Mos Main Manual

Post on 28-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Mos Main Manual

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL Zach Even-Esh / Jim Smith

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL Jim Smith, CSCS / Zach Even-Esh

    Copyright 2010, All Rights Reserved

    Underground Strength Coach, LLC / The Diesel Crew, LLC

    All rights reserved. No part of this e-book, video or DVD may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the expressed written permission from Jim Smith or Zach Even-Esh. We have unique tracking codes embedded, designed to detect illegal distribution of this special report e-book and the download links. Each download is recorded. Fines start at $150,000 and include a possible prison sentence upon conviction.

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    Man of Steel The Ultimate System for Developing Steel Forged Strong As Hell, Ripped Muscles

    Copyright 2010, The Diesel Crew, LLC & Underground Strength, LLC

    All Rights Reserved.

    Published in the United States by:

    The Diesel Crew, LLC

    P.O. Box 806, Wyalusing, PA 18853

    Underground Strength, LLC

    160 Talmadge Rd. Unit D, Edison, NJ 08817


    Smitty -

    Zach -



    Jim Smith

    Zach Even-Esh

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved



    You must get your physicians approval before beginning this exercise program. These

    recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must

    consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or

    injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18

    years and older only.

    The information in this manual is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All

    forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to take

    full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this

    manual, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your

    level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this

    book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen

    that may have been prescribed by your physician.

    See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any

    medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including

    Accelerated Muscular Development. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or

    shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.

    Dont perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified

    personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and

    assistance when lifting. Dont perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a

    warm-up prior to strength training and interval training.

    You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high

    cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years

    old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your

    physician recommends that you dont use Accelerated Muscular Development, please follow

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    Waiver and Release of Liability:














    The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor a substitute for medical treatment, nor as

    an alternative to medical advice.

    This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge of developments in the field of strength

    and conditioning. The program outlined herein should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional.

    Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physicians approval before

    beginning this or any other exercise program.

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    Table of Contents

    SECTION I: MOS INTRODUCTION Shocking Truth ...................................................................................... 9

    Introduction ........................................................................................ 10

    How Strength is Built? ......................................................................... 11

    What is the Man of Steel Challenge? ..................................................... 13

    The Man of Steel Layout ...................................................................... 14

    SECTION II: MOS OVERVIEW Man of Steel Week 1 ......................................................................... 17

    Man of Steel Week 2 ......................................................................... 18

    Man of Steel Week 3 ......................................................................... 20

    Man of Steel Week 4 ......................................................................... 21

    Man of Steel Week 5 ......................................................................... 23

    Man of Steel Week 6 ......................................................................... 25

    Man of Steel Week 7 ......................................................................... 27

    Man of Steel Week 8 ......................................................................... 29

    Man of Steel Week 9 ......................................................................... 31

    Man of Steel Week 10 ....................................................................... 33

    Man of Steel Week 11 ....................................................................... 34

    Man of Steel Week 12 ....................................................................... 35

    Man of Steel Week 13 ....................................................................... 37

    SECTION III: MOS WORKOUTS Man of Steel Workouts ......................................................................... 38

    SECTION IV: REFERENCE Other Products from the Authors .......................................................... 52

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    WARNING Shocking Truth Below

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    The Shocking Truth

    The one shocking secret the gurus dont want to tell you is

    If you want to gain muscle, lose weight and get ripped - it takes hard work. They want

    you to believe there is a secret or an easy way out. I am here to tell you anything

    worth achieving is worth working hard for. And you will have to work hard if you want

    to build muscle and reach your goals. Youre gonna have to Earn It.

    You have to be serious about changing your life and you have to be consistent; day in

    and day out. Consistency is the key.

    95% of other men will NOT make it past the first 2 weeks of this course, let

    alone finish The MOS. We expect YOU to be different.

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    First and foremost...Thank you for investing in The Man of Steel Challenge. This innovative 12 week guide to changing your workouts and your life forever is unlike

    any program you have ever experienced before. Feel free to hit it AGAIN if you

    complete ALL 12 weeks with any changes you see fit as you learn more about your

    mind and body through this challenge.

    Strength training is a way of life and for BOTH of us, it has been a 20 + year journey.

    NO lay offs, vacations, time away or any excuses. Over 2 decades from each of us, in

    the trenches, and now YOU can benefit from our expertise.

    Both of us have dedicated our lives to training and helping others and this passion has

    brought us success AND respect. Weve combined our efforts to create this one-of-a-

    kind system to challenge even the most seasoned fitness enthusiast, athlete or non

    athlete. What you have here is anything but your run of the mill, cookie cutter program.

    We recommend that you track your progress from beginning to end. Here our

    recommended methods:

    1) Photographs: Take photos every 30 days starting on Day 1. The photos are best

    when taken first thing in the morning, in the same place, same lighting and same

    clothing. Take photos of your front, back and side as well as a few posing shots.

    2) Scale: If youre goal is fat loss your weight will change. Some see drastic weight

    loss others gain weight while others remain virtually unchanged. Your body mass will

    change though, with regards to how much muscle and fat you carry. You can expect

    a loss of fat and a dramatic gain in muscle.

    3) Journal: Record your nutrition, daily energy levels and how you feel on a daily

    basis. This allows you to see what is or is not working and you can make slight

    changes accordingly. The Journal is one of the most underused, undervalued and

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    overlooked success tools and you should make it happen. All you need is a small

    notebook and a pen.

    How is Strength and Muscle Built?

    It is built with hard work, consistency and time under the bar. Hard work is tough to

    define, but lets be honest, we BOTH know that Hard Work wont allow you any time to

    check your hair in the mirror, text your buddies or hang out with friends.

    Youre in the gym to attack, get the job done and get out. Anything more is a waste of


    There is no substitute for hard work, regardless of what the TV commercials and

    magazines tell you.

    Were not talking about using machines, doing tricep kick backs or purchasing the latest

    fitness gadget on TV. Were talking about grinding through workouts with barbells,

    dumbbells, kettlebells, calesthenics, bodyweight exercises and real world training.

    With each workout and as you progress through the weeks, you must increase the

    intensity. Intensity can be measured in sets, reps, speed of movement, rest periods

    and load (ie. amount of weight lifted).

