Monomoy - Wono A Family Camp - Cape Cod Sea Camps COD SEA CAMPS 2005 A LUMNIN EWSLETTER Nancy Garran...

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Transcript of Monomoy - Wono A Family Camp - Cape Cod Sea Camps COD SEA CAMPS 2005 A LUMNIN EWSLETTER Nancy Garran...



Monomoy - W onoA Fam i l y Camp


Berry D. RichardsonDirectrix Emerita

Dear Alumni and Friends,

A cold wind from the north is pushing the leaves around outside as I write this letter to you. This is the nicest times of yearfor me. The fun and hectic nature of the summer camp and our fall group business gently fades against the backdrop ofnature preparing for a long cold winter. It is a time to reflect, look at sunsets, light a fire, and start to think about the comingsummer season. This past year was a very good year for our camps, but has been one of adjustment and transition for me. Isit in my house with my constant companion - Frannie’s dog Dipper – and observe the goings on from a bit more afar than I am used to. But Dipper keeps me and whoever visits on our toes. It is nice for me now as I constantly see pieces of Fran andPeg and Jimmy and my mother and father all around this camp of ours. It is a mosaic that has been assembled by each andevery one of you that has come through our camps and left a piece of yourselves here.

Let me close this letter with a thought that was on my mind most of this past year. It seems to me that there has been somuch rancor and uncertainty in our lives as of late. The election cycle that we just went through seemed to create so muchtension and discord. This has to affect our children and thus reaffirms to me and my family the strong desire that we have tomaintain these camps as a haven for the young. The philosophy of my father and mother was such that it is important tohave fun in a learning and structured environment. Camp is as important now, maybe more so, to our children as it was during the last great war.

I hope you have all had a peace filled Holiday and New Year season. If you have the time to visit us, please do as we love tosee you. But in any event, please keep in touch.



Berry RichardsonDirectrix EmeritaCape Cod Sea Camps


Make the EFFORT to VISIT our Webpageand leave a message on our Alumni Bulletin Board.We are doing our BEST to Upgrade the WEBPAGE

to make it easier for YOU to access and USE.

If YOU have Ideas for the Webpage, email them to Henri at ....


alumni@capecodseacamps.comThank You

Front Cover:

The Pool, circa 1950


Nancy GarranCamp Director

Dear Friends,

History is a wonderful thing. As we approach our 84th season as a summer recreational children’s camp, we can certainlythink of ourselves as a “mature” organization! However, it does not mean we are less valuable, vibrant or useful. CCSC is“well seasoned”, but not old!

We view our history, tradition, and established values as an opportunity to close the gap between what was yesterday, what istoday and what we want for the future. We stay young because our eyes are on tomorrow, and we are kept on our toes byworking with those who will be leading tomorrow. We continue to find new and exciting ways to combine the history, tradi-tion and important community values of educating young people in our unique camp environment with the social trends andexternal influences experienced in the world around us.

The mystical draw of camp is the all-encompassing kinship created each summer between campers and staff. Although we onlyhave seven weeks, there is a lot packed into our summer community to foster positive human development through campactivities and concentrating on ways to promote strong character, independence, positive decision making skills, and compas-sion for others. The camp experience nurtures the whole person - heart, mind and spirit.

As we grapple with the myriad of societal issues facing young people today, we recognize we are a haven to many children andyoung adults who find our camp community a safe, nurturing and supportive environment each summer. We also work hardat defining the parameters of our community that are very different from what a child might expect at school or even at home.Our policies and rules reflect our mission and philosophy and support the values we tirelessly instill each summer.

For example, cell phones have become an integral part of our societal fabric, but to maintain our distinctive camp environmentand to promote the values of self reliance and independence, we do not allow electronic communication equipment such as cellphones, game boys, electronic games or computers at camp for our campers, and we request all parents, staff and visitors torestrict their cell phone use while on camp grounds. Another illustration relates to heightened awareness of safety and securityin our world today and how we have changed our visitation policies to reflect those concerns. Although, we welcome visits tocamp, we encourage families, friends and alumni to visit on weekends, keeping visits short and not too frequent, utilizingescorted tours while on camp grounds, providing personal identification and so forth to assist us in keeping our communitysafe and lessen distractions within the camp community while maintaining our unique camp culture. These are just a couple ofways camp has integrated the past with the present while shaping our leaders for tomorrow.

We continue to be committed to the purpose established more than eight decades ago. Old? Never! We have the maturity tounderstand our mission and values in our world today and the youthfulness to make a difference in the lives of young people.Our camp community is designed to enrich lives and change the world - not to mention have fun! Camp has the potential toinfluence our lives in remarkable ways and will continue to do so for many more years to come.

As always, I encourage your contact with camp throughout the year. If you would like our current information for any of ourcamping programs, please let us know. Have a healthy, happy and safe New Year.

From my council ring to yours,

Nancy W. GarranExecutive Director




Berry and the Cape Cod Voice

Recently the Cape Cod Voice wrote a compelling article concerning the last big swaths of privately held open space on theCape. Not surprising the Cape Cod Sea Camps was prominently featured in this article and Berry made the front page with apicture of herself. In the article, Berry talks about the commitment of the Delahanty family to maintain the property and keep

it running as a camp despite the increasing costs of doing so.


Summer Reunion&

Grant W. Koch $cholarship FundA n n u a l R e p o r t 2004

What would we do without Berry! For the umpteenth year in a row she has allowed our Alumni groupthe use of her home for its annual reunion and Grant W. Koch Scholarship Fundraiser. And this event hasbeen getting better and better. With close to 120 alumni and family members attending, the big story wasthat we raised more than $6,000 for the GWK Fund. The generosity and enthusiasm about the SilentAuction was truly appreciated by the Trustees of the Fund – Michael Halperson and Rick Francis.

The best – B.A. Harris (W’59-‘71), Hillary Peterson (W’70-‘75) and CherylNoroian (W’70-‘75), President of the CCSC Alumni Association relax in frontof Berry’s home.

Wendy Moyer (W’72-CCSC’96) enjoys alight moment with Alice Hafter Frankston(CCSC’79-‘83) and her new baby.

Melinda Mitchell Shumway(W’66-‘75) with Karen Dunn(Jeff Dunn’s wife).

Corky Lindemann Studley (W’43-‘57) and Donna RussoCummings (W’55-‘60) enjoying themselves.

What are these women laughing about? Ann Vickory Simpson (W’42-‘49),Nancy Greenberger Schmidt (W’40-‘55) and Paddy Morrisey Cahill (W’46-‘57) ham it up with Berry.

Xandra Benjamin (CCSC’93-‘04), Margi Tanis (CCSC’89-‘04) and the lovely Allison Garvey (CCSC’97-‘04)mug for thecamera on Berry’s deck.


What a happy lot –Ted Nannicelli(CCSC’89-‘02), Todd Gutnick(CCSC’82-‘91), and GarranPeterson (MDC’85-CCSC’05) reflect onpast times.

Betsey StudleyBentley(W’74-CCSC’85)with her kids.

Mort Dunn (M’36-‘43) with his wife Sylvia takingin the Silent Auction action.

Ed Barber (M’67-CCSC’05) with Lynn Brown Kargman (W’56-‘63).

Some of the masses enjoying the entertainment.

If only the trees had ears – Jeff Dunn (M’68-‘74), Paul Luby (M’72-CCSC’82), Jimmy Kantor (M’74-CCSC’96) and Karen Dunn look like theygot caught plotting.

The Registrars: NancyMcKenzie (W’64-‘73),Nicole Noroian(CCSC’01-‘03) and theunbelievable and indis-pensable Dianne Dunn(W’66-CCSC’82).


Last Name First Name Maiden Name Last Name First Name Maiden Name

Abramson AlAhern DeanAsh Todd & RebeccaAustin Carol BaillieBaillie MargaretBarber EdwardBarnette BarbaraBeller ThomasBenjamin XandraBentley Betsy StudleyBoston Foundation (Kaneb)Breslauer Mr. & Mrs. RobertBrewer LeonardBurwick David & Carey Holland Cahill Paddy MorriseyCarpenter ColinCarthaus JayneCepetelli ChristineChalfen Karen AndersonChandler Jack & Cori KalfasChu DavidClark Joan BeckleyConnolly JosephCooper Gail KochCudmore DanCummings Donna RussoDoar GaelDodd FrankDrake ChristopherDriscoll, D.M.D,. WilliamDuffiel EdwardDunn DianneDunn J. MortonDunn JeffreyEichholz TimEld JonathanFay JimFeingold RobFlanagan Jim & Joanna Foster Joanna NewmayerFrancis Jeff

Francis Marilyn & RickFrancis ToddFrankston Alice & Max HafterFrederickson JennyFrost Richard & Emily BlochGarran Jeffrey & Daniella DeFilippoGarran NancyGarvey AllisonGauley Keith & DebraGilmour ChrisGinn FrankGreene Peter & LizGreenwood Debby & BillGutnick ToddHalliday-Schmid Beverly HallidayHalperson MichaelHarris B.A.Healy TomHorn RachelJones Roy & SusanKantor JamesKargman Lynn BrownKlein TeddyKral Midge FraserLajoie DavidLindstrom JulieLou H. Toby & CherylLuby PaulLujan LeoLutes BrianManko Clifford & PatriciaMcIntyre WilliamMcKenzie NancyMcNamara JenniferMcNally JamesMell DonaldMernick SherryMorgan Diane PolkMoyer Rick and IngridMoyer WendyNannicelli TedNarin Jimmy


The GWK Scholarship Fund had another good year raising $22,565 from 136 donors. This brings ourAs the Fund continues to grow, we hope to be able to do more to support a camping opportunity formore children. This past year four children received a scholarship from the Fund with one child at theresident Camp and two children at the Monomoy Day Camp. A fourth child is supported for a week atthe 4-H Camp Farley on the Upper Cape. A particular thanks this year goes to Michael Kaneb who gavea large and wonderful donation to the Fund to help support an extended opportunity for a girl at theresident camp.

Below find a list of this year’s donors.


