Moral education

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Moral education


Reporter:Aireen Sinong

Did you know that…

In the 20th century, educators used values clarification and cognitive developmental moral education as the approaches in addressing the moral concerns of students?

What is Moral Education?

Moral education is the guidance and teaching of good behavior and values. It is taught to young children in schools, providing them with a sense of politeness and lawfulness.

By Moral Education “we mean inculcation of refined ideals, values, principles with a view to bring a purposeful behavioural change among the inhabitants of this universe”.

What is Moral Education?

Where should moral education start?

What is Moral Education?

Moral education is becoming an increasingly popular topic in the fields of psychology and education. Media reports of increased violent juvenile crime, teen pregnancy, and suicide have caused many to declare a moral crisis in various nations.

What are some cases happening in our country that indicates moral crisis?

Do you believe that a child is born with a built-in moral conscience?

Bull (1969)

“The child is not born with a built-in moral conscience. But he is born with those natural, biologically purposive capacities that make him potentially a moral being” (p.15).

Wilson in Wilson et al, 1967

“Teachers and parents should confront the child with their own moral codes in a very clear and definite manner so that, whether he accepts or rejects a code, at least he knows what he is accepting or rejecting” (p.132).

As a future parent to be, what are the things that you should give to your child that would help him grow as a person with good values?

Wilson in Wilson et al, 1967

“The child needs other things, such as love, emotional security, food, warmth, enough sleep and so on. All these things as well as a framework of rules are necessary (, p.129).”

Wilson, 1967

“If we want to be able to show that certain types of education produce ‘morally educated’ people, we must first identify a ‘morally educated’ person so that we know what types of education to look for (1967, p.191).”

Importance of Moral Education


Value-based education is needed for developing moral qualities such as humility, truthfulness, honesty, courtesy, tolerance, sacrifice , etc. among the youth.

Values education is essential for developing democratic qualities such as dignity of the individual, social justice, liberty, equality, fraternity etc.

Only values education would lead us to attain our ultimate goal of peace on earth.

Roles of Teacher in Moral Education

A teacher is a philosopher.

The cognitive developmental approach to moral education also encourages the teacher to become a developmentalist.

Approaches in Teaching Moral Education

Community Service Approach- this approach is a conscious effort to give students opportunities, guidance, and practice at being moral actors. 

Approaches in Teaching Moral Education

Virtue of the Month Approach- where the entire school community gives particular attention to a quality such as cooperation or kindness.ex: newsletters, bulletins

Problem-based Approach- students can make their own choices about the curriculum and involving them in the decision-making process.

Approaches in Teaching Moral Education

As future Values Educators, how are you going to make a change in your students?