    If you increase the intensity, youre body will

    adapt. It is that simple. If you lift more

    weight, you will get stronger. If you increase

    your sets and reps, you will become

    conditioned and add muscle. In a nut shell,

    you need to break records as often as possible

    during your workouts and you must use the

    right exercises.

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    Your workouts have to include compound, multi-joint exercises like:

    Power Clean & Press

    Bench Press

    Military Press


    Back Squats

    Front Squats



    These are the exercises (and their variations) that give you the most bang for your

    buck. The MOS challenge is built on these exercises and they will help build YOU into a

    Man of Steel.

    We also included a solid template for the workouts. It includes a good

    warm-up, rehab exercises and these core exercises. Do NOT skip the warm up,

    core and prehab / rehab movements no matter how busy you may be. If you arent

    healthy your workouts will be compromised.

    As you progress, you can substitute various implements for the conventional barbell

    (BB) and dumbbell (DB) exercises. For example towels, axles, sandbags can be

    substituted for barbells and kettlebells (KB) can be substituted for dumbbells.

    This is completely your choice, but, our recommendation is to go through ALL 12 weeks

    as outlined. If you decide to return to the program again yet want to use some of the

    odd objects or more weight; go for it.

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    What is the Man of Steel Challenge?

    The Man of Steel Challenge (MOS) was created for the rare and few individuals who

    wanted to change their life and stand out in a crowd. For a rare breed of fitness

    enthusiasts and risk takers that want to be WELL above average. The MOS Challenge is

    for those who want to take on a challenge that many would not complete.

    As you progress through each workout, each challenge and each week of The MOS

    Challenge, you will begin to realize that The Man of Steel Challenge is a journey, not a

    finite quest. Each time you complete the challenge, you can go to the next level.

    One way to do this is to add weight to the primary and supplemental exercises in each

    workout or each MOS weekly challenge. Each time you complete one level you will

    advance to another MOS level, both physically and mentally.

    MOS Level Primary Exercises

    Man of Steel Challenge

    Level 1 (MOS1)

    Primary / Supplemental Exercises / Weekly Challenge

    Upper Body Movement Starting Weight

    Lower Body Movement Starting Weight

    Man of Steel Challenge

    Level 2 (MOS2)

    Primary / Supplemental Exercises / Weekly Challenge

    Upper Body Movement Starting Weight + 5 lbs

    Lower Body Movement Starting Weight + 10 lbs

    Man of Steel Challenge

    Level 3 (MOS3)

    Primary / Supplemental Exercises / Weekly Challenge

    Upper Body Movement Starting Weight + 10 lbs

    Lower Body Movement Starting Weight + 20 lbs

    Man of Steel Challenge

    Level 4 (MOS4)

    Primary / Supplemental Exercises / Weekly Challenge

    Upper Body Movement Starting Weight + 15 lbs

    Lower Body Movement Starting Weight + 30 lbs

    Man of Steel Challenge

    Level 5 (MOS5)

    Primary / Supplemental Exercises / Weekly Challenge

    Upper Body Movement Starting Weight + 20 lbs

    Lower Body Movement Starting Weight + 40 lbs

    MOS Levels of Progression (Table)

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    As the challenge continues onward and upward you will continue your quest. The quest

    to be different and stand above the rest. To do so you must dominate and conquer

    each workout and each challenge of the week. NO excuses.

    The Man of Steel Challenge Layout

    The MOS challenge is setup in weekly workouts with a challenge of the week. Over the

    course of 13 weeks, the workouts and challenges get harder and harder. Each week

    you will focus on a different training methodology. One week might focus on dumbbells

    and the next week could focus on combining several different implements.

    Here is how the Man of Steel Challenge is structured:

    Week 1 Workout: Soft Tissue / Warm-up

    Challenge: 100 burpees under 15 minutes

    Week 2 Workout: Bodyweight Training

    Challenge: 50 pull-ups under 10 minutes

    Week 3 Workout: Dumbbell Training

    Challenge: DB Lunges with 20% of BW, 100 yards under 3 minutes

    Week 4 Workout: Barbell Training

    Challenge: 40 Clean & Press with 50% of BW under 5 minutes

    Week 5 Workout: Fusion Workout 1

    Challenge: Deadlift with 80% of your 1RM, one rep per minute for 30 minutes

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    Week 6 Workout: Kettlebell Training

    Challenge: Double KB Clean, Squat & Press x 50 Reps Under 8 Minutes (Under 200 lb Male use 36 lbs, Over 200 lb Male use 44 lbs)

    Week 7 Workout: Grip Training

    Challenge: COC (Captain of Crush) Trainer or #1 Gripper x 50 ea. hand Under 4 minutes

    Week 8 Workout: Superhero Workout 1

    Challenge: DB or KB Farmer Walk 40% Bodyweight in ea. hand x 400 meters Under 5 Minutes

    Week 9 Workout: Fusion Workout 2

    Challenge: BB Floor Press 75 % Bodyweight x 25 Reps Under 5 Minutes

    Week 10 Workout: Superhero Workout 2

    Challenge: BB Squat x Bodyweight x 25 Reps Under 5 Minutes

    Week 11 Workout: Superhero Workout 3

    Challenge: Bear Crawl x 400 Meters Under 4 Minutes

    Week 12 Workout: Top Rehab Exercises

    Challenge: Burpee into Pull-up 50 reps in 10 minutes

    Week 13 Workout: Gymnastic Ring Training

    Challenge: 50 Ring Dips Under 6 Minutes or 75 Regular Dips

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    MOS - Week 1

    Soft-tissue / Warm-up

    In Week 1 we discuss the importance of a quality, thorough

    warm-up. The MOS warm-up includes self-myofascial

    release (SMR) or in simple terms, exercises to break down

    scar tissue in the muscles and prep the body to be more

    supple for training, as well as movements that prepare the

    body for battle. You cant just walk into the gym and start

    moving heavy weights without a thorough warm up. Youll

    be setting yourself up for injury. You have to increase your body temperature and

    charge the central nervous system (CNS) so that when you hit your first set youre

    ready to go both physically and mentally. In a nut shell, NEVER skip the warm up.

