MORTH Trick Questions

Post on 20-Feb-2018

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Transcript of MORTH Trick Questions

  • 7/24/2019 MORTH Trick Questions


    MORTH trick questions:

    1- How can you check A/P skeletal clinically? Bidigital for classication for

    se!erity? nasion vertical or zero meridian line."- How to locali#e canine fro$ OP%? By magnifcation (unreliable), by

    vertical parallax (only in class II division 1), by horizontal parallax (in

    class II division 2), by looing at the lateral cephalometric, and by

    !B!" as last resort. #errant$%cIntyre 2&1'&- 'n a case of class '' (i!ision " what are the e)traoral features in(icatin* a

    ''/"? Brachycephalic, mild convex to straight profle, prominent chin,

    loer lip line is high and loer lip is everted, upper lip line is high,

    deep mentolabial sulcus, hyperactive mentalis muscle.+- Har!ol( analysis an( Mc,a$ara analysis?- 'n case of $i(line shift you e)tract opposite the shitin arch 'f we

    e)tract on shift si(e we will .ro(uce asymmetry0- 'f oth $olars are class '' full unit in lower arch an( crow(in* is $il( we $ay

    e)tract or $ay not e)tract the 2s3leare( hot4- 5hich archwire si#e (o you use to li*ate the canine in i$.action on a

    .i**yack an( si#e of $ain archwire an( $aterial? 6i*ate( with 171" an(

    .i**yacke( on 18 steel or 189" steel8- 5hich is $ore i$.ortant in an i$.acte( canine .osition the ti. or the a.e)

    of root? the apex o root or root position.- 5e can use )e( functional ;