Monuments in our countries, an etwinning project.

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Monuments in our countries, an etwinning project.


Introduction Our schools: 1st EPAL Ierapetra’s Rönnowska skolan

Monuments in Greece: 1. The Monastery of Great Lavra 2. The Vergina Tombs 3. The Ancient Town of Dion 4. Meteora, Kalampaka 5. Ancient Nikopolis 6. Delphi 7. The Acropolis 8. Ancient Olympia 9. The Palace of the Grand Master 10. Knossos Palace

Monuments in Sweden: 1. Jukkasjärvi Ice Hotel 2. Ericsson Globe Arena 3. The Royal Palace 4. The Vasa Museum 5. Skansen 6. Liseberg 7. Visby 8. Kärnan 9. Turning Torso 10. Ales Stenar Quiz Credits

Monuments in our Countries is an eTwinning project. Etwinning is a free and safe platform for teachers to connect, develop collaborative projects and share ideas in Europe. In this project two schools have collaborated to create a brochure with monuments in their countries. Students from 1st Epal Ierapetra’s have found information about monuments in Sweden and students from Rönnowska skolan have found information about monuments in Greece.

1st EPAL Ierapetra’s 1st EPAL Ierapetra’s is a vocational school in Greece, on the southeast coast of the island of Crete, in Ierapetra. About 300 students study agriculture, economics, IT, mechanics, tourist trade and electrical installations and about 40 teachers teach in this school.

1st EPAL Ierapetra’s, Ierapetra

Rönnowska skolan,


Rönnowska skolan Rönnowska skolan is a vocational upper secondary school in Helsingborg, Sweden. The school has about 1000 students and 100 teachers. The school offers the following study programmes: building and construction, electricity and energy, vehicle and transport, handicraft, hotel and tourism, property management and restaurant management and food.

Monuments in Greece 1. The Monastery

of Great Lavra, Mount Athos

2. The Vergina tombs

3. Dion, Mount Olympus

4. Meteora 5. Ancient

Nikopolis 6. Delphi 7. The Acropolis 8. Ancient Olympia 9. The Palace of the

Grand Master of the Knights, Rhodes

10. Knossos, Crete





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The Monastery of Great Lavra

The Monastery of Great Lavra Mount Athos is a mountain and peninsula in northern

Greece. There are 20 different monasteries on Mount Athos and

today many Greek refer to it as ‘the holy mountain’. Only men over 18 who are either monks or workers can live

here. The number of visitors to Mount Athos is restricted. Only

men are allowed to visit and all visitors need a special permit.

The Monastery of Great Lavra is the first monastery built on Mount Athos. It is located on the southeastern foot of the mountain at an elevation of 160 metres.

Mount Athos is a World Heritage Site.

The Vergina Tombs

The Vergina Tombs The Vergina Museum in northern Greece contains some of

the most astonishing ancient tomb discoveries in history – namely those of Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great, and of Alexander IV, son of Alexander the Great.

Alexander the Great became king at the age of 20 and created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from Greece to Egypt and Pakistan.

The tombs were discovered by a Greek archaeologist in 1977 and many believe that the tombs in fact do belong to the famous historical figures.

On the site there is now a museum which opened in 1993 and was built in a way as to protect the tombs.

The Ancient Town of Dion, Mount Olympus

The Ancient Town of Dion, Mount Olympus Dion is situated in northern Greece. In ancient times

it was a sacred place for the worship of the god Zeus. Today it is best known for its archeological site and museum.

Dion is located at the foot of Mount Olympus which, according to the myth, used to be the home of the ancient Greek gods.

Zeus was the leader of the gods who dwelt on Mount Olympus, Other inhabitants on Mount Olympus were Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Ares, Hermes and Dionysus.

Meteora, Kalampaka

Meteora, Kalampaka Meteora means ”middle of the sky” or ”suspended in air”.

The Meteora consists of six monasteries built on sandstone rock pillars which were formed around 60 million years ago. Water, wind and earthquakes have given them the shape they have today.

The monasteries can be reached via staircases cut into the rocks.

The Meteora has appeared in the James Bond film For Your Eyes Only. It has also served as inspiration for the computer game Tomb Raider and the fantasy series Game of Thrones.

The Meteora is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Ancient Nikopolis

Ancient Nikopolis Nikopolis is situated in the suburbs of the city of Preveza. It

was built by Octavian in 31 BC to celebrate his victory over Anthony and Cleopatra.

The city developed greatly as the inhabitants were granted land and freedom. It was a beautiful city with temples, theatres, gymnasiums, mansion houses and other monuments.

Today part of the stadium, the two theatres, the amphitheatre, the aqueduct, the fortification walls are still preserved.