Last Name First Name Maiden Name

Noroian CherylOrmsby EmmaOsmun-Culver Janet OsmunPagliaro FrankPeck Donald & Lucy CushmanPepsi FoundationPercarpio KatiePeterson AllanPeterson DavidPeterson GarranPeterson HillaryPeterson Harlan & VivianRagins Diane GreenbergerRakowski Tom & CarolRauschenbach HenriRedfield Sue Richards Rice RogersRichardson Berry DelahantyRostow CeliaRymzo WalterSadler MikeSahrbeck KristaSantoro Larry Schlosser BenjaminSchmidt Nancy GreenbergerSettlemeyer Suzanne SpahrShumway Melinda MitchellSimpson Ann VickorySmith Leslie & PearlineSterling JaneStern AndyStinnette BeauStrough SybilStudley Carol Lindemann Studley Jim & DebSullivan MarieTallerico Mary Ellen HealyTanis GilbertTanis MargiThompson PhillipTrantina SarahUlian DickVacha LubosVon Summer Family Foundation.Waring Kristin MoyerWeiler KateWesson Michael & MichelleWhalen Jacqueline HardmanWilliams Joanne GelwicksWilliamson JoanWilliamson RickWood KateWoodfill Emily

This column only works if you make aneffort to get in touch with us and stay in touch with us.

Former campers and staff love to find out what is going on

with their former bunkmates or counselors – so drop me a

line! And if you’re in the neighborhood – please stop by.

Henri RauschenbachAlumni DirectorCape Cod Sea CampsPO Box 1880Brewster, MA 02631

508-896-3451 x

TThhee 3300’’ss

As a result of our notice about Duane Sargisson’s (M’39-’58) passing in last year’s Jib Sheet, we received a correspon-dence from George Kalat (M’35-’36).George was a Worcesterboy and first met Duane as a student at Worcester Academyand later as members of the same church. George expresseda later day wish that he had spent more time at Monomoy.He and Duane discussed from time to time the impact thatMonomoy had on them as well as others. We heard fromBarbara Hurffy Christensen (W’38) this past August. Shehas done a lot of sailing with her husband and recently hadlunch in Old Saybrook where they met up with Bob Hansenwhose daughter Tessa attended Wono. She used to hearfrom Barbara Beagle when she lived in Naples, Fl. This pastOctober we received a note thanking us for allowing somewedding guests to park at Camp. Thanking us was the nieceof the Herrington sisters, Anne Herrington Hartnet (W’39)and Barbara Herrington Frazier (W’39). Ed Abel apparentlyupdated everyone on what was going on at Camp.

TThhee 4400’’ss

Mary Conroy Blake (W’44-’48) stopped by recently all theway from Osterville. She remembered winning the BestSport Trophy and “loved” Wono. Catherine Elaine KelleySonosky (W’44-’47) has informed us that she has moved toAlexandria, VA. She also expressed her sadness with thepassing of Frances Garran (W’39-CCSC’03) and said to sayhello to Berry. Insidently, Berry loves to be said helloto….so you should. Catherine also mentioned that we had agreat website – so take a look at it. It was designed by Mary

The Jib Sheet


Jane Austin Hill (CCSC’74-’04). Mary Jane is a great grand-daughter of Capt and Mrs. Del. Peter Coon (M’45-’47)stopped by recently and said hello. He is working forHarding Sails in Marion, MA and lives in Pocasset, MA.Both Bill Wilcoxson (M’46-’47) and his brother KentWilcoxson (M’46-’47) stopped in to see us. Bill lives inSouth Orleans, MA and his brother was visiting from LasVegas, NV. When you do stop in you can look at our Photo

Archives in the Big House. Visiting Alums like this. We gotan email last June from David Tuttle (M’40) who updatedhis information for us and is living in Concord, MA. Got anice email from Kay Amsden (W’41-’43) who announcedthat she would like to get the newsletter. (ed. Note: Thiskind of announcement is good for me personally, so themore of you that do this, the merrier). Kay also shared somegreat memories with us: arriving on the Cape at night in1943 (driven by Howard Chivers using only the parkinglights), walking to Monomoy for the Sunday services whileavoiding the Poison Ivy, having to drink a glass of waterbefore getting milk at meals, the boat trip to P-town, andrecollection of her counselors Jo Stafford (W’41-’42)and “avery tall gal with long dark hair”. The only camper shecould remember was Barbara Berg. Kay lives in Concord,NH. Got an email from Dick Ulian (M’34-’45) last Mayinforming of a dinner he had in Washington, DC with BobWald (M’36-’43). Bob and his wife are both lawyers in DC.Bob’s older sister Harriett Wald Schley lives in ChestnutHill, MA. Received a nice email from Robert Thomson(M’33-’45) reflecting on his years at Monomoy. Grant Kochwas his counselor in the Senior Camp and Robert remem-bers his swimming skills as being “legendary”. With hishands tied behind his back and his feet tied together, Grantwould dive head first off the dock at Monomoy and swim25 yards like a fish porposing on the surface. Bob remem-bers himself as well being recruited by Del just before thewar to be the youngest counselor ever hired. After the warhe as a counselor for 2 years – ostensibly to keep an eye onhis younger brothers Warren and Donald. Got a lovely notefrom Sue Lindemann Starpoli (W’44-’56) who starts offwith “I am the older Lindemann sister” obviously referring

B.A. Harris hosts a dinner last spring in Boston for Mary Ellen Tracy, Rachel Rubin Brown, Mary (Dede) Breslauer and Lynne Brilliant at the Chart House in Boston.

to her younger sister Corky Lindemann Studley (W’43-57).She was trying to gather some pictures of her Wono yearsfor the CCSC archives. (ed note: if you have pictures, Iwould love to see them). We can copy them and return theoriginals to you. Pictures with names on them are deeplyappreciated!) Helen Barrett Field (W’40-‘42) wrote a letterlast April full of remembrances of Wono. She also sent somepictures along which we like as you know by now. Sheremembered how the tide went way out and she had to waitfor it to come in before you could swim. She rememberedLois Wald and Barbara Dent. Helen lives in Conyers, GAnow where she went after her husband passed away. Shealso reports that she likes reading the newsletter.

TThhee 5500’’ss

Prill (Sargent) Korell (W’39-’55) is living in East Falmouthwith her daughter Barbara (Korell) Campbell (W’67-CCSC’78) and day camp alumni Justin and Matt Campbell. Prill experienced a massive stroke a year ago and has madesome progress. Although she is not able to speak, she movespretty well, and was able to cheer on the Red Sox duringthe World Series. Her family is very grateful to the friendswho keep her in their thoughts and come to visit. Sheenjoyed seeing Berry and Henri earlier in the year, and morerecently spent time with Marilyn Koch Francis, CorkyLindemann Studley (W’43-’57), Lynn Pond Bonasia (W’48-’53), Janie Sterling (W’40-’58), and Nancy GreenbergerSchmidt (W’40-’55). She has also heard regularly from herother dear friends from camp. In other family news, Barbarais director of alumni and annual giving at FalmouthAcademy and is on the board of Falmouth Youth Baseball,as well as the alumni development committee for LakeForest College. Doug Korell (M’71-CCSC’85) and his wifeJackie live in Edgartown and run two businesses, Lobster

Tales Outdoor Catering and the Katama General Store.Candie works for the Norwood School System. She and herhusband Sean and their three children live in Norwood.Don Tousley (M’48- ???) wrote that he enjoyed getting hisnewsletter last year. We like that kind of stuff. He wrotethat he started his Monomoy counseling career with ChesterRobinson (M’37-‘50) in Jr. Scout Cabin 1 with FrankGarran (M’46-‘50) as his head counselor. In 1949 hebrought along Doug Seymour (M’) who worked with Burt

Sue Lindemann Starpoli seen with Roger Shannon (M’45) at Cestoria Country Club. Roger still has family that lives in Brewster.


former camper of her in the Apprentice Seamen, she wantedtop touch base. Unfortunately Kaybee’s niece Susan CookHoganson (W’57-‘67) had just informed us of her passing.Betty was also wondering where Coatsie Douglas was.Charles Bakst (M’51) updated his information recentlythrough our web site. ( He isliving in Barrington, Rhode and remembers that the tuitionfor one month back in ’51 was $150. He also remembers

that at colors there was recognition for having the best bed.He took nature walks, went to P-Town and remembers thecreamed chip beef that the dining hall served. He was in theJunior Scouts and one of his bunkmates was David Smith-Peterson. Clyde Washburn (M’50) wrote a nice note toBerry commenting on her letter last year. Clyde describedhimself as Berry’s former swim boss. The picture we had inthe newsletter of the Wono JC’s in 1952 really sparkedsome interest. Joan Ridley Williamson (W’52) writes thatshe is in the picture as a JC Counselor. Paddy MorriseyCahill (W’46-‘57) was one of her campers and she remem-bers Cosmos Cosmadis ordering them all to squeeze togeth-er. She sent along a nice picture of Uncle Jim’s house in thedunes that her son John took in 1983. Willis “Billie”Brumer Ohlbaum (W’47-’52) stopped by and reminiscedwith us not too long ago. She remembers Mrs. Del’s won-derful nature talks and winning the honor of taking downthe flag for winning best bed. She loved archery and marsh-mallow roasts and the annual summer trip to P-Town. Shealso feels her brother Bob Brumer (M’476-’52) feels thesame way. Billie lives in New Hartford, NY and Bob lives in Anthem, AZ. Dr. Victor DePratti (M’55-’57) visited us allthe way from San Diego. Also swinging by to visit wasRichard Hyson (M’54-’55) who lives in Berlin, MD. He is aretired school principal. Harriet Chase Sharp (W’51-’53)came by a while ago. She is a retired state employee forRhode Island and lives in Rumford.

