MotherTongue: Spring Edition

Post on 14-Mar-2016

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Welcome to the second issue of MotherTongue, Heritage College's own school paper.

Transcript of MotherTongue: Spring Edition

Welcome back, MotherTongue readers!

With the beginning of this semester semester for many of the paper’s contributors realization that we were going to be as busy as ever. However, instead of feeling threatened by this fact, we instead saw it as a challenge, which we mNever mind the fact that most of us are in the midst of one of the most academically challenging periods of our lives thus far – we still took some time out of our busy schedule to string a few sentences together and present you with the follow-up to our initial creation. As a result, I present you with MotherTongue’s Spring Edition.

Our goal a few months ago was to inform you on anything and everything winter related. We wanted to defy that stereotype that says that all college students spend their Christmas vacations sleeping, eating, and sleeping some more, by urging you guys to step outside your comfort zones and check out nearby venues and events that may very well provide you with more entertainment than say, yet another Friends rerun.

We printed approximately fifty copies of the inaugural issue, a test-drive of sorts for us to grasp what kind of feedback that MotherTongue would get. The result was fantastic – all fifty issues were gone within a day, and requests for more kept pouring in frstudents and faculty members. We definitely learnt our lesson, and printed double the amount of issues this time around. 100 copies of the Spring Edition are currently roaming around campus, bead read by many, or so we hope. In other words, don’t be shy and pick up an issue, we have lots to spare!

The Spring Edition is all about celebrating that beautiful time of year when flowers blooms and the cool air seeps into our lungs... also known as the midmark of yet another extremely busy semester. all look forward to March Break for slight relief during these tumultuous times, we recommend you sit back, relax, and skim the pages of our latest issue. That extra week of freedom is there for a reason – so whether you’re at home alone with nothing to do, or lounging on the beach in some exotic destination (in which case, we are so very envious of you!), have a read! We really hope our articles can aid you in making the most of this March Break. On that note, see you all in seven days...


With the beginning of this semester – the final semester for many of the paper’s contributors – came the realization that we were going to be as busy as ever. However, instead of feeling threatened by this fact, we instead saw it as a challenge, which we met head on. Never mind the fact that most of us are in the midst of one of the most academically challenging periods of our

we still took some time out of our busy schedule to string a few sentences together and present

up to our initial creation. As a result, I present you with MotherTongue’s Spring Edition.

Our goal a few months ago was to inform you on anything and everything winter related. We wanted to defy that stereotype that says that all college students

heir Christmas vacations sleeping, eating, and sleeping some more, by urging you guys to step outside your comfort zones and check out nearby venues and events that may very well provide you with more entertainment than say, yet another Friends rerun.

y copies of the ive of sorts for us to grasp what

kind of feedback that MotherTongue would get. The all fifty issues were gone within a

day, and requests for more kept pouring in from both students and faculty members. We definitely learnt our lesson, and printed double the amount of issues this time around. 100 copies of the Spring Edition are currently roaming around campus, bead read by many, or so we

e shy and pick up an issue,

The Spring Edition is all about celebrating that beautiful time of year when flowers blooms and the cool air seeps into our lungs... also known as the mid-term mark of yet another extremely busy semester. While we all look forward to March Break for slight relief during these tumultuous times, we recommend you sit back, relax, and skim the pages of our latest issue. That extra

so whether you’re lounging on the

beach in some exotic destination (in which case, we are We really hope our

articles can aid you in making the most of this March in seven days...

Zoë Quigg Editor-in-Chief

2 –Should I Go?

3 – The Consistently Unreliable STOby Selma Alvarez

4 – Getting to knowJessica Pacheco & Jennifer MacKenzie

5 – Getting to Know: Elliott BrownJessica Pacheco & Jennifer MacKenzie6 – Upcoming Events

7 – Beauty Insider: Spring Edition

8 – Hockey Life9 – On Our Radar

10 – Creative Works and Samantha MacConnell

11 – Creat12 – Creative Works

13 – Horoscope

*Note: Photographs by Selam Ab

– Should I Stay or Should I Go? by Zoë

Quigg Consistently Unreliable STO

by Selma Alvarez- Barkham Getting to know: Jeff Fyfe by

Jessica Pacheco & Jennifer MacKenzie Getting to Know: Elliott Brown by Jessica Pacheco & Jennifer MacKenzie

Upcoming Events by Zoë Quigg : Spring Edition by

Sophie Pon Hockey Life by Zoë Quigg On Our Radar by The Staff

by Karissa Larocque and Samantha MacConnell Creative Works (con’t) Creative Works (con’t)

Horoscope by Amanda Rocha

*Note: Photographs by Selam Abebe and Susan M. Ge*

Our tongues are raw from licking postage stamps, our fingertips numb from typing up admission essays, and our minds boggled from the limitless nature of opportunities at our disposal: We are official university applicants. Our application packages are in the mail, haphazardly scattered across Canada, if not already in the hands of some Dean of Admissions. And although the fact that the applications we have worked so hard on are no longer in our hands is certainly a weight lifted offour shoulders, the worst is yet to come. Because now, we must wait. Now, we must ponder. And soon, we must choose.

As most programs required applications between February 1st and the beginning of March, the bulk of our work as prospective students is certainly out of the way. However, there is one more element, other than the wait for an acceptance letter, which is just as time-consuming ascompletion of our applications – the decision-making process. In other words, while we can take a few moments to revel in our ability to write endless paragraphs on our academic capacities and the reasons for applying to any given program, it is now time to put down the pencils, or turn off the laptop, and really think about what it is we want to do next year. of you have probably applied to more than one university, there is still some ways to go before you can start packing your bags and buying your textbooks.

The aspect which is given the most importance when choosing a school to grace with your presence is undoubtedly the quality of the chosen program, which can be with the click of a button or a quick scan through Maclean’s magazine. However, when faced with choosing a university, we all consider another factor – the location. Because while we have long contemplated what it is we want to do with our lives, it is also important to consider where it is we want to do it.