The aqueduct of Nikopolis is a great technical accomplishment considering the means of those times.


Delphi Delphi is an ancient Greek city most well-known for its Temple

of Apollo, dating back to the 4th century BC.

Delphi was also the home of an oracle belonging to the god Apollo. She was able to see into the future and it is said that no Greek person in ancient times dared to make an important decision in life without consulting the oracle first.

Today researchers claim that the oracles were in fact ordinary women who breathed in poisonous volcanic gases and thus were able to deliver ideas about what the future would hold.

In ancient Delphi there are many important archeological sites, for example a theatre which could seat 5000 spectators.

Today there is a modern city also called Delphi, situated close to the acheological site.

The Acropolis

The Acropolis

The Acropolis is located in Athens in Greece. It is situated high above the city and the name originally means high city.

The Acropolis consists of several places and buildings and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.

The most famous building is the Parthenon which was built in 447-432 BC, when the Athenian empire was at the height of its power. It is a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena.

Another famous place is the theatre which was built in honor of the god Dionysus. It was an open-air theatre and could seat about 17 000 spectators.

The Erechtheion is another temple which is famous for its six columns which look like female figures.

The Agora was the market place. It was also the centre of the political life in the city.

Ancient Olympia

Ancient Olympia Ancient Olympia was the site of the first Olympic Games which were

held in 776 B.C. in honour of the god Zeus. Originally the Olympic Games were held every four years. Today there

are both winter and summer games occurring every two years but four years apart.

According to the myth, all wars between the city states of Greece were post-poned during the games.

During the first Olympic Games there were also horse and chariot racing events.

Women were not allowed to take part in the Olympic Games. In Olympia there was also a statue of Zeus which was 13 meters tall and

made of gold and ivory. It was regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world until it was destroyed in the 5th century AD.

Ancient Olympia is part of UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

The Palace of the Grand Master

The Palace of the Grand Master The Palace of the Grand Master is a medieval castle in the

city of Rhodes. The palace was built in the early 14th century by the

Knights of Rhodes who controlled Rhodes and some other Greek islands from 1309 to 1522, to house the Grand Master of the Order.

Some parts of the palace were damaged by an ammunition explosion in 1856.

When Italy occupied Rhodes in 1912, the Italians made the palace a holiday residence for the king Victor Emmanuel III and later for Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.

On the floors of the palace there are many beautiful mosaics.

Knossos Palace

Knossos Palace Knossos palace is situated on Crete and is considered the oldest city in

Europe. The first palace was built around 1900 BC (around the same time as the

pyramids in Egypt). The first palace was destroyed in an earthquake around 1700 BC but it

was rebuilt soon after. According to the myth, King Minos kept a minotaur (a creature with

the head of a bull on the body of a man) locked away in a labyrinth in the palace.

Knossos was rediscovered by Arthur Evans in 1894. He was able to purchase the land and carried out excavations between 1900 and 1936.

The most famous part of the palace is the Throne Room but there was also a theatre and several store rooms with large clay containers for oil, fish, grains and olives.

Jukkasjärvi Ice Hotel Ericsson Globe Arena The Royal Palace The Vasa Museum Skansen Liseberg Visby Kärnan Turning Torso Ales Stenar

The Ericsson Globe is the national indoor arena of Sweden,

located in Stockholm. The Ericsson Globe is currently the

largest hemispherical building in the world and took two and a

half years to build. Shaped like a large white ball, it has a

diameter of 110 metres , an inner height of 85 m and a

volume of 605.000 cubic metres. It has a seating capacity of

16,000 spectators for shows and concerts, and 13,850 for ice

hockey. In 2009, the naming rights to the Stockholm Globe

Arena were officially acquired by Swedish

telecommunications company Ericsson, and it became known

as the Ericsson Globe.

Skyview is an exterior inclined elevator which transports

passengers onto the top of the arena.

It has two spherical gondolas, each able to accommodate

up to 16 passengers, which travel along parallel tracks on

the exterior of the south side of the globe.

Sourse: Wikipedia

The first building on this site was a fortress with a core tower built in the 13th century by Birger Jarl to defend Lake Mälaren. The fortress grew to a palace, named Tre Kronor ("Three Crowns") after the core towers' spire.

In the late 16th century, much work was done to transform the old fortress into a Renaissance-style palace under King John III. In 1690, it was decided to rebuild the palace in Baroque style after a design by Nicodemus Tessin the Younger. In 1692, work began on the northern row. It was complete in 1697, but much of the palace was destroyed in a fire on May 7, 1697.

