Mother Bear and Her Baby Cubs By Kiley Sarcinella.

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Mother Bear and Her Baby Cubs By Kiley Sarcinella.

Mother Bear and Her Baby Cubs

By Kiley Sarcinella

Mother Bear and Her Baby Cubs

By Kiley Sarcinella

It was a hot Summer day. Stephanie, the mother

bear, took Leacy, Ricky, Kiley her baby cubs on a walk through the woods.

The leaves were blowing around. Ricky, the baby cub,

wanted to play, but the mother cub told him no.

Ricky started to walk with his sister and his mom.

Then the wind blew again, and the leaves were blowing

the other way. Ricky, the baby cub, started to follow the leaves and play around.

Stephanie, the mama bear, notices that her baby bear

was missing. She was so scared!

She and her two cubs started looking for Ricky the

baby cub.

The mother Bear saw Rick the wolf. Rick ran over to the mother Bear and she

said, "I lost, Ricky, my baby cub!”

Rick, the wolf, started to look around.

He looked in bushes and trees. He looked


Rick was walking past a lake and heard a sniff and a

slurp. Rick looked behind a tree and saw Ricky.

Ricky looked at the wolf and cried, “I lost my mom! Will

you help me?”

The wolf took him back to his mommy.

When Stephanie saw her baby cub walking with Rick the wolf, she was so happy.

Ricky, her baby cub, ran right to his mommy.

Stephanie, the mother bear, looked at her baby cub and

said, “ Don’t ever run off again. I was so scared!”

Ricky, the baby cub, his two sisters and their mother

bear all walked back home. Ricky learned not to run off

from his family again.

Author’s PageKiley Sarcinella is a sophomore at the Lawrence County

Career and Technical Center. Kiley is enrolled in the cosmetology

program. Kiley is from the New Castle Area

School District.