The eternal question of staying in town or moving away for post-secondary education is not an easy one to answer due to the extensive amount of factors that come into play.would know, as I’ve been greatly debating staying in the region and moving away to Toronto to attend Ryerson University in the fall. Fees, for one, vary depending on the city in which you live, as do housing, transportation, and living costs. Don’t think there’s that much of a difference? Consider this: Living in a Toronto-based residence will definitely cost you upwards ten thousand dollars a year, while the same room and board might be two or three thousand dollars less in our Nation’s Capital. Even cheaper than that would be that room you know so well on the second floor of your parent’s house. That’s right, living at home is probably the best option when it comes to costs, but it also lacks excitement and adventure. I believe that if the costs

Our tongues are raw from licking postage stamps, our fingertips numb from typing up admission essays, and our

boggled from the limitless nature of opportunities at our disposal: We are official university applicants. Our application packages are in the mail, haphazardly scattered across Canada, if not already in the hands of some Dean of Admissions. And

he fact that the applications we have worked so hard on are no longer in our hands is certainly a weight lifted off of our shoulders, the worst is yet to come. Because now, we must

, we must choose.

red applications between and the beginning of March, the bulk of our work

as prospective students is certainly out of the way. However, there is one more element, other than the wait for an

consuming as the making process.

In other words, while we can take a few moments to revel in our ability to write endless paragraphs on our academic capacities and the reasons for applying to any given program, it

ime to put down the pencils, or turn off the laptop, and really think about what it is we want to do next year. As many of you have probably applied to more than one university, there is still some ways to go before you can start packing your bags

given the most importance when choosing a school to grace with your presence is undoubtedly

which can be discovered scan through Maclean’s

However, when faced with choosing a university, we the location. Because while we

have long contemplated what it is we want to do with our lives, it is we want to do it.

question of staying in town or moving secondary education is not an easy one to answer

due to the extensive amount of factors that come into play. I would know, as I’ve been greatly debating staying in the region

o attend Ryerson University in Fees, for one, vary depending on the city in which you

live, as do housing, transportation, and living costs. Don’t think there’s that much of a difference? Consider this: Living in a

finitely cost you upwards ten thousand dollars a year, while the same room and board might be two or three thousand dollars less in our Nation’s Capital. Even cheaper than that would be that room you know so well

That’s right, living at home is probably the best option when it comes to costs, but it also lacks excitement and adventure. I believe that if the costs

of living at home were the same as those associated with moving away for university, most students wskip town. The thrill of discovering a new city and starting fresh without your parents holding your hand is much too good to pass up.

Still, it’s hard to push aside the fact that your hometown will be deeply missed if you decide to move awFor someone deeply rooted in routine, it becomes difficult to leave old habits behind to form new ones halfway across the country. Once the hype of Frosh Week has settled down and you have begun to get settled in your new pad, wherever that may be, you’ll probably shed a tear or two thinking aboutthose great Summer barbecues you

However, in response to that question asked so many times by the Clash, I firmly believe that taking all that you have learnt at home and putting it towards a fresh new start on your own is really the best of both worlds. While leaving behind all that you know and love is certainly intimidating at first, I’m hoping that the various advantages outweigh that slight uneasiness that comes as you’re packingonly to unpack them in a small, cramped dorm room on the other side of the country. Fingers crossed.

*Photographs taken from Ryerson University’s website*

of living at home were the same as those associated with moving away for university, most students would choose to skip town. The thrill of discovering a new city and starting fresh without your parents holding your hand is much too good to

Still, it’s hard to push aside the fact that your hometown will be deeply missed if you decide to move away. For someone deeply rooted in routine, it becomes difficult to leave old habits behind to form new ones halfway across the country. Once the hype of Frosh Week has settled down and you have begun to get settled in your new pad, wherever that

’ll probably shed a tear or two thinking about all Summer barbecues you had with your family.

However, in response to that question asked so many times by the Clash, I firmly believe that taking all that you have

towards a fresh new start on your own is really the best of both worlds. While leaving behind all that you know and love is certainly intimidating at first, I’m hoping that the various advantages outweigh that slight uneasiness that comes as you’re packing up your belongings only to unpack them in a small, cramped dorm room on the other side of the country. Fingers crossed.

Zoë Quigg 2nd Year Liberal Arts Student

*Photographs taken from Ryerson University’s website*

Global warming. The hot topic of our century.we have done to our planet is evidently linked to its feverish state. Our government has not been particularly proactive. The Kyoto Accord anyone? However, what exactly is our community (and ourselves) doing to change the fate of our planet? Obviously small actions, such as taking the bus instead of the car, have big and positive results! Unfortunately, our bus services are inadequate. What ought to be a simple act, that of hopping on a bus, is in fact a tedious task. Yes, I am talking about the STO. It’s not as if the STO makes it easy for us students to take the bus.

I live in Cantley. Only two buses go to our neck of the woods: the 5 and the 6, which pass by at 6:40 AM and 7:02 AM. Not exactly ideal for a CEGEP or university student who most probably has classes at later hours. The return home is equally unfit for students as the buses leave Ottawa at 3:45 PM and 4:40 PM. These hours are useful only for government workers. Anyway, these timetables are never actually followed. Cantley buses are known for being late. And they are not the only ones; need I delve into the topic of bus number 33? Never on time, painstakingly slow, and has a knack of simply not appearing at designated hours! For a city like Cantley, which is growing at an amazing rate, it seems obvious that public transport ought to be remedied. Even more so for the Outaouais. As the neighbour of the Nation’s Capital, Gatineau has responsibilities to meet and thus make life easier for not only it’s increasing population but also its visitorsOne very early morning, I stepped on the Cantley bus and paid with a student bus ticket. The bus driver proceeded to ask me whether I had my student card. I showed him my Heritage student I.D. He told me that that was invalid and I had to show him my “STO student card”. I had never heard of such a thing. I have read the STO booklet cover to cover and nowhere does it mention an “STO student card”. Did he mean the bus pass? Well, as I hadn’t yet topped it up, I had left it at home. I told him I had never heard I had to carry the pass around with me as proof of being a student. Surely the Heritage student I.D. ought to suffice. Heritage is one of their landmarks, where students get on and off often. He let me on that day anyway. But I know others who have paid with student tickets and yet were kicked off buses because they did not have their STO student bus pass. How is that fair? Oughtn’t the sellers of student bus tickets be mandated to ask for an “STO student card” prior to selling them if they can’t be usePublic transport should be public. No student should be refused because they do not have the STO’s extra 10$ piece of I.D. when it is evident they are a student because they have a student I.D from their establishments! And by the way, where are Heritage’s student discounts? How is it that the french