Tessin rebuilt the damaged palace, and work continued for another 63 years. Half-round wings around the outer western courtyard were finished in 1734, the palace church was finished in the 1740s, and the exterior was finished in 1754. The royal family moved to the palace with the southwest, southeast, and northeast wings finished. The northwest wing was finished in 1760. In the north, the Lejonbacken ("Lion's Slope") was rebuilt from 1824 to 1830. Its name comes from the Medici lions-inspired sculptures that stand there.

The palace is guarded by the Högvakten, a royal guard of members of the Swedish Armed Forces. The guard dates back to the early 16th century.


Inside Of The Palace

Palace’s Army


The Vasa Museum ) is a maritime museum in Stockholm, Sweden. Located on the island of Djurgården, the museum displays the only almost fully intact 17th century ship that has ever been salvaged, the 64-gun warship Vasa that sank on her maiden voyage in 1628. The Vasa Museum opened in 1990 and, according to the official web site, is the most visited museum in Scandinavia.

From the end of 1961 to 1988, Vasa was housed in a temporary structure called Wasavarvet where she was treated with polyethylene glycol. Visitors could only view the ship from two levels and the maximum distance was only 5 m. In 1981, the Swedish government decided that a permanent Vasa museum was to be constructed and an architects' competition for the design of the museum building was organized. The construction of the new building began with an inauguration ceremony on 2 November 1987. Vasa was towed into the flooded dry dock under the new building in December 1988 and during the summer of 1989, when visitors were allowed onto the construction site, 228 000 people visited the half-finished museum. The museum was officially opened on 15 June 1990. So far Vasa has been seen by over 25 million people.

• The main hall contains the ship itself and various exhibits related to the archaeological findings of the ships and early 17th century Sweden. Vasa has been fitted with the lower sections of all three masts, a new bowsprit, winter rigging, and has had certain parts that were missing or heavily damaged replaced. The replacement parts have not been treated or painted and are therefore clearly visible against the original material that has been darkened after three centuries under water.

Source: Wikipedia

The Vasa Museum


► Skansen (the Sconce) is the first open air museum and zoo in Sweden and is located on the island Djurgården in Stockholm, Sweden. It was founded in 1891 by Artur Hazelius (1833–1901) to show the way of life in the different parts of Sweden before the industrial era.

► Skansen attracts more than 1.3 million visitors each year. The many exhibits over the 300,000 m² site include a full replica of an average 19th-century town. There is also an open-air zoo containing a wide range of Scandinavian animals.

Source: Wikipedia

An amusement park in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Liseberg is an amusement park located in Gothenburg, Sweden. It opened in 1923. It is one of the most visited amusement parks in Scandinavia, attracting about 3 million visitors annually. Among the noteworthy attractions is the wooden roller coaster Balder, twice (2003 and 2005) voted as the Best Wooden Tracked Roller Coaster in the world in a major international poll. The park itself has also been chosen as one of the top ten amusement parks in the world (2005) by Forbes Magazine.

Liseberg has got more than 30 different rides, many venues (stages, dance hall, restaurants and arcade halls). The park has two entrances / exits . Much of the park is forested. The park is noted for its Lisebergs Lustgarten (botanical garden) that is beautifully landscaped and has many waterfalls, artworks and a variety of plants. Liseberg Main Stage (Stora Scenen) was built in 1923 and was originally designed as a big music pavilion for the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra and other large-scale concerts. Many famous bands such as Abba and the Rolling Stones have performed here. Right next to the Stora Scenen is the Small Stage (Lilla Scenen) and it plays host to various smaller events, in particular children's theater. Source: Wikipedia

VISBY Visby is located in Gotland, an island in the

south of Sweden. It is the best-preserved medieval city in Scandinavia and has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Among the most notable historical remains are the 3.4 km long town wall, that encircles the town centre. Visby is a popular vacation destination for Scandinavians during the summer and is visited by thousands of tourists every year. It is by far the most populated locality outside the Swedish mainland, with more than 22000 inhabitants.

The earliest history of Visby is uncertain, but it is known to have been a centre of merchandise around 900 AD. It was inhabited as early as the Stone Age, probably because of the access to fresh water and a natural harbour.

The work on the ring wall was probably begun in the 12th century. Around 1300, it was rebuilt to reach its current height, acquiring the characteristic towers, although some towers were not constructed until the 15th century. The ringwall is still largely intact.

In August, the tourist season is at its peak. In week 32 from Sunday to Sunday, the annual Medieval Week is held. During this time regularly dressed tourists are outnumbered by people dressed in Medieval costumes.

