More $$$s from Crossbred Ewes with the Right Genetics

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Transcript of More $$$s from Crossbred Ewes with the Right Genetics

Technical Bulletin

More $$$s from Crossbred Ewes with the Right Genetics

N. Fogarty, V. Ingham, L. McLeod, J. Morgan & G. Gaunt


More $$$s from Crossbred Ewes with the Right Genetics

Neal Fogarty, Veronica Ingham, Lynette McLeod NSW Department of Primary Industries

The Australian Sheep Industry CRC Orange Agricultural Institute, Orange NSW 2800

Jayce Morgan NSW Department of Primary Industries

Centre for Sheep Meat Development, Cowra NSW 2794

Gervaise Gaunt Department of Primary Industries Victoria

Rutherglen Research Institute, Rutherglen Vic. 3685

Copyright © State of New South Wales, NSW Department of Primary Industries (2005)

Published by: NSW Department of Primary Industries Orange Agricultural Institute Orange NSW 2800 Australia

This publication is copyright. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth), no part of the publication may be reproduced by any process, elec­tronic or otherwise, without the specific written permission of the copyright owner. Neither may information be stored electronically in any form whatever without such permission.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understand­ing at the time of writing (January 2005). However because of advances in knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure that information upon which they rely is up to date and to check currency of the information with the approriate officer of New South Wales Department of Primary Industries or the user’s independent adviser.

The correct bibliographical reference for this document is: Fogarty, N., Ingham, V., McLeod, L., Morgan, J. and Gaunt, G. 2005. Dynamic dams for lamb production: more $$$s from crossbred ewes with the right genetics. Technical Bulletin 50, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Orange, Australia.

This publication is also available at: http://

ISBN 0 7347 1631 1 ISSN 1039-2602

Publication Number 5591


Foreword ......................................................................................................................................... 3

Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 4

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6

2. $ Gross margin performance of crossbred ewes ......................................................................... 8

3. Lambing performance of crossbred ewes ................................................................................. 12

4. Growth of 2ndX Lambs ............................................................................................................ 16

5. Carcase of 2ndX Lambs............................................................................................................ 18

6. Milk production of crossbred ewes .......................................................................................... 20

7. Wool production of crossbred ewes .......................................................................................... 24

8. Worm resistance of crossbred ewes .......................................................................................... 26

9. $ Gross margin per DSE: accounting for varying feed requirements ....................................... 28

10. Growth of 1stX Lambs ........................................................................................................... 30

11. Carcase of 1stX lambs ............................................................................................................ 32

12. Survival and gestation length of 1stX lambs .......................................................................... 34

13. AI mating performance ........................................................................................................... 35

14. Relationship of maternal sire lambplan EBVs with progeny performance ............................ 36

15. How much are Maternal sire EBVs worth? ............................................................................ 38

16. Implications for the lamb industry .......................................................................................... 40

Appendix A1- Sire progeny means ............................................................................................... 42

Appendix A2-MCPT design and production systems ................................................................. 48

AppendixA3 - Maternal sire entries ............................................................................................. 49

Appendix A4 - Publications .......................................................................................................... 50

Appendix A5 - Acknowledgements .............................................................................................. 57

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 2


The lamb revolution over the last decade or so is a remarkable success story of rural Australia. Lamb now has a greater profile and consumer appeal and farm productivity and profitability have been lifted to new highs. Genetic improvement and its supporting research have played an important role in the success of this revolution. However the uptake of genetic technology and improvement in the maternal breeding sector of the lamb industry was lagging behind other sectors. Productivity of the crossbred ewe flock has a major impact on the profitability of lamb enterprises and the task is to achieve greater genetic improvement among the commercial flocks of crossbred ewes. To address this concern, breeders and lamb producers together with the state Departments in NSW, Victoria and SA and Meat and Livestock Australia initiated a national maternal sire central progeny test (MCPT) in 1997. The objective of the MCPT was to evaluate the variation in first and second cross progeny performance of maternal and dual purpose (meat and wool) sires and the scope for genetic improvement in the sector.

The MCPT progeny tested 91 sires from many maternal breeds including Border Leicester, Coopworth, East Friesian and Finnsheep at 4 sites in south eastern Australia (Cowra, NSW, Hamilton and Rutherglen, Vic and Struan, SA). The major focus has been on evaluation of the lamb production of the 2,700 1stX ewe progeny and their 11,000 2ndX slaughter lambs. The survival and growth of the 1stX lambs and carcase performance of 1stX wethers were also evaluated in the first phase.

The results have clearly demonstrated the considerable genetic variation among maternal genetics that can be exploited to dramatically improve productivity and profitability of lamb enterprises. There was a range of over $40 gross margin /ewe / year in the profitability of the 1stX daughters of the sires tested. This can mean more than $20,000 higher annual profit for the average lamb producer. On an industry basis a modest increase of 5% in lamb carcase turnoff amongst the top 30% of production represents an annual increase of over $18 million to producers.

This Technical Bulletin provides results and Take home messages from the combined analysis of the MCPT, along with implications for the various sectors of the lamb industry. By applying the results to ensure their ewe flocks comprise superior maternal genetics, lamb producers can obtain immediate benefits. Preliminary results have been published progressively over the years in the Dynamic Dams Newsletter and elsewhere that have been adapted and implemented by many breeders and producers. More detailed results are available in the papers listed in the publications (Appendix A4). Considerable change has occurred within the maternal breeding sector since the MCPT was initiated in 1997. The challenge is for more widespread adoption and for new industry structures and breeding alliances to be facilitated and developed to foster the uptake of genetic technology such as LAMBPLAN by the maternal breeding sector and by commercial producers to exploit these opportunities.

The MCPT has been a major project over 8 years with considerable dedication from the staff involved at each site and inputs from the NSW Department of Primary Industries, Department of Primary Industries Victoria and the South Australian Research and Development Institute. Meat and Livestock Australia provided substantial funding and support throughout the project. The Australian Sheep Industry Cooperative Research Centre also provided financial support to assist with the data analysis. The MCPT was made possible by those enthusiastic breeders with the long-term vision to enter rams and the commitment to genetic improvement of maternal genetics.

Dr Neal Fogarty MCPT Project Leader January 2005

3 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


The Maternal sire Central Progeny Test (MCPT) has progeny tested 91 sires from many maternal breeds including Border Leicester, Coopworth, East Friesian and Finnsheep at 4 sites (Cowra, NSW, Hamilton and Rutherglen Vic and Struan, SA). Common sires were used to provide genetic links across the sites and years to enable combined analysis of the data. The major focus was on evaluation of the 1stX ewe progeny which were grown out and mated for 3 lambings and their 2ndX slaughter lambs. The survival and growth of the 1stX lambs and carcase performance of 1stX wethers were also evaluated in the first phase.. Performance of the 2,700 1stX ewes was assessed by their lamb turnoff rate, the growth and carcase merit of their 11,000 2ndX lambs and their wool production.

The results have clearly demonstrated the considerable genetic variation among maternal genetics that can be exploited to dramatically improve productivity and profitability of lamb enterprises. While there were some significant differences between the maternal sire breeds in performance of their progeny, the variation among individual sires within the breeds was far greater for most production traits. The range among the 18 Border Leicester sires tested was over $40 gross margin / ewe / year in the profitability of their 1stX daughters. This means a $20,000 higher annual profit for a 1000 ewe enterprise by having 1stX ewes sired by top rather than average maternal genetics.

Variation in lambing rate of the 1stX ewes was the major profit driver that contributed to the differences in gross margins. Over 80% of enterprise income was derived from lamb sales and less than 20% from wool. There were differences of up to 45% for lamb weaning rate between 1stX ewe progeny groups of sires within a breed. In addition there were significant differences in 2ndX lamb growth (up to 3.6 kg for post

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 4

weaning weight) and carcase fat (2.2 mm GR or almost half a fat score). These differences contributed to the gross margin through total weight of carcase turned off and varying proportions of the carcases meeting market specifications. There were also large differences between breeds and sires within breeds for early age of puberty, milk production and weight and fibre diameter of wool from the 1stX ewes. Most breeds had at least some sires that had high performing 1stX daughters.

Taking account of the variation in feed requirements for the 1stX ewes and their 2ndX lambs, which affects carrying capacity, generally had little impact on the rankings of the maternal sires, with a couple of exceptions. The best sire groups of 1stX ewes varied to some extent at least with the production system. For example some groups of ewes with very high lambing rates performed relatively better in a spring rather than autumn joining system because of better lamb survival at a lambing time when weather conditions were more benign. The importance of carcase weight and fat levels also varies with the target market (domestic or export and saleyard or grid based selling). This emphasises the importance of breeders clearly identifying their production and marketing system and matching it with the most appropriate genetics.

Using LAMBPLAN EBVs to maternal sires results in higher performing crossbred ewes. The correlations between the maternal sire LAMBPLAN EBVs and the growth, carcase and wool production performance of their progeny in MCPT were positive and moderately high. The relative performance of the sires in the growth and carcase of their 1stX progeny was also consistently expressed in their 2ndX progeny. The relationships between LAMBPLAN EBVs of the maternal sires and 1stX ewe reproduction traits were positive although lower than for growth

and carcase traits. This reflects the smaller number of animals with recorded reproduction information in the LAMBPLAN data base compared to growth and carcase traits, resulting in lower accuracy of these EBVs. The more widespread recording of reproduction information on maternal breed animals should improve the accuracy of these reporduction EBVs.

Lamb producers can benefit immediately from applying the results of the MCPT project by ensuring that their ewe flocks comprise superior maternal genetics. This means breeding or purchasing crossbred ewes that are by rams with high LAMBPLAN EBVs for the traits that match the lamb enterprise and ensuring that they are bred from high performing base ewe flocks. The results show that an increase of $20 gross margin/ewe/year can be achieved from 1stX ewes by top maternal sires compared to those by average sires.

5 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


The lamb industry exploits crossbreeding with over 5 million crossbred (generally Merino 1st cross) ewes mated annually to terminal sire breed rams for production of second cross (2ndX) slaughter lambs. Considerable genetic improvement in growth and carcase traits has been achieved by breeders of terminal sires through the use of improved breeding programs and widespread adoption of LAMBPLAN. However, genetic improvement of the maternal breeding sector which produces the sires of 1stX ewes has lagged behind. The national maternal sire central progeny test program (MCPT) was initiated by breeders and lamb producers through Meat and Livestock Australia in 1997 to evaluate the variation in first and second cross progeny performance of maternal and dual purpose (meat and wool) sires and the scope for genetic improvement in the sector.

The MCPT progeny tested 91 maternal sires (Appendix A3) that were mated by AI to Merino ewes at 3 sites (Cowra NSW, Hamilton, Vic. and Struan SA) over 3 years. The sires were entered by seedstock breeders throughout Australia from several breeds. Common link sires were mated at each site in each year so that all 91 sires could be compared across sites and years.

The MCPT focussed on evaluating the performance of the 1stX ewes by the different sires as well as the growth and carcase performance of the 1stX and 2ndX progeny. The 1stX wether progeny were evaluated for growth and carcase performance and the 1stX ewe progeny were grown out and retained for breeding. The 1stX ewes were mated to high EBV terminal sire rams over 3 years to evaluate their lambing rate and wool production and the growth and carcase performance of their 2ndX lambs. (The 1stX ewes bred at Struan were evaluated at Rutherglen, Vic).

Over 3000 1stX wethers were slaughtered

and 2700 1stX ewes (approx. 20-30 per sire) were evaluated along with their 2ndX slaughter lambs (approx. 11,000). The 91 maternal sires that have been progeny tested across the various sites were from many breeds, although several had very few sires represented. The breeds with the most sires tested included: Border Leicester (18), East Friesian (12), Finnsheep (12), Coopworth (9), White Suffolk (7), Corriedale (6) and Booroola Leicester (6). Other breeds with fewer sires tested were combined for the analysis under “Other” and included: Hyfer, English Leicester, Gromark, Merino, Romney, Poll Dorset, Cheviot, SAMM, South Hampshire Down, Texel, White Dorper and Wiltshire Horn as well as a composite breed (Coronga).

Most of the sires have current LAMBPLAN EBVs. These sire EBVs cover a very large range within their breed for most traits. The MCPT sire average EBVs for yearling weight were generally 1.5 to 2 kg higher than the average for all animals of their breed, with the White Suffolk sires averaging 3.6 kg higher than the Terminal sire average. For most other traits the average EBVs for the MCPT sires were reasonably close to their breed means.

The results are from the overall analysis that used the link sires to compare the performance of all sires across sites and years. The results show differences between the average progeny of sires for the breeds adjusted to remove known environmental effects. While there are important and significant differences between the breed averages for the various traits it must be remembered that the differences between the individual sires within the breeds were large with overlap between the breeds. There were also only relatively small numbers of sires of each breed that were progeny tested.

The production systems for evaluation of the 1stX ewes varied with the sites to account for regional differences (Appendix A2). At Cowra the 1stX ewes were randomly split to

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 6

autumn and spring joining groups prior to their first mating. The autumn joined 1stXewes were mated in Feb/March to lamb in July/Aug and the spring joined groups were mated in Oct/Nov to lamb in March/ April. At Hamilton the 1stX ewes were mated in autumn (March/Apr) to lamb in Aug/Sept and at Rutherglen the 1stX ewes were mated in late spring (Nov/Dec) to lamb in Apr/May. The ewes in each group were evaluated on the average annual performance from joinings in 3 years. The autumn joined ewes at Cowra and Hamilton were first mated at 7 months of age to lamb at 12 months of age, whereas the spring joined ewes at Cowra were first joined at 14 months of age and those at Rutherglen were first joined at 17 months of age.

The average annual autumn and spring performance cannot be directly compared as the 1stX ewes were joined for the first time at very different ages. Lambing performance increases dramatically with age and was

ANALYSIS: The analysis used mixed models procedures that took account of site,year and season differences as well as other known environmental effects (e.g. age, type of birth, carcase weight) as appropriate for the various traits. The breed and sire progeny means shown for liveweights are adjusted to average age and type of birth and rearing. The common link sires at each site and year allowed the analyses to compare all 91 sires used in MCPT with the sire progeny means for various traits shown in Appendix A1.

: BL = Border Leicester (18 sires) EF = East Friesian (12 sires) Fi = Finnsheep (12 sires); Cp = Coopworth (9 sires) WS = White Suffolk (7 sires) Cr = Corriedale (6 sires) BoL = Booroola Leicester (6 sires) Others = All other breeds combined (21 sires).

Figures: The mark (T) above each bar on the figure indicates the standard error of the mean. As a guide, for two means to be significantly different they need to differ by more than the sum of their standard errors.

Sire breeds

higher from the older spring joined ewes than the younger autumn joined in the first year. The differences between the seasons were reduced in later years when the relative difference in ages of the ewes was smaller.

This report contains the main findings of the project which are summarised in the following sections, with more details provided in the Appendix tables. The results show the considerable variation found for most measures of performance across the sire breeds and particularly among the individual sires tested. The results are presented for $ gross margin performance of the 1stX ewe progeny of the maternal sires and the growth and carcase performance of the 1stX and 2ndX lambs. While only a limited number of sires from each breed have been tested the results provide seedstock breeders and lamb producers with a sound basis for decision making and genetic improvement in the maternal sector of the lamb industry.

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 7


Take home messages

Average $ gross margin had a range of $19/ewe/year among sire breeds of the 1stX ewes

The range in average $ gross margin among maternal sires was twice that between breeds with considerable overlap of the breeds eg. the 18 Border Leicester sires had a range of $41/ewe/year (from $67 to $108) - this means $20,000 higher annual profit for a 1000 ewe enterprise by having 1stX ewes sired by top rather than average sires

Lamb turnoff rate was the major profit driver with lamb growth rate and carcase fat levels also contributing to the proportion of lambs meeting carcase specifications

There was some variation in ranking of sire breeds (and sires) with the production system (autumn and spring joining) and environment

The income for lamb enterprises is made up of the sales of lambs, which include the value of the carcases and skins, and the sale of wool produced by the ewe. The total value of the lamb carcase is determined by weight and price which varies with its market specification. The gross margin (GM) per ewe is the income from the lamb and wool sales and takes account of the costs of production and marketing (but does not include the cost of replacement ewes). Details of values are shown in the Gross Margin Box.

Overall the results showed a range in annual GM among the sire breeds of almost $19 per ewe from $81.22 for the Corriedale to $100.03 for the East Friesian 1stX ewes (Fig. 2.1). However there was a considerably greater range in annual gross margin among the sires within the breeds. For example, among the 18 Border Leicester sires there was a range of $41 GM/ewe/year for the sire progeny means which ranged from $67 for BL35 to $108 for BL2. There was considerable overlap between the Border Leicester and East Friesian sires (Fig. 2.2) with means for all sires shown in Appendix A1.1.The range of








BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

$ Fig. 2.1 Annual $gross margin -1stX ewes

Sire breed

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 8

Fig. 2.2 Annual $gross margin - 1stX ewes









2 12 71 61 8 53 19 28 47 59 77 89 69 6 68


13 54 83 82 52 32 81 62 25 70 24 35 45 39 44 Sire code

Border Leicester East Friesian

about $40 gross margin /ewe/year means a $20,000 higher annual profit for a 1000 ewe enterprise by having 1stX ewes sired by top rather than average maternal genetics.

