Mount Vernon City School District Comprehensive Team Planning for Improved Student Achievement...

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Transcript of Mount Vernon City School District Comprehensive Team Planning for Improved Student Achievement...

Mount Vernon City School District

Comprehensive Team Planning for Improved

Student AchievementPresentation by

Maureen GonzalezDeputy Superintendent

Purpose of the Presentation

• Identify the Board Retreat Timeline

• Identify core components of our comprehensive team planning efforts

• Alignment of our comprehensive team planning components to the Board Retreat Timeline

Identification of the Board Retreat Timeline

Board Retreat

• The Board Trustees and the Superintendent participated in a retreat during August 2008

• A timeline was developed to outline planning activities District wide

• At the September meeting a vote was held adopting the Board retreat timeline

The Board Retreat Timeline

Month Activity

October School Based Team meetings: identification of issues

November District Wide Congress - identification of issues common to all schools

December School Based identification of goals and objectives pertaining to school issues

January District wide identification of goals and objectives pertaining to district wide issues

February School based identification of strategies and


March District wide identifications of strategies and tactics

April-June Work in progress

Purpose of the Board Retreat Timeline

• To outline a timeframe for planning District wide

• To outline core activities in comprehensive planning

• To support comprehensive planning to improve student achievement District wide

Identification of core components of our comprehensive team efforts

What is comprehensive planning?

It is a process, it is ongoing!

First: Pre-planning is important. In other words, “a plan to plan”

Second: Develop a planThird: Implement a planFourth: Evaluate a plan

Outcome: a coherent, comprehensive, sustained approach to improve the quality of education

What are the core components of comprehensive team planning?

Superintendent’s Strategic Plan

District Plan for

Shared decisionMaking and

School Based planning

School Educational


Component #1 of Comprehensive Team Planning




Superintendent’s Strategic PlanOur Mission

The mission of the Mount Vernon City School District is to educate the children of Mount Vernon so that each child is able to realize his or her full potential

Student and Staff



Professional Development


DeliveryOf Instruction




Student Support Services


Children: Our Center

and Our Focus

Our District Goalsstated in the Superintendent’s Strategic Plan

Goal #1- Academic achievement in all core subject areas will be raised to state average levels for all students by 2011

Goal #2- All Mount Vernon students will attend high performing schools

Goal #3- Highly improved communication and understanding between the School District and the Mount Vernon Community

Superintendent’s Strategic Plan 2007-10

• States the goals of the Board, the Superintendent and the District

• Identifies priorities and strategies

• Identifies evidence to measure success

• Outlines effective strategies to support improved student achievement

• A document that is a catalyst for the school educational plan

Component #2 of Comprehensive Team Planning

District Plan

for school based planning and

shared decision making

What is shared decision making and school based management?The involvement and meaningful participation of administrators,

teachers and parents in decision making in educational areas that are subject to cooperative planning

What is the District Plan?The District Plan for school based planning and shared

decision making is based on regulation and law involving teams of parents, teachers and administrators

Education Law 2:117-2:127 and the District Plan

• Defines how a district’s shared decision plan is to be developed

• Is aligned to the Regulation of the Commissioner 100.11

• Outlines what must be included in a district plan for shared decision making

• Clarifies the composition and purpose of the District Planning Committee

The District Plan must address:

• The educational issues that are subject to cooperative planning

• The parameters for involvement of all constituents

• The guidelines for evaluating the improvement in student achievement

• The standards for accountability of all constituents

The Regulation of the Commissioner 100.11 and the District Plan

• Defines the terms shared decision making and school based management

• These two terms are a model for decision making that highlight the involvement of administrators, teachers and parents in the process

• It is a model for decision making that emphasizes the meaningful participation of administrators, teachers and parents in the process

• Defines the role of the District Planning Committee and the School Based Teams

The District Planning Committee and the District Plan

• Member composition from parent, administrator and teacher constituent groups with Superintendent/designee

• Biennial review of the District Plan by the Board and the District Planning Committee

• Submit to Commissioner Feb 1st of each year the biennial review takes place

• Current status: formed 2008-09

School Based Team Parameters are defined in the District Plan

• 50:50 ratio of staff and parents

• Annual selection from constituent groups

• Public calendar• Monthly meetings• Develop the School

Educational Plan or the Comprehensive Education Plan

• Consensus driven decisions

• Current status: formed and active in each school

Component #3 of Comprehensive Team Planning




School Educational Plans

• The secondary schools develop the State Education Department (SED) Comprehensive Education Plan ( CEP)

• The elementary schools develop the MVCSD School Educational Plan that is adapted from the SED CEP

• Each school is engaged in developing a plan for improved student achievement for 2009-2010

School Educational Plans

• Assess the effectiveness of the current instructional programs

• Discuss proposed modifications• Develop goals and objectives• Create action plans

Outcome: The school educational plans should be a product of the dynamic process to engage all stakeholders in collaborative decision making

How are our efforts in comprehensive team planning aligned to the Board Retreat Timeline?

Month Activity Status in the MVCSD

October School Based Team meetings: identification of issues

Each school has a School Based Team; communication of Superintendent’s Strategic Plan

November District Wide Congress - identification of issues common to all schools

District Wide Congress scheduled for 11/24 at MVHS

December School Based identification of goals and objectives pertaining to school issues

Work in progress with School Educational Plans 2009-2010

January District wide identification of goals and objectives pertaining to district wide issues

Outreach to the community

February School based identification of strategies and tactics

School Educational Plans : Elementary schools as per MVCSD timeline and Secondary schools as per State timeline

March District wide identifications of strategies and tactics

Outreach to the community

April-June Work in progress Outreach to the community


• A community focused on children

• Team planning

• A focus on improving student achievement

“Children: Our Center and Our Focus”