Motion Blur Estimation at Corners

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Motion Blur Estimation at Corners. Giacomo Boracchi and Vincenzo Caglioti Motion Blurred Image. Motion Blurred Image. Motion Blurred Image. Motion Blurred Image. Motion Blurred Image. Motion Blurred Image. Motion Blurred Image. Motion Blurred Image. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Motion Blur Estimation at Corners

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blur Estimation at CornersGiacomo Boracchi and Vincenzo Caglioti

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blurred Image

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blurred Image

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blurred Image

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blurred Image

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blurred Image

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blurred Image

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blurred Image

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blurred Image

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blurred Image

Computer Vision Group

Motion Blurred Image

Computer Vision Group

Preliminary Remarks

Dealing with blurred images it is complicated (lack of information)

Blur is often assumed uniform, but this is restrictive

We propose to analyze blur on some image regions

We focus on regions containing a corners

We consider only motion blur• Blur is approximated as parametric – direction and length -• Estimation of corner linear displacement

Any other blurring phenomena are neglected (e.g out of focus blur).

v l

Computer Vision Group


Image Model Corner Model Problem Solution Robust Solution Experiments Concluding Remarks

Computer Vision Group

Blurred Image Model

A blurred noisy image given the original image

and the blur operator

( ) ( )( ) ( )I x K y x x (0, ),N x X


( )( ) ( , ) ( )X

K y x k x y d

we assume that blur locally is constant

point spread function


0 0( )( ) ( ) ( )xU

K y x v x y d v y x



00 , xx X U X and


Computer Vision Group

Blur Assumptions

Point spread function has 1D support,

Constant value (Uniform Speed)

Parametric approach, estimate and

we call the corner displacement , the vector having direction and length

These assumptions hold only locally…


0 ( ) ( )lv R s x 1 21/(2 1) , 0


l l x l xs








Computer Vision Group

Presentation Outline

Image Model Corner Model Problem Solution Robust Solution Experiments Concluding Remarks

Computer Vision Group

Why Corners?

No Aperture Problem, when blurred.

Easy to Detect (Harris, Hessian)

Easy to Model

Meaningful for scene understanding

Computer Vision Group





The Corner Model

The Corner has to be binary in the considered region D

Not every displacement can be managed.

/ 2, / 2 Exclude “self intersecting” corners


Computer Vision Group

Presentation Outline

Image Model Corner Model Problem Solution Robust Solution Experiments Concluding Remarks

Computer Vision Group

Vector Relation

Consider an Image Region D containing a blurred corner

in the noise free case,


0( ) ,v K y x x D

0 , ( ) 0D x K y x D

the aperture problem holds

However both at corners blurred edges may be used to solve this ambiguity

0 , ( ) , 0D x K y x T D T

Computer Vision Group

Least Square Solution

A “good” image region should containpixels from both blurred edges

Several pixels have to be considered, for example x

wi ;¡ n < i < n weights

~vx =argminv°°°A(x) v ¡ ¢ [w¡ n ; :::;w0; :::;wn]


A(x) ~vx =



w¡ n r I (x¡ n)T

:::w0 r I (x)T

:::wnr I (xn)T


77775~vx = ¢ [w¡ n ; :::;w0; :::;wn]


Computer Vision Group


Solution is not robust in presence of outliers and noise

Whenever image assumptions are not met (e.g. textured or shaded corners, smoothed contours, other image artifacts) solution is seriously corrupted.

Compute the solution on every pixel : method is slow

Requires a filtering procedure as every estimate depends on

Then, better look for a vector that satisfy the basic equation for a significant number of pixels, disregarding how far from the solution is for few pixels




~vx =argminv°°°A(x) v ¡ ¢ [w¡ n ; :::;w0; :::;wn]



Computer Vision Group

Presentation Outline

Image Model Corner Model Problem Solution Robust Solution Experiments Concluding Remarks

Computer Vision Group


Robust Solution

Considering only two gradient vectors it would be enough if appropriately chosen


( )aN x

( )bN x( )aN x

( )bN x


N(x) = r I (x)jjr I (x)jj2 ¢

Computer Vision Group

The Hough Transform

For each input data determine theset of possible solutions.