Global warming. The hot topic of our century. What we have done to our planet is evidently linked to its feverish state. Our government has not been particularly proactive. The Kyoto Accord anyone? However, what exactly is our community (and ourselves) doing to change the fate of our

y small actions, such as taking the bus instead of the car, have big and positive results! Unfortunately, our bus services are inadequate. What ought to be a simple act, that of hopping on a bus, is in fact a tedious task. Yes, I am talking

It’s not as if the STO makes it easy for us

I live in Cantley. Only two buses go to our neck of the woods: the 5 and the 6, which pass by at 6:40 AM and 7:02 AM. Not exactly ideal for a CEGEP or university student who

y has classes at later hours. The return home is equally unfit for students as the buses leave Ottawa at 3:45 PM and 4:40 PM. These hours are useful only for government workers. Anyway, these timetables are never actually followed.

for being late. And they are not the only ones; need I delve into the topic of bus number 33? Never on time, painstakingly slow, and has a knack of simply not appearing at designated hours! For a city like Cantley, which is

eems obvious that public transport ought to be remedied. Even more so for the Outaouais. As the neighbour of the Nation’s Capital, Gatineau has responsibilities to meet and thus make life easier for not only it’s increasing population but also its visitors. One very early morning, I stepped on the Cantley bus and paid with a student bus ticket. The bus driver proceeded to ask me whether I had my student card. I showed him my Heritage student I.D. He told me that that was invalid and I had to show

O student card”. I had never heard of such a thing. I have read the STO booklet cover to cover and nowhere does it mention an “STO student card”. Did he mean the bus pass? Well, as I hadn’t yet topped it up, I had left it at home. I told

ard I had to carry the pass around with me as proof of being a student. Surely the Heritage student I.D. ought to suffice. Heritage is one of their landmarks, where students get on and off often. He let me on that day anyway.

d with student tickets and yet were kicked off buses because they did not have their STO student bus pass. How is that fair? Oughtn’t the sellers of student bus tickets be mandated to ask for an “STO student card” prior to selling them if they can’t be used without it? Public transport should be public. No student should be refused because they do not have the STO’s extra 10$ piece of I.D. when it is evident they are a student because they have a student I.D from their establishments! And by the way, where

unts? How is it that the french

CEGEP has an agreement with the STO and we do not? Is this a silly political device? Is this another frenchHeritage students should have the same rights as the GabrielleRoy students, to pay 100$ per semester instead of the 150$ for the Student bus pass. Public transport is not meant to be an exclusive club. It is meant to serve everyone in the certainly shouldn’t discourage them.

So much for helping the environment. How are busy students, such as ourselves, meant to get around? Contrary to common belief, we young people do want to make a difference, we do want to be reliable and we doHowever, when our local public transport simply caters to 9 to 4 workers, it is no longer truly public.

How is it that the biggest cities like Mexico and New Delhi have a wealth of efficient public transport despite being so poor and yet next to the Nation’s Capital Gatineau can barely get its buses to move on time? The city of Gatineau is building a 2.5 million dollar express route. How can we be sure that this route will actually be useful? Will it really bring us a greener Gatineau? Or will it be a total let down? Given that existing STO services are unreliable, have long and winding inefficient routes, target only certain commuters, and have petty demands, I am not very optimistic.


CEGEP has an agreement with the STO and we do not? Is this a silly political device? Is this another french Québec grudge? Heritage students should have the same rights as the Gabrielle-Roy students, to pay 100$ per semester instead of the 150$ for the Student bus pass. Public transport is not meant to be an exclusive club. It is meant to serve everyone in the area and certainly shouldn’t discourage them.

So much for helping the environment. How are busy students, such as ourselves, meant to get around? Contrary to common belief, we young people do want to make a difference, we do want to be reliable and we do want to arrive on time. However, when our local public transport simply caters to 9 to 4 workers, it is no longer truly public.

How is it that the biggest cities like Mexico and New Delhi have a wealth of efficient public transport despite being

nd yet next to the Nation’s Capital Gatineau can barely get its buses to move on time? The city of Gatineau is building a 2.5 million dollar express route. How can we be sure that this route will actually be useful? Will it really bring us a

au? Or will it be a total let down? Given that existing STO services are unreliable, have long and winding inefficient routes, target only certain commuters, and have petty demands, I am not very optimistic.

Selma Alvarez-Barkham nd Year Social Sciences Student

4th Year Heritage Student

Professor Jeff Fyfe teaches a variety of courses here at Heritage, including English and Film. His demeanour in the classroom and ability to expertly critique basically any motion picture in the blink of an eye have earned him major street cred amongst students, and his amusing antics make attending his class a privilege rather than a chore. Mackenzie and Jessica Pacheco caught up with Jeff to ask him a few questions about anything and everything. In true Fyfe fashion, his responses did not fail to entertain.

What is your favorite movie theater snack? I'm going to have to go with the classic popcorn, extra butter. What is your biggest guilty pleasure? A nice glass of scotch after the kids are asleep. Which film have you seen the most times? In the Mood for Love. Over 30 times. I love the music. Which actor would you want to play yourself in the movie about your life? Casey Afleck (inset). He has a really soothing voice. Ahh so you like the Aflecks? How do you feel about Ben Afleck? I think he was excellent in The Town, but did not get the credit he deserved because he was in a lot of silly movies early in his career.