Source: Wikipedia



The origins of the Helsingborg fortress is disputed but Danish legend places its origin to the reign of the legendary King Fróði. However, this legend has not been supported by archaeological proof. Dendrochronological dating has shown that the core was built in the 1310s, when Eric VI of Denmark was King of Denmark. It was considered the most important fortress in Denmark, and was integral in securing control over the strait between Scania and Zealand.It was surrendered to Sweden in 1658. The fortress was retaken by Danish forces in 1676 during the Scanian War, and its capture celebrated by flying a giant Flag of Denmark above it. This flag was later captured by the Swedish army and is preserved in the Army Museum in Stockholm. The fortress returned to Swedish control by the Treaty of Lund in 1679. Charles XI of Sweden ordered most of it demolished fearing that it was too exposed to a sneak attack from Denmark. The only thing that was saved for posterity was the old medieval tower core. The tower continued to serve as a landmark for shipping through Øresund. Source: wikipedia

Kärnan is a medieval tower in Helsingborg, Scania, in southern Sweden. It is the only part remaining of a larger Danish fortress.

Helsingborg 1589

HSB Turning Torso is the tallest skyscraper in Sweden and the Nordic countries, situated in Malmö, Sweden on the Swedish side of the Öresund strait. When completed, it was the tallest building in Scandinavia.

The project was designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava and officially opened on 27 August 2005. The tower reaches a height of 190 metres with 54 stories - 147 apartments, relax/lounge/spa/gym, wine cellar followed by around-the-clock concierge service 365 days a year.

The vision of HSB Turning Torso is based on a sculpture called Twisting Torso, which is a white marble piece based on the form of a twisting human being, created by Santiago Calatrava.

This is a solid immobile building

constructed in nine segments of five-

story pentagons that twist relative to

each other as it rises; the topmost

segment is twisted 90 degrees

clockwise with respect to the ground

floor. Each floor consists of an irregular

pentagonal shape rotating around the

vertical core, which is supported by

an exterior steel framework. The two

bottom segments are intended as

office space. Segments three to nine

house 147 apartments.

Source: Wikipedia

Ales stenar is a megalithic monument in Skåne in southern Sweden. It is a stone ship 67 m long formed by 59 large boulders, weighing up to 1.8 tonnes each.

The carbon-14 dating system for organic remains has provided seven results at the site. One indicates that the material is around 5,500 years old whereas the remaining six indicate a date about 1,400 years ago. The latter is considered to be the most likely time for Ales Stenar to have been created. That would place its creation towards the end of the Nordic Iron Age.

In 1989, during the first archaeological excavations performed in order to scientifically investigate and date the monument, archaeologists found a decorated clay pot with burned human bones inside the ship setting. The bones are thought to come from a pyre and to have been placed in the pot at a later date. The pot's contents varied in age; some material was from 330–540 CE while a piece of charred food crust also found inside was determined to be from 540–650 CE . The archaeologists working on the project also found birch charcoal remains from 540–650 CE underneath an undisturbed boulder. According to the Swedish National Heritage Board, Ales Stenar were created the year 600 CE.


1.What is the seating capacity of the

Ericsson Globe Arena?

A.22000 spectators.

B.20000 spectators.

C. 16000 spectators.

2.Where is the Ericsson Globe Arena located?

A. In Stockholm.

B. In Helsingborg.

C. In Malmö.

3.Is everything in in Jukkasjärvi Ice hotel

made out of snow and ice?

A. Yes, everything.

B. No, beds and chairs are not.

C. No, beds, chairs and glasses are not.

4.The Jukkasjärvi Ice hotel first opened...

A. in 1980.

B. in 1990.

C. in 2000.

5.When was the Royal Palace in Stockholm

destroyed by fire?

A. In 1697

B. In 1797

C. In 1897

6.Who designed the Royal Palace in Stockholm in

Baroque style?

A. Högvakten.

B. Nicodemus Tessin the Elder.

C. Nicodemus Tessin the Younger.

7.What is Kärnan?

A. It is a modern tower in Stockholm.

B. It is a modern tower in Helsingborg.

C. It is a medieval tower in Helsingborg.

8.Kärnan was part of...

A. a modern shopping centre.

B. a larger Danish fortress.

C. a palace.

9.Ales stenar is...

A. a megalithic monument in the south of Sweden.

B. a megalithic monument in the north of Sweden.

C. a fortress in the west of Sweden.

10.Ales Stenar date back to...

A. 600 BC

B. 1400 AD

C. 600 AD

Monuments in our countries Our quiz

11.How many people visit Liseberg every year?

A. 3 million people

B. 2 million people

C. 1 million people

12.What is Liseberg?

A. An ancient town.

B. An amusement park.

C. A museum.

13.Why is Visby well-known all over the world?

