and an apporximate rectangular shape. Decisions were made after the initial research to define a systematic measurement scheme to make the structure. As such the main tubular pieces are 3m and 1m eclusively. This attempts to minimize any cutting to the tubes and standardize the connections for flexibilty, but also meets shipping concerns.. For example, in lateral bracing with an adequite amount of tubing in the ground for anchorage, the 3m tubing needs no cutting. Also the exterior cladding can then be standarized at 1m width, fitting on pallets perpendicular to the 3m tubes and also needing no cuts on site.

The kit uses the maximum size of the roofing panels to determine the footprint of the “Flatpak”ed parts then using an inventory of the parts, the height was determined by stacking the footprint.





Optimizing Unoptimized1) 3m Hollow Section Steel 28 pieces 42 pieces2) 1m Hollow Section Steel 12 pieces 42 pieces3) Over Sleeves 34 pieces 74 pieces4) Inner Sleeves 23 pieces 54 pieces5) Bracket Supports 80 pieces 128 pieces6) 3m x 1m Roofing Panels 12 pieces 12 pieces

1 - This Page - Tubings with spacings marked2 - Previous Page - “Flatpak” dimensions


1 - This Page - Trimetric View of Kit Frame2 - Next Page - Optimizations of Frame



After having a set of typologies (discussed in further detail later) that could be made with the set of components this designer set about questioning the purposes and exact features of the design. This took form as designs specific to a particular disaster and simplifying the configuration.

The initial design was overbuilt using a relentless 1m spacing. If dividing walls did not dictate this, the interval was unneeded. So similar to the Community design the new module of the structure became the 3m x 3m module and where needed the 1m interval was inserted. The 1m tubing use was drastically reduced, to only cladding attachment at walls, 3m tubing being the primary structural element.


1 - Connections, typical roof joint that exepllifies most connections


As mentioned previously, the only additional work to be rendered on main structural tubing from the stock tubing is a series of perforation, holes placed at 33cm intervals down the length of the tubes. These holes become the attachment points for all joints and claddings. The joint shown at the left, a corner roof joint, exemplifies the means by which the multiple sizes of tubing can nest within each other and be bolted. Bolts and hole sizes are not explored, that would be left for future study by structural experts. Tubings where needed are also assumed to be welded, but that too is left for future study.



1 - This Page - Trimetric View of Single Typology2 - Next Page - Example Haitian Shelters



Based on the precieved needs the designer designed four typologies that were precieved as necessities for the returning of a community back to it’s pre-disaster life.

The typological Catagories are as follows:

1) Single2) Double3) Workshop4) Community


A single room typology is the base possibility for a living structure. It provides the minimum of coverage and space for a subsitance living. It would be a single room with a porch. As shown below in the images and others throughout this document it is shown that this is the typical configuration for the single family dwelling. The typology also matches the USAID space requirements closely. USAID sizes are approximately 5m in depth and 3m in width.

It would be assumed that any structure modified from the original built configuration would use the parts from one of these. The reasons and mechanisms for that scenario of adaptation aren’t explored in this project, but the possibility of expansion is regardless of the exact pieces, it is assumed they would be available or made to fit the needs.


The single room typology is typical of the vernacular and the relief work, but it is inadequite for improving the condition of the people or the only needed structure (a failing of IDP camps). It doesn’t include storage, water, cooking, etc... necessary components of life.


A double room typology is an expansion of the single room type. As the structure strengthens in it’s exterior cladding, it is puposed that the footprint will also expand as need demands to fit the individual. Either the renewed resources over time allow expansion or the taking down of other single room structures provide the materials for this typlogy. The social needs might be numerous too: a larger family, cultural norms, etc... Additional keys are the possibility of storage and other life giving systems like water. Even more so than shelter taking care of food and water will change the life of the user. In most relief work for shelter they do not consider for example where or how a person would cook. If in a rainy climate the cooking area isn’t sheltered you’ve put an extreme hardship on the occupants.