Leonardo DiCaprio: Yay or Nay?He's very good in films career, andInceptiongood actors in certain films it shows that he is not as good. How many tathave?(After slight hesitation What is your biggest pet peeve?Small t Which teaching the most?The Liberal A What is your favourite Disney movie?Well itit is my kidswith the talking cars...

... (Laughs)

Professor Jeff Fyfe teaches a variety of courses here at Heritage, including English and Film. His demeanour in the classroom and ability to expertly critique basically any motion picture in the blink of an eye have earned him major

dents, and his amusing antics make attending his class a privilege rather than a chore. Jennifer

caught up with Jeff to ask him a few questions about anything and everything. In


Leonardo DiCaprio: Yay or Nay? He's very good in films in his early career, and he was good in Inception. But when he is beside good actors in certain films it shows that he is not as good. How many tattoos do you have? (After slight hesitation) Six. What is your biggest pet peeve? Small talk. Which course do you enjoy teaching the most? The Liberal Arts film courses. What is your favourite Disney movie? Well it’s only my favourite because it is my kids’ favourite... The one with the talking cars...

... Cars? (Laughs)Yeah that one.

What are your thoughts on Justin Bieber?He gets hated on a lot only because he is the latest phenomenon since the band three yearsashamed that they ever like

Are you a morning person?YES! Who is your favorite director?It was Aronofskybecause of Kar Wai. What do you like to do in your spare time?I’m an actibaseball coach

What are your thoughts on Justin Bieber? He gets hated on a lot only because he is the latest phenomenon since the band The Monkees (below). In three years, JB fans are going to be ashamed that they ever liked him.

Are you a morning person?

Who is your favorite director? It was Aronofsky, but not anymore ecause of Black Swan. So now it’s

What do you like to do in your spare time? ’m an active "daddy" and a

all coach.

Professor Elliott Brown can surely be recognized by the entirety of Heritage College’s student body. He teaches various courses, including English and Creative Writing, to a multitude of program and his outgoing personality makes him a great teacher. Jennifer Mackenzie and Jessica Pacheco caught up with Elliott for an interview featuring a variety of questions that he is rarely faced with. However, Elliott was quick on his feet, and added a little humour to his answers, too.

If you could learn any new language, what would it be? I would learn Spanish, so that I could speak to Spanish people.

Would you rather make a guest appearance on Glee or Gossip Girl? Glee. I've always wanted to sing and dance publically. What is your favourite television show? Amazing Race.

What's your vacation hot spot? B.C. That's where I'm from.

If you could travel the world using any method of transportation, which would you use? Hot Air Balloon. Then I could really see the world. Also, I could be eccentric and travel. Also, I have a lot of hot air.

What motivated you become a teacher?I sort of fell into it. I was working in the film industry. I was working in IMAX doing documentaries, but the hours were really long. I met Harrison Fsweaty. Now, IAlso, my parents were teachers! D Yes! What is your biggest pet peeve?People who have pet peeves, Ihaters. What is your favourite sports team?The classic!

Who do you think will win the Stanley Cup?Philly!

Which course do you enjoyteaching the most?Creative Writing for Liberal Athe students are the best! What's your favourite activity to do with your kid?We really enjoy playing with cars. We push them back and forth, and sometimes we make noises together, like

What is your dream car?Range Rover, a

What motivated you to become a teacher? I sort of fell into it. I was working in the film industry. I was working in IMAX doing documentaries, but the hours were really long. I met Harrison Ford, his hand was sweaty. Now, I get 5 months off! Also, my parents were teachers! Does that help? Yes! What is your biggest pet peeve? People who have pet peeves, I hate haters. What is your favourite sports team? The 1983 Edmonton Oilers, they're classic!

Who do you think will win the Stanley Cup? Philly!

Which course do you enjoy teaching the most? Creative Writing for Liberal Arts, the students are the best! What's your favourite activity to do with your kid? We really enjoy playing with cars. We push them back and forth, and sometimes we make noises together, like vroom vroom!

What is your dream car? Range Rover, a good 4x4!

What is your favourite dinner food? Rotisserie chicken if I'm in a healtI'm in a dirty Are you a shopaholic like we are? I can be, so I try to keep my addiction to a minimum. I really like buying clothes, shoes and food! What is your favoSimons, you can find a good deal there. Loblaw’skeeps it cheap yet fashionable!

What is the best thing they sell at the cafeteria?-Breakfast bagels (addicted to them...If I don't have one, my hands

What is your favourite dinner

Rotisserie chicken – with veggies, a healthy mood, or fries, if

'm in a dirty, dirty mood.

Are you a shopaholic like we

I can be, so I try to keep my addiction to a minimum. I really like buying clothes, shoes and

What is your favourite store? , you can find a good deal

Loblaw’s too, Joe Fresh cheap yet fashionable!

What is the best thing they sell at the cafeteria? Breakfast bagels (right), I'm addicted to them...If I don't have one, my hands will start shaking.

Saturday, February 26th, 2011Hockey Night in Canada – Do It For Daron

Edition Watch the Sens take on the

Flyers at Scotiabank Place on a night dedicated to raise

awareness for youth mental health, in memory of the late

Daron Richardson.

Sunday, February 27th, 2011 Winter Games: Presented by the City of

Gatineau Register for free for this great day spent outdoors at Gatineau’s Maison de la Culture, where you can participate in a snowman contest and take in the

many shows.

Monday, February 28th, 2011Manicure Mondays at Mercury Lounge

Visit Mercury Lounge at 56 Byward Market Square to get some pretty fingertips for only $10, a p

also includes a free beauty consultation.

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 Karaoke Tuesdays at The Lookout Bar

Check out 41 York street for a great night of karaoke. Remember: the first Tuesday of every month is

dedicated to actual singing contests, so for some competition, or just to soak it all in.