TThhee 6600’’ss

Peter Lamborn (’65-’69) emailed us last September lookingto see who was still around from his days as a Bravethrough JC1. He liked camp and was encouraged to knowthat we are still around and in particular that Otis was stillhere. He did suggest that Otis’ hairline was a little moresparsely populated than in ’69, but that’s true for all of us.He had some good stories and great memories. Oliver

Romick (M’40’s-50’s). Don remembers dating Joan Appel in1949 or 1950 and remembers double dating with DougSeymour and Lois Wald. His sister Jeanette Tousley was acounselor at Wono in 1952. She met Jim Muir (M’50-’52)that summer and they were married in 1953. Don also goeson to mention that he met Doris Carpenter (M’52-’55), aMonomoy nurse, in the summer of 1952 on July 2. Theywere engaged on August 2 and married on September 2nd.He thinks this may be the shortest camp romance ending upin a marriage. They are still married after 52 years. SusanMatthews (W’50-56) is living in Honolulu, HI and writesthat she like the newsletter and the updates on things. Wono was a very special place for her. Tony Amadeo (M’57-’59)writes that he has moved from Florida to Tennessee andlikes to get the newsletter (quite a trend here). He is to sendalong some of his old pictures. He would like to know ofany alumni in or near Tennessee. Peter Hoagland (M’56-’57) visited last April looking for Monomoy. He spent sometime looking at our archives and then went down the streetto look at Monomoy which is now part of the state parksystem. Peter lives in Jamestown, RI. David Gell (M’58-’59)emailed us looking for some specific cabin lists during hisyears here. While we do not have these available, he didremember Uncle Jim Havender and Capt. Del. Tom Herman(M’57-‘61) emailed us recollecting that he was in the Guidesand Warriors. He must remember Big Al Douglas (50’s &60’). Tom works for the Wall Street Journal. He went backseveral years ago to the old Monomoy site with his wife andtrekked through it. He has many fond memories. HobartVan Deusen (M’47-’53) has moved to Lakeville, CT. LouisGelwicks (M’38-’55) came to visit last August with his

grandchildren for a tour. We spent quite a bit of time withour archived photos. Lou has many photos of Monomoyincluding the last interior shot of the dining room before itburned down. Lou writes that he was standing in thekitchen with Capt. Del when he (Del) threw the fire extin-guisher bulb on the burning fat which exploded and set fire to the entire building. Wow! Lou lives in Walnut Creek,CA. Betty Eigo Golden (W’late 40’s & 50’s) emailed uslooking for Kaybee Cook Bowen’s (W’39-’52) address. As a

Joan Mansfield and Rosanne Altshuler yuck it at Paul Luby’s July sum-mer rental house in Brewster last summer. Photo credit goes to Luby.

Sue Lindemann Starpoli pictured with Marilyn Rich, daughter of Audrey Higgins Rich (W’) at the Portland (OR) St. Vincent Medical Center.


Chappell (M’54-’62) has moved to Mansfield Center, CT.Just an FYI but illustrates the point that it’s great when youlet us know when you move. Chappy, incidentally, was myhead counselor in the Hunters in 1958. We heard fromWilliam Sample (M’64) that he is living in Plantsville, CTand had bumped into his cabinmate Doug Scott (M’63-‘66)and was looking forward to having a 40 year reunion withhim. William’s father, William C Sample, was a camper inthe 30’s along with his uncle Edwin Sample. Judy RobinsonMarshall (W’65-’66) visited us all the way fromWrightstown, NJ. She is a special ed teacher and appreciates what she learned at Wono in the way of friendships andactivities. Tom Wright (M’62) visited with us this past year.He lives in Clearwater, FL and works in the field of InvestorRelations. He remembers being with Chevy Chase in theWarriors. Chevy is on 1963 plaque. Jessyca Green (W’56-’63) dropped me a line mentioned that she wasn’t upset thatI misspelled her name last year which I appreciate. I domake mistakes so…thanks! She was looking for LindaSvigals Martinelli’s (W’) address along with Jim Oxman’s(M’63). Jim Millstein (M’63-’67) saw Tom Smithy’s (M’65-’74) name in last year’s newsletter and got his email addressfrom us to contact him. They were bunkmates for threeyears in the Scouts, Guides and Warriors. I was actuallytheir counselor for several of those year’s as well. I had alunch in LA last year and got an email from Judy Ryan(W’52-’60) saying that she was sorry that she missed it. Shewas a camp with Connie Crosby Beal (W’52-‘63).The oneperson who I did have lunch with in LA was LisaThurmond Dukakis (W’). We had an in-depth discussionand a good time. Peter Rosenberg (M’64-’67) stopped byand updated his information for us. He lives in Duarte, CA.Lanie Finbury (W’58-’69) has been in touch and has recom-mended that we get going on our Web Page to make it moreinteractive. We will pursue this, although we are likemolasses in these matters, but we are making progress.Lanie lives in North Andover, MA. Ruthe L’Esperance(W’63-’66) almost made it to our Boston Reunion last year.Doug Scott (M’63-’66) was in touch with us and then madeit up to the Boston Reunion this past year. He lives on theCape in Eastham and was concerned that we had been send-ing the newsletter to his parents and they weren’t forward-ing them on to him. This happens a lot, so make sure wehave your address and information. Doug remembers listen-ing to the trains running through Nickerson State Parkwhen he was in the Senior unit at Monomoy. KarenAnderson Chalfen (W’50-’67) is working for the HarvardGraduate School of Education as the PublicationsCoordinator for Project Zero. David Brewster (M’60’s) hasupdated his information (except for his years at camp). Heis living in Chuluota, FL. Former Monomoy counselor andnow professor at Florida State University Dr. Dan Kelly(M’65-’66) was identified as one who would like to receivethe newsletter by Norman Witt (M’65) who has moved toAmelia Island, FL. John Serruto (M’61-’67) emailed us thispast November commenting on how the camp shaped himas a young adult. John was one of four Serruto brotherswho attended camp. Susan Schuyler Smith (W’53-’63) sentalong her information recently. She lives and works in VeroBeach, FL and remembers starting Wono as an Apprentice

Seaman and working her way up. She was thinking ofreturning her cup, but that is not necessary. What I wouldlike for those of you who have cups and plaques to do is tosend me the years and the names for on the trophies orplaques that you have. Susan is interested in helping with aFlorida Reunion which we will very likely explore this year.

TThhee 7700’’ss

Laura Allen (W’70-’73) dropped us an email from Orkney,Scotland where she teaches art. She remembers her summersat Wono with Martha Hatch (W’) teaching arts and craftsas well as swimming and other activities. She remembersLouise Trahan (W’), Karen Gilman (W’), Nancy Garran(W’-CCSC’04), and Sue “Super´Lutes (W’). Laura wouldlove to hear from any of your that remember her. We heardfrom Nigel Thorne (M’72-’73) who is a headmaster at St.John’s College in the UK. He was looking for MikeMcKenna’s (M’71-‘72) email address as he stayed withMike the last time he visited the US. I recently bumped intoMike in Boston and he looked great! He is the President andCEO of Marsteller. Wendy Dickerson (W’74-CCSC’75)stopped by this past year for a visit. She lives in St. Paul,MN. Sharon Facey Donovan (CCSC’76-’77) lives in Norton, MA and also came by for a visit. Betsey HeathHarmon (W’64-’74) dropped us an email with her info. She

is living in Hartford and likes the Jib Sheet. Ah…sweet adu-lation! She was looking to get in touch with Fred Trump(M’) We have heard from Liz Keith (W’63-CCSC’79) who isback from the middle of the country to just across thebridge to the Cape. She is working as a nurse practitioner inan orthopedic practice. She professes that she is going tovisit sometime. Valerie Hovey McCutcheon (W’71) touchedbase in July making an inquiry about her sons for camp. Shehas lots of happy memories. Cheryl Birchall Reynolds(W’58-’70) stopped by recently and had a lot of pride in thefact that she won her first spinnaker race. She lives inDenver, CO. Christina Ahmadjian (W’72) dropped us anote from Tokyo, Japan about her daughter. She remem-bered that her neighbors – Karen and Loring Anderson –were at Wono and Monomoy respectively and that she hada great summer at camp. Christina is a professor at a

Willis Brumer Ohlbaum and her husband Paul visit with Nancy.


Toys R Us. Cindy Noll Katzeff (CCSC’77-’78) touched baseto let us know she is living in Livingston, NJ and has twochildren. Mariana Barcena de Tovar’s (W’73-’74) motherhas informed us that she is married to the MexicanAmbassador to Rome where she is now living. Bill

Westerlund (M’67-’71) wrote us a note from Gorham, NHrecalling his years at Monomoy as being the finest of hislife. He made a series of inquiries: Do we have all the oldphotos? – Ans: not all of them, but we are making an effortto get as many of them as we can. Q: Does the Captain DelChapel still stand on what is now Nickerson State ParkProperty? Ans: Yes it does and it is a wonderful place to getmarried. And as luck would have it, we have also heardfrom Dan Westerlund (M’68-CCSC’75). Dan also gave usthe address of his sister, Sarah Westerlund Baraliek (W’58-’65) who is living in Summerville, SC. Dan lives in Moody,ME. Dan said that Scat McIntyre (M’) would remember hisbrother Bill who was a great sailor. Andy Sims (CCSC’-MDC’04) and Christin Healey (MDC’86-‘04) are gettingmarried there this coming Labor Day Weekend. RobinEpstein (W’71-CCSC’78) stopped by for a visit and men-tioned that she sings “Old Cape Cod” and “Barges” to herdaughter at every night at bedtime. She lives in Brooklyn,NY. Liz Sweibel (W’70-’73) has informed us she has movedfrom Boston to Ridgewood, NY. “Sam” Storrs Gardiner(W’63-’70) emailed us last January wondering if she couldcome back to Wono and take a walk around camp. Ofcourse! Sam started as a PO and went up through the JCand was eventually a counselor in the Tars unit with anemphasis on Archery. She has moved to Brewster andremembers Sherry. I remember Sherry too. Our beloved for-mer Alumni Working Group President Michael Raymond(M’65-’71) has moved from CT down to Florida where hehas a house in Chuluota. He has survived the hurricanesalthough he was well prepared for them due to the mentaltraining he received as President of the Working Group.Nancy hears once a year from her Skidmore nursing peerCindy Whiting (W’73) who lives in Santa Barbara, CA.Danny Rubin (M’65-CCSC’75) is back in the US living inElkins Park, PA after a stint in Germany. Got a nice cardfrom Debbie Boland Lefebvre (W’72-CCSC’75) who is nowliving in Honolulu, HI. Sounds tough! I think it’s time toask Berry if we can have a Hawaiian reunion. Debbie saysshe’s learning the Hula. Bumped into Carey Godbey Turner(W’74-CCSC’79) on Nantucket recently. She was visiting