The solutions are represented in the parameter space

A vote (1) is assigned to all parameters that are compatible with a given data

being , the parameters,the coordinates of end point (in pixels)

Evaluate all inputs and sum the votes

The most voted pair in the parameter space are taken as solution,as they represent the parameters satisfying most of data

1 2( , )u uuv

( )N x

Computer Vision Group

The votes in parameter space

Consider also parameters close to the solutions• Assign them a fraction of vote (<1)• Assign a full vote to exact solutions

Being a tuning parameter and noise standard deviation

For every data , votesare assigned by this vote function opportunely rotated and translated


N (x)

x̀(u1;u2) = R( ¼2 ¡ µ)¡`¢([u1;u2]T ¡ N (x))


(̀u1;u2) = exph¡³

u21+kju1 j¾r ´


Computer Vision Group

Robust Solution- Votes sum

Sum of votes

Computer Vision Group

Presentation Outline

Image Model Corner Model Problem Solution Robust Solution Experiments Concluding Remarks

Computer Vision Group

Experiment on Synthetic Images

Synthetic images constructed according to

I (x) = K¡y+»

¢(x) +´(x) ; x = (x1;x2)

»(x) » N (0;¾»)

´(x) » N (0;¾́) where represents electronic noise

represents differences between the binary corner and the synthetic image

Computer Vision Group

Experiments on Synthetic images

Point Spread Function of 10° degrees and 20 pixels extents

Computer Vision Group

Experiments on Synthetic images

Point Spread Function of 70° degrees and 30 pixels extents

Computer Vision Group

Experiment on a Test Image

5 regions containing a corner have been selected on house image

Computer Vision Group

Results on a Test Image

house image has been artificially blurred by motion blur psf having• direction 30 degrees• length 25 pixels

Error in pixels : 2.07

Computer Vision Group

Results on a Test Image

house image has been artificially blurred by motion blur psf having• direction 30 degrees• length 25 pixels

house image has been artificially blurred by motion blur psf having• direction 30 degrees• length 25 pixels

Error in pixels : 2.75

Computer Vision Group

Results on a Test Image

house image has been artificially blurred by motion blur psf having• direction 30 degrees• length 25 pixels

house image has been artificially blurred by motion blur psf having• direction 30 degrees• length 25 pixels

Error in pixels : 3.19

Computer Vision Group

Results on a Test Image

house image has been artificially blurred by motion blur psf having• direction 30 degrees• length 25 pixels

house image has been artificially blurred by motion blur psf having• direction 30 degrees• length 25 pixels

Error in pixels : 1.87

Computer Vision Group

Results on a Test Image

house image has been artificially blurred by motion blur psf having• direction 30 degrees• length 25 pixels

house image has been artificially blurred by motion blur psf having• direction 30 degrees• length 25 pixels

Error in pixels : 2.04

Computer Vision Group

Experiments on camera images

Triplets of images have been taken according to the following scheme• still image (A)• Blurred image moving the camera on a rack (B)• still image (C)

Motion has been estimated in selected image regions in B and compared with the ground truth obtained by matching the feature in the corresponding regions in A and in C.

Computer Vision Group

A - still image at initial camera position

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B – the Blurred Image

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C – still image at final camera position

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Five selected Image regions

Computer Vision Group

Five selected Image regions

Computer Vision Group

Five selected Image regions

Computer Vision Group

Five selected Image regions

Computer Vision Group

Five selected Image regions

Computer Vision Group

Results from camera images

Computer Vision Group

Computer Vision Group

Presentation Outline

Image Model Corner Model Problem Solution Robust Solution Experiments Ongoing Works

Computer Vision Group


Fourier based methods usually fail at corners and on small regions

Method to estimate motion blur parameters at corners from a single blurred image

We handle space varying blur as every image region is considered separately

Computer Vision Group

Ongoing Work

Manage all possible displacement, also the self – intersecting case

Detect Blurred Corners

Adaptively select region for motion estimation

Extend the algorithm to psf having 1D support, and non-uniform density.

Measure the Goodness of our estimate

Fusing estimates coming from different corners