Most Powerful, Rare and Intoxicating Images From The Past (2)

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The Boeing B17 "Wee Willie" has its left wing blown off by flak over Crantenburg, Germany. April 10, 1945

Most Powerful, Rare and Intoxicating Images From The Past (2)

American soldiers shelter in a trench just over a mile from ground zero moments after the detonation of the 43 kiloton nuclear device Simon at the Nevada Test Site, 1953

Hitler inspecting the massive 800mm “Schwerer Gustav” railway gun from afar. It was the largest-calibre rifled weapon ever used in combat, and fired the heaviest shells of any artillery piece.

A Clement-Bayard dirigible in shed, France, ca 1908. The lobes on the tail, meant for stability, were removed form later models, as they were found to slow the craft in the air

Bonnie and Clyde’s car after they were killed, 1934

One of the heaviest WW2 tanks ever created, the Tiger II. It weighed ~68.5 tonnes and had 100-180mm armour on the front. Budapest, Hungary, 1944.

A native American man overlooking the newly completed transcontinental railroad in Nevada, 1868

The Infamous Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi - This photo was taken just before he was shot by the man, Nathuram Godse, touching his feet. January 30, 1948, India

Joseph Goebbels on his wedding day. Hitler was his best man and can be seen behind him in a trench coat and top hat.

Hitler bowing deferentially as he shakes hands with Reich President Paul von Hindenburg in March, 1933

Rush Medical College lecture auditorium, 1900, Chicago.

Two women buying cocaine capsules from their dealer, in the background stands the look out, Berlin 1929

B-29 Superfortress Bomb Bay WWII

The Golden Gate Bridge during construction in 1935

American soldiers in Exermont in the Argonne Forest listening to one of their comrades play an organ in a church, 1918

Aerial view of US 2nd Armored Division tanks fanning out as they fight across the fields where German self-propelled guns behind burning houses have open fire on the tanks 4,000 yards from the Rhine River, 1945

Afterhours alcohol seller illegally pouring drinks on the Berlin streets, May 1929

Oscar II during the ceremonial opening of the Swedish Riksdag, 1905. To his left sits the dukes of Närke, Södermanland and Västergötland

Mom and son watching the mushroom cloud after an atomic test, Las Vegas, 1953

250 Kilo Diving Suit, 1911

American soldiers watching a boxing match on board a ship during the journey home from France, caveman circus. 1918

Dreadnought in dazzle camouflage, it works not by offering concealment but by making it difficult to estimate a target’s range, speed and heading. 1919

Inmates playing chess from their prison cells, by Cornell Capa, 1972

New Zealand soldiers pose with a captured German Mauser T-Gewehr anti-tank rifle near Grevillers, 1918

LAPD Officers went undercover and dressed up as women to catch a purse snatcher in 1960

A man browsing for books in Cincinnati’s cavernous old main library. The library was demolished in 1955

Einstein at the Grand Canyon, 1922

Eisenhower, Bradley and Patton inspect art treasures stolen by Germans and hidden in salt mine in Germany. April 12, 1945

An American field hospital inside the ruins of a church in Neuvilly, France, 1918

Children in an iron lung before the advent of the polio vaccination. Many children lived for months in these machines, though not all survived. c. 1937

Two border patrol officers attempt to keep a fugitive in the US, 1920s

Canadian soldiers land on Courseulles Beach in Normandy, on June 6, 1944

Prisoners of War, World War One, 1917

Jesse Owens on the podium at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, after winning one of his four gold medals at the games 1936

A Panzer III tank crewman surrenders to an advancing Brittish soldier during the Battle of El Alamein, 1942

Evacuating Saigon, April 30, 1975. An American evacuee punches away a South Vietnamese man for a place on the last chopper out of the US embassy.

Corporal Luther E. Boger of US 82nd Airborne Division reading a warning sign, Cologne, Germany, 4 April 1945

A Matilda tank of the Australian 24th Armored Regiment on the Buin Road, Bougainville, 1945.

A bar in New York City, the night before prohibition began

Alfred Hitchcock serving tea to Leo the Lion, the mascot for the Hollywood film studio MGM, 1957

Soviet Plane-spotters around 1917

Mount Vesuvius eruption in the midst of WWII, as captured by American pilots, March 1944

Last four couples standing in a Chicago dance marathon, 1930

Using a traditional Japanese blade, 17-year-old Otoya Yamaguchi assassinates socialist politician Inejiro Asanuma in Tokyo, Japan, October 12th, 1960

Sad clown Emmett Kelly, in his performer's makeup, carrying a bucket of water in the aftermath of the Hartford circus fire of July 6, 1944, in which at least 167 people were killed. The tragedy is often called "the day the clown cried" due to this photo

The german embassy in Sweden flying the flag at half mast april 30th 1945, the day Hitler died

Railway gun prepares for the invasion of Poland September 1939

White House under reconstruction 1948-52

Sailors at Pearl Harbor watch as the USS Shaw explodes during the Japanese attack. December 7, 1941

Crowded ship bringing American troops back to New York harbor after V-E Day, 5/8/1945

Horten Ho 229 flying over Gttingen, Germany. It was the first pure flying wing powered by a jet engine. 1945.

Howard Hughes inside of the H-4 Hercules, more widely known as the Spruce Goose. At the time, it was the largest airplane ever created.

Train Derailment at Gare Montparnasse, Paris, France. 1895

Looks like a bad day to mow your lawn. Pictured are lineups at a gas station during the 1973 fuel shortage.

Elisabeth "Lilo" Gloeden stands before judges, on trial for being involved in the attempt on Adolf Hitler's life, 1944.

Soviet soldiers pose with 'Hitler's Globe'. Berlin, Germany, 1945.

USS Nautilus visiting New York in 1956. It was the world's first nuclear-powered submarine.

For the 50th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge in 1985, 300,000 people crossed it on foot. The weight caused the bridge to sag by five feet.

Rip, a rescue dog who found one hundred victims of air raids in London between 1940 and 1941. He received the Dickin Medal for bravery in 1945.

The fuel tanks of the B-24H Liberator "Little Warrior" explode over Germany after being hit by anti-aircraft guns in 1944.

Anastasia shares a smoke with her father, Tsar Nicholas II two years before their assassination in 1916.

The Japanese "War Tuba" used to locate enemy aircraft before the invention of radar. Circa 1930.

Ham the chimp returns to Earth following his historic 16 minute space flight in 1961.

An iceberg photographed in 1912 bearing an unmistakable mark of black and red paint. It is believed that this is the iceberg that sank the Titanic.

Allied forces mock Hitler from atop his balcony at the Reich Chancellery at the end of WWII.

This is a manninquin from an atomic bomb test site in Nevada during the mid-50s.

The 1968 Olympics Black Power Salute African American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos raise their fists in a gesture of solidarity at the 1968 Olympic games. Australian Silver medalist Peter Norman wore an Olympic Project for Human Rights badge in support of their gesture. When Norman died in 2006, Carlos and Smith were pallbearers at his funeral.

Fritz, a television celebrity bulldog, is shaved by a Californian barber. April, 1961

President Richard Nixon trying to figure out how to use chopsticks while visiting in China. 1972.

Driver of a Bugatti Type 13 has a bit of a mishap 1920s

endDinosaurs are transported on the Hudson River to the 1964 World's Fair.

cast Most Powerful, Rare and Intoxicating Images From The Past (2)

images and text credit   www.      Music Cohen Leonard       created o.e.

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