Morton Salt

Post on 05-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Morton Salt

7/21/2019 Morton Salt 1/1

Case Study: Morton Salt

1. Briefly describe salt production, from brine production to finishedround cans.

Salt is obtained by introducing water into salt caverns which in turn dissolves the saltdeposits within the caverns, allowing the salt solution (brine) to be brought to the surface

for further processing. The brine is boiled in order to remove most of the liquid, resulting

in salt crystal deposits. The salt crystal deposits are then further dried to remove all

residual moisture to produce the final product; salt. The finished product is stored within

a silo awaiting production.

The round cans used for packaging salt are produced on site. The cans are produced by

gluing two sheets of chip board and rolled into a continuous tube. The tube is then cut

into long sections and then cut again into can si!e pieces. The finished pieces are moved

on conveyor to where the various parts can be assembled into cans and glued. "nce the

cans are formed, they are filled with salt and the pour spout is added to the can. "nce

completed, the finished cans containing salt are loaded onto pallets and placed into

inventory awaiting shipping to distributors.