Most Common Types of Investment Frauds You Must Avoid

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Have you been defrauded by investment schemes that promised huge returns? Follow these simple steps for money recovery from fraud investments. Putting your money in sound investments is a financially savvy thing to do. It offers the opportunity for growth and protection and allows your money to work for you. While there are lots of honest investment opportunities out there, thousands of fraudulent investments are pushed by unscrupulous brokers and malicious perpetrators. Read More here @

Transcript of Most Common Types of Investment Frauds You Must Avoid

Investment Fraud Recovery for Victims – All Isn’t Lost!

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1) What is Investment Fraud?

• Investment fraud occurs when people are manipulated or deceived while investing—to the point where any number of monies or property may be stolen by scams or brokers.

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2) Common Types of Investment Fraud

• Investment fraud comes in a number of forms and guises. Some of the most common ones include the following:

• Ponzi schemes

• Pyramid schemes

• Pump and dump schemes

• Advance fee fraud

• Microcap fraud

• Affinity fraud

• Promissory note scams

• High-yield investment program

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3) Ponzi Scheme

• A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment plan.

• Ponzi schemes promise high financial returns or dividends not available through traditional investments.

• The scheme is named after Charles Ponzi, who duped investors using this technique in 1920.

• The organizers pay “dividends” to initial investors using the funds of subsequent investors rather than from profit earned.

• Usually Ponzi schemes collapse when new investors cannot be attracted.

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4) Tips for Avoiding Ponzi Schemes

• Be cautious of someone promising an investment return that is unnaturally high or steady.

• Avoid investments if you don't understand them or can't get gather appropriate information about them.

• Conduct the proper research before selecting investments. Also, consider doing background checks on the people with whom you invest.

• Consult unbiased broker or a financial advisor before investing in the scheme

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5) Pyramid schemes

• Pyramid schemes make money by continually recruiting new participants.

• In pyramid schemes, the victims themselves are induced to recruit more victims through the payment of recruitment commissions.

• The fraudsters promise sky-high returns in a short period of time.

• Pyramid schemes are also referred to as “franchise fraud” or “chain referral schemes.”

• Individual is offered a distributorship or franchise to market a particular product.

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6) How to Avoid Pyramid Schemes

• Check with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to see if it is a registered investment.

• Be wary of investors who promise high yield returns, or quick returns with no risk.

• Thoroughly analyze the prospects.

• To avoid a pyramid scheme meltdown of your assets, diversify your investment portfolio.

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7) Pump and Dump Schemes

• Promoters attempt to artificially boost the price of a stock with false information (pump).

• Promoters then gain by selling their shares after the stock is pumped.

• The inflated shares will sell off rapidly into the security market by the fraudsters (dump).

• Once fraudsters stop hyping the stock, the price typically falls and investors lose their money.

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8) How to Avoid Pump and Dump Schemes

• Don’t believe any hype before you do your research.

• Recognize that promises of quick gains are rarely true.

• Find out where the stock trades independently verify claims.

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9) Advance Fee Fraud

• This occurs when an investor asks to pay upfront or in advance for a fee, payment, or commission for the deal to go through in later date.

• Advance fee scheme generally target investors who already purchased underperforming assets.

• There are many variations of advance fee schemes.

• A company claims to be able to clean up your credit report and offers to do so in exchange for an advance fee.

• Con artists will offer to find financing arrangements for their clients who pay a “finder’s fee” in advance.

• They require their clients to sign contracts to pay the fee in advance.

• When they are introduced to the financing source, victims often learn that they are ineligible for financing only after they have paid the finder.

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10) Tips for Avoiding Advanced Fee Fraud

• Know the individuals or parties with whom you are dealing.

• Make sure you fully understand any business agreement before entering into it.

• Don't enter into an agreement with strangers if you did not initiate the contact.

• Be aware of businesses that operate from post office boxes or mail drops but do not have a street address.

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11) Microcap Fraud

• Microcap stock fraud is a form of securities fraud involving stocks of "microcap" companies.

• Microcap companies have small amounts of assets and low stock prices.

• Microcap stock fraud takes place among stocks traded on the OTC Bulletin Board and the Pink Sheets.

• It’s important to find accurate information when dealing with microcap stocks or penny stocks.

• Many of these companies don’t file reports with the SEC, which allows fraudsters to produce false and misleading information to trade.