Many possibilites for expansion are explored in the next pages. The expansions are not limited to those though, as is the point of the flexibilites of the connections availble. As need and oppourtunity meet the expansion will happen.



1 - This Page - Trimetric View of Single Typology2 - Previous Page - Example of Haitian modified shelters



Taking a 3m x 4m Single the designer went through various permutations of additions. At this point in the design the additions are like bread slices, adding a 1m “slice” each time.

Four expansions1 are shown:

1) Porch - The default single configuration are shown with a porch as it is such integral way of life for many cultures, social and physically. Thus, the assumption is made it would be built at the initial stages. In hot humid climates a porch (a covered entry area) is a relief from the sun and heat of the climate. The addition is 3m x 2m.

2) Second Room - The second room configuration can be of any use the occupant sees necessary, but this one designed it with another living space or a cooking addition in mind. Not all families are of the same size and cooking is a vital part of life. It is a 3m x 3m addition.

3) Storage - This 3m x 1m addition is stated as storage but is for a non-living portion and it’s size reflects that. In a later section the possibility of this being a composting bason toilet is shown and it could be further subdivided into 1m intervals.

4) Breezeway - Following a traditional American “Dogtrot” style this one proposed options with a breezeway. This breezeway for example could be a break in the living area that seperates the kitchen area, typically made hotter by the actions of cooking or from a sleeping area to make a cooler and more comfortable environment.

1 - Expansions are shown in both orientations to the 3m x 4m single room. This is to show “turning corners” later are possible to make more complex shapes than the linear concepts shown to this point to aid in the creation of larger structures.



1 - This Page - Trimetric View of Workshop Typology2 - Next Page - Liberian Rock Chrushing Village


Returning to a normal life includes the aspects of commerce. While many live a subsistance livestyle, commerce is becoming a key aspect to the return to life. This comes from the designer’s own experience in visiting third world countries that the modern world intruding is making small businesses an important part of communities. This typology is presented as a part of the possibility for a cottage industry producing parts for this system and an introduction to other means of financial support through small business.

Personal experience of the designer and surveys of many burgeoning third world economies would show a need for these larger than single typologies that aren’t meant for living. Of primary concern is the adequite presentation of goods, but also being able to secure them against rampant theivery and weather.

The example to the left shows a foot print expanded in width by 1m to each side. With the porch eliminated the working floor is as large as the single foot print. For storage of goods and tools the 1m side expansions would be the only clad portions of the example, being lockable and closed.



The designer determined that a “large” sized typology was needed. Communities on maps of countries like Haiti are designated by churches or schools, in fact the large structures. Thus it only makes sense that these important markers of a community would need to be restored to facilitate a return to their pre-disaster way of life.

A “Community Center” would be used as the largest multi-purpose part of the plan. There is a need for distribution and storage of resources after a disaster such as clean water and food distibution. Other international aid organizations like Heifer International are giving animals to raise as a part of a sustainable approach to aid. Also the centers can serve as a planning center as other aspects of this plan is developed for the specifics of the community and site. Community trust is garnered with the first building and experienced gained in the more complicated construction that makes the smaller typologies’ construction easier.


1 - This Page - Trimetric View of Community Typology2 - Previous Page - Example Haitian Shelters



A large question about the system is how would it expand? It becomes a critical question when these other typologies are considered. Arraying the module is the simplest answer, like in the previous community typology, when there are no other restraints. If site constraints would dictate otherwise, how would you turn corners and make non-rectangular designs?

The 3m x 3m module of the community design revealed the methods with which would best be used for expanding the shelters to a larger size. Those method were as follows:

1) Using the existing support brackets to form a four-way column at turning points. In all previous iterations only three sides were used. This will work for limited designs as it offers no additional structural support.

2) Bundling the support columns. With an extra long bolt or other attachment method this can add more structure support for the now larger roofs and aid in the expansion.

Such site details that might necessitate the are things like trees and topography. Topography is another aspect the designer explored and featured on the next page. To account for up to two meters of elevation the 1m tubes are attached at the top of a 3m tube with an inner grafting tube. To provide for the strongest connections the 3m tube should be on the bottom to be the interface with the ground.