A. It is the best-preserved medieval city in


B. It is the oldest city in Sweden.

C. It has the tallest skyscraper in Scandinavia.

14.Which is the most notable historical remains

in Visby?

A. Its ancient ruins.

B. Its tower.

C. Its ring wall around the town centre.

15.In which Swedish city can you see the

Turning Torso?

A. In Helsingborg

B. In Stockholm

C. In Malmö

16.Who designed the Turning Torso?

A. The Swedish architect Nicodemus

Tessin the Elder

B.The Spanish architect Santiago


C. The Italian architect Paolo Soleri.

17.What is Skansen?

A.A skyscraper.

B. An ancient ship.

C. An open-air museum and zoo.

18.How big is Skansen?

A. 300,000 m² B.200,000 m² C. 100,000m²

19.Kärnan is ...

A.a medieval tower in Helsingborg.

B. an Army museum.

C.the palace of the King of Denmark.

20.Which of the following monuments used

to be part of a Danish fortress?

A. Ales Stenar

B. Turning Torso

C. Kärnan

21.Where is Knossos located?

A.East central Crete

B.South central Crete

C.North central Crete

22.When was the first Knossos palace built?

A.4000 BC

B. 6000 BC

C.7000 BC

23.What does 'Meteora' mean?

A.suspended in air

B.into the ground

C.important building

24.How old are the pillars which hold the

Meteora monasteries?

A.6000 years

B. 60 million years

C.There are no pillars

25.Where is the Palace of the Grand Master

of the Knights situated?

A. Crete

B. Rhodes

C. Sicily

26.Which country was in charge at the Palace of the

Grand Master of the Knights in 1912?

A. Italy

B. Spain

C. France

27.According to the myth, where did the ancient

gods live?

A.Mount Athos

B. Mount Dion

C.Mount Olympus

28.Who was the leader of the gods?


B. Athina

C. Poseidon

29.What is true about the oracle in Delphi?

A. She could see into the future

B. She could explain the past

C.She was one of the ancient gods

30.Delphi is famous for its temple. Who was the

temple dedicated to?


B. Persefone

C. Apollo

31.What was the statue of Zeus made of ?

A. Gold and ivory

B.Gold and silver

C.Gold and platinum

32.In which year were the first Olympic

Games held?

A. In 783 AD

B. In 776 BC

C. In 735 BC

33.Where can you visit the Acropolis?

A. In Athens

B. In Dion

C. In Kalampaka

34.The Acropolis theatre was built to

honour... which god?


B. Athina


35.How many monasteries are there on

Mount Athos?

A. 30

B. 20

C. 15

36.Who can visit Mount Athos?

A. Anyone with a special permit

B.Only men with a special permit

C.Only women with a special permit

37.Why was Nikopolis founded?

A. To celebrate the victory of a war

B. It was a good place to keep criminals

C.People believed an ancient god lived there

38.Where can you visit the tomb of Philip the


A. Athens

B. Patra

C. Vergina

39.Who was Philip the second related to?

A. William the Conqueror

B.Alexander the Great

C. Julius Ceasar

40.The ancient Olympic Games were held to

honour... which god?


B.The Pope


Check your answers: 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.C 21.C 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.B 26.A 27.C 28.A 29.A 30.C 31.A 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.A 38.C 39.B 40.A

1st EPAL Ierapetra’s Teacher: Despina Papadopoulou Students from class AT1: Mohamed Al Aboud Thodoris Achlatis Nikos Vasilakis Marios Verikokakis Nikos Vourtsis Thodoris Grammatikakis Manos Daskalakis Iannis Daskalakis Manos Dermitzakis Nikos Dermitzakis Zacharias Theodosakis Kostis Kavousanos Vangelis Kaparakis Panagiotis Kefalas Dimitris Koinakis Despina Kontogiannaki Michalis Kontopodis Landi Krepi Stavros Konstantopoulos Marianna Lambraki Kostis Lambrakis Giorgos Lalakakis Kostis Liangos Manos Lianakis Grigoris Mavrokostas Klevisi Moustafa

Rönnowska skolan Teacher: Agnes Gentili Cronholm Students: Pontus Benscik Elin Bengtsson Isak Blomkvist Annika Ekberg Robin Gibrand Isabelle Hallberg Kasper Johansson Ervin Jusofovic Mohammed Hassan Karim Simon Karlsson Jonas Kullborg Hoa Le Duc Lalit Liljerud Christoffer Lundell Christina Nordin Ebba Olsson Emma Olsson Simon Oltner Persson Niklas Rosberg Jonatan Sjölin Felicia Zachén