    Exercises of the Week

    Soft-Tissue / Warm-up ExercisesMedicineBallRolling InvertedRows



    HamstringStretch FacePulls

    Striders BandPullAparts

    LungeandReach MultipleAngleBandPullAparts

    GluteStretch ShoulderTractioning

    Pushups ShoulderMobilityTwists

    ReverseInchWorm PushupsPlus

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    MOS - Week 2

    Bodyweight Training

    Bodyweight exercises, calisthenics and

    gymnastic movements start as a child

    when youre running around at the park,

    playing various sports and just playing

    outside, you just never realized how

    effective all your playing was.

    As we grow older, we lose this free

    movement (aka playing) and our bodies

    start to get locked up and inflexible. A

    good workout program should re-introduce these movements to help you move better

    and feel better in your everyday life. It will also improve your performance in the gym

    or on the playing field.

    The bodyweight movements can be performed anywhere so if youre away on business

    or for any other reason, you can always revert back to your week of Bodyweight

    workouts and get a kick ass workout in. NO excuses.

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    Exercises of the Week

    Bodyweight Exercises

    SquatJumps ReverseLunges

    LungeJumps InvertedRows

    InvertedSidetoSideRows Pullups

    BeyondtheRangePushups PullupsMultipleGrips

    BandAssistedPullups Planks


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    MOS - Week 3

    Dumbbell Training

    Dumbbell training, unlike conventional barbell

    training, will force your body to brace and

    improve your balance. You can also turn

    your hands, elbows, shoulder joints into more

    favorable positions to avoid uncomfortable

    positions that perhaps you are unable to

    move in with a barbell which locks you into a

    fixed position.

    You can still train extremely heavy with dumbbells and if youre training at home, they

    are very space efficient and can be stored in a corner, against a wall, under a bed, etc.

    Exercises of the Week

    Dumbbell Exercises

    DBClean DBClean&Press

    DBClean&PushPress DBSnatch

    DBFloorPress DBOneArmFloorPress

    DBAlternatingFloorPress DBDeadlift

    DBStepups DBWalkingLunges

    DBFarmersWalks DBRomanianDeadlifts(RDL's)

    DBSumoRDL's DBOverheadFarmersWalk

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    MOS - Week 4

    Barbell Training

    Heavy barbell training will put on slabs of muscle. The

    Barbell has and always will be the KING of the weight room.

    The movements youll be performing with a Barbell will likely

    get you some strange looks at the gym as well as cry baby

    personal trainers telling you that youll hurt yourself and

    you should go back to sitting on a machine while watching


    DONT listen to them. Packing on muscle will come

    faster than a run away freight train if you stick to our

    program as prescribed.

    On the flip side, it is easy to get carried away and focus on moving a heavier barbell

    with less than optimal form. Always stick to technique first and intensity right behind.

    Do not compromise technique for more weight.

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    Exercises of the Week

    Barbell Exercises

    FullSquats SumoDeadlifts

    ConventionalDeadlifts BenchPress

    PowerClean&Press MilitaryPress

    FloorPress SuitcaseDeadlift

    Landmine LockedKneeUps


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    MOS - Week 5

    Fusion Workout

    The Fusion Workout is a powerful combination of exercises

    that define the MOS challenge. This is where we blend

    various tools and methods to develop a blend of strength,

    muscle, speed, athleticism and conditioning.

    This is the style of training that will REALLY push your mind

    and body to the limit as well as stoking your metabolism.

    Weve built your foundation with the bodyweight, barbell and

    dumbbell basics, well, now its time to start pushing the

    envelope. Make sure you continue to track your progress with

    photos, BIG changes are gonna start happening during this


    Also, as you move through the Fusion workout, make sure you keep your intensity on

    10. You will be hitting some serious exercises and each one requires your complete

    focus and attention. Remember, form breaks down under fatigue.

    So you have to focus on form to ensure you get the most out of each exercise.

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    Exercises of the Week

    Fusion Workout Exercises






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    MOS - Week 6

    Kettlebell Training

    Kettlebell training will take your training and body to a

    new level. With its offset center of mass (COM) and it

    versatility, kettlebells are one of the essential and

    most effective muscle building, strength building and

    fat burning weapons in your toolbox. The cool thing

    about kettlebells is that you can flow from one

    exercise to the other without stopping. Coordination,

    conditioning, power endurance and savage grip

    strength is developed with kettlebells.

    If youve ever found yourself bored of using barbells

    and dumbbells then you can expect Kettlebells to

    ignite new fire and results into your program. Ive seen Kettlebells in every commercial

    health club and gym Ive come across so there should be NO problem getting them into

    your MOS workouts.

    If you train at home and want to pick up some Kettlebells simply click HERE.

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    Exercises of the Week

    Kettlebell Exercises

    KBSwings KBCleans

    KBPress KBClean&Press

    KBClean&PushPress KBGobletSquat

    DoubleKBClean&Squat DoubleKBClean/Squat/Press


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    MOS - Week 7

    Grip Training

    The five components of Grip: crush, pinch,

    support, wrist postures and hand health must be

    regularly incorporated into your workout.

    Strong hands define the man and everything you do in

    the gym is dependent upon your grip strength.

    Weak Hands = Weak Man

    Holding a heavy barbell or doing high rep kettlebell

    swings cant be done without serious levels of grip

    strength. If your hands are weak you are limiting your

    true potential to gain muscle and strength.

    Dont treat your grip workouts as a small side show, instead, attack them aggressively

    at the end of your workouts and watch the positive impact it will have in ALL other

    areas of your workouts. Not to mention, its damn cool having a pair of jacked up

    forearms showing when youre out and about wearing a T Shirt. Your added grip

    training will also have a positive effect on making your biceps bigger. You can expect to

    start stretching those shirt sleeves soon enough!

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    Exercises of the Week

    Grip Exercises

    PlatePinch 2HandPlatePinch

    DynamicPlatePinch AroundtheWorlds

    DBHexHolds DynamicHexHolds

    NoSetGripperCloses HeavyRackHolds

    PlateCrushes HangingKneeRaise

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    MOS - Week 8

    Superhero Workout

    The Superhero Workout is going to challenge you physically and mentally to a whole new level. Youll

    be using advanced strength and muscle building

    movements to shock your body into new gains of

    strength and muscle.

