More Automation Framework: Shifting The Focus From Better Testing To Quicker Testing

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of More Automation Framework: Shifting The Focus From Better Testing To Quicker Testing

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More Automation Framework: Shifting The Focus From Better

Testing To Quicker Testing

By:- QA InfoTech

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The main concern of automation is to perform testing efficiently without wasting much of time. Quality assurance testing should always be the main concern for a tester but also I think more and more testing frameworks are making it easier for the user to test a product efficiently in a short span of time and user also has to option to choose a framework that better suits his/her needs.

Well, the main purpose of automation testing framework is reusability, accuracy, relentlessness, efficiency and speed and if we are not able to achieve these then there is no benefit of software test automation. So we should keep in mind at the time of framework creation that frameworks are created to achieve these goals rather than quicker testing.

We must agree the fact that automated test scripts has actually improved the quality of software we test. Apart from being quick, it also helps to ensure that every part of an application is thoroughly tested using the test scripts, also it enables a tester to verify all the test inputs which cannot be achieved through manual software testing.

There are some challenges also that we face due to software test automation such as complex analysis is required when a failed test in encountered but all in all it has come in a better way for testing.

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