Movie trailers Lego movie and Mrs Brown

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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movie trailers

Transcript of Movie trailers Lego movie and Mrs Brown

Movie trailers

Lego Movie Trailer

This is the first scene of the trailer for the Lego Movie, this is a dark scene as it only involves Batman. This creates suspense around the film but at the same time gives the audience a insight to what the film is like. For example a action hero such as Batman is being portrayed in Lego which shows the film genre is action adventure but has a twist to normal films which is the fact it is made in Lego which is the main USP of the film. This first sells the film because of the star power it uses as everyone connects with Batman and know the film will involve violence but on a moderate level because of the Lego theme. The sound in this scene is Batman saying how he has to advertise the film but is totally uninterested. Also the fact he engages the audience with the close up shot is effective as it makes you want to watch more. The fact he is always saying everything Batman for example ‘Bat mailing’ and Bat phone’ gives the audience the impression that the mode of address is about Batman and this is what the film is about. The fact Batman is there shows a basic stereotype because it explains that it’s a action/adventure film and that the main themes of the film is to fight the evil villains to save the day which normally happens in most Batman films. However the fact it is male dominant shows a representational issue because the female audience may be put of the film because of the presence of Batman and the theme surrounding him in this particular scene.

This shows the producer of the film, this is the Warner Bros Animation logo this represents what sort of film is being shown and to what quality. They have produced many films which have been blockbusters so this couple of seconds clip is iconic in creating the mode of address of the film and showing it to the audience.It is a long shot of the logo and is the same whatever film they have produced which makes it even more iconic.Have this helps you find out about the film as you know it’s a action/adventure film which is aimed at younger audiences because Warner bros mainly produce these sorts of films.Lastly the soundtrack is upbeat which also shows the film is positive and instantly signifies that it’s a family film.

This scene has the main character doing a voice over saying ‘good morning apartment’ this is important as it shows that a normal day is just starting and also explains that the main character is just a normal person. This is selling the film because it’s showing that any normal person can save the day which engages the audience as they may want to be that person. The main theme is freedom as anyone who is stuck in the same routine can break out of it without realising. The soundtrack is upbeat as the day is just starting this is done to show a sense of adventure on what is going to happen on a new day. This scene also uses a extreme long shot to set the scene for the film as it shows that the whole city is built out of Lego. The scene is done like this to represent stereotypical person starting off in their routine and ending up saving the day. The fact it is made completely out of Lego sells the film as this is the main USP of the film and it also engages the audience as all ages can associate with Lego.

These two scenes are to represent ‘Emmet’ the main character as the stereotypical person enjoying there journey to work. This is done with the many different micro features first of all Emmet is buying a ‘overpriced coffee’ he has to first queue up and then pay over the odds for the coffee. This is important as it relates to what adults do on the way to work most days, the difference is Emmet is excited by saying words such as ‘Awesome’. This is done by showing him from the perspective of the shop keeper through a over the shoulder shot. Furthermore he is waiting in traffic rather than what a stereotypical person would which is be bored and moan about it, the soundtrack is played which is his favourite song ‘everything is awesome’. This is done by showing a long shot which again shows a lot of set but not in a lot of detail. This is all significant as it engages children and creates positive values which is to be happy in what ever your doing in life. This challenges the negative stereotype which is everyone hates going to work and queuing up etc. This sells the film as it explains to be positive in life and it also shows a unusual character which is always happy. This is selling the film because Emmet is child like so is in love with his life and doesn’t know any different and is happy as a result.

This scene introduces the main characters together, this creates the themes of relationships and trust. This is because ‘Wydstyle’ the girl character says ‘Come with me if you want to not die’ this is significant as it shows Emmet having to trust her and believe her or he will die. This creates the stereotypical boy and girl love hate relationship. The character ‘Wydstyle’ pretends to hate ‘Emmet’ but really she loves him and eventually they come together. The camera angles used are long angle shot and high angle shot this is significant as it shows a sense of power for the girl over the boy and that he has do most things she says as she has more authority and experience.These are the main characters these are predominantly used in the marketing plan as they are sold as mini figures or at the front of posters etc.

This scene shows that the directors of the film has made over successful films. This is done to show what type of film it is going to be as the director is going to make fairly similar films as that is what he is good at. This is also a USP because may only watch the film because of them. In the background it has a black backdrop but it is made of Lego this is selling the film as it shows the representation of Lego again which is a common theme throughout the film. The colour black also shows that it is a action/adventure film because it can show adventure and secrets however it can also symbolise the history of Lego. Wipe is used to show the importance of the previous films the directors has made .

This scene uses star power to sell the film again. This is because they are showing famous people such as Superman, Abraham Lincoln and The Statue of Liberty made out of Lego this can be associated with wealth and superiority and shows clearly that it’s a action/adventure film with the likes of Superman however the fact they are made out of Lego sticks to the main theme of the film. In the scene Superman flies in between the other two characters and smiles at the camera, this gives the audience a false sense of what’s going to happen because it portrays Superman as the one who is the hero but he isn’t. The idea of Superman saving the day is stereotypical because in his own films he does but the fact he is made out of Lego shows he is equal with everyone else which is one of the morals of the film. It’s a long shot to show lots of information however the three main characters are closer to the lens showing they are more superior.