• They usually disseminate information through email spam, paid promoters, and internet message boards.

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• This type of investment fraud targets members of particular group, such as religious or ethnic communities.

• Fraudsters who promote affinity scams frequently pretend to be members of the group.

• They enlist respected leaders from the group to spread the word about the scheme, convincing them it is legitimate and worthwhile.

• Often these leaders themselves become victims of the fraudster’s ruse.

• These scams exploit the trust and friendships that exist within groups of people.

• It is difficult for the law enforcement officials to detect an affinity scam.

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12) Affinity Fraud

13) How to Avoid Affinity Fraud

• Check out the background information when an opportunity is presented.

• Never make an investment solely based on the recommendation of a member of an organization or religious or ethnic group to which you belong.

• Investigate the investment thoroughly and check the details of every statement.

• Do not fall for investments that promise spectacular profits or "guaranteed" returns.

• Fraudsters often avoid putting things in writing, but legitimate investments are usually in writing.

• Fraudsters are increasingly using the Internet to target particular groups through e-mail spams.

• If you receive an unsolicited e-mail from someone you don't know, containing a "can't miss" investment, it is best is to ignore the mail or forward it to concerned authorities.

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• A promissory note is a form of debt that is similar to a loan or an IOU.

• For a set period of time, an investor agrees to loan money to the company.

• The company promises to pay the investor a fixed return with principal amount and interest.

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14) Promissory Note Scams

15) How Promissory Note Fraud Occurs

• The fraudsters may or may not be affiliated with the company.

• Fraudsters persuade agents to sell promissory notes by assuring them large commissions.

• These agents often do not have a license to sell securities.

• They promise a high, fixed-rate return with very low-level risk.

• Fraudulent promissory notes are sometimes issued on behalf of fictitious companies.

• The fraudsters use a portion of the money they collect from investors to pay the sellers their commissions.

• The fraudsters typically abscond with the rest.

• Promissory note scams often target elderly investors.

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16) Tips to Avoid Promissory Note Scams

• Generally, corporate promissory notes are not sold to the general public.

• If someone calls you or knocks on your door trying to sell you a promissory note, it is often a scam.

• Investors should investigate the person who is selling the promissory notes.

• Sellers should be licensed in their state, so confirm they are before conducting business.

• Insurance agents cannot sell promissory notes.

• Beware of promises of "risk free" returns.

• Compare the rate of return on promissory note.

• If the seller promises an above-market rate on a short-term note, proceed with caution.

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17) High Yield Investment Program (HYIP)

• HYIP is actually a type of Ponzi scheme.

• It promises unsustainably high return on investment.

• The organizer’s goal is to steal the investors’ money.

• This scam is also known as the "prime bank scam".

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18) How to Avoid High Yield Investment Program Scams

• Think before you invest in anything.

• Independently verify information about the investment.

• Be aware of business deals that shroud in extreme secrecy.

• Avoid those who promise excessive guaranteed returns.

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19) What To Do If You’ve Been Defrauded

• While prevention is the best defense mechanism against investment fraud, you can still take action.

• Action steps include the following:

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20) Put It In Writing

• The first step is to put your complaint in writing with the broker, firm, or organization you believe has defrauded you.

• This serves two purposes:

o It demands a response.

o It starts a paper trail for future reference.

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21) Contact Appropriate Resources

• Contact appropriate regulatory bodies, such as the following:

• Securities and Exchange Commission

• State Securities Regulator

• National Association of Securities Dealers

• Federal Bureau of Investigation

• Better Business Bureau

• Local district attorney

• Local Postal Inspector’s Office

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• These entities have the authority to conduct in-depth reviews and will accelerate the process.

• Be sure to provide them with concrete and factual evidence of the fraudulent activity you believe has occurred.

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22) Find Representation

• Victims of investment fraud may be eligible to recover a portion of their losses through tax deductions.

• According to Section 165 of the Federal Tax Code, taxpayers are eligible for reimbursement for losses incurred in the same tax year.

• To investigate this possibility, you will need the services of a tax resolution specialist.

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23) We Will Help You

• Contact us today for help in recovering from investment fraud.

• It is a fairly complex process that requires the expertise of certified tax professionals.

• We know the IRS’ processes and rules.

• Our highly qualified team of tax experts can help you prepare your theft loss report.

• We will work to compensate your losses.

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