Movers and Shapers What is common to all uncommon leaders?

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Transcript of Movers and Shapers What is common to all uncommon leaders?

Movers and Shapers

What is common

to all uncommon leaders?

Movers and Shapers

Moving from Narrative to Example and Classification …

Night: Story, Rhetoric, Man


Movers and Shapers


Movers and shapers are people who find a cause and communicate that cause to a wide audience. They have endured trials and tragedies, perhaps. They have passion, they accomplish goals, and they motivate others to join them in a mission or a cause. They work to realize their vision by communication and by action.

What is common to all uncommon leaders? Communication!

Pres. Barack Obama

Elie WieselBill ClintonHillary Clinton Bono (U2)Jimmy Carter

Martin Luther King, Jr.Bill GatesTed TurnerDonna BeegleOprah Winfrey

The Power of Communication!

How do they communicate? What do they understand about communication?

1. Writing, speaking, reading, listening!

2. Process

3. Aims

1. To inform (expository)

2. To persuade

3. To entertain (literary, artistic)

4. To inspire (inflame)

5. To express (creatively, perhaps)

They use theRhetorical Triangle

Ethos (ethical appeal)—Speaker

Pathos (pathetic appeal) – Audience

Logos (logical appeal) – Text

Factors in Rhetoric, Writing:that may decide Rhetorical Choices

Exigence Purpose/Aim

(Intent) Context


GenreMediumDesign Stance/


Factors in Speaking, Writing:



Basic Types of Rhetorical Development

DescriptiveNarrative ExpositoryPersuasive

Rhetorical Modes

Description Narration Example/Illustration Process Cause and Effect Classification Comparison (& Contrast) Persuasion/Argumentation

Rhetorical Devices (examples)

Style Detail Point of View Organization Tone Syntax Diction

*Connotation *Denotation

Figurative Language (ex) Imagery Personification Analogies Symbol Metaphor Simile Juxtaposition Etc.

My Movers and Shapers

Professional Dr. M. McClellan Dr. Muriel Harris

Influential Jimmy Carter Pope John Paul II Mother Teresa

Famous Bono Katie Couric

Problematic/Controversial My Cousin Melanie Diss. Committee

Personal My husband & son Dr. Paul Phillips Stanley Parkman

Who are YOUR




How did the M&S live?

What early experiences shaped them?

How did or DO they live so that the experiences do not cripple, but make them more successful and edify others?

What is their “ripple effect”?


Read/listen to speeches and interviews (for example): MLK, Bono, Wiesel, Obama, Pausch, Hillary

Clinton, others Research if needed Brainstorm…Follow Power Point Formal Letters (4) Poster Presentations Essay—My Movers and Shapers


They Made America

TIME 100 Most Influential People

CNN Heroes

Look to the Stars

Writing your Essay

Who has moved and shaped me? How have I been moved and/or shaped by those around me?

We use examples to

Bring general and abstract statements down to earth so that Readers will be interested Readers will understand your ideas, points

Make the General specific Abstract concrete

Understanding Illustration

An example or illustration represents A general group

Nobel Prize Laureates Carter Martin Luther King Albert Schweitzer

An abstract concept or quality War

Terrorism Landmines Nuclear proliferation

Jimmy Carter’s Movers and Shapers

His teacher, Ms. Julia Coleman Yitzhak Rabin, former (and assassinated)

Israeli Prime Minister Anwar Sadat, former (and assassinated)

President of Egypt Martin Luther King

TOPIC for your Essay

Influential / ImportantFamousPersonalProfessionalProblematic/Controversial

Step 1:

Name some “movers and shapers” who have influenced you in some way, large or small (from government, arts and entertainment, humanitarianism, business, your life).

Think carefully. Write down as many as you can think


Step 1 Continued: Brainstorm Names Today

Make a list of possible Movers and Shapers.

Gather as many names as you can.

For now, MORE is BETTER. We will narrow down the list later.

Step 2:Organize and Classify

Now, organize the list according to the M & S categories.

Use the chart on the next slide.

Step 2 Continued: (show Dr. Bagby) BRAINSTORMING MY Movers and Shapers

Influential Famous Personal Professional Problematic

Step 3: Narrow your Topic

Try to reduce the size of your list to just the most important people. You may do this by Picking the best 2 to 4 people from each

category Picking the best 3 to 4 categories to


Step 4: Brainstorm ideas

Answer these questions for each person you chose:Who are they?When did they live?Where do/did they live?What have they done in their lives?Why are they in this group?Why do they matter?How have they made a difference?

In your life? OrIn others’ lives? Or In the world?

Have they found a solution (or are they working on one)?

NOW, for the Essay!Using Classification and Examples

A Classification/Example Essay is very structured. It uses categories and examples of each



Categories of Movers and Shapers


The thesis statement of a classification essay May tell why the categories are important May identify the classes into which the set is

being classified. Why are they M&S? What did all of them do for you?

Love, influence, inspiration, support, etc?

Example Thesis Statements

Give at least ONE Specific “guiding principle” for the thesis. Don’t be too general…

Find COMMON GROUND. Ex., The movers and shapers in my life have taught

me the importance of hard work. Ex., Though they come from all walks of life, my

professional and personal movers and shapers have all influenced my understanding of patience.

Step 5: Thesis Statement(Show Dr. Bagby)

Thesis: It is a generalization based on what you know about individual people, your Movers and Shapers.

Answers the questions: What am I trying to communicate? What are the main points of my paper?

You might discuss “The Ripple Effect” and the people who have affected (moved you in some way, shaped, influenced) your life.