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to

Penguins This new exhibit at the Museum of Science and

Nature takes you from one pole to the other, offering

, 2011 Do It For Daron

Winter Games: Presented by the City of

Register for free for this great day spent outdoors at Maison de la Culture, where you can

participate in a snowman contest and take in the

, 2011 Manicure Mondays at Mercury Lounge

Visit Mercury Lounge at 56 Byward Market Square to get some pretty fingertips for only $10, a price which

also includes a free beauty consultation.

Karaoke Tuesdays at The Lookout Bar

Check out 41 York street for a great night of karaoke. Remember: the first Tuesday of every month is

dedicated to actual singing contests, so be prepared for some competition, or just to soak it all in.

, 2011 Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to

This new exhibit at the Museum of Science and Nature takes you from one pole to the other, offering

an in-depth perspective of both the Arctic and Antarctic.

Thursday, March 3rdNaked Naked Naked: Grand Opening at

Patrick John Mills Contemporary Art GalleryCome support dozens of local artists in the newest exhibit at this Gallery at 286 Hinckley Ave. If the art itself isn’t enough to drag you in, maybe the live

performance by the burlesque troupe will. Admission is free.

Friday, March 4th, 2011 Missing Lives at the Canadian War MuseumBreathtaking photography by Nick Danziger tells the story of the men and women lost during the warms in the former Yugoslavia. This exhibit opens February 20th and remains open for the entirety of March


Saturday, March 5thCapital Slam

The second longest-running slam series in Canada, this competition attracts swarms of poets and performers. Whether a closet poet or a curious spectator, come take part in this inspiring event.Doors open at Mercury Lounge at 6:30PM.

Sunday, March 6th, 2011 Sunday Blues

March Break has come to an end, and we’ve all got the blues. Atomic Rooster, located at 303 Bank Street, can accommodate you and provide you with the perfect soundtrack to your moody Sunday. Stop by anytime

between 6 and 9PM.

ive of both the Arctic and

rd, 2011 Naked Naked Naked: Grand Opening at

Patrick John Mills Contemporary Art Gallery Come support dozens of local artists in the newest exhibit at this Gallery at 286 Hinckley Ave. If the art itself isn’t enough to drag you in, maybe the live

performance by the burlesque troupe The Sin Sisters will. Admission is free.

, 2011 Missing Lives at the Canadian War Museum Breathtaking photography by Nick Danziger tells the story of the men and women lost during the warms in

This exhibit opens February and remains open for the entirety of March

th, 2011 Capital Slam running slam series in Canada,

this competition attracts swarms of poets and Whether a closet poet or a curious

spectator, come take part in this inspiring event. Doors open at Mercury Lounge at 6:30PM.

, 2011 Sunday Blues

March Break has come to an end, and we’ve all got the blues. Atomic Rooster, located at 303 Bank Street, can accommodate you and provide you with the perfect

rack to your moody Sunday. Stop by anytime between 6 and 9PM.

Spring is in the air! should come to your mind after “No more snow!” and “Sunshine!” is “New makeup!” This season’s looks palette of dark browns, step away from the charcoal liner, and get ready to embrace the bright again!

Spring Trend #1 - The Bright Lip

Bright lips are the perfect way to brighten up your dayIt’s a proven fact that when people are exposed to bright colours, they instantly become happier! So what better way to get out of the winter blahs then to apply a little lipstick? Although matte is really big right now, lip-gloss or lipsticks that include shine are easier to wear and are a bit more school appropriate. In my opinion, NARS has some of the best colours out there – I would suggest would be “Funny Face”, and “Schiap”, as seen below.

Spring Trend #2 – Playful Eyes

As with bright lips, the same applies for bright eyes! Although these looks are intense, you could still get away with wearing bright eyeliner in shades such as electric blue, green, or violet. Just make sure to keep the rest of your face natural or you’lllook like a clown. The same thing applies if you want to go for a full colour eye. Make sure you blend out colours so that they aren’t as harsh as featured here. One brand that has excellent eyeliners is Urban Decay who is famous for their 24/7 liner. Awell, a brand that is good for eye shadows is MAC. Their eye shadows come in a number of textures, ranging from matte to pearly and their colour selection is superb. Featured below are colours from both brands that I think would fit the fun eye perfectly.

Spring is in the air! And the first thing that should come to your mind after “No more snow!” and “Sunshine!” is “New makeup!” This season’s looks are as fresh as they get, so put away that palette of dark browns, step away from the charcoal liner, and get ready to embrace the bright again!

The Bright Lip

Bright lips are the perfect way to brighten up your day-literally. proven fact that when people are exposed to bright

colours, they instantly become happier! So what better way to get out of the winter blahs then to apply a little lipstick?

gloss or lipsticks that are easier to wear and are a bit more school

appropriate. In my opinion, NARS has some of the best colours I would suggest would be “Funny Face”, and

Playful Eyes

As with bright lips, the same applies for bright eyes! Although these looks are intense, you could still get away with wearing bright eyeliner in shades such as electric blue, green, or violet. Just make sure to keep the rest of your face natural or you’ll look like a clown. The same thing applies if you want to go for a full colour eye. Make sure you blend out colours so that they

as featured here. One brand that has excellent eyeliners is Urban Decay who is famous for their 24/7 liner. As well, a brand that is good for eye shadows is MAC. Their eye shadows come in a number of textures, ranging from matte to pearly and their colour selection is superb. Featured below are colours from both brands that I think would fit the fun eye

Spring Trend #3 – The Ballerina Bun

I have to say, this look is perfect for students. Especially for students who are up until 4 AM writing their film midterm that is due the next day. This is all hypothetically speaking of course beauty insiders...anyways, the whole point of the matter is that this look takes no effort at all! If you have thick hair, you don’t need to add any body to your hair. If your hair is fine or limp, I suggest teasing it all over and then piling it on top of your head, like Kirsten Dunst (left).