    Im sure the other leg extension fans who spend half

    their workout on their cell phone will be shocked as

    well. These workouts also allow you to display your

    prowess and ability to dominate the gym with your

    newfound strength.

    Movements such as the 1 Arm DB Bench were

    inspired by Coach Ethan Reeve, who is currently The Head S & C Coach at Wake Forest.

    He told me stories of some of his guys performing the one arm DB Bench with

    Dumbbells weighing 150-170 lbs for sets of 10 reps! THAT should motivate you to push

    for heavy weight AND high reps on this exercise!

    Other exercises such as The BB Burpee + Push Up + Clean & Press were derived from

    workouts we put together for our combat athletes.

    Your strength and muscle will skyrocket and this the time when YOU truly

    begin feeling like a Man of Steel!

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    Exercises of the Week

    Superhero Workout Exercises







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    MOS - Week 9

    Fusion Workout 2

    Your second Fusion Workout is again

    stepping up the intensity. Combining

    several different movements, this full

    body workout will be your first

    workout of the week.

    This Fusion Workout is a unique

    blend of powerlifting movements,

    conditioning and calisthenics and of

    course a NASTY Kettlebell complex, guaranteed to smoke you!

    If you wanna see more results with leaning out in connection with these workouts, I

    suggest you monitor your carb intake. Lower your consumption of carbs and replace

    them with salads, unlimited green veggies and some fruits.

    Your proteins should be derived from lean meat sources such as various fish, steak,

    chicken, turkey, etc unless you are a vegetarian or vegan.

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    Exercises of the Week

    Fusion Workout 2 Exercises



    KBClean/Squat/Press VariousPresses(Alt,Dbl,SeeSaw)




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    MOS - Week 10

    Superhero Workout 2

    Superhero Workout # 2 is jam packed

    with some of the most serious muscle and

    strength building movements known to

    mankind! You WILL be sore from these

    workouts so on your off days we

    suggest you perform the warm up to put

    blood back in the muscle and help

    alleviate some soreness.

    Dont be afraid to treat yourself well by

    getting a massage, and / or using a hot tub and sauna for short periods of time, all of

    which aid in recovery. If you recover better from workout you will get stronger and

    more muscular. Dont take your rest lightly. If you can sleep 8 hours ea. night, do it! If

    you can sneak a nap in here and there, do it!

    Exercises of the Week

    Superhero Workout 2 Exercises

    BarbellClean&Press BarbellDeadlifts

    BarbellSquat OverheadMedicineBallSlams

    BarbellBackwardLunge OverheadRotationalMedicineBallSlams

    BarbellBentOverRows BarbellShrugs

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    MOS - Week 11

    Superhero Workout 3

    This weeks Superhero Workout is jam packed with athletic movements, animal

    based movements and power movements. On paper, these workouts might look easy,

    but those are the workouts you gotta watch out for :)

    Training for athleticism works your entire body as opposed to sitting on machines,

    isolating muscles and not engaging your body as a unit. These workouts will likely

    shock your muscles into new growth and fat loss, and, they may also shock those in the


    Prepare to get kicked out of your gym soon enough :)

    Exercises of the Week

    Superhero Workout 3 Exercises






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    MOS - Week 12

    Top Rehab Exercises

    Many programs forget one of the most

    important components; the rehab exercises.

    These are the movements that keep you

    healthy and balanced. It is this musculature

    balance and activation of the small muscle

    groups that allow you to train with each

    week and to perform at a high level in life

    and or the playing field.

    The way I explain this to my clients is that if youre not healthy youre worth very little.

    Ive had times where my lower back was injured to the point that changing diapers was

    extremely painful. For me, this was an extreme interference with my daily life and BIG

    injuries are what force you to look back and reevaluate what is most important.

    Your health is MOST important. Dont fear taking a light week of training here and there

    and focusing on the outlined prehab / rehab drills and using only bodyweight exercises.

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    Exercises of the Week

    Top Rehab Exercises

    HipFlexorStretch LyingKneeRotations

    LyingHipCrossovers GluteBridges

    OneLegGluteBridges Supermans

    Birddogs RotatorY

    RotatorT RotatorW

    RotatorL RotatorL+Rotation

    PushupsPlus Figure8Walks

    TKE'sVariation1 TKE's Variation2

    QuadFlexes+KneeExtension Ankle BandedEversion/Inversion

  • Copyright , Man of Steel Challenge, All Rights Reserved


    MOS - Week 13 BONUS WEEK

    Gymnastic Ring Training

    Gymnastics rings are another versatile training

    tool, one which you can take with you to the

    gym if they dont have them available, or, use

    them for your playground workouts. If youre a

    member of a local gym its a great idea to take a

    day of training outdoors using just your

    bodyweight and natural surroundings.

    Set up your rings and mix in other animal movements such as sprints, bear crawls,

    jumps on and over obstacles or park benches. The rings will give your upper body and

    core a workout unlike any other training tool. They are also a great tool to bring with

    you while on vacation or traveling as you can fit them in a small bag easily.

    Exercises of the Week

    Gymnastic Ring Training

    Pushups Flyes

    PikeUps/RollOuts FacePull/Scarecrows

    PikeUps+Pushups ReclineRows

    Dips TricepExtensions

    Curls ReverseCurls

    AlternatingLegLifts/KneeUps PullupVariation 1and2

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    MAN OF STEEL - Week 1

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each targeted


    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each targeted


    Lunges and Reach / Glute Stretch

    10 each leg / 10 each leg

    Hamstring Stretch / Reverse Inch Work

    10 each leg / 10 reps

    Multiple Angle Band Pull Aparts / Striders

    10 reps each angle / 10 each


    Push-ups / Push-ups Plus 2x20 / 2x20

    Band Pull Aparts / Shoulder Mobility Twists

    2x20 / 10 each way

    Inverted Rows / Push-ups 2x15 / 2x20

    1) BW Squats

    3 x 33 1) BW Walking Lunges 3 x 15 ea.

    leg 1) Squats 2 x 50 Reps

    2) Neutral Grip Push Ups 3 x Max 2) Parallel Bar Dips

    3 x Max Reps 2) Walking Lunges 2 x 1 Minute

    3) Mixed Grip Pull Ups (recline rows if necessary)