You might discuss the “guiding or unchanging principles” you have learned from your M & S.

Step 6: Turn InThesis and Topic Sentences

My subject is Movers and ShapersMy Categories are_______________.Thesis Statement:Topic Sentence 1:Topic Sentence 2:Topic Sentence 3:

Organization of a Classification Essay

I. Introduction The introduction or lead-in to a classification

essay will Identify the idea/thing being classified and Identify the classes or categories.

Ways to Write IntroductionsIn at least three sentences that LEAD up to THESIS, you introduce the

topic and get INTEREST.

Some ideas are as follows: Time Line: Past to Present Narrative or Anecdote: Story Intro LOGOS: Facts, statistics (shocking, important) Example: Preview of type of examples in paper Contextual: Broad ideas narrowed to thesis Contrastive: Some say; others maintain Descriptive: Use an appeal to the senses, describe a person or

place Structured: Using three ideas plus a unifying thesis with those

ideas developed in subsequent paragraphs.

Step 7: Introductory Paragraph

Introduction: Engages, gets attention, gives context to relate to… Begin with a brief anecdote

describing a person who might cross into more than one category: Personal, important

Organization of a Classification Essay

II. Body The body identifies, in separate paragraphs, the various

categories, with examples. Topic sentences in classification essay body paragraphs

should identify the class or group being considered and its relationship to the scheme for creating the classes (the WHY).

In classifying a set, more than one classification scheme may be possible, depending on why you are classifying the set and what can be gained from the classification scheme (its value); however, each essay should focus on one scheme for classifying the set.


While writing the body of the essayRemember:

Examples must beSpecific ORPlentiful enough to illustrate your thesis

Things to Watch For:

Classification / Example Think of classification as a way of placing in groups,

categories, tables, or lists. Once the classifications are under way, make sure they

don’t overlap. Don’t put one person in two groups, in other words.

Don’t omit an important category –choose wisely. Make sure that the groups remain logical.

ORGANIZING:How many examples?

Limited to 2-5: Arrange in order of increasing


Strongest and most detailed provides a dramatic finish

Assignment #5: OUTLINE Body Paragraphs (TURN IN)

Body Paragraphs—categories of movers & shapers

Topic sentence that includes key ideas from the thesis

Support Details: Needed to illustrate topic

Concrete: facts, details to support your ideas Sensory: images to help reader see

Summary sentence– Restates Topic in some way


If you used many examples, briefly summarize each in your essay

If you used few, longer examples, describe each one in detail

If you used a single example NARRATE BE SPECIFIC

EDIT FOR GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION! Commas, shifts to “you,” verb forms


The conclusion restates the categories of the thesis and, as a significance—or answer to the question “so what?” implied in any composition, stresses the value of this classification system

Conclusions of classification essays re-emphasize the significance, importance, relevance, or value of the scheme used to classify the set.

The conclusion might emphasize the most important group.

Conclusion“Hook” back to anecdote or your introductory statement and finish the story--OR connect to the person, the event, or your thesis.

RUBRIC (see your copy)

UnitySupportCoherenceSentence SkillsAudience and Purpose

RUBRIC (see your copy)

UNITY A clearly stated thesis is obvious in the

introduction. The assigned outline was followed. Topic sentences follow the idea of the thesis

and develop a further point. All the supporting paragraphs are on target in

sustaining the thesis.

RUBRIC (see your copy)

SUPPORT Two or more separate support points advance

the argument of the thesis. Specific, concrete evidence develops each of the

supporting points. Plenty of evidence supports each point: (adequate development by examples, facts,

quotations, statistics).

RUBRIC (see your copy)

COHERENCE The essay has a clear method of organization

(per assigned outline). The organization shows good reasoning, a logical

order. The organization uses transitions between and

within paragraphs. The essay contains an effective introduction,

conclusion, and title.

RUBRIC (see your copy)

FORMAT AND SENTENCE SKILLS CORRECT MLA FORMAT IN PAPER. CORRECT MLA FORMAT FOR WORKS CITED (if any). Sentence fragments have been eliminated. Fused sentences have been eliminated. Comma splices have been eliminated. Correct verb forms are used. FEW passive voice verbs! Subjects and verbs agree in number. Pronouns and antecedents agree in number and gender. Punctuation marks are used correctly: commas quotation marks semicolons colons dashes, hyphens, parentheses apostrophes Spelling errors avoided? Careless errors eliminated by proofreading?

Audience and Purpose

Keep readers in mind…

What do they already know about these people? You might need to develop and not simply list or cite briefly.

What do they need to know in order to accept your thesis? HOW did they mold, shape, influence, impact YOU?

RUBRIC (see your copy)

AUDIENCE AND PURPOSE Did you try to convince your reader with

adequate, logical, reasonable support? Did you use strong words (especially verbs) and

a variety of sentence structures to show your opinion, your emotions, on the issue?

Did you follow directions? Did you attempt all of the above criteria to make the essay clear for the reader?


1. Read this Power Point on your own.2. READ Ericsson, p. 164 (“The Ways We Lie”), for an example of

classification. 3. Finish the table for your Movers and Shapers. 4. Write a thesis statement…IT should tell readers WHY these people

are movers and shapers in your life.5. Outline the essay—Choose 3 categories to discuss. List 2-3

examples --people in each category/class ( your M&S).6. Write topic sentences for your outline. 7. Draft the essay.8. Revise and edit according to directions and YOUR writing

concerns. 9. Turn in your final essay with all work stapled to the back.