Spring Trend # 4 – The Natural Eye

This look is as timeless as Chanel, so it doesn’t surprise me that once again it is being featured on the runways. In order to achieve this look, you really only need the bare essentials, and no, I don’t mean the makeup line. To start ochampagne coloured eyeshadow such as kitten by Stila all over the lid. Next smudge a chocolate brown eyeliner into your eyelashes such as Urban Decay’s 24/7 liner in bourbon. Then curl your lashes and apply black or black/brown mascara. One mascara that has always been a favourite of mine is Make Up For Ever’s Smokey lash mascara. The bristles are interlocked meaning that they will grip your lashes giving you thick, long, fabulous lashes.

The Ballerina Bun

I have to say, this look is perfect for students. Especially for students who are up until 4 AM writing their film midterm that is due the next day. This is all hypothetically speaking of course beauty insiders...anyways, the whole point of the matter that this look takes no effort at all! If you have thick hair, you

don’t need to add any body to your hair. If your hair is fine or limp, I suggest teasing it all over and then piling it on top of


The Natural Eye

This look is as timeless as Chanel, so it doesn’t surprise me that once again it is being featured on the runways. In order to achieve this look, you really only need the bare essentials, and no, I don’t mean the makeup line. To start off, apply a champagne coloured eyeshadow such as kitten by Stila all over the lid. Next smudge a chocolate brown eyeliner into your eyelashes such as Urban Decay’s 24/7 liner in bourbon. Then curl your lashes and apply black or black/brown mascara. One scara that has always been a favourite of mine is Make Up

For Ever’s Smokey lash mascara. The bristles are interlocked meaning that they will grip your lashes giving you thick, long,

Nearing the end of an exceptionally devastating season, the Ottawa Senators are currently focusing on what’s to come: the road to improvement towards the 2011Manager Bryan Murray has made it quite clear that his team is in a rebuilding phase by trading some players which have been an essential part of the Ottawa community for years. Fisher. Then, Chris Kelly, Brian Elliott, and JarkoThursday, Alex Kovalev was traded to Pittsburgh for a 7pick. Fans are left devastated from the loss of some of their favourite players – but the trades are for the best. Now, Senators fans can eagerly await the Sens’ acquisitions fo

*Photos from Ottawa Senators Database*

New York IslandPittsburgh Penguins in what should have been just another National Hockey League game. In terms of violence, a game between these two teams has never previously gotten out of hand, but a metaphorical red flag was raised prior to the to Islanders’ goaltender Brent Johnson’s fight the week before. Thus, this meeting between the two squads proved to be particularly fierce, resulting in 346 penalty minutes in a 60 minute game. Not to mention, there were 10 ejections, 15 fighting majors, and 20 game misconducts doled out by the referees.

another particularly heated battle off the ice –Manager and exLemieux and, well, almost everyone else. Lemieux proved to be pdistraught over the game, which may or may not have something to do with his team’s 9ranked squad, making claims that the league is failing to properly sanction the violent offenses of the players. To quote the GM, “was painful to watch the game I love turn into a sideshow like that.”(Canadian Press) Critics are saying that Mario’s claims are entirely unsubstantiated, but the question remains much space in hockey rinks everywhere? Should measures be taken by officials to reduce the amount of fights in the NHL today? One thing’s for sure, whether they like it or not, everyone is looking forward to the next Pittsburgh/Islanders encounter.

Nearing the end of an exceptionally devastating season, the Ottawa Senators are currently focusing on what’s to come: the

towards the 2011-2012 season. General Manager Bryan Murray has made it quite clear that his team is in a rebuilding phase by trading some players which have been an essential part of the Ottawa community for years. First it was Mike

Chris Kelly, Brian Elliott, and Jarko Ruutu. And on Thursday, Alex Kovalev was traded to Pittsburgh for a 7th round pick. Fans are left devastated from the loss of some of their

but the trades are for the best. Now, Senators fans can eagerly await the Sens’ acquisitions for next year.

*Photos from Ottawa Senators Database*

On Friday, February 11th, the New York Islanders played host to the Pittsburgh Penguins in what should have been just another National Hockey League game. In terms of violence, a game between these two teams has never previously gotten out of hand, but a metaphorical red flag was raised prior to the puck drop due to Islanders’ goaltender Brent Johnson’s fight the week before. Thus, this meeting between the two squads proved to be particularly fierce, resulting in 346 penalty minutes in a 60 minute game. Not to mention, there were 10 ejections, 15 hting majors, and 20 game

misconducts doled out by the referees.

The blood bath sparked another particularly heated battle off

– between Pittsburgh’s General Manager and ex-NHLer Mario Lemieux and, well, almost everyone else. Lemieux proved to be particularly distraught over the game, which may or may not have something to do with his team’s 9-3 loss to a much lower ranked squad, making claims that the league is failing to properly sanction

violent offenses of the players. To quote the GM, “It was a travesty. It was painful to watch the game I love turn into a sideshow like that.” (Canadian Press) Critics are saying that Mario’s claims are entirely unsubstantiated, but the question remains – Is violence taking up too much space in hockey rinks erywhere? Should measures be

taken by officials to reduce the amount of fights in the NHL today? One thing’s for sure, whether they like it or not, everyone is looking forward to the next Pittsburgh/Islanders encounter.

