Most Famous Paintings of All Times!

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Most Famous Paintings of All Times!

There is innumerable paintings which are created till date. However, only a selective few got the opportunity to reach the heights of fame. Due to whichever reason, some artworks have left a deep impact on people and therefore, are considered as most famous artists paintings. Top ten are highlighted in upcoming slides.


There are no two doubts about it that Mona Lisa is the most exquisite painting in the world. This painting is the pride of Louvre Museum in Paris since 1797. It is the most famous and most written about painting in the history of mankind. On an average this painting is seen by almost six million people every year! Da Vinci painted it in 1503 or 1504 and apparently it is the portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco Del Giocondo.

Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci:

The last supper is another masterpiece by Da Vinci himself and at the moment it is located in the dining hall of Santa Maria delle Grazie monastery in Milan, Italy. It was painted in late 15th Century and shows the scene of Jesus’s last supper with his disciples. The Last Supper is one of the most famous artists paintings in the history of mankind.

The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci:

It is a fresco painting by the famous artist, Michelangelo. This is a part of Sistine Chapel’s ceiling and was painted between 1508 and 1512. This painting illustrates the almost-touching hands of Jesus and Adam which is symbolic of humanity and God breathing life into Adam, the first man.

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo:

It is one of the most renowned paintings ever created! It was painted in June 1889 and is a part of permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in the city of New York. Starry Night depicts a scene, just before the sunrise, and is considered an impressionist landscape art.

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh:

This painting exhibits a figure with an agonized expression and the background of this painting is a landscape with an orange sky. Edvard Munch has created four versions of this across different media and was created between 1893 and 1910.

The Scream by Edvard Munch:

It was painted in 1931 and is considered one of the most famous artists paintings in the world. Since 1934 this painting is the pride of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. It is an example of Dali’s concept of ‘softness’ and ‘hardness’, which was the centre of his thoughts in that era.

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali:

This painting was completed by Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer in 1665 and currently glorifies the Mauritshuis Gallery in The Hague, the Netherlands. The painting features a European girl wearing an exotic dress and a beautiful pearl earring.

Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer:

This is the most famous Dutch Golden Age paintings and was created in 1642. Currently it is displayed in Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. It depicts an eponymous company moving out and it is led by Captain Frans Banning Cocq and his lieutenant.

The Night Watch by Rembrandt van Rijn:

It is a self-made portrait of van Gogh and is one of the few which shows him without a beard. Created in 1889 it was given by him to his darling mother as a birthday gift. It is considered as one of the most expensive paintings of all times and at the moment it is a part of a private collection.

Self-Portrait without beard by Vincent van Gogh:

This is one of the most famous artists paintings in the history of time. Created by Picasso, completed in 1937, this was painted in Paris and its inspiration is drawn from the bombing of Guernica in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. The painting is proudly displayed on the walls of the famous Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain.

Guernica by Pablo Picasso:

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