University in Tokyo. The second similar story: ClaudiaCarey (W’70-CCSC’75) was visiting her father and foundthat he was getting the Jib Sheet. So we have switched itover to her address. She has been working in the film indus-try in LA and directed her first film this year on Cape Cod –The Sandpiper. She shot a many locations around Wono.She also had some nice things to say about RobertRichardson (M’60-‘04) whose latest work – Aviator- is outin theatres. Robert is on the CCSC Board of Directors andvisits his mother (Berry) frequently when he’s is not filming.Lainey Feingold (W’66-’73) is living in Berkeley, CA andwas recently looking for the address of Deidre Murphy(W’). We don’t have DeDe’s address – file under missingcampers. We got a stirring note last March from JonKentros (M’64-CCSC’77) about the passing of his fatherand the appreciation that his father had for the experiencethat Jon and his brother Arthur Kentros (M’64-CCSC’76)had at Monomoy. Beau Stinnette (M’74-CCSC’78) droppedus an email with his updated information and observed thatthe Web Site and the Jib Sheet made him feel like he wasjust at camp yesterday. We all feel that way. Beau lives inPalm Spring, CA. Got a note from David last June about atour he gave to one Kevin Ryan. It turns out that Kevin ismarried to Pascaline Servan-Schreiber (CCSC’75-’78). Kevinhad also bumped into David Burwick (M’70-CCSC’82) at amarketing meeting and David remembered Pascaline. Kevinalso mentioned that Pascaline’s brother, David Servan-Schrieber (CCSC’) is a best selling author in France. Weheard from Eric Cassie (M’70-’72) that he is still trying toget into law school while pursuing an acting career inWGBH’s American Experience. Judi Gadreault Higgins(W’67-’71) emailed us last July from Maine where she

works for an insurance company. Judi says that she thinksabout camp a lot. She said to say hello to Melinda MitchellShumway (W’66-CCSC’75), McKenzie, Dunn and Sherry.Judi is also concerned about bouncing in cars when you goover historic covered bridges. Kevin Kelleher (CCSC’75-’77)emailed us before last year’s New York Reunion wonderinghow you know who is going to be there. Well….we don’tknow and it just happens that who shows up shows up.Kevin was looking to reconnect with some of his fellowcampers from the mid-70’s. He works in New York for

Alan Goodyearrounds third,pounding out aninside-the-park,game winning home run.

Gay Eitel (W’60’s) with Karen Heindel Cavin (W’62-’70).




Darcy Raymond Creech (W’74-‘80) at Darcy’s hat shop. Ihappened to be visiting the same hat shop. Carey is busybeing a mother and Darcy is busy being a mother and amilliner. Bumped into Beth Kavanaugh Marshall (CCSC’77-’90) on the way back from Nantucket. She had been livingthere but has moved to Centerville. There was recently anarticle in the Cape Cod Voice titled Traveling with true ath-letic veterans. The article starts off: “Alan Goodyear (M’68-’74), 74 years old, slowed down only slightly rounding thirdbase, but kept on running as his extra inning, inside-the-park home run beat a Brandywine, PA softball team….Goodyear plays left field and bats lead-off for the 70 yearold (and up) Cape Old-Timer’s League traveling team,which played sever games in three days at a New JerseyTournament in the end of June.” They qualified for thenational championship. Alan lives and plays in Brewster.

TThhee 8800’’ss

Andrew Meyers (CCSC’75-’82) touched base with us recent-ly and after a long talk with Sherry he had all kinds ofmemories come to mind. Sherry has that effect on everyone! He is living in New York City. Kristin Moyer Waring(W’71-CCSC’81) has moved again – this time to Houston,TX. We heard from Andrew McGoey (CCSC’83-’84) last May who was looking at camp for his kids. He mentionedthat CCSC was a great experience for himself as well as hisbrother, R.J. McGoey and his sisters Gillian and Molly.Andrew lives in Brooklyn, NY and Gillian lives in the City.Eric Nunes (CCSC’84-’85) has moved to Harwichport, MA.Amy Ellis Trunk (CCSC’81-’84) is living in Tampa, FL andhas3 children. It is good when alumni update us – some fur-ther updates: Julia Fraser (W’69-CCSC’81 & beyond) is liv-ing in Fort Lauderdale, FL and is willing to host a FloridaReunion. Beth Robinson-Masse (W’70-CCSC’83) is living inThornton, NH. Sacha Loiseau (CCSC’82-’83) was in touchwith us from Paris. He has corresponded with Sherry and“even with Tom Pranikoff (M’70-‘85)”!!! We heard fromLucas Meyers (CCSC’79-’82) who was looking for theaddress of Lisa Jacobson (CCSC’78-’84). Lucas lives andSherman Oaks, CA. Lisa is in New York. Jon Barrengos-Knopps (M’73-CCSC’81) ended his sabbatical in Maine inthe middle of this past year and is now at Miss Porter’sSchool teaching Psychology and running their summer pro-grams. Dean Klitzner (CCSC’76-’81) sent us his latest infowhile at the same time looking to locate David Hartly(CCSC’) Dean lives in Lincoln, RI. Alexia Dorozynski(CCSC’84-’89) sent us an email last April commenting onall the friends she had made at camp. She has been workingin New York,London and now Moscow. Alexia joinedNancy, David and myself for dinner after our ParisReunion. Her flight did not allow for her to make theReunion itself. We had a great time and were fascinated by her work in Moscow in the oil business. Andy Beddard(CCSC’85-’86) sent Wally and email asking if he wasremembered. He had some thoughts about listening toBryan Adams (CCSC’) and doing some other things. Andy isworking as a vice-principal in a school in England andwould like to visit the US again. He would like to hear from Wally, Sherry, Otis, Kenny & Ted to name a few. He lives

in Cheshire, UK Hillary Liss (CCSC’81-’88) stopped by witha friend after a stint in Nepal. Some of you might remembera previous picture of her applying her stethoscope to ahippo? At least I think that it was a hippo? She walkedaround Wono and we had a nice chat. She is currently livingin Seattle, WA. We heard from Marla Newell Fialko(CCSC’80-’82) who worked as a counselor for the PO’s,Seniors and Juniors. She likes getting the newsletter.Kimberly Sanford (CCSC’82-’89) went into our Web Siteand updated us on her whereabouts. She lives in Tewksbury,MA and works in Sales and Marketing. Scott Davidson(CCSC’80-’85) did the same on the Web Site. He is marriedand lives in Millbrae, CA. He is in Finance. Matt Shapoff(CCSC’82-’88) was recently looking for the addresses of JaySylvester (M’66-CCSC’86) and David McNair (CCSC’85-’90). We had those but we don’t have the address of ArielSchoenfeld (CCSC’84-‘91) so if anyone has it, send it in.And speaking of the Sylvesters, we recently heard fromCassie Sylvester Sutton (CCSC’82-’86). She was looking forsome information on summer rentals and reflected on thefact that she basically grew up at camp, which is true.Mark Batchelder (CCSC’83-’84) and Robin HuntBatchelder (W’70-CCSC’83) have moved to Westborough,MA!! Paula Collins McGlarry (CCSC’83-’85) Is living in

New York. Kala Horvitz (CCSC’83-’85) is alive and wellliving in Newport, RI The Luby’s congregated this past sum-mer in Brewster. Among the group were Paul Luby (M’72-CCSC’82), his brother Tom Luby (CCSC’78) and his sisterKathy Luby Walker (W’68-’74). It was also likely that hiscousins Joan Mansfield (CCSC’) and Suzie Mansfield(CCSC’) would attend. And finally for the 80’s – SanderShalinsky (CCSC’76-’88) sent us his new address inToronto, Canada as he likes to get our stuff!

TThhee 9900’’ss

Becky Chasse (CCSC’98) wrote Sherry a nice note about herfantastic summer at CCSC and the fact that she looks at thewebsite to see the summer pictures and enjoy the memories.She is living in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada work-ing for the provincial government. She recently ran into Tim

The Nantucket Wono Club meets at Peter Beaton Hat Studio. Pictured from left to right are: Darcy Raymond Creech (W’74-CCSC’82), Virginia Scott Heard (W’40’s) for a summer remembers Sally Henessey and Joanne Gelwick)and Cary Godbey Turner (W’74-CCSC’80).


wishes everyone a Happy Holidays. He hopes that the HornBrothers – Chris (CCSC’95-‘04) and Mike (CCSC’87-‘00)are doing well along with Francois Dufour (CCSC’86-‘95).Francois is living in San Francisco and visited us with hisparents this past summer. Page Travelstead (CCSC’85-’95)visited with us last July. She is living in Climax, NY. DanielWeisman (CCSC’91-’95) is about to graduate from EmoryUniversity with a double major in African and AmericanStudies and Journalism. He is going to move to LA and

become a talent agent. Miles Stubbs (CCSC’90) writes fromEngland that things are well over there and he thinks ofCamp over here. Gayle Gerritz (CCSC’97) sent us a notefrom Kansas before summer wishing us well for the season.She was concerned that we may have dropped her from themailing list and then went on to heap praise on Sherry (who else) for her skill at remembering social security numbersand birthdays. Nick Meehan (CCSC’87-’96) sent along anote from Northern Japan where he has been working as abroadcast producer for the Navy for the past 2 years. Hethinks of camp often from the other side of the world. Hewas looking for Peter Feld’s address. Amanda Bowker(CCSC’) was in touch with us a while ago looking for SaraRigelhaupt’s (CCSC’81-’98) address. She is living in NewYork City. Hilary Steuer (CCSC’90-’92) rsvp’d to the NewYork Reunion (which she attended) and mentioned she hadrealized that it had been a decade since she was at camp.Time flies. Tim Gardella (CCSC’93-’95) is moving back toAugusta, Maine from Brisbane, Australia. Tim got his MBAfrom the University of Queensland and is now starting anew venture importing Australian wine into the US. LaceyBowman (CCSC’90-’98) graduated last May with an MS in Accounting and is going to work for Deloitte and Touche.She is living in Denver, CO. Lauren Wolfson (CCSC’90-’97)was going to try to get to camp this past summer as she wasvacationing in Brewster from her residence in Arlington,VA. She is working for Accenture traveling across the coun-