Zoë Quigg Avid hockey fan and player

Nicole Atkins – Vultures Bright Eyes – Shell Games

The White Panda – Tipsy in the SunGreat Lake Swimmers – Your Rocky

Spine The Noisettes – Sister Rosetta Calvin Harris – Colours Hugo – 99 Problems

Tinie Tempah – Pass Out RemixT.I. – Castle Walls (ft. Christina

Aguilera) The Dears – Thrones

Timbre Timber – Magic Arrow Mogwai – Slight Domestic

Joshua Radin – You’ve Got Growing Up To Do

The Civil Wars – Poison & Wine

Pepper Rabbit – Older Brother Mumford and Sons – White Blank

Page Atmosphere – Say Shh

Wyclef Jean – Gone Til NovemberNneka – Heartbeat

Lee DeWyze – Sweet SerendipityMarina and the Diamons – Oh No!Tilly and the Wall – The Freest Man

Jessie J – Price Tag Mark Isham – Sense of Touch

Blonde Redhead – 23 J. Ralph – When She Dances St. Vincent – Paris is Burning Sleigh Bells – Riot Rhythm

Tame Impala – Solitude is Bliss The Duchess and the Duke –

Reservoir Park Hey Champ – Cold Dust Girl Bruno Mars – Somewhere in

Brooklyn Diamond Messages – Liquid

Summer Kings of Leon – The Immortals

Caribou – Odessa FischerSpooner - Emerge

Tipsy in the Sun Your Rocky

Pass Out Remix Castle Walls (ft. Christina

You’ve Got Growing

White Blank

Gone Til November

Sweet Serendipity Oh No!

The Freest Man

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Waiting For Forever

The sky closes up like a shut bud with cracked petals

Greying from the frost.

Here the air is sharper and there is a quality to the lightThat promises something Not bleak but rosy

Not empty but rounded.

Winter sits on my shoulder like a canary,Sings thorough her cutting winds and dripping icicles.

Not a whiteness or a greyness But an erasure

Of everything that summer hoped forAnd fall ruined.

Sadness freezes and every blank sky and wrapped scarfScreams your eyes at me.

Not the cruellest season but the kindest,Letting hope tangle in falling snow and love

blustery winds.

The sky closes up like a shut bud with cracked petals

Here the air is sharper and there is a quality to the light

Winter sits on my shoulder like a canary, Sings thorough her cutting winds and dripping icicles.

Of everything that summer hoped for

Sadness freezes and every blank sky and wrapped scarf

Not the cruellest season but the kindest, Letting hope tangle in falling snow and love catch in

This is a young heart and it sits in my hands. I turn it over and over to understand.

It thumps obstinately.It is stubborn and warm.

When you listen you can hear a beehive.It is in my lungs.

It surges with electric buzzing.If you look closely you will see the honey

Dripping from my veins.

It is distant and it aches.

Your fingers are twisted like bark.I would love a tree.Your eyes are steady

I will hold them.

Take me like pebblesI sit very

Touch my hand like it is an eggshellIt will stay open.

I can trace the dark under your eyesIt is only in the mind.

I can watch the rise of your chestIt is only the body.

Watch how the heart hooks onto lungs.Look at how pale the wrist is.

Count the ticks of a clock.They will catch on your tongue and fall into your throat.

Hold on to the notes of words.They fall when they are spoken.

Don’t try to stop the sea,It is going, it is going.

This is a young heart and it sits in my hands. I turn it over and over to understand.

It thumps obstinately. It is stubborn and warm.

When you listen you can hear a beehive. It is in my lungs. electric buzzing.

If you look closely you will see the honey Dripping from my veins.

It is an ache. It is distant and it aches.

Your fingers are twisted like bark. I would love a tree. Your eyes are steady

I will hold them.

Take me like pebbles I sit very quietly.

Touch my hand like it is an eggshell It will stay open.

I can trace the dark under your eyes It is only in the mind.

I can watch the rise of your chest It is only the body.

Watch how the heart hooks onto lungs. Look at how pale the wrist is.

unt the ticks of a clock. They will catch on your tongue and fall into your throat.

Hold on to the notes of words. They fall when they are spoken.

Don’t try to stop the sea, It is going, it is going.

You want love? I will show it to you in fistfuls. You want me? I will give you myself as a ghost. Translucent In white drapes.

Mystify me I am Mysterious. Slink through black nights, Snaky hair tangling Into your grasp.

Look at the dark silk. It encircles you. It encircles us together. Is your throat clenched? Are the lines in your brow set? Watch me dance on nails.

You want to smoke cigarettes, You are afraid of dying. You are the black sea, You drown me.

But I am a pebble. And I sink into you. I am a twist of the spine. I disappear.

It is an illusion, Hold on to it. It is only skin, Unpeel it.

A thin coat of dust covers me. Take my shoulders and Brush it off, brush it off. Look at what you have found. It is a girl. She sits and smiles and twists her hands.Her head is clockwork Her eyes calculate. Will you love it? Will you care for it? Will you break it, break it, break it?

She sits and smiles and twists her hands.

Will you break it, break it, break it?

My hand shook slightly as I lifted the tiny piece of euphoria up to my sandpaper mouth. Heart pounding with anticipation, I slipped it beneath my tongue. My body stiffened as the chemical taste overwhelmed me, but I forced my teeth shut and waited to be swept away from the black and white. The loud buzz of the party faded as I dove, once again, into the rainbow that I loved sowas the only thing that ever made me feel alive.

I closed my eyes and was surrounded by the brightest of yellows. The soothing sound of the ocean overwhelmed me with joy and brought me up into the sky. I was a white kite on a crisp afternoon, flying up among my favoursun. The wind changed, picked up speed, and I could hear the yellow sun more than I could see it, and I could feel the soothimore than I could hear it in my ears. I danced with the wind to the high tempo of tswayed among the clouds to the beat of the sun’s rays and the pulse of my heart, faster and faster and faster.

Until it stopped.

Something was tugging. Pulling me down from the sun, away from the yellow.hit the ground with a flash of red, hearing the single, piercing note reverberate across my mind. My eyes and ears burned, thnothing but scarlet, it took control of all my senses. I tried to run, butripping in blood. The tugging continued, and then he was there. But he wasn’t just tugging, he was pulling and scratching anstrangling and pounding and all I could see was the red in his eyesescape this memory of him, not even in the brightest of colors. Fear overwhelmed me like the night overwhelming the light of sun, stripping it of all light. The memory was razor sharp; it scratched at my mind and slashed open rough scars I had tried so hard to heal. He was the red, and the piercing note was my very own. He continued to tug, just like before, and the red was all arounof me, escaping me. It poured from every corner of my mind in a cascading waterfall as he continued to pull me down. He pulled once more with red hot anger, and I smelled the string to my kite snap. There was the silent flash of white, and then all I could cold black darkness.