The lamb turnoff rate was the major driver for the $GM with over 80% of income from lamb sales and less than 20% from ewe wool. While the number of lambs turned off (which is a combination of lambs born per ewe joined and lamb survival) was the major profit driver, lamb growth rate and fat level (which affect carcase weight and price) also affected profit. Lamb carcase price was determined

Fig. 2.3 Annual $gross margin x joining









BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others



season - 1stX ewes

Sire breed

Autumn Spr ng

by carcase weight and fat level which affected the proportion of lambs meeting the market specifications.

The ranking of the sire breeds (and some sires) also varied with the production system and environment in which their 1stX daughters were evaluated. In particular, the 1stX daughters of the Finnsheep and Booroola Leicester sires had a relatively higher ranking (compared to the other breeds) from the spring than the autumn joining (Fig. 2.3). This was largely because the 1stX ewes from both these sire breeds had high lambing rates with a high proportion of triplets and higher order

9 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production

births. Lamb survival tended to be low for these from the autumn joining (lambing in late winter), whereas the spring joining, which is out of season, resulted in fewer higher order births and lambing occurred in autumn with better weather conditions and higher lamb survival.

As expected the annual $GM/ewe increased with age of the 1stX ewes from their first to third joining. The $GM almost doubled from the first autumn joining where the ewes were lambing at 12 months of age compared to the second autumn joining (Fig. 2.4). The differences between the autumn and spring joinings were due to both the season and age of ewe effects. These effects can’t be separated in these results for the first and second joinings at least although the age effect would be expected to be small for the third joining.

There were differences in performance of the 1stX ewes at the various sites over the 3 joinings that are shown in Fig. 2.5. The low $GM / ewe from the first joining at Hamilton was largely due to low lambing performance resulting from the joining at 7 months of age. These ewes did not grow out to sufficiently heavy weights prior to joining so that only a small proportion of ewes reached puberty and subsequently lambed. This highlights the importance of providing adequate ewe nutrition prior to joining.

Fig. 2.4 Annual $gross margin x joining -









2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd


$ 1stX ewes

1st 1st

Autumn Spr ng

Fig. 2.5 Annual $gross margin x joining,









2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd




season & site - 1stX ewes

1st 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 3rd Autumn Cow ra

Spr ng Cow ra

Autumn Spr ng Rutherg en

There were also some differences between the sire breeds in their relative performance from autumn and spring joinings and the age of ewe effects. Although these effects were smaller than those noted above they did cause significant interactions

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 10

and may need to be considered when applying the results. The East Friesian sired 1stX ewes had higher performance than the other ewes at the first autumn joining indicating that a high proportion reached puberty at 7 months. The East Friesian 1stX ewes had relatively lower performance at spring than autumn joinings indicating poorer out of season breeding ability. The Finnsheep 1stX ewes had relatively higher performance at spring than autumn joinings because of less higher order multiple births and better lamb survival because of more benign weather at lambing as discussed above.


The total income was calculated for each 1stX ewe in each of her first 3 years. The income from lambs was derived from the number of 2ndX lambs slaughtered and their carcase weight and fat score which determined the carcase and skin prices. The income from the 1stX ewe wool was derived from the individual measured clean fleece weight and fibre diameter from their first hogget shearing and individual greasy fleece weight and bin line fibre diameter for the second and third shearing. The prices used for income and costs for calculation of gross margins were as follows: Prices 2ndX lamb carcase: $3.35/kg for carcases in specs (>=20 kg and fat score 2-4) Discount grid for carcases out of specs ($/kg):

Wt / FS 1 2-3 4 5 <16 kg -1.50 -1.50 -1.50 -1.50 16-19.9 kg -0.75 -0.20 -0.50 -1.00 >=20 kg -0.75 0 0 -0.50

Carcases 16-19.9kg, fat score 2-4 were only given a small discount because they would normally be sold in the trade market or kept longer and sold at heavier weights. 2ndX lamb skins: <20.1 kg carcase weight $11.00; 20.1-24 kg $13.50; >24 kg $14.00. Carcase and skin prices are based on 5 year averages (2000-2004) 1stX ewe wool: Ten year average (1995-2004) wool prices for the various micron categories were used to calculate wool returns. The individual ewe wool return was multiplied by 0.9 to account for the lower price of the skirtings and oddments. Costs The average costs applied to individual ewes and lambs for management and marketing were: 1stX ewes: $6.24 (shearing, crutching, health, wool freight) + 7.25% of wool $ (tax, testing, selling costs); 2ndX lambs: $3.72 (health, freight) + 4.5% of carcase and skin $ (selling costs).

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 11


Take home messages

There were large differences between the sire breed groups of the 1stX ewes for lambing rate (89 to 116% for lambs weaned and 99 to 160% for lambs born)

Variation in lambing rate was considerably greater among individual sire1stX ewe groups within breeds eg. the 18 Border Leicester sires ranged from 94% to 140% for lambs born

Lambing rate, including litter size and lamb survival, varied with season and environment, so that some breeds (and sires) changed rank in different production environments

Those breeds with high lambing potential were more suited to spring joining where the out of season joining reduced the proportion of triplets and higher order births and lamb survival was enhanced by more benign weather conditions prevailing at lambing

1stX ewes from several sire groups successfully weaned over 90% of lambs when joined at 7 months of age in the autumn. While the ewes need to be well grown, it considerably reduces the cost of growing out replacement crossbred ewes.

The overall lamb weaning rate averaged over the first 3 joinings (lambs weaned of ewes joined) varied from 89% for the Corriedale 1stX ewes to 116% for the Finnsheep 1stX cross ewes (Fig. 3.1). There was an even greater range among the sire breeds for lambing rate at birth, from 99% for the Corriedale to 160% for the Booroola Leicester (Fig. 3.1). The difference between the lambs born and lambs weaned reflects lamb survival, which was considerably lower for the Booroola Leicester and Finnsheep than other 1stX cross ewes. These two groups had higher litter size (average number of lambs born per lambing ewe) than the other groups with a high proportion of triplet and higher order births (Fig. 3.2).

The variation in lambing performance among the sire groups of the 1stX ewes was considerably greater than that between the breeds. The range in average lambs weaned % among the 18 Border Leicester sires was 121% to 76% and for the 12 Finnsheep sires

0 20 40 60 80

100 120 140 160 180

BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others


Weaned / joi

Fig. 3.1 Lambs born & weaned - 1stX ewes

Sire breed Born ew e ned







BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

N Fig. 3.2 Litter size - 1stX ewes

Sire breed

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 12

was 133% to 92% (Fig. 3.3). The average lamb survival among the sire groups also showed considerable variation. The litter size, which largely reflects ovulation rate of the 1stX ewes, also showed considerable variation among individual sire groups (Fig. 3.4). Even though the average litter size for the Finnsheep sired ewes was high there was overlap between these and the Border Leicester sire groups. Progeny means for lambs weaned, lambs born and litter size for all sires are shown in Appendix A1.2.

Lambing rate increased with age (at joining) of the 1stX ewes and varied with environment. For lambs born and lambs weaned (of ewes joined) the lambing rate was low for the first

Fig. 3.3 Lambs born and weaned - 1stX ewes

60 70 80 90

100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

2 54 62 25 8 23 21 3 9 7

% Weaned / joiFinnsheep

Fig. 3.4 Litter size - 1stX ewes







2 62 8 24 3 7 88 9 76

N Finnsheep

13 12 52 82 83 32 81 61 71 70 53 24 35 48 88 40 17 22 76 67 Sire code

Born ew e ned Border Leicester

12 13 54 52 83 81 32 25 70 61 71 82 35 53 23 48 40 22 67 21 17 Sire code

Border Leicester

13 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production

autumn joining at Cowra and Hamilton when ewes were joined at 7 months of age (Fig. 3.5) and (Fig. 3.6). This was because many of the young ewes had not reached puberty to successfully conceive and those that did get pregnant had fewer multiple births. For example of the ewes lambing at 1 year of age almost all had singles at Hamilton and only about 1/3 of the ewes had twins at Cowra, but the same ewes at Cowra averaged twins at 3 years of age (Fig. 3.7). For the 2 and 3 year old ewes at Cowra the autumn joined ewes had more lambs born than the spring joined ewes, mainly because of higher average litter size, but poorer lamb survival from the winter lambing resulted in little difference for lambs weaned per ewe joined. [Most breeds of sheep have a higher ovulation rate resulting in more multiples at birth if they are joined in the peak of the breeding season in autumn than if they are joined out of season in the spring.]

There were some differences between the sire breeds of the 1stX ewes in average lambing performance from the autumn and spring joinings (Fig. 3.8). In particular, the 1stX daughters of the


0 20 40 60 80

100 120 140 160 180

2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd




Fig. 3.5 Lambs born X oining, season & site - 1stX ewes

1st 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 3rd Autumn Cow ra

Spr ng Cow ra

Autumn Spr ng Rutherg en










2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd




Fig. 3.6 Lambs weaned X oining, season & site - 1stX ewes

1st 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 3rd Autumn Cow ra

Spr ng Cow ra

Autumn Spr ng Rutherg en

Finnsheep and Booroola Leicester sires had a relatively higher lambing percentage (compared to the other breeds) from the spring than the autumn joinings. This was largely because the 1stX ewes from both these sire breeds had high lambing rates with a high proportion of triplets and higher order births. Lamb survival tended to be low for these from the autumn joining (lambing in late winter), whereas the spring joining, which is out of season, generally resulted in fewer higher order births and lambing occurred in autumn with better weather conditions and higher lamb survival.








2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd




Fig. 3.7 Litter size X oining, season & site - 1stX ewes

1st 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 3rd Autumn Cow ra

Spr ng Cow ra

Autumn Spr ng Rutherg en

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 14

The success of joining 1stX ewes at a young age (about 7 months) depends on them achieving puberty and


0 20 40 60 80

100 120 140 160 180 200

BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others


weaned Autumn weaned Spring Born/ ewe joined

Fig. 3.8 Lambs born and weaned X oin season - 1stX ewes

Sire breed

starting to cycle and ovulate. The ewes need to reach a critical live weight (generally >40 kg) in the autumn breeding season. There were considerable differences between the breeds in the percentage of 1stX ewes lambing from the autumn joining at 7 months of age. These ranged from 25% for the Corriedale to 65% for the Finnsheep and 82% for the East Friesian sired 1stX ewes (Fig. 3.9) and resulted in 102% lambs born of ewes joined for the East Friesian 1stX ewes (Fig. 3.10). The Corriedale 1stX ewes were 5-6 kg lighter than all the other breed groups at joining and as a result few reached puberty in their first








BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

% Fig. 3.9 Ewes lambing from 7 month oining - 1stX ewes

Sire breed

Fig. 3.10 Lambs born from 7 month joining -








BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

% 1stX ewes

Sire breed

breeding season. The East Friesian 1stX ewes were only 1-2 kg heavier than the other ewe groups which were similar average weights (except for the Corriedale). The ewes at Cowra were 5-8 kg heavier at joining than those at Hamilton which resulted in a higher lambing rate at Cowra (82% v 50% lambs born of ewes joined, see Fig. 3.5). While on average the East Friesian and the Finnsheep 1stX ewes were more successful from the joining at 7 months than the other breeds there was considerable variation among individual sires from most of the breeds. For example at Cowra there were 6 sire groups of 1stX ewes that weaned more than 90% of lambs (of ewes joined) from their joining at 7 months of age (BL2, Fi3, BL12, Cp36, EF39 and BoL55). The cost of growing out replacement ewes is reduced dramatically when they successfully lamb in their first year. There was no detrimental effect on the ewes from lambing at 1 year of age as their subsequent lambing performance was generally significantly higher than ewes that did not lamb at 1 year of age.

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 15


Take home messages

There were differences between some maternal sire breeds for birth, weaning and post wean­ing weight (up to 4kg) of their 2ndX lambs

There were large differences between progeny of individual maternal sires with an overlap between the maternal sire breeds

All the 1stX ewes at each site were joined to the same terminal sire rams to produce 2ndX lambs. Therefore the differences in growth of the 2ndX lambs presented here are due to a combination of the genes of the lambs that have been passed on from the sires of their mothers (¼) and the maternal environment provided by the 1stX ewe mothers.

There were significant differences between the breed averages for birth weight (Fig. 4.1), weaning weight (Fig. 4.2) and post weaning weight (close to slaughter, Fig. 4.3) of the 2ndX lambs. The lambs from the Finnsheep 1stX ewes were about 0.5-0.8 kg lighter than all the other breed groups at birth. They were also significantly lighter, along with those from the Corriedale 1stX ewes, than most other groups at weaning and post weaning. They were about 4.5 kg lighter than the lambs from the East Friesian 1stX ewes, after adjustment for any differences in type of birth and rearing and age. There was also a large range among the progeny averages of the sires within the breeds with considerable overlap across the breeds. For example the 2ndX progeny averages for post weaning weight of the 18 Border Leicester maternal sires ranged from 41.2 to 44.8 kg whereas the range for the 12 East Friesian sires was from 43.4 to 47.5 kg (Fig. 4.4). Progeny means for all sires for birth, weaning and post weaning weight are shown in Appendix A1.3.

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production








BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

kg Fig. 4.1 Birth weight - 2ndX lambs

Sire breed








BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

kg Fig. 4.2 Weaning weight - 2ndX lambs

Sire breed








BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

kg Fig. 4.3 Postweaning weight - 2ndX lambs

Sire breed

Fig. 4.4 Postweaning weight - 2ndX lambs









2 12 53 8 35 44 69 6 89


62 54 13 71 83 82 61 52 81 32 25 24 70 59 45 28 19 68 77 47 39 Sire code

Border Leicester East Friesian

17 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


Take home messages

There were differences between some maternal sire breeds for carcase weight of up to 2.6 kg and over half a fat score at the same carcase weight for their 2ndX lambs

There were even greater differences in carcase weight and fat levels between progeny of individual maternal sires within breeds

The differences in growth rate between the breeds of sires of the 1stX ewes led to a range in 2ndX carcase weight across the breeds of 3.1 kg (Fig. 5.1) as there was little difference between the breeds in dressing %. While the 2ndX lambs from the East Friesian 1stX ewes were the heaviest (24.1kg) they were not significantly different from the Border Leicester (23.4 kg).

There was a large range in carcase fat levels among the sire breeds of 2.8 mm GR or more than ½ a fat score when compared at the same carcase weight (22.5 kg). The leanest carcases werefrom progeny of the East Friesian 1stX ewes (13.0 mm GR) and the fattest from the Booroola Leicester 1stX ewes (15.8 mm GR) (Fig. 5.2). As withgrowth, there was considerable variation among the individual sire progeny groups for carcase fat levels. The 18 Border Leicester maternal sire groups ranged from 14.1 to 16.3 mm GR and the 12 East Friesian maternal sire groups ranged from 12.1 to 13.6 mm GR (Fig. 5.3). Even with the extreme differences between the averages of these two breeds the leanest Border Leicester maternal sire group was similar to the fattest East Friesian maternal sire group. Differences of half a fat score in carcase fat levels may have a significant impact on the proportion of 2ndX lambs meeting a market specification.


12 14

16 18


22 24


BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

kg Fig. 5.1 Carcase weight - 2ndX lambs

Sire breed









BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others



Fig. 5.2 Carcase fat GR - 2ndX lambs

Sire breed ad usted to 22.5kg

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 18

Fig. 5.3 Carcase fat GR - 2ndX lambs









2 83 62 53 8 13 6 77



54 82 52 32 61 25 71 70 12 35 81 24 45 44 59 19 39 47 68 89 69 28 Sire code

Border Leicester East Friesian

ad usted to 22.5kg

There was a smaller range among the breeds for eye muscle area when the 2ndX carcases were compared at the same weight (Fig. 5.4). There were some significant breed differences with the White Suffolk (14.9 cm2) having significantly larger eye muscle area than several of the other breeds of maternal sire. Progeny means for carcase fat and eye muscle area for all sires are shown in Appendix A1.3.

There were no significant differences between the breed averages for meat colour or meat pH, which are indicators of meat quality.








BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others



Fig. 5.4 Eye muscle area - 2ndX lambs

Sire breed ad usted to 22.5kg

19 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


Take home messages

Ewe milk production of the young maiden 1stX ewes was 2.1 kg/d at peak lactation (21 days) and declined to 0.7 kg/d at lamb weaning (90 days)

There were large variations in milk production between sire progeny groups of 1stX ewes (range of 522 g/d)

Although there were limited numbers of sires tested of the various breeds, there were some significant breed differences

Finnsheep 1stX ewes had lower peak milk yield and total lactation production with shorter persistence of lactation

East Friesian 1stX ewes had greater persistence of lactation which also resulted in greater total lactation production

Ewes suckling twins had greater peak milk yield than those suckling single lambs

Breed and sire differences were generally small for milk composition (fat %, protein % and lactose %)

The milk production results presented here are from a detailed analysis of the data collected at Cowra. The milk production and milk composition of about half the 1stX ewes from all sire groups at Cowra (528 ewes) were measured on 3 occasions (about 3, 4 and 12 weeks) during their first lactation. Daily milk production was estimated using a standard 4 hour test, in which the ewes were milked out initially (by machine and hand stripping after injection with oxytocin to bring about milk let down) and milked again approximately 4 hours later. The milk from this latter milking was weighed, the time recorded and samples dispatched to a commercial laboratory for analysis of milk composition.

The 1stX ewes were the progeny of 30 maternal sires from the 1997, 1998 and 1999 drops at Cowra. There was an average of 15 daughters of each sire milked with an average of 45 daughters from the 3 link sires that


Milk production of the dam is a major determinant of early lamb growth. Lambs are wholly dependent on milk for about the first 4 weeks, after which their rumen is sufficiently developed for them to begin to digest pasture. Lambs continue to benefit from a good milk supply long after they start eating pasture through enhanced growth rate and feed conversion efficiency and development of their capacity to increase pasture intake as they mature.

Ewe milk production reaches a peak at about 3-4 weeks and then steadily declines over the lactation. Lambs are generally weaned at 12-14 weeks as ewe milk production has usually declined to low levels. Sheep milking breeds have been selected for higher production and longer persistence of lactation than wool and meat breeds.

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 20

were represented in each drop. These ewes were joined in either the autumn or spring and lambed for the first time









BL Cp Fi EF Others

kg/d Fig. 6.1 Peak milk yield - 1stX ewes

Sire breed








BL Cp Fi EF Others

kg Fig. 6.2 Total 90 day milk yield - 1stX ewes

Sire breed

A- 1stX

50 60 70 80 90

100 110 120 130 140 150

BL Cp Fi EF Others

days Fig. 6.3 Persistence of lactation


Sire breed ADays for milk yield to drop to 600g/day

at 12 and 19 months of age respectively.

Average milk production from these maiden 1stX ewes was 2.1 kg/day at the peak of lactation (21 days) and declined to 0.7 kg/day at lamb weaning (90 days). There was a considerable range in milk production among the ewes and sire progeny groups as was the case with the other growth and reproduction traits. While there were a limited number of sires of each breed tested there were some significant breed differences in the milk production of their 1stX daughters. Fig. 6.1 shows the peak milk yield at 21 days from daughters of 7 Border Leicester sires, 3 sires each from the Coopworth, Finnsheep and East Friesian breeds and 14 sires from the various Other breeds tested.

Peak milk production from the Finnsheep 1stX ewes (1.8 kg/d) was lower than all the other breed crosses which ranged from 2.1 to 2.2 kg/d. The Finnsheep 1stX ewes also had the lowest total milk yield of 117 kg over the 90 day lactation, with the East Friesian 1stX ewes the highest at 153 kg (Fig. 6.2). The Border Leicester (142 kg) and Coopworth (136 kg) 1stX ewes were intermediate as was the average of the Other sire groups.

The higher total milk yield of the East Friesian 1stX ewes, despite their similar peak yield to most of the groups, was due to greater persistence of lactation. Their daily milk yield declined at a slower rate over the lactation and they were producing more milk at lamb weaning than the other groups. To illustrate this we defined milking persistence as the number of days for milk yield to

21 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production

Fig. 6.4 Sire progeny mean deviations for milk yield - 1stX ewes





2 8 5 3 7 9 6 1 4 57 58






12 35 52 53 54 36 37 39 59 10 42 60 34 55 11 38 40 41 56

Sire code

decline to 600 g/d. We used the 3 milking records on each ewe to predict persistence for each of the sire breed groups (Fig. 6.3). The East Friesian 1stX ewes had much greater persistence (129 days) than the Border Leicester (98 days) and Coopworth (94 days) and particularly the Finnsheep (80 days) 1stX ewes.

There was considerable variation among the sire groups within breeds for milk production. Fig. 6.4 shows the mean ewe progeny deviations for daily milk yield for the 30 maternal sires tested. These are similar to half the breeding values for the sires as they are based on actual 1stX progeny performance.

There was a difference in 1stX ewe milk production of 441 g/d for the 7 Border Leicester sires, which ranged from +208 g/d (BL12) to -233 g/d (BL35). There were also large differences among the 3 East Friesian sires although they were all positive (+276 to +75 g/day) and the 3 Finnsheep sires which were all negative (-68 to -292 g/d). There was a moderate range among the 3 Coopworth sires (+63 to -49 g/d), while the 3 White Suffolk sires had a large range from +210 to -12 g/d. The range among the other sires tested was large, from +179 g/d (Cc38) to – 246 g/d (M56).

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 22









si le in/si le in

kg/d Fig. 6.5 Peak milk yield x lambs - 1stX


ng tw ng twLambs born and reared

The number of lambs that a ewe bears and suckles as well as their genetic makeup affects milk production of the







BL Cp Fi EF Others

% Fig. 6.6 Milk fat % @ 21 days - 1stX ewes

Sire breed









BL Cp Fi EF Others

% Fig. 6.7 Milk protein % @ 21 days - 1stX ewes

Sire breed







BL Cp Fi EF Others

% Fig. 6.8 Milk lactose % @ 21 days - 1stX


Sire breed

ewe. Ewes that bear and rear twins produce more milk than similar ewes that bear and rear singles because of greater mammary development during gestation and greater suckling stimulus during lactation. Lambs with greater genetic potential for growth also provide greater suckling stimulus to increase ewe milk production.

At Cowra (Fig. 6.5) the 1stX ewes bearing and rearing twins produced 0.5 kg/d more milk at peak lactation than the ewes bearing and rearing singles (2.4 v 1.9 kg/d). The peak milkproduction of ewes that lost one twin at lambing was intermediate (2.0 kg/ d). These lamb effects were highly significant for peak lactation yield at 21 days, although they were less important by the end of lactation. The difference in persistence of milking for ewes with singles and twins was only 7 days (92 v 99 days respectively).

There were small changes in milk composition over the lactation. Fat % increased from 9.2% at 21 days to 10.3% at 90 days, during which there was a considerable reduction in milk yield. Over the same time protein % increased (3.8 v 5.4 %) and lactose % decreased (5.9 v 5.2 %) from 21 to 90 days respectively. Differences in milk composition between the breeds were generally small and not significant at 21 days (fat % Fig. 6.6, protein % Fig. 6.7, lactose % Fig. 6.8). The exceptions were low fat % for East Friesian sired ewes and high lactose for Finnsheep sired ewes. There was also a large range among the 3 Coopworth sires (see error bars) for fat % (range of 1.8%) and protein % (range of 0.3%), although they had only a small range in yield (see Fig. 6.4).

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 23


Take home messages

There were significant differences between the 1stX ewe sire breeds for wool weight and mean fibre diameter

The Coopworth, Corriedale and Border Leicester sire breeds had the highest fleece weights, with overlap between the sire groups across the breeds

Fleeces from the Corriedale and Finnsheep 1stX ewes were 3-4 microns finer in average fibre diameter than the other breed groups

There were large differences between the breed averages for wool production (Fig. 7.1) and fibre diameter (Fig. 7.3) for the 1stX ewes at their hogget shearing. The Coopworth cross ewes had the highest average clean (and greasy) fleece weight (3.6 kg), with the Corriedale (3.5 kg) and Border Leicester (3.3 kg)1stX ewes also relatively high, while the Finnsheep (2.8 kg) and White Suffolk (2.4) 1stX ewes were low. There were significant differences between the breeds for yield ranging from 77% for the Coopworth and Border Leicester to 72% for the White Suffolk cross ewes. There were moderate ranges in clean fleece weight among the 1stX ewe sire groups within the breeds, with overlap occurring between the Border Leicester, Coopworth and Corriedale sire groups (Fig. 7.2).

Average fibre diameter ranged from 24.5 microns for the Corriedale and24.9 microns for the Finnsheep to 28.9microns for the Coopworth and 29.1 microns for the Border Leicester 1stX ewes (Fig. 7.3). There were also moderate ranges among the sire progeny groups within the breeds, with overlap between the Border Leicester and Coopworth sired 1stX










BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

kg Fig. 7.1 Clean fleece weight - 1stX ewes

Sire breed

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 24

Fig. 7.2 Clean fleece weight - 1stX ewes

2.0 2.2

2.4 2.6

2.8 3.0 3.2

3.4 3.6

3.8 4.0

8 82 61 2 13 5 65 4 11


12 32 25 35 54 24 81 70 62 71 52 53 83 18 36 26 74 37 16 85 20 27 46 64 Sire code

Border Leicester Coopworth Corriedale







BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

Fig. 7.3 Fibre diameter - 1stX ewes

Sire breed


ewe groups (Fig 7.4). The Corriedale 1stX ewe sire groups ranged from 23.2 to 25.4 microns with all groupsconsiderably finer than all the Border Leicester and Coopworth sire groups. Progeny means for hogget clean fleece weight and average fibre diameter for all sires are shown in Appendix A1.4.

Fig. 7.4 Fibre diameter - 1stX ewes








81 2 61 71 8 5 16 413 62 52 35 53 83 82 70 54 12 24 32 25 26 85 36 74 65 18 37 11 27 46 64 20 Sire code

micron Border Leicester Coopworth Corriedale

25 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


Take home messages

There were no breed differences in FEC for 1stX ewes, but the large differences among individual sire groups indicates selection for low FEC could improve the resistance to worms in crossbred ewe flocks

There were no significant breed differences for resistance to worms among the 1stX ewe lambs that were sampled for faecal worm egg count (FEC) in their first year. There were however large differences between individual sire groups of 1stX ewes with the range being almost two fold among the Border Leicester sire groups (Fig. 8.1). This indicates selection among individual sires for FEC could improve resistance to worms. Progeny means for all sires with FEC records are shown in Appendix A1.4.








54 52 35 2 12 8 53 62 13 61

FEC Fig. 8.1 Faecal worm egg count

(FEC eggs g) - 1st X ewes

Border Leicester sire code

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 26

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 27


Take home messages

Taking account of differences in feed requirements to express performance in terms of $GM/DSE had little effect on the relative merit of the sire groups of 1stX ewes, with a few exceptions

The feed requirements for ewe maintenance averaged about 60%, gestation, lactation and lamb growth to weaning about 22% and lamb growth from weaning to slaughter about 18% of the total annual requirements

The results presented in section 2 are the annual $ gross margins on a per ewe basis. Another consideration is the feed requirements of the ewe and her lambs during lactation and subsequent lamb growth to slaughter, which may affect stocking rate. Heavier ewes with higher lambing percentage and faster growing lambs to higher slaughter weight will have greater feed requirements. To examine the effect of this the total annual feed requirements for the individual ewes and their lambs were estimated from their actual performance over the various years and put on a dry sheep equivalent (DSE) basis and expressed as $ gross margin per DSE per year.

There needs to be some care in interpretation of these DSE values as the implicit assumption is that the feed required for all the phases of the production cycle and in the various seasons costs the same. In the real farm situation this is obviously not true. For example firstly the cost of high quality feed for lactating ewes or weaned lambs will generally be higher than that required for maintenance of dry ewes. Secondly the feed required for lambing at the start of the spring flush effectively costs a lot less than the same feed required for lambing in winter or before the autumn break.

Fig. 9.1 Annual $gross margins / DSE -


5 10

15 20


30 35


BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

$ 1stX ewes

Sire breed

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 28

The average total annual feed requirement for the ewe and her lamb(s) grown out to slaughter was 2.2 DSE with a range of 1.5 to 2.7 DSE among the 1stX ewe sire groups.The feed requirements for ewe maintenance throughout the year averaged about 60%, gestation, lactation and lamb growth to weaning about 22% and lamb growth from weaning to slaughter about 18% of the total annual requirements. There was a range of about 10 kg in the average live weight among the contemporary 1stX ewe sire groups.

The range among the average of the sire breed groups in annual $GM/DSE was $5.28, ranging from $32.62 for the Booroola Leicester to $37.90 for the East Friesian sire breed (Fig. 9.1). However there was a considerably greater range among the sires within the breeds. For example, among the 18 Border Leicester sires there was a range of over $11 GM/DSE/year for the sire progeny means which ranged from $28.32 for BL35 to $39.77 for BL2. There was considerable overlap between the Border Leicester and East Friesian sires (Fig. 9.2, with means for all sires shown in Appendix A1.1). The 1stX ewes with the highest average annual $GM/DSE ($44.03) were by the East Friesian sire EF45. Generally there were only small changes in the relative performance and rankings of the 1stX ewe sire groups when they were compared on a

$GM/DSE basis rather than $GM/ewe (compare Fig. 2.1 and Fig. 9.1). The exceptions were the Corriedale breed which improved relative to the other breeds and the Merino M56 sire which improved its relative position considerably on the $GM/DSE basis, although it was still lower than many other sire groups. The M56 1stX ewes were 8-10 kg lighter than the average of other groups, which meant they had lower feed requirements for maintenance throughout the year. Although the M56 ewes had lower lambing % than most other groups, the lambs were mostly singles and had good lamb survival all of which contributed to a low feed requirement of less than 2.2 DSE. The M56 ewes had fewer lambs slaughtered at a lighter carcase weight and were lean, with most meeting the minimum carcase specification. This meant that the total $ lamb income was lower, although the average wool income was considerably higher than many other groups. These results emphasise the need for producers to carefully consider their production system and select the ewes with the best genetics for their lamb enterprise.

There was little change to the pattern of the effects for season, environment and joining age when DSE was taken into account compared with that described in section 2 for $GM/ewe.

Fig. 9.2 $Gross margin per DSE - 1stX ewes









2 12 83 62 8 35 39 47 6


61 13 82 54 52 32 71 81 25 24 53 70 45 19 44 28 59 77 89 69 68 Sire code

Border Leicester East Friesian

29 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


Take home messages

There were significant maternal sire breed differences of up to 7 kg for postweaning weight of their 1stX progeny

There were also considerable variation among sires within breeds with overlap between most sire breeds

There were significant differences between the breed averages for birth weight (Fig. 10.1), weaning weight (Fig. 10.2) and post weaning weight (Fig. 10.3) of the 1stX ewe and wether progeny. The White Suffolk and East Friesian cross lambs were heaviest at all ages, while the Finnsheep and Booroola Leicester cross were lightest at birth and weaning together with the Corriedale cross at weaning and post weaning. The range from the lightest (Corriedale 32.8 kg) to heaviest (White Suffolk 39.0 kg) at post weaning (adjusted for type of birth and rearing and age) was over 7 kg. There was also a large range among the progeny averages of the sires within the breeds with considerable overlap across the breeds. For example the progeny averages for post weaning weight of the 12 East Friesian sires ranged from 36.2 to 42.2 kg whereas the range for the 18Border Leicester sires was from 36.0 to 39.5 kg (Fig. 10.4). Progeny means for birth, weaning and post weaning weight for all sires are shown in Appendix A1.5.





BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

kg Fig. 10.1 Birth weight - 1stX lambs

Sire breed

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 30





BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

kg Fig. 10.2 Weaning weight - 1stX lambs

Sire breed






BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

kg Fig. 10.3 Postweaning weight - 1stX lambs

Sire breed

Fig. 10.4 Postweaning weight - 1stX lambs








24 2 62 81 8 53 45 6


54 82 70 12 83 32 13 71 61 25 52 35 59 28 19 39 77 89 68 47 69 44 Sire code

Border Leicester East Friesian

31 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


The differences in growth rate between the breeds led to a range in carcase weight of 3.7 kg across the breeds after adjusting for differences in type of birth and rearing and age at slaughter (Fig. 11.1). While the carcases of White Suffolk 1stX wethers were the heaviest (22.6 kg) they were not significantly different from the Border Leicester (22.3 kg) or East Friesian (21.9 kg) carcases. Dressing yield increased with higher carcase weight (about 0.4 %/kg), but there were no significant differences between the breeds when they were compared atthe same carcase weight (22kg).

Take home messages

Differences in growth rate led to a range of 3.7 kg in carcase weight between the sire breeds of 1stX wethers at the same age

The East Friesian 1stX wether carcases were extremely lean, almost 1 fat score leaner than most other breeds

There was a range of almost 1 fat score among sires within the breeds which can dramatically affect the proportion of carcases meeting particular market specifications

Variation for carcase eye muscle area was much less than for fat levels

There was a very large range in carcase fat levels (6.1 mm GR or more than one fat score) between the breed averages (Fig. 11.2) when compared at the same weight (22 kg). The East Friesian carcases were very lean (11.1 mm GR), with the Corriedale also being relatively low (13.3 mm GR), while the Booroola Leicester was the highest (17.2 mm GR) and the Border Leicester high (15.4 mm GR). As with growth, there was considerable variation among the individual sire progeny groups for carcase fat levels. The 12 East Friesian sires ranged from 9.7 to 13.5 mm GR and the 18 BorderLeicester sires ranged from 13.1 to






BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

kg Fig. 11.1 Carcase weight - 1stX wethers

Sire breed

17.5 mm GR (Fig. 11.3) which isalmost 1 fat score range within each of the breeds. This can have a dramatic impact on meeting carcase specifications for weight and fat. Even with the extreme differences between the averages of these two breeds there was an overlap between the individual sire groups. For the 1stX wether carcases the leanest Border Leicester sire group was leaner than the fattest East Friesian sire group.










BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others



Fig. 11.2 Carcase fat GR - 1stX wethers

Sire breed ad usted to 22kg

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 32

Fig. 11.3 carcase fat GR - 1stX wethers

8 9

10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18

25 2 82 24 83 8 6 39 89 47



32 61 52 70 12 35 54 53 71 62 13 81 59 44 45 19 77 68 69 28 Sire code

Border Leicester East Friesian

ad usted to 22kg

There was a smaller range among the breeds for carcase eye muscle area (Fig. 11.4), although there were







BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others



Fig. 11.4 Eye Muscle Area - 1stX wethers

Sire breed ad usted to 22kg

significant breed differences when they were compared at the same carcase weight (22 kg). The White Suffolk (14.2 cm2) and Corriedale (13.8 cm2) had significantly larger eye muscle area than the Border Leicester (13.2 cm2) 1stX carcases. However the variation among sire progeny means within breeds was such that there was still overlap between these extreme breeds (Fig. 11.5). Progeny means for carcase fat (GR) and eye muscle area for all sires are in Appendix A1.5.

There were no significant differences between the breed averages for meat colour or meat pH, which are indicators of meat quality.

Fig. 11.5 Carcase eye muscle area - 1stX wethers










cm2 White Suffolk

j71 25 61 53 52 12 82 24 2 70 32 83 35 81 8 62 13 54 89 69 68 45 47 28 59 39 44 19 77 10 60 90 51 80 42 33

Sire code

Border Leicester East Friesian

ad usted to 22kg

33 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


The base Merino ewes (and Corriedale ewes at Hamilton) were treated with hormones prior to their mating to the maternal sires using artificial insemination. This resulted in a high proportion of multiple births, with an average of 1.8 lambs born per ewe lambing. Survival was higher for single (87%) than twin (77%) and triplet (60%) born lambs. There were significant differences between the breeds of sire for survival of the crossbred lambs, ranging from 70 to

Take home messages

There was lower survival of 1stX lambs from the East Friesian, with a higher incidence of dystocia and ewes requiring assistance than from other sire breeds

The Finnsheep 1stX lambs had a shorter gestation length (147.6 days) than the other breed crosses (149­150 days)

77% (Fig. 12.1), after accounting for differences in type of birth. The highest survival was for the Boorola Leicester, Border Leicester, Finnsheep and Coopworth sired lambs, with the East Friesian, White Suffolk and Corriedale sired lambs having the lowest lamb survival. Dystocia and a high proportion of ewes requiring assistance at lambing contributed to the poorer lamb survival for the East Friesian (10.1%). The White Suffolk sires (6.3%) also had a higher proportion of ewes requiring assistance (relative to 3% for all other ewes). Progeny means for lamb survival for all sires are shown in Appendix A1.5.



20 30



60 70


BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

% Fig. 12.1. Survival % - 1stX lambs

Sire breed

The genotype of the lamb is more important than the dam in determining gestation length and there were significant differences between the sire breeds of the 1stX lambs (Fig. 12.2). The Finnsheep 1stX lambs had a shorter gestation (147.6 days) than other crosses, which accounts in part for their lower birth weight. The Corriedale (150.5 days), Booroola Leicester and White Suffolk 1stX lambs had a longer gestation length of about 150 days, while the other breed cross lambs were about 149 days.








BL EF Fi Cp WS Cr BoL Others

Days Fig. 12.2 Gestation length - 1stX lambs

Sire breed

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 34


Take home messages

High fertility and lambing rates can be achieved using thawed-frozen semen and laparoscopic insemination when an experienced operator is used and there is attention to detail, timing, ewe condition and management

Table 13.1 Lambing performance of Merino ewes mated by AI

Ewes Fertility Litter Lambs AI (n) (%) size (n) weaned (%)A

Cowra 1997 791 84 1.86 141 1998 825 82 1.87 136 1999 797 79 1.66 120 Hamilton 1997 838 69 1.61 111 1998 831 40 1.33 113 1999 830 49 1.63 117 Struan 1998 1092 56 1.30 102 1999 1065 52 1.37 109 2000 1071 52 1.15 111 A Lambs weaned per ewe lambing (%)

The base Merino ewes (including some Corriedale ewes at Hamilton) were artificially inseminated by commercial operators at each site using thawed-frozen semen and laparoscopic insemination following hormone therapy to synchronise oestrous and boost ovulation. The subsequent lambing performance of the base ewes varied considerably between sites and years (Table 13.1). Fertility (ewes lambing per ewe inseminated) was consistently higher at Cowra (79 to 84% in the 3 years) than at Hamilton (40 to 69%) or Struan (52 to 56%). There were only small differences in fertility between the breeds of sire. Litter size (lambs born per ewe lambing) was also considerably higher at Cowra (1.8) than Hamilton (1.5) or Struan (1.3) as was the numberof lambs weaned per ewe lambing. Sire breed was significant for number of lambs weaned per ewe lambing, which accounts for differences in litter size, lamb survival and ewe rearing ability with the range being 125% for Finnsheep to 108% for the East Friesian sires. The very good results achieved at Cowra were attributed to the attention to detail in management, condition of the ewes, timing of operations and experience of the operator. The details for the base ewe insemination and lambing results at each site in each year are shown in Appendix B1.

35 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


Take home messages

LAMBPLAN EBVs work – rams with high EBVs have progeny that are high performing and earn more money

Sires with high EBVs for growth and carcase generally produce better performing 1stX progeny and the superior merit is consistently passed on to 2ndX progeny

More widespread recording of reproduction will increase the accuracy of reproduction EBVs and lead to more rapid genetic improvement

Most of the maternal sires used in the MCPT also have LAMBPLAN information available which is based on their own performance and that of relatives in industry flocks. The performance of the 1stX and 2ndX progeny of the sires in MCPT is an independent test of their LAMBPLAN EBVs. The correlations between the LAMBPLAN EBVs (Maternal EBVs September 2004) and mean progeny performance of the sires in MCPT for various traits are shown in Table 14.1. The correlations for 1stX progeny for postweaning weight, carcase fat and eye muscle depth were positive and moderately high (about 0.6), especially as the EBVs are based on live measurements and those in the MCPT are from carcases. The correlations with 2ndX progeny performance were lower (0.3-0.4) than those with 1stX progeny, which is expected due to the reduced genetic contribution of the sires as they only contribute ¼ of the genes to the 2ndX progeny. The correlations between sire means for 1stX and 2ndX progeny growth and carcase performance in the MCPT were also positive and moderate to high (weight 0.49, fat 0.47, eye muscle depth 0.33). This indicates the relative performance of the sires from their 1stX progeny is carried through consistently to the 2ndX progeny. The correlation between the LAMBPLAN Maternal EBVs for yearling greasy fleece

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 36

weight and the wool production of the 1stX ewes was positive and moderate (0.43).

The correlations between LAMBPLAN Maternal EBVs for lambs weaned and the reproductive performance of the 1stX ewe progeny were positive although moderately low. This probably reflects the smaller number of animals with recorded reproduction information compared to growth and carcase traits in the LAMBPLAN data base and the resultant lower accuracy of the EBVs for number of lambs weaned. As more maternal breed animals have reproduction information recorded the accuracy of these EBVs will improve.

Overall the results clearly show that the use of LAMBPLAN EBVs in selection of maternal sires will result in improved performance of crossbred progeny, especially for growth, carcase and wool traits. The use of maternal sires with high EBVs for number of lambs weaned will also result in improved lambing rate from their 1stX daughters. The more widespread recording of reproduction information in LAMBPLAN by maternal seedstock breeders will increase the accuracy of the reproduction EBVs which will result in more rapid genetic improvement in this very important maternal trait for lamb production.

Table 14.1 Correlations (±standard error) between LAMBPLAN Maternal EBVs for maternal sires and MCPT performance of their 1stX and 2ndX progeny


Post weaning weight 1stX post weaning weight 0.56 ± 0.10 2ndX post weaning weight 0.27 ± 0.13

Post weaning fat 1stX carcase GR 0.65 ± 0.08 2ndX carcase GR 0.35 ± 0.12

Post weaning emd 1stX carcase emd 0.56 ± 0.10 2ndX carcase emd 0.32 ± 0.13

Yearling gfw 1stX yearling gfw 0.43 ± 0.12 Lambs weaned 1stX lambs born 0.27 ± 0.13

1stX lambs weaned 0.22 ± 0.14





37 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


Take home messages

Using maternal rams with high EBVs produces progeny that earn more money (a top 10% EBV ram can earn $1500 more than an average ram)

Over 85% of the additional $s from high EBVs are earned in the 2ndX enterprise

All traits contribute to the additional $s especially lambing rate (EBVnlw)

Maternal sires such as Border Leicester rams that have been tested through LAMBPLAN have estimated breeding values (EBVs) available at sale. Some questions for ram buyers are:

- how much more is a ram with superiorEBVs worth?- how can rams with varying EBVs fordifferent traits be compared?

To help in making these decisions we have developed a computer program (EBV $ Calculator for Maternal Sires©) that calculates the additional $s generated over the lifetime of the ram (and his 1stX and 2ndX progeny) compared to a ram with all EBVs = 0. Maternal sires have EBVs for several traits including:

- maternal weaning weight (EBVmwwt)- live weight (EBVwt)- fat GR (EBVfat)- eye muscle depth (EBVemd)- number of lambs weaned (EBVnlw)- greasy fleece weight (EBVgfw)

Use of rams with superior EBVs for these traits will result in progeny (1stX and 2ndX) that have higher performance and have higher returns. Each of the traits will contribute different amounts of $ because they contribute to different products from 1stX and/or 2ndX progeny. For example, rams with positive EBVwt will have heavier progeny which will have higher returns from both 1stX and 2ndX lambs, whereas positive EBVnlw means better lambing rate from the 1stX ewes and more 2ndX lambs sold.

The returns will be different for the 1stX and 2ndX enterprises. They will also vary with

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 38

the breeding structure, production system and prices in each enterprise. Where maternal sires are mated to Merino or other base ewes in the 1stX enterprise, the wether progeny are sold for slaughter and the ewe progeny are sold for breeding. In the 2ndX enterprise the 1stX ewes are mated to terminal sires and all 2ndX lambs are sold for slaughter with additional returns from the 1stX wool.

Total returns from better production of the progeny of the ram depends on the superiority of the EBVs as well as several other factors relating to the production system and prices. These factors include the number of years the ram is mated, the number of base ewes, their lambing rate, the carcase weight of progeny, price of lambs, carcases and wool, fat discounts and the discount rate that reduces the value of income in future years. The computer program allows all of these factors in the breeding structure, production system and prices to be varied to suit individual situations.

The additional $ returns for a Border Leicester ram using the standard breeding structure, production system and prices (see box) are shown in Table 15.1. The EBVs used are for the Band 10 of the Border Leicester LAMBPLAN analysis of 15 Sept 2003 (ie a ram in the top 10% of Border Leicesters). The $ values shown are the additional $ contributed for each trait in both the 1stX and 2ndX enterprises compared with using a ram with all EBVs = 0. In this breeding structure the ram produces 60 1stX wethers and 60 1stX ewes over 3 years and his 60 1stX daughters produce 330 2ndX lambs plus wool over 5 years.

Table 15.1 Additional value from Band 10 BL sire EBVs

1stX enterprise $ 2ndX enterprise $

1stX wethers Maternal weaning wt 416

1stX weight 137 2ndX weight 366

1stX fat 12 2ndX fat 33

1stX ewes 1stX ewe lambing rate 928

1stX weight 139 1stX ewe wool 141

Total 1stX 288 Total 2ndX 1884

Total (1stX + 2ndX) 2172

traits (maternal weaning weight, lambing rate and wool) are only expressed in the 2ndX enterprise and there are also a lot more expressions of performance (60 1stX ewes x 5 years).The important contribution of increased lambing rate is also highlighted.

The EBVs for animals in the various bands of the BL LAMBPLAN analysis (15 Sept 2003) are shown in Table 15.2, along with the additional $ returns in the 1stX and 2ndX enterprises from use of a BL ram with these EBVs under the standard breeding structure and prices. The additional value from 1stX and 2ndX progeny of a BL ram with Band 10 EBVs (ie top 10%) is $1508 (i.e. 2172-664) more than if a ram with Band 50 EBVs (i.e. top 50%, or current average for the breed) was used.In the 1stX enterprise the 60 1stX wethers

from this ram would be heavier and slightly leaner (less carcases discounted for fat score 5) and the 60 1stX ewes would be heavier when sold. This would result in $288 more returns than if a ram with EBVs = 0 was used.

In the 2ndX enterprise there are gains in carcase weight of the 330 2ndX lambs from maternal weaning weight (additional milk and nurturing) and weight as well as leanness (less carcases discounted for fat score 5). The 60 1stX ewes also produce more lambs (from EBVnlw) and wool (from EBVgfw) over their 5 years in the flock. The total additional value in the 2ndX enterprise is $1884. The results highlight that the great majority (87%) of the additional returns from maternal sires with superior EBVs are in the 2ndX enterprise. This is because many of the economically important maternal



Maternal ram mated to 50 Merino ewes x 3 years with a l i

l i i/ i i /

/ i l l iGR;

l i / li i

i l si il i

l l i i/ i i /

/ i l l il i

l i /A discount rate of 5% p.a. (above CPI) is applied to the

ll i i

The breed ng structure, product on system and pr ces used n the standard parameter set are:

1stX enterprise

amb wean ng rate of 80%; 1stX wethers so d at 22 kg carcase we ght (dress ng 45 %) at $3.20 kg w th fat d scounts of $1 kg (FS1) and $1.50 kg (FS5), w th the average fat eve be ng 15mm

1stX ewes so d for breed ng at $1.44 kg vewe ght;

2ndX enterprise 1stX ewes mated to term na res x 5 years w th an average amb wean ng rate of 110%; 2ndX ambs so d at 24 kg carcase we ght (dress ng 45 %) at $3.50 kg w th fat d scounts of $1 kg (FS1) and $1.50 kg (FS5), w th the average fat eve be ng 15mm GR and amb sk ns $12; 1stX ewe woo product on x 5 years at $5.00 kg greasy

do ar ncome n future years.

Table 15.2 Additional value of BL sire EBVs in 1stX and 2ndX enterprises.

BL sire EBV EBV EBV EBV EBV EBV Total mwwt pwwt pfat pemd nlw gfw 1stX 2ndX $

Band10 1.92 3.38 -0.40 0.59 0.08 0.23 288 1884 2172 Band 20 1.45 2.72 -0.31 0.37 0.06 0.15 231 1416 1647 Band 50 0.53 1.55 -0.06 0.00 0.02 0.04 128 536 664 Band 75 -0.16 0.56 0.12 -0.26 0.00 -0.03 42 -3 39

Total$ Total$

39 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production


Take home messages

There was a range of over $40 gross margin/ewe/year due to the maternal sire of the crossbred ewes

Lamb turnoff rate is the main profit driver, with 2ndX lamb growth and carcase fat (affect the proportion meeting market specifications) and ewe wool also contributing

There are important differences between maternal sire breeds for reproduction, growth, milk, carcase fat, wool weight and fibre diameter

There is considerably more variation among sire groups within breeds than between breeds with overlap of breeds for most traits

The use of LAMBPLAN EBVs to assist in selections is the best way to exploit the genetic variation and improve maternal performance

The progeny test has demonstrated there is a great range of maternal genetics available to the industry. There is considerable genetic variation that can be exploited to dramatically improve productivity and profitability of lamb enterprises. While there were some important differences between the maternal sire breeds in performance of their progeny, the variation among individual sires within the breeds was far greater. There was a range among the 18 Border Leicester sires tested of over $40 gross margin / ewe / year in the profitability of their 1stX daughters. This means a $20,000 higher annual profit for a 1000 ewe enterprise by having 1stX ewes sired by top rather than average maternal genetics 8. Worm resistance of crossbred ewes (ensuring that the1stX ewes are bred from top base Merino ewes could also contribute similar additional $s to the annual gross margin.)

Variation in lambing rate of the 1stX ewes was the major profit driver (>80% of income was from lamb sales and < 20% from wool). There were differences of up to 45% for lamb weaning rates between 1stX ewe progeny groups of sires within a breed. In addition there were significant differences in 2ndX lamb growth (up to 3.6 kg for post weaning weight) and carcase fat (2.2 mm GR or almost half a fat score). These differences contributed to the gross margin through total weight of carcase turned off and varying proportions of the carcases meeting market

specifications. There were also large differences between breeds and sires within breeds for milk production, early age of puberty and weight and fibre diameter of wool from the 1stX ewes. Most breeds had some sires that had high performing 1stX daughters.