    4 x Max 3) Recline Rows 3 x Max Reps 3A) Push Ups on Medicine Ball 3 x Max Reps

    4) Jump Rope 5 Minutes: 45 sec work / 15

    sec rest

    4) Feet Elevated Push Ups 50 Total

    3B) Pull Up Iso Hold (Hold Top Position) 3 x Max Time

    5A) Plank 3 x 30 seconds 5) Band Pull Aparts 100 Total 4) Sprinters Sit Ups 3 x 20 Reps

    5B) Dip Bar Knee Raises 3 x 12 reps 6) Hanging Leg Raise 20 Total 5) Sprints

    5 x 100

    2 Hand Plate Pinch

    3 x ALAP (As Long As Possible)

    Hex DB Holds 3 x ALAP (As

    Long As Possible)

    Around the Worlds 3 Attempts As Many Times Around As Possible

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 1 Challenge:

    100 burpees under 15 minutes

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL - Week 2

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each targeted


    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each targeted


    Lunges and Reach / Glute Stretch

    10 each leg / 10 each leg

    Hamstring Stretch / Reverse Inch Work

    10 each leg / 10 reps

    Multiple Angle Band Pull Aparts / Striders

    10 reps each angle / 10 each leg

    Push-ups / Push-ups Plus 2x20 / 2x20

    Band Pull Aparts / Shoulder Mobility Twists

    2x20 / 10 each way

    Inverted Rows / Push-ups 2x15 / 2x20

    1A) Squat Jumps

    4 x 10 1) Run 1/2 Mile 1A) Hindu Push Ups 20, 15, 10

    1B) Beyond Range Push Ups 4 x 10

    2A) Mixed Grip Pull Ups 5 x Max 1B) Recline Row 20, 15, 10

    1C) Lunge Jumps 4 x 10 2B) Dips 5 x SubMax

    (Leave 2 reps in tank)

    2) Jump Rope 250 Reps

    1D) Inverted Side to Side Rows 4 x 10 3A) Reverse Lunges 3 x 10 ea.

    3A) Squats 3B) Mountain Climbers

    20, 15, 10 20, 15, 10

    2) Plank 2 x 1 minute 3B) Forward Lunges 3 x 10 ea. 4) Jump Rope 250 Reps

    3) Jump Rope Tabata 4 Minutes: 20 sec. work / 10

    sec. rest 4) Run 1/4 Mile 5A) Hanging Leg Raise 5B) Plank

    3 x 8 reps 3x1 min

    2 Hand Plate Pinch

    3 x ALAP (As Long As Possible)

    Hex DB Holds 3 x ALAP (As

    Long As Possible)

    Around the Worlds 3 Attempts As Many Times Around As Possible

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 2 Challenge:

    50 pull-ups under 10 minutes

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL - Week 3

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Shoulder Tractioning / Inverted Scapular Retractions

    3 x various each arm /


    Push-ups / Inverted Rows 2x30 / 2x20

    Glute Stretch / Hamstring Stretch / Lunge and Reach

    5 / 10 / 10 each leg

    Bodyweight Squats / Lunge and Reach

    2x20 / 10 each leg

    Jumping Jacks / Burpees 50 / 10

    Bodyweight Squats / Push-ups 2x20 / 2x30

    1) DB Farmer Walk 3 x 100 1) 1 Arm Snatch 5 x 5 reps 1A) Sumo RDL 4 x 6 reps

    2A) DB Alternate Floor Press 2B) 1 Arm DB Rows

    3 x 10 3x15 2) 1 Arm Push Press 3 x 5 reps 1B) RDL 4 x 6 Reps

    3) DB Farmer Walk

    2 x 100 3) DB Step Ups 4 x 10 ea. 2) 1 Arm DB Clean & Press 3 x 6 reps

    4A) Walking DB Lunges 3 x 12 reps ea. 4) DB Overhead Farmer Walks 4 x 50 3) DB Farmer Walk 2 x 100

    4B) DB RDL 3 x 6 reps 5) Dip Bar Leg Raises 30 Total Reps 4) DB Overhead Farmer Walks 2 x 50

    5) Hanging Leg Raises 40 Total Reps 6) Plank 2 x 60

    seconds 5) Walking DB Lunges 1 x 25 reps

    ea. leg

    High Rep No Set Gripper Closes

    100 total reps each

    hand Heavy Barbell Rack Holds

    3xALAP (As Long As Possible)

    High Rep No Set Gripper Closes

    100 total reps each

    hand Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 3 Challenge:

    DB Lunges with 20% of BW, 100 yards under 3 minutes

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL - Week 4

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Shoulder Tractioning / Inverted Scapular Retractions

    3 x various each arm /


    Push-ups / Inverted Rows 2x30 / 2x20

    Glute Stretch / Hamstring Stretch / Lunge and Reach

    5 / 10 / 10 each leg

    Bodyweight Squats / Lunge and Reach

    2x20 / 10 each leg

    Jumping Jacks / Burpees 50 / 10

    Bodyweight Squats / Push-ups 2x20 / 2x30

    1) Squats

    Work up to 2 Heavy

    Sets x 4 - 6 reps

    1) Power Clean & Press

    Reps x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 1) Deadlift

    Work up to 2 Heavy

    Sets x 4 - 6 reps

    2) Bench Press

    Work up to 2 Heavy

    Sets x 4 - 6 reps

    2) Floor Press Reps x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 2) Bench Press

    Work up to 2 Heavy

    Sets x 4 - 6 reps

    3) Military Press

    Work up to 2 Heavy

    Sets x 4 - 6 reps

    3A) Sprinter Sit Ups 2 x 20 3) Deadlift 1 Light Set x 20 Reps

    4) Suit Case Deadlift 1 x 10 reps ea. side 3B) Leg raises 2 x 20 4) Bench Press 1 Light Set x

    20 Reps

    5) LandMine 3 x 12 reps

    2 Hand Plate Pinch

    3 x ALAP (As Long As Possible)

    Hex DB Holds 3 x ALAP (As

    Long As Possible)

    Around the Worlds

    3 Attempts As Many Times

    Around As Possible

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 4 Challenge:

    40 Clean & Press with 50% of BW under 5 minutes

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    Week 5 Challenge:

    BB Deadlift with 80% of your 1RM, one rep per minute for 30 minutes

    MAN OF STEEL - Week 5

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume


    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each targeted

    area Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Lunges and Reach / Glute Stretch