“L”-shaped “T”-shaped “H”-shaped


1 - This Page - Trimetric View of a Two-Story Typology



As detailed previously discussed the Architecture for Humanity study they examined the shelters and detailed ways to extend the lifespan of the shelters beyond their initial design. Their methodology and findings are perfectly applicable and useful to be applied before in the design process. Their study focuses on the phases of disaster relief.

1) E m e r g e n c y (weeks to months) - shelters that are drop shipped en masse and useful only for short periods, often utilizing tarps. This phase is outside the scope of this thesis. The parts are assumed to be reused for other structures.

2) T r a n s i t i o n a l (months to 2 years) - A shelter that uses materials that can be reused or adapted for better shelters. In the case of this study the design is the framework with the reusing of tarps from the emergency phase. It remains vunerable to crime and intense weather but provides better shelter than the often tent like emergency shelters.

3) S e m i - p e r m e n a n t (2-5 Years) - These shelters can be any combination of strengthening the structure of the shelter or imporved materials more adapted the climate and security needs.

4)) P e r m a n a n t (5+ years) - A dwelling that would no longer need any material or design input to be a livable dwelling and would survive all but the most extreme disasters.



The “transitional” shelter has been the cornerstone of disaster relief work, but unfortunately the name itself has proven to be misleading. The occupant is either suppossed to move to a permenant shelter or improve the transitional shelter to become a permanent one. Often neither has been shown to be true as they stayed far longer than the shelter was designed or adequite for.

Of the two options for how to move on from transitional shelter, fortifying the shelter to a permanent one is the most applicable one to this thesis. Since flexibility of material use is already a goal the typical nature of these shelters can be accomodated by the system.

The transitional version of this shelter would be the framework and roofing. The exterior cladding would be tarps repurposed from the emergency shelters and easily available after disasters1. This provides for the smallest of possible shipping sizes.

1 - Plastic tarps in addition to tent like shelters are used for the clearing of debris and rudamentary rain collection. They are drop shipped en masse after disasters.


1 - This Page - Trimetric View of Transitional Version2 - Previous Page - Example Haitian Shelters by USAID


1 - This Page - Trimetric View of Semi-permanent Version2 - Next Page - Example Haitian Shelters and Prototypes


S E M I - P E R M A N E N T

The semi-permanent configuration of the design represents a fortification of the transitional design. The exterior is shown clad in wood. This example assumes that the pallets with which it was shipped are the cladding. This possibility eliminates the problem of places that are deforested, like Haiti, and wood is not readily available.

The cladding serves as protection and better adaption to the climate, but more importantly this version is shown as more fortified against weather and future disasters. This example at the left uses footings that could be cast concrete in 5 gallon buckets (readily available) and shear panels placed at the corners. Footings would help against land moving events and the panels against lateral forces produced by earthquakes or hurricanes. The panels also represent the idea of ready made panels being prefabricated and shipped later than the initial framework. SIP panels are precedent materials for disaster relief, but they do not represent an efficient way to ship a shelter as by their nature the must be completed before shipping.



The permanent example of the designs present a further fortification. For example the left design uses CMU, which in part due to the 1m module fits 2 1/2 bricks, and further fortification with a concrete pad foundation. The weight of the CMU presents an issue for headers, but the system can accomodate this by attaching a 1m tube as a support below the headers.

This type of iteration of the design would be possible for areas like Haiti where wood is not readily available. With the workshop prototype it is feasible that molds for CMU bricks could be manufactured by the community and bring about their own transition to permanent shelters by means of non-relief based aid.

Strong permanent structures have been made of Gabion baskets like shown to the right. Gabion Baskets are steel cages filled with aggregate, in this case the debris of broken structures. They can then be “finished” with a plaster lathe or cement. This technique is strong and can be cost efficient.