Cobbett (CCSC’97-‘02) at a Frisbee tournament in RhodeIsland. She also reflected on the whereabouts of some of her campers (wondering if any of them might be counselors)Kim Kargman (CCSC’94-‘04), Sam Barton (CCSC’96-‘99)and Nicole Goldberg (CCSC’). Kati was an AC with thePO’s for the Wono Seniors this year! (ed note: I think I’mgoing to make Sherry the Assistant Alumni Director as sheseems to be doing a brisk business with notes and beingremembered this year.) We have just heard from ElizabethSolomon Hubbard (CCSC’92-’94) and Jeff Hubbard(CCSC’93-’94) that they have moved from Colorado toIllinois – thus they are close to camp and thus maybe theycan get back here and visit with us. Nastassya “Sasha”Newman (CCSC’95-’99) is going to culinary school in SouthCarolina and planning her wedding. She congratulates herold camp counselor Daniella DeFilippo Garran (CCSC’84-‘04) on her wedding and thinks it was cool that she gotmarried at camp. She also mentioned that her grandmother,Judy Walker Pastorio (W’50-’55), has just become a grand-mother again for the eighth time. Sasha would love to hearfrom any old Wono ex-JC’s. Jessica Resnick-Ault (CCSC’94-’95) has just moved to Houston where she has a job as areporter covering energy for Dow Jones Newspapers. AmyYudin Levine (CCSC’86-’97) stopped by and visited recent-ly. She is living in Denville, NJ. We heard from CaitlinSullivan (CCSC’89-’99) that she is down working as thedirector of the Ft. Lauderdale Yacht Club marina. Shereports that she was in her sister’s - Erin Sullivan Sheehan(CCSC’89-‘93) - wedding as well as being a bridesmaid inBrooke Herlihy’s (CCSC’89-‘94) wedding. Believe it or not,the yacht club has a huge fleet of Cape Cod Mercuries, soshe feels right at home. She said to say hello to who elsebut….Sherry. She was also looking for addresses for thelovely Allison Garvey (CCSC’97-‘04), Jen Martinelli(CCSC’88-’97) and Jeremy Lawrence (CCSC’95-‘02).Rachel Karp (CCSC’91-’98) is still living in the Boston area,but she is now working for the Norfolk County DA’s office.Some living locations: Christa Semerjian (CCSC’93-’95) isliving in Waltham, MA; James Dempsey (CCSC’88-’94) is living in Alexandria, VA; Allison Rohrer (CCSC’91-’97) isliving in Westwood, MA; Michael Deen (CCSC’89-’94) isliving in Colorado Springs, CO; Sara McClure Brandon(CCSC’97-’98) is living in New York City; Peter Feld(CCSC’90-’96) is living in New York City as is XavierFraniatte (CCSC’89-’96); legendary nurse Mary Beth Ray(CCSC’86-’95) is living in Cambridge, MA; PatriciaMorrow Michelin (CCSC’82-’95) is living in Plymouth, MA;Mati Luik (CCSC’92-’97) is living in White Plains, NY;Elizabeth Kreisler (CCSC’86-’97) is living in San Francisco;Rachel Ferrara (CCSC’87-’98) Is living in Columbia, MD;Harry Kamataris (MDC ’85-’94) is living in Jacksonville,FL; PK Marshall (CCSC’92-’95) is living in San Diego, CA;Olympia Constantinescu (CCSC’86-’94) is living inHollywood, FL; Kathleen Procario (CCSC’90-’92) is livingin New York City; Andy Clark (CSC’93-’96) (recently mar-ried) is living in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; AndrewShulman (CCSC’87-’94) is living in New York City; TimFoley (CCSC’89-’97) has moved to Port Orange, FL; RachelKorber (CCSC’90-’92) has moved to Boulder, CO. JoeReilly (CCSC’95-’96) writes from Pineville, NC that he

Vanessa McLaughlin and Michael Halpersonat Boston’s Winter Ball,

as reported in The Improper Bostonian.




try. She had much to report: Amanda Maddox (CCSC’) hasrelocated to Florida; Matt Maddox (CCSC’84-‘95) is gettingmarried soon; and Kim Mowery (CCSC’86-‘95) was marriedthis past summer in New Haven, CT. She assumes we knowall of this but we don’t. That’s why we like people to writein to us and tell us. And finally for the 90’s Jon Butler(CCSC’83-’99) got married and is now living in Brighton, MA.

TThhee NNeeww MMiilllleenniiuumm

Former Service Cup winner Kate Brumbaugh (CCSC’94-’02)has settled in Tuscaloosa, AL. Gary Rudman (CCSC’96-’01)is living in Putnam, CT and wishing that we had put sprin-klers in the front field when he ran Land Sports. SarahDiLorenzo (CCSC’91-’03) – former Service Cup winner – isoverseas living in Paris. She will be coming back in Marchand suggests that it’s to an uncertain future. She too is will-ing to have another Paris reunion. I’ll have to work on that.Cassie Garner (CCSC’91-’01) is living in Quincy and teach-ing on the South Shore. Emily Beldon Burke (CCSC’03)wanted to make sure she stayed on the Jib Sheet list so she’sinformed us that she has moved to New York City. SarahHale (CCSC’99-’03) has relocated to New York City as wellto pursue the world of theatrics, so to speak. MichaelMoran (CCSC’89-’01) has moved from Framingham toGlendale, CA. Scott Schultz (CCSC’01) has written Sherry(who else) that he is finishing medical school at GeorgeWashington University and pursuing a field know as reha-bilitation medicine. His year at camp was wonderful.“Guess what!” is how an email started that came to us fromJeremy Lawrence (CCSC’95-’02). It seems that Jeremy got-got engaged! Congrats. He is the Assistant Director ofAdmissions at the Blue Ridge School in St. George, VA.Scott Willison (CCSC’91-’00) has informed us that he is liv-ing in Brattleboro, VT. Valerie Pontius (CCSC’96-’02) livesin Germany and tried to make it to our Paris Reunion.We’re sorry that she couldn’t get there. The angry LauraSmith (CCSC’83-’00) is the newest entrant into the teachingworkforce in Massachusetts – in Hingham, I believe but Icould be wrong. She professes to have an interest in show-ing up at our Alumni events, but seems to find the actualmanifestation of such representations too challenging. Shewent to Australia too. Recently wed Kathleen DolanGeraghty (CCSC’02-’03) wrote to – guess….Sherry…abouther life in Wisconsin. Collin Geraghty (CCSC’02-’03) is act-ing at the Milwaukee Reperatory Theatre and Kathleen isworking in development for the Milwaukee SymphonyOrchestra. They’re thinking about moving to Ireland for ayear as well so that Kathleen can pursue a Master’s pro-gram. She like to figure out a way to take a summer off tocome back to camp! We think that’s a great idea as well.We got quite a note from Dan Cookmore…er Cudmore(CCSC’03-’04) about his travels about the world. He is justriding and running all over Australia and then to rest – hetakes a week off to surf, hang glide, play tennis and general-ly laze about in the sun. Not too shabby for Dan. We wishhim well. A recent boys night out in Boston found LorinAlusic (CCSC’85-‘98), Brian Lutes (CCSC’85-‘04), NickMartinelli (CCSC’89-‘02) and Henri having dinner at a newwave contemporary new chain located on Newbury Street.

And who should this august assembled group see in thisrestaurant – none other than Bryan Peugh (CCSC’86-‘90).And finally for the Jib Sheet – why not a note about MiquelCespedes (CCSC’81-’01). Well in the course of trying tokeep tabs on Miguel, I interacted with his brother PabloCespedes (CCSC’84-‘02) who told me that Miguel was inCozumel, but didn’t have an address only an email. ButMiguel is back at his dive shop – Dive Paradise- and even

though he says that his address is a “mess because I’m notvery stable yet”, we have confidence that this will be takencare of. Both Miguel and Pablo are excited about the possi-bility of a Mexican Reunion. Berry isn’t that excited aboutit though, but I am. We’ll see.

Our best to you for this new year andplease take the time to send us pictures, write us notes or visit with


from left to right: Katrine Haberstock holding her daughter BD Anna Richardson, Kanchan Richardson, Woody, Maya Richardson, Robert Richardson,Henri and Darcy Creech at the Chatham Bars Inn recently.


SUMMER 2004 WAS…LIVESTRONG wristbands… CupNight in the awesome Tent… Da Hedge… WESTERN…Captains of the Corps, Audrey Arbeeny and MattRubinger… Blue Star Expert ceremonies… Hockey Nightswith Topher… Vespers… All-camp dances with dj… SmugCup… Into The Woods(children’s version)… Josh’sClimbing Wall at Summerfest… Kati and Kim’s YankeeDoodle Dandy… cake every night… Da Hedge… Emma DelCup… Monomoy Senior “Roofball”… new digital photog-raphy program… Chatham Regatta… Jenny Wise and BenGaland, Service Cup Winners… 2nd Annual TeamCounselor Hunt… “Wa-Bam!”… Cape Cod Track MeetVictory… Orleans Cardinals baseball games under the lights… Campfires and s’mores… Water Wizz… POPetal Sale… “Guides’ Guide”… Cabin 17’s “pimp my golf-cart”… Jean Christophe Richard’s Lower Cape TennisTournament Victory… LUAU!… Wono Senior Carnival…“Save The Lobster Campaign”… the multipurpose BrewsterFlats… Shear Madness… new Early Show format… Dan’s “the pool is sparkling today”… Lubos and The Wind…McIntyre Cup… Chris and Rachel’s “great expectation”…Costumes by Emily Taradash… McNally’s all-camp Rock,Paper, Scissors championship… Leo’s clipboard… PingPong… Juniors Raffle… Quad Squad… weekly sail races…cooler than usual weather… Debby’s foot… lots of guitarplayers… Scottish games with Chris, Emily, Murray andLyndsay… Return of Stern… A new cannon for Colors…Faulty blanks for same new cannon… Brita’s dramagames… Competition with Wingate-Kirkland… CampStore… Mini film festivals courtesy of cinema classes…swim and track meets… David’s low tide walk… Sarah andJessie’s visit… Greased watermelons… July 4th Games…Bayplay… Capsize drills… Jim Flanagan, Toaster King…Inflatable palm tree by cabin 33… Harry Potter… Challengetrips… Lip syncs… Longmeadow Lancers… Sunsets… earlymorning joggers… dining al fresco… Hepzibah’s Sheri-hee“RAP”… brothers and sisters… ubiquitous AllisonGarvey… Ryan’s ecological talks… Sterling Landsports’recipients, Laura Marcinek and TJ McCurdy… Tracy Trackrecipients, Sarah McCurdy and Alex Bick… Kari’s picturetaking… Cabin 19, Bunkman winner once again…Cinderella and the Sisty Uglers… Tomcats vs Tidalwavers…Krista’s dancing… Rendez-Vous dinner guests, Bobby and

Summer 2004 Was...By Sherry Mernick

Nicole, Jessica and Eliza… Quahogs… Jimmy NarinExperience, Early Show musical entertainment… ArtShow… “At Camp I’ve Learned That…”… Sail ClothMessage Streamers for Da Hedge… Yankees… RED SOX…Kite flying… Kite Sailing… Sunday woodworking on thebeach… Skunk sightings… Golf cart rides… Bedball… DaVinci Code… Allan’s, “You’re Fired!”… Chicken fingers…Salad bar choices… Grilled cheese with Tomato soup…messages and care packages… super soakers at rest hour…scavenger hunts… blue blankets… Blue/Green Cup…Sunlight, Moonlight and Firelight… creative marching andrepartee at Colors… Daniel’s Portugal in the World Cupfinals… “We have come to the end of a Wono day”…TAPS… The Afterglow!

