Mood board for media

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Mood board for media

This would be the primary audience for most horror films. These people love horror films and love to be scarred. They like any horror genre like slasher, zombies and also lot and lot of gore. These people would fall in the age range of 15-25 due to the fact that most young people watch horrors in the cinemas but people over this age like 35+ wouldn't’t see these in the cinemas they would be in a theater. The gender of these types of films would be male and female but in films like The Descent would be male due to the fact that it a all female cast. The social grade would be a E due to the fact that they would be unemployed because they are studying. Their parents might be giving them their income or if they have a bursary they could get money that way. To access a bursary one of your parents cannot work.


These people would be strong independent women. These people would watch films like The Descent because of the all female cast. These people are geeks of films and like horrors because they can scream and be over dramatic. They also like to watch DVD and other media to watch horrors. They range from the age of 15-25 and be in the social grouping of a grade of E due to the fact that they are unemployed because they are studying and are living with parents, unless they are 20+. Again they could get income from either parents or bursary. To access a bursary one of your parents cannot work.


These movie fans would be fans who like extreme sports and putting themselves at risk. Their age would range from 20-35 due to the fact that I don’t feel a 18+ would like to do extreme sports but they might not be able to afford it they might like to watch it. Extreme sport movie fans would fall into he category of C1 and C2 because I feel people that do extreme sport do this for either a job or business, also these sports are quite expensive so you would need a job as well.


The gender of this would be male and female due to the fact that both genders do extreme sports. Their parents wouldn't’t have nothing to contribute to this as they are much older and are adults, also these wouldn't’t have kids as they wouldn't’t be able to afford these sports they only use their disposable income.