1 - This Page - Trimetric View of Permanent Version2 - Previous Page - Example Haitian Shelters


1 - This Page - Trimetric View of Earthquake Resistant Version2 - Next Page - Studies of CMU wall construction with CEB filling



In many zones of the world, earthquakes are a potential disaster. You prevent failure of the structure by bracing it against the lateral loads coming from the shaking of the earth. Using a method shown below and bracing the structure can be designed to withstand mild earthquakes.

Methods shown that in whole or combination might be adequite for the particular place:

1) The moment connections of the system.

2) A CMU brick filled with Compressed Earth Block and rebar. (shown to the left)1

3) Bracing using the 3m tubing that fits a 2m modular interval of the system. (shown to the left)

4) Prefabricated shear panels shown previously installed in each orthogonal direction.

It is not the focus of this thesis to model whether this would survive the particular magnitude earthquake, but with each possibility documented all but the most devastating should be covered with more analysis.



Following precedents, a Quonset Hut typology was designed with the component system. The form of the semi-circle is strongest against wind forces so that drives the form. Subsequently this design is more heavily involved in the roof paneling. This is a trade-off for the increased wind resistance to survive wind events like a hurricane.

In the scheme of community development this typology as envision would be deployed on a limited basis. The amount of materials to build in comparison to the increased fortification makes little sense for every typology. Major wind events are rare occurances1 and hopefully by design a traditional style roof design would be built out to permenance (and thus more wind resistant) within the timeframe of average reoccurance of wind events. It is also more difficult to expand upon for flexibility. Therefore this typology would be best used for community essentials in the event of disaster reoccurance, like food supplies or water purification systems that would be vital in the immeadiate aftermath.

1 -


1 - This Page - Perspective of Wind Resistant Version2 - Previous Page - Precedent “Slumtubes”




In humid climates, like Haiti for example, a ventilated exterior is much preferrable to an all enclosing skin. So this example hybridizes the materials of the previous permanent and semi-permanent stages to create one that has elements of security and climate consideration.

A ventilated exterior is in the vernacular as shown previously (page 75) for the benefits it has. It allows air to pass through and yet still offers sun shading to maitain a cool interior.

An example to the left is from Pugh + Scarpa using shipping pallets in a more complex manner to provide architectural interest and a system of layers for other actions like moisture barrier and insulation. Such a system could act as a rain screen and use evaporative cool to produce a cooling effect. Brooks + Scarpa are working with local manufacturers to keep cost down and be a viable prefabricated option, but the design is applicable to construction on site also if materials are on hand. In the example, many of the materials are readily availble (or as a substitue) that the result can be achieved with minimal extra input.

1 - Previous Page - Trimetric View of “Humid Climate” Version2 - This Page - Pugh + Scarpa Pallet Walls


Sides fold out to ground


An option explored was to not fortify the structure to resist the potential disasters, like hurricanes, but instead fold out of the way to avoid them. By foldng to the ground there is nothing to experience uplift and after the storm the shelter is simply re-erected. This could be either a long term strategy or a temporary one until the structure is fortified and in the intervening time people would seek shelter in permenant shelters. As a long term strategy it might prove difficult given the weight of the walls, but perhaps methods like the Yacht House (shown on page 23) could be explored to give a mechanical means for moving the walls up and down. Owner possesions could be held under the structure and folded out walls while they are evacuated to a safer shelter.

This option might be an appropriate solution where speed is even more important to the situation and recovery. It would require even less materials to ship, forgoing the roof assemblies, and the possibility of using even more site available materials like flexible poles and tarps. The example is shown with a hook system to attach tarps, but there’s no reason rope and grommets installed for attachment on site couldn’t be used if installation is supervised.

Tension Tarp unbends for disassembly

Poles of PVC/Carbon Tubes





Two aspects of the immeadiate post-disaster relief work revolves around the distrobution of food and water. Often before emergency shelters or any other aid based initiatives like rubble clearing occur, food is drop shipped by NGO’s and militaries. With infrastructures failing or broken these are tantamount for maintaining health of the survivng peoples.

