Motorcycle Accidents Causes

Post on 19-May-2021

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Motorcyclists are 18 times more likely than motorists and passengers in cars to be in a fatal accident and three times more likely to sustain serious injuries. Motorcycles offer little protection to riders in the event of a collision. Unlike cars, there are no safety features, such as seatbelts, airbags and frames. Check out motorcycle accidents causes.

Transcript of Motorcycle Accidents Causes



Like accidents of any type, reckless driving, speeding and use of

controlled substances are common causes of motorcycle

accidents. The following are the most common causes of

motorcycle collisions:

Unsafe lane changes. Drivers risk crashing into a motorcyclist

when they fail to check their blind spot or signal when changing


Drunk while intoxicated. Drivers who cause accidents because

they were operating their vehicle while intoxicated can face both

criminal and civil liability.

Lane splitting. Although “lane splitting,” or driving between two

lanes, is officially legal in California, it is nevertheless dangerous,

especially for inexperienced riders.

Failing to respect the rider’s right of way.

Speeding. Speeding is one of the leading causes of all types of

motor vehicle accidents because amongst other things. It

reduces a motorist’s chance of seeing and reacting to other

drivers and motorcyclists in time to prevent an accident.

Sudden stops. Rear-end accidents resulting from following too

closely or an abrupt stop can result in serious or fatal injuries to

a motorcyclist.

Poor and dangerous road conditions. Potholes, cracked

pavement, debris and a lack of necessary signals and signs can

all increase a motorcyclist’s chances of losing control and

getting into an accident.

Motorcycle defects. A manufacturer that poorly designs or

manufactures motorcycle parts can be held liable for any

resulting injuries or death arising from the use of the defective


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