Monomoy Day CampBy Rick “Otis” Moyer, Director

The summer of 2004 at the Monomoy Day Camp (MDC)will go down as one of the very best ever if not T.H.E. “bestever”. Our administrative team of Keith Gauley, JoannaFlanagan, David Harackiewicz, and Andrew “Crash” Simswere superb from start to finish. I believe that our 8 headcounselors were the real strength of MDC this summer. Theweather was a non-issue this summer with a rainy day hereand there, but nothing a good “A” game effort from thestaff and the campers could not take care of. How aboutour new edition?? The “Port”, as we have named it. Let meexplain what the “Port” is. It is a 40X40 tent erected in thearea where the garden used to be. The “Port” was used formany different things. It served as a meeting place for thecampers as well as the counselors. Many electives, ping-pong tournaments, bingo games, etc. were held there. KrisDenby conducted his very popular elective called MAGICunder the big top. It has the potential to serve as a shelter ifit were ever to rain on Cape Cod.

I must mention what transpired during the PMC (PanMassachusetts Challenge) weekend. We all know that thePMC is for a great cause filled with two days of excitement(Sat and Sun). WELL, when a member of our administrativeteam proposes to our “Art” lady things really get exciting.Yes—Andrew “Crash” Sims proposed on the Rocks, no less,at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy to Christin Healeyon Saturday night. It doesn’t get any better that that. Andy


Monomoy Day Camp News

Hey Day Campers and staff – let me know what you are upto. I hope to expand this column over the coming years andthink it would be great if you communicated directly withme. Write me at Camp or email me at: Otis.

Michael F. Kayajan (MDC ‘86 -’88) was engaged to DeanaM. Towns. Deana is a 1997 graduate of Merrimack Collegein North Andover. She is the manager of annual programsfor the Cape Cod Healthcare Foundation. Michael is a 1999graduate of Salve Regina Univ. in Newport, R.I. He is co-owner and manager of Culligan Bottled Water. The weremarried Aug. 28 at the Federated Church of Hyannis.Belinda Thornton-Ruelle (MDC ‘77 -’91): Blinny – formerday camper and counselor - writes that she “misses those

days in the sun—All is well here and very busy as you cansee in the pic below! In a few years… another camper.”She’s referring to daughter Lillian. Blinny and her husbandRon live in Boulder, CO. Diane Porter (MDC ’91-’93) Thisformer counselor from East Yorkshire England writes thatshe made it across the water again but this time to Canada.Enjoying skiing by day and chilling in bars, spas and restau-rants by night. All going too quickly though. Timm Wymes:(MDC ’79-’82) sends his best from Waterbury, CT. TammyMacAulay-Jones (MDC ’90-’95) writes that she stoppedover to say hi. It was great to see the camp again after allthose years. I have two boys now, Declan 3 years, andColeman 2 years. Hopefully Declan can come to camp nextyear. Laura May-former counselor - sends her best fromViewforth, Quoyloo, Stromness, Orkney, Scotland. She isexcited that we hope to have a camp reunion in Englandnext year. The one in Paris went very well this past fall.Alan and Mary Haddad (MDC ’89-’97) sent word that they have an addition to the Haddad clan. Megan AndreaHaddad. Our beloved former Director of the MonomoyDay Camp went on to say that she and their 3 grandsonsare wonderful. Alan is thoroughly enjoying retirement.Happy holidays and love to all. Jack DiRico (MDC’68-’70)stopped by and said hello. He lives in Marshfield and is the owner of Hub Folding Box. Word has come to us thatEden Abramson (MDC’93-’01) and Matthew Dunckel(MDC’95-’97) has tied the knot and are now living inAnchorage, Alaska.

is a 3-year rider and Christin is a 2-year rider. They have setSeptember 4, 2005 as their wedding day. Seeing that theymet at CCSC it is only fitting that the wedding will be oncampus. The wedding ceremony will be held at theMonomoy Chapel on the old Monomoy campus. The recep-tion is to be held on the Wono campus immediately follow-ing. Congratulation to Andy and Christin!

As Director of the Monomoy Day Camp I want to thankeach and everyone that was remotely associated with us thissummer. The response from all areas was extremely positiveabout ’04 i.e. campers, parents, counseling staff, administra-tion, bus drivers, maintenance staff, kitchen staff

Thank you. As they say, we had so much fun in ’04 let’s doit again in ’05.

Belinda Thornton-Ruelle with her husband Ron and daughter Lillian.

Monomoy Day CampSummer Highlights

Camper of the week…unit pictures—spaghetti, cheese, mac-aroni, pizza, and how about just plain SMILE…PoopDeck…Lower-middle-upper—camp Drama…Creature fea-ture…Spirit Assemblies…camp store…JC certificates…NatDuncan Memorial Archery Tournament…Service Cup win-ner was Julie Potts from Radnor, PA and the DirectorsEfficiency winner was Matt Knight from Bronxville, NY—-Congratulations to these two fine young adults…Tether Balland Ping Pong…”THE PORT”…Long Pond…BaySail…PMC (20 million dollars raised for the Dana FarberCancer Institute and MDC was a part of it)…Swim, elective,occupation and GAP…Track Meet…Swim Meet… Ring theBell for the next MOD…Water Slide…World Cup Soccer Tourney…Ultimate Frisbee…Final Spirit Games…Deep SeaFishing…Lost and Found…Salad Bar and Deli Bar…TheBIG White tent that we held our final Spirit Assembly in…

The Afterglow and SO many great memories of the wonder-ful summer of 2004…

See you next summer.


The 2004 Pan Mass Challenge was a huge success, both forthe Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, which the ride benefits,and for the Cape Cod Sea Camps and all its involvement.This year’s riders donated $20 million, which represents 97cents of every dollar raised going directly to cancer research.Both numbers are records beyond comparison, and everyonewho helped should be very proud.

The Cape Cod Sea Camps role in the PMC has grown expo-nentially over the last eleven years when Monomoy DayCamp director Rick “Otis” Moyer began riding. In additionto Otis, this year’s Cape Cod Sea Camps team included cur-rent staff Brian Lutes our long-time water skiing instructor,who is a cancer survivor, and a two-time rider. Also ridingwere day camp registrar and CCSC alum Andrew Sims, daycamp art director Christin Healey, day camp counselor DebGauley, and alumni Warren Lutes (Brian’s dad), KristenMoyer Waring, Lorin Alusic, and Lauren Shriber.

This year marked the first time a current camper rode in thePMC. Tyler Kalbach from Reading, PA and a JC 2 at theMonomoy Day Camp rode both days of the PMC and per-sonally raised approximately $10,000. We are all so proudof Tyler and his successes.

Cape Cod Sea Camps involvement though is so much morethan just it’s riders. The camp sent about 100 volunteers tothe Mass Maritime Academy in Bourne, and the finish linein Provincetown. These counselors and junior counselorsfrom both the resident and day camps were invaluable. Atthe Mass Maritime Academy they moved the luggage for the4000 riders, served breakfast, and loaded the trucks. At thefinish line they again moved mountains of luggage, cookedand served lunch, and handed out waters to weary riders asthey crossed the finish line.For those campers and staff whocouldn’t volunteer, most of them cheered the riders on fromDa-Hedge, the row of hedges in front of camp that line 6A.There are signs posted starting 10 miles out letting ridersknow they are approaching “Da-Hedge.” Da- Hedge repre-sents the largest single cheering section along the entire 192mile route from Sturbridge to Provincetown. We get thankyou letters from many riders in reference to the hedge.Here’s what rider Joe Foran wrote us, “you start to see thesigns for Da Hedge - you smile, and find a little bit of kick.The next sign hits you, and you feel so much closer to thefinish. Before you know it, you’re hearing the roar of thecrowd and the noisemakers and the horns, and you feelevery mile fall off of you. Every year, I peel from pacelinethat I’ve jumped on and yell back, waiving my arms to tryand give something back to all of you who mean so much to us.

Then, you are past it, glad that you are that muchcloser to the finish, but a little sad that it was overthat “quickly.”

Pan Mass Challenge - 2004JULIANA POTTSA portrait of Monomoy Day Camp Service

Cup Winner(photo on page 20)

Julie graduated from the Junior Counselor program thissummer after being at MDC for ten summers. She was pre-sented with the very prestigious Service Cup for her out-standing effort through out the 4-year program. Keep inmind that the award is based on leadership, teaching, coun-seling, service and socialization skills. Julie excelled in allareas. Let me quote JC head counselor Kathy Vohs. “Juliehad an awesome summer as a JC 4. She was always willingto lend a hand and step up as a leader. Julie is a role modelfor the other JC’s. Campers, staff, and administrationrespected her. She was outstanding”. When asked what wasthe first thing that came to mind when she received theService cup she had this to say. “I was extremely honored, itwas such a compliment to receive the award! It was hard tobelieve that after 9 years of watching a JC be awarded theService Cup that I was that person! I was very lucky andworked with two amazing units this summer (Apes andBosun’s), as well as incredible counselors! I can’t wait tocome back in 2005”. (Hopefully in the Apes or Bosun’s).

Julie is a senior at Hill School in Pottstown, PA. She is verybusy on the school reception committee (tour guides), com-munity service (tutoring at a community center) and servingas the head of peer counseling. When asked who were herall time favorite counselors at MDC she said that was atough question but 4 or 5 did come to mind. Christin Healy,Dave Bruise, Harry LaCoste, Leanne Guiesti (my counselorin the Tars and Bosun’s) and Matt Danzinger.

Little known facts about this well-known Service Cup winner:

● Favorite subjects: math and English

● Least favorite: History

● Favorite movies: Life as a House and Miracle.

● Majors as a JC: art and tennis

● Favorite food: ice cream

● Favorite ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough

What do I like about Cape Cod. EVERYTHING—I love it!!The beautiful beaches, being able to watch the sunset overthe water, crossing the Sagamore Bridge coming on to the Cape (I hate going the other way) and of course CCSC!


The CCSC 2004 Pan Mass Challenge Team.


Warren and Brian Lutes.