This scene is a long shot to establish what is happening. The camera is also looking down on the minor characters this shows they are far less superior compared to the bad guy. Furthermore the lighting is half dark and half bright this is because it shows that the happy world they live in is being ruined by the bad guy. The voice over is a deep Morgan Freeman voice saying ‘Lord Business plans to End the World’ this shows the world is going to end unless everyone works together, this links to everything I said before it shows what is going to happen in the story and it presents the morals of the story again.

This scene uses star power to help promote the film which is significant because audiences associate certain actors with certain films and in this case Will Ferrell is associated with comedy but the fact the camera shot of his character is a close up shows him looking angry which shows he must be playing be playing a different sort of character compared to what would be expected. Furthermore the actor Morgan Freeman is portrayed as a soft spoken and intelligent actor which in the case is being shown because his character has a sort of glow coming of it which sells the film because the audience know what the film will be like with Morgan Freeman in it.

The last scene is saying the title ‘The Lego Movie’ this is important because the audience will then know what the film is called and will know to go out and look for it. The title is made completely out of Lego which is also significantly important because again it shows the theme of the film and because Lego is the films main USP it is needed to be shown on something as important as the title. The title is shown being made out of Lego but is sped up making it interesting and showing the audience that you can build anything with Lego.

Mrs Browns Boys D’Movie

Always wearing colour pink apart from in danger.

This first scene is showing the main producer ‘BBC Films’ this represents what sort of film is being shown and to what quality. They have produced many films which have been blockbusters so this couple of seconds clip is iconic in creating the mode of address of the film and showing it to the audience.It is a long shot of the logo and is the same whatever film they have produced which makes it even more iconic.Have this helps you find out about the film as you know it is a British film meaning its home made so may attract more local audiences compared to what a film made in America might.

These three scenes all show the same sort of thing which is writing explaining the basic storyline of the film. They all follow the same colour scheme which is important because it’s the same colours of the title and is the same colours the main character wears throughout the film. This sells the film because it shows serious real life situations which everyday people can associate with. This means the film is challenging the issue of poverty and redundancy in Britain which connects with the audience. Meaning it sells the film to them. As a result the target audience is mainly adults who may had experienced problems or may be threatened by them such as redundancy etc and can connect to them film and may idolise the main character for standing up for herself.

These two scenes shows Mrs Brown Boy battling against old age. First of all the scene wear she cant get her tights on is something many older women may experience and as a result may feel they can connect with it easy. Furthermore the voice over is saying ‘she is ready for all battles’ which is comedy because she is ‘battling to get dressed because of her age. Also it is a long shot to explain were she is. In the next scene she is struggling to hold a wee in which is stereotypical for old women when they either find something funny or in this case in a time of nervousness. This is also connecting the audience because many of the target audience are old females which may also feel this struggle in life. The camera angle is a over the shoulder shot because it is creating a natural frame from the character in the front of the bikes point of view.

This scene shows the evil character throwing a dart into Mrs Browns stool as they choose which one will next be destroyed, also the crack on the screen is to represent the dart in a real life. This sort of shows the dart going through Mrs browns life and it shows the impact of the dart. It uses a close up to show the reaction of Mrs Brown also uses a long shot to show the dart but is eye level to show the men in the background. A stereotypical evil laugh is made by the bad guy which is typical for a evil guy and represents that he is going to ruining someone’s life and Mrs Brown jerks back in terror as she gets a shock.

This scene shows Mrs Brown standing up for her self and fellow characters, this is stereotypical for films because the main character is presented as a leader so by sending threats by saying things such as ‘I wont be beaten’ shows she is willing to fit for what is right. Furthermore the part were she is giving fellow workers a motivation speech is representing a leading and that it doesn’t matter what you are can still be important. Both shots use the long shot this is to show a lot of detail which is happening in the background.

In this scene violence is used but because it’s a family film its on a minor level and is used to create humour. The bright pink jumper is iconic because it represents that she isn’t scared of anything g or anyone. The man uses his male dominance to intimidate her but it doesn’t work. Also the fact he is wearing back alerts the audience and shows danger.

These scenes shows Mrs Brown is the nations mum, this is stereotypical because everyone feels that their own mum is the mum of the year and people can feel they can connect with this sort of title. The title is also a light pink which is a common theme through the film as it shows confidence when standing up for themselves.

This scene uses famous celebrities, however because this film is predominantly Irish the celebrities are Irish meaning the main target audience can connect with them more however they only have a small roll but still this film uses star power as a commodity. Also the film may be attached more because of these types of people.

This scene creates a James Bond sort of feel which links to the action/adventure part of the film however because the film is also a comedy it goes to one of the characters dancing which briefly diverts the problem. This is significant because it shows what sort of film it is and what the audience should expect.

This particular scene shows Mrs Brown being the main attraction and being treated like a celebrity this is important because it shows who the main character is of the film. She is also wearing the same colours as the title which also links to knowing who the main character is, furthermore she is wearing stereotypical old peoples clothes. Both uses a long shot to get a lot of detail into the shot also the camera looks up to Mrs Brown to show she is superior and the camera looks down to the press showing that they are less important.

This scene shows Mrs Brown saying ‘two cod and two chips’ this is done to try and explain that the film has the same unprofessional film as the TV series does this is because of how successful it is. The fact they go on to start laughing shows they had fun making the film which should be portrayed throughout the film lastly the unprofessionalism is a USP of the series.