Taking account of the variation in feed requirements for the 1stX ewes and their 2ndX lambs, which affects carrying capacity, generally had little impact on the rankings of the maternal sires, with a couple of exceptions. The best sire groups of 1stX ewes varied to some extent with the production system. Some groups of ewes with very high lambing rates performed relatively better in a spring rather than autumn joining system because of better lamb survival at a lambing time when weather conditions were more benign. The importance of carcase weight and fat also varies with a domestic or export market and for saleyard or grid selling. This emphasises the importance of breeders clearly identifying their production and marketing system and matching it with the most appropriate genetics.

The large ranges in growth and carcase fat among 1stX progeny of the maternal sires were twice the ranges found in terminal sire progeny tests. The relative 1stX performance of the maternal sires for growth and carcase was generally consistent in their 2ndX progeny. The LAMBPLAN EBVs of the maternal sires were generally well correlated with the growth, carcase and wool production of their 1stX and

Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production 40

2ndX progeny. The relationship between LAMBPLAN EBVs of the maternal sires for reproduction traits with their 1stX ewe lambing performance was less consistent. This reflects the smaller number of animals with recorded reproduction information compared to growth and carcase traits in LAMBPLAN and the resultant lower accuracy of these EBVs. As more reproduction information is recorded on maternal breed animals the accuracy of these reproduction EBVs will improve.

A major issue for the industry is to develop appropriate structures to facilitate the use of genetic information for improvement in the maternal breeding sector. Over 85% of the extra $s generated by higher performance from superior maternal sires are reaped by the 2ndX enterprise and only 15% by the 1stX enterprise where the maternal sire rams are directly used. There is a large incentive for managers of 2ndX enterprises to ensure they have known superior genetics in their crossbred ewe flocks. Maternal seedstock breeders and their clients need to develop marketing strategies that allow the additional $s generated by superior maternal genetics to be shared equitably by all breeders in the supply chain.

Specific implications for breeders who use maternal genetics at various levels in the industry include:

16.1 Maternal seedstock breedersThere is considerable scope for genetic

improvement of maternal traits including: lamb weaning rate, growth, carcase merit, milk production, worm resistance and wool, all of which may be genetically evaluated with LAMBPLAN EBVs

Effective improvement requires development of a comprehensive breeding objective, genetic evaluation of available animals and use of an appropriate index to assist in selections

Effective marketing strategies are needed to ensure an appropriate share of the additional value of the income generated from superior maternal genetics

16.2 1stX lamb producersUsing rams with the right LAMBPLAN

EBVs will produce heavier 1stX slaughter lambs that better match market specifications and earn higher prices

Using rams with the right LAMBPLAN EBVs for maternal traits will result in more productive and valuable 1stX ewes for breeding which will bring higher prices if they are marketed effectively

The selection and use of genetically superior rams has a much greater impact on 1stX progeny performance than the choice of a particular breed of ram

Selection emphasising maternal traits in the base ewe flock will further increase productivity and income as well as increase the value of the 1stX ewe progeny

16.3 2ndX lamb producersEnsure that the 1stX ewes have the right

genetics for the production and marketing system as they will earn considerably greater profits for the lamb enterprise

This means genetics for high lamb weaning rate (for the lambing season and environment), maternal traits (mothering, milking, growth, carcase) and wool

Demand more genetic information and background before purchasing 1stX ewes

Developing an alliance or contract mating with a high performing Merino flock ensures greater genetical control of the 1stX ewes and regular supply of the best genetics

Don’t wait for the industry to deliverbetter 1stX ewes at sheep sales

16.4 Self-replacing flock breedersImplement a breeding program that

emphasises maternal traits including: lamb weaning rate, growth, carcase, milk production, worm resistance and wool

Emphasise early puberty by selecting ewes that rear lambs in their first year (reduces the cost of replacements)

Decide on a longer term ram strategy (breeding or purchasing) that is practical and best fits management

41 Dynamic Dams for Lamb Production



A1.1 Sire progeny means for annual $ income and gross margins - 1stX ewes

Sire $ Income $GM $GM/DSE Sire $ Income $GM $GM/DSE BL2 120.22 108.34 39.77 Cp36 111.91 96.07 37.79 BL8 98.79 83.26 32.56 Cp37 69.97 26.09 BL12 117.08 101.66 37.79 Cp65 93.18 79.45 31.62 BL13 118.39 103.40 39.09 Cp74 101.71 87.63 34.55 BL24 96.37 82.66 34.25 Cp85 129.63 114.33 41.28 BL25 101.72 87.76 34.91 WS10 100.14 89.29 33.81 BL32 107.74 93.35 36.67 WS33 115.88 100.54 BL35 81.13 66.67 28.32 WS42 113.60 98.73 35.96 BL52 108.93 94.52 36.99 WS51 112.07 98.15 36.53 BL53 82.75 WS60 98.23 32.88 BL54 119.46 102.54 37.81 WS80 96.78 82.71 BL61 105.68 91.19 39.11 WS90 123.24 108.00 39.33 BL62 106.09 91.61 35.29 Cr4 94.88 81.29 35.47 BL70 100.55 86.66 33.67 Cr11 87.64 73.97 33.32 BL71 108.40 94.14 Cr20 101.49 87.63 39.51 BL81 107.33 93.04 35.69 Cr27 94.44 81.28 35.28 BL82 112.99 98.49 37.99 Cr46 101.46 87.88 39.47 BL83 113.16 98.69 37.12 Cr64 88.43 75.25 34.68 EF6 105.06 89.01 36.05 BoL1 86.67 71.59 27.71 EF19 130.41 114.88 42.54 BoL15 107.09 96.35 34.76 EF28 118.14 103.10 38.38 BoL34 90.84 80.82 31.96 EF39 123.56 109.77 39.68 BoL43 104.62 94.16 34.98 EF44 122.45 107.34 41.38 BoL55 98.52 93.48 34.66 EF45 136.48 121.16 44.03 BoL63 92.75 82.81 31.62 EF47 116.09 101.09 39.58 Hy29 102.10 87.93 EF59 112.26 95.94 36.45 Hy30 103.61 89.29 38.2 EF77 106.76 92.21 36.02 Hy75 111.14 96.51 37.99 EFP68 98.01 83.76 31.53 Hy87 116.16 101.27 38.79 EFR69 104.95 90.29 EL57 86.79 72.08 31.42 EFP89 106.47 91.85 35.47 EL73 50.28 39.28 18.88 Fi3 114.44 98.51 36.68 Gr41 90.39 77.61 33.39 Fi7 104.58 89.92 34.62 Gr86 105.66 91.54 37.28 Fi9 103.15 87.43 35.66 M56 88.69 75.67 37.53 Fi17 112.52 97.34 37.52 M72 93.14 79.23 33.06 Fi21 117.14 101.77 40.13 Ro14 103.04 89.23 Fi22 102.87 88.26 36.37 Ro49 101.58 36.64 Fi23 113.11 97.49 38.11 PD31 111.91 97.15 37.59 FL40 113.16 98.06 36.75 PD79 88.81 75.54 30.47 FiF48 115.43 100.39 38.28 Ch66 94.27 80.86 31.47 Fi67 97.17 82.78 32.11 SAM84 125.82 110.80 41.23 FiF76 98.33 84.42 32.74 SHD78 87.19 73.89 30.61 Fi88 109.73 94.65 35.65 Tx50 96.21 82.95 32.85 Cp5 110.21 95.49 37.74 WD91 112.42 98.11 36.35 Cp16 120.14 105.16 40.17 WH58 81.91 31.18 Cp18 94.28 80.85 33.03 Cc38 93.15 81.95 33.16 Cp26 115.45 100.48 39.81



98.20 34.20 82.70 31.80




35.20 87.90


$ Income = average annual $ income from 2ndX lambs slaughtered and 1stX ewe wool $GM = average annual $ gross margin per ewe $GM/DSE = average annual $ gross margin per dry sheep equivalent Based on first 3 joinings and shearings of 1stX ewes


A1.2 Sire progeny means for annual lambing rate - 1stX ewes

Sire LW (%) LB (%) LS Sire LW (%) LB (%) LS BL2 121.4 139.7 1.62 Cp36 110.9 132.8 1.50 BL8 96.7 114.0 1.43 Cp37 64.8 89.4 1.31 BL12 111.7 133.7 1.57 Cp65 91.6 115.8 1.54 BL13 116.4 139.9 1.55 Cp74 96.2 119.3 1.47 BL24 91.2 112.4 1.32 Cp85 122.2 138.4 1.55 BL25 96.8 115.8 1.45 WS10 102.7 127.6 1.45 BL32 104.4 124.8 1.46 WS33 117.1 132.1 1.48 BL35 75.6 93.7 1.34 WS42 110.7 130.8 1.55 BL52 111.2 129.4 1.48 WS51 124.0 146.7 1.61 BL53 95.0 110.2 1.32 WS60 93.1 109.5 1.34 BL54 117.5 134.6 1.49 WS80 87.7 110.3 1.37 BL61 103.0 123.7 1.44 WS90 118.7 135.9 1.47 BL62 99.1 139.2 1.62 Cr4 92.4 101.3 1.31 BL70 95.0 118.2 1.45 Cr11 82.0 94.0 1.25 BL71 102.3 119.7 1.43 Cr20 95.7 109.6 1.21 BL81 103.5 121.8 1.47 Cr27 83.2 92.0 1.22 BL82 108.8 122.9 1.38 Cr46 103.8 109.4 1.25 BL83 107.5 123.5 1.48 Cr64 74.8 90.6 1.33 EF6 99.0 119.8 1.36 BoL1 86.3 144.1 2.02 EF19 133.9 1.59 BoL15 108.5 141.2 1.73 EF28 110.1 130.5 1.50 Bol34 99.5 157.4 2.10 EF39 125.8 156.2 1.75 BoL43 121.0 171.9 2.06 EF44 122.2 129.7 1.49 BoL55 115.5 177.7 2.04 EF45 130.2 140.6 1.60 BoL63 101.9 170.4 2.18 EF47 116.4 124.4 1.44 Hy29 102.6 119.9 1.38 EF59 100.9 119.2 1.44 Hy30 105.2 122.3 1.42 EF77 100.9 122.3 1.39 Hy75 112.0 130.8 1.51 EFP68 92.2 125.8 1.52 Hy87 116.2 141.8 1.57 EFR69 102.8 140.4 1.76 EL57 85.2 109.3 1.38 EFP89 99.7 117.5 1.44 EL73 35.7 52.1 1.28 Fi3 128.5 169.5 1.96 Gr41 85.9 100.3 1.20 Fi7 110.1 166.5 1.90 Gr86 98.0 112.8 1.32 Fi9 113.2 143.5 1.59 M56 79.0 92.3 1.17 Fi17 116.0 156.5 1.69 M72 93.0 115.6 1.47 Fi21 130.6 163.9 1.73 Ro14 92.2 109.4 1.26 Fi22 108.7 161.9 1.74 Ro49 108.2 113.4 1.28 Fi23 133.3 172.1 1.83 PD31 114.6 137.3 1.58 FL40 117.7 149.5 1.76 PD79 81.4 118.3 1.43 FiF48 125.1 160.8 1.79 Ch66 95.0 128.9 1.46 Fi67 92.2 149.3 1.73 SAM84 121.8 139.9 1.55 FiF76 94.0 124.6 1.57 SHD78 83.4 103.6 1.29 Fi88 118.7 165.4 1.87 Tx50 104.8 111.0 1.36 Cp5 110.9 1.54 WD91 111.8 129.1 1.50 Cp16 111.7 127.5 1.45 WH58 101.9 122.9 1.55 Cp18 81.5 100.6 1.22 Cc38 90.7 110.7 1.44 Cp26 116.9 138.3 1.52



LW = lambs weaned per ewe joined (%); LB = lambs born per ewe joined (%)LS = litter size (number of lambs born per ewe lambing)Based on first 3 joinings of 1stX ewes


A1.3 Sire progeny means for lamb growth and carcase – 2ndX lambs

Sire BW WW PWW Fat EMA Sire BW WW PWW Fat EMA BL2 4.5 29.5 44.8 14.1 14.2 Cp36 4.1 27.3 41.7 15.2 14.5 BL8 4.3 28.5 43.2 15.8 14.3 Cp37 3.8 27.0 41.1 15.1 14.6 BL12 4.3 29.8 44.6 15.1 14.5 Cp65 4.1 28.3 43.0 15.3 14.5 BL13 4.3 29.6 44.1 16.3 14.3 Cp74 3.9 28.1 42.2 15.2 14.3 BL24 4.0 27.4 42.6 15.5 14.2 Cp85 4.4 30.7 45.9 14.0 14.4 BL25 4.2 28.8 43.5 14.8 14.6 WS10 4.3 28.9 42.8 14.6 14.8 BL32 4.4 28.7 43.6 14.6 14.4 WS33 4.2 28.6 42.3 14.5 14.8 BL35 4.1 26.9 41.2 15.2 14.2 WS42 4.3 29.2 43.5 14.1 14.9 BL52 4.5 28.9 43.8 14.4 14.5 WS51 4.2 29.4 43.1 14.5 15.0 BL53 4.2 28.9 43.2 15.7 14.5 WS60 4.0 28.7 42.2 15.3 14.9 BL54 4.6 29.3 44.7 14.2 14.1 WS80 4.0 28.3 42.3 14.8 14.6 BL61 4.5 28.8 43.9 14.7 14.4 WS90 4.4 29.1 43.4 15.1 15.0 BL62 4.4 28.3 44.8 15.1 14.3 Cr4 4.4 26.6 40.6 15.0 14.8 BL70 4.1 27.8 42.4 15.1 14.7 Cr11 4.5 26.7 40.5 14.8 14.4 BL71 4.4 29.4 44.1 14.8 14.4 Cr20 4.5 25.4 39.7 14.1 14.3 BL81 4.3 28.6 43.7 15.3 14.3 Cr27 4.4 28.3 41.9 14.7 14.6 BL82 4.6 28.8 44.0 14.3 14.2 Cr46 4.5 26.0 40.1 15.4 14.8 BL83 4.4 29.4 44.0 14.7 14.3 Cr64 4.3 26.3 40.1 14.5 14.8 EF6 4.4 29.3 44.3 12.7 14.5 BoL1 4.4 27.8 42.6 .0 14.7 EF19 4.3 30.6 45.2 12.9 14.7 BoL15 4.2 28.9 42.9 15.6 14.8 EF28 4.6 31.9 46.4 13.6 14.6 Bol34 3.8 26.2 40.0 16.5 14.7 EF39 4.2 28.8 43.4 13.3 14.5 BoL43 4.1 28.3 41.9 15.7 14.7 EF44 4.4 31.4 45.6 12.4 14.4 BoL55 4.3 27.9 42.2 15.8 14.5 EF45 4.6 31.6 47.2 12.1 14.2 BoL63 4.0 28.4 42.8 16.2 14.6 EF47 4.3 30.0 44.2 13.3 14.8 Hy29 4.1 26.9 41.7 15.0 14.5 EF59 4.4 31.8 47.5 12.5 14.7 Hy30 3.9 27.4 41.0 14.8 15.0 EF77 4.2 29.5 44.6 13.4 15.0 Hy75 4.0 27.7 42.1 15.3 14.9 EFP68 4.4 31.0 45.0 13.3 14.7 Hy87 4.0 27.9 42.3 15.1 14.8 EFR69 4.0 29.9 44.4 13.5 14.8 EL57 3.8 27.5 41.0 15.5 14.4 EFP89 4.2 29.0 44.3 13.4 14.5 EL73 3.6 27.5 41.4 15.4 14.3 Fi3 3.3 25.1 40.1 14.4 14.7 Gr41 3.9 27.0 41.9 14.7 14.6 Fi7 3.4 26.2 40.9 15.2 14.7 Gr86 4.0 28.7 15.1 15.1 Fi9 3.5 25.8 39.9 16.0 14.4 M56 3.9 26.4 40.2 14.6 14.2 Fi17 3.4 25.6 39.9 16.0 14.6 M72 3.8 26.5 40.7 14.5 15.1 Fi21 3.5 25.2 40.0 14.9 14.5 Ro14 3.8 27.5 41.9 13.6 14.6 Fi22 3.6 25.6 40.4 14.5 13.9 Ro49 4.3 27.1 42.1 14.9 14.4 Fi23 3.4 25.4 39.9 14.8 14.2 PD31 3.8 28.9 42.9 15.4 15.1 FL40 3.7 26.4 41.0 14.8 14.7 PD79 3.9 28.8 42.8 14.9 14.8 FiF48 3.8 27.4 42.3 14.5 14.0 Ch66 3.6 26.8 42.2 14.7 15.0 Fi67 3.5 24.8 40.5 14.8 14.3 SAM84 4.2 29.3 44.3 14.7 14.7 FiF76 3.9 28.0 42.1 14.1 14.7 SHD78 3.8 26.9 41.1 14.5 14.8 Fi88 3.6 26.1 41.0 14.9 14.5 Tx50 4.0 27.4 42.2 14.5 15.2 Cp5 4.2 27.7 42.3 15.0 14.3 WD91 4.1 30.1 44.3 15.1 14.5 Cp16 4.1 27.7 42.6 15.1 14.5 WH58 4.1 29.1 43.0 14.2 15.1 Cp18 3.9 27.8 41.9 14.4 14.4 Cc38 4.0 28.5 42.2 14.3 14.9 Cp26 3.9 27.7 41.8 14.8 14.8



BW = birth weight (kg); WW = weaning weight (kg); PWW = post-weaning weight (kg); Fat = carcase fat (mm GR); EMA =carcase eye muscle area (cm2), adjusted to 22.5 kg carcase weight.