Jenny Wise from Sarasota, Florida and Ben Galand from Avignon, France.

from left to right:Joey AKL, Joanna Flanagan, Tom Donlon, Nicole Caputo, Kris Denby, Kathy Vohs, Sue Tully,

Julie Potts – Service Cup Winner, Will Cropper, Nancy Garran, Keith Gauley and Otis.

from left to right:Joey AKL, Joanna Flanagan, Tom Donlon, Nicole Caputo, Kris Denby, Kathy Vohs,

Matt Knight – Director’s Efficiency Cup Winner, Sue Tully, Will Cooper, Nancy Garran, Keith Gauley, Otis.

2004MDCService CupWinner

2004MDCEfficiency CupWinner

2004Resident CampService CupWinners


2004 Boston Reunion

The assembled multitude.

Cassandra Garner and the lovely Allison Garveyengaged in some meaningful dialogue.

This again is a premier reunion activity of theCCSC Alumni as we had close to 30 people join uslast year at Sel del la Terre. The participants includ-ed: David Lutes (M’62-CCSC’87), Sarah Hale(CCSC’99-’03), Robin Lord (M’-CCSC’05), LauraSmith (CCSC’97-’03), Doug Scott (M’63-’66), EvanMead (CCSC’78-’88), Bryan Peugh (CCSC’86-‘90),Jon Butler (CCSC’82-’99), Ed Barber (’67-CCSC’05), Steve Haddad (CCSC’89-’96), BrianLutes (M’66-CCSC’05), Karen Anderson Chalfen(W’50-’67), Nancy Garran (W’58-CCSC’05), MaryEllen Tracy (W’58-’73), Janet Hardman Blackman(W’71-CCSC ), Alisa Gardner (CCSC’79-’82),Andrew Sims (CCSC’81-’05), Lanie Finbury (W’60-’67), Wendy Moyer (W’66-CCSC’92), AllisonGarvey (CCSC’97-’04), Katie Garvey (CCSC’99),Sarah Benjamin (CCSC’87-’96), Lisa Benjamin(CCSC’88-’02), Cassandra Gardner (CCSC’91-’01),and our host Geoffrey Garner (CCSC’82-‘87).


Our host Geoffrey Gardner chats it up.

Andy Sims surrounded by Jon Butler and David Lutes.

Sarah and Lisa Benjamin say hello.Janet Hardman Blackman about to speak as Alisa Gardner looks on.


Well – for the second year in a row – Hollis vonSummer outdid herself hosting the CCSC alumnireunion. We had a lot of fun and caught up on oldtimes and new times with a fairly diverse group offormer CCSCers. The cast of characters attending isas follows: JoLynn “Jo-Mama” Lipari (ed note: Iam not responsible for these nicknames) (CCSC’00-‘02), Meghan “the wondergirl” Schmillen(CCSC’01-‘02), Kara “the Babe” Dabe (CCSC’00-‘02), Dianna Lamb (CCSC’88-‘02), XavierFraniatte (CCSC’89-‘96), Kirstin Gollop (CCSC’89-‘93), Abbie Hanke (CCSC’99-’00), Brian Reed(CCSC’90-‘04), Hillary Steuer (CCSC’90-‘92),Fernando “the Quad Father” Padro (ed note: I amresponsible for this nickname) (CCSC’88-‘00),Philip Sawyer (CCSC’68-‘79), Alison Marra(CCSC’91-‘96), Sarah Hale (CCSC’99-‘03), RobPercarpio (CCSC’91-‘02), Amein Carless(CCSC’91-‘92), Peter Feld (CCSC’90-‘96), MichaelKennedy (CCSC’88-‘02), Cheryl Kimberley(CCSC’80-‘05), David Peterson (M’71-CCSC’05),and Nancy Chappell Purnell (W’late 50’s/early60’s). We had a great time and hope that you canmake and effort to show up this coming April 1st (Friday).

Nancy Chappell Purnell and Meghan Schmillen.

The Quad Father goes to heaven: Fernando Padro bookended by Jo Lynn Lipari and Abbie Hanke.

Kirsten Gallop, Hollis von Summer (our hostess), Alison Mara and Dianna Lamb.

2004 New York Reunion


Aurelie Main (CCSC’89-‘91) and her mother.

The boys – Aman Carless, Peter Feld, Xavier Franiatte and Michael Kennedy.

A cast of characters picture.

2004 Paris Reunion

Well, we had quite a time in Paris for our firstoverseas reunion in quite a while. With about 20former and current campers attending, the eventwas full of memories and great anticipation. SergeWarnier (M’41) was the oldest Alumni attending.He spent a summer at Monomoy in 1941 when hewas 11 years old. It was great reminiscing withhim about life at camp back during the war. Wealso had Bredel Arnauld (MDC ’93) attend withhis friend Delphine Taillerbois. Bredel spent thesummer of 1993 living with his Aunt in Hyannis.He remembered being in the Seniors at Day Campand vaguely remembered Otis. (ed note: can youbelieve that anyone could vaguely remember Otis?I vaguely remembered wrestling him, but that’s it.)Bredel was also looking for the address of a girlnamed Abby Howard or something like that. Shegave him her address and he promised to write,but he lost the address. Sarah Lewis (CCSC’84-’02) came the longest way except for us – all theway from England with her daughter Jessie andher mother. Also attending was Ali-RezaAtighetchi (CCSC’83), Alain Furcajg (CCSC’90)and Nicoles Pinel with Charles Pinel, Jameson andShepard Pepper.

Of course, this event would not have been possi-ble if it hadn’t been for the great effort of our for-


Henri with Bredel Arnauld (MDC ’93) and his friend, Delphine Taillerbois.

The Coordinating Committee: Sheena Sumarah, Darren Gilmour, Yves Pierre Lamballais and Henri.

mer Hunter Sail man, YvesPierre Lamballais (M’73)working with Darren Gilmour(CCSC’84-‘05) and SheenaSumarah (CCSC’03-‘04). Yvesput in a great deal of effort tocontact our Alumni overseasand see if they couldn’t comeout to the event. We reallycouldn’t have run this eventwith out him and hope in thenear future he will become ouroverseas correspondent.


SSttaaffffiinngg AAnnnnoouunncceemmeennttss

Garran Peterson

Ed Barber

Bruce Riley

Facilities ManagerEd Barber has been selected as our new Facilities Managerreplacing Frank Lajoie who had served the Camps in thatcapacity for more than 30 years. Ed first came to CampMonomoy with his brothers Robert and Hugh (and his sis-ters at Wono – Alice and Mary) in 1967. After graduatingfrom the JC Corps he spent 3 years as a counselor beforemoving into Raftco. During that time period he graduatedfrom Columbia University with a major in MechanicalEngineering. When Henri Rauschenbach moved on to hispolitical career, Ed took over as Sailing Master – a positionthat he has held until this year.

Linger Longer ManagerBruce Riley was one of the infamous group of Riley broth-ers who was with us as a camper and Counselor from themid 70’s to the mid 80-‘s. He served with distinction as amember of RAFTCO for both the resident and day camps.In the late 80’s he traveled to Colorado as a ski bum /instructor and then hit some 20 countries from ’87-’89. Hewent on to teach English as a second language in Japan for10 years and then Mexico. After a 1 year stint in Vermont,he settled on the Cape with his wife Kei and their childrenKoki and Finn.

Sailing MasterGarran Peterson has recently been named the Sailing Masterfor the Cape Cod Sea Camps His broad knowledge of sail-ing instruction coupled with his lifelong involvement withCamp (Capt and Mrs. Del’s great grandson) make him anideal selection for this position. Garran has an extensivesailing instruction background having worked as the SailingDirector for the Town of Brewster Sailing Program and theHead Sailing Instructor for the West Dennis Yacht Club. Heis a graduate of Bridgewater State College with a BS inPsychology and is a year-round employee of the Cape Cod Sea Camps.

This year we have had three major new positions filled with long timeCCSC employees, and former Campers.


AAlluummnnii RReeggaattttaa

Most of the participants from left to right: Lainey Feingold (W’66-‘73), Bryan Peugh (CCSC’86-‘90), Ricky RubinBrown (W’59-‘70), David Lutes (M’70-CCSC’87), B.A. Harris (W’59-‘71), Nick Martinelli (CCSC’89-‘02), Loren Alusic (CCSC’85-‘98),Mary Ellen Tracy (W’58-‘72), Henri Rauschenbach (M’56-CCSC’05)Missing were Melinda Mitchell Shumway (W’65-CCSC’75) with herdaughter Caroline (CCSC’99-‘02) and son Jack; Wendy Moyer (W’72-CCSC’96) and Evan Mead (CCSC’77-’86).

The sun sets on the hot boat skipperedby Loren Alusic andcrewed by Mr. Seaworthy himself– David Lutes.

Who could have predicted the beautiful evening that we had for the 2nd Annual Alumni Regatta that we had thispast June. It was just a gorgeous night out in Boston Harbor with a magnificent sunset to boot. We had 15 Alumni turnout for a fair amount of fun built around a 4 race event.Our host, the Courageous Sailing Center, did a fantastic job for us. Of course this outfit is lead by our very able formerCCSC Race Team leader, Bryan Peugh (CCSC’86-‘90). Aswell our Race Committee led by Loren Alusic and WendyMoyer did a yeoman’s work to make sure the races wentsmoothly. We appropriately adjourned to the wharf nextdoor for the post race festivities which proved to be quite entertaining.

Group Business Report 2004

Dear Camp Family,

Hello, from the Getting-More-Beautiful-Every-Year CapeCod Sea Camps! The many improvements that are madeeach year are not only noticed but very much appreciated bythe groups that visit. This past season, I received the mostpositive comments about the redone shower houses and thebasement floors of both the Quad and the Health Center.Everyone was so happy! Pearl Singleton led us to this suc-cess and she is wished wonderful success and happiness inall that she chooses to do now that she has retired fromCamp. Right along with that thought is the sincere goodwishes extended to Ed Barber who has taken Pearl’s place.Everyone here, including the group leaders, know the dedi-cation, understanding and knowledge that Ed brings to hisnew position. We can’t help but all benefit from this newarrangement. Good luck, Ed!

The 2004 group season was the most successful ever. Weproduced more smiling faces than ever before - over 8600individual children and adults, as well as 47,950 meals and17,315 nights accommodations! There were certainly lots oflaughs heard on these grounds from the second week inApril when The Environmental School arrived through toOctober 22nd when Saint David’s School left to returnhome to Manhattan.

