
Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Morgenthau

Morgenthau's Six Principles of Political RealismI.

Political realism believes that politics is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature. It is necessary to understand the laws by which society lives.

Realism must believe in the possibility of developing a rational theory that reflects objective laws.

believes the possibility of distinguishing in politics between truth and opinion

theory consists in ascertaining facts and giving them meaning through reason. - assumes that the character of foreign policy can be ascertained only through the examination of political acts performed.

Need to approach political reality with a rational outline. II.

concept of interest defined in terms of power link between reason trying to understand international politics and the facts

to be understood. sets politics as an autonomous sphere of action and understanding guards against fallacies: concern with motives and concern with ideological

preferences requires sharp distinction between the desirable and possible political realism contains theoretical and normative elements. political realism considers rational foreign policy to be a good foreign policy-

minimizes risks and maximizes benefits. III.

Realism assumes that its key concept of interest defined as power is an objective category universally valid but does not give a fixed meaning for all.

Power's use and content are determined by political and cultural environment.

what is true of the general character of IR is true of the nation state as the ultimate point of reference of contemporary foreign policy.

IV. Political realism is aware of moral significance of political action.

V. Political realism refuses to identify the moral aspiration of a particular nation

with moral laws that govern the universeVI.

political realist maintains the autonomy of the political sphere thinks in terms of interest defined as power political realist is not unaware of the existence and relevance of standards of

thought other than political ones. Political realism is based upon a pluralistic conception of human nature. In

order to understand one of them one has to deal with it on its own terms

A critique of Morgenthau's Principles of Political Realism