A1.4 Sire progeny means for wool production and worm resistance of 1stX ewe hoggets and survival of 1stX lambs.

Sire CFW FD FEC SURV Sire CFW FD FEC SURV BL2 3.2 29.2 145.0 76.4 Cp36 3.8 28.1 140.4 75.4 BL8 3.4 29.4 154.9 76.3 Cp37 3.6 30.9 121.6 76.5 BL12 3.6 29.4 146.5 74.7 Cp65 3.4 29.2 78.0 76.4 BL13 3.0 27.0 202.5 77.1 Cp74 3.6 29.0 77.3 BL24 3.3 29.5 76.4 Cp85 3.4 28.0 76.7 BL25 3.4 30.8 77.1 WS10 2.7 27.2 123.1 72.9 BL32 3.6 29.8 76.6 WS33 2.8 28.5 72.9 BL35 3.4 28.5 118.8 77.6 WS42 2.4 28.9 91.1 74.2 BL52 3.2 28.2 108.3 76.5 WS51 3.0 28.8 105.9 73.6 BL53 3.1 28.7 155.0 76.5 WS60 2.9 28.2 118.6 73.1 BL54 3.4 29.2 106.1 77.1 WS80 2.8 27.4 72.2 BL61 3.2 29.3 206.6 76.4 WS90 2.6 27.7 73.3 BL62 3.3 28.2 187.4 76.6 Cr4 3.5 25.4 132.5 73.5 BL70 3.3 29.2 76.4 Cr11 3.4 23.2 142.1 73.4 BL71 3.2 29.3 77.0 Cr20 3.6 25.1 200.9 72.4 BL81 3.3 29.0 76.7 Cr27 3.6 24.2 73.1 BL82 3.3 29.1 76.7 Cr46 3.5 24.3 133.7 73.3 BL83 3.0 28.9 76.2 Cr64 3.5 25.1 207.6 72.8 EF6 3.1 27.9 136.8 69.9 BoL1 3.2 29.1 127.7 79.3 EF19 3.2 28.9 118.9 70.1 BoL15 2.7 27.3 96.5 78.4 EF28 3.2 28.5 70.1 Bol34 3.1 28.1 152.7 78.9 EF39 3.1 28.6 145.9 70.2 BoL43 2.8 26.9 131.4 78.4 EF44 3.0 27.5 156.0 69.5 BoL55 2.8 27.4 113.2 78.2 EF45 3.3 27.0 150.4 70.0 BoL63 3.1 27.6 167.0 79.1 EF47 3.3 29.0 138.8 69.2 Hy29 2.7 26.3 74.0 EF59 3.3 27.8 133.4 69.8 Hy30 2.9 26.3 74.4 EF77 3.1 28.6 70.2 Hy75 2.5 24.7 73.1 EFP68 3.2 28.2 180.4 69.3 Hy87 3.1 24.6 73.6 EFR69 3.1 28.3 116.9 70.4 EL57 3.8 28.8 126.9 73.0 EFP89 3.1 28.2 70.5 EL73 3.7 30.1 74.3 Fi3 2.7 25.0 139.2 77.1 Gr41 3.0 26.2 133.1 72.4 Fi7 2.7 23.8 144.0 76.6 Gr86 3.6 26.1 73.6 Fi9 2.6 25.0 168.3 77.4 M56 3.7 21.4 210.9 73.5 Fi17 3.0 26.2 144.8 76.6 M72 3.3 21.9 73.8 Fi21 2.8 25.3 143.5 77.3 Ro14 3.7 28.2 52.1 73.1 Fi22 2.8 23.9 76.1 Ro49 3.3 27.7 123.6 73.2 Fi23 2.7 23.1 76.9 PD31 2.8 27.0 73.9 FL40 3.2 25.4 167.2 77.0 PD79 2.6 27.8 73.7 FiF48 2.8 25.2 127.3 77.1 Ch66 3.3 27.0 40.9 73.5 Fi67 2.8 24.7 225.7 76.8 SAM84 3.1 22.2 72.6 FiF76 2.8 26.8 77.7 SHD78 2.8 27.0 73.8 Fi88 2.5 24.6 77.1 Tx50 3.1 28.7 100.1 73.7 Cp5 3.9 27.9 105.3 76.0 WD91 1.6 22.4 73.5 Cp16 3.5 29.7 148.4 78.0 WH58 2.5 29.4 87.0 74.5 Cp18 3.8 29.5 126.9 77.2 Cc38 2.9 28.7 95.0 74.6 Cp26 3.7 27.7 77.0

CFW = hogget clean fleece weight (kg); FD =hogget fibre diameter (microns); FEC =faecal worm egg count (eggs/g); SURV = 1stX lamb survival (%).


A1.5 Sire progeny means for lamb growth and carcase - 1stX lambs

Sire BW WW PWW Fat EMA Sire BW WW PWW Fat EMA BL2 4.3 22.2 38.0 14.0 13.3 Cp36 4.1 21.9 38.1 14.8 13.3 BL8 4.3 21.2 37.4 17.2 12.9 Cp37 4.1 21.0 35.3 14.8 13.5 BL12 4.2 21.8 38.2 15.1 13.4 Cp65 4.1 21.2 37.0 14.4 14.2 BL13 4.3 21.2 37.2 17.2 12.8 Cp74 4.2 20.5 35.2 13.9 13.6 BL24 4.1 21.0 38.1 15.0 13.3 Cp85 4.3 21.6 39.4 12.0 13.0 BL25 4.3 20.5 36.4 13.1 13.6 WS10 4.4 22.6 38.4 14.2 14.7 BL32 4.3 21.0 37.3 14.3 13.2 WS33 4.3 22.6 40.3 15.8 13.5 BL35 4.3 20.8 36.0 15.1 13.0 WS42 4.5 21.7 39.4 14.3 13.9 BL52 4.2 21.1 36.3 14.8 13.5 WS51 4.4 22.7 39.9 14.1 14.3 BL53 4.3 21.1 36.7 15.7 13.6 WS60 4.4 21.7 37.2 13.8 14.6 BL54 4.5 21.9 39.5 15.4 12.5 WS80 4.2 22.2 39.3 13.9 14.0 BL61 4.3 21.2 36.6 14.5 13.6 WS90 4.4 22.6 38.9 13.9 14.4 BL62 4.3 21.3 37.9 16.3 12.9 Cr4 4.3 20.0 32.3 12.0 14.6 BL70 4.4 21.9 38.6 14.9 13.2 Cr11 4.4 19.5 31.4 13.8 13.6 BL71 4.1 20.9 36.6 16.1 13.9 Cr20 4.2 19.2 33.9 13.5 13.6 BL81 4.3 21.7 37.7 17.5 12.9 Cr27 4.3 19.9 32.6 13.7 14.0 BL82 4.4 22.0 38.8 14.9 13.3 Cr46 4.3 19.3 33.9 13.8 13.3 BL83 4.4 21.8 38.2 17.0 13.0 Cr64 4.3 19.5 32.7 13.1 13.4 EF6 4.5 22.0 36.2 10.6 13.8 BoL1 4.0 20.2 36.8 16.4 13.2 EF19 4.3 22.1 39.2 10.3 12.9 BoL15 4.0 20.7 36.8 16.6 13.5 EF28 4.5 23.7 41.6 13.5 13.6 Bol34 4.0 20.1 34.5 18.2 13.9 EF39 4.6 22.5 39.1 10.7 13.2 BoL43 4.0 20.0 36.9 17.1 13.2 EF44 4.4 22.0 37.1 10.2 12.9 BoL55 4.1 20.4 36.2 16.6 13.5 EF45 4.4 22.7 39.2 10.2 13.6 BoL63 4.0 19.4 35.0 18.6 13.1 EF47 4.4 22.0 38.0 11.3 13.6 Hy29 3.9 20.3 34.1 12.6 13.8 EF59 4.5 23.3 42.2 9.7 13.3 Hy30 4.0 20.3 33.5 15.4 13.5 EF77 4.4 22.8 38.8 12.9 Hy75 4.1 20.5 35.8 15.4 14.5 EFP68 4.5 22.4 38.1 11.4 13.7 Hy87 4.0 20.7 37.4 13.8 14.2 EFR69 4.4 22.1 37.2 12.4 13.8 EL57 4.1 21.0 35.6 16.0 13.3 EFP89 4.4 22.0 38.2 10.9 14.1 EL73 4.3 21.6 38.0 13.9 13.2 Fi3 3.9 20.7 36.5 13.6 13.6 Gr41 4.2 20.1 35.0 14.8 13.2 Fi7 3.9 21.0 38.1 14.4 13.6 Gr86 4.3 21.2 36.5 14.7 14.1 Fi9 3.9 19.9 35.5 14.1 13.2 M56 4.1 19.6 31.1 12.7 13.5 Fi17 4.0 21.0 37.1 14.5 13.6 M72 4.1 20.6 34.3 12.9 12.9 Fi21 3.8 20.3 36.8 13.7 12.9 Ro14 4.4 21.2 35.8 13.3 13.8 Fi22 4.0 19.7 37.4 15.3 13.3 Ro49 4.4 21.1 37.1 13.9 13.6 Fi23 4.0 20.1 36.8 14.1 13.5 PD31 4.4 22.8 40.3 14.2 14.1 FL40 4.0 20.7 38.0 14.4 13.4 PD79 4.1 21.7 39.6 14.6 14.3 FiF48 4.2 21.0 38.3 13.5 13.4 Ch66 4.2 20.3 35.2 13.8 14.0 Fi67 4.0 20.9 38.9 14.2 13.5 SAM84 4.1 20.8 35.8 12.2 13.5 FiF76 4.1 20.8 37.1 13.4 13.1 SHD78 4.2 21.5 37.9 14.8 13.9 Fi88 3.9 20.0 36.6 13.6 13.5 Tx50 4.2 21.4 38.2 14.1 15.1 Cp5 4.3 21.6 36.7 14.8 13.4 WD91 4.2 20.5 37.0 14.2 13.6 Cp16 4.2 21.4 36.7 14.5 14.4 WH58 4.4 21.3 38.1 15.6 14.3 Cp18 4.2 20.8 35.2 14.4 13.6 Cc38 4.1 21.0 36.2 13.4 14.3 Cp26 4.2 21.6 38.0 13.3 13.7


BW = birth weight (kg); WW = weaning weight (kg); PWW = post-weaning weight (kg);

Fat = carcase fat (mm GR); EMA =carcase eye muscle area (cm2), adjusted to 22 kg carcase weight.



Matings of maternal sires at Cowra, Hamilton and Struan - 1997,1998,1999, 2000

1stX ewes - grown out 1stX wethers - slaughtered

- survival - survival

- growth - growth

- breeding season - carcase wt, fat, ema, pH, colour

- wool wt, yield, fibre diam

- faecal egg count

Terminal sires X 1stX ewes (x 3 years)

- breeding season

- lambing rate

- wool wt

2ndX lambs - slaughtered

- survival

- growth

- carcase wt, fat, ema, pH, colour

Sites and Production Systems

Cowra Agricultural Research & Advisory Station Base ewes: Merino medium wool –12 sires each year X approx 66 base ewes, March 1997,February 1998, 19991stX ewe progeny evaluation: ewes split to either autumn or spring joining systems andmated to Poll Dorset rams for 3 lambings. Autumn - first joining at 7 months (autumn 1998)Spring - first joining at 14 months (spring 1998)Final drop of 2ndX lambs slaughtered September 2003

Hamilton Pastoral & Veterinary Institute Base ewes: Merino fine wool and Corriedale – 12 sires each year X approx 70 base ewes,April 1997, March 1998, 19991stX ewe progeny evaluation: ewes joined in autumn to terminal sire rams for 3 lambings,with first joining occurring at 7 months (autumn 1998).Final drop of 2ndX lambs slaughtered May 2003

Struan Agricultural Centre / Rutherglen Research Institute Base ewes: Merino broad wool SA type – 14 sires each year X approx 70 base ewes, January 1998, 1999, 2000. The AI matings and base ewe lambings with 1stX wether progenygrown out to slaughter at Struan. The 1stX ewe progeny grown out at Struan to 10-12 months and transferred to Rutherglen for maternal evaluation.1stX ewe progeny evaluation: ewes joined in spring/summer to White Suffolk rams, with firstjoining at 18 months (spring 1999).Final drop of 2ndX lambs slaughtered November 2004

Link Sires Three link sires were used at each site in each year. The links included a Border Leicester (Kelso, BL12), Coopworth (Oaklea, Cp5) and Finnsheep (Warrayure, Fi7) as a broad representation of the genotypes being tested in the project.



Year Site Sire Code Tag Stud 1997 Cowra BoL1 920047 Struan

BL2 950137 JohnosFi3 940001 YambaCr4 940364 MalukaCp5* 940449 OakleaEF6 94B021 SilverstreamFi7* 930057 WarrayureBL8 950181 InverbrackieFi9 935010 WarrayureWS10 910058 LeahcimCr11 930097 CooraBL12* 94S291 Kelso

Breed Entrant Phone No. Booroola Leicester PIRSA 08 8762 9100 Border Leicester NW & JI Johnson 08 8756 6053 Finnsheep M & L Burns 03 5798 1583 Corriedale P Secker 02 4848 1244 Coopworth DW & IA Peglar 08 8738 9291 East Friesian A. Baillieu 03 5597 6598 Finnsheep GM & MA Wake 03 5574 1254 Border Leicester CE & LJ Arney 08 8536 0031 Finnsheep Knight & Bottcher 03 5578 7250 White Suffolk AWSA/Michael 08 8865 2085 Corriedale Coora Partnership 02 4848 1244 Border Leicester GB Starritt & Son 03 5829 0144

at each site each year

i i* L nk s res used

1997 Hamilton BL13 950246 InverbrackieRo14 930146 ClaymourBoL15 924287 StruanCp16 930069 NarramblaFi17 950054 GippfinnCp18 940421 OakleaEF19 94B026 SilverstreamCr20 880491 StanburyFi21 960002 UNSW

Border Leicester CE & LJ Arney 08 8536 0031 Romney Rouch & Gillman 03 5727 1552 Booroola Leicester PIRSA 08 8762 9100 Coopworth D Wigan 03 5577 2321 Finnsheep S & D Jones 03 5122 3328 Coopworth J Keiller 03 5526 5248 East Friesian A. Baillieu 03 5597 6598 Corriedale Cole & Risbey 03 5593 9278 Finnsheep S & D Jones 03 5122 3328

1998 Struan Fi22 890049 ATCFi23 930049 TambarooraBL24 960346 GleneithBL25 960188 JohnosCp26 960210 OakleaCr27 921586 CooraEF28 960133 SilverstreamHy29 960028 CowraHy30 960128 CowraPD31 960110 WyndamahBL32 95T138 KelsoWS33 951470 Galaxy Park

Finnsheep Jaydee Stud 08 8764 2065 Finnsheep Jaydee Stud 08 8764 2065 Border Leicester CE & LJ Arney 08 8536 0031 Border Leicester NW & JI Johnson 08 8756 6053 Coopworth DW & IA Peglar 08 8738 9291 Corriedale Coora Partnership 03 5578 6267 East Friesian A. Baillieu 03 5597 6598 Hyfer NSW DPI 02 6391 3813 Hyfer NSW DPI 02 6391 3813 Poll Dorset GJ & BJ Oxley 03 5037 2355 Border Leicester GB Starritt & Son 03 5829 0144 White Suffolk AWSA/Gale 08 8210 5230

1998 Cowra BoL34 950029 Caveton ParkBL35 940765 RetallackCp36 960067 NarramblaCp37 940274 NarramblaCc38 960621 CorongaEF39 94B040 SilverstreamFL40 941016 WycombeGr41 955551 YangooraWS42 940069 Leahcim