Our post camp sports camps went really well thanks to thehelp of Jim Flanagan, Craig Evans, Allan Peterson and JimFay. (We were lucky in that Jim Fay stayed with the groupdetails until the end of the season - Thanks Jim!) The CapeCod Bay Basketball Camp (34th summer), The Cape CodField Hockey Camp (24th summer) and Paul Turner’sUltimate Soccer Academy (2nd summer he and his wifeErica are directing this camp) were all really great. Then theEverett High School football team and the Everett HighSchool band returned after two summers absence. It was sogreat to see all those familiar faces. We had two new foot-ball teams here, Chelsea and North Attleboro. They werevery happy with their time here. I hope to see them nextsummer along with our old standbys - Austin Prep,Barnstable High School and West Bridgewater - who werethe other three teams here this year! Go Teams!!!

Now I look to the next season. The majority of our businesswill be return customers, as usual. How great is that. Thereare some new school groups already signed up and THE bighighlight of the season will be Camp hosting Andrew Simsand Christin Healey’s wedding! That makes the 2005 groupseason a very exciting prospect!

I hope this mailing finds you all well. I extend my goodwishes to the extended camp family for a healthy and happyNew Year and hope that all the good that life has to offer finds you.

Best regards,



Andy and Christin outside the ArtCenter.

Christopher Gilmour and Tara Trenholm.

EEnnggaaggeemmeennttss WWeeddddiinnggss

Christopher Gimour (CCSC’-’04) and Tara Trenhom(CCSC’03) have announced their engagement. They will bemarried on July 30, 2005 in Wofville, Nova Scotia. There will be much number switching at Camp for this event.

Collin Geraghty(CCSC’02-’03)and Kathleen Dolan(CCSC’02-’03)were wed on July 24, 2004 inHudson, Wisconsin.

Geoff Smith and JJ Heath (W’68-CCSC’80).

Ilana Shulman Wedding to Ben Gutstein. Left to right: David Israel (CCSC’),Melissa Mandel Beaman (CCSC’82-’84), Vicki Porges Eisner (CCSC’82-’83),Lauren Shulman (CCSC’83-’88), Ilana Shulman Gutstein (CCSC’83-’87), BenGutstein, Karen Ward (CCSC’88-’91) and Andrew Shulman (CCSC’87-’94).

Andy Sims (CCSC’81-MDC’04)and ChristinHealey (MDC’86-‘04 )make the news! Duringthe PMC Bike RideFundraiser this past summer, Andy andChristin were caught kiss-ing and wound up in theNames Feature of theBoston Globe.

A reprint of the article isat your right.

They will be marriedSeptember 4, 2005 atCamp.

Reprint from the Boston Globe 8/10/04




Evan Mead (CCSC’77-‘86) marries Claudia Harper in Quebec City, Quebec. Secondfrom the left among the men is Evan’s brother Chris Mead (CCSC’78-‘85).

Elizabeth Frances “Betsy” Fordborn on November 3, 2004.

Height – 20 inchesWeight – 7 lbs 8 oz

Parents are Leslie SchuermannFord and her husband Dan.

Lukas Lajoie born on April 14th is the son of Chris Lajoie andRachel Bassett Lajoie.

Delaney JaneMcDermed born onAugust 22, 2004Parents are AngieWoodfill McDermedand Elliott McDermed

Almina & Walter Morley

We have heard from Kevin and DermottMorley of the close passings of theirparents Walter and Almina. TheMorleys were a significant force atCamp Wono for many years in the 50’sand 60’s. Walter had served as theSailing Master at Camp Wono from1956 to 1959 and went on to serve asthe Principal of the Ezra Baker School inWest Dennis, MA for many years.Almina was a yearround employee ofCamp Wono in the 50’s and 60’s run-ning much of the office. Almina andWalter were married for 60 years.


While it might be considered unusual toreflect on the life of a camp dog,Western played a great role in the heartsand minds of many a camper and staffperson during the time he spent with us.Western was the very significant friendof Brian Lutes and shared a deep affec-tion for Sarah Hale. He spent his timeduring the summer at Long Pond keep-ing a watch over Brian in the water-skiboat and Dean in the whaler. He had about with cancer which resulted in theloss of a limb several summers ago. Inno way did this deter Western or dimin-ish him from participating fully in thedaily goings on at camp from morningstaff meetings to nightwatch. He ismissed by all of us.

Western observing the Pan Mass Challenge


Seating left to right:

Front Row: Gertrude ?, Patty Fink, Beth Oyster, Harriet Wald.Middle Row: Joan Andrews, Janet Oatberg, Ginny Peckham, Katie Sample, Libby Davison.

Back Row: Mrs. Doll, Kay Cronin.

Wono JC’S – 1941




(These Photos are courtesy of Eunice Morse who was a camper in 1941)Scenes from Wono – 1941

Mrs. Del’s Garden.

Peg Delahanty.

Where the dining hall is now.

The early laundry. Looking at Wono’s first 3 cabins –now # 10, 11, & 12

Standing near what is now the outdoortheatre

Campers in front of their cabin. Where’sthe Counselor?


Alumni Portraits

Amy Yudin Levine (CCSC’86–‘92) visits with herhusband Jason and daughters Samantha andNatalia... Amy lives in Denville, NJ and is picturedhere with Andy Sims.

Alexander Yellen (MDC’92-’04) swings by the officeto have his picture taken with Otis. He is a long timeDay Camper and was a counselor last year and livesin Newton.

Sarah Lewis (CCSC’84-‘02) and her daughterJessie ventured across the big pond this past sum-mer and graced us with their presence. They werevery theatrical about it. Sarah lives in Braintree,Essex, England.

The annual Beauregard-Shinkle family picture.Carolyn Beauregard-Shinkle (W’68-‘69) visits herdaughter Caroline (CCSC’99-‘04) with her hus-band Robert. Carolyn has the distinction of hav-ing being in the Alumni Portraits every year forthe past 6 or so. They live outside of Dayton, OH.

Anne Ponch Cousineau (W’46) and her husbandEd visit with Nancy Garran. Anne lives inSuccasunna, NJ.

Tom Milkey (CCSC’80-’83) visit with Otis andAndy. Tom lives in South Dennis, MA.

We have lots of former campers, counselors and staff stop by campeach year for a visit. We love to have to you come by and most of thetime we try to take your picture. Your old friends like to see what youlook like and learn about what you’re up to. So... if you’re in theneighborhood stop by and say hello. You can visit our archives andsee if any old photos of you are around as well.

Ps – a note of thanks to Cheryl Kimberley and Andy Sims for taking the pictures!


John Coyle (CCSC’76) visits with his strappingclan of children and his wife Celeste. Pictured herewith Otis are Mary Jeanne, Celeste, John, Pat,Paul and Stephen.

Mike Dow (M’sometime in the late 60’s and early70’s) stopped by last August for a visit andwound up getting a meal in the dining hall.Brought back a lot of memories to him. He is pic-tured here with Henri and lives in Norwell, MA.

Yo! Ho! Help! Three former Sailing Masters atCamp mug for the shot. Ed Barber (M’67-CCSC’05) and Henri are joined by Warren Lutes(W’58-71) who was visiting his son Brian(CCSC’85-’04). Warren lives in Latham, NY.

Page Travelstead (CCSC’85-’95) returns and has herpicture taken with Sherry. Sherry is happy in this pic-ture because she is in it. She likes to be in these pic-tures. Please come back and ask for her to be in yourpicture. Page is living in Climax, NY.

Ben Forster (CCSC’98-’00) returns to the scene of the crime. Ben is currently living in Canada.

Ah yes – the return of Pablo. Pablo Cespedes(CCSC’84-‘02) makes a pilgrimage back to camp.Some say they’ve seen more of Pablo since he leftthan they did when he was here. At any rate –Pablo swung by the last day of July and stayed fora bit. He is living and working in Mexico City.

Now this is worthy of note! Peck’s Bad Boy find alovely woman to marry him. Evan Mead(CCSC’77-‘86), of RaftCo legend and lore, returnswith his bride Claudia to show her camp. Evanlives in Charlestown, MA.


Plan For A Family Portrait During Your Next Camp Visit

Post Office SquareOrleans, MA Visit Our WEB Site At

508 - 255 - 66171 - 800 - 696 - 6617

The Famous Camp Songs Tape...Send a $10 dollar check – made out to Cape Cod Sea Camps and Mail to:

Henri Rauschenbach Cape Cod Sea Camps / Post Office Box 1880

Brewster, MA 02631

SUMMErJobsWe are continually looking for well qualified college-age summer coun-

selors for our resident and day camps. If you know of someone,

please contact:

Sherry Mernick Cape Cod Sea CampsBrewster, MA 02631

508 896



in advertising in the JIB Sheet?Contact Henri at Camp

508 896 3451 Ext: 226


Art Galleryin the heart of Orleans, next to Guertin Brothers Jewelersacross from Mahoney’s Atlantic Bar & Grill

31 Main Street, Orleans508 247 9469

Open April through December: 10am-5pm(Closed Mondays)January - April: Saturdays ONLY

Parking in rear of Gallery, off Old Colony Way



Post Office Box 1880Brewster, MA 02631

508 896 3451

( Address Service Requested )



2005 Alumni & Camp C a l e n d a r



Camp Calendar:Resident Camp Opens – June 26thResident Camp Closes – August 13thMonomoy Day Camp Opens – June 27thSessions Start - June 27th, July 4th, July 11th, July 18th, July 25th, Aug 1st, Aug 8thMonomoy Days Aweigh Session - (5 days & 4 nights) runs same dates through Aug 5th

New York ReunionFriday – April 1stFrom 5:30PM – 7:30PM

Location: Hollis M. von Summer’s Apartment1991 Broadway, apt. 27B, New York, NY Phone 212-873-2196

Event Chairperson: Hollis M. von Summer

Boston ReunionFriday – March 11thFrom 5:30PM – 7:30PM

Location: Sel de la TerreState Street across from the Marriott Longwharf

Event Chairmen: Lorin Alusic & Wendy Moyer

Alumni Regatta/BostonThursday – June 9 thFrom 6PM - 8PM

Location: Courageous Sailing Center in the Charlestown Navy YardBoat – Rhodes 19

Reception following at the Tavern on the Water located on Pier 6 in the Navy Yard.Cost - $25/person or $75/boatRace Committee: Bryan Peugh, Lorin Alusic, B.A. Harris & Wendy Moyer

Summer Reunion and GWK FundraiserSaturday – July 16thFrom 5:30PM – 7:30PM

Location: Berry’s House/Cape Cod Sea Camp