Monster Power Cv Search

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Monster Power Cv Search

Monster Power CV Search™

Search. Match. Connect

Imagine If You Could…

Recognise candidate’s breadth and depth of experience?

Identify job hoppers from long-tenured employees?

Distinguish “must have” vs. “nice to have” skills?

Assess context of experience (i.e. 3 months vs. 10 yrs)?

Score a candidate based on recent vs. outdated skills?

Automatically identify related skills?

Understand the latest industry acronyms?

…All at lightning speed?

Introducing Monster’s 6Sense™ Search Technology


Understands concepts

Searches on the meaning of words

Understands job titles, skills, industries, education etc.

Understands the hierarchy of concepts

Intelligently handles abbreviations, acronyms

Understands context

Knows the difference between:> Cambridge University> Cambridge Farms> 123 Cambridge Avenue> George Cambridge

Understands difference between recent/dated experience

Evaluates the length of time using a skill or holding a job

Monster Power CV SearchTM Finds Your Best Candidates

The Power CV Search DifferenceSo now, instead of typing this:

(“Director of Corporate Finance” OR “Dir. Of Finance” OR “Director, Finance”) AND ((“GAAP” OR “SOX” OR “SOX 404” OR “Financial Audit” OR “Audit” or “Financial Disclosure”) NEAR (“to present” OR “current”)) AND NOT (“White” OR White Sox”)

All you need to type is this:



Director of Finance


Pinpoint Specific Candidate Qualifications

Advanced Search Features allow even further filtering

Education level

Company name


Full or Part-time status

Job Duration

Stop Looking and Start Finding Your Next Hire

Saving You Time and Effort

Results are scored and ranked

Matching skills are noted with green dots

Depth of experience is cited

Current position is noted

Helping You Make Informed Decisions

Customer BenefitsMonster Study Results

Source: Data collected from 48 recruiters, managers and executives from 15 US enterprise customers after hands-on testing of PCVS vs. various Keyword Searches


Time saved using PCVS vs other keyword based searches

Increase in the number of qualified candidates found

Recruiters who preferred using PCVS over other keyword based searches

Recruiters who believe PCVS found qualified candidates faster





Get a Monster® Advantage with Power CV Search

Provides unrivaled match results

Is easy to use

Boosts productivity

Facilitates better hiring decisions

Stop looking andstart finding your next hire on Monster.




Moving from Keywords to Concepts



n. a word that serves as a key, as to the meaning of another word, sentence, or passage.

Is too literal and limiting

Gives all words equal weighting

Requires tweaking and tuning

(“Director of Corporate Finance” OR “Dir. of Finance” OR “Director, Finance”) AND ((“GAAP” OR “SOX” OR “Tax Audit” OR “Revenue Recognition” OR “SOX 302” OR “SOX 404” OR “Financial Audit” or “Audit” “or “Financial Disclosure”) NEAR (“to present” OR “current”)) AND NOT (“White” OR “White Sox”)


n. a general notion or idea.

Captures the ideas behind words

Enables users to perform broad searches without having to enter numerous variations of a keyword

Eliminates the need for complex Boolean logic

Director of Finance

Understanding the Meaning of Words

Understands job title concepts, skill concepts, education concepts, etc.

Understands the hierarchy of concepts

Intelligently handles misspellings, acronyms, punctuation, and more




SOX 404








Understanding the Importance of Context



n. 1. parts that precede or follow a word or passage that can influence its meaning or effect.

2. circumstances or facts that surround a particular event or situation.


Do not distinguish between recent and dated experience.

Do not identify the length of time using a skill or holding a job.

Do not recognise the difference between:

Cambridge University

Cambridge Farms

123 Cambridge Avenue

George Cambridge

Understanding Relevancy and Recency

Understands the context of an uploaded resume.

Considers length of time using a skill, how recent the experience is, total years of experience, tenure in a job.

Differentiates between company names, skills, address, schools, certifications, and more.

Scores and ranks based on overall match.

How Recently Used How Long Used

Delivers unrivaled search results

Facilitates better hiring decisions

Boosts productivity

Promotes ease of use

Brings effortless flexibility

Maintains seamless integration

Power CV Search Offers:

Identification of relevant skills and titles

Understanding of depth, breadth, and recency of experience

Recognition of rare vs. common skills

Balancing of required vs. nice-to-have

At-a-glance overview of qualifications

Side-by-side candidate comparisons

Automatic resume scoring and ranking

Easy search modification

Integrated candidate management and communication tools