Taking the system it is shown how these considerations might be added to make a community kitchen for food cooking and water sanitation.

For example, using the roof as a collection system, a gravity fed filtration system might be built. The weight of the water could be supported by 1m tubes added to the structure. Materials need outside the structure additions for this design shown (left) would be: 50 gallon drums, pipes and fittings, angled flashing (for gutter) and filtration material (could be as simple as sand, rocks and fabric). 50 gallon drums are often used to ship relief materials to sites and the angled flashing is already in use for the roof cap. Only piping (frequently available or salvagable) and the filter material would need to be sourced. For relatively small input of materials significant benifits to health of the community could be achieved.

1 - Below - Perspective of Kitchen Design2 - Previous Page - Exploded Axonometric of Kitchen Design3 - Above - Kitchen Design that uses refuse as fuel



Another key to community health is sanitation. For example Haiti has an endemic problem of Cholera. A method of erecting toilets for use and health are shown to the right.

A “Bason” or composting toilet is used for its ability to be a self contained unit that needs no input of water and outputs no waste to dissipate to the surrounding ground, issues that contribute to Cholera and other waste transmitted diseases. After 6 months the composted waste can be removed and used as a fertilizer or dispposed of as a safe material, providing another benefit. The adaptation to the framework is to make a 3m x 1m for the bason toilet by removing the appropriate 1m floor joists. Working within the 3m module it is accomodated by making the bason toilet double sided. After 6 months and the fertilizer is collected the enclosure and roof can be switched to the opposite side, making the toilets useable indefinitely in this cyclical fashion.

For use in the 3m x 1m storage module explored earlier the toilet may be shortened to one sided and a 1m portion become storage or other support needs, perhaps a water tank.


1 - This Page - Trimetric View of Sanitation Iteration2 - Previous Page - Bason Toilet Diagram


1 - This Page - Perspective Rendering of Final Permanent Haitian Design



Throughout the document existing examples of Haitian shelters have been shown. That region has had debilitating issues with maintaining proper shelter and safety with the intersection of their location for recurrent disasters and economic poverty. This final example is a built out rendering of what a final permanent shelter for the Haitian people might look like. The design is most similar to the “Humid Climate” iteration and the “Semi-Permanent” ones incorperating the two as an on-site Architect would do to adapt the system to the site-specific concerns of each disaster response location.

The lower half of the structure is the CMU configuration discussed in the “Earthquake Resistance” iteration. It will provide for structural resistance against both earthquakes and wind for hurricanes. The upper half of walls are pallets to maintain the vernacular language of Haitian shelters and ventilation for comfort. Normally a wood design would be ill-advised for a Haitian home because of the rampant deforrestation, but this use is shown with the same pallets purposed in the “Semi-Permanent” example. CMU and thus concrete is the most viable material of permanence in Haiti. The input materials are available and the cost of labor to produce them very low in comparison to metal work that would require tools along with the intense labor.


1 - This Page - Perspective of possible community design


Now that a design has been made questions are brought up that will be addressed or left for future study. Certain questions have been purposely as they extend the scope in a direction that is not the focus of this thesis. For this conclusion I will primarily address comparison to what many would see as a substitute design, the UberShelter. Secondary, will be future considerations to move forward with or consult with other disciplines.


This shelter was fi rst shown on page 29 of this document. It is a of similar size and construction in comparison to the designs enumerated through this document. It shares the common light guage steel structure and is documented well for comparison.

Starting at the structure the UberShelter has the benefi t of a through structural evaluation. It is designed for 130 mph winds and a 30 psf load. This is an assurance and a diffi culty this designer wished to avoid. If one needed to move one of the supporting “feet” of the UberShelter, not only would the structure no longer assemble and work on the site, but that structural integrity would be compromised. So in that evaluation, the system of UberShelter gives up a fl exibilty of an open system to be a closed fi nite system.

So in this regard, this designer view the designs as a superior system for fl exibility. Having shown many confugurations and accomodations that go beyond what the UberShelter is capable of achieving even if the cost were double Ithis one would maintain you have more than double the utility (possible confi gurations and adaptations) out of it.