    10 each leg / 10 each


    Hamstring Stretch / Reverse Inch Work

    10 each leg / 10 reps

    Multiple Angle Band Pull Aparts / Striders

    10 reps each angle / 10 each leg

    Push-ups / Push-ups Plus 2x20 / 2x20 Band Pull Aparts / Shoulder Mobility Twists

    2x20 / 10 each way

    Inverted Rows / Push-ups 2x15 / 2x20

    1) Barbell Clean & Press Reps x 2, 5, 8, 10, 8, 5, 2 1) Burpee + Pull Up 30 Total 1) Bodyweight Walk Outs

    5 minutes: 30 sec. work / 30

    sec. rest

    2) Burpee into Pull-up 3 x 12 2) Barbell Floor Press 4 x 6-10 reps 2A) Recline Rows 2B) Dumbbell Floor Press

    5 x Max Reps5 x 8-12 Reps

    3A) Towel Dumbbell Curls

    3 x 8-12 Reps 3A) Dumbbell Deadlift 5 x 5 reps 3) Deadlift

    2 reps on the minute for 5

    minutes 3B) Triceps PushDown with Band or Cable 3C) Bodyweight Walkouts

    3 x 15-25 2x15

    3B) Dumbbell Reverse Lunges

    5 x 5 reps ea. 4) Towel DB Curls

    3 x 6 reps HEAVY

    4) 1/2 Mile Run 4) Run 1/2 Mile 5) Run 1/2 Mile

    High Rep No Set Gripper Closes

    100 total reps each

    hand Heavy Barbell Rack Holds

    3xALAP (As Long As Possible)

    High Rep No Set Gripper Closes

    100 total reps each hand

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL - Week 6

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Lunges and Reach / Glute Stretch

    10 each leg / 10 each


    Hamstring Stretch / Reverse Inch Work

    10 each leg / 10 reps

    Multiple Angle Band Pull Aparts / Striders

    10 reps each angle / 10 each leg

    Push-ups / Push-ups Plus 2x20 / 2x20

    Band Pull Aparts / Shoulder Mobility Twists

    2x20 / 10 each way

    Inverted Rows / Push-ups 2x15 / 2x20

    1) 1 Arm KB (or DB) Clean & Press

    5 x 5 (NO rest between


    1) 1 Arm Snatch + Press Combo 5 x 5

    1) Double KB Push Press 6 x 6 reps

    2) Renegade Row + Push Up Combo

    4 x 6 ea. arm / 12 push ups

    2) Clean, Squat & Press

    Reps x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 2) Mixed Grip Pull Ups

    30 Reps Total

    3) KB (or DB) Goblet Squats

    x 20, 15, 10, 5

    3A) Double Overhead Walk 2 x 50 3) Recline Row

    30 Reps Total

    4) Tabata KB Swings

    4 Minutes: 20 sec. work

    / 10 sec. rest

    3B) Double Rack Walk 2 x 50 4) KB Rack Lunges (hold KBs in Rack) 2 x 10 ea.

    5) KB Farmer Walks 3 x 150 3C) Double Farmer Walk 2 x 50 5) KB Farmer Walk Lunges (hold KBs at sides)

    2 x 10 ea.

    4) Any Leg Raise Variation 40 Reps

    Total 6) KB Swings

    5 Minutes: 30 sec. work / 30 sec. rest

    Heavy DB Holds at Side

    3 x ALAP High Rep No Set Gripper Closes 100 total reps each


    Heavy DB Holds at Side

    3 x ALAP

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 6 Challenge:

    Double KB (or DB) Clean, Squat & Press x 50 Reps Under 8 Minutes (Under 200 lb Male use 36 lbs, Over 200 lb Male use 44 lbs)

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL - Week 7

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Shoulder Tractioning / Inverted Scapular Retractions

    3 x various each arm /


    Push-ups / Inverted Rows 2x30 / 2x20

    Glute Stretch / Hamstring Stretch / Lunge and Reach

    5 / 10 / 10 each leg

    Bodyweight Squats / Lunge and Reach

    2x20 / 10 each leg

    Jumping Jacks / Burpees 50 / 10

    Bodyweight Squats / Push-ups 2x20 / 2x30

    1) Deadlifts 4x8 1) Alternating DB Bench Press 3 x 10 1) Squats 4 x 10

    2A) Barbell Landmines 3x15 2) 2 DB Clean & Press 4 x 8 2A) DB Lunges 8 x 3 reps

    2B) Pull-ups 3 x Max 3) Alternating DB Bent Over Rows 3x10 2B) DB Posterior Flyes 8 x 3 reps

    3) DB RDLs 3 x 15 4) Burpee Push-up into Pull-up 3 x 10 3A) DB Renegade Rows 3B) Hanging Leg Lifts

    3 x 8 3 x 10

    4) Plank Mountain ClimbersSquat Jumps 3 x 25 5) Run 1/2 Mile 4) DB Farmer Walks

    Max Distance in 5 Minutes

    2 Hand Plate Pinch

    3 x ALAP (As Long As Possible)

    Hex DB Holds 3 x ALAP (As

    Long As Possible)

    Around the Worlds

    3 Attempts As Many Times

    Around As Possible

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 7 Challenge:

    COC (Captain of Crush) Trainer or #1 Gripper x 50 reps each hand in under 4 minutes

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL - Week 8

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume


    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Shoulder Tractioning / Inverted Scapular Retractions

    3 x various each arm /


    Push-ups / Inverted Rows 2x30 / 2x20

    Glute Stretch / Hamstring Stretch / Lunge and Reach

    5 / 10 / 10 each leg

    Bodyweight Squats / Lunge and Reach

    2x20 / 10 each leg

    Jumping Jacks / Burpees 50 / 10

    Bodyweight Squats / Push-ups 2x20 / 2x30

    1) Burpee + Push Up + Power Clean

    5 Minutes: 30 seconds work / 30

    seconds rest

    1A) 1 Arm DB Flat Bench 3 x 10 1) Walking DB Lunges

    3 x 12. ea. leg

    2) 1 Arm DB Flat Bench 4x12 1B) 1 Arm DB Row 3 x 10 2A) Flat Barbell Bench Press 8 x 3 reps