Booroola Leicester PIRSA 08 8762 9100 Border Leicester BLA(NSW)/Grinter 02 6974 1153 Coopworth RJ & PH Lane 02 6362 7115 Coopworth RJ & PH Lane 02 6362 7115 Coronga Composite Premier Breed. Tech 02 6365 8207 East Friesian A. Baillieu 03 5597 6598 Finn x Leicester R & L Coddington 02 6775 5225 Gromark Yangoora Gromarks 02 6383 3254 White Suffolk AWSA/Michael 08 8865 2085

1998 Hamilton BoL43 960322 StruanEF44 960026 SilverstreamEF45 94B019 GlenspeanCr46 950161 GundowringaEF47 950509 SilverstreamFiF48 960086 GippfinnRo49 920089 EvergreenTx50 949002 CoolanaWS51 900429 Galaxy Park

Booroola Leicester PIRSA 08 8762 9100 East Friesian A. Baillieu 03 5597 6598 East Friesian S & J Cameron 03 5286 1455 Corriedale HJ & CJ Prell 02 4848 1244 East Friesian A. Baillieu 03 5597 6598 Finn x Friesian S & D Jones 03 5122 3328 Romney C Duncombe 03 5264 5170 Texel Coolana Rural 03 5350 5531 White Suffolk AWSA/Gale 08 8210 5230

1999 Cowra BL52 920070 KegraBL53 960102 InverbrackieBL54 970030 JohnosBoL55 950203 StruanM56 890183 Centre PlusEL57 960043 Ostlers HillWH58 960505 Clifton HillsEF59 970100 SilverstreamWS60 974842 Linden Genetics

Border Leicester BLA(NSW)/Golder 02 6977 1339 Border Leicester CE & LJ Arney 08 8536 0031 Border Leicester NW & JI Johnson 08 8756 6053 Booroola Leicester PIRSA 08 8762 9100 Merino L Mortimer & Sons 02 6892 8259 English Leicester ELAssoc/Stephenson 03 5764 1298 Wiltshire Horn AWHSBA/Ballantyne 03 5145 8225 East Friesian A. Baillieu 03 5597 6598 PLG White Suffolk Linden Genetics 02 6386 2020

1999 Hamilton BL61 970188 WongajongBL62 98X050 KelsoBoL63 950160 StruanCr64 910415 CoolanaCp65 978431 Cashmore ParkCh66 910L92 Grand RidgeFi67 960085 GippfinnEFP68 981019 YollomEFR69 970175 Price

Border Leicester AD & CM Wilson 02 5882 3338 Border Leicester GB Starrttt & Son 03 5829 0144 Booroola Leicester PIRSA 08 8762 9100 Corriedale PG Munro 03 5575 3240 Coopworth J Keiller 03 5526 5248 Cheviot RN Waddell 03 5626 4244 Finnsheep S & D Jones 03 5122 3328 East Friesian x Perendale MF & ML Molloy 03 5596 2077 East Friesian x Romney EJ & KJ Price 03 5527 1110

1999 Struan BL70 970310 JohnosBL71 97W290 KelsoM72 930051 Merinotech Mid EL73 950T82 KoenarlCp74 970101 OakleaHy75 960215 CowraFiF76 960132 GippfinnEF77 960136 SilverstreamSHD78 970155 TaurangaPD79 970101 WyndamahWS80 970172 Koonawarra

Border Leicester NW & JI Johnson 08 8756 6053 Border Leicester GB Starritt & Son 03 5829 0144 Merino Merinotech Mid North 08 8665 4019 English Leicester CR Taylor 03 5595 0272 Coopworth DW & IA Peglar 08 8738 9291 Hyfer NSW DPI 02 6391 3813 Finn Friesian S & D Jones 03 5122 3328 East Friesian A. Baillieu 03 5597 6598 South Hampshire Down S & M Macmillan 03 5596 2251 Poll Dorset GJ & BJ Oxley 03 5037 2355 White Suffolk AWSA 08 8210 5211

2000 Struan BL81 960327 MortonBL82 980260 JohnosBL83 980085 JohnosSAM84 980046 JeancourtCp85 980091 OakleaGr86 980144 YangooraHy87 940278 CowraFi88 538 GippfinnEFP89 981071 YollomWS90 960513 Langley HeightsWD91 990906 Axis

Border Leicester JD & CM Corbin 08 8765 8058 Border Leicester NW & JI Johnson 08 8756 6053 Border Leicester NW & JI Johnson 08 8756 6053 SAMM W & M Heddle 08 8271 7080 Coopworth DW & IA Peglar 08 8738 9291 Gromark Yangoora Gromarks 02 6383 3254 Hyfer NSW DPI 02 6391 3813 Finn S & D Jones 03 5122 3328 East Friesian x Perendale Karioi Seed Stock/Udy 03 5597 6621 White Suffolk AWSA 08 8210 5211 White Dorper B & L Mawson 08 8537 0615


APPENDIX A4. Publications A4.1 Scientific

Fogarty, N.M., Cummins, L., Stafford, J., Gaunt, G. and Banks, R. (1999). Benchmarking maternal genetics in the lamb industry. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics 13: 78-81.

Fogarty, N.M., Cummins, L., Stafford, J., Gaunt, G. and Banks, R. (2000). Opportunities for improvement of maternal performance in the lamb industry. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science 13 Supp July A:309-311.

Cummins, L. and Behrendt, R. (2000). Wool quality attributes of young crossbred ewes. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science 13 Supp July C: 119.

Morgan, J., Fogarty, N. and Nicol, H. (2000). Oxytocin administration and its effect on ewe milk composition. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science 13 Supp July C:206-208.

Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Responding to the challenge - production systems. In D.G. Hall. Opportunities for Meat from Lambs and Goats in Australia. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science 13 Supp July B:91-101.

Fogarty, N.M., Cummins, L.J., Gaunt, G., Hocking-Edwards, J., Edwards, N., Lees, K. and Morgan, J. (2001). Opportunities to exploit genetic variation among maternal sires in the lamb industry. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics 14: 123-126.

Fogarty, N.M., Morgan, J.E. and Lees, K. (2001). Sire x season interactions for lambing performance of crossbred ewes. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics 14: 127-130.

Fogarty, N.M., Cummins, L.J., Gaunt, G., Hocking-Edwards, J., Edwards, N., Lees, K. and Morgan, J. (2001). Progeny testing shows considerable genetic variation among maternal sires. Wool Technology and Sheep Breeding 49 (4): 272-277.

Fogarty, N.M., Cummins, L.J., Gaunt, G., Hocking-Edwards, J., Edwards, N. (2002). Progeny testing maternal sires in the Australian lamb industry. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Montpellier, France. Aug. CD ROM Communication No. 02-04. (29, 449-452).

Cummins, L.J., Fogarty, N.M., Hocking Edwards, J., Edwards, N., Stafford, J., and Gaunt, G. (2002). The economic return from first cross ewes is dependant on the genetic value of their sire. Wool Technology and Sheep Breeding 50 (4), 602 –607.

Fogarty, N.M., McLeod, L.J. and Morgan, J.E. (2003). Variation among crossbred ewes in lamb productivity and profit on a feed unit basis. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics 15: 314-317.

A4.2 Scientific – in preparation

Fogarty, NM, Ingham, VM, Gilmour, AR, Cummins, LJ, Gaunt, GM, Stafford, J, Hocking Edwards, JE and Banks, R.G (2005). Genetic evaluation of crossbred lamb production. 1. Breed and fixed effects for birth and weaning weight of first cross lambs, gestation length and reproduction of base ewes. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, (submitted)

Fogarty, NM, Ingham, VM, Gilmour, AR, Cummins, LJ, Gaunt, GM, Stafford, J and Hocking Edwards, JE (2005). Genetic evaluation of crossbred lamb production. 2. Breed and fixed effects for post-weaning growth, carcass and wool of first cross lambs. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, (submitted)

Morgan, JE, (2004). Milk Production Studies of Crossbred Ewes Managed for Commercial Lamb Production. MRurSc thesis, University of New England (submitted)

Fogarty, NM, Ingham, VM, Cummins, LJ and Gaunt, GM (2005). Variation among maternal sires for lamb and wool gross margin performance of their crossbred daughters. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics 16, (in preparation)

Ingham, VM, Fogarty, NM, Brown, DB, Cummins, LJ, Gaunt, GM, Stafford, J. and Hocking Edwards, JE (2005). Relationship between ram breeding values and post-weaning weight of their crossbred progeny. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics 16, (in preparation)

Morgan, JE, Fogarty, NM, Nielsen, S., Gilmour, AR (2005). The effects of ewe age on milk production and milk composition of crossbred ewes. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics 16, (in preparation)


Ingham, VM, Fogarty, NM, Gilmour, AR, Cummins, LJ, Gaunt, GM, Stafford, J., Hocking Edwards, JE (2005). Genetic evaluation of crossbred lamb production. 3. Genetic parameters for first cross animal performance. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, (in preparation)

Morgan, JE, Fogarty, NM, Nielsen, S., Gilmour, AR (2005). Milk yield and milk composition of crossbred ewes. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, (in preparation)

Morgan, JE, Fogarty, NM, Nielsen, S., Gilmour, AR (2005). The relationship between milk production of crossbred ewes and growth rate of their lambs. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 45, (in preparation)

Ingham, VM, Fogarty, NM, Brown, DB, Cummins, LJ, Gaunt, GM, Stafford, J. and Hocking Edwards, JE (2005). Correlation between purebred breeding values and crossbred progeny performance for meat traits. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, (in preparation)

Ingham, VM, Fogarty, NM, Gilmour, AR, Cummins, LJ, Gaunt, GM, Stafford, J. and Hocking, NJ (2005). Genetic evaluation of crossbred lamb production. 4. Age of puberty and lambing performance of yearling first cross ewes. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, (in preparation)

Fogarty, NM, Ingham, VM, Gilmour, AR, Cummins, LJ and Gaunt, GM (2005). Genetic evaluation of crossbred lamb production. 5. Lambing performance of first cross ewes. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, (in preparation)

Fogarty, NM, Ingham, VM, Gilmour, AR, Cummins, LJ, Gaunt, GM and Pollard, T. (2005). Genetic evaluation of crossbred lamb production. 6. Growth and carcass performance of second cross lambs. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56,( in preparation)

Ingham, VM, Fogarty, NM, Gilmour, AR, Cummins, LJ and Gaunt, GM (2005). Genetic evaluation of crossbred lamb production. 7. Genetic parameters for first cross ewe reproduction and second cross lamb growth and carcass traits. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, (in preparation)

A4.3 Technical Conference, Reports, Lectures

Fogarty, N. (1997). Maternal Sire Central Progeny Test (MCPT). Proceedings Wool and Sheepmeat Services Annual Conference, October, Orange. Pp. 34-5.

Fogarty, N. (1998). LAMB.325 Maternal Sire Central Progeny Test - improving lamb maternal genetics. Field Trip Booklet, 13th Annual Grasslands Society Conference. July, Orange pp 11­15.

Fogarty, N.M. (1998). Lamb industry profitability: getting the most from genetics. PDO Workshop, MLA, Sydney, September pp6.

Fogarty, Neal. (1998). Opportunities for maternal sector improvement. Proceedings Wool and Sheepmeat Services Annual Conference, October, Yanco. Pp 135-139.

Fogarty, N. M., Morgan, J. and Lees, K. (1999). Which maternal sire makes the $ difference? Proceedings Wool and Sheepmeat Services Annual Conference, November, Armidale. Pp. 121-124.

Brien, F.D., Graham, J.F., Cummins, L.J., Clarke, A.J. and Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Improving genetic evaluation in the beef and lamb industries in southern Australia. Proceedings of the European Association of Animal Production, The Hague, August (Abstract) p 36.

Cummins, L (2000). Valuing first cross ewes. Poster 1-2 at AV Animal Industries Group Conference, May

Cummins, L. J. and Fogarty, N. M. (2000). Breed and Sire Effects on the Fertility of Seven-Month-Old Crossbred Ewes. Proceedings of the 5th International Sheep Veterinary Congress, South Africa, January (Abstract)

Cummins, L. J., Fogarty, N. M., Stafford, J. and Gaunt, G. (2001). Improved lamb production from better crossbred ewes. Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Conference Melbourne, May

Hocking-Edwards, J., Edwards, N., Stafford, J. and Gaunt, G. (2001). Prime lamb producers – which maternal breed is best?. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Grassland Society of Victoria 42: 169-170.

Fogarty, N.M. (2001). Successful meatsheep enterprises in the 21st century. Proceedings Wool and Sheepmeat Services Annual Conference, November, Orange. Pp. 77-86.

Fogarty, N.M., Cummins, L.J., Gaunt, G., Hocking Edwards, J. and Edwards, N. (2001). Maternal sire genotype evaluation (MCPT). Final Report to Meat and Livestock Australia for Project LAMB.325. (Sept, NSW Agriculture, Orange).

Fogarty, N.M. (2002). Maternal Central Progeny Test (MCPT): Crossbred Ewes aren’t all equal. In Maternal Genetics Workshop, Meat and Livestock Australia, Adelaide Sept. pp12.


Gaunt, G. (2002). Breed resources. In Maternal Genetics Workshop, Meat and Livestock Australia, Adelaide Sept. pp15.

Cummins, L. (2002). The economic return from first-cross ewes is dependent on the genetic value of their sire. Wool Industry Science and Technology Conference, Hamilton, October

Fogarty, N.M. (2002). Scope for improved meat production from Merinos. Proceedings Wool and Sheepmeat Services Annual Conference, December, Tocal. pp

Cummins, L.J. (2004). Intensifying prime lamb production. Proceedings of the Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science – Sheep Medicine, Sydney University

Fogarty, N.M. (2004). Using genetics to improve lamb growth and meet target carcass specifications. Lecture in “Wool 412/512 Sheep Production”, School of Rural Science and Agriculture, University of New England, Armidale. Pp. 15.1-19.

Fogarty, N.M. (2004). Meeting lamb market specs from crossbred ewes. In Agribusiness Sheep Updates 2004, Ed. S. Shaw, Department of Agriculture Western Australia, 27-28 July, Perth WA, p.29-30.

A4.4 Advisory

Fogarty, N.M. (1997). Maternal sire progeny test. Muster No. 38 p.24. January. Fogarty, N.M. (1997). MRC supports new lamb Maternal Sire Project. Sheepmeat Beat 4(9) 21

February 1997. Fogarty, N.M. (1997). Editor: LAMB - MATERNAL Newsletter. No. 1. May. Fogarty, N.M. (1997). Maternal genetic improvement. LAMB - MATERNAL Newsletter. May No. 1.

pp.5-6. Fogarty, N.M. (1997). Maternal Sire Progeny Tests - up and running. Sheepmeat Beat. 4(15) 16 May.

p.2. Fogarty, N.M. (1997). Maternal sire progeny test - up and running. Muster No.39, June 8-11. Fogarty, N.M. (1997). Maternal sire evaluation - foetal scanning of ewes. Sheepmeat Beat 4(17) 13

June. p.2. Fogarty, N.M. (1997). Maternal Sire progeny tests. AAABG News, July p5. Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (1997). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.2. Sept. Fogarty, N. (1997). Mother knows best - maternal reproduction and genetics. In "Performance Pays ­

Dynamic Dams & Superior Sires" Rutherglen Sept. pp.21-25. Fogarty, N.M. (1997) Maternal sire CPT - Weaning report. Sheepmeat Beat 5(3), 28th Nov. Fogarty, N.M. (1997). Maternal sire central progeny test (MCPT). LAMBPLAN Newsletter, December

6,4. Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (1998). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.3. March. Pp 10. Fogarty, N.M. (1998). Maternal sire progeny testing - improving maternal genetics. Cowra Lamb

Forum Notes. March, NSW Agriculture pp4. Fogarty, N. (1998). What is MCPT?. Sheepmeat Beat 5(11), 20th March.pp 1-3. Fogarty, N. (1998). LAMB.325 Maternal Sire Central Progeny Test, Cowra Report May. Sheepmeat

Beat 5(17), 12th June.pp 7-8. Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (1998).1998 MCPT matings. The Muster No. 42 May, pp 4-7. Fogarty, N. (1998). Maternal Sire Central Progeny Test. Sheepmeat Beat 5(18), 26th June.pp 2-4. Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (1998). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.4. July. Pp 14. Fogarty, N.M. (1998).1stX meat EBVs - 1997 MCPT Sires. Dynamic Dams July 4,1-3. Fogarty, N.M. (1998). Contract mating - control your genetics. Dynamic Dams July 4,10. Fogarty, N. (1998). Maternal Sire Central Progeny Test - 1stX Meat EBVs. The Muster No. 43 August,

pp 12-13. Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (1998). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.5. September. Pp 9. Fogarty, N. (1998). MCPT Update: Cowra. Dynamic Dams September 5,4-5. Fogarty, N.M. (1998). Breeding options to make the most of your lamb enterprise. Field Day Notes

Meat from Finewool Sheep Tullamore, September. Fogarty, N. (1998). Maternal Sire Central Progeny Test (MCPT): What does it offer Border Leicester

breeders? Australian Border Leicester Association, AGM & Workshop. Echuca, October pp5. Fogarty, N.M. (1998). Opportunities for maternal sector improvement in the lamb industry. Sheepmeat

Beat 6(1), 30th October pp 4-5.