The cost of the UberShelter, based on 2 prototypes they have built are $2300. This well exceeds the $600 mark set by countries like Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami, but within the context of a huge surge in aid after the well publicized disasters this is arguably a reasonable cost. One aspect discussed is the cycle of aid that is occuring because of inadequite shelter. If one were to spend $2000 in aid every 2-3 years a shelter built once for far more would be a wise investment.

Using a cost estimate or $800 per metric ton1 and the detailed specifications on page 102 the below was used to calculate and estimate:

1) 3m Hollow Section Steel 28 pieces 86m x 6.140 kg/m2) 1m Hollow Section Steel 12 pieces 12m x 6.140 kg/m3) Over Sleeves 34 pieces 5.1m x 8.900 kg/m4) Inner Sleeves 23 pieces 7.59m x 3.800 kg/m5) Bracket Supports 80 pieces 12m x 8.900kg/m

Total Weight = 782.752 kg = 0.783 metric tons

Cost of frame @$800/ton = $ 6 2 6 . 4 0

The next large component of the framework system is the polycarbonate roofing panels. A single 12’ by 26” panel is $32.43 retail, working this into a per square foot number equals $1.25.

6) 3m x 1m Roofing Panels 12 pieces

Therfore, 36m2 of roofing panels is 387.501 ft2. 387.501 x $1.25 = $ 4 8 4 . 3 8

Assuming for each bracket support there is 2 bolts, inner sleeve 2, outer sleeve 2 and 6 per panel for

1 -


a total of 346 bolts needed. With a cost of $9.10 (part 91257A679 mcmaster) per 10:

35 x $9.10 = $ 3 1 8 . 5 0

In addition, there is a cost of labor invovled in prodicing the connections with welding and machine work to get them to my design. The Bureau of Labor Statistics gives a median of about $20 per hour wages for a machinist.1

An estimation would be 10 hours of labor involved for all work necessary.

$20 x 10 hours = $ 2 0 0

Steel $626.40Roof $484.38Bolts $318.50Labor $200.00

Total Estimated Cost $ 1 6 2 9 . 2 8

The cost of this design is not out of line with the UberShelter. My design does not include the floor-ing or exterior cladding. Assuming that the exterior cladding would be tarps that is excluded and flooring would have to be added and appropriate for the climate. The estimation details are not available to make an exacting comparison.

1 -



An aspect of the research that has been purposefully ommitted, but presents a opportunity for later work is the community planning. The designer has considered the needs of a typology for a community but not how those built should be arranged in relation to each other. Even more so than the shelters themselves this type of design is highly dependent on the culture they will be built in. This concern extended the scope of research further than reasonable and would be better served by consultation of experts in the particular culture. It has always been my intention that designers would need to be deployed with the shelter kits to specify the best shelters and accomodations to build on site witht he input of the locals. This notion is supported by various NGO’s and studies on successfully rebuilt communities. Thus, to address this the flexibilty of design at the individual shelter serves this issue equally well.

Very purposefully a site was also not choosen as a scenario for this project. That was to maintain that the kit is not site specific and would strive to remain as “universal” as possible. There are also concerns of scale that the designer felt would limit the generation of ideas. How big is big for a community center? This is not nearly as important of a question when the system can be shown to accomodate any size within the limits of only a few parameters, such as 2m of elevation being the current limit.

Structurally the designs have not been studied in depth as possible. Flexibilty was of the primary concern so that it will almost always be an “overbuilt” design to serve what in the designers opinion is a worthy goal. The UberShelter design being designed by an engineer, Rafael Smith, has the benefit of his analysis. They also underwent certain design changes to minimize materials and packing weight. From the rectangular section they used a nesting “C”-section of aluminum. When not needed the “C”-section is used and when required it’s combined for a typical rectangular section. If after analysis the design proved to be more than adequite, similar measures would be made to lower cost, thus viability economically and shipping costs. Structural modeling would also help determine survivability of further disasters as intended by the design.