My hand shook slightly as I lifted the tiny piece of euphoria up to my sandpaper mouth. Heart pounding with anticipation, I tongue. My body stiffened as the chemical taste overwhelmed me, but I forced my teeth shut and waited to be

swept away from the black and white. The loud buzz of the party faded as I dove, once again, into the rainbow that I loved so

I closed my eyes and was surrounded by the brightest of yellows. The soothing sound of the ocean overwhelmed me with joy and brought me up into the sky. I was a white kite on a crisp afternoon, flying up among my favourite color, the bold yellow, the bright sun. The wind changed, picked up speed, and I could hear the yellow sun more than I could see it, and I could feel the soothimore than I could hear it in my ears. I danced with the wind to the high tempo of the yellow, feeling the waves crashing around me. I

s rays and the pulse of my heart, faster and faster and faster.

Pulling me down from the sun, away from the yellow. I started to panic, screaming without a sound. I hit the ground with a flash of red, hearing the single, piercing note reverberate across my mind. My eyes and ears burned, thnothing but scarlet, it took control of all my senses. I tried to run, but there was no escaping this, I was drowning in sharp rubies, tripping in blood. The tugging continued, and then he was there. But he wasn’t just tugging, he was pulling and scratching anstrangling and pounding and all I could see was the red in his eyes as he took off my clothes and stained me with scarlet sin. I couldn’t escape this memory of him, not even in the brightest of colors. Fear overwhelmed me like the night overwhelming the light of

zor sharp; it scratched at my mind and slashed open rough scars I had tried so hard to heal. He was the red, and the piercing note was my very own. He continued to tug, just like before, and the red was all aroun

rom every corner of my mind in a cascading waterfall as he continued to pull me down. He pulled once more with red hot anger, and I smelled the string to my kite snap. There was the silent flash of white, and then all I could

My hand shook slightly as I lifted the tiny piece of euphoria up to my sandpaper mouth. Heart pounding with anticipation, I tongue. My body stiffened as the chemical taste overwhelmed me, but I forced my teeth shut and waited to be

swept away from the black and white. The loud buzz of the party faded as I dove, once again, into the rainbow that I loved so much; it

I closed my eyes and was surrounded by the brightest of yellows. The soothing sound of the ocean overwhelmed me with joy ite color, the bold yellow, the bright

sun. The wind changed, picked up speed, and I could hear the yellow sun more than I could see it, and I could feel the soothing ocean he yellow, feeling the waves crashing around me. I

s rays and the pulse of my heart, faster and faster and faster.

I started to panic, screaming without a sound. I hit the ground with a flash of red, hearing the single, piercing note reverberate across my mind. My eyes and ears burned, there was

t there was no escaping this, I was drowning in sharp rubies, tripping in blood. The tugging continued, and then he was there. But he wasn’t just tugging, he was pulling and scratching and

as he took off my clothes and stained me with scarlet sin. I couldn’t escape this memory of him, not even in the brightest of colors. Fear overwhelmed me like the night overwhelming the light of the yellow

zor sharp; it scratched at my mind and slashed open rough scars I had tried so hard to heal. He was the red, and the piercing note was my very own. He continued to tug, just like before, and the red was all around me, inside

rom every corner of my mind in a cascading waterfall as he continued to pull me down. He pulled once more with red hot anger, and I smelled the string to my kite snap. There was the silent flash of white, and then all I could hear was the

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19)

Things are looking up Aquarius. With your

birthday fresh behind you, now is the time to pick up a new hobby, new book or new music. You might

surprise yourself with how open you are to new things.

Pisces (Feb 20- Mar 20)

Happy birthday Pisces! Make the most of your

vacation time, you deserve it. The last month has had its difficulties, but a change of heart is turning that

around. Always remember, if you believe you deserve to be happy, you will be.

Aries (Mar 21-

Apr 20) Time to take risks, Aries. You’ve been living on the safe side. You should take this time to focus on your finances. Some might

judge you for this, but with spring right around the corner, you’ll be grateful when your cash flows


Taurus (Apr 21- May 21)

You might be feeling a bit more emotional than usual; don’t get down on yourself, we all have our moments. But if you make it through this month with your head high, you’ll be better off next month!

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Don’t let disappointments bring you down this

month. Not getting what you work for doesn’t mean you should work any less next time an opportunity rolls around. You’re tough and you’re resilient, don’t

lose sight of that.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

There’s a cat fight in your future. The tension might be building in the women that surround you day to day. It’s up to you whether or not you let them include you in their nonsense or just sit back and stay out of


Leo (July 23-Aug 22) Your secret is out, and it might be causing you

problems at work. You’re on edge and it’s reflected in your work, leading to a dispute with the boss. Try not to let it get to you, it’ll

pass in time.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 23)

You’ve had a rough year so far, but things could be looking up. Focus on your personal choices, they make all the difference. If you’ve been feeling like there’s a weight on your shoulders, only you know

how to remove it.

Libra (Sept 24-

Oct 23) You might get into a little argument with your

significant other. How you handle yourself is very important; it could mean the difference between a happy solution and an ugly brawl. The results are

completely in your hands.

Scorpio (Oct 24- Nov 22)

You might run into some family issues, but don’t be too concerned. These things have a habit of resolving themselves, especially when they

involve someone you love. Just keep your cool and it will be over before you

know it.

Sagittarius (Nov 23-

Dec 21) Communication is not your strong point this month. You have a tendency to keep things bottled up to avoid inconveniencing others, but this month, trust in a good friend to hear you out and you’ll be

relieved you did.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)

Be patient with the people around you this month. You’re on fire, getting things done early and

being rewarded with time for yourself. Don’t let anyone stop you.