Fogarty, N.M. (1998). Lamb industry profitability: getting the most from genetics. The Muster No. 44 December, pp 8-9.

Casburn, G. and Fogarty, N.M. (1998). Improving lambing rate with good management. The Muster No. 44 December, pp 10-11.

Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (1998). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter No.6. December. Pp 8.

Fogarty, N. (1999). Dynamic Dams: are you getting the lamb advantage? Manildra Agricultural Bureau, February pp5.

Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (1999). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter No.7.March. Pp 6.

Thatcher, Laurie (1999). Place of maternal sire testing in lamb consistency program. In “Capitalising on the best genetics in prime lamb dams” Dynamic Dams Field Day, Struan, March, pp1-5.

Stafford, John (1999). The valuation of maternal sires. In “Capitalising on the best genetics in prime lamb dams” Dynamic Dams Field Day, Struan, March, pp 6-14.

Hancock, Bruce (1999). Defining the problems in marketing for crossbred ewes. In “Capitalising on the best genetics in prime lamb dams” Dynamic Dams Field Day, Struan, March, pp 15-17.

Keiller, John (1999). Buying first cross ewes - the problem from the ewe buyer perspective. In “Capitalising on the best genetics in prime lamb dams” Dynamic Dams Field Day, Struan, March, pp18-19.

Stafford, John. (1999). The progeny test - what will it show? In “Capitalising on the best genetics in prime lamb dams” Dynamic Dams Field Day, Struan, March, pp20-21, 25-33.

Cummins, Leo. (1999). Maternal central progeny testing. In “Capitalising on the best genetics in prime lamb dams” Dynamic Dams Field Day, Struan, March, pp 22-24.

Joseph, Kate. (1999). Developing an alliance for sourcing better crossbred ewes. In “Capitalising on the best genetics in prime lamb dams” Dynamic Dams Field Day, Struan, March, pp 36-38.

Fogarty, N. (1999). Which sire produces the best first cross ewes? Cowra Lamb Field Day Notes. April pp. 1-5.

Morgan, J. (1999). Milk production studies. Cowra Lamb Field Day Notes. April p 6. Lees, K. (1999). Worm resistance and DNA studies. Cowra Lamb Field Day Notes. April pp. 7-8. White, A. (1999). How to breed better prime lamb dams. Cowra Lamb Field Day Notes. April p 11. Fogarty, N. (1999). What is the best first cross ewe? The Muster No. 45 May, pp 6-7. Fogarty, N. (1999). Making the most of Mum’s genes. Australian Farm Journal Wool. May pp. 18-19. Anon. (1999). Testing maternal sires where it counts. Feedback July p.6. Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (1999). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.8.August. Pp 12. Fogarty, N. (1999). Sire makes big difference in 1st-cross ewe performance. Poll Dorset Journal 29 (2):

63. September.Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (1999). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.9. December. Pp 12. Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (2000). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.10. April. Pp 10. Fogarty, Neal. (2000). How much $ difference does the sire of crossbred ewes make? Cowra Lamb

Forum 2000: Notes. May pp. 2-6. Fogarty, Neal. (2000). The sire of crossbred ewes makes a $ difference. The Muster No. 48 May, pp

14-15. Morgan, Jayce. (2000). Milk production of 1stX ewes. Cowra Lamb Forum 2000: Notes. May p.7. Lees, Kelly. (2000). Worm resistance of 1stX ewes. Cowra Lamb Forum 2000: Notes. May p.8. Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Increasing returns from meat in Merino breeding enterprises. In Merinos for the

New Millennium, Trangie, June, pp32-5. Fogarty, N.M. (2000). More money from crossbred ewes. Ovine Observer No 11 June pp1-3. Fogarty, N.M. (2000). The Border Leicester and MCPT results. Proceedings $uperBorder$

Conference, Temora, June pp3. Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Selecting the best Border Leicester rams for crossing. In 2000 Border Leicester

Sheep Breeders Directory, Australian Border Leicester Association Inc. Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Meat from Merinos. Riverina Merino Field Days Booklet. September Thatcher, Laurie. (2000). Controlling Maternal Genetics. Australian Farm Journal, August pp 67-70. Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Making more $ from crossbred ewes. Agriculture Today, Sept. Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (2000). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.11. August. Pp 14. Fogarty, N.M. (2000). More $ from crossbred ewes. Dynamic Dams No. 11 pp. 4-5.


Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Meat Options for Merino Breeders. Centre Plus Field Day Notes, Tullamore, October

Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Prime lamb dams in the spotlight. FEEDBACK August pp25-26. Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Selecting the best Finnsheep rams for crossing. Australian Finnsheep

Association Newsletter White, A. and Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Merinos for meat production. Condobolin Field Day Notes.

October. Fogarty, N.M. (2000). Mum affects lamb carcasses too! The Muster No. 50 December, p 18. Gaunt, G.M (2000). Better Mums – More Lambs – More Money! Marksman News, Spring 2000 Gaunt, G.M (2000). Value of Improving Prime Lamb Dams: Maternal Central Progeny Testing

(MCPT), Agriculture Victoria – Rutherglen Annual Spring Field Day notes, October. Gaunt, G.M (2000). Maternal Central Progeny Testing. Annual Report 1999-2000. Agriculture

Victoria, Rutherglen Research Institute pp. 19-20. Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (2000). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.12. December. Pp 10. Cummins, L. (2000). What are first cross ewes worth? The Muster No. 50 December, p 6-7. Cummins, L. (2001). Breeding from ewe lambs. Marksman News, Summer 2001 10(4) Fogarty, N.M. and Lees, K. (2001). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.13. April. Pp 10. Fogarty, N.M. (2001). Top crossbred ewes returned $105 more per ewe. Dynamic Dams No. 13 pp. 1­

2. Hocking-Edwards, J., Edwards, N., Stafford, J. and Gaunt, G. (2001). Maternal Central Progeny Test –

which maternal breed is best?. Proceedings of the Prime Lamb Expo (Growing profit through quality) April, Mt Gambier. pp. 36-37.

Fogarty, N.M. (2001). Top crossbred ewes returned $105 more per ewe. The Muster No. 51 May, p 6­7.

Cummins, L. (2001). Breeding from ewe lambs. The Muster No. 51 May, p 12. Fogarty, N.M. (2001). Making more dollars from maternal genetics. In New Breeding Technologies for

Sheep Farmers - Proceedings of Sheep Farmer Conferences in assoc with AAABG. July/Aug, Lincoln, Telford, Palmerston North: New Zealand, pp 24-27.

Gaunt, G.M. (2001) Dynamic Dams for Targeted Markets. Marksman News, Winter 2001 Anon (2001) Maternal sires central progeny test. LAMBPLAN Newsletter, Winter 2001 p10. Gaunt, G.M (2001) Maternal Central Progeny Testing, 2001 Results. Lamb and Goat Field Day,

Agriculture Victoria- Rutherglen, September Fogarty, N.M. (2001) Maternal genetics: More, heavier lambs from good mothers. Agriculture Today,

Sept. p 15. Fogarty, N.M. (2001). Ed. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter No.14. November.

Pp 18. Fogarty, N.M. (2001). Where will the lambs come from in 2010? Dynamic Dams No. 14 pp. 4-5. Fogarty, N.M. (2001). Where will the lambs come from in 2010? The Muster No. 53 December, p 18­

19. Fogarty, Neal. (2002). Identify target traits before selecting sires. Farming Ahead No. 122, February,

pp 62-64. Hocking Edwards, Janelle and Edwards, Nick (2002). Which maternal breed is best for prime lambs?

Farming Ahead No. 122, February, p 64. Fogarty, N.M. and McLeod, L. (2002). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.15. March. Pp10 . Fogarty, N.M. (2002). The Lamb Revolution The Muster No. 54 May, p 4-5. Fogarty, N.M. (2002). Lamb Supply in 2010? Sheepmeat Council of Australia Quarterly Newsletter

Edition #1, April p4. Fogarty, N.M. (2002). Crossbred ewes aren’t all equal. AgNote DAI-263, NSW Agriculture, Orange,

April, Agdex 431/33. Fogarty, N.M. (2002). Merino breeding: Meat adds $. In Trangie QPLU$ Merinos – Open Day 2002

Ed. B.A. Bartlett, NSW Agriculture, Orange, May pp 36-39. Gaunt, Gervaise (2002). How much is too much for a prime lamb dam? Marksman News, Winter 2002 Fogarty, N.M. (2002). The Lamb Revolution. Agriculture Today, June p18. Fogarty, N.M. and McLeod, L. (2002). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.16. June. Pp 8. Anon. (2002). Time to focus on meat traits in the Merino. Agriculture Today, July p12. Anon. (2002). Spotlight on genetic potential of ewe flock. FEEDBACK July p16.


Anon. (2002). Balancing maternal genetics with carcass traits. FEEDBACK July p17. Anon. (2002). Growing more meat with less feed. FEEDBACK July p10. Gaunt G and Das S (2002) What is a ewe worth to you?, Mallee Ag. News, July 2002 Fogarty, N.M. (2002). Making the most of lamb $$$. Manildra Agricultural Bureau Notes, Sept Gaunt, Gervaise (2002). What is a ewe worth to you? The Muster No. 55 August, p 8-9. Gaunt, G (2002) Contract Mating: the key to obtaining the “best” prime lamb genetics. Marksman

Newsletter, Spring 2002 Fogarty, N.M. and McLeod, L. (2002). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.17. November. Pp 12. Fogarty, N.M. (2002). Meat, genetics and the Merino. The Muster No. 56 December, p 6-7. Gaunt, G (2002) Contract Mating: A tool for obtaining superior prime lamb dams. The Muster No. 56

December, p 20-21. Anon. (2002). Feed efficiency EBVs determined for sheep. FEEDBACK Nov/Dec p10. Fogarty, N.M. (2003). MCPT and implications for White Suffolk breeders. Australian White Suffolk

Association National Conference Notes, Orange, February, pp2. Anon (2003) Snapshot of the Maternal Central Progeny Test Project. DPI Meat Newsletter (Vic),

Jan/Feb p2. Cummins, L. (2003). Breeding from ewe lambs. Ovine Observer No. 22 March p 9-10. Fogarty, N.M. and McLeod, L. (2003). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.18. March. Pp 8. Fogarty, N.M. (2003). Second cross ewe lambs can be a prime lamb dam alternative. Australian Farm

Journal June pp 30-33. Anon (2003) Getting best performance from the breeding ewe. Prograzier Fogarty, N.M. (2003). MCPT and implications for Border Leicester breeders. Proceedings

$uperBorder$ Annual Workshop, Cowra, June, pp2. Fogarty, N.M. (2003). Crossbred ewes aren’t all equal. Prime Target - Kangaroo Island Lamb

Producers Group Newsletter Winter # 11, p4. Fogarty, N.M. and McLeod, L. (2003). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.19. June. Pp 8. Fogarty, N.M. (2003).The lamb challenge and meat options for Merino breeders. In Merinos, Microns,

Meat and Management South West Slopes Merino Breeders Seminar, Young, 30 July, p 13­16.

Fogarty, N.M. (2003). Breeding from second cross ewe lambs. The Muster No. 58 August, p. 20-21. Fogarty, N.M. (2003). Maternal genetics and reproduction. In Notes Lamb Production Focus Temora

Agricultural Bureau, Temora, 14 August pp2. Fogarty, N.M. (2003).The lamb challenge – maternal genetics. In Increasing Profitability through

Maternal Genetics Kangaroo Island Prime Lamb Producers Maternal Workshop, Parndana, 28 August p 1-5.

Anon. (2003). Tapping into maternal genetics. Tips and Tools, Meat and Livestock Australia, Sydney Fogarty, N.M. (2003). Breed from selected second cross ewes. Agriculture Today, August p14. Anon. (2003). Ewes make all the difference. Agriculture Today, November p. 19. Fogarty, N.M. (2003).Profitable crossbred ewes – Genetics counts. Cowra AR&AS Centenary Field

Day Notes Cowra, 6 November, 4 pp. Fogarty, N.M. and McLeod, L. (2003). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.20. November. Pp 12. Fogarty, N.M. (2003). Maternal sire EBVs – how much are they worth? The Muster No. 59 December,

p8-9. Anon. (2004). Money Making Mums. FEEDBACK March p11. Fogarty, N.M. and McLeod, L. (2004). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.21. March. Pp 12. Fogarty, N.M. (2004). Second-cross ewes fill breeding void. Farming Ahead No. 147, April, p. 64-65. Gaunt, G (2004) Grandparents are important!. Marksman Newsletter, Autumn 2004, p 2-6. Fogarty, N.M. (2004). Profitable crossbred ewes – Genetics counts. The Muster No. 60 May, p.34-37. Fogarty, N.M. and McLeod, L. (2004). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.22. June. Pp 8. Fogarty, N.M. (2004). Merino genes pave the way for meatier lambs. Farming Ahead No. 150, July,

60-62. Anon. (2004). Crossbred ewes depend on sires for performance. Agriculture Today, 29 July p. 18.


Fogarty, N.M. (2004). Meeting lamb market specs from crossbred ewes. In NAR Regional Sheep Updates 2004 Ed R. Horne, Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Geraldton, 3-4 August, p 14-15.

Fogarty, N.M. (2004). Crossbred ewes make for better offspring. Farming Ahead No. 151, August, p 59-60.

Fogarty, N.M. and Ingham, V. (2004). What are the differences between maternal sire breeds? The Muster No. 61 August, p 7-12.

Gaunt, G. (2004). MCPT Update Rutherglen. The Muster No. 61 August, p 13 - 14. Fogarty, N.M. and McLeod, L. (2004). Eds. Dynamic Dams - Ewe genetics for the future - Newsletter

No.23. October. Pp 16.

A4.5 Electronic

Prime Notes: CD-ROM. “Maternal Sires Central Progeny Test” QDPI Internet site: Software: EBV $ Calculator for Maternal Sires (N Fogarty & L McLeod)



Meat and Livestock Australia provided financial support for this project as outlined in Section 10. Dr Rob Banks was closely involved with the design and management of the project through his earlier role as Manager LAMBPLAN and was the Project Co-ordinator for MLA from 2001. Laurie Thatcher was the Project Co-ordinator for MLA prior to 2001. Dr Alex Ball and Richard Apps through LAMBPLAN have been involved in recent years.

The Australian Government through The Australian Sheep Industry Cooperative Research Centre also provided financial support together with NSW Department of Primary Industries that assisted with the analysis of the results.

The two state Departments have provided considerable support to the project with resources and staff at the various sites.

NSW Department of Primary Industries - Dr David Hopkins and Dr Arthur Gilmour contributed to the design. Considerable expertise and technical support has been provided by Kelly Lees, Tony Markham, Ashley Radburn, David Stanley, Sharon Nielsen and Dr Alex Safari, as well as the Managers and other staff at Cowra and Orange Agricultural Institute. Dr Peter Holst provided valuable advice for the milking studies.

Department of Primary Industries Victoria – Hamilton – Dr Leo Cummins managed the Hamilton site and had considerable input into the project until his retirement in 2002. Trevor Pollard managed the project at Hamilton from 2002. Kerrie Groves and Murray Arnold have provided considerable technical support, with additional support from Roger Thompson, Alison Behrend, Victoria Condon, Michelle Carter, Brian Hurley, Phil Forsyth, and Brian Clark.

Department of Primary Industries Victoria – Rutherglen - Philip Kenney was involved in the early planning prior to his retirement in 1997. Greg Seymour, Paul Curran, Taffy Phillips, Max Daniel and Angela Avery have provided considerable technical and management support, together with other staff at Rutherglen.

Primary Industries South Australia and the South Australian Research and Development Institute ran a site during the first phase of the project at Struan (1998 – 2001). This site was managed initially by John Stafford until his retirement in August 2000 and subsequently by Dr Janelle Hocking Edwards and Dr Nick Edwards. Jack Rowe, Tamara Starbuck, Liz Abraham and Elke Hocking have provided considerable technical support, together with other staff John Cooper, Colin Windebank and Shane Walker

The Technical Transfer Advisory Group (TTAG) is thanked for their support and ongoing advice. The TTAG was convened by Laurie Thatcher and the members were Don Peglar, Lynton Arney, John Keiller, Charlie Prell, Robert Mortimer and Sandy Cameron.

We also wish to thank the managers and staffs of the abattoirs and meat processors for their cooperation and assistance in the lamb slaughters and carcass measurements over the several years of the project. These include Cowra Abattoir P/L, Tatiara Meat Company, Coles, Gundagai Meat Processors, Colac Abattoirs, Penny and Laing, Scotsdale Meats, Norvic and Hills of Darling.

Finally the breeders who entered sheep are thanked for making the MCPT possible by their enthusiasm and commitment to genetic improvement in the maternal sector of the lamb industry. The additional support from the owners of the three link sires, Bruce Starritt, Don Peglar and Garry Wake is greatly appreciated.