1 - This Page -Structural model of UberShelter for analysis


Aside from optimization of the goals of the shelter flexibility vs. the needs for structural longevity there were other concerns mentioned that were omitted for structure. The perforation holes would need to be examined for their placement and sizes. For the purposes of this study, they were relentlessly placed. Study might prove that the structural benefit of omitting a certain amount of holes would out weight the flexibility options they give.

Lastly, there are a few more iterations of designs that could be considered for the sake of completeness in the system. Two such avenues the designer is aware of and chose to omit are: war refugees and extreme climates.

The concerns of extreme climates have been omitted for practicallity concerns and that the greater concern should be put toward those with the greatest needs, which are rarely in those climates (cold and desert climates). A simple fact is that due to those climates’ inhospitably to living they are less densly populated. This means if disasters do occur that their damage is limited and the population that is there is more independent. There are many concerns that are fairly difficult fo address and for very little benefit for the smaller audience. For example, desert climates need to seal their living areas so that sand does not intrude. This is difficult when a flexible design and site built structure needs to have looser tolerances to build and work together on site.


As expressed in the foreword this is a topic that the designer will be pursuing after this document is published. The current designs are schematic. The immeadiate goals will be creating detailed shop drawings along with the estimation of cost that would accompany that. Machinists and manufacturer discussions would need to occur following that. All with the eventual goal of a prototype and hopefully the reality of a built design. Of main concern is the exact nature of the rotating joints and point where a 3m tubing might need to pass through the joint. This structurally is a concern and could drive up costs. Without a large mass production labor costs could make the project unviable. It was also a desire that where possible the 3m tubes stayed intact in deferrence


to 1m tubes and a bolted attachment.

If a built work is achieved, even a partial one, then the further study needs of studying the structure can be possible for buildability as a primary concern. Manual testing of loads on a protoype is possible and having to build it will yield an exact procedure and the amount of people skilled or trained at the site to make the shelters. This is of key concern for being put into real-life usage.



HSS Specif icat ions


Roof ing Panel Specif icat ions



1 - Upper - Beyond Shelter2 - Lower -





1 - Upper - Design Like You Give a Damn2 - Middle - - Bottom - studio reCOVER,

1 - Design Like You Give a Damn

1 - Upper Left - Home Delivery2 - Upper Right - Home Delivery3 - Bottom - Buckyworks






PAGE 23 1 - Left - Home Delivery2 - Upper Middle - Home Delivery3 - Upper Right - - Lower Right -

1 - Upper Left - Home Delivery2 - Upper Right - Home Delivery3 - Lower Left - Home Delivery4 - Lower Right - Home Delivery

1 - Upper Left - Beyond Shelter2 - Upper Right - Beyond Shelter3 - Lower Left - Beyond Shelter4 - Lower Right - Beyond Shelter

1 -

1 - Upper - - Lower -

PAGE 33 1 -


1 - Left - Disasters and development2 - Right - Disasters and Development







1 - Upper - - Lower -

1 -

1 - Left - - Upper Right - - Lower Right -

1 - U

1 - Upper - - Lower - Beyond Shelter





1 - Upper - Beyond Shelter

1 -

1 - Left - - Right -

1 - Left - - Right -



PAGE 57 1 - Upper -2 - Middle -3 - Lower -

1 - Upper -2 - Middle -3 - Lower -








1 - Left - Heifer International, - Right -

1 - Upper - Urgent Architecture, page 862 - Lower - Urgent Architecture, page 89

1 - Upper -2 - Middle - Heifer International, - Lower - Urgent Architecture, page 73

1 - 2 -

1 - Upper -, page 62 - Lower -, page 6

1 - Upper - Urgent Architecture, page 1122 - Lower - Urgent Architecture, page 115


PAGE 83 1 - Make it Right, page 227

PAGE 87 1 - Design With the Other 90%: Cities

PAGE 88 1 - Upper - The Barefoot Architect2 - Lower -

PAGE 97 1 - UberShelter,



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