    3A) 1 Arm DB Rows 3 x 20 2) Barbell Squats

    8 x 3 reps (30 second

    rest between sets)

    2B) Mixed Grip Chin Ups 8 x 3 reps

    3B) DB Farmers Walks 3xMax Distance 3) Tabata Jump Rope

    4 Minutes: 20 sec. work

    / 10 sec. rest

    3) Push Ups 100 Total Reps

    4) Tabata Jump Rope

    20 sec FAST / 10 sec

    MODERATE x Repeat 8


    4) Run 1/2 Mile 4) DB Farmer Walks Max

    Distance in 5 Minutes

    4) Hanging Leg Raises

    50 Reps Total 5) Plank 2 Minutes

    Plate Crushes

    3xmax Dynamic Plate Pinch 3-10lb plates x 3xALAP Heavy Rack Holds 3xALAP

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 8 Challenge: DB or KB Farmer Walk 40% Bodyweight in ea. hand x 400 meters under 5


  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL - Week 9

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume


    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Lunges and Reach / Glute Stretch

    10 each leg / 10 each


    Hamstring Stretch / Reverse Inch Work

    10 each leg / 10 reps

    Multiple Angle Band Pull Aparts / Striders

    10 reps each angle / 10 each leg

    Push-ups / Push-ups Plus 2x20 / 2x20

    Band Pull Aparts / Shoulder Mobility Twists

    2x20 / 10 each way

    Inverted Rows / Push-ups 2x15 / 2x20

    1) Sumo Deadlift

    8 x 3 reps 1) Double KB Front Squats 4 x 10 Reps 1A) Sumo Deadlift 5 x 5 reps

    2) BB Floor Press

    8 x 3 reps 2) BB Burpee, Push Up + Clean & Press 8 x 3 Reps 1B) Power Clean & Press 5 x 5 reps

    3) KB Clean, Squat & Press

    Max Reps in 5 Minutes

    3A) Med Ball Mtn Climber + Push Up

    5 x 30 Seconds 1C) Reverse Lunge 5 x 5 ea. leg

    4A) Inverted Rows 3x20 3B) Inverse Body Rows 5 x 30

    Seconds 1D) Floor Press 5 x 10 reps

    4B) Medicine Ball Mountain Climbers 3x20 4) Windshield Wipers

    3 x Max Reps

    2A) Dips 2B) Inverted Rows

    3xmax 3xmax

    4) Run 1/2 Mile Plate Crushes

    4xmax 3) Run Mile

    Plate Crushes

    3xmax 2 Hand Plate Pinch


    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 9 Challenge:

    BB Floor Press 75 % Bodyweight x 25 Reps under 5 Minutes

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    Week 10 Challenge:

    BB Squat x Bodyweight x 25 Reps under 5 Minutes

    MAN OF STEEL - Week 10

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume


    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Lunges and Reach / Glute Stretch

    10 each leg / 10 each


    Hamstring Stretch / Reverse Inch Work

    10 each leg / 10 reps

    Multiple Angle Band Pull Aparts / Striders

    10 reps each angle / 10 each leg

    Push-ups / Push-ups Plus 2x20 / 2x20

    Band Pull Aparts / Shoulder Mobility Twists

    2x20 / 10 each way

    Inverted Rows / Push-ups 2x15 / 2x20

    1A) BB Clean & Press 6-8 reps 1) Run 1/2 Mile 1) BB Reverse Lunges 4 x 6 reps ea. leg 1B) BB Squat 6-8 reps 2) BB Squats 6 x 4 reps 2A) BB Rows 4 x 6 - 10 reps

    1C) BB Reverse Lunge 6-8 reps 3A) Mixed Grip Chin Ups 40 Reps

    Total 2B) BB Floor Press 4 x 6 - 10


    1D) BB Row 6-8 reps 3B) Mixed Grip Push Ups 80 Reps

    Total 3A) Jump Squats 4 x 10 Reps

    1E) BB Shrugs

    6-8 reps 4A) Medicine Ball Slams 3 x 10 3B) Dips 4 x 10 Reps

    1F) BB Deadlift 6-8 reps 4B) Rotational

    Medicine Ball Slams 3 x 10 3C) Mixed Grip Chin Ups4 x 10 Reps


    2) Run 1 Mile 5) Run 1/2 Mile 4) Plank 2 x 90 seconds

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL - Week 11

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume


    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted areaFoam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Bodyweight Squats / Push-ups / Lunge and Reach

    20 / 20 / 10 each leg

    Step-ups on to Bench / Jumping Jacks / Glute Stretch

    10 each leg / 20 /


    Bodyweight Squats / Push-ups / Lunge and Reach

    20 / 20 / 10 each leg

    Multi-angle Band Pull Apart / DB Posterior Flyes / Lunges

    10 each angle / 12 / 8 each leg

    Shoulder Band Traction / Shoulder Mobility Twists / DB Shrugs

    Various / 10 each way /


    Multi-angle Band Pull Apart / DB Posterior Flyes / Lunges

    10 each angle / 12 / 8 each leg

    1) Plyo Jumps Over 2 Benches

    4 Minutes: 20 seconds work / 40

    seconds rest

    1) Plyo Jumps Over 3 Benches

    4 Minutes: 20 seconds work / 40

    seconds rest

    1) Jump Rope 5 Minutes

    2) Split Stance Med Ball Throws

    Tabata 4 Minutes: 20

    seconds work / 10

    seconds rest

    2) DB Chain 3 Rounds 2) DB Snatch 5 x 5 Reps

    3A) Bear Crawl 5 x 50 3A) Inverse Body Rows 4 x Max

    Reps 3) Barbell Floor Press 5 x 5 Reps

    3B) Push Ups 5 x 10 Reps 3B) Mixed Grip Push Ups 4 x Max

    Reps 4) Sumo Deadlift 5 x 2 Reps

    3C) Inverse Body Rows 5 x 10 Reps 4) Run 1 Mile 5) Run 1/2 Mile

    4) Straight Leg Overhead Sit Ups 3 x 12 Reps

    5) Tabata Jump Rope

    4 Minutes: 20 seconds work / 10

    seconds rest

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 11 Challenge:

    Bear Crawl x 400 Meters under 4 Minutes

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL - Week 12

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Rotator Cuff Y / Rotator Cuff L / DB Posterior Flyes

    20 / 20 / 20 Quad Flexes / Jumping Jacks / DB Step-ups

    10 each leg / 30 / 10 each leg

    Rotator Cuff Y / Rotator Cuff L / DB Posterior Flyes

    20 / 20 / 20

    Birddogs / TKEs / Lunges

    10 each way / 10 each leg / 10 each leg

    Inverted Scapular Retractions / Push-ups Plus / Push-ups

    15 / 15 / 20 Birddogs / TKEs / Lunges 10 each way / 10 each leg / 10 each leg

    1) DB Clean / Squat / Press 4x6

    1) Heavy Barbell RDLs 4x6 1) Barbell Bench Press 4x6

    2) Chin-ups + Weight 3x8 2) BB Front Squats 2x20 2) Barbell Shrugs 3x20

    3) Dips 50 reps in a few sets as

    possible 3A) DB Step-ups 3x8 each leg 3A) DB Floor Press 3x8

    4) Banded Tricep Extensions

    100 reps in a few sets as possible

    3B) Db Military Press 4x10 3B) Db Hammer Curls 4x10

    5) Hanging Leg Lifts 3x10 4) Band (or Cable) Face Pulls

    50 reps in a few sets as

    possible 5) Plate Crushes

    150 reps in a few sets as


    6) Run Mile 5) 2 Hand Plate Pinch 3xALAP 6) Run Mile

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 12 Challenge:

    Burpee into Pull-up 50 reps in 10 minutes

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL - Week 13

    Full / Day 1 Full / Day 3 Full / Day 5

    Target Volume Target Volume Target Volume

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Foam Roller Whole Body

    30-60 sec each

    targeted area

    Quad Flexes / Jumping Jacks / DB Step-ups

    10 each leg / 30 / 10 each leg

    Rotator Cuff Y / Rotator Cuff L / DB Posterior Flyes

    20 / 20 / 20 Birddogs / Supermans / Glute Bridges 20 / 20 / 20

    Birddogs / TKEs / Lunges

    10 each way / 10 each leg / 10 each leg

    Inverted Scapular Retractions / Push-ups Plus / Push-ups

    15 / 15 / 20 Rotator W / Rotator L with Rotation / Lunges 20 / 20 / 10

    each leg

    1A) DB Bench Press 3x20 1A) 2 DB Squats 4x10 1) BB Deadlifts 4x6

    1B) Gymnastics Rings Face Pulls (or cable face pulls)


    1B) Gymnastic Rings Pike Ups (or Standing Cable Crunches)

    4x8 2) Barbell Clean & Press 3x20

    2A) Dips 60 reps in a few sets as


    2A) DB Walking Lunges 3x8 each leg 3A) Band Pull Aparts 3x8

    2B) Gymnastics Rings Curls (or cable curls) 3x12

    2B) Gymnastic Rings Scarecrows (or Band / Cable Face Pulls)

    4x10 3B) Chin-ups 4x10

    3A) Pull-ups 3x10 3) DB Overhead Farmers Walks 3 x max

    trips 5) Burpee / Push-up / Pull-ups Combo

    50 reps in a few sets as


    3B) Gymnastics Rings Recline Rows (or cable seated rows)

    3x12 4) Gymnastics Rings Reverse Curls (or EZ Curl Bar Reverse Curls)

    60 reps in a few sets as


    6) Band (or Cable) Tricep Extensions

    100 reps in a few sets as


    Run Mile Run Mile Run Mile

    Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min Static Stretching 5-10 min

    Week 13 Challenge:

    50 Ring Dips Under 6 Minutes (or 75 Regular Dips)

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved



    Other Products from the Authors

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    Diesel Crew

    He dedicates himself to studying, developing and enhancing athletic performance through the utilization of conventional, non-conventional strength training protocols. Helping athletes of all skills levels attain their goals and Achieve Beyond Potential, Jim is also a lecturer, author and member of the EliteFTS Q&A Staff. Jim is an expert contributor for Mens Fitness and is a member of the Elite Fitness Q/A staff.


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    Underground Strength Coach

    Recommended Resources

    Here is a list of my favorite web sites, products, training tools and



    My Blog - Lessons in Lifting, Life, Business and Success!

    Underground Strength Coach 30 Day Trial - Private Videos and Membership Forum giving you

    inside access to my coaching and advanced training methods as well as unshared info from

    industry leaders.

    15 Minute Muscle - The training I utilized when the shit hit the fan! Back when I was working

    countless hours and trying to squeeze it all in, trying to balance being a husband and father,

    working 9 - 5, building a internet business, building and managing my Underground Strength

    Gym and STILL training hard and heavy!

    If I did it so can you, perfect for the Busy Man.

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    Underground Strength System - The Entire Underground Collection: 3 training manuals, The

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    Underground Kettlebells - The Best Kettlebells in the World. Period.

    The Underground Sandbag - Built for use and abuse and of course, getting you Strong as Hell!

    The Purposeful Primitive - One of my Favorite books, revealing some of the most amazing

    methods, stories and insider secrets on how the strongest, most muscular men in the world


    The Lost Secrets of Strength Seminar - Joe DeFranco and I unleash our training secrets and

    take a crew of hard core Strength Coaches through the workout of their life!

    Kettlebells for Combat - The Most Kick Ass DVD Set on Kettlebell training. Period. This course

    has stayed under the radar for too long, now you can get your hands on it HERE.

    The Sandbag Assault - F**K the Gym! Make a sandbag and train at home, in your garage,

    backyard or basement. Scare the s**t out of your neighbors and onlookers but youll also get

    Jacked and Strong as a Beast.

    Grip Experts - The Ultimate Resource on developing Real World, Functional Strength and hand

    of steel that crush like Vise Grips.

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    The Russian Lion Power Course - The definitive training course on how one of the strongest

    men in the world developed his body and mind.

    The Power Wheel - The most effective core and ab training device I have ever used. In

    addition, it is a brutally effective and fun tool for training the upper body, performing hand

    walking and even lower body training!

  • Copyright , Man of Steel, All Rights Reserved


    MAN OF STEEL Zach Even-Esh / Jim Smith
